path: root/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
commite573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (patch)
tree8f572394ac8433529c7a8e70d160a2fbe8268b4e /vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim
parentb8c667bd64b3edd38d56c63c5bd1db53a23b4499 (diff)
Add current configurations from old repository
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd0d112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+" paragraph.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2009-10-26.
+" @Last Change: 2011-04-03.
+" @Revision: 62
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Return an object describing a |paragraph|.
+function! tlib#paragraph#GetMetric() "{{{3
+ let sp = {'text_start': line("'{") + 1}
+ if line("'}") == line("$")
+ let sp.last = 1
+ let sp.text_end = line("'}")
+ if line("'{") == 1
+ let sp.ws_start = 0
+ let sp.ws_end = 0
+ let sp.top = sp.text_start
+ let sp.bottom = sp.text_end
+ else
+ let sp.ws_start = prevnonblank(line("'{")) + 1
+ let sp.ws_end = line("'{")
+ let sp.top = sp.ws_start
+ let sp.bottom = sp.text_end
+ endif
+ else
+ let sp.last = 0
+ let sp.text_end = line("'}") - 1
+ let sp.ws_start = line("'}")
+ for i in range(line("'}"), line('$'))
+ if getline(i) =~ '\w'
+ let sp.ws_end = i - 1
+ break
+ elseif i == line("$")
+ let sp.ws_end = i
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let sp.top = sp.text_start
+ let sp.bottom = sp.ws_end
+ endif
+ return sp
+" This function can be used with the tinymode plugin to move around
+" paragraphs.
+" Example configuration: >
+" call tinymode#EnterMap("para_move", "gp")
+" call tinymode#ModeMsg("para_move", "Move paragraph: j/k")
+" call tinymode#Map("para_move", "j", "silent call tlib#paragraph#Move('Down', '[N]')")
+" call tinymode#Map("para_move", "k", "silent call tlib#paragraph#Move('Up', '[N]')")
+" call tinymode#ModeArg("para_move", "owncount", 1)
+function! tlib#paragraph#Move(direction, count)
+ " TLogVAR a:direction, a:count
+ let mycount = empty(a:count) ? 1 : a:count
+ for i in range(1, mycount)
+ let para = tlib#paragraph#GetMetric()
+ " TLogVAR para
+ let text = getline(para.text_start, para.text_end)
+ let ws = getline(para.ws_start, para.ws_end)
+ " TLogVAR text, ws
+ exec para.top .','. para.bottom .'delete'
+ if a:direction == "Down"
+ let other = tlib#paragraph#GetMetric()
+ let target = other.bottom + 1
+ if other.last
+ let lines = ws + text
+ let pos = target + len(ws)
+ else
+ let lines = text + ws
+ let pos = target
+ endif
+ elseif a:direction == "Up"
+ if !para.last
+ norm! {
+ endif
+ let other = tlib#paragraph#GetMetric()
+ let target = other.text_start
+ let lines = text + ws
+ let pos = target
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR other, target
+ " TLogVAR lines
+ call append(target - 1, lines)
+ exec pos
+ endfor
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo