path: root/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
commite573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (patch)
tree8f572394ac8433529c7a8e70d160a2fbe8268b4e /vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload
parentb8c667bd64b3edd38d56c63c5bd1db53a23b4499 (diff)
Add current configurations from old repository
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload')
59 files changed, 9327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tinykeymap/map/para_move.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tinykeymap/map/para_move.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..908f5f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tinykeymap/map/para_move.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+" para_move.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2012-08-28.
+" @Last Change: 2012-08-29.
+" @Revision: 3
+" Move paragraphs
+call tinykeymap#EnterMap("para_move", "gp", {'name': 'move paragraph'})
+call tinykeymap#Map("para_move", "j", "silent call tlib#paragraph#Move('Down', '<count>')")
+call tinykeymap#Map("para_move", "k", "silent call tlib#paragraph#Move('Up', '<count>')")
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d805ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 13
+" :nodefault:
+TLet g:tlib#debug = 0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_cnf.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_cnf.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0bcb6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_cnf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+" Filter_cnf.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2008-11-25.
+" @Last Change: 2014-11-18.
+" @Revision: 0.0.114
+let s:prototype = tlib#Object#New({'_class': ['Filter_cnf'], 'name': 'cnf'}) "{{{2
+let s:prototype.highlight = g:tlib#input#higroup
+" The search pattern for |tlib#input#List()| is in conjunctive normal
+" form: (P1 OR P2 ...) AND (P3 OR P4 ...) ...
+" The pattern is a '/\V' very no-'/magic' regexp pattern.
+" Pressing <space> joins two patterns with AND.
+" Pressing | joins two patterns with OR.
+" I.e. In order to get "lala AND (foo OR bar)", you type
+" "lala foo|bar".
+" This is also the base class for other filters.
+function! tlib#Filter_cnf#New(...) "{{{3
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ return object
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Init(world) dict "{{{3
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Help(world) dict "{{{3
+ call a:world.PushHelp(
+ \ printf('"%s", "%s", "%sWORD"', g:tlib#input#and, g:tlib#input#or, g:tlib#input#not),
+ \ 'AND, OR, NOT')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.AssessName(world, name) dict "{{{3
+ let xa = 0
+ let prefix = self.FilterRxPrefix()
+ for flt in a:world.filter_pos
+ " let flt = prefix . a:world.GetRx(fltl)
+ " if flt =~# '\u' && a:name =~# flt
+ " let xa += 5
+ " endif
+ if a:name =~ '\^'. flt
+ let xa += 4
+ elseif a:name =~ '\<'. flt
+ let xa += 3
+ " elseif a:name =~ '[[:punct:][:space:][:digit:]]'. flt
+ " let xa += 2
+ elseif a:name =~ '\A'. flt .'\|'. flt .'\A'
+ let xa += 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR a:name, xa
+ return xa
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Match(world, text) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:text
+ " let sc = &smartcase
+ " let ic = &ignorecase
+ " if &ignorecase
+ " set smartcase
+ " endif
+ " try
+ if !empty(a:world.filter_neg)
+ for rx in a:world.filter_neg
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if a:text =~ rx
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if !empty(a:world.filter_pos)
+ for rx in a:world.filter_pos
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if a:text !~ rx
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " finally
+ " let &smartcase = sc
+ " let &ignorecase = ic
+ " endtry
+ return 1
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ let filter1 = deepcopy(a:filter)
+ call map(filter1, '"(". join(reverse(self.Pretty(v:val)), " OR ") .")"')
+ return join(reverse(filter1), ' AND ')
+function! s:prototype.Pretty(filter) dict "{{{3
+ " call map(a:filter, 'substitute(v:val, ''\\\.\\{-}'', ''=>'', ''g'')')
+ call map(a:filter, 'self.CleanFilter(v:val)')
+ return a:filter
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(world, pattern) dict "{{{3
+ let a:world.filter[0] = reverse(split(a:pattern, '\s*|\s*')) + a:world.filter[0][1 : -1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(world, char) dict "{{{3
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] .= nr2char(a:char)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ReduceFrontFilter(world) dict "{{{3
+ let filter = a:world.filter[0][0]
+ " TLogVAR filter
+ let str = matchstr(filter, '\(\\\(\.\\{-}\|[.?*+$^]\)\|\)$')
+ if empty(str)
+ let filter = filter[0 : -2]
+ else
+ let filter = strpart(filter, 0, len(filter) - len(str))
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR str, filter
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] = filter
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FilterRxPrefix() dict "{{{3
+ return '\V'
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return a:filter
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_cnfd.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_cnfd.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27f00fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_cnfd.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+" Filter_cnfd.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2008-11-25.
+" @Last Change: 2014-01-23.
+" @Revision: 0.0.57
+let s:prototype = tlib#Filter_cnf#New({'_class': ['Filter_cnfd'], 'name': 'cnfd'}) "{{{2
+let s:prototype.highlight = g:tlib#input#higroup
+" The same as |tlib#Filter_cnf#New()| but a dot is expanded to '\.\{-}'.
+" As a consequence, patterns cannot match dots.
+" The pattern is a '/\V' very no-'/magic' regexp pattern.
+function! tlib#Filter_cnfd#New(...) "{{{3
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ return object
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Init(world) dict "{{{3
+let s:Help = s:prototype.Help
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Help(world) dict "{{{3
+ call call(s:Help, [a:world], self)
+ call a:world.PushHelp('.', 'Any characters')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(world, pattern) dict "{{{3
+ let pattern = substitute(a:pattern, '\.', '\\.\\{-}', 'g')
+ let a:world.filter[0] = reverse(split(pattern, '\s*|\s*')) + a:world.filter[0][1 : -1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(world, char) dict "{{{3
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] .= a:char == 46 ? '\.\{-}' : nr2char(a:char)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return substitute(a:filter, '\\.\\{-}', '.', 'g')
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_fuzzy.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_fuzzy.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..349bfd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_fuzzy.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+" Filter_fuzzy.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2008-11-25.
+" @Last Change: 2013-09-25.
+" @Revision: 0.0.47
+let s:prototype = tlib#Filter_cnf#New({'_class': ['Filter_fuzzy'], 'name': 'fuzzy'}) "{{{2
+let s:prototype.highlight = g:tlib#input#higroup
+" Support for "fuzzy" pattern matching in |tlib#input#List()|.
+" Patterns are interpreted as if characters were connected with '.\{-}'.
+" In "fuzzy" mode, the pretty printing of filenames is disabled.
+function! tlib#Filter_fuzzy#New(...) "{{{3
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ return object
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Init(world) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:world.display_format
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! a:world.Set_display_format(value) dict
+ if a:value == 'filename'
+ let self.display_format = ''
+ else
+ let self.display_format = a:value
+ endif
+ endf
+let s:Help = s:prototype.Help
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Help(world) dict "{{{3
+ call call(s:Help, [a:world], self)
+ call a:world.PushHelp('Patterns are interpreted as if characters were connected with .\{-}')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:filter
+ let filter1 = deepcopy(a:filter)
+ call map(filter1, '"{". join(reverse(v:val), " OR ") ."}"')
+ return join(reverse(filter1), ' AND ')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(world, pattern) dict "{{{3
+ let a:world.filter[0] = map(reverse(split(a:pattern, '\s*|\s*')), 'join(map(split(v:val, ''\zs''), ''tlib#rx#Escape(v:val, "V")''), ''\.\{-}'')') + a:world.filter[0][1 : -1]
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(world, char) dict "{{{3
+ let ch = tlib#rx#Escape(nr2char(a:char), 'V')
+ if empty(a:world.filter[0][0])
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] .= ch
+ else
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] .= '\.\{-}'. ch
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ReduceFrontFilter(world) dict "{{{3
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] = substitute(a:world.filter[0][0], '\(\\\.\\{-}\)\?.$', '', '')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return substitute(a:filter, '\\\.\\{-}', '', 'g')
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_glob.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_glob.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..904b226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Filter_glob.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2008-11-25.
+" @Last Change: 2014-11-18.
+" @Revision: 0.0.82
+let s:prototype = tlib#Filter_cnf#New({'_class': ['Filter_glob'], 'name': 'glob'}) "{{{2
+let s:prototype.highlight = g:tlib#input#higroup
+" A character that should be expanded to '\.\{-}'.
+TLet g:tlib#Filter_glob#seq = '*'
+" A character that should be expanded to '\.\?'.
+TLet g:tlib#Filter_glob#char = '?'
+" The same as |tlib#Filter_cnf#New()| but a a customizable character
+" |see tlib#Filter_glob#seq| is expanded to '\.\{-}' and
+" |g:tlib#Filter_glob#char| is expanded to '\.'.
+" The pattern is a '/\V' very no-'/magic' regexp pattern.
+function! tlib#Filter_glob#New(...) "{{{3
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ return object
+let s:Help = s:prototype.Help
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Help(world) dict "{{{3
+ call call(s:Help, [a:world], self)
+ call a:world.PushHelp(g:tlib#Filter_glob#seq, 'Any characters')
+ call a:world.PushHelp(g:tlib#Filter_glob#char, 'Single characters')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(world, pattern) dict "{{{3
+ let pattern = substitute(a:pattern, tlib#rx#Escape(g:tlib#Filter_glob#seq, 'V'), '\\.\\{-}', 'g')
+ let pattern = substitute(a:pattern, tlib#rx#Escape(g:tlib#Filter_glob#char, 'V'), '\\.', 'g')
+ let a:world.filter[0] = reverse(split(pattern, '\s*|\s*')) + a:world.filter[0][1 : -1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(world, char) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:char, nr2char(a:char)
+ if a:char == char2nr(g:tlib#Filter_glob#seq)
+ let char = '\.\{-}'
+ elseif a:char == char2nr(g:tlib#Filter_glob#char)
+ let char = '\.'
+ else
+ let char = nr2char(a:char)
+ endif
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] .= char
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ let filter = substitute(a:filter, '\\\.\\{-}', g:tlib#Filter_glob#seq, 'g')
+ let filter = substitute(filter, '\\\.', g:tlib#Filter_glob#char, 'g')
+ return filter
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Object.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Object.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21f38b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Object.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 127
+" :filedoc:
+" Provides a prototype plus some OO-like methods.
+let s:id_counter = 0
+let s:prototype = {'_class': ['object'], '_super': [], '_id': 0} "{{{2
+" :def: function! tlib#Object#New(?fields={})
+" This function creates a prototype that provides some kind of
+" inheritance mechanism and a way to call parent/super methods.
+" The usage demonstrated in the following example works best when every
+" class/prototype is defined in a file of its own.
+" The reason for why there is a dedicated constructor function is that
+" this layout facilitates the use of templates and that methods are
+" hidden from the user. Other solutions are possible.
+" let s:prototype = tlib#Object#New({
+" \ '_class': ['FooBar'],
+" \ 'foo': 1,
+" \ 'bar': 2,
+" \ })
+" " Constructor
+" function! FooBar(...)
+" let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+" return object
+" endf
+" function! s:prototype.babble() {
+" echo "I think, therefore I am ". (self.foo * self.bar) ." months old."
+" }
+" < This could now be used like this: >
+" let myfoo = FooBar({'foo': 3})
+" call myfoo.babble()
+" => I think, therefore I am 6 months old.
+" echo myfoo.IsA('FooBar')
+" => 1
+" echo myfoo.IsA('object')
+" => 1
+" echo myfoo.IsA('Foo')
+" => 0
+" echo myfoo.RespondTo('babble')
+" => 1
+" echo myfoo.RespondTo('speak')
+" => 0
+function! tlib#Object#New(...) "{{{3
+ return s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+function! s:prototype.New(...) dict "{{{3
+ let object = deepcopy(self)
+ let s:id_counter += 1
+ let object._id = s:id_counter
+ if a:0 >= 1 && !empty(a:1)
+ " call object.Extend(deepcopy(a:1))
+ call object.Extend(a:1)
+ endif
+ return object
+function! s:prototype.Inherit(object) dict "{{{3
+ let class = copy(self._class)
+ " TLogVAR class
+ let objid = self._id
+ for c in get(a:object, '_class', [])
+ " TLogVAR c
+ if index(class, c) == -1
+ call add(class, c)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call extend(self, a:object, 'keep')
+ let self._class = class
+ " TLogVAR self._class
+ let self._id = objid
+ " let self._super = [super] + self._super
+ call insert(self._super, a:object)
+ return self
+function! s:prototype.Extend(dictionary) dict "{{{3
+ let super = copy(self)
+ let class = copy(self._class)
+ " TLogVAR class
+ let objid = self._id
+ let thisclass = get(a:dictionary, '_class', [])
+ for c in type(thisclass) == 3 ? thisclass : [thisclass]
+ " TLogVAR c
+ if index(class, c) == -1
+ call add(class, c)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call extend(self, a:dictionary)
+ let self._class = class
+ " TLogVAR self._class
+ let self._id = objid
+ " let self._super = [super] + self._super
+ call insert(self._super, super)
+ return self
+function! s:prototype.IsA(class) dict "{{{3
+ return index(self._class, a:class) != -1
+function! s:prototype.IsRelated(object) dict "{{{3
+ return len(filter(a:object._class, 'self.IsA(v:val)')) > 1
+function! s:prototype.RespondTo(name) dict "{{{3
+ " return has_key(self, a:name) && type(self[a:name]) == 2
+ return has_key(self, a:name)
+function! s:prototype.Super(method, arglist) dict "{{{3
+ for o in self._super
+ " TLogVAR o
+ if o.RespondTo(a:method)
+ " let self._tmp_method = o[a:method]
+ " TLogVAR self._tmp_method
+ " return call(self._tmp_method, a:arglist, self)
+ return call(o[a:method], a:arglist, self)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ echoerr 'tlib#Object: Does not respond to '. a:method .': '. string(self)
+function! tlib#Object#Methods(object, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['pattern', '\d\+']
+ let o = items(a:object)
+ call filter(o, 'type(v:val[1]) == 2 && string(v:val[1]) =~ "^function(''\\d\\+'')"')
+ let acc = {}
+ for e in o
+ let id = matchstr(string(e[1]), pattern)
+ if !empty(id)
+ let acc[id] = e[0]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return acc
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Test.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Test.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a4281e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/Test.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 11
+" :enddoc:
+let s:prototype = tlib#Object#New({'_class': ['Test']}) "{{{2
+function! tlib#Test#New(...) "{{{3
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ return object
+function! s:prototype.Dummy() dict "{{{3
+ return 'Test.vim'
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/TestChild.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/TestChild.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..16979a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/TestChild.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 15
+" :enddoc:
+let s:prototype = tlib#Test#New({'_class': ['TestChild']}) "{{{2
+function! tlib#TestChild#New(...) "{{{3
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ return object
+function! s:prototype.Dummy() dict "{{{3
+ return 'TestChild.vim'
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa1bc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1404 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 1434
+" :filedoc:
+" A prototype used by |tlib#input#List|.
+" Inherits from |tlib#Object#New|.
+" Size of the input list window (in percent) from the main size (of &lines).
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_pct = 50
+" Size of filename columns when listing filenames.
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename = '&co / 3'
+" TLet g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename = 25
+" If true, |tlib#input#List()| will show some indicators about the
+" status of a filename (e.g. buflisted(), bufloaded() etc.).
+" This is disabled by default because vim checks also for the file on
+" disk when doing this.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators = 0
+" If not null, display only a short info about the filter.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage = 0
+" Known keys & values:
+" scratch_split ... See |tlib#scratch#UseScratch()|
+let s:prototype = tlib#Object#New({
+ \ '_class': 'World',
+ \ 'name': 'world',
+ \ 'allow_suspend': 1,
+ \ 'base': [],
+ \ 'bufnr': -1,
+ \ 'buffer_local': 1,
+ \ 'cache_var': '',
+ \ 'display_format': '',
+ \ 'fileencoding': &fileencoding,
+ \ 'fmt_display': {},
+ \ 'fmt_filter': {},
+ \ 'fmt_options': {},
+ \ 'filetype': '',
+ \ 'filter': [['']],
+ \ 'filter_format': '',
+ \ 'filter_options': '',
+ \ 'follow_cursor': '',
+ \ 'has_menu': 0,
+ \ 'help_extra': [],
+ \ 'index_table': [],
+ \ 'initial_filter': [['']],
+ \ 'initial_index': 1,
+ \ 'initial_display': 1,
+ \ 'initialized': 0,
+ \ 'key_handlers': [],
+ \ 'list': [],
+ \ 'matcher': {},
+ \ 'next_agent': '',
+ \ 'next_eval': '',
+ \ 'next_state': '',
+ \ 'numeric_chars': g:tlib#input#numeric_chars,
+ \ 'offset': 1,
+ \ 'offset_horizontal': 0,
+ \ 'on_leave': [],
+ \ 'pick_last_item': tlib#var#Get('tlib#input#pick_last_item', 'bg'),
+ \ 'post_handlers': [],
+ \ 'query': '',
+ \ 'resize': 0,
+ \ 'resize_vertical': 0,
+ \ 'restore_from_cache': [],
+ \ 'filtered_items': [],
+ \ 'resume_state': '',
+ \ 'retrieve_eval': '',
+ \ 'return_agent': '',
+ \ 'rv': '',
+ \ 'scratch': '__InputList__',
+ \ 'scratch_filetype': 'tlibInputList',
+ \ 'scratch_hidden': g:tlib#scratch#hidden,
+ \ 'scratch_vertical': 0,
+ \ 'scratch_split': 1,
+ \ 'sel_idx': [],
+ \ 'show_empty': 0,
+ \ 'state': 'display',
+ \ 'state_handlers': [],
+ \ 'sticky': 0,
+ \ 'temp_lines': [],
+ \ 'temp_prompt': [],
+ \ 'timeout': 0,
+ \ 'timeout_resolution': 2,
+ \ 'tabpagenr': -1,
+ \ 'type': '',
+ \ 'win_wnr': -1,
+ \ 'win_height': -1,
+ \ 'win_width': -1,
+ \ 'win_pct': 25,
+ \ })
+ " \ 'handlers': [],
+ " \ 'filter_options': '\c',
+function! tlib#World#New(...)
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ call object.SetMatchMode(tlib#var#Get('tlib#input#filter_mode', 'g', 'cnf'))
+ return object
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Set_display_format(value) dict "{{{3
+ if a:value == 'filename'
+ call self.Set_highlight_filename()
+ let self.display_format = 'world.FormatFilename(%s)'
+ else
+ let self.display_format = a:value
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayFormat(list) dict "{{{3
+ let display_format = self.display_format
+ if !empty(display_format)
+ if has_key(self, 'InitFormatName')
+ call self.InitFormatName()
+ endif
+ let cache = self.fmt_display
+ " TLogVAR display_format, fmt_entries
+ return map(copy(a:list), 'self.FormatName(cache, display_format, v:val)')
+ else
+ return a:list
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Set_highlight_filename() dict "{{{3
+ let self.tlib_UseInputListScratch = 'call world.Highlight_filename()'
+if g:tlib#input#format_filename == 'r'
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.Highlight_filename() dict "{{{3
+ syntax match TLibDir /\s\+\zs.\{-}[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$/
+ hi def link TLibDir Directory
+ syntax match TLibFilename /[^\/]\+$/
+ hi def link TLibFilename Normal
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.FormatFilename(file) dict "{{{3
+ if !has_key(self.fmt_options, 'maxlen')
+ let maxco = &co - len(len(self.base)) - eval(g:tlib#input#filename_padding_r)
+ let maxfi = max(map(copy(self.base), 'strwidth(v:val)'))
+ let self.fmt_options.maxlen = min([maxco, maxfi])
+ " TLogVAR maxco, maxfi, self.fmt_options.maxlen
+ endif
+ let max = self.fmt_options.maxlen
+ if len(a:file) > max
+ let filename = '...' . strpart(a:file, len(a:file) - max + 3)
+ else
+ let filename = printf('% '. max .'s', a:file)
+ endif
+ return filename
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.Highlight_filename() dict "{{{3
+ " let self.width_filename = 1 + eval(g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename)
+ " TLogVAR self.base
+ let self.width_filename = min([
+ \ get(self, 'width_filename', &co),
+ \ empty(g:tlib#input#filename_max_width) ? &co : eval(g:tlib#input#filename_max_width),
+ \ max(map(copy(self.base), 'strwidth(matchstr(v:val, "[^\\/]*$"))'))
+ \ ])
+ " TLogVAR self.width_filename
+ exec 'syntax match TLibDir /\%>'. (1 + self.width_filename) .'c \(|\|\[[^]]*\]\) \zs\(\(\a:\|\.\.\|\.\.\..\{-}\)\?[\/][^&<>*|]\{-}\)\?[^\/]\+$/ contained containedin=TLibMarker contains=TLibFilename'
+ exec 'syntax match TLibMarker /\%>'. (1 + self.width_filename) .'c \(|\|\[[^]]*\]\) \S.*$/ contains=TLibDir'
+ " exec 'syntax match TLibDir /\(|\|\[.\{-}\]\) \zs\(\(\a:\|\.\.\|\.\.\..\{-}\)\?[\/][^&<>*|]\{-}\)\?[^\/]\+$/ contained containedin=TLibMarker contains=TLibFilename'
+ " exec 'syntax match TLibMarker /\(|\|\[.\{-}\]\) \S.*$/ contains=TLibDir'
+ exec 'syntax match TLibFilename /[^\/]\+$/ contained containedin=TLibDir'
+ hi def link TLibMarker Special
+ hi def link TLibDir Directory
+ hi def link TLibFilename NonText
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! self.Highlighter(rx) dict
+ let rx = '/\c\%>'. (1 + self.width_filename) .'c \(|\|\[[^]]*\]\) .\{-}\zs'. escape(a:rx, '/') .'/'
+ exec 'match' self.matcher.highlight rx
+ endf
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.UseFilenameIndicators() dict "{{{3
+ return g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators || has_key(self, 'filename_indicators')
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.InitFormatName() dict "{{{3
+ if self.UseFilenameIndicators()
+ let self._buffers = {}
+ for bufnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(bufnr), ':p')
+ " TLogVAR filename
+ let bufdef = {
+ \ 'bufnr': bufnr,
+ \ }
+ " '&buflisted'
+ for opt in ['&modified', '&bufhidden']
+ let bufdef[opt] = getbufvar(bufnr, opt)
+ endfor
+ let self._buffers[filename] = bufdef
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.FormatFilename(file) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:file
+ let width = self.width_filename
+ let split = match(a:file, '[/\\]\zs[^/\\]\+$')
+ if split == -1
+ let fname = a:file
+ let dname = a:file
+ else
+ let fname = strpart(a:file, split)
+ " let dname = strpart(a:file, 0, split - 1)
+ let dname = a:file
+ endif
+ if strwidth(fname) > width
+ let fname = strpart(fname, 0, width - 3) .'...'
+ endif
+ let dnmax = &co - max([width, strwidth(fname)]) - 8 - self.index_width - &fdc
+ let use_indicators = self.UseFilenameIndicators()
+ " TLogVAR use_indicators
+ let marker = []
+ if use_indicators
+ call insert(marker, '[')
+ if g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators
+ let bufdef = get(self._buffers, a:file, {})
+ " let bnr = bufnr(a:file)
+ let bnr = get(bufdef, 'bufnr', -1)
+ " TLogVAR a:file, bnr, self.bufnr
+ if bnr != -1
+ if bnr == self.bufnr
+ call add(marker, '%')
+ else
+ call add(marker, bnr)
+ endif
+ if get(bufdef, '&modified', 0)
+ call add(marker, '+')
+ endif
+ if get(bufdef, '&bufhidden', '') == 'hide'
+ call add(marker, 'h')
+ endif
+ " if !get(bufdef, '&buflisted', 1)
+ " call add(marker, 'u')
+ " endif
+ " echom "DBG" a:file string(get(self,'filename_indicators'))
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(self, 'filename_indicators') && has_key(self.filename_indicators, a:file)
+ if len(marker) > 1
+ call add(marker, '|')
+ endif
+ call add(marker, self.filename_indicators[a:file])
+ endif
+ if len(marker) <= 1
+ call add(marker, ' ')
+ endif
+ call add(marker, ']')
+ else
+ call add(marker, '|')
+ endif
+ let markers = join(marker, '')
+ if !empty(markers)
+ let dnmax -= len(markers)
+ endif
+ if strwidth(dname) > dnmax
+ let dname = '...'. strpart(dname, len(dname) - dnmax)
+ endif
+ return printf("%-*s %s %s",
+ \ self.width_filename + len(fname) - strwidth(fname),
+ \ fname, markers, dname)
+ endf
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetSelectedItems(current) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:current
+ if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+ let rv = copy(self.sel_idx)
+ else
+ let rv = map(copy(self.sel_idx), 'self.GetBaseItem(v:val)')
+ endif
+ if !empty(a:current)
+ " TLogVAR a:current, rv, type(a:current)
+ if tlib#type#IsNumber(a:current) || tlib#type#IsString(a:current)
+ call s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, a:current)
+ elseif tlib#type#IsList(a:current)
+ for item in a:current
+ call s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, item)
+ endfor
+ elseif tlib#type#IsDictionary(a:current)
+ for [inum, item] in items(a:current)
+ call s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, item)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TAssert empty(rv) || rv[0] == a:current
+ if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+ if !empty(self.index_table)
+ " TLogVAR rv, self.index_table
+ call map(rv, 'self.index_table[v:val - 1]')
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ endif
+ endif
+ return rv
+function! s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, current) "{{{3
+ let ci = index(a:rv, a:current)
+ if ci != -1
+ call remove(a:rv, ci)
+ endif
+ call insert(a:rv, a:current)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SelectItemsByNames(mode, items) dict "{{{3
+ for item in a:items
+ let bi = index(self.base, item) + 1
+ " TLogVAR item, bi
+ if bi > 0
+ let si = index(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ " TLogVAR self.sel_idx
+ " TLogVAR si
+ if si == -1
+ call add(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ elseif a:mode == 'toggle'
+ call remove(self.sel_idx, si)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 1
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SelectItem(mode, index) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:mode, a:index
+ let bi = self.GetBaseIdx(a:index)
+ " if self.RespondTo('MaySelectItem')
+ " if !self.MaySelectItem(bi)
+ " return 0
+ " endif
+ " endif
+ " TLogVAR bi
+ let si = index(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ " TLogVAR self.sel_idx
+ " TLogVAR si
+ if si == -1
+ call add(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ elseif a:mode == 'toggle'
+ call remove(self.sel_idx, si)
+ endif
+ return 1
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FormatBaseFromData() abort dict "{{{3
+ if has_key(self, 'format_data') && has_key(self, 'data')
+ let self.base = map(copy(self.data), 'call(self.format_data, [v:val], self)')
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FormatArgs(format_string, arg) dict "{{{3
+ let nargs = len(substitute(a:format_string, '%%\|[^%]', '', 'g'))
+ return [a:format_string] + repeat([string(a:arg)], nargs)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetRx(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return '\('. join(filter(copy(a:filter), 'v:val[0] != "!"'), '\|') .'\)'
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetRx0(...) dict "{{{3
+ exec tlib#arg#Let(['negative'])
+ let rx0 = []
+ for filter in self.filter
+ " TLogVAR filter
+ let rx = join(reverse(filter(copy(filter), '!empty(v:val)')), '\|')
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if !empty(rx) && (negative ? rx[0] == g:tlib#input#not : rx[0] != g:tlib#input#not)
+ call add(rx0, rx)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let rx0s = join(rx0, '\|')
+ if empty(rx0s)
+ return ''
+ else
+ return self.FilterRxPrefix() .'\('. rx0s .'\)'
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FormatName(cache, format, value) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:format, a:value
+ " TLogDBG has_key(self.fmt_display, a:value)
+ if has_key(a:cache, a:value)
+ " TLogDBG "cached"
+ return a:cache[a:value]
+ else
+ let world = self
+ let ftpl = self.FormatArgs(a:format, a:value)
+ let fn = call(function("printf"), ftpl)
+ let fmt = eval(fn)
+ " TLogVAR ftpl, fn, fmt
+ let a:cache[a:value] = fmt
+ return fmt
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetItem(idx) dict "{{{3
+ return self.list[a:idx - 1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetListIdx(baseidx) dict "{{{3
+ " if empty(self.index_table)
+ let baseidx = a:baseidx
+ " else
+ " let baseidx = 0 + self.index_table[a:baseidx - 1]
+ " " TLogVAR a:baseidx, baseidx, self.index_table
+ " endif
+ let rv = index(self.table, baseidx)
+ " TLogVAR rv, self.table
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+" The first index is 1.
+function! s:prototype.GetBaseIdx(idx) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:idx, self.table, self.index_table
+ if !empty(self.table) && a:idx > 0 && a:idx <= len(self.table)
+ return self.table[a:idx - 1]
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetBaseIdx0(idx) dict "{{{3
+ let idx0 = self.GetBaseIdx(a:idx) - 1
+ if idx0 < 0
+ call tlib#notify#Echo('TLIB: Internal Error: GetBaseIdx0: idx0 < 0', 'WarningMsg')
+ endif
+ return idx0
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetBaseItem(idx) dict "{{{3
+ return self.base[a:idx - 1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetBaseItem(idx, item) dict "{{{3
+ let self.base[a:idx - 1] = a:item
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetLineIdx(lnum) dict "{{{3
+ let line = getline(a:lnum)
+ let prefidx = substitute(matchstr(line, '^\d\+\ze[*:]'), '^0\+', '', '')
+ return prefidx
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetPrefIdx() dict "{{{3
+ " let pref = sort(range(1, self.llen), 'self.SortPrefs')
+ " let self.prefidx = get(pref, 0, self.initial_index)
+ let pref_idx = -1
+ let pref_weight = -1
+ " TLogVAR self.filter_pos, self.filter_neg
+ " let t0 = localtime() " DBG
+ for idx in range(1, self.llen)
+ let item = self.GetItem(idx)
+ let weight = self.matcher.AssessName(self, item)
+ " TLogVAR item, weight
+ if weight > pref_weight
+ let pref_idx = idx
+ let pref_weight = weight
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR localtime() - t0
+ " TLogVAR pref_idx
+ " TLogDBG self.GetItem(pref_idx)
+ if pref_idx == -1
+ let self.prefidx = self.initial_index
+ else
+ let self.prefidx = pref_idx
+ endif
+" " :nodoc:
+" function! s:prototype.GetCurrentItem() dict "{{{3
+" let idx = self.prefidx
+" " TLogVAR idx
+" if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+" return idx
+" elseif !empty(self.list)
+" if len(self.list) >= idx
+" let idx1 = idx - 1
+" let rv = self.list[idx - 1]
+" " TLogVAR idx, idx1, rv, self.list
+" return rv
+" endif
+" else
+" return ''
+" endif
+" endf
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CurrentItem() dict "{{{3
+ if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+ return self.GetBaseIdx(self.llen == 1 ? 1 : self.prefidx)
+ else
+ if self.llen == 1
+ " TLogVAR self.llen
+ return self.list[0]
+ elseif self.prefidx > 0
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx
+ " return self.GetCurrentItem()
+ if len(self.list) >= self.prefidx
+ let rv = self.list[self.prefidx - 1]
+ " TLogVAR idx, rv, self.list
+ return rv
+ endif
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FilterRxPrefix() dict "{{{3
+ return self.matcher.FilterRxPrefix()
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFilter() dict "{{{3
+ " let mrx = '\V'. (a:0 >= 1 && a:1 ? '\C' : '')
+ let mrx = self.FilterRxPrefix() . self.filter_options
+ let self.filter_pos = []
+ let self.filter_neg = []
+ " TLogVAR mrx, self.filter
+ for filter in self.filter
+ " TLogVAR filter
+ let rx = join(reverse(filter(copy(filter), '!empty(v:val)')), '\|')
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if !empty(rx)
+ if rx =~ '\u'
+ let mrx1 = mrx .'\C'
+ else
+ let mrx1 = mrx
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if rx[0] == g:tlib#input#not
+ if len(rx) > 1
+ call add(self.filter_neg, mrx1 .'\('. rx[1:-1] .'\)')
+ endif
+ else
+ call add(self.filter_pos, mrx1 .'\('. rx .'\)')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR self.filter_pos, self.filter_neg
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.IsValidFilter() dict "{{{3
+ let last = self.FilterRxPrefix() .'\('. self.filter[0][0] .'\)'
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', last
+ " TLogVAR last
+ try
+ let a = match("", last)
+ return 1
+ catch
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', v:exception
+ return 0
+ endtry
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetMatchMode(match_mode) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:match_mode
+ if !empty(a:match_mode)
+ unlet self.matcher
+ try
+ let self.matcher = tlib#Filter_{a:match_mode}#New()
+ call self.matcher.Init(self)
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
+ throw 'tlib: Unknown mode for tlib#input#filter_mode: '. a:match_mode
+ endtry
+ endif
+" function! s:prototype.Match(text) dict "{{{3
+" return self.matcher.Match(self, text)
+" endf
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.MatchBaseIdx(idx) dict "{{{3
+ let text = self.GetBaseItem(a:idx)
+ if !empty(self.filter_format)
+ let text = self.FormatName(self.fmt_filter, self.filter_format, text)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR text
+ " return self.Match(text)
+ return self.matcher.Match(self, text)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.BuildTableList() dict "{{{3
+ " let time0 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time0
+ call self.SetFilter()
+ " TLogVAR self.filter_neg, self.filter_pos
+ let self.table = range(1, len(self.base))
+ " TLogVAR self.filtered_items
+ let copy_base = 1
+ if !empty(self.filtered_items)
+ let self.table = filter(self.table, 'index(self.filtered_items, v:val) != -1')
+ let copy_base = 0
+ endif
+ if !empty(self.filter_pos) || !empty(self.filter_neg)
+ let self.table = filter(self.table, 'self.MatchBaseIdx(v:val)')
+ let copy_base = 0
+ endif
+ if copy_base
+ let self.list = copy(self.base)
+ else
+ let self.list = map(copy(self.table), 'self.GetBaseItem(v:val)')
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ReduceFilter() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.filter
+ let reduced = 0
+ while !reduced
+ if self.filter[0] == [''] && len(self.filter) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter, 0)
+ elseif empty(self.filter[0][0]) && len(self.filter[0]) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter[0], 0)
+ else
+ call self.matcher.ReduceFrontFilter(self)
+ endif
+ if self.IsValidFilter()
+ let reduced = 1
+ endif
+ endwh
+" :nodoc:
+" filter is either a string or a list of list of strings.
+function! s:prototype.SetInitialFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ " let self.initial_filter = [[''], [a:filter]]
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:filter
+ if type(a:filter) == 3
+ let self.initial_filter = deepcopy(a:filter)
+ else
+ let self.initial_filter = [[a:filter]]
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PopFilter() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.filter
+ if len(self.filter[0]) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter[0], 0)
+ elseif len(self.filter) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter, 0)
+ else
+ let self.filter[0] = ['']
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FilterIsEmpty() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.filter
+ return self.filter == copy(self.initial_filter)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayFilter() dict "{{{3
+ let filter1 = copy(self.filter)
+ call filter(filter1, 'v:val != [""]')
+ " TLogVAR self.matcher['_class']
+ let rv = self.matcher.DisplayFilter(filter1)
+ let rv = self.CleanFilter(rv)
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(pattern) dict "{{{3
+ call self.matcher.SetFrontFilter(self, a:pattern)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(char) dict "{{{3
+ call self.matcher.PushFrontFilter(self, a:char)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return self.matcher.CleanFilter(a:filter)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.UseScratch() dict "{{{3
+ " if type(self.scratch) != 0 && get(self, 'buffer_local', 1)
+ " if self.scratch != fnamemodify(self.scratch, ':p')
+ " let self.scratch = tlib#file#Join([expand('%:p:h'), self.scratch])
+ " " TLogVAR self.scratch
+ " endif
+ " " let self.scratch_hidden = 'wipe'
+ " endif
+ keepjumps keepalt let rv = tlib#scratch#UseScratch(self)
+ " if expand('%:t') == self.scratch
+ let b:tlib_world = self
+ " endif
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CloseScratch(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['reset_scratch', 0]
+ " TVarArg ['reset_scratch', 1]
+ " TLogVAR reset_scratch
+ if self.sticky
+ return 0
+ else
+ let rv = tlib#scratch#CloseScratch(self, reset_scratch)
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ if rv
+ call self.SwitchWindow('win')
+ endif
+ return rv
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Initialize() dict "{{{3
+ let self.initialized = 1
+ call self.SetOrigin(1)
+ call self.Reset(1)
+ if !empty(self.cache_var) && exists(self.cache_var)
+ for prop in self.restore_from_cache
+ exec 'let self[prop] = get('. self.cache_var .', prop, self[prop])'
+ endfor
+ exec 'unlet '. self.cache_var
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Leave() dict "{{{3
+ if !empty(self.cache_var)
+ exec 'let '. self.cache_var .' = self'
+ endif
+ for handler in self.on_leave
+ call call(handler, [self])
+ endfor
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.UseInputListScratch() dict "{{{3
+ let scratch = self.UseScratch()
+ if !exists('b:tlib_list_init')
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ autocmd TLib VimResized <buffer> call feedkeys("\<c-j>", 't')
+ " autocmd TLib WinLeave <buffer> let b:tlib_world_event = 'WinLeave' | call feedkeys("\<c-j>", 't')
+ let b:tlib_list_init = 1
+ endif
+ if !exists('w:tlib_list_init')
+ " TLogVAR scratch
+ if has_key(self, 'index_next_syntax')
+ if type(self.index_next_syntax) == 1
+ exec 'syntax match InputlListIndex /^\d\+:\s/ nextgroup='. self.index_next_syntax
+ elseif type(self.index_next_syntax) == 4
+ for [n, nsyn] in items(self.index_next_syntax)
+ let fn = printf('%0'. world.index_width .'d', n)
+ exec 'syntax match InputlListIndex /^'. fn .':\s/ nextgroup='. nsyn
+ endfor
+ endif
+ else
+ syntax match InputlListIndex /^\d\+:\s/
+ endif
+ call tlib#hook#Run('tlib_UseInputListScratch', self)
+ syntax match InputlListCursor /^\d\+\* .*$/ contains=InputlListIndex
+ syntax match InputlListSelected /^\d\+# .*$/ contains=InputlListIndex
+ hi def link InputlListIndex Constant
+ hi def link InputlListCursor Search
+ hi def link InputlListSelected IncSearch
+ setlocal nowrap
+ " hi def link InputlListIndex Special
+ " let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = {}
+ let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = []
+ let b:tlibDisplayListWorld = self
+ let w:tlib_list_init = 1
+ endif
+ return scratch
+" s:prototype.Reset(?initial=0)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Reset(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['initial', 0]
+ " TLogVAR initial
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', initial, self.initial_filter
+ let self.state = 'display'
+ let self.offset = 1
+ let self.filter = deepcopy(self.initial_filter)
+ let self.idx = ''
+ let self.prefidx = 0
+ let self.initial_display = 1
+ let self.fmt_display = {}
+ let self.fmt_filter = {}
+ call self.UseInputListScratch()
+ call self.ResetSelected()
+ call self.Retrieve(!initial)
+ call self.FormatBaseFromData()
+ return self
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ResetSelected() dict "{{{3
+ let self.sel_idx = []
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Retrieve(anyway) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:anyway, self.base
+ " TLogDBG (a:anyway || empty(self.base))
+ if (a:anyway || empty(self.base))
+ let ra = self.retrieve_eval
+ " TLogVAR ra
+ if !empty(ra)
+ let back = self.SwitchWindow('win')
+ let world = self
+ let self.base = eval(ra)
+ " TLogVAR self.base
+ exec back
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 0
+function! s:FormatHelp(help) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:help
+ let max = [0, 0]
+ for item in a:help
+ " TLogVAR item
+ if type(item) == 3
+ let itemlen = map(copy(item), 'strwidth(v:val)')
+ " TLogVAR itemlen
+ let max = map(range(2), 'max[v:val] >= itemlen[v:val] ? max[v:val] : itemlen[v:val]')
+ endif
+ unlet item
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR max
+ let cols = float2nr((winwidth(0) - &foldcolumn - 1) / (max[0] + max[1] + 2))
+ if cols < 1
+ let cols = 1
+ endif
+ let fmt = printf('%%%ds: %%-%ds', max[0], max[1])
+ " TLogVAR cols, fmt
+ let help = []
+ let idx = -1
+ let maxidx = len(a:help)
+ while idx < maxidx
+ let push_item = 0
+ let accum = []
+ for i in range(cols)
+ let idx += 1
+ if idx >= maxidx
+ break
+ endif
+ let item = a:help[idx]
+ if type(item) == 3
+ call add(accum, item)
+ else
+ let push_item = 1
+ break
+ endif
+ unlet item
+ endfor
+ if !empty(accum)
+ call add(help, s:FormatHelpItem(accum, fmt))
+ endif
+ if push_item
+ call add(help, a:help[idx])
+ endif
+ endwh
+ " TLogVAR help
+ return help
+function! s:FormatHelpItem(item, fmt) "{{{3
+ let args = [join(repeat([a:fmt], len(a:item)), ' ')]
+ for item in a:item
+ " TLogVAR item
+ let args += item
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR args
+ return call('printf', args)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.InitHelp() dict "{{{3
+ return []
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushHelp(...) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:000
+ if a:0 == 1
+ if type(a:1) == 3
+ let self.temp_lines += a:1
+ else
+ call add(self.temp_lines, a:1)
+ endif
+ elseif a:0 == 2
+ call add(self.temp_lines, a:000)
+ else
+ throw "TLIB: PushHelp: Wrong number of arguments: ". string(a:000)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR helpstring
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayHelp() dict "{{{3
+ let self.temp_lines = self.InitHelp()
+ call self.PushHelp('<Esc>', self.key_mode == 'default' ? 'Abort' : 'Reset keymap')
+ call self.PushHelp('Enter, <cr>', 'Pick the current item')
+ call self.PushHelp('Mouse', 'L: Pick item, R: Show menu')
+ call self.PushHelp('<M-Number>', 'Select an item')
+ call self.PushHelp('<BS>, <C-BS>', 'Reduce filter')
+ call self.PushHelp('<Tab>', 'Complete word')
+ call self.PushHelp('<S-Esc>, <F10>', 'Enter command')
+ if self.key_mode == 'default'
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-r>', 'Reset the display')
+ call self.PushHelp('Up/Down', 'Next/previous item')
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-q>', 'Edit top filter string')
+ call self.PushHelp('Page Up/Down', 'Scroll')
+ call self.PushHelp('<S-Space>', 'Enter * Wildcard')
+ if self.allow_suspend
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-z>', 'Suspend/Resume')
+ call self.PushHelp('<C-o>', 'Switch to origin')
+ endif
+ if stridx(self.type, 'm') != -1
+ call self.PushHelp('<S-Up/Down>', '(Un)Select items')
+ call self.PushHelp('#', '(Un)Select the current item')
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-a>', '(Un)Select all items')
+ call self.PushHelp('<F9>', '(Un)Restrict view to selection')
+ " \ '<c-\> ... Show only selected',
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR len(self.temp_lines)
+ call self.matcher.Help(self)
+ " TLogVAR self.key_mode
+ for handler in values(self.key_map[self.key_mode])
+ " TLogVAR handler
+ let key = get(handler, 'key_name', '')
+ " TLogVAR key
+ if !empty(key)
+ let desc = get(handler, 'help', '')
+ if empty(desc)
+ let desc = get(handler, 'agent', '')
+ endif
+ call self.PushHelp(key, desc)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if !has_key(self.key_map[self.key_mode], 'unknown_key')
+ call self.PushHelp('Letter', 'Filter the list')
+ endif
+ if self.key_mode == 'default' && !empty(self.help_extra)
+ call self.PushHelp(self.help_extra)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR len(self.temp_lines)
+ call self.PushHelp([
+ \ '',
+ \ 'Matches at word boundaries are prioritized.',
+ \ ])
+ let self.temp_lines = s:FormatHelp(self.temp_lines)
+ call self.PrintLines()
+function! s:prototype.PrintLines() dict "{{{3
+ let self.temp_prompt = ['Press any key to continue.', 'Question']
+ call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange('1', '$')
+ call append(0, self.temp_lines)
+ call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange('$', '$')
+ 1
+ call self.Resize(len(self.temp_lines), 0)
+ let self.temp_lines = []
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Resize(hsize, vsize) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.scratch_vertical, a:hsize, a:vsize
+ let world_resize = ''
+ let winpos = ''
+ let scratch_split = get(self, 'scratch_split', 1)
+ " TLogVAR scratch_split
+ if scratch_split > 0
+ if self.scratch_vertical
+ if a:vsize
+ let world_resize = 'vert resize '. a:vsize
+ let winpos = tlib#fixes#Winpos()
+ " let w:winresize = {'v': a:vsize}
+ setlocal winfixwidth
+ endif
+ else
+ if a:hsize
+ let world_resize = 'resize '. a:hsize
+ " let w:winresize = {'h': a:hsize}
+ setlocal winfixheight
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !empty(world_resize)
+ " TLogVAR world_resize, winpos
+ exec world_resize
+ if !empty(winpos)
+ exec winpos
+ endif
+ " redraw!
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetResize(size) dict "{{{3
+ let resize0 = get(self, 'resize', 0)
+ let resize = empty(resize0) ? 0 : eval(resize0)
+ " TLogVAR resize0, resize
+ let resize = resize == 0 ? a:size : min([a:size, resize])
+ " let min = self.scratch_vertical ? &cols : &lines
+ let min1 = (self.scratch_vertical ? self.win_width : self.win_height) * g:tlib_inputlist_pct
+ let min2 = (self.scratch_vertical ? &columns : &lines) * self.win_pct
+ let min = max([min1, min2])
+ let resize = min([resize, (min / 100)])
+ " TLogVAR resize, a:size, min, min1, min2
+ return resize
+" function! s:prototype.DisplayList(?query=self.Query(), ?list=[])
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayList(...) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.state
+ let query = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : self.Query()
+ let list = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : []
+ " TLogVAR query, len(list)
+ " TLogDBG 'len(list) = '. len(list)
+ call self.UseScratch()
+ " TLogVAR self.scratch
+ " TAssert IsNotEmpty(self.scratch)
+ if self.state == 'scroll'
+ call self.ScrollToOffset()
+ elseif self.state == 'help'
+ call self.DisplayHelp()
+ call self.SetStatusline(query)
+ elseif self.state == 'printlines'
+ call self.PrintLines()
+ call self.SetStatusline(query)
+ else
+ " TLogVAR query
+ " let ll = len(list)
+ let ll = self.llen
+ " let x = len(ll) + 1
+ let x = self.index_width + 1
+ " TLogVAR ll
+ if self.state =~ '\<display\>'
+ call self.Resize(self.GetResize(ll), eval(get(self, 'resize_vertical', 0)))
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('gg"tdG', 't')
+ let lines = copy(list)
+ let lines = map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, ''[[:cntrl:][:space:]]'', " ", "g")')
+ let w = winwidth(0) - &fdc
+ " let w = winwidth(0) - &fdc - 1
+ let lines = map(lines, 'printf("%-'. w .'.'. w .'s", v:val)')
+ " TLogVAR lines
+ call append(0, lines)
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('G"tddgg', 't')
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx
+ let base_pref = self.GetBaseIdx(self.prefidx)
+ " TLogVAR base_pref
+ if self.state =~ '\<redisplay\>'
+ call filter(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, 'index(self.sel_idx, v:val) == -1 && v:val != base_pref')
+ " TLogVAR b:tlibDisplayListMarks
+ call map(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, ":")')
+ " let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = map(copy(self.sel_idx), 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, "#")')
+ " call add(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, self.prefidx)
+ " call self.DisplayListMark(x, self.GetBaseIdx(self.prefidx), '*')
+ endif
+ let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = map(copy(self.sel_idx), 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, "#")')
+ call add(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, base_pref)
+ call self.DisplayListMark(x, base_pref, '*')
+ call self.SetOffset()
+ call self.SetStatusline(query)
+ " TLogVAR self.offset
+ call self.ScrollToOffset()
+ let rx0 = self.GetRx0()
+ " TLogVAR rx0
+ if !empty(self.matcher.highlight)
+ if empty(rx0)
+ match none
+ elseif self.IsValidFilter()
+ if has_key(self, 'Highlighter')
+ call self.Highlighter(rx0)
+ else
+ exec 'match '. self.matcher.highlight .' /\c'. escape(rx0, '/') .'/'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ redraw
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetStatusline(query) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:query
+ if !empty(self.temp_prompt)
+ let echo = get(self.temp_prompt, 0, '')
+ let hl = get(self.temp_prompt, 1, 'Normal')
+ let self.temp_prompt = []
+ else
+ let hl = 'Normal'
+ let query = a:query
+ let options = [self.matcher.name]
+ if self.sticky
+ call add(options, '#')
+ endif
+ if self.key_mode != 'default'
+ call add(options, 'map:'. self.key_mode)
+ endif
+ if !empty(self.filtered_items)
+ if g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage
+ call add(options, 'R')
+ else
+ call add(options, 'restricted')
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !empty(options)
+ let sopts = printf('[%s]', join(options, ', '))
+ " let echo = query . repeat(' ', &columns - len(sopts) - len(query) - 20) . sopts
+ let echo = query . ' ' . sopts
+ " let query .= '%%='. sopts .' '
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR &l:statusline, query
+ " let &l:statusline = query
+ endif
+ echo
+ if hl != 'Normal'
+ exec 'echohl' hl
+ echo echo
+ echohl None
+ else
+ echo echo
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Query() dict "{{{3
+ let flt = self.DisplayFilter()
+ if g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage
+ let query = 'Filter: '. flt
+ else
+ let query = self.query .' (filter: '. flt .'; press <F1> for help)'
+ endif
+ return query
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ScrollToOffset() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.scratch_vertical, self.llen, winheight(0)
+ exec 'norm! '. self.offset .'zt'
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetOffset() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx, self.offset
+ " TLogDBG winheight(0)
+ " TLogDBG self.prefidx > self.offset + winheight(0) - 1
+ let listtop = len(self.list) - winheight(0) + 1
+ if listtop < 1
+ let listtop = 1
+ endif
+ if self.prefidx > listtop
+ let self.offset = listtop
+ elseif self.prefidx > self.offset + winheight(0) - 1
+ let listoff = self.prefidx - winheight(0) + 1
+ let self.offset = min([listtop, listoff])
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx
+ " TLogDBG len(self.list)
+ " TLogDBG winheight(0)
+ " TLogVAR listtop, listoff, self.offset
+ elseif self.prefidx < self.offset
+ let self.offset = self.prefidx
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.offset
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ClearAllMarks() dict "{{{3
+ let x = self.index_width + 1
+ call map(range(1, line('$')), 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, ":")')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.MarkCurrent(y) dict "{{{3
+ let x = self.index_width + 1
+ call self.DisplayListMark(x, a:y, '*')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayListMark(x, y, mark) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:y, a:mark
+ if a:x > 0 && a:y >= 0
+ " TLogDBG a:x .'x'. a:y .' '. a:mark
+ let sy = self.GetListIdx(a:y) + 1
+ " TLogVAR sy
+ if sy >= 1
+ call setpos('.', [0, sy, a:x, 0])
+ exec 'norm! r'. a:mark
+ " exec 'norm! '. a:y .'gg'. a:x .'|r'. a:mark
+ endif
+ endif
+ return a:y
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SwitchWindow(where) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ if self.tabpagenr != tabpagenr()
+ call tlib#tab#Set(self.tabpagenr)
+ endif
+ let wnr = get(self, a:where.'_wnr')
+ " TLogVAR self, wnr
+ return tlib#win#Set(wnr)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FollowCursor() dict "{{{3
+ if !empty(self.follow_cursor)
+ let back = self.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " TLogVAR back
+ " TLogDBG winnr()
+ try
+ call call(self.follow_cursor, [self, [self.CurrentItem()]])
+ finally
+ exec back
+ endtry
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetOrigin(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['winview', 0]
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.bufnr
+ " TLogDBG bufname('%')
+ " TLogDBG winnr()
+ " TLogDBG winnr('$')
+ let self.win_wnr = winnr()
+ let self.win_height = winheight(self.win_wnr)
+ let self.win_width = winwidth(self.win_wnr)
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.win_height, self.win_width
+ let self.bufnr = bufnr('%')
+ let self.tabpagenr = tabpagenr()
+ let self.cursor = getpos('.')
+ if winview
+ let self.winview = tlib#win#GetLayout()
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.bufnr, self.winview
+ return self
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.RestoreOrigin(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['winview', 0]
+ if winview
+ " TLogVAR winview
+ call tlib#win#SetLayout(self.winview)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.bufnr, self.cursor, &splitbelow
+ " TLogDBG "RestoreOrigin0 ". string(tlib#win#List())
+ " If &splitbelow or &splitright is false, we cannot rely on
+ " self.win_wnr to be our source buffer since, e.g, opening a buffer
+ " in a split window changes the whole layout.
+ " Possible solutions:
+ " - Restrict buffer switching to cases when the number of windows
+ " hasn't changed.
+ " - Guess the right window, which we try to do here.
+ if &splitbelow == 0 || &splitright == 0
+ let wn = bufwinnr(self.bufnr)
+ " TLogVAR wn
+ if wn == -1
+ let wn = 1
+ end
+ else
+ let wn = self.win_wnr
+ endif
+ if wn != winnr()
+ exec wn .'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ exec 'buffer! '. self.bufnr
+ call setpos('.', self.cursor)
+ " TLogDBG "RestoreOrigin1 ". string(tlib#win#List())
+function! s:prototype.Suspend() dict "{{{3
+ call tlib#agent#Suspend(self, self.rv)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/agent.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/agent.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e61f24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/agent.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,665 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 329
+" :filedoc:
+" Various agents for use as key handlers in tlib#input#List()
+" Number of items to move when pressing <c-up/down> in the input list window.
+TLet g:tlib_scroll_lines = 10
+" General {{{1
+function! tlib#agent#Exit(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if a:world.key_mode == 'default'
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ let a:world.state = 'exit empty escape'
+ let a:world.list = []
+ " let a:world.base = []
+ call a:world.ResetSelected()
+ else
+ let a:world.key_mode = 'default'
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#CopyItems(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let @* = join(a:selected, "\n")
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+" InputList related {{{1
+function! tlib#agent#PageUp(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.offset -= (winheight(0) / 2)
+ let a:world.state = 'scroll'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#PageDown(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.offset += (winheight(0) / 2)
+ let a:world.state = 'scroll'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Home(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.prefidx = 1
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#End(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.prefidx = len(a:world.list)
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Up(world, selected, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['lines', 1]
+ let a:world.idx = ''
+ if a:world.prefidx > lines
+ let a:world.prefidx -= lines
+ else
+ let a:world.prefidx = len(a:world.list)
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Down(world, selected, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['lines', 1]
+ let a:world.idx = ''
+ if a:world.prefidx <= (len(a:world.list) - lines)
+ let a:world.prefidx += lines
+ else
+ let a:world.prefidx = 1
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#UpN(world, selected) "{{{3
+ return tlib#agent#Up(a:world, a:selected, g:tlib_scroll_lines)
+function! tlib#agent#DownN(world, selected) "{{{3
+ return tlib#agent#Down(a:world, a:selected, g:tlib_scroll_lines)
+function! tlib#agent#ShiftLeft(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.offset_horizontal -= (winwidth(0) / 2)
+ if a:world.offset_horizontal < 0
+ let a:world.offset_horizontal = 0
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display shift'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#ShiftRight(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.offset_horizontal += (winwidth(0) / 2)
+ let a:world.state = 'display shift'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Reset(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#ToggleRestrictView(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if empty(a:world.filtered_items)
+ return tlib#agent#RestrictView(a:world, a:selected)
+ else
+ return tlib#agent#UnrestrictView(a:world, a:selected)
+ endif
+function! tlib#agent#RestrictView(world, selected) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:selected
+ let filtered_items = map(copy(a:selected), 'index(a:world.base, v:val) + 1')
+ " TLogVAR 1, filtered_items
+ let filtered_items = filter(filtered_items, 'v:val > 0')
+ " TLogVAR 2, filtered_items
+ if !empty(filtered_items)
+ let a:world.filtered_items = filtered_items
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#UnrestrictView(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.filtered_items = []
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Input(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let flt0 = a:world.CleanFilter(a:world.filter[0][0])
+ let flt1 = input('Filter: ', flt0)
+ echo
+ if flt1 != flt0
+ if empty(flt1)
+ call getchar(0)
+ else
+ call a:world.SetFrontFilter(flt1)
+ endif
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+" Suspend (see |tlib#agent#Suspend|) the input loop and jump back to the
+" original position in the parent window.
+function! tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let world = a:world
+ let winnr = world.win_wnr
+ " TLogVAR winnr
+ if winnr != -1
+ let world = tlib#agent#Suspend(world, a:selected)
+ if world.state =~ '\<suspend\>'
+ call world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " let pos = world.cursor
+ " " TLogVAR pos
+ " if !empty(pos)
+ " call setpos('.', pos)
+ " endif
+ return world
+ endif
+ endif
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return world
+" Suspend lets you temporarily leave the input loop of
+" |tlib#input#List|. You can resume editing the list by pressing <c-z>,
+" <m-z>. <space>, <c-LeftMouse> or <MiddleMouse> in the suspended window.
+" <cr> and <LeftMouse> will immediatly select the item under the cursor.
+" < will select the item but the window will remain opened.
+function! tlib#agent#Suspend(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if a:world.allow_suspend
+ " TAssert IsNotEmpty(a:world.scratch)
+ " TLogDBG bufnr('%')
+ let br = tlib#buffer#Set(a:world.scratch)
+ " TLogVAR br, a:world.bufnr, a:world.scratch
+ if bufnr('%') != a:world.scratch
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom "tlib#agent#Suspend: Internal error: Not a scratch buffer:" bufname('%')
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR bufnr('%'), bufname('%'), a:world.scratch
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ exec 'autocmd TLib BufEnter <buffer='. a:world.scratch .'> call tlib#input#Resume("world", 0, '. a:world.scratch .')'
+ let b:tlib_world = a:world
+ exec br
+ let a:world.state = 'exit suspend'
+ else
+ echom 'Suspend disabled'
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Help(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.state = 'help'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#OR(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if !empty(a:world.filter[0])
+ call insert(a:world.filter[0], '')
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#AND(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if !empty(a:world.filter[0])
+ call insert(a:world.filter, [''])
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#ReduceFilter(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.ReduceFilter()
+ let a:world.offset = 1
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#PopFilter(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.PopFilter()
+ let a:world.offset = 1
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Debug(world, selected) "{{{3
+ " echo string(world.state)
+ echo string(a:world.filter)
+ echo string(a:world.idx)
+ echo string(a:world.prefidx)
+ echo string(a:world.sel_idx)
+ call getchar()
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Select(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.SelectItem('toggle', a:world.prefidx)
+ " let a:world.state = 'display keepcursor'
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#SelectUp(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.SelectItem('toggle', a:world.prefidx)
+ if a:world.prefidx > 1
+ let a:world.prefidx -= 1
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#SelectDown(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.SelectItem('toggle', a:world.prefidx)
+ if a:world.prefidx < len(a:world.list)
+ let a:world.prefidx += 1
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#SelectAll(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let listrange = range(1, len(a:world.list))
+ let mode = empty(filter(copy(listrange), 'index(a:world.sel_idx, a:world.GetBaseIdx(v:val)) == -1'))
+ \ ? 'toggle' : 'set'
+ for i in listrange
+ call a:world.SelectItem(mode, i)
+ endfor
+ let a:world.state = 'display keepcursor'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#ToggleStickyList(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.sticky = !a:world.sticky
+ let a:world.state = 'display keepcursor'
+ return a:world
+" EditList related {{{1
+function! tlib#agent#EditItem(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let lidx = a:world.prefidx
+ " TLogVAR lidx
+ " TLogVAR a:world.table
+ let bidx = a:world.GetBaseIdx(lidx)
+ " TLogVAR bidx
+ let item = a:world.GetBaseItem(bidx)
+ let item = input(lidx .'@'. bidx .': ', item)
+ if item != ''
+ call a:world.SetBaseItem(bidx, item)
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+" Insert a new item below the current one.
+function! tlib#agent#NewItem(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let basepi = a:world.GetBaseIdx(a:world.prefidx)
+ let item = input('New item: ')
+ call insert(a:world.base, item, basepi)
+ let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#DeleteItems(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let remove = copy(a:world.sel_idx)
+ let basepi = a:world.GetBaseIdx(a:world.prefidx)
+ if index(remove, basepi) == -1
+ call add(remove, basepi)
+ endif
+ " call map(remove, 'a:world.GetBaseIdx(v:val)')
+ for idx in reverse(sort(remove))
+ call remove(a:world.base, idx - 1)
+ endfor
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ call a:world.ResetSelected()
+ " let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Cut(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let world = tlib#agent#Copy(a:world, a:selected)
+ return tlib#agent#DeleteItems(world, a:selected)
+function! tlib#agent#Copy(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.clipboard = []
+ let bidxs = copy(a:world.sel_idx)
+ call add(bidxs, a:world.GetBaseIdx(a:world.prefidx))
+ for bidx in sort(bidxs)
+ call add(a:world.clipboard, a:world.GetBaseItem(bidx))
+ endfor
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Paste(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if has_key(a:world, 'clipboard')
+ for e in reverse(copy(a:world.clipboard))
+ call insert(a:world.base, e, a:world.prefidx)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ call a:world.ResetSelected()
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#EditReturnValue(world, rv) "{{{3
+ return [a:world.state !~ '\<exit\>', a:world.base]
+" Files related {{{1
+function! tlib#agent#ViewFile(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if !empty(a:selected)
+ let back = a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " TLogVAR back
+ for filename in a:selected
+ call tlib#file#Edit(filename)
+ endfor
+ " if !&hidden && &l:modified
+ " let cmd0 = 'split'
+ " let cmd1 = 'sbuffer'
+ " else
+ " let cmd0 = 'edit'
+ " let cmd1 = 'buffer'
+ " endif
+ " call tlib#file#With(cmd0, cmd1, a:selected, a:world)
+ " TLogVAR &filetype
+ exec back
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#EditFile(world, selected) "{{{3
+ return tlib#agent#Exit(tlib#agent#ViewFile(a:world, a:selected), a:selected)
+function! tlib#agent#EditFileInSplit(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ " call tlib#file#With('edit', 'buffer', a:selected[0:0], a:world)
+ " call tlib#file#With('split', 'sbuffer', a:selected[1:-1], a:world)
+ call tlib#file#With('split', 'sbuffer', a:selected, a:world)
+ return tlib#agent#Exit(a:world, a:selected)
+function! tlib#agent#EditFileInVSplit(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ " call tlib#file#With('edit', 'buffer', a:selected[0:0], a:world)
+ " call tlib#file#With('vertical split', 'vertical sbuffer', a:selected[1:-1], a:world)
+ let winpos = tlib#fixes#Winpos()
+ call tlib#file#With('vertical split', 'vertical sbuffer', a:selected, a:world)
+ if !empty(winpos)
+ exec winpos
+ endif
+ return tlib#agent#Exit(a:world, a:selected)
+function! tlib#agent#EditFileInTab(world, selected) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:selected
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ call tlib#file#With('tabedit', 'tab sbuffer', a:selected, a:world)
+ return tlib#agent#Exit(a:world, a:selected)
+function! tlib#agent#ToggleScrollbind(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.scrollbind = get(a:world, 'scrollbind') ? 0 : 1
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#ShowInfo(world, selected)
+ let lines = []
+ for f in a:selected
+ if filereadable(f)
+ let desc = [getfperm(f), strftime('%c', getftime(f)), getfsize(f) .' bytes', getftype(f)]
+ call add(lines, fnamemodify(f, ':p'))
+ call add(lines, ' '. join(desc, '; '))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let a:world.temp_lines = lines
+ let a:world.state = 'printlines'
+ return a:world
+" Buffer related {{{1
+function! tlib#agent#PreviewLine(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let l = a:selected[0]
+ let ww = winnr()
+ exec a:world.win_wnr .'wincmd w'
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(l, 1)
+ exec ww .'wincmd w'
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+" If not called from the scratch, we assume/guess that we don't have to
+" suspend the input-evaluation loop.
+function! tlib#agent#GotoLine(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if !empty(a:selected)
+ " let l = a:selected[0]
+ " " TLogVAR l
+ " let back = a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " " TLogVAR back
+ " " if a:world.win_wnr != winnr()
+ " " let world = tlib#agent#Suspend(a:world, a:selected)
+ " " exec a:world.win_wnr .'wincmd w'
+ " " endif
+ " call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(l)
+ " exec back
+ " let a:world.state = 'display'
+ let l = a:selected[0]
+ if a:world.win_wnr != winnr()
+ let world = tlib#agent#Suspend(a:world, a:selected)
+ exec a:world.win_wnr .'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(l, 1)
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#DoAtLine(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if !empty(a:selected)
+ let cmd = input('Command: ', '', 'command')
+ if !empty(cmd)
+ call a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " let pos = getpos('.')
+ let view = winsaveview()
+ for l in a:selected
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(l, '')
+ exec cmd
+ endfor
+ " call setpos('.', pos)
+ call winrestview(view)
+ endif
+ endif
+ call a:world.ResetSelected()
+ let a:world.state = 'exit'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Wildcard(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if !empty(a:world.filter[0])
+ let rx_type = a:world.matcher.FilterRxPrefix()
+ let flt0 = a:world.CleanFilter(a:world.filter[0][0])
+ if rx_type == '\V'
+ let flt0 .= '\.\{-}'
+ else
+ let flt0 .= '.\{-}'
+ endif
+ call a:world.SetFrontFilter(flt0)
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#Null(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#agent#ExecAgentByName(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let s:agent_names_world = a:world
+ let agent_names = {'Help': 'tlib#agent#Help'}
+ for def in values(a:world.key_map[a:world.key_mode])
+ if has_key(def, 'help') && !empty(def.help) && has_key(def, 'agent') && !empty(def.agent)
+ let agent_names[def.help] = def.agent
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let s:agent_names = sort(keys(agent_names))
+ let command = input('Command: ', '', 'customlist,tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames')
+ " TLogVAR command
+ if !has_key(agent_names, command)
+ " TLogVAR command
+ silent! let matches = filter(keys(agent_names), 'v:val =~ command')
+ " TLogVAR matches
+ if len(matches) == 1
+ let command = matches[0]
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(agent_names, command)
+ let agent = agent_names[command]
+ return call(agent, [a:world, a:selected])
+ else
+ if !empty(command)
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom "Unknown command:" command
+ echohl NONE
+ sleep 1
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'display'
+ return a:world
+ endif
+function! tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
+ let arglead = tolower(a:Arglead)
+ return filter(copy(s:agent_names), 'stridx(tolower(v:val), arglead) != -1')
+function! tlib#agent#Complete(world, selected) abort "{{{3
+ let rxprefix = a:world.matcher.FilterRxPrefix()
+ let flt = a:world.filter[0][0]
+ " TLogVAR flt
+ let fltrx = rxprefix . flt . '\m[^[:space:][:cntrl:][:punct:]<>*+?&~{}()\[\]\\/]\+'
+ let fltrx0 = '\m^' . fltrx
+ " TLogVAR fltrx, fltrx0
+ let words = {}
+ for item in a:world.list
+ let parts = split(item, '\ze'. fltrx)
+ " TLogVAR item, parts
+ for part in parts
+ let word = matchstr(part, fltrx0)
+ " TLogVAR part, word
+ if !empty(word)
+ let words[word] = 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR keys(words)
+ let completions = keys(words)
+ " let completions = filter(keys(words), 'matchstr(v:val, fltrx0)')
+ let completions = sort(completions, 's:SortCompletions')
+ let completions = tlib#list#Uniq(completions)
+ " TLogVAR 0, completions
+ while len(completions) > 1
+ let nchar = strwidth(completions[0]) - 1
+ let completions = map(completions, 'strpart(v:val, 0, nchar)')
+ " TLogVAR 'reduce', completions
+ let completions = tlib#list#Uniq(completions)
+ " TLogVAR 'unique', len(completions), completions
+ endwh
+ " TLogVAR 9, completions
+ if empty(completions)
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay update'
+ else
+ let a:world.filter[0][0] = completions[0]
+ let a:world.state = 'display update'
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! s:SortCompletions(a, b) abort "{{{3
+ let i1 = strwidth(a:a)
+ let i2 = strwidth(a:b)
+ return i2 - i1
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/arg.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/arg.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f7d479e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/arg.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2016-06-06.
+" @Revision: 267
+" :def: function! tlib#arg#Get(n, var, ?default="", ?test='')
+" Set a positional argument from a variable argument list.
+" See tlib#string#RemoveBackslashes() for an example.
+function! tlib#arg#Get(n, var, ...) "{{{3
+ let default = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
+ let atest = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : ''
+ " TLogVAR default, atest
+ if !empty(atest)
+ let atest = ' && (a:'. a:n .' '. atest .')'
+ endif
+ let test = printf('a:0 >= %d', a:n) . atest
+ return printf('let %s = %s ? a:%d : %s', a:var, test, a:n, string(default))
+" :def: function! tlib#arg#Let(list, ?default='')
+" Set a positional arguments from a variable argument list.
+" See tlib#input#List() for an example.
+function! tlib#arg#Let(list, ...) "{{{3
+ let default = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
+ let list = map(copy(a:list), 'type(v:val) == 3 ? v:val : [v:val, default]')
+ let args = map(range(1, len(list)), 'call("tlib#arg#Get", [v:val] + list[v:val - 1])')
+ return join(args, ' | ')
+" :def: function! tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgs(string, ?keys=[], ?evaluate=0, ?sep=':', ?booleans=0)
+function! tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgs(string, ...) "{{{1
+ TVarArg ['keys', {}], ['evaluate', 0], ['sep', ':'], ['booleans', 0]
+ let keyargs = {}
+ let args = split(a:string, '\\\@<! ')
+ let key_rx = booleans ? '\([-+]\?\w\+\)' : '\(\w\+\)'
+ let arglist = map(args, 'matchlist(v:val, ''^\%('. key_rx . sep .'\(.*\)\|\(.*\)\)$'')')
+ " TLogVAR a:string, args, arglist
+ let pos = -1
+ for matchlist in arglist
+ if !empty(matchlist[3])
+ if booleans && matchlist[3] =~ '^[-+]'
+ let key = substitute(matchlist[3], '^[-+]', '', '')
+ let val = matchstr(matchlist[3], '^[-+]')
+ let keyargs[key] = val ==# '+'
+ else
+ let pos += 1
+ let keyargs[pos] = matchlist[3]
+ endif
+ else
+ let [match, key, val; rest] = matchlist
+ if empty(keys) || has_key(keys, key)
+ let val = substitute(val, '\\\\', '\\', 'g')
+ if evaluate
+ let val = eval(val)
+ endif
+ let keyargs[key] = val
+ else
+ echom 'Unknown key: '. key .'='. val
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if pos >= 0
+ let keyargs['__posargs__'] = range(0, pos)
+ endif
+ return keyargs
+function! tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgsEqual(string) "{{{1
+ return tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgs(a:string, [], 0, '=', 1)
+" :display: tlib#arg#GetOpts(args, ?def={})
+" Convert a list of strings of command-line arguments into a dictonary.
+" The main use case is to pass [<f-args>], i.e. the command-line
+" arguments of a command as list, from a command definition to this
+" function.
+" Example:
+" ['-h']
+" => If def contains a 'help' key, invoke |:help| on its value.
+" ['-ab', '--foo', '--bar=BAR', 'bla', bla']
+" => {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'foo': 1, 'bar': 'BAR', '__rest__': ['bla', 'bla']}
+" ['-ab', '--', '--foo', '--bar=BAR']
+" => {'a': 1, 'b': 1, '__rest__': ['--foo', '--bar=BAR']}
+function! tlib#arg#GetOpts(args, ...) abort "{{{3
+ let throw = a:0 == 0
+ TVarArg ['def', {}]
+ " TLogVAR def
+ let opts = {'__exit__': 0}
+ for [key, vdef] in items(get(def, 'values', {}))
+ if has_key(vdef, 'default')
+ let opts[key] = vdef.default
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let idx = 0
+ for o in a:args
+ let [break, idx] = s:SetOpt(def, opts, idx, o)
+ if break == 1
+ break
+ elseif break == 2
+ if throw
+ throw 'tlib#arg#GetOpts: Show help'
+ else
+ let opts.__exit__ = 5
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let opts.__rest__ = a:args[idx : -1]
+ return opts
+function! s:GetValueType(def) abort "{{{3
+ return get(a:def, 'type', type(get(a:def, 'default', '')))
+function! s:SetOpt(def, opts, idx, opt) abort "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:def
+ let idx = a:idx + 1
+ let break = 0
+ let long = get(a:def, 'long', 1)
+ let short = get(a:def, 'short', 1)
+ if (short && a:opt =~# '^-[?h]$') || (long && a:opt ==# '--help')
+ if has_key(a:def, 'help')
+ exec 'help' a:def.help
+ else
+ " TLogVAR a:def
+ let values = get(a:def, 'values', {})
+ let flags = get(a:def, 'flags', {})
+ if empty(values) && empty(flags)
+ echom 'No help'
+ else
+ if !empty(values)
+ echom 'Options:'
+ for [key, vdef] in sort(items(values))
+ let opt = key
+ let default = get(vdef, 'default', '')
+ let type = s:GetValueType(vdef)
+ if default =~ '^-\?\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)$'
+ if type == -1
+ let opt .= ' (flag)'
+ elseif type == 1
+ let opt .= '=INT'
+ else
+ let opt .= '=INT or maybe BOOL'
+ endif
+ elseif type(default) == 1
+ let opt .= '=STRING'
+ elseif type(default) == 3
+ let opt .= '=COMMA-LIST'
+ endif
+ echom printf(' --%20s (default: %s)', opt, string(default))
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if !empty(flags)
+ echom 'Short flags:'
+ for [sflag, lflag] in sort(items(flags))
+ echom printf(' -%s -> %s', sflag, lflag)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ let break = 2
+ elseif long && a:opt =~# '^--\%(no-\)\?debug$'
+ if has_key(a:def, 'trace')
+ let mod = a:opt =~# '--no-' ? '-' : '+'
+ exec 'Tlibtraceset' mod . a:def.trace
+ endif
+ elseif long && a:opt =~# '^--no-.\+'
+ let key = matchstr(a:opt, '^--no-\zs.\+$')
+ let a:opts[key] = s:Validate(a:def, key, 0)
+ elseif long && a:opt =~# '^--\w\+$'
+ let key = matchstr(a:opt, '^--\zs.\+$')
+ let a:opts[key] = s:Validate(a:def, key, 1)
+ elseif long && a:opt =~# '^--\w\+='
+ let ml = matchlist(a:opt, '^--\(\w\+\)=\(.*\)$')
+ if empty(ml)
+ throw 'tlib#arg#GetOpts: Cannot parse: '. a:opt
+ else
+ let values = get(a:def, 'values', {})
+ if has_key(values, ml[1])
+ let vdef = values[ml[1]]
+ let type = s:GetValueType(vdef)
+ if type == -1
+ let opt_value = !!str2nr(ml[2])
+ elseif type == 0
+ let opt_value = str2nr(ml[2])
+ elseif type == 1
+ let opt_value = ml[2]
+ elseif type == 2
+ let opt_value = function(ml[2])
+ elseif type == 3
+ let opt_value = tlib#string#SplitCommaList(ml[2])
+ elseif type == 4
+ throw 'tlib#arg#GetOpts: Unsupported type conversion for '. ml[1]
+ elseif type == 5
+ let opt_value = str2float(ml[2])
+ endif
+ else
+ let opt_value = ml[2]
+ endif
+ let a:opts[ml[1]] = s:Validate(a:def, ml[1], opt_value)
+ unlet opt_value
+ endif
+ elseif short && a:opt =~# '^-\w='
+ let flagdefs = get(a:def, 'flags', {})
+ let flag = matchstr(a:opt, '^-\zs\w')
+ let rest = matchstr(a:opt, '^-\w\zs.*$')
+ call s:SetFlag(a:def, a:opts, idx, flag, rest, flagdefs)
+ elseif short && a:opt =~# '^-\w\+$'
+ let flagdefs = get(a:def, 'flags', {})
+ for flag in split(substitute(a:opt, '^-', '', ''), '\zs')
+ call s:SetFlag(a:def, a:opts, idx, flag, '', flagdefs)
+ endfor
+ else
+ let break = 1
+ if a:opt !=# '--'
+ let idx -= 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ return [break, idx]
+function! s:SetFlag(def, opts, idx, flag, rest, flagdefs) abort "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:def
+ if has_key(a:flagdefs, a:flag)
+ call s:SetOpt(a:def, a:opts, a:idx, a:flagdefs[a:flag] . a:rest)
+ else
+ let a:opts[a:flag] = s:Validate(a:def, a:flag, 1)
+ endif
+function! s:Validate(def, name, value) abort "{{{3
+ let values = get(a:def, 'values', {})
+ if has_key(values, a:name)
+ let vdef = values[a:name]
+ if has_key(vdef, 'validate')
+ if !call(vdef.validate, [a:value])
+ throw printf('tlib#arg: %s has invalid value: %s', string(a:name), string(a:value))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return a:value
+function! tlib#arg#CComplete(def, ArgLead) abort "{{{3
+ let values = get(a:def, 'values', {})
+ let opt = matchstr(a:ArgLead, '^--\zs\w\+\ze=')
+ if has_key(values, opt)
+ let words = []
+ let vals = values[opt]
+ let complete_customlist = get(vals, 'complete_customlist', '')
+ if !empty(complete_customlist)
+ let words = eval(complete_customlist)
+ " else
+ " let complete = get(vals, 'complete', '')
+ " if !empty(complete)
+ " endif
+ endif
+ if !empty(words)
+ let prefix = matchstr(a:ArgLead, '^--\w\+=\%([^,]\+,\s*\)*')
+ let lead = substitute(a:ArgLead, '^--\w\+=\%([^,]\+,\s*\)*', '', '')
+ " TLogVAR a:ArgLead, lead
+ if !empty(lead)
+ let nchar = len(lead)
+ call filter(words, 'strpart(v:val, 0, nchar) ==# lead')
+ endif
+ let words = map(words, 'prefix . v:val')
+ return sort(words)
+ endif
+ endif
+ let cs = {'-h': 1, '--help': 1}
+ for [name, vdef] in items(values)
+ let type = s:GetValueType(vdef)
+ if type >= 0
+ let name .= '='
+ else
+ let cs['--no-'. name] = 1
+ endif
+ let cs['--'. name] = 1
+ endfor
+ for [name, subst] in items(get(a:def, 'flags', {}))
+ let ldef = get(values, substitute(subst, '^--', '', ''), {})
+ let type = s:GetValueType(ldef)
+ if type >= 0
+ let name .= '='
+ endif
+ let cs['-'. name] = 1
+ endfor
+ if has_key(a:def, 'trace')
+ let cs['--debug'] = 1
+ endif
+ let nchar = len(a:ArgLead)
+ if nchar > 0
+ call filter(cs, 'strpart(v:key, 0, nchar) ==# a:ArgLead')
+ endif
+ return sort(keys(cs))
+""" Command line {{{1
+" :def: function! tlib#arg#Ex(arg, ?chars='%#! ')
+" Escape some characters in a string.
+" Use |fnamescape()| if available.
+" exec 'edit '. tlib#arg#Ex('foo%#bar.txt')
+function! tlib#arg#Ex(arg, ...) "{{{3
+ if exists('*fnameescape') && a:0 == 0
+ return fnameescape(a:arg)
+ else
+ " let chars = '%# \'
+ let chars = '%#! '
+ if a:0 >= 1
+ let chars .= a:1
+ endif
+ return escape(a:arg, chars)
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/assert.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/assert.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d4dea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/assert.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: https://github.com/tomtom
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2015-12-04
+" @Revision: 41
+" Enable tracing via |:Tlibassert|.
+function! tlib#assert#Enable() abort "{{{3
+ " :nodoc:
+ command! -nargs=+ -bang Tlibassert call tlib#assert#Assert(expand('<sfile>'), <q-args>, [<args>])
+" Disable tracing via |:Tlibassert|.
+function! tlib#assert#Disable() abort "{{{3
+ " :nodoc:
+ command! -nargs=+ -bang Tlibassert :
+function! tlib#assert#Assert(caller, check, vals) abort "{{{3
+ for val in a:vals
+ " TLogVAR val
+ if type(val) == 3
+ call tlib#assert#Assert(a:caller, a:check, val)
+ elseif !val
+ throw 'Tlibassert: '. tlib#trace#Backtrace(a:caller) .': '. a:check
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! tlib#assert#Map(vals, expr) abort "{{{3
+ return tlib#assert#All(map(a:vals, a:expr))
+function! tlib#assert#All(vals) abort "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:vals, empty(filter(a:vals, '!v:val'))
+ return empty(filter(a:vals, '!v:val'))
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/autocmdgroup.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/autocmdgroup.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8439524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/autocmdgroup.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+" autocmdgroup.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 7
+augroup TLib
+ autocmd!
+augroup END
+function! tlib#autocmdgroup#Init() "{{{3
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/balloon.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/balloon.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6967523
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/balloon.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @GIT: http://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim/
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2010-08-30.
+" @Last Change: 2015-11-23.
+" @Revision: 48
+function! tlib#balloon#Register(expr) "{{{3
+ if !has('balloon_eval')
+ return
+ endif
+ if !exists('b:tlib_balloons')
+ let b:tlib_balloons = []
+ endif
+ if !&ballooneval
+ setlocal ballooneval
+ endif
+ if &balloonexpr != 'tlib#balloon#Expr()'
+ if !empty(&balloonexpr)
+ call add(b:tlib_balloons, &balloonexpr)
+ endif
+ setlocal ballooneval balloonexpr=tlib#balloon#Expr()
+ endif
+ if index(b:tlib_balloons, a:expr) == -1
+ call add(b:tlib_balloons, a:expr)
+ endif
+function! tlib#balloon#Remove(expr) "{{{3
+ if exists('b:tlib_balloons')
+ call filter(b:tlib_balloons, 'v:val != a:expr')
+ if empty(b:tlib_balloons)
+ setlocal ballooneval&
+ setlocal balloonexpr&
+ unlet b:tlib_balloons
+ endif
+ endif
+function! tlib#balloon#Expr() "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR exists('b:tlib_balloons')
+ if !exists('b:tlib_balloons')
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let text = map(copy(b:tlib_balloons), 'eval(v:val)')
+ " TLogVAR b:tlib_balloons, text
+ call filter(text, '!empty(v:val)')
+ if has('balloon_multiline')
+ return join(text, "\n----------------------------------\n")
+ else
+ return get(text, 0, '')
+ endif
+function! tlib#balloon#Expand(expr) abort "{{{3
+ if v:beval_bufnr != bufnr('%')
+ " TLogVAR v:beval_bufnr, bufnr('%')
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let win = winsaveview()
+ try
+ call setpos('.', [v:beval_bufnr, v:beval_lnum, v:beval_col, 0])
+ return expand(a:expr)
+ finally
+ call winrestview(win)
+ endtry
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/bitwise.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/bitwise.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54a4258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/bitwise.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 124
+function! tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(num) "{{{3
+ if type(a:num) <= 1 || type(a:num) == 5
+ let bits = reverse(tlib#number#ConvertBase(a:num, 2, 'list'))
+ elseif type(a:num) == 3
+ let bits = copy(a:num)
+ else
+ throw "tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits: Must be number of list: ". string(a:num)
+ endif
+ return bits
+function! tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(bits, ...) "{{{3
+ let base = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 10
+ " TLogVAR a:bits
+ let num = 0.0
+ for i in range(len(a:bits))
+ if get(a:bits, i, 0)
+ let num += pow(2, i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR num
+ if base == 10
+ if type(base) == 5
+ return num
+ else
+ return float2nr(num)
+ endif
+ else
+ return tlib#number#ConvertBase(num, base)
+ endif
+function! tlib#bitwise#AND(num1, num2, ...) "{{{3
+ let rtype = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'num'
+ return s:BitwiseComparison(a:num1, a:num2, rtype,
+ \ 'get(bits1, v:val) && get(bits2, v:val)')
+function! tlib#bitwise#OR(num1, num2, ...) "{{{3
+ let rtype = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'num'
+ return s:BitwiseComparison(a:num1, a:num2, rtype,
+ \ 'get(bits1, v:val) || get(bits2, v:val)')
+function! tlib#bitwise#XOR(num1, num2, ...) "{{{3
+ let rtype = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'num'
+ return s:BitwiseComparison(a:num1, a:num2, rtype,
+ \ 'get(bits1, v:val) ? !get(bits2, v:val) : get(bits2, v:val)')
+function! s:BitwiseComparison(num1, num2, rtype, expr) "{{{3
+ let bits1 = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(a:num1)
+ let bits2 = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(a:num2)
+ let range = range(max([len(bits1), len(bits2)]))
+ let bits = map(range, a:expr)
+ if a:rtype == 'num' || (a:rtype == 'auto' && type(a:num1) <= 1)
+ return tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(bits)
+ else
+ return bits
+ endif
+function! tlib#bitwise#ShiftRight(bits, n) "{{{3
+ let bits = a:bits[a:n : -1]
+ if empty(bits)
+ let bits = [0]
+ endif
+ return bits
+function! tlib#bitwise#ShiftLeft(bits, n) "{{{3
+ let bits = repeat([0], a:n) + a:bits
+ return bits
+function! tlib#bitwise#Add(num1, num2, ...) "{{{3
+ let rtype = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'num'
+ let bits1 = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(a:num1)
+ let bits2 = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(a:num2)
+ let range = range(max([len(bits1), len(bits2)]))
+ " TLogVAR bits1, bits2, range
+ let carry = 0
+ let bits = []
+ for i in range
+ let sum = get(bits1, i) + get(bits2, i) + carry
+ if sum == 3
+ let bit = 1
+ let carry = 1
+ elseif sum == 2
+ let bit = 0
+ let carry = 1
+ elseif sum == 1
+ let bit = 1
+ let carry = 0
+ elseif sum == 0
+ let bit = 0
+ let carry = 0
+ endif
+ call add(bits, bit)
+ " TLogVAR i, bits, bit
+ endfor
+ if carry == 1
+ call add(bits, carry)
+ endif
+ if rtype == 'num' || (rtype == 'auto' && type(a:num1) <= 1)
+ return tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(bits)
+ else
+ return bits
+ endif
+function! tlib#bitwise#Sub(num1, num2, ...) "{{{3
+ let rtype = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'num'
+ let bits1 = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(a:num1)
+ let bits2 = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(a:num2)
+ let range = range(max([len(bits1), len(bits2)]))
+ let bits2 = map(range, '!get(bits2, v:val)')
+ let bits2 = tlib#bitwise#Add(bits2, [1], 'bits')
+ let bits3 = tlib#bitwise#Add(bits1, bits2, 'bits')
+ let bits = bits3[0 : -2]
+ if rtype == 'num' || (rtype == 'auto' && type(a:num1) <= 1)
+ return tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(bits)
+ else
+ return bits
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/buffer.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/buffer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa75545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/buffer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+" buffer.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2007-06-30.
+" @Last Change: 2015-11-06.
+" @Revision: 7.1.352
+" Where to display the line when using |tlib#buffer#ViewLine|.
+" For possible values for position see |scroll-cursor|.
+TLet g:tlib_viewline_position = 'zz'
+let s:bmru = []
+function! tlib#buffer#EnableMRU() "{{{3
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ autocmd TLib BufEnter * call s:BMRU_Push(bufnr('%'))
+function! tlib#buffer#DisableMRU() "{{{3
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ autocmd! TLib BufEnter
+function! s:BMRU_Push(bnr) "{{{3
+ let i = index(s:bmru, a:bnr)
+ if i >= 0
+ call remove(s:bmru, i)
+ endif
+ call insert(s:bmru, a:bnr)
+function! s:CompareBuffernameByBasename(a, b) "{{{3
+ let rx = '"\zs.\{-}\ze" \+\S\+ \+\d\+$'
+ let an = matchstr(a:a, rx)
+ let an = fnamemodify(an, ':t')
+ let bn = matchstr(a:b, rx)
+ let bn = fnamemodify(bn, ':t')
+ let rv = an == bn ? 0 : an > bn ? 1 : -1
+ return rv
+function! s:CompareBufferNrByMRU(a, b) "{{{3
+ let an = matchstr(a:a, '\s*\zs\d\+\ze')
+ let bn = matchstr(a:b, '\s*\zs\d\+\ze')
+ let ai = index(s:bmru, 0 + an)
+ if ai == -1
+ return 1
+ else
+ let bi = index(s:bmru, 0 + bn)
+ if bi == -1
+ return -1
+ else
+ return ai == bi ? 0 : ai > bi ? 1 : -1
+ endif
+ endif
+" Set the buffer to buffer and return a command as string that can be
+" evaluated by |:execute| in order to restore the original view.
+function! tlib#buffer#Set(buffer) "{{{3
+ let lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
+ set lazyredraw
+ try
+ let cb = bufnr('%')
+ let sn = bufnr(a:buffer)
+ if sn != cb
+ let ws = bufwinnr(sn)
+ if ws != -1
+ let wb = bufwinnr('%')
+ exec ws.'wincmd w'
+ return wb.'wincmd w'
+ else
+ silent exec 'sbuffer! '. sn
+ return 'wincmd c'
+ endif
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+ finally
+ let &lazyredraw = lazyredraw
+ endtry
+" :def: function! tlib#buffer#Eval(buffer, code)
+" Evaluate CODE in BUFFER.
+" call tlib#buffer#Eval('foo.txt', 'echo b:bar')
+function! tlib#buffer#Eval(buffer, code) "{{{3
+ " let cb = bufnr('%')
+ " let wb = bufwinnr('%')
+ " " TLogVAR cb
+ " let sn = bufnr(a:buffer)
+ " let sb = sn != cb
+ let lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
+ set lazyredraw
+ let restore = tlib#buffer#Set(a:buffer)
+ try
+ exec a:code
+ " if sb
+ " let ws = bufwinnr(sn)
+ " if ws != -1
+ " try
+ " exec ws.'wincmd w'
+ " exec a:code
+ " finally
+ " exec wb.'wincmd w'
+ " endtry
+ " else
+ " try
+ " silent exec 'sbuffer! '. sn
+ " exec a:code
+ " finally
+ " wincmd c
+ " endtry
+ " endif
+ " else
+ " exec a:code
+ " endif
+ finally
+ exec restore
+ let &lazyredraw = lazyredraw
+ endtry
+" :def: function! tlib#buffer#GetList(?show_hidden=0, ?show_number=0, " ?order='bufnr')
+" Possible values for the "order" argument:
+" bufnr :: Default behaviour
+" mru :: Sort buffers according to most recent use
+" basename :: Sort by the file's basename (last component)
+" NOTE: MRU order works on second invocation only. If you want to always
+" use MRU order, call tlib#buffer#EnableMRU() in your ~/.vimrc file.
+function! tlib#buffer#GetList(...)
+ TVarArg ['show_hidden', 0], ['show_number', 0], ['order', '']
+ " TLogVAR show_hidden, show_number, order
+ let ls_bang = show_hidden ? '!' : ''
+ redir => bfs
+ exec 'silent ls'. ls_bang
+ redir END
+ let buffer_list = split(bfs, '\n')
+ if order == 'mru'
+ if empty(s:bmru)
+ call tlib#buffer#EnableMRU()
+ echom 'tlib: Installed Buffer MRU logger; disable with: call tlib#buffer#DisableMRU()'
+ else
+ call sort(buffer_list, function('s:CompareBufferNrByMRU'))
+ endif
+ elseif order == 'basename'
+ call sort(buffer_list, function('s:CompareBuffernameByBasename'))
+ endif
+ let buffer_nr = map(copy(buffer_list), 'str2nr(matchstr(v:val, ''\s*\zs\d\+\ze''))')
+ " TLogVAR buffer_list, buffer_nr
+ if show_number
+ call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^\s*\d\+.\{-}\ze\s\+\S\+ \d\+\s*$'')')
+ else
+ call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^\s*\d\+\zs.\{-}\ze\s\+\S\+ \d\+\s*$'')')
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR buffer_list
+ " call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^.\{-}\ze\s\+line \d\+\s*$'')')
+ " TLogVAR buffer_list
+ call map(buffer_list, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^[^"]\+''). printf("%-20s %s", fnamemodify(matchstr(v:val, ''"\zs.\{-}\ze"$''), ":t"), fnamemodify(matchstr(v:val, ''"\zs.\{-}\ze"$''), ":h"))')
+ " TLogVAR buffer_list
+ return [buffer_nr, buffer_list]
+" :def: function! tlib#buffer#ViewLine(line, ?position='z')
+" line is either a number or a string that begins with a number.
+" For possible values for position see |scroll-cursor|.
+" See also |g:tlib_viewline_position|.
+function! tlib#buffer#ViewLine(line, ...) "{{{3
+ if a:line
+ TVarArg 'pos'
+ let ln = matchstr(a:line, '^\d\+')
+ let lt = matchstr(a:line, '^\d\+: \zs.*')
+ " TLogVAR pos, ln, lt
+ exec ln
+ if empty(pos)
+ let pos = tlib#var#Get('tlib_viewline_position', 'wbg')
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR pos
+ if !empty(pos)
+ exec 'norm! '. pos
+ endif
+ call tlib#buffer#HighlightLine(ln)
+ " let @/ = '\%'. ln .'l.*'
+ endif
+function! s:UndoHighlightLine() "{{{3
+ 2match none
+ autocmd! TLib CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer>
+ autocmd! TLib CursorHold,CursorHoldI <buffer>
+ autocmd! TLib InsertEnter,InsertChange,InsertLeave <buffer>
+ autocmd! TLib BufLeave,BufWinLeave,WinLeave,BufHidden <buffer>
+function! tlib#buffer#HighlightLine(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['line', line('.')]
+ " exec '2match MatchParen /^\%'. a:line .'l.*/'
+ exec '2match Search /^\%'. line .'l.*/'
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ exec 'autocmd TLib CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer> if line(".") != '. line .' | call s:UndoHighlightLine() | endif'
+ autocmd TLib CursorHold,CursorHoldI <buffer> call s:UndoHighlightLine()
+ autocmd TLib InsertEnter <buffer> call s:UndoHighlightLine()
+ " autocmd TLib BufLeave,BufWinLeave,WinLeave,BufHidden <buffer> call s:UndoHighlightLine()
+" Delete the lines in the current buffer. Wrapper for |:delete|.
+function! tlib#buffer#DeleteRange(line1, line2) "{{{3
+ let r = @t
+ try
+ exec a:line1.','.a:line2.'delete t'
+ finally
+ let @t = r
+ endtry
+" Replace a range of lines.
+function! tlib#buffer#ReplaceRange(line1, line2, lines)
+ call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange(a:line1, a:line2)
+ call append(a:line1 - 1, a:lines)
+" Initialize some scratch area at the bottom of the current buffer.
+function! tlib#buffer#ScratchStart() "{{{3
+ norm! Go
+ let b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch = line('$')
+ return b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch
+" Remove the in-buffer scratch area.
+function! tlib#buffer#ScratchEnd() "{{{3
+ if !exists('b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch')
+ echoerr 'tlib: In-buffer scratch not initalized'
+ endif
+ call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange(b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch, line('$'))
+ unlet b:tlib_inbuffer_scratch
+" Run exec on all buffers via bufdo and return to the original buffer.
+function! tlib#buffer#BufDo(exec) "{{{3
+ let bn = bufnr('%')
+ exec 'bufdo '. a:exec
+ exec 'buffer! '. bn
+" :def: function! tlib#buffer#InsertText(text, keyargs)
+" Keyargs:
+" 'shift': 0|N
+" 'col': col('.')|N
+" 'lineno': line('.')|N
+" 'indent': 0|1
+" 'pos': 'e'|'s' ... Where to locate the cursor (somewhat like s and e in {offset})
+" Insert text (a string) in the buffer.
+function! tlib#buffer#InsertText(text, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['keyargs', {}]
+ " TLogVAR a:text, keyargs
+ let keyargs = extend({
+ \ 'shift': 0, 'col': col('.'), 'lineno': line('.'), 'pos': 'e', 'indent': 0
+ \ }, keyargs)
+ " TLogVAR keyargs
+ let grow = 0
+ let post_del_last_line = line('$') == 1
+ let line = getline(keyargs.lineno)
+ if keyargs.col + keyargs.shift > 0
+ let pre = line[0 : (keyargs.col - 1 + keyargs.shift)]
+ let post = line[(keyargs.col + keyargs.shift): -1]
+ else
+ let pre = ''
+ let post = line
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR keyargs.lineno, line, pre, post
+ let text0 = pre . a:text . post
+ let text = split(text0, '\n', 1)
+ " TLogVAR text
+ let icol = len(pre)
+ " exec 'norm! '. keyargs.lineno .'G'
+ call cursor(keyargs.lineno, keyargs.col)
+ if keyargs.indent && keyargs.col > 1
+ if &fo =~# '[or]'
+ " FIXME: Is the simple version sufficient?
+ " " This doesn't work because it's not guaranteed that the
+ " " cursor is set.
+ " let cline = getline('.')
+ " norm! a
+ " "norm! o
+ " " TAssertExec redraw | sleep 3
+ " let idt = strpart(getline('.'), 0, keyargs.col('.') + keyargs.shift)
+ " " TLogVAR idt
+ " let idtl = len(idt)
+ " -1,.delete
+ " " TAssertExec redraw | sleep 3
+ " call append(keyargs.lineno - 1, cline)
+ " call cursor(keyargs.lineno, keyargs.col)
+ " " TAssertExec redraw | sleep 3
+ " if idtl == 0 && icol != 0
+ " let idt = matchstr(pre, '^\s\+')
+ " let idtl = len(idt)
+ " endif
+ let idt = matchstr(pre, '^\s\+')
+ let idtl = len(idt)
+ else
+ let [m_0, idt, iline; rest] = matchlist(pre, '^\(\s*\)\(.*\)$')
+ let idtl = len(idt)
+ endif
+ if idtl < icol
+ let idt .= repeat(' ', icol - idtl)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR idt
+ let idtl1 = len(idt)
+ for i in range(1, len(text) - 1)
+ let text[i] = idt . text[i]
+ let grow += idtl1
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR text
+ " exec 'norm! '. keyargs.lineno .'Gdd'
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('"tdd', 't')
+ call append(keyargs.lineno - 1, text)
+ if post_del_last_line
+ call tlib#buffer#KeepCursorPosition('$delete')
+ endif
+ let tlen = len(text)
+ let posshift = matchstr(keyargs.pos, '\d\+')
+ " TLogVAR keyargs.pos
+ if keyargs.pos =~ '^e'
+ exec keyargs.lineno + tlen - 1
+ exec 'norm! 0'. (len(text[-1]) - len(post) + posshift - 1) .'l'
+ elseif keyargs.pos =~ '^s'
+ " TLogVAR keyargs.lineno, pre, posshift
+ exec keyargs.lineno
+ exec 'norm! '. len(pre) .'|'
+ if !empty(posshift)
+ exec 'norm! '. posshift .'h'
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogDBG getline(keyargs.lineno)
+ " TLogDBG string(getline(1, '$'))
+ return grow
+function! tlib#buffer#InsertText0(text, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['keyargs', {}]
+ let mode = get(keyargs, 'mode', 'i')
+ " TLogVAR mode
+ if !has_key(keyargs, 'shift')
+ let col = col('.')
+ " if mode =~ 'i'
+ " let col += 1
+ " endif
+ let keyargs.shift = col >= col('$') ? 0 : -1
+ " let keyargs.shift = col('.') >= col('$') ? 0 : -1
+ " TLogVAR col
+ " TLogDBG col('.') .'-'. col('$') .': '. string(getline('.'))
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR keyargs.shift
+ return tlib#buffer#InsertText(a:text, keyargs)
+function! tlib#buffer#CurrentByte() "{{{3
+ return line2byte(line('.')) + col('.')
+" Evaluate cmd while maintaining the cursor position and jump registers.
+function! tlib#buffer#KeepCursorPosition(cmd) "{{{3
+ " let pos = getpos('.')
+ let view = winsaveview()
+ try
+ keepjumps exec a:cmd
+ finally
+ " call setpos('.', pos)
+ call winrestview(view)
+ endtry
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cache.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cache.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0f59f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cache.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+" cache.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2007-06-30.
+" @Last Change: 2015-11-26.
+" @Revision: 35.1.243
+" The cache directory. If empty, use |tlib#dir#MyRuntime|.'/cache'.
+" You might want to delete old files from this directory from time to
+" time with a command like: >
+" find ~/vimfiles/cache/ -atime +31 -type f -print -delete
+TLet g:tlib_cache = ''
+" |tlib#cache#Purge()|: Remove cache files older than N days.
+TLet g:tlib#cache#purge_days = 31
+" Purge the cache every N days. Disable automatic purging by setting
+" this value to a negative value.
+TLet g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days = 31
+" The encoding used for the purge-cache script.
+" Default: 'enc'
+TLet g:tlib#cache#script_encoding = &enc
+" Whether to run the directory removal script:
+" 0 ... No
+" 1 ... Query user
+" 2 ... Yes
+TLet g:tlib#cache#run_script = 1
+" Verbosity level:
+" 0 ... Be quiet
+" 1 ... Display informative message
+" 2 ... Display detailed messages
+TLet g:tlib#cache#verbosity = 1
+" A list of regexps that are matched against partial filenames of the
+" cached files. If a regexp matches, the file won't be removed by
+" |tlib#cache#Purge()|.
+TLet g:tlib#cache#dont_purge = ['[\/]\.last_purge$']
+" If the cache filename is longer than N characters, use
+" |pathshorten()|.
+TLet g:tlib#cache#max_filename = 200
+let s:cache = {}
+" :display: tlib#cache#Dir(?mode = 'bg')
+" The default cache directory.
+function! tlib#cache#Dir(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['mode', 'bg']
+ let dir = tlib#var#Get('tlib_cache', mode)
+ if empty(dir)
+ let dir = tlib#file#Join([tlib#dir#MyRuntime(), 'cache'])
+ endif
+ return dir
+" :def: function! tlib#cache#Filename(type, ?file=%, ?mkdir=0, ?dir='')
+function! tlib#cache#Filename(type, ...) "{{{3
+ " TLogDBG 'bufname='. bufname('.')
+ let dir0 = a:0 >= 3 && !empty(a:3) ? a:3 : tlib#cache#Dir()
+ let dir = dir0
+ if a:0 >= 1 && !empty(a:1)
+ let file = a:1
+ else
+ if empty(expand('%:t'))
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let file = expand('%:p')
+ let file = tlib#file#Relative(file, tlib#file#Join([dir, '..']))
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR file, dir
+ let mkdir = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0
+ let file = substitute(file, '\.\.\|[:&<>]\|//\+\|\\\\\+', '_', 'g')
+ let dirs = [dir, a:type]
+ let dirf = fnamemodify(file, ':h')
+ if dirf != '.'
+ call add(dirs, dirf)
+ endif
+ let dir = tlib#file#Join(dirs)
+ " TLogVAR dir
+ let dir = tlib#dir#PlainName(dir)
+ " TLogVAR dir
+ let file = fnamemodify(file, ':t')
+ " TLogVAR file, dir, mkdir
+ let cache_file = tlib#file#Join([dir, file])
+ if len(cache_file) > g:tlib#cache#max_filename
+ if v:version >= 704
+ let shortfilename = pathshorten(file) .'_'. sha256(file)
+ else
+ let shortfilename = pathshorten(file) .'_'. tlib#hash#Adler32(file)
+ endif
+ let cache_file = tlib#cache#Filename(a:type, shortfilename, mkdir, dir0)
+ else
+ if mkdir && !isdirectory(dir)
+ try
+ call mkdir(dir, 'p')
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E739:/
+ if filereadable(dir) && !isdirectory(dir)
+ echoerr 'TLib: Cannot create directory for cache file because a file with the same name exists (please delete it):' dir
+ " call delete(dir)
+ " call mkdir(dir, 'p')
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR cache_file
+ return cache_file
+let s:timestamps = {}
+function! s:SetTimestamp(cfile, type) "{{{3
+ if !has_key(s:timestamps, a:cfile)
+ let s:timestamps[a:cfile] = {}
+ endif
+ let s:timestamps[a:cfile].atime = getftime(a:cfile)
+ let s:timestamps[a:cfile][a:type] = s:timestamps[a:cfile].atime
+function! tlib#cache#Save(cfile, dictionary, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['options', {}]
+ let in_memory = get(options, 'in_memory', 0)
+ if in_memory
+ " TLogVAR in_memory, a:cfile, localtime()
+ let s:cache[a:cfile] = {'mtime': localtime(), 'data': a:dictionary}
+ elseif !empty(a:cfile)
+ " TLogVAR a:dictionary
+ call writefile([string(a:dictionary)], a:cfile, 'b')
+ call s:SetTimestamp(a:cfile, 'write')
+ endif
+function! tlib#cache#MTime(cfile) "{{{3
+ let mtime = {'mtime': getftime(a:cfile)}
+ let mtime = extend(mtime, get(s:timestamps, a:cfile, {}))
+ return mtime
+function! tlib#cache#Get(cfile, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['default', {}], ['options', {}]
+ let in_memory = get(options, 'in_memory', 0)
+ if in_memory
+ " TLogVAR in_memory, a:cfile
+ return get(get(s:cache, a:cfile, {}), 'data', default)
+ else
+ call tlib#cache#MaybePurge()
+ if !empty(a:cfile) && filereadable(a:cfile)
+ let val = readfile(a:cfile, 'b')
+ call s:SetTimestamp(a:cfile, 'read')
+ return eval(join(val, "\n"))
+ else
+ return default
+ endif
+ endif
+" :display: tlib#cache#Value(cfile, generator, ftime, ?generator_args=[], ?options={})
+" Get a cached value from cfile. If it is outdated (compared to ftime)
+" or does not exist, create it calling a generator function.
+function! tlib#cache#Value(cfile, generator, ftime, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['args', []], ['options', {}]
+ let in_memory = get(options, 'in_memory', 0)
+ if in_memory
+ let not_found = !has_key(s:cache, a:cfile)
+ let cftime = not_found ? -1 : s:cache[a:cfile].mtime
+ else
+ let cftime = getftime(a:cfile)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR in_memory, cftime
+ if cftime == -1 || (a:ftime != 0 && cftime < a:ftime)
+ " TLogVAR a:generator, args
+ let val = call(a:generator, args)
+ " TLogVAR val
+ let cval = {'val': val}
+ " TLogVAR cval
+ call tlib#cache#Save(a:cfile, cval, options)
+ return val
+ else
+ let val = tlib#cache#Get(a:cfile, {}, options)
+ if !has_key(val, 'val')
+ throw 'tlib#cache#Value: Internal error: '. a:cfile
+ else
+ return val.val
+ endif
+ endif
+" Call |tlib#cache#Purge()| if the last purge was done before
+" |g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days|.
+function! tlib#cache#MaybePurge() "{{{3
+ if g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days < 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let dir = tlib#cache#Dir('g')
+ let last_purge = tlib#file#Join([dir, '.last_purge'])
+ let last_purge_exists = filereadable(last_purge)
+ if last_purge_exists
+ let threshold = localtime() - g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days * g:tlib#date#dayshift
+ let should_purge = getftime(last_purge) < threshold
+ else
+ let should_purge = 0 " should ignore empty dirs, like the tmru one: !empty(glob(tlib#file#Join([dir, '**'])))
+ endif
+ if should_purge
+ if last_purge_exists
+ let yn = 'y'
+ else
+ let txt = "TLib: The cache directory '". dir ."' should be purged of old files.\nDelete files older than ". g:tlib#cache#purge_days ." days now?"
+ let yn = tlib#input#Dialog(txt, ['yes', 'no'], 'no')
+ endif
+ if yn =~ '^y\%[es]$'
+ call tlib#cache#Purge()
+ else
+ let g:tlib#cache#purge_every_days = -1
+ if !last_purge_exists
+ call s:PurgeTimestamp(dir)
+ endif
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom "TLib: Please run :call tlib#cache#Purge() to clean up ". dir
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ elseif !last_purge_exists
+ call s:PurgeTimestamp(dir)
+ endif
+" Delete old files.
+function! tlib#cache#Purge() "{{{3
+ let threshold = localtime() - g:tlib#cache#purge_days * g:tlib#date#dayshift
+ let dir = tlib#cache#Dir('g')
+ if g:tlib#cache#verbosity >= 1
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom "TLib: Delete files older than ". g:tlib#cache#purge_days ." days from ". dir
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ let files = tlib#cache#ListFilesInCache()
+ let deldir = []
+ let newer = []
+ let msg = []
+ let more = &more
+ set nomore
+ try
+ for file in files
+ if isdirectory(file)
+ if empty(filter(copy(newer), 'strpart(v:val, 0, len(file)) ==# file'))
+ call add(deldir, file)
+ endif
+ else
+ if getftime(file) < threshold
+ if delete(file)
+ call add(msg, "TLib: Could not delete cache file: ". file)
+ elseif g:tlib#cache#verbosity >= 2
+ call add(msg, "TLib: Delete cache file: ". file)
+ endif
+ else
+ call add(newer, file)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ finally
+ let &more = more
+ endtry
+ if !empty(msg) && g:tlib#cache#verbosity >= 1
+ echo join(msg, "\n")
+ endif
+ if !empty(deldir)
+ if &shell =~ 'sh\(\.exe\)\?$'
+ let scriptfile = 'deldir.sh'
+ let rmdir = 'rm -rf %s'
+ else
+ let scriptfile = 'deldir.bat'
+ let rmdir = 'rmdir /S /Q %s'
+ endif
+ let enc = g:tlib#cache#script_encoding
+ if has('multi_byte') && enc != &enc
+ call map(deldir, 'iconv(v:val, &enc, enc)')
+ endif
+ let scriptfile = tlib#file#Join([dir, scriptfile])
+ if filereadable(scriptfile)
+ let script = readfile(scriptfile)
+ else
+ let script = []
+ endif
+ let script += map(copy(deldir), 'printf(rmdir, shellescape(v:val, 1))')
+ let script = tlib#list#Uniq(script)
+ call writefile(script, scriptfile)
+ call inputsave()
+ if g:tlib#cache#run_script == 0
+ if g:tlib#cache#verbosity >= 1
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ if g:tlib#cache#verbosity >= 2
+ echom "TLib: Purged cache. Need to run script to delete directories"
+ endif
+ echom "TLib: Please review and execute: ". scriptfile
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ else
+ try
+ let yn = g:tlib#cache#run_script == 2 ? 'y' : tlib#input#Dialog("TLib: About to delete directories by means of a shell script.\nDirectory removal script: ". scriptfile ."\nRun script to delete directories now?", ['yes', 'no', 'edit'], 'no')
+ if yn =~ '^y\%[es]$'
+ exec 'silent cd '. fnameescape(dir)
+ exec '! ' &shell shellescape(scriptfile, 1)
+ exec 'silent cd -'
+ call delete(scriptfile)
+ elseif yn =~ '^e\%[dit]$'
+ exec 'edit '. fnameescape(scriptfile)
+ endif
+ finally
+ call inputrestore()
+ endtry
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:PurgeTimestamp(dir)
+function! s:PurgeTimestamp(dir) "{{{3
+ let last_purge = tlib#file#Join([a:dir, '.last_purge'])
+ " TLogVAR last_purge
+ call writefile([" "], last_purge)
+function! tlib#cache#ListFilesInCache(...) "{{{3
+ let dir = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : tlib#cache#Dir('g')
+ if v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has('patch51'))
+ let filess = glob(tlib#file#Join([dir, '**']), 1)
+ else
+ let filess = glob(tlib#file#Join([dir, '**']))
+ endif
+ let files = reverse(split(filess, '\n'))
+ let pos0 = len(tlib#dir#CanonicName(dir))
+ call filter(files, 's:ShouldPurge(strpart(v:val, pos0))')
+ return files
+function! s:ShouldPurge(partial_filename) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:partial_filename
+ for rx in g:tlib#cache#dont_purge
+ if a:partial_filename =~ rx
+ " TLogVAR a:partial_filename, rx
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 1
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/char.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/char.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3d2cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/char.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 38
+" :def: function! tlib#char#Get(?timeout=0)
+" Get a character.
+" echo tlib#char#Get()
+" echo tlib#char#Get(5)
+function! tlib#char#Get(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['timeout', 0], ['resolution', 0], ['getmod', 0]
+ let char = -1
+ let mode = 0
+ if timeout == 0 || !has('reltime')
+ let char = getchar()
+ else
+ let char = tlib#char#GetWithTimeout(timeout, resolution)
+ endif
+ if getmod
+ if char != -1
+ let mode = getcharmod()
+ endif
+ return [char, mode]
+ else
+ return char
+ endif
+function! tlib#char#IsAvailable() "{{{3
+ let ch = getchar(1)
+ return type(ch) == 0 && ch != 0
+function! tlib#char#GetWithTimeout(timeout, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['resolution', 2]
+ " TLogVAR a:timeout, resolution
+ let start = tlib#time#MSecs()
+ while 1
+ let c = getchar(0)
+ if type(c) != 0 || c != 0
+ return c
+ else
+ let now = tlib#time#MSecs()
+ let diff = tlib#time#DiffMSecs(now, start, resolution)
+ " TLogVAR diff
+ if diff > a:timeout
+ return -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwh
+ return -1
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f65a237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 58
+let g:tlib#cmd#last_output = []
+function! tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(command) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:command
+ if exists('s:redir_lines')
+ redir END
+ let cache = s:redir_lines
+ endif
+ let s:redir_lines = ''
+ redir =>> s:redir_lines
+ silent! exec a:command
+ redir END
+ let g:tlib#cmd#last_output = split(s:redir_lines, '\n')
+ unlet s:redir_lines
+ if exists('cache')
+ let s:redir_lines = cache
+ redir =>> s:redir_lines
+ endif
+ return g:tlib#cmd#last_output
+" See |:TBrowseOutput|.
+function! tlib#cmd#BrowseOutput(command) "{{{3
+ call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback("tlib#cmd#DefaultBrowseOutput", a:command)
+" :def: function! tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback(callback, command)
+" Execute COMMAND and present its output in a |tlib#input#List()|;
+" when a line is selected, execute the function named as the CALLBACK
+" and pass in that line as an argument.
+" The CALLBACK function gives you an opportunity to massage the COMMAND output
+" and possibly act on it in a meaningful way. For example, if COMMAND listed
+" all URIs found in the current buffer, CALLBACK could validate and then open
+" the selected URI in the system's default browser.
+" This function is meant to be a tool to help compose the implementations of
+" powerful commands that use |tlib#input#List()| as a common interface. See
+" |TBrowseScriptnames| as an example.
+" call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback('tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname', 'scriptnames')
+function! tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback(callback, command) "{{{3
+ let list = tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(a:command)
+ let cmds = tlib#input#List('m', 'Output of: '. a:command, list)
+ if !empty(cmds)
+ for cmd in cmds
+ let Callback = function(a:callback)
+ call call(Callback, [cmd])
+ endfor
+ endif
+function! tlib#cmd#DefaultBrowseOutput(cmd) "{{{3
+ call feedkeys(':'. a:cmd)
+function! tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname(line) "{{{3
+ " let parsedValue = substitute(a:line, '^.\{-}\/', '/', '')
+ let parsedValue = matchstr(a:line, '^\s*\d\+:\s*\zs.*$')
+ exe 'drop '. fnameescape(parsedValue)
+function! tlib#cmd#TBrowseScriptnames() abort "{{{3
+ call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback("tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname", "scriptnames")
+" :def: function! tlib#cmd#UseVertical(?rx='')
+" Look at the history whether the command was called with vertical. If
+" an rx is provided check first if the last entry in the history matches
+" this rx.
+function! tlib#cmd#UseVertical(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['rx']
+ let h0 = histget(':')
+ let rx0 = '\C\<vert\%[ical]\>\s\+'
+ if !empty(rx)
+ let rx0 .= '.\{-}'.rx
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR h0, rx0
+ return h0 =~ rx0
+" Print the time in seconds or milliseconds (if your version of VIM
+" has |+reltime|) a command takes.
+function! tlib#cmd#Time(cmd) "{{{3
+ if has('reltime')
+ let start = tlib#time#Now()
+ exec a:cmd
+ let end = tlib#time#Now()
+ let diff = string(tlib#time#Diff(end, start)) .'ms'
+ else
+ let start = localtime()
+ exec a:cmd
+ let diff = (localtime() - start) .'s'
+ endif
+ echom 'Time: '. diff .': '. a:cmd
+function! tlib#cmd#Capture(cmd) "{{{3
+ redir => s
+ silent exec a:cmd
+ redir END
+ return s
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/comments.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/comments.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..879cde1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/comments.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 25
+" function! tlib#comments#Comments(?rx='')
+function! tlib#comments#Comments(...)
+ TVarArg ['rx', '']
+ let comments = {}
+ let co = &comments
+ while !empty(co)
+ " TLogVAR co
+ let [m_0, m_key, m_val, m_val1, co0, co; rest] = matchlist(co, '^\([^:]*\):\(\(\\.\|[^,]*\)\+\)\(,\(.*\)$\|$\)')
+ " TLogVAR m_key, m_val, co
+ if empty(m_key)
+ let m_key = ':'
+ endif
+ if empty(rx) || m_key =~ rx
+ let comments[m_key] = m_val
+ endif
+ endwh
+ return comments
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/date.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/date.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8268424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/date.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+" date.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2010-03-25.
+" @Last Change: 2016-06-06.
+" @Revision: 41.0.34
+if !exists('g:tlib#date#ShortDatePrefix') | let g:tlib#date#ShortDatePrefix = '20' | endif "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#date#TimeZoneShift') | let g:tlib#date#TimeZoneShift = 0 | endif "{{{2
+let g:tlib#date#dayshift = 60 * 60 * 24
+" let g:tlib#date#date_rx = '\<\(\d\{4}\)-\(\d\d\)-\(\d\d\)\%(\s\+\(\(\d\d\):\(\d\d\)\)\)\?\>'
+let g:tlib#date#date_rx = '\<\(\d\{4}\)-\(\d\d\)-\(\d\d\)\>'
+let g:tlib#date#date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
+function! tlib#date#IsDate(text) abort "{{{3
+ return a:text =~# '^'. g:tlib#date#date_rx .'$' &&
+ \ !empty(tlib#date#Parse(a:text, 0, 1))
+function! tlib#date#Format(...) abort "{{{3
+ let secs1970 = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : localtime()
+ return strftime(g:tlib#date#date_format, secs1970)
+" :display: tlib#date#DiffInDays(date1, ?date2=localtime(), ?allow_zero=0)
+function! tlib#date#DiffInDays(date, ...)
+ let allow_zero = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0
+ let s0 = tlib#date#SecondsSince1970(a:date, 0, allow_zero)
+ let s1 = a:0 >= 1 ? tlib#date#SecondsSince1970(a:1, 0, allow_zero) : localtime()
+ let dd = (s0 - s1) / g:tlib#date#dayshift
+ " TLogVAR dd
+ return dd
+" :display: tlib#date#Parse(date, ?allow_zero=0, ?silent=0) "{{{3
+function! tlib#date#Parse(date, ...) "{{{3
+ let min = a:0 >= 1 && a:1 ? 0 : 1
+ let silent = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0
+ " TLogVAR a:date, min
+ let m = matchlist(a:date, '^\(\d\{2}\|\d\{4}\)-\(\d\{1,2}\)-\(\d\{1,2}\)$')
+ if !empty(m)
+ let year = m[1]
+ let month = m[2]
+ let days = m[3]
+ else
+ let m = matchlist(a:date, '^\(\d\+\)/\(\d\{1,2}\)/\(\d\{1,2}\)$')
+ if !empty(m)
+ let year = m[1]
+ let month = m[3]
+ let days = m[2]
+ else
+ let m = matchlist(a:date, '^\(\d\{1,2}\)\.\s*\(\d\{1,2}\)\.\s*\(\d\d\{2}\|\d\{4}\)$')
+ if !empty(m)
+ let year = m[3]
+ let month = m[2]
+ let days = m[1]
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if empty(m) || year == '' || month == '' || days == '' ||
+ \ month < min || month > 12 || days < min || days > 31
+ if !silent
+ echoerr 'TLib: Invalid date: '. a:date
+ endif
+ return []
+ endif
+ if strlen(year) == 2
+ let year = g:tlib#date#ShortDatePrefix . year
+ endif
+ return [0 + year, 0 + month, 0 + days]
+" tlib#date#SecondsSince1970(date, ?daysshift=0, ?allow_zero=0)
+function! tlib#date#SecondsSince1970(date, ...) "{{{3
+ let allow_zero = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0
+ " TLogVAR a:date, allow_zero
+ let date = tlib#date#Parse(a:date, allow_zero)
+ if empty(date)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let [year, month, days] = date
+ if a:0 >= 1 && a:1 > 0
+ let days = days + a:1
+ end
+ let days_passed = days
+ let i = 1970
+ while i < year
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 365
+ if i % 4 == 0 || i == 2000
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 1
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwh
+ let i = 1
+ while i < month
+ if i == 1
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 31
+ elseif i == 2
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 28
+ if year % 4 == 0 || year == 2000
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 1
+ endif
+ elseif i == 3
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 31
+ elseif i == 4
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 30
+ elseif i == 5
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 31
+ elseif i == 6
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 30
+ elseif i == 7
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 31
+ elseif i == 8
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 31
+ elseif i == 9
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 30
+ elseif i == 10
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 31
+ elseif i == 11
+ let days_passed = days_passed + 30
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwh
+ let seconds = (days_passed - 1) * 24 * 60 * 60
+ let seconds = seconds + (strftime('%H') + g:tlib#date#TimeZoneShift) * 60 * 60
+ let seconds = seconds + strftime('%M') * 60
+ let seconds = seconds + strftime('%S')
+ return seconds
+function! tlib#date#Shift(date, shift) abort "{{{3
+ let n = str2nr(matchstr(a:shift, '\d\+'))
+ let ml = matchlist(a:date, g:tlib#date#date_rx)
+ " TLogVAR a:date, a:shift, n, ml
+ if a:shift =~ 'd$'
+ let date = tlib#date#AddDays(a:date, n)
+ elseif a:shift =~ 'b$'
+ let n1 = n
+ let secs = tlib#date#SecondsSince1970(a:date)
+ while n1 > 0
+ let n1 -= 1
+ let secs += g:tlib#date#dayshift
+ let uday = strftime('%u', secs)
+ if uday == 6
+ let secs += g:tlib#date#dayshift * 2
+ elseif uday == 7
+ let secs += g:tlib#date#dayshift
+ endif
+ endwh
+ let date = tlib#date#Format(secs)
+ elseif a:shift =~ 'w$'
+ let date = tlib#date#AddDays(a:date, n * 7)
+ elseif a:shift =~ 'm$'
+ let d = str2nr(ml[3])
+ let ms = str2nr(ml[2]) + n
+ let m = (ms - 1) % 12 + 1
+ let yr = str2nr(ml[1]) + (ms - 1) / 12
+ let date = printf('%04d-%02d-%02d', yr, m, d)
+ " TLogVAR d, ms, m, yr, date
+ elseif a:shift =~ 'y$'
+ let yr = str2nr(ml[1]) + n
+ let date = substitute(a:date, '^\d\{4}', yr, '')
+ else
+ throw 'tlib#date#Shift: Unsupported arguments: '. string(a:shift)
+ endif
+ " if !empty(ml[4]) && date !~ '\s'. ml[4] .'$'
+ " let date .= ' '. ml[4]
+ " endif
+ " TLogVAR date
+ return date
+function! tlib#date#AddDays(date, n) abort "{{{3
+ let secs = tlib#date#SecondsSince1970(a:date) + g:tlib#date#dayshift * a:n
+ " TLogVAR secs
+ let date = tlib#date#Format(secs)
+ return date
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/dictionary.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/dictionary.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a778519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/dictionary.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: https://github.com/tomtom
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2016-04-06
+" @Revision: 22
+" :display: tlib#dictionary#Rev(dict, ?opts = {}) abort "{{{3
+function! tlib#dictionary#Rev(dict, ...) abort "{{{3
+ let opts = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
+ Tlibtype a:dict, 'dict', opts, 'dict'
+ let rev = {}
+ let use_string = get(opts, 'use_string', 0)
+ let use_eval = get(opts, 'use_eval', 0)
+ let values_as_list = get(opts, 'values_as_list', 0)
+ for [m, f] in items(a:dict)
+ if use_string
+ let k = string(f)
+ else
+ let k = type(f) == 1 ? f : string(f)
+ if k ==# ''
+ let k = get(opts, 'empty', '')
+ if empty(k)
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if use_eval
+ let v = eval(m)
+ else
+ let v = m
+ endif
+ if values_as_list
+ if has_key(rev, k)
+ call add(rev[k], v)
+ else
+ let rev[k] = [v]
+ endif
+ else
+ let rev[k] = v
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return rev
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/dir.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/dir.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0208107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/dir.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 43
+" TLet g:tlib#dir#sep = '/'
+TLet g:tlib#dir#sep = exists('+shellslash') && !&shellslash ? '\' : '/'
+let s:dir_stack = []
+" tlib#dir#CanonicName('foo/bar')
+" => 'foo/bar/'
+function! tlib#dir#CanonicName(dirname) "{{{3
+ let dirname = tlib#file#Canonic(a:dirname)
+ if dirname !~ '[/\\]$'
+ return dirname . g:tlib#dir#sep
+ endif
+ return dirname
+" tlib#dir#NativeName('foo/bar/')
+" On Windows:
+" => 'foo\bar\'
+" On Linux:
+" => 'foo/bar/'
+function! tlib#dir#NativeName(dirname) "{{{3
+ let sep = tlib#rx#EscapeReplace(g:tlib#dir#sep)
+ let dirname = substitute(a:dirname, '[\/]', sep, 'g')
+ return dirname
+" tlib#dir#PlainName('foo/bar/')
+" => 'foo/bar'
+function! tlib#dir#PlainName(dirname) "{{{3
+ let dirname = a:dirname
+ while index(['/', '\'], dirname[-1 : -1]) != -1
+ let dirname = dirname[0 : -2]
+ endwh
+ return dirname
+ " return substitute(a:dirname, tlib#rx#Escape(g:tlib#dir#sep).'\+$', '', '')
+" Create a directory if it doesn't already exist.
+function! tlib#dir#Ensure(dir) "{{{3
+ if !isdirectory(a:dir)
+ let dir = tlib#dir#PlainName(a:dir)
+ return mkdir(dir, 'p')
+ endif
+ return 1
+" Return the first directory in &rtp.
+function! tlib#dir#MyRuntime() "{{{3
+ return get(split(&rtp, ','), 0)
+" :def: function! tlib#dir#CD(dir, ?locally=0) => CWD
+function! tlib#dir#CD(dir, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['locally', haslocaldir()]
+ let cmd = locally ? 'lcd! ' : 'cd! '
+ " let cwd = getcwd()
+ let cmd .= tlib#arg#Ex(a:dir)
+ " TLogVAR a:dir, locally, cmd
+ exec 'silent' cmd
+ " return cwd
+ return getcwd()
+" :def: function! tlib#dir#Push(dir, ?locally=0) => CWD
+function! tlib#dir#Push(dir, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['locally', haslocaldir()]
+ call add(s:dir_stack, [getcwd(), locally])
+ return tlib#dir#CD(a:dir, locally)
+" :def: function! tlib#dir#Pop() => CWD
+function! tlib#dir#Pop() "{{{3
+ let [dir, locally] = remove(s:dir_stack, -1)
+ return tlib#dir#CD(dir, locally)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/eval.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/eval.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..117209e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/eval.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 56
+function! tlib#eval#FormatValue(value, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['indent', 0]
+ " TLogVAR a:value, indent
+ let indent1 = indent + 1
+ let indenti = repeat(' ', &sw)
+ let type = type(a:value)
+ let acc = []
+ if type == 0 || type == 1 || type == 2
+ " TLogDBG 'Use string() for type='. type
+ call add(acc, string(a:value))
+ elseif type == 3 "List
+ " TLogDBG 'List'
+ call add(acc, '[')
+ for e in a:value
+ call add(acc, printf('%s%s,', indenti, tlib#eval#FormatValue(e, indent1)))
+ unlet e
+ endfor
+ call add(acc, ']')
+ elseif type == 4 "Dictionary
+ " TLogDBG 'Dictionary'
+ call add(acc, '{')
+ let indent1 = indent + 1
+ for [k, v] in items(a:value)
+ call add(acc, printf("%s%s: %s,", indenti, string(k), tlib#eval#FormatValue(v, indent1)))
+ unlet k v
+ endfor
+ call add(acc, '}')
+ else
+ " TLogDBG 'Unknown type: '. string(a:value)
+ call add(acc, string(a:value))
+ endif
+ if indent > 0
+ let is = repeat(' ', indent * &sw)
+ for i in range(1,len(acc) - 1)
+ let acc[i] = is . acc[i]
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return join(acc, "\n")
+function! tlib#eval#Extend(a, b, ...) abort "{{{3
+ let mode = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'force'
+ if type(a:a) != type(a:b)
+ throw 'tlib#eval#Extend: Incompatible types: a='. string(a:a) .' b='. string(a:b)
+ elseif type(a:a) == 3 " list
+ return extend(a:a, a:b, mode)
+ elseif type(a:a) == 4 " dict
+ for k in keys(a:b)
+ if has_key(a:a, k)
+ if mode == 'force'
+ let a:a[k] = tlib#eval#Extend(copy(a:a[k]), a:b[k], mode)
+ elseif mode == 'error'
+ throw 'tlib#eval#Extend: Key already exists: '. k
+ endif
+ else
+ let a:a[k] = a:b[k]
+ endif
+ unlet! k
+ endfor
+ return a:a
+ else
+ return a:b
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/file.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/file.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ba044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/file.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 169
+if !exists('g:tlib#file#drop')
+ " If true, use |:drop| to edit loaded buffers (only available with GUI).
+ let g:tlib#file#drop = has('gui') "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#file#use_tabs')
+ let g:tlib#file#use_tabs = 0 "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#file#edit_cmds')
+ let g:tlib#file#edit_cmds = g:tlib#file#use_tabs ? {'buffer': 'tab split | buffer', 'edit': 'tabedit'} : {} "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#file#absolute_filename_rx')
+ let g:tlib#file#absolute_filename_rx = '^\~\?[\/]' "{{{2
+""" File related {{{1
+" For the following functions please see ../../test/tlib.vim for examples.
+" tlib#file#Split('foo/bar/filename.txt')
+" => ['foo', 'bar', 'filename.txt']
+function! tlib#file#Split(filename) "{{{3
+ let prefix = matchstr(a:filename, '^\(\w\+:\)\?/\+')
+ " TLogVAR prefix
+ if !empty(prefix)
+ let filename = a:filename[len(prefix) : -1]
+ else
+ let filename = a:filename
+ endif
+ let rv = split(filename, '[\/]')
+ " let rv = split(filename, '[\/]', 1)
+ if !empty(prefix)
+ call insert(rv, prefix[0:-2])
+ endif
+ return rv
+" :display: tlib#file#Join(filename_parts, ?strip_slashes=1, ?maybe_absolute=0)
+" tlib#file#Join(['foo', 'bar', 'filename.txt'])
+" => 'foo/bar/filename.txt'
+function! tlib#file#Join(filename_parts, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['strip_slashes', 1], 'maybe_absolute'
+ " TLogVAR a:filename_parts, strip_slashes
+ if maybe_absolute
+ let filename_parts = []
+ for part in a:filename_parts
+ if part =~ g:tlib#file#absolute_filename_rx
+ let filename_parts = []
+ endif
+ call add(filename_parts, part)
+ endfor
+ else
+ let filename_parts = a:filename_parts
+ endif
+ if strip_slashes
+ " let rx = tlib#rx#Escape(g:tlib#dir#sep) .'$'
+ let rx = '[/\\]\+$'
+ let parts = map(copy(filename_parts), 'substitute(v:val, rx, "", "")')
+ " TLogVAR parts
+ return join(parts, g:tlib#dir#sep)
+ else
+ return join(filename_parts, g:tlib#dir#sep)
+ endif
+" tlib#file#Relative('foo/bar/filename.txt', 'foo')
+" => 'bar/filename.txt'
+function! tlib#file#Relative(filename, basedir) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:filename, a:basedir
+ " TLogDBG getcwd()
+ " TLogDBG expand('%:p')
+ let b0 = tlib#file#Absolute(a:basedir)
+ let b = tlib#file#Split(b0)
+ " TLogVAR b
+ let f0 = tlib#file#Absolute(a:filename)
+ let fn = fnamemodify(f0, ':t')
+ let fd = fnamemodify(f0, ':h')
+ let f = tlib#file#Split(fd)
+ " TLogVAR f0, fn, fd, f
+ if f[0] != b[0]
+ let rv = f0
+ else
+ while !empty(f) && !empty(b)
+ if f[0] != b[0]
+ break
+ endif
+ call remove(f, 0)
+ call remove(b, 0)
+ endwh
+ " TLogVAR f, b
+ let rv = tlib#file#Join(repeat(['..'], len(b)) + f + [fn])
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ return rv
+function! tlib#file#IsAbsolute(filename) "{{{3
+ return a:filename =~? '^\%(/\|\w\+:/\)'
+function! tlib#file#Absolute(filename, ...) "{{{3
+ if filereadable(a:filename)
+ let filename = fnamemodify(a:filename, ':p')
+ elseif a:filename =~ '^\(/\|[^\/]\+:\)'
+ let filename = a:filename
+ else
+ let cwd = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : getcwd()
+ let filename = tlib#file#Join([cwd, a:filename])
+ endif
+ let filename = substitute(filename, '\(^\|[\/]\)\zs\.[\/]', '', 'g')
+ let filename = substitute(filename, '[\/]\zs[^\/]\+[\/]\.\.[\/]', '', 'g')
+ return filename
+function! tlib#file#Canonic(filename, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['mode', '']
+ if a:filename =~ '^\\\\'
+ let mode = 'windows'
+ elseif a:filename =~ '^\(file\|ftp\|http\)s\?:'
+ let mode = 'url'
+ elseif (empty(mode) && g:tlib#sys#windows)
+ let mode = 'windows'
+ endif
+ let filename = a:filename
+ if mode == 'windows'
+ let filename = substitute(filename, '/', '\\', 'g')
+ else
+ let filename = substitute(filename, '\\', '/', 'g')
+ endif
+ return filename
+function! s:SetScrollBind(world) "{{{3
+ let sb = get(a:world, 'scrollbind', &scrollbind)
+ if sb != &scrollbind
+ let &scrollbind = sb
+ endif
+" :def: function! tlib#file#With(fcmd, bcmd, files, ?world={})
+function! tlib#file#With(fcmd, bcmd, files, ...) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:fcmd, a:bcmd, a:files
+ exec tlib#arg#Let([['world', {}]])
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ augroup TLibFileRead
+ autocmd!
+ augroup END
+ for f in a:files
+ let bn = bufnr('^'.f.'$')
+ " TLogVAR f, bn
+ let bufloaded = bufloaded(bn)
+ let ok = 0
+ let s:bufread = ""
+ if bn != -1 && buflisted(bn)
+ if !empty(a:bcmd)
+ " TLogDBG a:bcmd .' '. bn
+ exec a:bcmd .' '. bn
+ let ok = 1
+ call s:SetScrollBind(world)
+ endif
+ else
+ if filereadable(f)
+ if !empty(a:fcmd)
+ " TLogDBG a:fcmd .' '. tlib#arg#Ex(f)
+ exec 'autocmd TLibFileRead BufRead' escape(f, '\ ') 'let s:bufread=expand("<afile>:p")'
+ try
+ exec a:fcmd .' '. tlib#arg#Ex(f)
+ finally
+ exec 'autocmd! TLibFileRead BufRead'
+ endtry
+ let ok = 1
+ call s:SetScrollBind(world)
+ endif
+ else
+ echohl error
+ echom 'File not readable: '. f
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR ok, bufloaded, &filetype
+ if empty(s:bufread) && ok && !bufloaded && empty(&filetype)
+ doautocmd BufRead
+ endif
+ endfor
+ augroup! TLibFileRead
+ unlet! s:bufread
+ " TLogDBG "done"
+" Return 0 if the file isn't readable/doesn't exist.
+" Otherwise return 1.
+function! tlib#file#Edit(fileid) "{{{3
+ if type(a:fileid) == 0
+ let bn = a:fileid
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(bn), ':p')
+ else
+ let filename = fnamemodify(a:fileid, ':p')
+ let bn = bufnr(filename)
+ endif
+ if filename == expand('%:p')
+ return 1
+ else
+ " TLogVAR a:fileid, bn, filename, g:tlib#file#drop, filereadable(filename)
+ if bn != -1 && buflisted(bn)
+ if g:tlib#file#drop
+ " echom "DBG" get(g:tlib#file#edit_cmds, 'drop', 'drop') fnameescape(filename)
+ exec get(g:tlib#file#edit_cmds, 'drop', 'drop') fnameescape(filename)
+ else
+ " echom "DBG" get(g:tlib#file#edit_cmds, 'buffer', 'buffer') bn
+ exec get(g:tlib#file#edit_cmds, 'buffer', 'buffer') bn
+ endif
+ return 1
+ elseif filereadable(filename)
+ try
+ " let file = tlib#arg#Ex(filename)
+ " " TLogVAR file
+ " echom "DBG" get(g:tlib#file#edit_cmds, 'edit', 'edit') fnameescape(filename)
+ exec get(g:tlib#file#edit_cmds, 'edit', 'edit') fnameescape(filename)
+ catch /E325/
+ " swap file exists, let the user handle it
+ catch
+ echohl error
+ echom v:exception
+ echohl NONE
+ endtry
+ return 1
+ else
+ echom "TLIB: File not readable: " . filename
+ if filename != a:fileid
+ echom "TLIB: original filename: " . a:fileid
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 0
+if v:version > 704 || (v:version == 704 && has('patch279'))
+ function! tlib#file#Glob(pattern) abort "{{{3
+ return glob(a:pattern, 0, 1)
+ endf
+ function! tlib#file#Globpath(path, pattern) abort "{{{3
+ return globpath(a:path, a:pattern, 0, 1)
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! tlib#file#Glob(pattern) abort "{{{3
+ return split(glob(a:pattern), '\n')
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! tlib#file#Globpath(path, pattern) abort "{{{3
+ return split(globpath(a:path, a:pattern), '\n')
+ endf
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/fixes.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/fixes.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9247dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/fixes.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2013-02-22.
+" @Revision: 3
+function! tlib#fixes#Winpos() "{{{3
+ if has('gui_win32')
+ return 'winpos '. getwinposx() .' '. getwinposy()
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/grep.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/grep.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894b1ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/grep.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2013-10-16.
+" @Revision: 31
+function! tlib#grep#Do(cmd, rx, files) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:cmd, a:rx, a:files
+ let files = join(map(copy(a:files), 'tlib#arg#Ex(v:val, "")'), ' ')
+ let rx = '/'. escape(a:rx, '/') .'/j'
+ " TLogVAR rx, files
+ silent exec a:cmd rx files
+function! tlib#grep#LocList(rx, files) "{{{3
+ return tlib#grep#Do('noautocmd lvimgrep', a:rx, a:files)
+function! tlib#grep#QuickFixList(rx, files) "{{{3
+ return tlib#grep#Do('noautocmd vimgrep', a:rx, a:files)
+function! tlib#grep#List(rx, files) "{{{3
+ call setqflist([])
+ call tlib#grep#Do('noautocmd vimgrepadd', a:rx, a:files)
+ let qfl = getqflist()
+ " TLogVAR qfl
+ " try
+ silent! colder
+ " catch
+ " call setqflist([], 'r')
+ " endtry
+ return qfl
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/hash.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/hash.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c9ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/hash.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 276
+if !exists('g:tlib#hash#use_crc32')
+ let g:tlib#hash#use_crc32 = '' "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#hash#use_adler32')
+ let g:tlib#hash#use_adler32 = '' "{{{2
+function! tlib#hash#CRC32B(chars) "{{{3
+ if !empty(g:tlib#hash#use_crc32)
+ let use = g:tlib#hash#use_crc32
+ elseif has('ruby')
+ let use = 'ruby'
+ else
+ let use = 'vim'
+ endif
+ if exists('*tlib#hash#CRC32B_'. use)
+ return tlib#hash#CRC32B_{use}(a:chars)
+ else
+ throw "Unknown version of tlib#hash#CRC32B: ". use
+ endif
+function! tlib#hash#CRC32B_ruby(chars) "{{{3
+ if has('ruby')
+ let rv = ''
+ if !exists('s:loaded_ruby_zlib')
+ ruby require 'zlib'
+ let s:loaded_ruby_zlib = 1
+ endif
+ ruby VIM::command('let rv = "%08X"' % Zlib.crc32(VIM::evaluate("a:chars")))
+ return rv
+ else
+ throw "tlib#hash#CRC32B_ruby not supported in this version of vim"
+ endif
+function! tlib#hash#CRC32B_vim(chars) "{{{3
+ if !exists('s:crc_table')
+ let cfile = tlib#persistent#Filename('tlib', 'crc_table', 1)
+ let s:crc_table = tlib#persistent#Value(cfile, 'tlib#hash#CreateCrcTable', 0)
+ endif
+ let xFFFF_FFFF = repeat([1], 32)
+ let crc = tlib#bitwise#XOR([0], xFFFF_FFFF, 'bits')
+ for char in split(a:chars, '\zs')
+ let octet = char2nr(char)
+ let r1 = tlib#bitwise#ShiftRight(crc, 8)
+ let i0 = tlib#bitwise#AND(crc, xFFFF_FFFF, 'bits')
+ let i1 = tlib#bitwise#XOR(i0, octet, 'bits')
+ let i2 = tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(tlib#bitwise#AND(i1, 0xff, 'bits'))
+ let r2 = s:crc_table[i2]
+ let crc = tlib#bitwise#XOR(r1, r2, 'bits')
+ endfor
+ let crc = tlib#bitwise#XOR(crc, xFFFF_FFFF, 'bits')
+ let rv = tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(crc, 16)
+ if len(rv) < 8
+ let rv = repeat('0', 8 - len(rv)) . rv
+ endif
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+function! tlib#hash#CreateCrcTable() "{{{3
+ let sum = 0.0
+ for exponent in [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 23, 26, 32]
+ let exp = tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(repeat([0], 32 - exponent) + [1], 10.0)
+ let sum += exp
+ endfor
+ let divisor = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(sum)
+ let crc_table = []
+ for octet in range(256)
+ let remainder = tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(octet)
+ for i in range(8)
+ if get(remainder, i) != 0
+ let remainder = tlib#bitwise#XOR(remainder, tlib#bitwise#ShiftLeft(divisor, i), "bits")
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let remainder = tlib#bitwise#ShiftRight(remainder, 8)
+ call add(crc_table, remainder)
+ endfor
+ return crc_table
+function! tlib#hash#Adler32(chars) "{{{3
+ if !empty(g:tlib#hash#use_adler32)
+ let use = g:tlib#hash#use_adler32
+ elseif exists('*or')
+ let use = 'vim'
+ else
+ let use = 'tlib'
+ endif
+ if exists('*tlib#hash#Adler32_'. use)
+ return tlib#hash#Adler32_{use}(a:chars)
+ else
+ throw "Unknown version of tlib#hash#Adler32_: ". use
+ endif
+function! tlib#hash#Adler32_vim(chars) "{{{3
+ if exists('*or')
+ let mod_adler = 65521
+ let a = 1
+ let b = 0
+ for index in range(len(a:chars))
+ let c = char2nr(a:chars[index])
+ let a = (a + c) % mod_adler
+ let b = (b + a) % mod_adler
+ endfor
+ let bb = b * float2nr(pow(2, 16))
+ let checksum = or(bb, a)
+ " TLogVAR checksum, a, b, bb
+ return printf("%08X", checksum)
+ else
+ throw "TLIB: Vim version doesn't support bitwise or()"
+ endif
+function! tlib#hash#Adler32_tlib(chars) "{{{3
+ let mod_adler = 65521
+ let a = 1
+ let b = 0
+ for index in range(len(a:chars))
+ let c = char2nr(a:chars[index])
+ let a = (a + c) % mod_adler
+ let b = (b + a) % mod_adler
+ endfor
+ let bb = tlib#bitwise#ShiftLeft(tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(b), 16)
+ let checksum = tlib#bitwise#OR(bb, a, "bits")
+ return printf('%08s', tlib#bitwise#Bits2Num(checksum, 16))
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/hook.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/hook.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07d0504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/hook.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 11
+" :def: function! tlib#hook#Run(hook, ?dict={})
+" Execute dict[hook], w:{hook}, b:{hook}, or g:{hook} if existent.
+function! tlib#hook#Run(hook, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['dict', {}]
+ if has_key(dict, a:hook)
+ let hook = dict[a:hook]
+ else
+ let hook = tlib#var#Get(a:hook, 'wbg')
+ endif
+ if empty(hook)
+ return 0
+ else
+ let world = dict
+ exec hook
+ return 1
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/input.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/input.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f892b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/input.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1336 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 1366
+" :filedoc:
+" Input-related, select from a list etc.
+" If a list is bigger than this value, don't try to be smart when
+" selecting an item. Be slightly faster instead.
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib#input#sortprefs_threshold = 200
+" If a list contains more items, |tlib#input#List()| does not perform an
+" incremental "live search" but uses |input()| to query the user for a
+" filter. This is useful on slower machines or with very long lists.
+TLet g:tlib#input#livesearch_threshold = 1000
+" Determine how |tlib#input#List()| and related functions work.
+" Can be "glob", "cnf", "cnfd", "seq", or "fuzzy". See:
+" glob ... Like cnf but "*" and "?" (see |g:tlib#Filter_glob#seq|,
+" |g:tlib#Filter_glob#char|) are interpreted as glob-like
+" |wildcards| (this is the default method)
+" - Examples:
+" - "f*o" matches "fo", "fxo", and "fxxxoo", but doesn't match
+" "far".
+" - Otherwise it is a derivate of the cnf method (see below).
+" - See also |tlib#Filter_glob#New()|.
+" cnfd ... Like cnf but "." is interpreted as a wildcard, i.e. it is
+" expanded to "\.\{-}"
+" - A period character (".") acts as a wildcard as if ".\{-}" (see
+" |/\{-|) were entered.
+" - Examples:
+" - "f.o" matches "fo", "fxo", and "fxxxoo", but doesn't match
+" "far".
+" - Otherwise it is a derivate of the cnf method (see below).
+" - See also |tlib#Filter_cnfd#New()|.
+" cnf .... Match substrings
+" - A blank creates an AND conjunction, i.e. the next pattern has to
+" match too.
+" - A pipe character ("|") creates an OR conjunction, either this or
+" the next next pattern has to match.
+" - Patterns are very 'nomagic' |regexp| with a |\V| prefix.
+" - A pattern starting with "-" makes the filter exclude items
+" matching that pattern.
+" - Examples:
+" - "foo bar" matches items that contain the strings "foo" AND
+" "bar".
+" - "foo|bar boo|far" matches items that contain either ("foo" OR
+" "bar") AND ("boo" OR "far").
+" - See also |tlib#Filter_cnf#New()|.
+" seq .... Match sequences of characters
+" - |tlib#Filter_seq#New()|
+" fuzzy .. Match fuzzy character sequences
+" - |tlib#Filter_fuzzy#New()|
+TLet g:tlib#input#filter_mode = 'glob'
+" The highlight group to use for showing matches in the input list
+" window.
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib#input#higroup = 'IncSearch'
+" When 1, automatically select the last remaining item only if the list
+" had only one item to begin with.
+" When 2, automatically select a last remaining item after applying
+" any filters.
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib_pick_last_item = 1
+" :doc:
+" Keys for |tlib#input#List|~
+TLet g:tlib#input#and = ' '
+TLet g:tlib#input#or = '|'
+TLet g:tlib#input#not = '-'
+" When editing a list with |tlib#input#List|, typing these numeric chars
+" (as returned by getchar()) will select an item based on its index, not
+" based on its name. I.e. in the default setting, typing a "4" will
+" select the fourth item, not the item called "4".
+" In order to make keys 0-9 filter the items in the list and make
+" <m-[0-9]> select an item by its index, remove the keys 48 to 57 from
+" this dictionary.
+" Format: [KEY] = BASE ... the number is calculated as KEY - BASE.
+" :nodefault:
+TLet g:tlib#input#numeric_chars = {
+ \ 176: 176,
+ \ 177: 176,
+ \ 178: 176,
+ \ 179: 176,
+ \ 180: 176,
+ \ 181: 176,
+ \ 182: 176,
+ \ 183: 176,
+ \ 184: 176,
+ \ 185: 176,
+ \}
+ " \ 48: 48,
+ " \ 49: 48,
+ " \ 50: 48,
+ " \ 51: 48,
+ " \ 52: 48,
+ " \ 53: 48,
+ " \ 54: 48,
+ " \ 55: 48,
+ " \ 56: 48,
+ " \ 57: 48,
+" :nodefault:
+" The default key bindings for single-item-select list views.
+" This variable is best customized via the variable
+" g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s. If you want to use <c-j>, <c-k>
+" to move the cursor up and down, add these two lines to your |vimrc|
+" file:
+" let g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s = {
+" \ 10: 'tlib#agent#Down',
+" \ 11: 'tlib#agent#Up'
+" \ }
+TLet g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s = {
+ \ "\<PageUp>": 'tlib#agent#PageUp',
+ \ "\<PageDown>": 'tlib#agent#PageDown',
+ \ "\<Home>": 'tlib#agent#Home',
+ \ "\<End>": 'tlib#agent#End',
+ \ "\<Up>": 'tlib#agent#Up',
+ \ "\<Down>": 'tlib#agent#Down',
+ \ 9: 'tlib#agent#Complete',
+ \ "\<c-Up>": 'tlib#agent#UpN',
+ \ "\<c-Down>": 'tlib#agent#DownN',
+ \ "\<Left>": 'tlib#agent#ShiftLeft',
+ \ "\<Right>": 'tlib#agent#ShiftRight',
+ \ 18: 'tlib#agent#Reset',
+ \ 242: 'tlib#agent#Reset',
+ \ 17: 'tlib#agent#Input',
+ \ 241: 'tlib#agent#Input',
+ \ 27: 'tlib#agent#Exit',
+ \ 26: 'tlib#agent#Suspend',
+ \ 250: 'tlib#agent#Suspend',
+ \ 15: 'tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow',
+ \ "\<F1>": 'tlib#agent#Help',
+ \ "\<F10>": 'tlib#agent#ExecAgentByName',
+ \ "\<S-Esc>": 'tlib#agent#ExecAgentByName',
+ \ "\<bs>": 'tlib#agent#ReduceFilter',
+ \ "\<del>": 'tlib#agent#ReduceFilter',
+ \ "\<c-bs>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
+ \ "\<m-bs>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
+ \ "\<c-del>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
+ \ "\<m-del>": 'tlib#agent#PopFilter',
+ \ "\<s-space>": 'tlib#agent#Wildcard',
+ \ 191: 'tlib#agent#Debug',
+ \ char2nr(g:tlib#input#or): 'tlib#agent#OR',
+ \ char2nr(g:tlib#input#and): 'tlib#agent#AND',
+ \ }
+ " \ 63: 'tlib#agent#Help',
+if exists('g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s')
+ let g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s = extend(g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s, g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s)
+" :nodefault:
+TLet g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_m = {
+ \ 35: 'tlib#agent#Select',
+ \ "\<s-up>": 'tlib#agent#SelectUp',
+ \ "\<s-down>": 'tlib#agent#SelectDown',
+ \ 1: 'tlib#agent#SelectAll',
+ \ 225: 'tlib#agent#SelectAll',
+ \ "\<F9>": 'tlib#agent#ToggleRestrictView',
+ \ }
+" "\<c-space>": 'tlib#agent#Select'
+if exists('g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_m')
+ let g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_m = extend(g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_m, g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_m)
+" :nodefault:
+TLet g:tlib#input#handlers_EditList = [
+ \ {'key': 5, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#EditItem', 'key_name': '<c-e>', 'help': 'Edit item'},
+ \ {'key': 4, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#DeleteItems', 'key_name': '<c-d>', 'help': 'Delete item(s)'},
+ \ {'key': 14, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#NewItem', 'key_name': '<c-n>', 'help': 'New item'},
+ \ {'key': 24, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Cut', 'key_name': '<c-x>', 'help': 'Cut item(s)'},
+ \ {'key': 3, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Copy', 'key_name': '<c-c>', 'help': 'Copy item(s)'},
+ \ {'key': 22, 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Paste', 'key_name': '<c-v>', 'help': 'Paste item(s)'},
+ \ {'pick_last_item': 0},
+ \ {'return_agent': 'tlib#agent#EditReturnValue'},
+ \ {'help_extra': [
+ \ 'Submit changes by pressing ENTER or <c-s> or <c-w><cr>',
+ \ 'Cancel editing by pressing <c-w>c'
+ \ ]},
+ \ ]
+" A dictionary KEY => {'agent': AGENT, 'key_name': KEY_NAME} to
+" customize keyboard shortcuts in the list view.
+TLet g:tlib#input#user_shortcuts = {}
+" If true, define a popup menu for |tlib#input#List()| and related
+" functions.
+TLet g:tlib#input#use_popup = has('menu') && (has('gui_gtk') || has('gui_gtk2') || has('gui_win32'))
+" How to format filenames:
+" l ... Show basenames on the left side, separated from the
+" directory names
+" r ... Show basenames on the right side
+TLet g:tlib#input#format_filename = 'l'
+" If g:tlib#input#format_filename == 'r', how much space should be kept
+" free on the right side.
+TLet g:tlib#input#filename_padding_r = '&co / 10'
+" If g:tlib#input#format_filename == 'l', an expression that
+" |eval()|uates to the maximum display width of filenames.
+TLet g:tlib#input#filename_max_width = '&co / 2'
+" Functions related to tlib#input#List(type, ...) "{{{2
+" :def: function! tlib#input#List(type. ?query='', ?list=[], ?handlers=[], ?default="", ?timeout=0)
+" Select a single or multiple items from a list. Return either the list
+" of selected elements or its indexes.
+" By default, typing numbers will select an item by its index. See
+" |g:tlib#input#numeric_chars| to find out how to change this.
+" The item is automatically selected if the numbers typed equals the
+" number of digits of the list length. I.e. if a list contains 20 items,
+" typing 1 will first highlight item 1 but it won't select/use it
+" because 1 is an ambiguous input in this context. If you press enter,
+" the first item will be selected. If you press another digit (e.g. 0),
+" item 10 will be selected. Another way to select item 1 would be to
+" type 01. If the list contains only 9 items, typing 1 would select the
+" first item right away.
+" type can be:
+" s ... Return one selected element
+" si ... Return the index of the selected element
+" m ... Return a list of selected elements
+" mi ... Return a list of indexes
+" Several pattern matching styles are supported. See
+" |g:tlib#input#filter_mode|.
+" Users can type <Tab> to complete the current filter with the longest
+" match.
+" echo tlib#input#List('s', 'Select one item', [100,200,300])
+" echo tlib#input#List('si', 'Select one item', [100,200,300])
+" echo tlib#input#List('m', 'Select one or more item(s)', [100,200,300])
+" echo tlib#input#List('mi', 'Select one or more item(s)', [100,200,300])
+" See ../samples/tlib/input/tlib_input_list.vim (move the cursor over
+" the filename and press gf) for a more elaborated example.
+function! tlib#input#List(type, ...) "{{{3
+ exec tlib#arg#Let([
+ \ ['query', ''],
+ \ ['list', []],
+ \ ['handlers', []],
+ \ ['rv', ''],
+ \ ['timeout', 0],
+ \ ])
+ " let handlers = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : []
+ " let rv = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : ''
+ " let timeout = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 0
+ " let backchar = ["\<bs>", "\<del>"]
+ if a:type =~ '^resume'
+ let world = b:tlib_{matchstr(a:type, ' \zs.\+')}
+ else
+ let world = tlib#World#New({
+ \ 'type': a:type,
+ \ 'base': list,
+ \ 'query': query,
+ \ 'timeout': timeout,
+ \ 'rv': rv,
+ \ 'handlers': handlers,
+ \ })
+ let scratch_name = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "scratch_name")', '', 'v:val.scratch_name')
+ if !empty(scratch_name)
+ let world.scratch = scratch_name
+ endif
+ let world.scratch_vertical = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "scratch_vertical")', 0, 'v:val.scratch_vertical')
+ call world.Set_display_format(tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "display_format")', '', 'v:val.display_format'))
+ let world.initial_index = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "initial_index")', 1, 'v:val.initial_index')
+ let world.index_table = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "index_table")', [], 'v:val.index_table')
+ let world.state_handlers = filter(copy(handlers), 'has_key(v:val, "state")')
+ let world.post_handlers = filter(copy(handlers), 'has_key(v:val, "postprocess")')
+ let world.filter_format = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "filter_format")', '', 'v:val.filter_format')
+ let world.return_agent = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "return_agent")', '', 'v:val.return_agent')
+ let world.help_extra = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "help_extra")', '', 'v:val.help_extra')
+ let world.resize = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "resize")', '', 'v:val.resize')
+ let world.show_empty = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "show_empty")', 0, 'v:val.show_empty')
+ let world.pick_last_item = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "pick_last_item")',
+ \ tlib#var#Get('tlib_pick_last_item', 'bg'), 'v:val.pick_last_item')
+ let world.numeric_chars = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "numeric_chars")',
+ \ g:tlib#input#numeric_chars, 'v:val.numeric_chars')
+ let world.key_handlers = filter(copy(handlers), 'has_key(v:val, "key")')
+ let filter = tlib#list#Find(handlers, 'has_key(v:val, "filter")', '', 'v:val.filter')
+ if !empty(filter)
+ " let world.initial_filter = [[''], [filter]]
+ " let world.initial_filter = [[filter]]
+ " TLogVAR world.initial_filter
+ call world.SetInitialFilter(filter)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return tlib#input#ListW(world)
+" A wrapper for |tlib#input#ListW()| that builds |tlib#World#New| from
+" dict.
+function! tlib#input#ListD(dict) "{{{3
+ return tlib#input#ListW(tlib#World#New(a:dict))
+" :def: function! tlib#input#ListW(world, ?command='')
+" The second argument (command) is meant for internal use only.
+" The same as |tlib#input#List| but the arguments are packed into world
+" (an instance of tlib#World as returned by |tlib#World#New|).
+function! tlib#input#ListW(world, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg 'cmd'
+ " let time0 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time0
+ let world = a:world
+ if world.pick_last_item >= 1 && stridx(world.type, 'e') == -1 && len(world.base) <= 1
+ let rv = get(world.base, 0, world.rv)
+ if stridx(world.type, 'm') != -1
+ return [rv]
+ else
+ return rv
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:Init(world, cmd)
+ " TLogVAR world.state, world.sticky, world.initial_index
+ " let statusline = &l:statusline
+ " let laststatus = &laststatus
+ let showmode = &showmode
+ set noshowmode
+ let lastsearch = @/
+ let scrolloff = &l:scrolloff
+ let &l:scrolloff = 0
+ let @/ = ''
+ let dlist = []
+ let post_keys = ''
+ " let &laststatus = 2
+ try
+ while !empty(world.state) && world.state !~ '^exit' && (world.show_empty || !empty(world.base))
+ let post_keys = ''
+ " TLogDBG 'while'
+ " TLogVAR world.state
+ " let time01 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time01, time01 - time0
+ try
+ let world = s:RunStateHandlers(world)
+ " if exists('b:tlib_world_event')
+ " let event = b:tlib_world_event
+ " unlet! b:tlib_world_event
+ " if event == 'WinLeave'
+ " " let world.resume_state = world.state
+ " let world = tlib#agent#Suspend(world, world.rv)
+ " break
+ " endif
+ " endif
+ " let time02 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time02, time02 - time0
+ if world.state =~ '\<reset\>'
+ " TLogDBG 'reset'
+ " call world.Reset(world.state =~ '\<initial\>')
+ call world.Reset()
+ continue
+ endif
+ call s:SetOffset(world)
+ " let time02 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time02, time02 - time0
+ " TLogDBG 1
+ " TLogVAR world.state
+ if world.state == 'scroll'
+ let world.prefidx = world.offset
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ endif
+ if world.state =~ '\<sticky\>'
+ let world.sticky = 1
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world.filter
+ " TLogVAR world.sticky
+ if world.state =~ '\<picked\>'
+ " TLogVAR world.rv
+ throw 'picked'
+ elseif world.state =~ '\<pick\>'
+ let world.rv = world.CurrentItem()
+ " TLogVAR world.rv
+ throw 'picked'
+ elseif world.state =~ 'display'
+ if world.state =~ '^display'
+ " let time03 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time03, time03 - time0
+ if world.IsValidFilter()
+ " let time1 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time1, time1 - time0
+ call world.BuildTableList()
+ " let time2 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time2, time2 - time0
+ " TLogDBG 2
+ " TLogDBG len(world.table)
+ " TLogVAR world.table
+ " let world.list = map(copy(world.table), 'world.GetBaseItem(v:val)')
+ " TLogDBG 3
+ let world.llen = len(world.list)
+ " TLogVAR world.index_table
+ if empty(world.index_table)
+ let dindex = range(1, world.llen)
+ let world.index_width = len(world.llen)
+ else
+ let dindex = world.index_table
+ let world.index_width = len(max(dindex))
+ endif
+ " let time3 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time3, time3 - time0
+ if world.llen == 0 && !world.show_empty
+ call world.ReduceFilter()
+ let world.offset = 1
+ " TLogDBG 'ReduceFilter'
+ continue
+ else
+ if world.llen == 1
+ let world.last_item = world.list[0]
+ if world.pick_last_item >= 2
+ " echom 'Pick last item: '. world.list[0]
+ let world.prefidx = '1'
+ " TLogDBG 'pick last item'
+ throw 'pick'
+ endif
+ else
+ let world.last_item = ''
+ endif
+ endif
+ " let time4 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time4, time4 - time0
+ " TLogDBG 4
+ " TLogVAR world.idx, world.llen, world.state
+ " TLogDBG world.FilterIsEmpty()
+ if world.state == 'display'
+ if world.idx == '' && world.llen < g:tlib#input#sortprefs_threshold && !world.FilterIsEmpty()
+ call world.SetPrefIdx()
+ else
+ let world.prefidx = world.idx == '' ? world.initial_index : world.idx
+ endif
+ if world.prefidx > world.llen
+ let world.prefidx = world.llen
+ elseif world.prefidx < 1
+ let world.prefidx = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ " let time5 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time5, time5 - time0
+ " TLogVAR world.initial_index, world.prefidx
+ " TLogDBG 5
+ " TLogDBG len(world.list)
+ " TLogVAR world.list
+ let dlist = world.DisplayFormat(world.list)
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx
+ " TLogDBG 6
+ " let time6 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time6, time6 - time0
+ if world.offset_horizontal > 0
+ call map(dlist, 'v:val[world.offset_horizontal:-1]')
+ endif
+ " let time7 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time7, time7 - time0
+ " TLogVAR dindex
+ let dlist = map(range(0, world.llen - 1), 'printf("%0'. world.index_width .'d", dindex[v:val]) .": ". dlist[v:val]')
+ " TLogVAR dlist
+ " let time8 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time8, time8 - time0
+ else
+ let dlist = ['Malformed filter']
+ endif
+ else
+ if world.prefidx == 0
+ let world.prefidx = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world.idx, world.prefidx
+ " TLogDBG 7
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx, world.offset
+ " TLogDBG (world.prefidx > world.offset + winheight(0) - 1)
+ " if world.prefidx > world.offset + winheight(0) - 1
+ " let listtop = world.llen - winheight(0) + 1
+ " let listoff = world.prefidx - winheight(0) + 1
+ " let world.offset = min([listtop, listoff])
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx
+ " TLogDBG len(list)
+ " TLogDBG winheight(0)
+ " TLogVAR listtop, listoff, world.offset
+ " elseif world.prefidx < world.offset
+ " let world.offset = world.prefidx
+ " endif
+ " TLogDBG 8
+ " TLogVAR world.initial_display, !tlib#char#IsAvailable()
+ if world.state =~ '\<update\>' || world.initial_display || !tlib#char#IsAvailable()
+ " TLogDBG len(dlist)
+ call world.DisplayList(world.Query(), dlist)
+ call world.FollowCursor()
+ let world.initial_display = 0
+ " TLogDBG 9
+ endif
+ if world.state =~ '\<hibernate\>'
+ let world.state = 'suspend'
+ else
+ let world.state = ''
+ endif
+ else
+ " if world.state == 'scroll'
+ " let world.prefidx = world.offset
+ " endif
+ call world.DisplayList()
+ if world.state == 'help' || world.state == 'printlines'
+ let world.state = 'display'
+ else
+ let world.state = ''
+ call world.FollowCursor()
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TAssert IsNotEmpty(world.scratch)
+ let world.list_wnr = winnr()
+ " TLogVAR world.state, world.next_state
+ if !empty(world.next_state)
+ let world.state = world.next_state
+ let world.next_state = ''
+ endif
+ if world.state =~ '\<suspend\>'
+ let world = tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow(world, world.rv)
+ continue
+ endif
+ if world.state =~ '\<eval\>'
+ let query = matchstr(world.state, '\<eval\[\zs.\{-}\ze\]')
+ if empty(query)
+ let query = 'Waiting for input ... Press ESC to continue'
+ endif
+ if has('gui_win32')
+ let exec_cmd = input(query, '')
+ " TLogVAR exec_cmd
+ if exec_cmd == ''
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ else
+ exec exec_cmd
+ endif
+ elseif has('gui_gtk') || has('gui_gtk2')
+ let c = s:GetModdedChar(world)
+ " TLogVAR c
+ endif
+ else
+ " TLogVAR world.timeout
+ let c = s:GetModdedChar(world)
+ " TLogVAR c, has_key(world.key_map[world.key_mode],c)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR c
+ " TLogDBG string(sort(keys(world.key_map[world.key_mode])))
+ " TLogVAR world.next_agent, world.next_eval
+ if !empty(world.next_agent)
+ let nagent = world.next_agent
+ let world.next_agent = ''
+ " let world = call(nagent, [world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.CurrentItem())])
+ " call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(nagent, world)
+ let world = s:CallAgent({'agent': nagent}, world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.CurrentItem()))
+ elseif !empty(world.next_eval)
+ let selected = world.GetSelectedItems(world.CurrentItem())
+ let neval = world.next_eval
+ let world.next_eval = ''
+ exec neval
+ call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(neval, world)
+ elseif world.state != ''
+ " continue
+ elseif has_key(world.key_map[world.key_mode], c)
+ let sr = @/
+ silent! let @/ = lastsearch
+ " TLogVAR c, world.key_map[world.key_mode][c]
+ " TLog "Agent: ". string(world.key_map[world.key_mode][c])
+ let handler = world.key_map[world.key_mode][c]
+ " " TLogVAR handler
+ " let world = call(handler.agent, [world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.CurrentItem())])
+ " call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(c, world)
+ let world = s:CallAgent(handler, world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.CurrentItem()))
+ silent! let @/ = sr
+ " continue
+ elseif c == 13
+ throw 'pick'
+ elseif c == 27
+ " TLogVAR c, world.key_mode
+ if world.key_mode != 'default'
+ let world.key_mode = 'default'
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ else
+ let world.state = 'exit empty'
+ endif
+ elseif c == "\<LeftMouse>"
+ if v:mouse_win == world.list_wnr
+ let world.prefidx = world.GetLineIdx(v:mouse_lnum)
+ " let world.offset = world.prefidx
+ if empty(world.prefidx)
+ " call feedkeys(c, 't')
+ let c = s:GetModdedChar(world)
+ let world.state = 'help'
+ continue
+ endif
+ throw 'pick'
+ else
+ let post_keys = v:mouse_lnum .'gg'. v:mouse_col .'|'. c
+ if world.allow_suspend
+ let world = tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow(world, world.rv)
+ else
+ let world.state = 'exit empty'
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif c == "\<RightMouse>"
+ if v:mouse_win == world.list_wnr
+ call s:BuildMenu(world)
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ if s:PopupmenuExists() == 1
+ " if v:mouse_lnum != line('.')
+ " endif
+ let world.prefidx = world.GetLineIdx(v:mouse_lnum)
+ let world.next_state = 'eval[Waiting for popup menu ... Press ESC to continue]'
+ call world.DisplayList()
+ if line('w$') - v:mouse_lnum < 6
+ popup ]TLibInputListPopupMenu
+ else
+ popup! ]TLibInputListPopupMenu
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let post_keys = v:mouse_lnum .'gg'. v:mouse_col .'|'. c
+ if world.allow_suspend
+ let world = tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow(world, world.rv)
+ else
+ let world.state = 'exit empty'
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx, world.state
+ elseif has_key(world.key_map[world.key_mode], 'unknown_key')
+ let agent = world.key_map[world.key_mode].unknown_key.agent
+ " let world = call(agent, [world, c])
+ " call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(agent, world)
+ let world = s:CallAgent({'agent': agent}, world, c)
+ elseif c >= 32
+ let world.state = 'display'
+ let numbase = get(world.numeric_chars, c, -99999)
+ " TLogVAR numbase, world.numeric_chars, c
+ if numbase != -99999
+ let world.idx .= (c - numbase)
+ if len(world.idx) == world.index_width
+ let world.prefidx = world.idx
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx
+ throw 'pick'
+ endif
+ else
+ let world.idx = ''
+ " TLogVAR world.filter
+ if world.llen > g:tlib#input#livesearch_threshold
+ let pattern = input('Filter: ', world.CleanFilter(world.filter[0][0]) . nr2char(c))
+ if empty(pattern)
+ let world.state = 'exit empty'
+ else
+ call world.SetFrontFilter(pattern)
+ echo
+ endif
+ elseif c == 124
+ call insert(world.filter[0], [])
+ else
+ call world.PushFrontFilter(c)
+ endif
+ " continue
+ if c == 45 && world.filter[0][0] == '-'
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ end
+ endif
+ else
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ " let world.state = 'continue'
+ endif
+ catch /^picked$/
+ call world.ClearAllMarks()
+ call world.MarkCurrent(world.prefidx)
+ let world.state = 'exit'
+ catch /^pick$/
+ call world.ClearAllMarks()
+ call world.MarkCurrent(world.prefidx)
+ let world.state = ''
+ " TLogDBG 'Pick item #'. world.prefidx
+ finally
+ " TLogDBG 'finally 1', world.state
+ if world.state =~ '\<suspend\>'
+ " if !world.allow_suspend
+ " echom "Cannot be suspended"
+ " let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ " endif
+ elseif !empty(world.list) && !empty(world.base)
+ " TLogVAR world.list
+ if empty(world.state)
+ let world.rv = world.CurrentItem()
+ " TLogVAR world.state, world.rv
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR "postprocess"
+ for handler in world.post_handlers
+ let state = get(handler, 'postprocess', '')
+ " TLogVAR handler
+ " TLogVAR state
+ " TLogVAR world.state
+ if state == world.state
+ let agent = handler.agent
+ let [world, world.rv] = call(agent, [world, world.rv])
+ " TLogVAR world.state, world.rv
+ call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(agent, world)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " TLogDBG 'state0='. world.state
+ endtry
+ " TLogDBG 'state1='. world.state
+ endwh
+ " TLogVAR world.state
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ " TLogDBG 'exit while loop'
+ " TLogVAR world.list
+ " TLogVAR world.sel_idx
+ " TLogVAR world.idx
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx
+ " TLogVAR world.rv
+ " TLogVAR world.type, world.state, world.return_agent, world.index_table, world.rv
+ if world.state =~ '\<\(empty\|escape\)\>'
+ let world.sticky = 0
+ endif
+ if world.state =~ '\<suspend\>'
+ " TLogDBG 'return suspended'
+ " TLogVAR world.prefidx
+ " exec world.prefidx
+ return
+ elseif world.state =~ '\<empty\>'
+ " TLog "empty"
+ " TLogDBG 'return empty'
+ " TLogVAR world.type
+ if stridx(world.type, 'm') != -1
+ return []
+ elseif stridx(world.type, 'i') != -1
+ return 0
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+ elseif !empty(world.return_agent)
+ " TLogDBG 'return agent'
+ " TLogVAR world.return_agent
+ call world.CloseScratch()
+ " TLogDBG "return_agent ". string(tlib#win#List())
+ " TAssert IsNotEmpty(world.scratch)
+ return call(world.return_agent, [world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.rv)])
+ elseif stridx(world.type, 'w') != -1
+ " TLog "return_world"
+ " TLogDBG 'return world'
+ return world
+ elseif stridx(world.type, 'm') != -1
+ " TLog "return_multi"
+ " TLogDBG 'return multi'
+ return world.GetSelectedItems(world.rv)
+ elseif stridx(world.type, 'i') != -1
+ " TLog "return_index"
+ " TLogDBG 'return index'
+ if empty(world.index_table)
+ return world.rv
+ else
+ return world.index_table[world.rv - 1]
+ endif
+ else
+ " TLog "return_else"
+ " TLogDBG 'return normal'
+ return world.rv
+ endif
+ finally
+ call world.Leave()
+ " TLogVAR statusline
+ " let &l:statusline = statusline
+ " let &laststatus = laststatus
+ if &showmode != showmode
+ let &showmode = showmode
+ endif
+ silent! let @/ = lastsearch
+ let &l:scrolloff = scrolloff
+ if s:PopupmenuExists() == 1
+ silent! aunmenu ]TLibInputListPopupMenu
+ endif
+ " TLogDBG 'finally 2'
+ " TLogDBG string(world.Methods())
+ " TLogVAR world.state
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ if world.state !~ '\<suspend\>'
+ " redraw
+ " TLogVAR world.sticky, bufnr("%")
+ if world.sticky
+ " TLogDBG "sticky"
+ " TLogVAR world.bufnr
+ " TLogDBG bufwinnr(world.bufnr)
+ if world.scratch_split > 0
+ if bufwinnr(world.bufnr) == -1
+ " TLogDBG "UseScratch"
+ call world.UseScratch()
+ endif
+ let world = tlib#agent#SuspendToParentWindow(world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.rv))
+ endif
+ else
+ " TLogDBG "non sticky"
+ " TLogVAR world.state, world.win_wnr, world.bufnr
+ if world.CloseScratch()
+ " TLogVAR world.winview
+ call tlib#win#SetLayout(world.winview)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " for i in range(0,5)
+ " call getchar(0)
+ " endfor
+ echo
+ redraw!
+ if !empty(post_keys)
+ " TLogVAR post_keys
+ call feedkeys(post_keys)
+ endif
+ endtry
+function! s:CallAgent(handler, world, list) abort "{{{3
+ let agent = a:handler.agent
+ let args = [a:world, a:list]
+ if has_key(a:handler, 'args')
+ let args += a:handler.args
+ endif
+ let world = call(agent, args)
+ " TLogVAR world.state, world.rv
+ call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(agent, world)
+ return world
+function! s:GetModdedChar(world) "{{{3
+ let [char, mode] = tlib#char#Get(a:world.timeout, a:world.timeout_resolution, 1)
+ if char !~ '\D' && char > 0 && mode != 0
+ return printf("<%s-%s>", mode, char)
+ else
+ return char
+ endif
+function! s:Init(world, cmd) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:cmd
+ let a:world.initial_display = 1
+ if a:cmd =~ '\<sticky\>'
+ let a:world.sticky = 1
+ endif
+ if a:cmd =~ '^resume'
+ call a:world.UseInputListScratch()
+ let a:world.initial_index = line('.')
+ if a:cmd =~ '\<pick\>'
+ let a:world.state = 'pick'
+ let a:world.prefidx = a:world.initial_index
+ else
+ call a:world.Retrieve(1)
+ endif
+ " if !empty(a:world.resume_state)
+ " let a:world.state = a:world.resume_state
+ " endif
+ elseif !a:world.initialized
+ " TLogVAR a:world.initialized, a:world.win_wnr, a:world.bufnr
+ let a:world.filetype = &filetype
+ let a:world.fileencoding = &fileencoding
+ call a:world.SetMatchMode(tlib#var#Get('tlib#input#filter_mode', 'wb'))
+ call a:world.Initialize()
+ if !has_key(a:world, 'key_mode')
+ let a:world.key_mode = 'default'
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR has_key(a:world,'key_map')
+ if has_key(a:world, 'key_map')
+ " TLogVAR has_key(a:world.key_map,a:world.key_mode)
+ if has_key(a:world.key_map, a:world.key_mode)
+ let a:world.key_map[a:world.key_mode] = extend(
+ \ a:world.key_map[a:world.key_mode],
+ \ copy(g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s),
+ \ 'keep')
+ else
+ let a:world.key_map[a:world.key_mode] = copy(g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s)
+ endif
+ else
+ let a:world.key_map = {
+ \ a:world.key_mode : copy(g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s)
+ \ }
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR a:world.type
+ if stridx(a:world.type, 'm') != -1
+ call extend(a:world.key_map[a:world.key_mode], g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_m, 'force')
+ endif
+ for key_mode in keys(a:world.key_map)
+ let a:world.key_map[key_mode] = map(a:world.key_map[key_mode], 'type(v:val) == 4 ? v:val : {"agent": v:val}')
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR a:world.key_mode
+ if type(a:world.key_handlers) == 3
+ call s:ExtendKeyMap(a:world, a:world.key_mode, a:world.key_handlers)
+ elseif type(a:world.key_handlers) == 4
+ for [world_key_mode, world_key_handlers] in items(a:world.key_handlers)
+ call s:ExtendKeyMap(a:world, world_key_mode, world_key_handlers)
+ endfor
+ else
+ throw "tlib#input#ListW: key_handlers must be either a list or a dictionary"
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR a:world.type, a:world.key_map
+ if !empty(a:cmd)
+ let a:world.state .= ' '. a:cmd
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR a:world.state, a:world.sticky
+function! s:ExtendKeyMap(world, key_mode, key_handlers) "{{{3
+ for handler in a:key_handlers
+ let k = get(handler, 'key', '')
+ if !empty(k)
+ let a:world.key_map[a:key_mode][k] = handler
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! s:PopupmenuExists()
+ if !g:tlib#input#use_popup
+ \ || exists(':popup') != 2
+ \ || !(has('gui_win32') || has('gui_gtk') || has('gui_gtk2'))
+ " \ || !has('gui_win32')
+ let rv = -1
+ else
+ try
+ let rv = 1
+ silent amenu ]TLibInputListPopupMenu
+ catch
+ let rv = 0
+ endtry
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ return rv
+function! s:BuildMenu(world) "{{{3
+ if g:tlib#input#use_popup && s:PopupmenuExists() == 0
+ call s:BuildItem('Pick\ selected\ item', {'key_name': '<cr>', 'eval': 'let world.state = "pick"'})
+ call s:BuildItem('Cancel', {'key_name': '<esc>', 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Exit'})
+ call s:BuildItem('Select', {'key_name': '#', 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Select'})
+ call s:BuildItem('Select\ all', {'key_name': '<c-a>', 'agent': 'tlib#agent#SelectAll'})
+ call s:BuildItem('Reset\ list', {'key_name': '<c-r>', 'agent': 'tlib#agent#Reset'})
+ call s:BuildItem('-StandardEntries-', {'key': ":", 'eval': 'let world.state = "redisplay"'})
+ for [key_mode, key_handlers] in items(a:world.key_map)
+ let keys = sort(keys(key_handlers))
+ let mitems = {}
+ for key in keys
+ let handler = key_handlers[key]
+ let k = get(handler, 'key', '')
+ if !empty(k) && has_key(handler, 'help') && !empty(handler.help)
+ if empty(key_mode) || key_mode == 'default'
+ let mname = ''
+ else
+ let mname = escape(key_mode, ' .\') .'.'
+ endif
+ if has_key(handler, 'submenu')
+ let submenu = escape(handler.submenu, ' .\')
+ else
+ let submenu = '~'
+ endif
+ for mfield in ['menu', 'help', 'key_name', 'agent']
+ if has_key(handler, mfield)
+ let mname .= escape(handler[mfield], ' .\')
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if !has_key(mitems, submenu)
+ let mitems[submenu] = {}
+ endif
+ let mitems[submenu][mname] = handler
+ endif
+ endfor
+ for msubname in sort(keys(mitems))
+ let msubitems = mitems[msubname]
+ if msubname == '~'
+ let msubmname = ''
+ else
+ let msubmname = msubname .'.'
+ endif
+ for mname in sort(keys(msubitems))
+ let msname = msubmname . mname
+ let handler = msubitems[mname]
+ call s:BuildItem(msname, handler)
+ " if has_key(handler, 'agent')
+ " call s:BuildItem(msname, {'agent': handler.agent})
+ " else
+ " call s:BuildItem(msname, {'key': handler.key_name})
+ " endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ endif
+function! s:BuildItem(menu, def) "{{{3
+ if has('gui_win32')
+ let key_mode = 'c'
+ elseif has('gui_gtk') || has('gui_gtk2')
+ let key_mode = 'raw'
+ endif
+ for k in ['agent', 'eval', 'key_name', 'key']
+ if has('gui_win32')
+ elseif has('gui_gtk') || has('gui_gtk')
+ if k == 'agent' || k == 'eval'
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ try
+ if has_key(a:def, k)
+ let v = a:def[k]
+ if k == 'key'
+ if key_mode == 'c'
+ " echom 'DBG amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let c = "'. v .'"<cr>'
+ exec 'amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let c = "'. v .'"<cr>'
+ else
+ " echom 'DBG amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) v
+ exec 'amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) v
+ endif
+ elseif k == 'key_name'
+ if key_mode == 'c'
+ " echom 'DBG amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let c = "\'. v .'"<cr>'
+ exec 'amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let c = "\'. v .'"<cr>'
+ else
+ let key = v
+ " echom 'DBG amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) key
+ exec 'amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) key
+ endif
+ elseif k == 'agent'
+ " echom 'DBG amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let world.next_agent ='. string(v) .'<cr>'
+ exec 'amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let world.next_agent ='. string(v) .'<cr>'
+ elseif k == 'eval'
+ " echom 'DBG amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let world.next_eval ='. string(v) .'<cr>'
+ exec 'amenu' (']TLibInputListPopupMenu.'. a:menu) ':let world.next_eval ='. string(v) .'<cr>'
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ catch
+ endtry
+ endfor
+function! s:RunStateHandlers(world) "{{{3
+ " Provide the variable "world" in the environment of an "exec"
+ " handler (ea).
+ let world = a:world
+ for handler in a:world.state_handlers
+ let eh = get(handler, 'state', '')
+ if !empty(eh) && a:world.state =~ eh
+ let ea = get(handler, 'exec', '')
+ if !empty(ea)
+ exec ea
+ else
+ let agent = get(handler, 'agent', '')
+ " let world = call(agent, [a:world, a:world.GetSelectedItems(a:world.CurrentItem())])
+ " call s:CheckAgentReturnValue(agent, a:world)
+ let world = s:CallAgent({'agent': agent}, world, world.GetSelectedItems(world.CurrentItem()))
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return world
+function! s:CheckAgentReturnValue(name, value) "{{{3
+ if type(a:value) != 4 && !has_key(a:value, 'state')
+ echoerr 'Malformed agent: '. a:name
+ endif
+ return a:value
+function! s:SetOffset(world) "{{{3
+ let llenw = len(a:world.base) - winheight(0) + 1
+ if a:world.offset > llenw
+ let a:world.offset = llenw
+ endif
+ if a:world.offset < 1
+ let a:world.offset = 1
+ endif
+" Functions related to tlib#input#EditList(type, ...) "{{{2
+" :def: function! tlib#input#EditList(query, list, ?timeout=0)
+" Edit a list.
+" echo tlib#input#EditList('Edit:', [100,200,300])
+function! tlib#input#EditList(query, list, ...) "{{{3
+ let handlers = a:0 >= 1 && !empty(a:1) ? a:1 : g:tlib#input#handlers_EditList
+ let default = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : []
+ let timeout = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 0
+ " TLogVAR handlers
+ let rv = tlib#input#List('me', a:query, copy(a:list), handlers, default, timeout)
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ if empty(rv)
+ return a:list
+ else
+ let [success, list] = rv
+ return success ? list : a:list
+ endif
+function! tlib#input#Resume(name, pick, bufnr) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:name, a:pick
+ echo
+ if bufnr('%') != a:bufnr
+ if g:tlib#debug
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom "tlib#input#Resume: Internal error: Not in scratch buffer:" bufname('%')
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ let br = tlib#buffer#Set(a:bufnr)
+ endif
+ if !exists('b:tlib_'. a:name)
+ if g:tlib#debug
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom "tlib#input#Resume: Internal error: b:tlib_". a:name ." does not exist:" bufname('%')
+ echohl NONE
+ redir => varss
+ silent let b:
+ redir END
+ let vars = split(varss, '\n')
+ call filter(vars, 'v:val =~ "^b:tlib_"')
+ echom "DEBUG tlib#input#Resume" string(vars)
+ endif
+ else
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ autocmd! TLib BufEnter <buffer>
+ if b:tlib_{a:name}.state =~ '\<suspend\>'
+ let b:tlib_{a:name}.state = 'redisplay'
+ else
+ let b:tlib_{a:name}.state .= ' redisplay'
+ endif
+ " call tlib#input#List('resume '. a:name)
+ let cmd = 'resume '. a:name
+ if a:pick >= 1
+ let cmd .= ' pick'
+ if a:pick >= 2
+ let cmd .= ' sticky'
+ end
+ endif
+ call tlib#input#ListW(b:tlib_{a:name}, cmd)
+ endif
+" :def: function! tlib#input#CommandSelect(command, ?keyargs={})
+" Take a command, view the output, and let the user select an item from
+" its output.
+" command! TMarks exec 'norm! `'. matchstr(tlib#input#CommandSelect('marks'), '^ \+\zs.')
+" command! TAbbrevs exec 'norm i'. matchstr(tlib#input#CommandSelect('abbrev'), '^\S\+\s\+\zs\S\+')
+function! tlib#input#CommandSelect(command, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['args', {}]
+ if has_key(args, 'retrieve')
+ let list = call(args.retrieve)
+ elseif has_key(args, 'list')
+ let list = args.list
+ else
+ let list = tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(a:command)
+ endif
+ if has_key(args, 'filter')
+ call map(list, args.filter)
+ endif
+ let type = has_key(args, 'type') ? args.type : 's'
+ let handlers = has_key(args, 'handlers') ? args.handlers : []
+ let rv = tlib#input#List(type, 'Select', list, handlers)
+ if !empty(rv)
+ if has_key(args, 'process')
+ let rv = call(args.process, [rv])
+ endif
+ endif
+ return rv
+" :def: function! tlib#input#Edit(name, value, callback, ?cb_args=[])
+" Edit a value (asynchronously) in a scratch buffer. Use name for
+" identification. Call callback when done (or on cancel).
+" In the scratch buffer:
+" Press <c-s> or <c-w><cr> to enter the new value, <c-w>c to cancel
+" editing.
+" fun! FooContinue(success, text)
+" if a:success
+" let b:var = a:text
+" endif
+" endf
+" call tlib#input#Edit('foo', b:var, 'FooContinue')
+function! tlib#input#Edit(name, value, callback, ...) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:value
+ TVarArg ['args', []]
+ let sargs = {'scratch': '__EDIT__'. a:name .'__', 'win_wnr': winnr()}
+ let scr = tlib#scratch#UseScratch(sargs)
+ " :nodoc:
+ map <buffer> <c-w>c :call <SID>EditCallback(0)<cr>
+ " :nodoc:
+ imap <buffer> <c-w>c <c-o>call <SID>EditCallback(0)<cr>
+ " :nodoc:
+ map <buffer> <c-s> :call <SID>EditCallback(1)<cr>
+ " :nodoc:
+ imap <buffer> <c-s> <c-o>call <SID>EditCallback(1)<cr>
+ " :nodoc:
+ map <buffer> <c-w><cr> :call <SID>EditCallback(1)<cr>
+ " :nodoc:
+ imap <buffer> <c-w><cr> <c-o>call <SID>EditCallback(1)<cr>
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('gg"tdG', 't')
+ call append(1, split(a:value, "\<c-j>", 1))
+ " let hrm = 'DON''T DELETE THIS HEADER'
+ " let hr3 = repeat('"', (tlib#win#Width(0) - len(hrm)) / 2)
+ let s:horizontal_line = repeat('`', tlib#win#Width(0))
+ " hr3.hrm.hr3
+ let hd = ['Keys: <c-s>, <c-w><cr> ... save/accept; <c-w>c ... cancel', s:horizontal_line]
+ call append(1, hd)
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('gg"tdd', 't')
+ syntax match TlibEditComment /^\%1l.*/
+ syntax match TlibEditComment /^```.*/
+ hi link TlibEditComment Comment
+ exec len(hd) + 1
+ if type(a:callback) == 4
+ let b:tlib_scratch_edit_callback = get(a:callback, 'submit', '')
+ call call(get(a:callback, 'init', ''), [])
+ else
+ let b:tlib_scratch_edit_callback = a:callback
+ endif
+ let b:tlib_scratch_edit_args = args
+ let b:tlib_scratch_edit_scratch = sargs
+ " exec 'autocmd BufDelete,BufHidden,BufUnload <buffer> call s:EditCallback('. string(a:name) .')'
+ " echohl MoreMsg
+ " echom 'Press <c-s> to enter, <c-w>c to cancel editing.'
+ " echohl NONE
+function! s:EditCallback(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['ok', -1]
+ " , ['bufnr', -1]
+ " autocmd! BufDelete,BufHidden,BufUnload <buffer>
+ if ok == -1
+ let ok = confirm('Use value')
+ endif
+ let start = getline(2) == s:horizontal_line ? 3 : 1
+ let text = ok ? join(getline(start, '$'), "\n") : ''
+ let cb = b:tlib_scratch_edit_callback
+ let args = b:tlib_scratch_edit_args
+ let sargs = b:tlib_scratch_edit_scratch
+ " TLogVAR cb, args, sargs
+ call tlib#scratch#CloseScratch(b:tlib_scratch_edit_scratch)
+ call tlib#win#Set(sargs.win_wnr)
+ call call(cb, args + [ok, text])
+function! tlib#input#Dialog(text, options, default) "{{{3
+ if has('dialog_con') || has('dialog_gui')
+ let opts = join(map(a:options, '"&". v:val'), "\n")
+ let val = confirm(a:text, opts)
+ if val
+ let yn = a:options[val - 1]
+ else
+ let yn = a:default
+ endif
+ else
+ let oi = index(a:options, a:default)
+ if oi == -1
+ let opts = printf("(%s|%s)", join(a:options, '/'), a:default)
+ else
+ let options = copy(a:options)
+ let options[oi] = toupper(options[oi])
+ let opts = printf("(%s)", join(a:options, '/'))
+ endif
+ let yn = inputdialog(a:text .' '. opts)
+ endif
+ return yn
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/list.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/list.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a18f27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/list.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+" list.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2007-06-30.
+" @Last Change: 2016-03-22.
+" @Revision: 68
+""" List related functions {{{1
+" For the following functions please see ../../test/tlib.vim for examples.
+" :def: function! tlib#list#Inject(list, initial_value, funcref)
+" echo tlib#list#Inject([1,2,3], 0, function('Add')
+" => 6
+function! tlib#list#Inject(list, value, Function) "{{{3
+ if empty(a:list)
+ return a:value
+ else
+ let item = a:list[0]
+ let rest = a:list[1:-1]
+ let value = call(a:Function, [a:value, item])
+ return tlib#list#Inject(rest, value, a:Function)
+ endif
+" tlib#list#Compact([0,1,2,3,[], {}, ""])
+" => [1,2,3]
+function! tlib#list#Compact(list) "{{{3
+ return filter(copy(a:list), '!empty(v:val)')
+" tlib#list#Flatten([0,[1,2,[3,""]]])
+" => [0,1,2,3,""]
+function! tlib#list#Flatten(list) "{{{3
+ let acc = []
+ for e in a:list
+ if type(e) == 3
+ let acc += tlib#list#Flatten(e)
+ else
+ call add(acc, e)
+ endif
+ unlet e
+ endfor
+ return acc
+" :def: function! tlib#list#FindAll(list, filter, ?process_expr="")
+" Basically the same as filter()
+" tlib#list#FindAll([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2')
+" => [2, 3]
+function! tlib#list#FindAll(list, filter, ...) "{{{3
+ let rv = filter(copy(a:list), a:filter)
+ if a:0 >= 1 && a:1 != ''
+ let rv = map(rv, a:1)
+ endif
+ return rv
+" :def: function! tlib#list#Find(list, filter, ?default="", ?process_expr="")
+" tlib#list#Find([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2')
+" => 2
+function! tlib#list#Find(list, filter, ...) "{{{3
+ let default = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
+ let expr = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : ''
+ return get(tlib#list#FindAll(a:list, a:filter, expr), 0, default)
+" tlib#list#Any([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2')
+" => 1
+function! tlib#list#Any(list, expr) "{{{3
+ return !empty(tlib#list#FindAll(a:list, a:expr))
+" tlib#list#All([1,2,3], 'v:val >= 2')
+" => 0
+function! tlib#list#All(list, expr) "{{{3
+ return len(tlib#list#FindAll(a:list, a:expr)) == len(a:list)
+" tlib#list#Remove([1,2,1,2], 2)
+" => [1,1,2]
+function! tlib#list#Remove(list, element) "{{{3
+ let idx = index(a:list, a:element)
+ if idx != -1
+ call remove(a:list, idx)
+ endif
+ return a:list
+" tlib#list#RemoveAll([1,2,1,2], 2)
+" => [1,1]
+function! tlib#list#RemoveAll(list, element) "{{{3
+ call filter(a:list, 'v:val != a:element')
+ return a:list
+" :def: function! tlib#list#Zip(lists, ?default='')
+" tlib#list#Zip([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
+" => [[1,4], [2,5], [3,6]]
+function! tlib#list#Zip(lists, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg 'default'
+ let lists = copy(a:lists)
+ let max = 0
+ for l in lists
+ let ll = len(l)
+ if ll > max
+ let max = ll
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR default, max
+ return map(range(0, max - 1), 's:GetNthElement(v:val, lists, default)')
+function! s:GetNthElement(n, lists, default) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:n, a:lists, a:default
+ return map(copy(a:lists), 'get(v:val, a:n, a:default)')
+function! tlib#list#Uniq(list, ...) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:list
+ TVarArg ['get_value', ''], ['remove_empty', 0]
+ if remove_empty
+ call filter(a:list, 'type(v:val) == 0 || !empty(v:val)')
+ endif
+ " CREDITS: Based on syntastic#util#unique(list) by scrooloose
+ let emptystring = 0
+ let seen = {}
+ let uniques = []
+ if empty(get_value)
+ for e in a:list
+ if e == ''
+ if !emptystring
+ let emptystring = 1
+ call add(uniques, e)
+ endif
+ elseif !has_key(seen, e)
+ let seen[e] = 1
+ call add(uniques, e)
+ endif
+ unlet e
+ endfor
+ else
+ for e in a:list
+ let v = eval(printf(get_value, string(e)))
+ if v == ''
+ if !emptystring
+ let emptystring = 1
+ call add(uniques, v)
+ endif
+ elseif !has_key(seen, v)
+ let seen[v] = 1
+ call add(uniques, v)
+ endif
+ unlet e v
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return uniques
+function! tlib#list#ToDictionary(list, default, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['generator', '']
+ let dict = {}
+ for item in a:list
+ if !empty(item)
+ let dict[item] = empty(generator) ? a:default : call(generator, [item, a:default])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return dict
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/loclist.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/loclist.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..198dd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/loclist.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2015-10-24
+" @Revision: 2
+function! tlib#loclist#Browse(...) abort "{{{3
+ let list = getloclist(0)
+ return call(function('tlib#qfl#QflList'), [list] + a:000)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/map.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/map.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1af13f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/map.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+" map.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2009-08-23.
+" @Last Change: 2009-08-23.
+" @Revision: 0.0.4
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" If |pumvisible()| is true, return "\<c-y>". Otherwise return a:key.
+" For use in maps like: >
+" imap <expr> <cr> tlib#map#PumAccept("\<cr>")
+function! tlib#map#PumAccept(key) "{{{3
+ return pumvisible() ? "\<c-y>" : a:key
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/normal.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/normal.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..faaa444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/normal.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+" normal.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2008-10-06.
+" @Last Change: 2010-09-22.
+" @Revision: 28
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" :display: tlib#normal#WithRegister(cmd, ?register='t', ?norm_cmd='norm!')
+" Execute a normal command while maintaining all registers.
+function! tlib#normal#WithRegister(cmd, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['register', 't'], ['norm_cmd', 'norm!']
+ let registers = {}
+ for reg in split('123456789'. register, '\zs')
+ exec 'let registers[reg] = @'. reg
+ endfor
+ exec 'let reg = @'. register
+ try
+ exec norm_cmd .' '. a:cmd
+ exec 'return @'. register
+ finally
+ for [reg, value] in items(registers)
+ exec 'let @'. reg .' = value'
+ endfor
+ endtry
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/notify.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/notify.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..541dbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/notify.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+" notify.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2008-09-19.
+" @Last Change: 2016-06-28.
+" @Revision: 2.3.19
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" :display: tlib#notify#Echo(text, ?style='')
+" Print text in the echo area. Temporarily disable 'ruler' and 'showcmd'
+" in order to prevent |press-enter| messages.
+function! tlib#notify#Echo(text, ...)
+ TVarArg 'style'
+ let ruler = &ruler
+ let showcmd = &showcmd
+ let text = substitute(a:text, '\n', '|', 'g')
+ try
+ set noruler
+ set noshowcmd
+ if !empty(style)
+ exec 'echohl' style
+ endif
+ echo strpart(text, 0, &columns - 1)
+ finally
+ if !empty(style)
+ echohl None
+ endif
+ let &ruler = ruler
+ let &showcmd = showcmd
+ endtry
+" Contributed by Erik Falor:
+" If the line containing the message is too long, echoing it will cause
+" a 'Hit ENTER' prompt to appear. This function cleans up the line so
+" that does not happen.
+" The echoed line is too long if it is wider than the width of the
+" window, minus cmdline space taken up by the ruler and showcmd
+" features.
+function! tlib#notify#TrimMessage(message) "{{{3
+ let filler = '...'
+ " If length of message with tabs converted into spaces + length of
+ " line number + 2 (for the ': ' that follows the line number) is
+ " greater than the width of the screen, truncate in the middle
+ let to_fill = &columns
+ " TLogVAR to_fill
+ " Account for space used by elements in the command-line to avoid
+ " 'Hit ENTER' prompts.
+ " If showcmd is on, it will take up 12 columns.
+ " If the ruler is enabled, but not displayed in the statusline, it
+ " will in its default form take 17 columns. If the user defines a
+ " custom &rulerformat, they will need to specify how wide it is.
+ if has('cmdline_info')
+ if &showcmd
+ let to_fill -= 12
+ else
+ let to_fill -= 1
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR &showcmd, to_fill
+ " TLogVAR &laststatus, &ruler, &rulerformat
+ if &ruler
+ if &laststatus == 0 || winnr('$') == 1
+ if has('statusline')
+ if &rulerformat == ''
+ " default ruler is 17 chars wide
+ let to_fill -= 17
+ elseif exists('g:MP_rulerwidth')
+ let to_fill -= g:MP_rulerwidth
+ else
+ " tml: fallback: guess length
+ let to_fill -= strlen(&rulerformat)
+ endif
+ else
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ endif
+ else
+ let to_fill -= 1
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR to_fill
+ " TLogDBG strlen(a:message)
+ if strlen(a:message) > to_fill
+ let front = to_fill / 2 - 1
+ let back = front
+ if to_fill % 2 == 0 | let back -= 1 | endif
+ return strpart(a:message, 0, front) . filler .
+ \strpart(a:message, strlen(a:message) - back)
+ else
+ return a:message
+ endif
+function! tlib#notify#PrintError() abort "{{{3
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echom v:exception
+ echom v:throwpoint
+ echohl NONE
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/number.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/number.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fde02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/number.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 14
+function! tlib#number#ConvertBase(num, base, ...) "{{{3
+ let rtype = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'string'
+ " TLogVAR a:num, a:base, rtype
+ let rv = []
+ let num = 0.0 + a:num
+ while floor(num) > 0.0
+ let div = floor(num / a:base)
+ let num1 = float2nr(num - a:base * div)
+ if a:base <= 10
+ call insert(rv, num1)
+ elseif a:base == 16
+ let char = "0123456789ABCDEF"[num1]
+ call insert(rv, char)
+ endif
+ let num = num / a:base
+ endwh
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ if rtype == 'list'
+ return rv
+ else
+ return join(rv, '')
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd0d112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/paragraph.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+" paragraph.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2009-10-26.
+" @Last Change: 2011-04-03.
+" @Revision: 62
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Return an object describing a |paragraph|.
+function! tlib#paragraph#GetMetric() "{{{3
+ let sp = {'text_start': line("'{") + 1}
+ if line("'}") == line("$")
+ let sp.last = 1
+ let sp.text_end = line("'}")
+ if line("'{") == 1
+ let sp.ws_start = 0
+ let sp.ws_end = 0
+ let sp.top = sp.text_start
+ let sp.bottom = sp.text_end
+ else
+ let sp.ws_start = prevnonblank(line("'{")) + 1
+ let sp.ws_end = line("'{")
+ let sp.top = sp.ws_start
+ let sp.bottom = sp.text_end
+ endif
+ else
+ let sp.last = 0
+ let sp.text_end = line("'}") - 1
+ let sp.ws_start = line("'}")
+ for i in range(line("'}"), line('$'))
+ if getline(i) =~ '\w'
+ let sp.ws_end = i - 1
+ break
+ elseif i == line("$")
+ let sp.ws_end = i
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let sp.top = sp.text_start
+ let sp.bottom = sp.ws_end
+ endif
+ return sp
+" This function can be used with the tinymode plugin to move around
+" paragraphs.
+" Example configuration: >
+" call tinymode#EnterMap("para_move", "gp")
+" call tinymode#ModeMsg("para_move", "Move paragraph: j/k")
+" call tinymode#Map("para_move", "j", "silent call tlib#paragraph#Move('Down', '[N]')")
+" call tinymode#Map("para_move", "k", "silent call tlib#paragraph#Move('Up', '[N]')")
+" call tinymode#ModeArg("para_move", "owncount", 1)
+function! tlib#paragraph#Move(direction, count)
+ " TLogVAR a:direction, a:count
+ let mycount = empty(a:count) ? 1 : a:count
+ for i in range(1, mycount)
+ let para = tlib#paragraph#GetMetric()
+ " TLogVAR para
+ let text = getline(para.text_start, para.text_end)
+ let ws = getline(para.ws_start, para.ws_end)
+ " TLogVAR text, ws
+ exec para.top .','. para.bottom .'delete'
+ if a:direction == "Down"
+ let other = tlib#paragraph#GetMetric()
+ let target = other.bottom + 1
+ if other.last
+ let lines = ws + text
+ let pos = target + len(ws)
+ else
+ let lines = text + ws
+ let pos = target
+ endif
+ elseif a:direction == "Up"
+ if !para.last
+ norm! {
+ endif
+ let other = tlib#paragraph#GetMetric()
+ let target = other.text_start
+ let lines = text + ws
+ let pos = target
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR other, target
+ " TLogVAR lines
+ call append(target - 1, lines)
+ exec pos
+ endfor
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/persistent.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/persistent.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3d487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/persistent.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+" persistent.vim -- Persistent data
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2012-05-11.
+" @Last Change: 2012-05-11.
+" @Revision: 12
+" The directory for persistent data files. If empty, use
+" |tlib#dir#MyRuntime|.'/share'.
+TLet g:tlib_persistent = ''
+" :display: tlib#persistent#Dir(?mode = 'bg')
+" Return the full directory name for persistent data files.
+function! tlib#persistent#Dir() "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['mode', 'bg']
+ let dir = tlib#var#Get('tlib_persistent', mode)
+ if empty(dir)
+ let dir = tlib#file#Join([tlib#dir#MyRuntime(), 'share'])
+ endif
+ return dir
+" :def: function! tlib#persistent#Filename(type, ?file=%, ?mkdir=0)
+function! tlib#persistent#Filename(type, ...) "{{{3
+ " TLogDBG 'bufname='. bufname('.')
+ let file = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
+ let mkdir = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0
+ return tlib#cache#Filename(a:type, file, mkdir, tlib#persistent#Dir())
+function! tlib#persistent#Get(...) "{{{3
+ return call('tlib#cache#Get', a:000)
+function! tlib#persistent#MTime(cfile) "{{{3
+ return tlib#cache#MTime(a:cfile)
+function! tlib#persistent#Value(...) "{{{3
+ return call('tlib#cache#Value', a:000)
+function! tlib#persistent#Save(cfile, dictionary) "{{{3
+ call tlib#cache#Save(a:cfile, a:dictionary)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/progressbar.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/progressbar.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e739eb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/progressbar.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 72
+let s:statusline = []
+let s:laststatus = []
+let s:max = []
+let s:format = []
+let s:width = []
+let s:value = []
+let s:timestamp = -1
+" call tlib#progressbar#Init(20)
+" try
+" for i in range(20)
+" call tlib#progressbar#Display(i)
+" call DoSomethingThatTakesSomeTime(i)
+" endfor
+" finally
+" call tlib#progressbar#Restore()
+" endtry
+function! tlib#progressbar#Init(max, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['format', '%s'], ['width', 10]
+ call insert(s:statusline, &statusline)
+ call insert(s:laststatus, &laststatus)
+ call insert(s:max, a:max)
+ call insert(s:format, format)
+ call insert(s:width, width)
+ call insert(s:value, -1)
+ let &laststatus = 2
+ let s:timestamp = localtime()
+function! tlib#progressbar#Display(value, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg 'extra', ['always', 0]
+ let ts = localtime()
+ if !always && ts == s:timestamp
+ return
+ else
+ let s:timestamp = ts
+ endif
+ let val = a:value * s:width[0] / s:max[0]
+ if always || val != s:value[0]
+ let s:value[0] = val
+ let pbl = repeat('#', val)
+ let pbr = repeat('.', s:width[0] - val)
+ let txt = printf(s:format[0], '['.pbl.pbr.']') . extra
+ let &l:statusline = txt
+ " TLogDBG txt
+ redrawstatus
+ " redraw
+ " call tlib#notify#Echo(txt)
+ endif
+function! tlib#progressbar#Restore() "{{{3
+ let &l:statusline = remove(s:statusline, 0)
+ let &laststatus = remove(s:laststatus, 0)
+ redrawstatus
+ " redraw
+ " echo
+ call remove(s:max, 0)
+ call remove(s:format, 0)
+ call remove(s:width, 0)
+ call remove(s:value, 0)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148620a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: https://github.com/tomtom
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2015-12-06
+" @Revision: 60
+" :nodoc:
+TLet g:tlib#qfl#world = {
+ \ 'type': 'mi',
+ \ 'query': 'Select entry',
+ \ 'pick_last_item': 0,
+ \ 'resize_vertical': 0,
+ \ 'resize': 20,
+ \ 'scratch': '__TLibQFL__',
+ \ 'tlib_UseInputListScratch': 'call tlib#qfl#InitListBuffer(world)',
+ \ 'key_handlers': [
+ \ {'key': 5, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected', 'key_name': '<c-e>', 'help': 'Run a command on selected lines'},
+ \ {'key': 16, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentPreviewQFE', 'key_name': '<c-p>', 'help': 'Preview'},
+ \ {'key': 60, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE', 'key_name': '<', 'help': 'Jump (don''t close the list)'},
+ \ {'key': 19, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentSplitBuffer', 'key_name': '<c-s>', 'help': 'Show in split buffer'},
+ \ {'key': 20, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentTabBuffer', 'key_name': '<c-t>', 'help': 'Show in tab'},
+ \ {'key': 22, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentVSplitBuffer', 'key_name': '<c-v>', 'help': 'Show in vsplit buffer'},
+ \ {'key': 12, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentEditLine', 'key_name': '<c-l>', 'help': 'Edit selected line(s)'},
+ \ {'key': "\<c-insert>", 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#SetFollowCursor', 'key_name': '<c-ins>', 'help': 'Toggle trace cursor'},
+ \ ],
+ \ 'return_agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE',
+ \ }
+function! tlib#qfl#FormatQFLE(qfe) dict abort "{{{3
+ let filename = tlib#qfl#QfeFilename(a:qfe)
+ if get(self, 'qfl_short_filename', '')
+ let filename = pathshorten(filename)
+ endif
+ return printf("%s|%d| %s", filename, a:qfe.lnum, get(a:qfe, "text"))
+function! tlib#qfl#QfeFilename(qfe) abort "{{{3
+ let filename = get(a:qfe, 'filename')
+ if empty(filename)
+ let filename = bufname(get(a:qfe, 'bufnr'))
+ endif
+ return filename
+function! tlib#qfl#InitListBuffer(world) "{{{3
+ let set_syntax = get(a:world, 'set_syntax', 'tlib#qfl#SetSyntax')
+ call call(set_syntax, [], a:world)
+ if has('balloon_eval')
+ setlocal ballooneval balloonexpr=tlib#qfl#Balloon()
+ endif
+function! tlib#qfl#SetSyntax() dict abort "{{{3
+ let syntax = get(self, 'qfl_list_syntax', '')
+ let nextgroup = get(self, 'qfl_list_syntax_nextgroup', '')
+ " TLogVAR syntax, nextgroup
+ if !empty(syntax)
+ exec printf('runtime syntax/%s.vim', syntax)
+ endif
+ syn match TTagedFilesFilename /\%(\f\+\| \)\+\ze|\d\+| / nextgroup=TTagedFilesLNum
+ if !empty(nextgroup)
+ exec 'syn match TTagedFilesLNum /|\d\+|\s\+/ nextgroup='. nextgroup
+ else
+ syn match TTagedFilesLNum /|\d\+|/
+ endif
+ hi def link TTagedFilesFilename Directory
+ hi def link TTagedFilesLNum LineNr
+function! tlib#qfl#Balloon() "{{{3
+ let world = getbufvar(v:beval_bufnr, 'tlibDisplayListWorld')
+ let current = max([1, world.offset]) + v:beval_lnum - 1
+ if current > len(world.table)
+ let current = len(world.table)
+ endif
+ let baseidx = world.GetBaseIdx0(current)
+ " TLogVAR world.offset, v:beval_lnum, current, baseidx
+ let item = world.data[baseidx]
+ let bufnr = get(item, 'bufnr', 0)
+ let bufname = get(item, 'filename', '')
+ if bufnr == 0 && !empty(bufname)
+ let bufnr = bufnr(bufname)
+ endif
+ if empty(bufname) && bufnr > 0
+ let bufname = bufname(bufnr)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR item
+ if bufnr == 0
+ return ''
+ else
+ let lines = [printf("%d#%d: %s", bufnr, item.lnum, bufname)]
+ if has('balloon_multiline')
+ let desc = {'nr': 'Error number', 'type': 'Error type', 'text': ''}
+ for key in ['nr', 'type', 'text']
+ if has_key(item, key) && !empty(item[key])
+ let keydesc = get(desc, key, key)
+ if empty(keydesc)
+ let text = item[key]
+ else
+ let text = printf("%s: %s", key, item[key])
+ endif
+ call add(lines, text)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return join(lines, "\n")
+ endif
+ " v:beval_bufnr number of the buffer in which balloon is going to show
+ " v:beval_winnr number of the window
+ " v:beval_lnum line number
+ " v:beval_col column number (byte index)
+ " v:beval_text word under or after the mouse pointer
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(world, selected, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['cmd_edit', ''], ['cmd_buffer', '']
+ " TVarArg ['cmd_edit', 'edit'], ['cmd_buffer', 'buffer']
+ " TLogVAR a:selected
+ if empty(a:selected)
+ call a:world.RestoreOrigin()
+ " call a:world.ResetSelected()
+ else
+ call a:world.RestoreOrigin()
+ for idx in a:selected
+ let idx -= 1
+ " TLogVAR idx
+ if idx >= 0
+ " TLogVAR a:world.data
+ " call tlog#Debug(string(map(copy(a:world.data), 'v:val.bufnr')))
+ " TLogVAR idx, a:world.data[idx]
+ let qfe = a:world.data[idx]
+ " let back = a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " TLogVAR cmd_edit, cmd_buffer, qfe
+ let fn = tlib#qfl#QfeFilename(qfe)
+ " TLogVAR cmd_edit, cmd_buffer, fn
+ if empty(cmd_edit) && empty(cmd_buffer)
+ if tlib#file#Edit(fn)
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(qfe.lnum)
+ endif
+ else
+ call tlib#file#With(cmd_edit, cmd_buffer, [fn], a:world)
+ " TLogDBG bufname('%')
+ " TLogVAR &filetype
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(qfe.lnum)
+ " call a:world.SetOrigin()
+ " exec back
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentPreviewQFE(world, selected) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:selected
+ let back = a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ call tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected[0:0])
+ exec back
+ redraw
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let world = a:world
+ if !empty(a:selected)
+ let world = tlib#agent#Suspend(world, a:selected)
+ call tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(world, a:selected[0:0])
+ endif
+ return world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected(world, selected, ...) "{{{3
+ let cmd = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : input('Ex command: ', '', 'command')
+ let world = a:world
+ if !empty(cmd)
+ let world = tlib#qfl#RunCmdOnSelected(world, a:selected, cmd)
+ else
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ endif
+ return world
+function! tlib#qfl#RunCmdOnSelected(world, selected, cmd, ...) "{{{3
+ let close_scratch = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 1
+ if close_scratch
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR a:cmd
+ for entry in a:selected
+ " TLogVAR entry, a:world.GetBaseItem(entry)
+ call tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, [entry])
+ " TLogDBG bufname('%')
+ exec a:cmd
+ " let item = a:world.data[a:world.GetBaseIdx(entry - 1)]
+ " <+TODO+>
+ let item = a:world.data[entry - 1]
+ " TLogVAR entry, item, getline('.')
+ if has_key(a:world, 'GetBufferLines')
+ let lines = a:world.GetBufferLines('.', '.')
+ else
+ let lines = getline('.', '.')
+ endif
+ let item['text'] = tlib#string#Strip(lines[0])
+ endfor
+ if has_key(a:world, 'AfterRunCmd')
+ if bufnr('%') == a:world.bufnr
+ call a:world.AfterRunCmd()
+ else
+ " <+TODO+> Run in other buffer
+ endif
+ endif
+ " call s:FormatBase(a:world)
+ call a:world.RestoreOrigin()
+ let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentSplitBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ return tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected, 'split', 'sbuffer')
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentTabBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ return tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected, 'tabedit', 'tab sbuffer')
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentVSplitBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ return tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected, 'vertical split', 'vertical sbuffer')
+" function! tlib#qfl#AgentOpenBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+" endf
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentEditLine(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ let cmd = 'call tlib#qfl#EditLine(".")'
+ return tlib#qfl#RunCmdOnSelected(a:world, a:selected, cmd)
+ let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#EditLine(lnum) "{{{3
+ call inputsave()
+ let line = input('', getline(a:lnum))
+ call inputrestore()
+ if !empty(line)
+ call setline(line(a:lnum), line)
+ endif
+function! tlib#qfl#SetFollowCursor(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if empty(a:world.follow_cursor)
+ let a:world.follow_cursor = 'tlib#qfl#AgentPreviewQFE'
+ else
+ let a:world.follow_cursor = ''
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#QflList(list, ...) abort "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['world_dict', {}], ['anyway', 0], ['suspended', 0]
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', world_dict, anyway, suspended
+ " TLogVAR a:list, world_dict, anyway, suspended
+ if !anyway && empty(a:list)
+ return
+ endif
+ let world = copy(g:tlib#qfl#world)
+ if !empty(world_dict)
+ let world = tlib#eval#Extend(world, world_dict)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world
+ let world = tlib#World#New(world)
+ " echom "DBG world" string(sort(keys(world)))
+ let world.data = copy(a:list)
+ if !has_key(world, 'format_data')
+ let world.format_data = 'tlib#qfl#FormatQFLE'
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world
+ " TLogVAR world.data
+ " call s:FormatBase(world)
+ " TLogVAR world.base
+ return tlib#input#ListW(world, suspended ? 'hibernate' : '')
+function! tlib#qfl#Browse(...) abort "{{{3
+ let list = getqflist()
+ return call(function('tlib#qfl#QflList'), [list] + a:000)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/rx.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/rx.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8389983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/rx.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 113
+" :def: function! tlib#rx#Escape(text, ?magic='m')
+" magic can be one of: m, M, v, V
+" See :help 'magic'
+function! tlib#rx#Escape(text, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg 'magic'
+ if empty(magic)
+ let magic = 'm'
+ endif
+ if magic =~# '^\\\?m$'
+ return escape(a:text, '^$.*\[]~')
+ elseif magic =~# '^\\\?M$'
+ return escape(a:text, '^$\')
+ elseif magic =~# '^\\\?V$'
+ return escape(a:text, '\')
+ elseif magic =~# '^\\\?v$'
+ return substitute(a:text, '[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '\\&', 'g')
+ else
+ echoerr 'tlib: Unsupported magic type'
+ return a:text
+ endif
+" :def: function! tlib#rx#EscapeReplace(text, ?magic='m')
+" Escape return |sub-replace-special|.
+function! tlib#rx#EscapeReplace(text, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['magic', 'm']
+ if magic ==# 'm' || magic ==# 'v'
+ return escape(a:text, '\&~')
+ elseif magic ==# 'M' || magic ==# 'V'
+ return escape(a:text, '\')
+ else
+ echoerr 'magic must be one of: m, v, M, V'
+ endif
+function! tlib#rx#Suffixes(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['magic', 'm']
+ let sfx = split(&suffixes, ',')
+ call map(sfx, 'tlib#rx#Escape(v:val, magic)')
+ if magic ==# 'v'
+ return '('. join(sfx, '|') .')$'
+ elseif magic ==# 'V'
+ return '\('. join(sfx, '\|') .'\)\$'
+ else
+ return '\('. join(sfx, '\|') .'\)$'
+ endif
+function! tlib#rx#LooksLikeRegexp(text) abort "{{{3
+ return a:text =~ '[.?*+{}\[\]]'
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/scratch.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/scratch.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c9df64d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/scratch.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 255
+" Scratch window position. By default the list window is opened on the
+" bottom. Set this variable to 'topleft' or '' to change this behaviour.
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib_scratch_pos = 'botright'
+" If you want the scratch buffer to be fully removed, you might want to
+" set this variable to 'wipe'.
+" See also https://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim/pull/16
+TLet g:tlib#scratch#hidden = 'hide'
+" :def: function! tlib#scratch#UseScratch(?keyargs={})
+" Display a scratch buffer (a buffer with no file). See :TScratch for an
+" example.
+" Return the scratch buffer's number.
+" Values for keyargs:
+" scratch_split ... 1: split, 0: window, -1: tab
+function! tlib#scratch#UseScratch(...) "{{{3
+ exec tlib#arg#Let([['keyargs', {}]])
+ " TLogDBG string(keys(keyargs))
+ let id = get(keyargs, 'scratch', '__Scratch__')
+ " TLogVAR id, bufwinnr(id)
+ " TLogVAR bufnr(id), bufname(id)
+ " TLogVAR 1, winnr(), bufnr('%'), bufname("%")
+ if bufwinnr(id) != -1
+ " echom 'DBG noautocmd keepalt keepj' bufwinnr(id) 'wincmd w'
+ exec 'noautocmd keepalt keepj' bufwinnr(id) 'wincmd w'
+ " TLogVAR "reuse", bufnr("%"), bufname("%")
+ else
+ let winpos = ''
+ let bn = bufnr(id)
+ let wpos = get(keyargs, 'scratch_pos', g:tlib_scratch_pos)
+ " TLogVAR keyargs.scratch_vertical
+ if get(keyargs, 'scratch_vertical')
+ let wpos .= ' vertical'
+ let winpos = tlib#fixes#Winpos()
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR wpos
+ let scratch_split = get(keyargs, 'scratch_split', 1)
+ if bn != -1
+ " TLogVAR bn
+ let wn = bufwinnr(bn)
+ if wn != -1
+ " TLogVAR wn
+ exec 'noautocmd keepalt keepj' (wn .'wincmd w')
+ else
+ if scratch_split == 1
+ let cmd = wpos.' sbuffer!'
+ elseif scratch_split == -1
+ let cmd = wpos.' tab sbuffer!'
+ else
+ let cmd = 'buffer!'
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR cmd, bn
+ silent exec 'noautocmd keepalt keepj' cmd bn
+ endif
+ else
+ " TLogVAR id
+ if scratch_split == 1
+ let cmd = wpos.' split'
+ elseif scratch_split == -1
+ let cmd = wpos.' tab split'
+ else
+ let cmd = 'edit'
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR cmd, id
+ silent exec 'noautocmd keepalt keepj' cmd escape(id, '%#\ ')
+ " silent exec 'split '. id
+ endif
+ let ft = get(keyargs, 'scratch_filetype', '')
+ " TLogVAR ft, winpos
+ if !empty(winpos)
+ exec winpos
+ endif
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ let &l:bufhidden = get(keyargs, 'scratch_hidden', g:tlib#scratch#hidden)
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal nobuflisted
+ setlocal foldmethod=manual
+ setlocal foldcolumn=0
+ setlocal nospell
+ setlocal modifiable
+ setlocal noreadonly
+ " TLogVAR &ft, ft
+ if !empty(ft)
+ let &l:ft = ft
+ endif
+ endif
+ let keyargs.scratch = bufnr('%')
+ let keyargs.scratch_tabpagenr = tabpagenr()
+ let keyargs.scratch_winnr = winnr()
+ " TLogVAR 2, winnr(), bufnr('%'), bufname("%"), keyargs.scratch
+ return keyargs.scratch
+" Close a scratch buffer as defined in keyargs (usually a World).
+" Return 1 if the scratch buffer is closed (or if it already was
+" closed).
+function! tlib#scratch#CloseScratch(keyargs, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['reset_scratch', 1]
+ let scratch = get(a:keyargs, 'scratch', '')
+ " TLogVAR scratch, reset_scratch
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ if !empty(scratch) && winnr('$') > 1
+ let wn = bufwinnr(scratch)
+ " TLogVAR wn
+ try
+ if wn != -1
+ " TLogDBG winnr()
+ let wb = tlib#win#Set(wn)
+ let winpos = tlib#fixes#Winpos()
+ wincmd c
+ if get(a:keyargs, 'scratch_vertical') && !empty(winpos)
+ exec winpos
+ endif
+ " exec wb
+ " redraw
+ " TLogVAR winnr()
+ endif
+ return 1
+ finally
+ if reset_scratch
+ let a:keyargs.scratch = ''
+ endif
+ endtry
+ endif
+ return 0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/selection.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/selection.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4417157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/selection.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2016-01-03
+" @Revision: 3
+" :display: tlib#selection#GetSelection(mode, ?mbeg="'<", ?mend="'>", ?opmode='selection')
+" mode can be one of: selection, lines, block
+function! tlib#selection#GetSelection(mode, ...) range "{{{3
+ if a:0 >= 2
+ let mbeg = a:1
+ let mend = a:2
+ else
+ let mbeg = "'<"
+ let mend = "'>"
+ endif
+ let opmode = a:0 >= 3 ? a:3 : 'selection'
+ let l0 = line(mbeg)
+ let l1 = line(mend)
+ let text = getline(l0, l1)
+ let c0 = col(mbeg)
+ let c1 = col(mend)
+ " TLogVAR mbeg, mend, opmode, l0, l1, c0, c1
+ " TLogVAR text[-1]
+ " TLogVAR len(text[-1])
+ if opmode == 'block'
+ let clen = c1 - c0
+ call map(text, 'strpart(v:val, c0, clen)')
+ elseif opmode == 'selection'
+ if c1 > 1
+ let text[-1] = strpart(text[-1], 0, c1 - (a:mode == 'o' || c1 > len(text[-1]) ? 0 : 1))
+ endif
+ if c0 > 1
+ let text[0] = strpart(text[0], c0 - 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return text
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/signs.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/signs.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1664680
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/signs.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2009-03-12.
+" @Last Change: 2011-03-10.
+" @Revision: 0.0.45
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+let s:base = 2327
+let s:register = {}
+" Clear all signs with name SIGN.
+function! tlib#signs#ClearAll(sign) "{{{3
+ " TLog a:sign
+ for bn in keys(s:register)
+ let idxs = keys(s:register)
+ call filter(idxs, 's:register[v:val].sign == a:sign')
+ " TLogVAR bns
+ for idx in idxs
+ exec 'sign unplace '. idx .' buffer='. s:register[idx].bn
+ call remove(s:register, idx)
+ endfor
+ endfor
+" Clear all signs with name SIGN in buffer BUFNR.
+function! tlib#signs#ClearBuffer(sign, bufnr) "{{{3
+ for bn in keys(s:register)
+ let idxs = keys(s:register)
+ call filter(idxs, 's:register[v:val].sign == a:sign && s:register[v:val].bn == a:bufnr')
+ " TLogVAR bns
+ for idx in idxs
+ exec 'sign unplace '. idx .' buffer='. s:register[idx].bn
+ call remove(s:register, idx)
+ endfor
+ endfor
+" function! tlib#signs#Clear(sign, list) "{{{3
+" " TLogVAR a:sign
+" let done = []
+" for item in a:list
+" let bn = get(item, 'bufnr', -1)
+" if index(done, bn) == -1
+" let idxs = keys(s:register)
+" call filter(idxs, 's:register[v:val].sign == a:sign && s:register[v:val].bn == bn')
+" for idx in idxs
+" exec 'sign unplace '. idx .' buffer='. s:register[idx].bn
+" call remove(s:register, idx)
+" endfor
+" call add(done, bn)
+" endif
+" endfor
+" endf
+" Add signs for all locations in LIST. LIST must adhere with the
+" quickfix list format (see |getqflist()|; only the fields lnum and
+" bufnr are required).
+" list:: a quickfix or location list
+" sign:: a sign defined with |:sign-define|
+function! tlib#signs#Mark(sign, list) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:sign
+ for item in a:list
+ let idx = s:SignId(item)
+ if idx >= 0
+ let lnum = get(item, 'lnum', 0)
+ if lnum > 0
+ let bn = get(item, 'bufnr')
+ exec ':sign place '. idx .' line='. lnum .' name='. a:sign .' buffer='. bn
+ let s:register[idx] = {'sign': a:sign, 'bn': bn}
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+function! s:SignId(item) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:item
+ " let bn = bufnr('%')
+ let bn = get(a:item, 'bufnr', -1)
+ if bn == -1
+ return -1
+ else
+ let idx = s:base + bn * 500
+ while has_key(s:register, idx)
+ let idx += 1
+ endwh
+ return idx
+ endif
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/string.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/string.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..26b1f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/string.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 126
+" :def: function! tlib#string#RemoveBackslashes(text, ?chars=' ')
+" Remove backslashes from text (but only in front of the characters in
+" chars).
+function! tlib#string#RemoveBackslashes(text, ...) "{{{3
+ exec tlib#arg#Get(1, 'chars', ' ')
+ " TLogVAR chars
+ let rv = substitute(a:text, '\\\(['. chars .']\)', '\1', 'g')
+ return rv
+" :display: tlib#string#Chomp(string, ?max=0)
+function! tlib#string#Chomp(string, ...) "{{{3
+ let quant = a:0 >= 1 ? '\{,'. a:1 .'}' : '\+'
+ return substitute(a:string, '[[:cntrl:][:space:]]'. quant .'$', '', '')
+" Format a template string. Placeholders have the format "%{NAME}". A
+" "%" can be inserted as "%%".
+" Examples:
+" echo tlib#string#Format("foo %{bar} foo", {'bar': 123})
+" => foo 123 foo
+function! tlib#string#Format(template, dict) "{{{3
+ let parts = split(a:template, '\ze%\({.\{-}}\|.\)')
+ let out = []
+ for part in parts
+ let ml = matchlist(part, '^%\({\(.\{-}\)}\|\(.\)\)\(.*\)$')
+ if empty(ml)
+ let rest = part
+ else
+ let var = empty(ml[2]) ? ml[3] : ml[2]
+ let rest = ml[4]
+ if has_key(a:dict, var)
+ call add(out, a:dict[var])
+ elseif var == '%%'
+ call add(out, '%')
+ else
+ call add(out, ml[1])
+ endif
+ endif
+ call add(out, rest)
+ endfor
+ return join(out, '')
+" This function deviates from |printf()| in certain ways.
+" Additional items:
+" %{rx} ... insert escaped regexp
+" %{fuzzyrx} ... insert typo-tolerant regexp
+function! tlib#string#Printf1(format, string) "{{{3
+ let s = split(a:format, '%.\zs')
+ " TLogVAR s
+ return join(map(s, 's:PrintFormat(v:val, a:string)'), '')
+function! s:PrintFormat(format, string) "{{{3
+ let cut = match(a:format, '%\({.\{-}}\|.\)$')
+ if cut == -1
+ return a:format
+ else
+ let head = cut > 0 ? a:format[0 : cut - 1] : ''
+ let tail = a:format[cut : -1]
+ " TLogVAR head, tail
+ if tail == '%{fuzzyrx}'
+ let frx = []
+ for i in range(len(a:string))
+ if i > 0
+ let pb = i - 1
+ else
+ let pb = 0
+ endif
+ let slice = tlib#rx#Escape(a:string[pb : i + 1])
+ call add(frx, '['. slice .']')
+ call add(frx, '.\?')
+ endfor
+ let tail = join(frx, '')
+ elseif tail == '%{rx}'
+ let tail = tlib#rx#Escape(a:string)
+ elseif tail == '%%'
+ let tail = '%'
+ elseif tail == '%s'
+ let tail = a:string
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR tail
+ return head . tail
+ endif
+" function! tlib#string#Printf1(format, string) "{{{3
+" let n = len(split(a:format, '%\@<!%s', 1)) - 1
+" let f = a:format
+" if f =~ '%\@<!%{fuzzyrx}'
+" let frx = []
+" for i in range(len(a:string))
+" if i > 0
+" let pb = i - 1
+" else
+" let pb = 0
+" endif
+" let slice = tlib#rx#Escape(a:string[pb : i + 1])
+" call add(frx, '['. slice .']')
+" call add(frx, '.\?')
+" endfor
+" let f = s:RewriteFormatString(f, '%{fuzzyrx}', join(frx, ''))
+" endif
+" if f =~ '%\@<!%{rx}'
+" let f = s:RewriteFormatString(f, '%{rx}', tlib#rx#Escape(a:string))
+" endif
+" if n == 0
+" return substitute(f, '%%', '%', 'g')
+" else
+" let a = repeat([a:string], n)
+" return call('printf', insert(a, f))
+" endif
+" endf
+function! s:RewriteFormatString(format, pattern, string) "{{{3
+ let string = substitute(a:string, '%', '%%', 'g')
+ return substitute(a:format, tlib#rx#Escape(a:pattern), escape(string, '\'), 'g')
+function! tlib#string#TrimLeft(string) "{{{3
+ return substitute(a:string, '^[[:space:][:cntrl:]]\+', '', '')
+function! tlib#string#TrimRight(string) "{{{3
+ return substitute(a:string, '[[:space:][:cntrl:]]\+$', '', '')
+function! tlib#string#Strip(string) "{{{3
+ return tlib#string#TrimRight(tlib#string#TrimLeft(a:string))
+function! tlib#string#Count(string, rx) "{{{3
+ let s:count = 0
+ call substitute(a:string, a:rx, '\=s:CountHelper()', 'g')
+ return s:count
+function! s:CountHelper() "{{{3
+ let s:count += 1
+function! tlib#string#SplitCommaList(text, ...) abort "{{{3
+ let sep = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ',\s*'
+ let parts = split(a:text, '\\\@<!\zs'. sep)
+ let parts = map(parts, 'substitute(v:val, ''\\\(.\)'', ''\1'', ''g'')')
+ return parts
+function! tlib#string#Input(...) abort "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['text', ''], ['completion', '']
+ call inputsave()
+ let rv = call(function('input'), a:000)
+ call inputrestore()
+ return rv
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/syntax.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/syntax.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa30b66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/syntax.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 13
+function! tlib#syntax#Collect() "{{{3
+ let acc = {}
+ let syn = ''
+ for line in tlib#cmd#OutputAsList('syntax')
+ if line =~ '^---'
+ continue
+ elseif line =~ '^\w'
+ let ml = matchlist(line, '^\(\w\+\)\s\+\(xxx\s\+\(.*\)\|\(cluster.*\)\)$')
+ if empty(ml)
+ " echoerr 'Internal error: '. string(line)
+ else
+ let [m_0, syn, m_1, m_def1, m_def2; m_rest] = ml
+ let acc[syn] = [empty(m_def1) ? m_def2 : m_def1]
+ endif
+ else
+ call add(acc[syn], matchstr(line, '^\s\+\zs.*$'))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return acc
+" :def: function! tlib#syntax#Names(?rx='')
+function! tlib#syntax#Names(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg 'rx'
+ let names = keys(tlib#syntax#Collect())
+ if !empty(rx)
+ call filter(names, 'v:val =~ rx')
+ endif
+ return names
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/sys.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/sys.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ed24f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/sys.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2015-12-12.
+" @Revision: 59
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#special_protocols')
+ " A list of |regexp|s matching protocol names that should be handled
+ " by |g:tlib#sys#system_browser|.
+ " CAVEAT: Must be a |\V| |regexp|.
+ let g:tlib#sys#special_protocols = ['https\?', 'nntp', 'mailto'] "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#special_suffixes')
+ " A list of |regexp|s matching suffixes that should be handled by
+ " |g:tlib#sys#system_browser|.
+ " CAVEAT: Must be a |\V| |regexp|.
+ let g:tlib#sys#special_suffixes = ['xlsx\?', 'docx\?', 'pptx\?', 'accdb', 'mdb', 'sqlite', 'pdf', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'od\[tspg]'] "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#system_rx')
+ " Open links matching this |regexp| with |g:tlib#sys#system_browser|.
+ " CAVEAT: Must be a |\V| |regexp|.
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_rx = printf('\V\%(\^\%(%s\):\|.\%(%s\)\$\)', join(g:tlib#sys#special_protocols, '\|'), join(g:tlib#sys#special_suffixes, '\|')) "{{{2
+if !exists("g:tlib#sys#system_browser")
+ if exists('g:netrw_browsex_viewer')
+ " Open files in the system browser.
+ " :read: let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = ... "{{{2
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent !'. g:netrw_browsex_viewer shellescape('%s')"
+ elseif has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win64")
+ " let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent ! start \"\"' shellescape('%s')"
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent ! RunDll32.EXE URL.DLL,FileProtocolHandler' shellescape('%s')"
+ elseif has("mac")
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent !open' shellescape('%s')"
+ elseif exists('$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP') && !empty($XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent !xdg-open' shellescape('%s') '&'"
+ elseif $GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID != "" || $DESKTOP_SESSION == 'gnome'
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent !gnome-open' shellescape('%s')"
+ elseif exists("$KDEDIR") && !empty($KDEDIR)
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = "exec 'silent !kfmclient exec' shellescape('%s')"
+ else
+ let g:tlib#sys#system_browser = ''
+ endif
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#windows')
+ let g:tlib#sys#windows = &shell !~ 'sh' && (has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64')) "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#null')
+ let g:tlib#sys#null = g:tlib#sys#windows ? 'NUL' : (filereadable('/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : '') "{{{2
+let s:cygwin = {}
+function! tlib#sys#IsCygwinBin(cmd) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:cmd
+ if !g:tlib#sys#windows
+ return 0
+ elseif has_key(s:cygwin, a:cmd)
+ let rv = s:cygwin[a:cmd]
+ else
+ if !tlib#sys#IsExecutable('cygpath', 1) || !tlib#sys#IsExecutable('which', 1)
+ let rv = 0
+ else
+ let which = substitute(system('which '. shellescape(a:cmd)), '\n$', '', '')
+ " echom "DBG which:" which
+ if which =~ '^/'
+ let filename = system('cygpath -ma '. shellescape(which))
+ " echom "DBG filename:" filename
+ let rv = filename =~ g:tlib#sys#cygwin_path_rx
+ else
+ let rv = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ let s:cygwin[a:cmd] = rv
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ return rv
+let s:executables = {}
+function! tlib#sys#IsExecutable(cmd, ...) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:cmd
+ " echom "DBG has_key(s:executables, a:cmd)" has_key(s:executables, a:cmd)
+ if !has_key(s:executables, a:cmd)
+ let executable = executable(a:cmd)
+ " TLogVAR 1, executable
+ let ignore_cyg = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : !g:tlib#sys#windows
+ if !executable && !ignore_cyg
+ let executable = tlib#sys#IsCygwinBin(a:cmd)
+ " TLogVAR 2, executable
+ endif
+ let s:executables[a:cmd] = executable
+ endif
+ " echom "DBG s:executables[a:cmd]" s:executables[a:cmd]
+ return s:executables[a:cmd]
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#check_cygpath')
+ " If true, check whether we have to convert a path via cyppath --
+ " see |tlib#sys#MaybeUseCygpath|
+ let g:tlib#sys#check_cygpath = g:tlib#sys#windows && tlib#sys#IsExecutable('cygpath', 1) "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#cygwin_path_rx')
+ " If a full windows filename (with slashes instead of backslashes)
+ " matches this |regexp|, it is assumed to be a cygwin executable.
+ let g:tlib#sys#cygwin_path_rx = '/cygwin/' "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#sys#cygwin_expr')
+ " For cygwin binaries, convert command calls using this vim
+ " expression.
+ let g:tlib#sys#cygwin_expr = '"bash -c ''". escape(%s, "''\\") ."''"' "{{{2
+function! tlib#sys#GetCmd(cmd) "{{{3
+ if !empty(g:tlib#sys#cygwin_expr) && tlib#sys#IsCygwinBin(matchstr(a:cmd, '^\S\+'))
+ let cmd = eval(printf(g:tlib#sys#cygwin_expr, string(a:cmd)))
+ " TLogVAR cmd
+ return cmd
+ else
+ return a:cmd
+ endif
+" If cmd seems to be a cygwin executable, use cygpath to convert
+" filenames. This assumes that cygwin's which command returns full
+" filenames for non-cygwin executables.
+function! tlib#sys#MaybeUseCygpath(cmd) "{{{3
+ " echom "DBG" a:cmd
+ if g:tlib#sys#check_cygpath && tlib#sys#IsCygwinBin(a:cmd)
+ return 'cygpath -u "%s"'
+ endif
+ return ''
+function! tlib#sys#ConvertPath(converter, filename) "{{{3
+ return tlib#string#Chomp(system(printf(a:converter, shellescape(a:filename))))
+let s:native_filenames = {}
+function! tlib#sys#FileArgs(cmd, files) "{{{3
+ let cygpath = tlib#sys#MaybeUseCygpath(a:cmd)
+ " TLogVAR cygpath
+ if empty(cygpath)
+ return a:files
+ else
+ let files = map(copy(a:files), 'has_key(s:native_filenames, v:val) ? s:native_filenames[v:val] : tlib#sys#CygPath(v:val)')
+ return files
+ endif
+" Check whether filename matches |g:tlib#sys#system_rx|, i.e. whether it
+" is a special file that should not be opened in vim.
+function! tlib#sys#IsSpecial(filename) abort "{{{3
+ return a:filename =~ g:tlib#sys#system_rx
+" Open filename with the default OS application (see
+" |g:tlib#sys#system_browser|), if |tlib#sys#IsSpecial()| return 1.
+" Returns 1 if successful or 0 otherwise.
+function! tlib#sys#Open(filename) abort "{{{3
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:filename
+ if !empty(g:tlib#sys#system_browser) && tlib#sys#IsSpecial(a:filename)
+ try
+ let cmd = printf(g:tlib#sys#system_browser, a:filename)
+ " let cmd = printf(g:tlib#sys#system_browser, escape(a:filename, ' %#!'))
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', cmd
+ exec cmd
+ return 1
+ catch
+ echohl ErrorMsg
+ echom v:exception
+ echohl NONE
+ endtry
+ endif
+ return 0
+" :def: function! tlib#sys#SystemInDir(dir, expr, ?input='')
+function! tlib#sys#SystemInDir(dir, ...) abort "{{{3
+ call tlib#dir#CD(a:dir)
+ try
+ return call(function('system'), a:000)
+ finally
+ silent cd! -
+ endtry
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/tab.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/tab.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa6bb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/tab.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 31
+" Return a dictionary of bufnumbers => [[tabpage, winnr] ...]
+function! tlib#tab#BufMap() "{{{3
+ let acc = {}
+ for t in range(tabpagenr('$'))
+ let bb = tabpagebuflist(t + 1)
+ for b in range(len(bb))
+ let bn = bb[b]
+ let bd = [t + 1, b + 1]
+ if has_key(acc, bn)
+ call add(acc[bn], bd)
+ else
+ let acc[bn] = [bd]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return acc
+" Find a buffer's window at some tab page.
+function! tlib#tab#TabWinNr(buffer) "{{{3
+ let bn = bufnr(a:buffer)
+ let bt = tlib#tab#BufMap()
+ let tn = tabpagenr()
+ let wn = winnr()
+ let bc = get(bt, bn)
+ if !empty(bc)
+ for [t, w] in bc
+ if t == tn
+ return [t, w]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return bc[0]
+ endif
+function! tlib#tab#Set(tabnr) "{{{3
+ if a:tabnr > 0
+ exec a:tabnr .'tabnext'
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/tag.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/tag.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4239d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/tag.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 59
+" Extra tags for |tlib#tag#Retrieve()| (see there). Can also be buffer-local.
+TLet g:tlib_tags_extra = ''
+" Filter the tag description through |substitute()| for these filetypes.
+" This applies only if the tag cmd field (see |taglist()|) is used.
+" :nodefault:
+TLet g:tlib_tag_substitute = {
+ \ 'java': [['\s*{\s*$', '', '']],
+ \ 'ruby': [['\<\(def\|class\|module\)\>\s\+', '', '']],
+ \ 'vim': [
+ \ ['^\s*com\%[mand]!\?\(\s\+-\S\+\)*\s*\u\w*\zs.*$', '', ''],
+ \ ['^\s*\(let\|aug\%[roup]\|fu\%[nction]!\?\|com\%[mand]!\?\(\s\+-\S\+\)*\)\s*', '', ''],
+ \ ['"\?\s*{{{\d.*$', '', ''],
+ \ ],
+ \ }
+" :def: function! tlib#tag#Retrieve(rx, ?extra_tags=0)
+" Get all tags matching rx. Basically, this function simply calls
+" |taglist()|, but when extra_tags is true, the list of the tag files
+" (see 'tags') is temporarily expanded with |g:tlib_tags_extra|.
+" Example use:
+" If you want to include tags for, eg, JDK, normal tags use can become
+" slow. You could proceed as follows:
+" 1. Create a tags file for the JDK sources. When creating the tags
+" file, make sure to include inheritance information and the like
+" (command-line options like --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q should be ok).
+" In this example, we want tags only for public methods (there are
+" most likely better ways to do this): >
+" ctags -R --fields=+iaSm --extra=+q ${JAVA_HOME}/src
+" head -n 6 tags > tags0
+" grep access:public tags >> tags0
+" < 2. Make 'tags' include project specific tags files. In
+" ~/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/java.vim insert: >
+" let b:tlib_tags_extra = $JAVA_HOME .'/tags0'
+" < 3. When this function is invoked as >
+" echo tlib#tag#Retrieve('print')
+" < it will return only project-local tags. If it is invoked as >
+" echo tlib#tag#Retrieve('print', 1)
+" < tags from the JDK will be included.
+function! tlib#tag#Retrieve(rx, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['extra_tags', 0]
+ " TLogVAR a:rx, extra_tags
+ if extra_tags
+ let tags_orig = &l:tags
+ if empty(tags_orig)
+ setlocal tags<
+ endif
+ try
+ let more_tags = tlib#var#Get('tlib_tags_extra', 'bg')
+ if !empty(more_tags)
+ let &l:tags .= ','. more_tags
+ endif
+ let taglist = taglist(a:rx)
+ finally
+ let &l:tags = tags_orig
+ endtry
+ else
+ let taglist = taglist(a:rx)
+ endif
+ return taglist
+" Retrieve tags that meet the constraints (a dictionnary of fields and
+" regexp, with the exception of the kind field which is a list of chars).
+" For the use of the optional use_extra argument see
+" |tlib#tag#Retrieve()|.
+" :def: function! tlib#tag#Collect(constraints, ?use_extra=1, ?match_front=1)
+function! tlib#tag#Collect(constraints, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['use_extra', 0], ['match_end', 1], ['match_front', 1]
+ " TLogVAR a:constraints, use_extra
+ let rx = get(a:constraints, 'name', '')
+ if empty(rx) || rx == '*'
+ let rx = '.'
+ else
+ let rxl = ['\C']
+ if match_front
+ call add(rxl, '^')
+ endif
+ " call add(rxl, tlib#rx#Escape(rx))
+ call add(rxl, rx)
+ if match_end
+ call add(rxl, '$')
+ endif
+ let rx = join(rxl, '')
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR rx, use_extra
+ let tags = tlib#tag#Retrieve(rx, use_extra)
+ " TLogDBG len(tags)
+ for [field, rx] in items(a:constraints)
+ if !empty(rx) && rx != '*'
+ " TLogVAR field, rx
+ if field == 'kind'
+ call filter(tags, 'v:val.kind =~ "['. rx .']"')
+ elseif field != 'name'
+ call filter(tags, '!empty(get(v:val, field)) && get(v:val, field) =~ rx')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR tags
+ return tags
+function! tlib#tag#Format(tag) "{{{3
+ if has_key(a:tag, 'signature')
+ let name = a:tag.name . a:tag.signature
+ elseif a:tag.cmd[0] == '/'
+ let name = a:tag.cmd
+ let name = substitute(name, '^/\^\?\s*', '', '')
+ let name = substitute(name, '\s*\$\?/$', '', '')
+ let name = substitute(name, '\s\{2,}', ' ', 'g')
+ let tsub = tlib#var#Get('tlib_tag_substitute', 'bg')
+ if has_key(tsub, &filetype)
+ for [rx, rplc, sub] in tsub[&filetype]
+ let name = substitute(name, rx, rplc, sub)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ else
+ let name = a:tag.name
+ endif
+ return name
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/textobjects.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/textobjects.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb4170e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/textobjects.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+" textobjects.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2010-01-09.
+" @Last Change: 2010-01-10.
+" @Revision: 0.0.29
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" :tag: standard-paragraph
+" Select a "Standard Paragraph", i.e. a text block followed by blank
+" lines. Other than |ap|, the last paragraph in a document is handled
+" just the same.
+" The |text-object| can be accessed as "sp". Example: >
+" vsp ... select the current standard paragraph
+" Return 1, if the paragraph is the last one in the document.
+function! tlib#textobjects#StandardParagraph() "{{{3
+ if line("'}") == line('$')
+ norm! vip
+ return 1
+ else
+ norm! vap
+ return 0
+ endif
+function! tlib#textobjects#Init() "{{{3
+ if !exists('s:tlib_done_textobjects')
+ " sp ... Standard paragraph (for use as |text-objects|).
+ vnoremap <silent> sp <Esc>:call tlib#textobjects#StandardParagraph()<CR>
+ onoremap <silent> sp :<C-u>normal Vsp<CR>
+ let s:tlib_done_textobjects = 1
+ endif
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/time.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/time.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2273d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/time.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 36
+function! tlib#time#MSecs() "{{{3
+ let rts = reltimestr(reltime())
+ return substitute(rts, '\.', '', '')
+function! tlib#time#Now() "{{{3
+ if has('reltime')
+ let rts = reltimestr(reltime())
+ let rtl = map(split(rts, '\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)')
+ else
+ let rtl = [localtime()]
+ endif
+ return rtl
+function! tlib#time#FormatNow() "{{{3
+ let rtl = tlib#time#Now()
+ if len(rtl) == 2
+ let rts = strftime(g:tlib#date#date_format .' %H:%M:%S', rtl[0]) .'.'. rtl[1]
+ else
+ let rts = strftime(g:tlib#date#date_format .' %H:%M:%S', rtl[0])
+ endif
+ return rts
+function! tlib#time#Diff(a, b, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['resolution', 2]
+ let [as, am] = a:a
+ let [bs, bm] = a:b
+ let rv = 0 + (as - bs)
+ if resolution > 0
+ let rv .= repeat('0', resolution)
+ let am = am[0 : resolution - 1]
+ let bm = bm[0 : resolution - 1]
+ let rv += (am - bm)
+ endif
+ return rv
+function! tlib#time#DiffMSecs(a, b, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['resolution', 2]
+ if a:a == a:b
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let a = printf('%30s', a:a[0 : -(7 - resolution)])
+ let b = printf('%30s', a:b[0 : -(7 - resolution)])
+ for i in range(0, 29)
+ if a[i] != b[i]
+ let a = a[i : -1]
+ let b = b[i : -1]
+ return a - b
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/trace.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/trace.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdda1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/trace.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: https://github.com/tomtom
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2016-06-08
+" @Revision: 177
+if !exists('g:tlib#trace#backtrace')
+ " The length of the backtrace that should be included in
+ " |tlib#trace#Print()|.
+ let g:tlib#trace#backtrace = 2 "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#trace#printer')
+ " Possible values:
+ " - 'echom'
+ " - ['file', FILENAME]
+ let g:tlib#trace#printer = 'echom' "{{{2
+if !exists('g:tlib#trace#hl')
+ let g:tlib#trace#hl = {'error': 'ErrorMsg', 'fatal': 'ErrorMsg', 'warn': 'WarningMsg'} "{{{2
+" Print traces from |tlib#trace#Print()|.
+function! tlib#trace#Printer_echom(type, text, args) abort "{{{3
+ let hl = get(g:tlib#trace#hl, a:type, '')
+ try
+ if !empty(hl)
+ exec 'echohl' hl
+ endif
+ echom a:text
+ finally
+ if !empty(hl)
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ endtry
+function! tlib#trace#Printer_file(type, text, args) abort "{{{3
+ let filename = get(a:args, 0, '')
+ if !filewritable(filename)
+ throw 'tlib#trace#Printer_file: Cannot write to file: '. filename
+ else
+ call writefile([a:text], filename, 'a')
+ endif
+" Set the tracing |regexp|. See |:Tlibtrace|.
+" This will also call |tlib#trace#Enable()|.
+" Examples:
+" call tlib#trace#Set(["+foo", "-bar"])
+" call tlib#trace#Set("+foo,-bar")
+function! tlib#trace#Set(vars) abort "{{{3
+ call tlib#trace#Enable()
+ if type(a:vars) == 1
+ let vars = tlib#string#SplitCommaList(a:vars, '[,[:space:]]\+')
+ else
+ let vars = a:vars
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR vars
+ for rx in vars
+ let rx1 = substitute(rx, '^[+-]', '', 'g')
+ if rx1 !~# '^\%(error\|warn\|fatal\)$'
+ let erx1 = tlib#rx#Escape(rx1)
+ " TLogVAR rx, rx1
+ " echom "DBG" s:trace_rx
+ if rx =~ '^+'
+ if s:trace_rx !~# '[(|]'. erx1 .'\\'
+ let s:trace_rx = substitute(s:trace_rx, '\ze\\)\$', '\\|'. erx1, '')
+ endif
+ elseif rx =~ '^-'
+ if s:trace_rx =~# '[(|]'. erx1 .'\\'
+ let s:trace_rx = substitute(s:trace_rx, '\\|'. erx1, '', '')
+ endif
+ else
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echom 'tlib#trace#Print: Unsupported syntax:' rx
+ echohl NONE
+ endif
+ " echom "DBG" s:trace_rx
+ endif
+ endfor
+ echom "SetTrace:" s:trace_rx
+function! tlib#trace#Backtrace(caller) abort "{{{3
+ let caller = split(a:caller, '\.\.')
+ let start = max([0, len(caller) - g:tlib#trace#backtrace - 1])
+ let caller = caller[start : -1]
+ return join(caller, '..')
+" Print the values of vars. The first value is a "guard" (see
+" |:Tlibtrace|).
+function! tlib#trace#Print(caller, vars, values) abort "{{{3
+ let msg = ['TRACE']
+ let guard = a:values[0]
+ if type(guard) == 0
+ let cond = guard
+ else
+ let cond = guard =~# s:trace_rx
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR guard, cond, a:vars, a:values
+ if cond
+ call add(msg, guard)
+ call add(msg, tlib#time#FormatNow() .':')
+ if g:tlib#trace#backtrace > 0
+ let bt = tlib#trace#Backtrace(a:caller)
+ if !empty(bt)
+ call add(msg, bt .':')
+ endif
+ endif
+ for i in range(1, len(a:vars) - 1)
+ let v = substitute(a:vars[i], ',$', '', '')
+ let r = a:values[i]
+ if v =~# '^\([''"]\).\{-}\1$'
+ call add(msg, r .';')
+ else
+ call add(msg, v .'='. string(r) .';')
+ endif
+ unlet r
+ endfor
+ if type(g:tlib#trace#printer) == 1
+ let printer = g:tlib#trace#printer
+ let args = []
+ else
+ let [printer; args] = g:tlib#trace#printer
+ endif
+ call tlib#trace#Printer_{printer}(guard, join(msg), args)
+ endif
+" Enable tracing via |:Tlibtrace|.
+function! tlib#trace#Enable() abort "{{{3
+ if !exists('s:trace_rx')
+ let s:trace_rx = '^\%(error\|fatal\|warn\|info\)$'
+ " :nodoc:
+ command! -nargs=+ -bang Tlibtrace call tlib#trace#Print(expand('<sfile>'), [<f-args>], [<args>])
+ endif
+" Disable tracing via |:Tlibtrace|.
+function! tlib#trace#Disable() abort "{{{3
+ " :nodoc:
+ command! -nargs=+ -bang Tlibtrace :
+ unlet! s:trace_rx
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/type.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/type.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..63116d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/type.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2007-09-30.
+" @Last Change: 2015-12-04.
+" @Revision: 44
+" Enable type assertiona via |:Tlibtype|.
+function! tlib#type#Enable() abort "{{{3
+ " :nodoc:
+ command! -nargs=+ Tlibtype call tlib#type#Check(expand('<sfile>'), [<f-args>], [<args>])
+" Disable type assertiona via |:Tlibtype|.
+function! tlib#type#Disable() abort "{{{3
+ " :nodoc:
+ command! -nargs=+ Tlibtype :
+function! tlib#type#IsNumber(expr)
+ return tlib#type#Is(a:expr, 0)
+function! tlib#type#IsString(expr)
+ return tlib#type#Is(a:expr, 1)
+function! tlib#type#IsFuncref(expr)
+ return tlib#type#Is(a:expr, 2)
+function! tlib#type#IsList(expr)
+ return tlib#type#Is(a:expr, 3)
+function! tlib#type#IsDictionary(expr)
+ return tlib#type#Is(a:expr, 4)
+function! tlib#type#Is(val, type) abort "{{{3
+ if has_key(s:schemas, a:type)
+ return tlib#type#Has(a:val, a:type)
+ else
+ if type(a:type) == 0
+ let type = a:type
+ elseif a:type =~? '^n\%[umber]'
+ let type = 0
+ elseif a:type =~? '^s\%[tring]'
+ let type = 1
+ elseif a:type =~? '^fu\%[ncref]'
+ let type = 2
+ elseif a:type =~? '^l\%[ist]'
+ let type = 3
+ elseif a:type =~? '^d\%[ictionary]'
+ let type = 4
+ elseif a:type =~? '^fl\%[oat]'
+ let type = 5
+ else
+ throw 'tlib#type#Is: Unknown type: ' a:type
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR a:val, a:type, type, type(a:val), type(a:val) == a:type
+ return type(a:val) == type
+ endif
+function! tlib#type#Are(vals, type) abort "{{{3
+ return tlib#assert#Map(a:vals, 'tlib#type#Is(v:val,'. string(a:type) .')')
+let s:schemas = {}
+function! tlib#type#Define(name, schema) abort "{{{3
+ let s:schemas[a:name] = deepcopy(a:schema)
+function! tlib#type#Has(val, schema) abort "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR type(a:val), type(a:schema)
+ if !tlib#type#IsDictionary(a:val)
+ " TLogVAR 'not a dictionary', a:val
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if tlib#type#IsString(a:schema)
+ " TLogVAR a:schema
+ let schema = copy(s:schemas[a:schema])
+ else
+ let schema = copy(a:schema)
+ endif
+ if tlib#type#IsDictionary(schema)
+ return tlib#assert#All(map(schema, 'has_key(a:val, v:key) && tlib#type#Is(a:val[v:key], v:val)'))
+ else
+ " TLogVAR keys(a:val), schema
+ return tlib#assert#All(map(schema, 'has_key(a:val, v:val)'))
+ endif
+function! tlib#type#Have(vals, schema) abort "{{{3
+ return tlib#assert#Map(a:vals, 'tlib#type#Has(v:val,'. string(a:schema) .')')
+function! tlib#type#Check(caller, names, vals) abort "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:names, a:vals, len(a:names)
+ for i in range(0, len(a:names) - 1, 2)
+ let val = a:vals[i]
+ let type = a:vals[i + 1]
+ " TLogVAR i, val, type
+ if !tlib#type#Is(val, type)
+ let name = matchstr(a:names[i], '^''\zs.\{-}\ze'',\?$')
+ throw 'tlib#type#Check: Type mismatch: '. name .':'. a:vals[i + 1]
+ endif
+ endfor
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/url.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/url.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b948d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/url.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+" url.vim
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2007-06-30.
+" @Last Change: 2011-03-10.
+" @Revision: 0.0.28
+" TODO: These functions could use printf() now.
+" Decode an encoded URL.
+function! tlib#url#Decode(url) "{{{3
+ return substitute(a:url, '\(+\|%\(%\|\x\x\)\)', '\=tlib#url#DecodeChar(submatch(1))', 'g')
+" Decode a single character.
+function! tlib#url#DecodeChar(char) "{{{3
+ if a:char == '%%'
+ return '%'
+ elseif a:char == '+'
+ return ' '
+ else
+ return nr2char("0x".a:char[1 : -1])
+ endif
+" Encode a single character.
+function! tlib#url#EncodeChar(char) "{{{3
+ if a:char == '%'
+ return '%%'
+ elseif a:char == ' '
+ return '+'
+ else
+ return printf("%%%X", char2nr(a:char))
+ endif
+" Encode an URL.
+function! tlib#url#Encode(url, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['extrachars', '']
+ let rx = '\([^a-zA-Z0-9_.'. extrachars .'-]\)'
+ " TLogVAR a:url, rx
+ let rv = substitute(a:url, rx, '\=tlib#url#EncodeChar(submatch(1))', 'g')
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ return rv
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/var.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/var.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dcd9264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/var.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 30
+" Define a variable called NAME if yet undefined.
+" You can also use the :TLLet command.
+" exec tlib#var#Let('g:foo', 1)
+" TLet g:foo = 1
+function! tlib#var#Let(name, val) "{{{3
+ return printf('if !exists(%s) | let %s = %s | endif', string(a:name), a:name, string(a:val))
+ " return printf('if !exists(%s) | let %s = %s | endif', string(a:name), a:name, a:val)
+" :def: function! tlib#var#EGet(var, namespace, ?default='')
+" Retrieve a variable by searching several namespaces.
+" let g:foo = 1
+" let b:foo = 2
+" let w:foo = 3
+" echo eval(tlib#var#EGet('foo', 'vg')) => 1
+" echo eval(tlib#var#EGet('foo', 'bg')) => 2
+" echo eval(tlib#var#EGet('foo', 'wbg')) => 3
+function! tlib#var#EGet(var, namespace, ...) "{{{3
+ let pre = []
+ let post = []
+ for namespace in split(a:namespace, '\zs')
+ let var = namespace .':'. a:var
+ call add(pre, printf('exists("%s") ? %s : (', var, var))
+ call add(post, ')')
+ endfor
+ let default = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
+ return join(pre) . string(default) . join(post)
+" :def: function! tlib#var#Get(var, namespace, ?default='')
+" Retrieve a variable by searching several namespaces.
+" let g:foo = 1
+" let b:foo = 2
+" let w:foo = 3
+" echo tlib#var#Get('foo', 'bg') => 1
+" echo tlib#var#Get('foo', 'bg') => 2
+" echo tlib#var#Get('foo', 'wbg') => 3
+function! tlib#var#Get(var, namespace, ...) "{{{3
+ let var_ = substitute(a:var, '#', '_', 'g')
+ for namespace in split(a:namespace, '\zs')
+ let vname = namespace == 'g' ? a:var : var_
+ let var = namespace .':'. vname
+ if exists(var)
+ return {var}
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
+" :def: function! tlib#var#List(rx, ?prefix='')
+" Get a list of variables matching rx.
+" echo tlib#var#List('tlib_', 'g:')
+function! tlib#var#List(rx, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['prefix', 'g:']
+ if v:version >= 704
+ exec 'let varlist = keys('. prefix .')'
+ else
+ redir => vars
+ silent! exec 'let '. prefix
+ redir END
+ let varlist = split(vars, '\n')
+ call map(varlist, 'matchstr(v:val, ''^\S\+'')')
+ endif
+ call filter(varlist, 'v:val =~ a:rx')
+ return varlist
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15d051f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2012-03-08.
+" @Last Change: 2015-11-07.
+" @Revision: 190
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" A dictionarie of supported VCS (currently: git, hg, svn, bzr).
+" :display: g:tlib#vcs#def {...}
+TLet g:tlib#vcs#def = {
+ \ 'git': {
+ \ 'dir': '.git',
+ \ 'ls': 'git ls-files --full-name',
+ \ 'ls.postprocess': '*tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess',
+ \ 'diff': 'git diff --no-ext-diff -U0 %s'
+ \ },
+ \ 'hg': {
+ \ 'dir': '.hg',
+ \ 'diff': 'hg diff -U0 %s',
+ \ 'ls': 'hg manifest'
+ \ },
+ \ 'svn': {
+ \ 'dir': '.svn',
+ \ 'diff': 'svn diff --diff-cmd diff --extensions -U0 %s',
+ \ },
+ \ 'bzr': {
+ \ 'dir': '.bzr',
+ \ 'diff': 'bzr diff --diff-options=-U0 %s',
+ \ }
+ \ }
+" A dictionary of custom executables for VCS commands. If the value is
+" empty, support for that VCS will be removed. If no key is present, it
+" is assumed that the VCS "type" is the name of the executable.
+" :display: g:tlib#vcs#executables {...}
+TLet g:tlib#vcs#executables = {}
+" If non-empty, use it as a format string to check whether a VCS is
+" installed on your computer.
+TLet g:tlib#vcs#check = has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') ? '%s.exe' : '%s'
+if !empty(g:tlib#vcs#check)
+ for [s:cmd, s:def] in items(g:tlib#vcs#def)
+ if !has_key(g:tlib#vcs#executables, s:cmd)
+ let s:cmd1 = printf(g:tlib#vcs#check, s:cmd)
+ let g:tlib#vcs#executables[s:cmd] = executable(s:cmd1) ? s:cmd1 : ''
+ endif
+ endfor
+ unlet! s:cmd s:def s:cmd1
+function! tlib#vcs#Executable(type) "{{{3
+ return get(g:tlib#vcs#executables, a:type, '')
+function! tlib#vcs#FindVCS(filename) "{{{3
+ let type = ''
+ let dir = ''
+ let dirname = fnamemodify(a:filename, isdirectory(a:filename) ? ':p' : ':p:h')
+ let path = escape(dirname, ';') .';'
+ " TLogVAR a:filename, dirname, path
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:filename, path
+ let depth = -1
+ for vcs in keys(g:tlib#vcs#def)
+ let subdir = g:tlib#vcs#def[vcs].dir
+ let vcsdir = finddir(subdir, path)
+ " TLogVAR vcs, subdir, vcsdir
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', vcs, subdir, vcsdir
+ if !empty(vcsdir)
+ let vcsdir_depth = len(split(fnamemodify(vcsdir, ':p'), '\/'))
+ if vcsdir_depth > depth
+ let depth = vcsdir_depth
+ let type = vcs
+ let dir = vcsdir
+ " TLogVAR type, depth
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', type, dir
+ " TLogVAR type, dir
+ if empty(type)
+ return ['', '']
+ else
+ return [type, dir]
+ endif
+function! s:GetCmd(vcstype, cmd)
+ let vcsdef = get(g:tlib#vcs#def, a:vcstype, {})
+ if has_key(vcsdef, a:cmd)
+ let cmd = vcsdef[a:cmd]
+ if cmd =~ '^\*'
+ let cmd = substitute(cmd, '^\*', '', '')
+ else
+ let bin = get(g:tlib#vcs#executables, a:vcstype, '')
+ if empty(bin)
+ let cmd = ''
+ elseif bin != a:vcstype
+ " let bin = escape(shellescape(bin), '\')
+ let bin = escape(bin, '\')
+ let cmd = substitute(cmd, '^.\{-}\zs'. escape(a:vcstype, '\'), bin, '')
+ endif
+ endif
+ return cmd
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+" :display: tlib#vcs#Ls(?filename=bufname('%'), ?vcs=[type, dir])
+" Return the files under VCS.
+function! tlib#vcs#Ls(...) "{{{3
+ if a:0 >= 2
+ let vcs = a:2
+ else
+ let vcs = tlib#vcs#FindVCS(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : bufname('%'))
+ endif
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', vcs, a:000
+ " TLogVAR vcs
+ if !empty(vcs)
+ let [vcstype, vcsdir] = vcs
+ if has_key(g:tlib#vcs#def, vcstype)
+ let ls = s:GetCmd(vcstype, 'ls')
+ " TLogVAR ls
+ if !empty(ls)
+ let rootdir = fnamemodify(vcsdir, ':p:h:h')
+ " TLogVAR vcsdir, rootdir
+ if ls =~ '%s'
+ let cmd = printf(ls, shellescape(rootdir))
+ else
+ let cmd = ls
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR cmd, getcwd()
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', getcwd(), vcstype, vcsdir, rootdir, cmd
+ let filess = tlib#sys#SystemInDir(rootdir, cmd)
+ " TLogVAR filess
+ let files = split(filess, '\n')
+ let postprocess = s:GetCmd(vcstype, 'ls.postprocess')
+ if !empty(postprocess)
+ call map(files, 'call(postprocess, [v:val])')
+ endif
+ call map(files, 'join([rootdir, v:val], "/")')
+ " TLogVAR files
+ return files
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return []
+" :display: tlib#vcs#Diff(filename, ?vcs=[type, dir])
+" Return the diff for "filename"
+function! tlib#vcs#Diff(filename, ...) "{{{3
+ let vcs = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : tlib#vcs#FindVCS(a:filename)
+ if !empty(vcs)
+ let [vcstype, vcsdir] = vcs
+ let diff = s:GetCmd(vcstype, 'diff')
+ if !empty(diff)
+ let cmd = printf(diff, shellescape(fnamemodify(a:filename, ':p')))
+ let patch = system(cmd)
+ return patch
+ endif
+ endif
+ return []
+function! tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess(filename) abort "{{{3
+ if a:filename =~ '^".\{-}"$'
+ let filename = matchstr(a:filename, '^"\zs.\{-}\ze"$')
+ let filename = substitute(filename, '\%(\\\@<!\\\(\d\d\d\)\)\+', '\=eval(''"''. submatch(0) .''"'')', 'g')
+ " let filename = eval(a:filename)
+ " TLogVAR a:filename, filename, &enc
+ return filename
+ else
+ return a:filename
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vim.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vim.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7154aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vim.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @GIT: http://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim/
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Created: 2010-07-19.
+" @Last Change: 2012-06-08.
+" @Revision: 37
+let s:restoreframecmd = ''
+let s:fullscreen = 0
+if has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64')
+ if !exists('g:tlib#vim#simalt_maximize')
+ " The alt-key for maximizing the window.
+ " CAUTION: The value of this paramter depends on your locale and
+ " maybe the windows version you are running.
+ let g:tlib#vim#simalt_maximize = 'x' "{{{2
+ endif
+ if !exists('g:tlib#vim#simalt_restore')
+ " The alt-key for restoring the window.
+ " CAUTION: The value of this paramter depends on your locale and
+ " maybe the windows version you are running.
+ let g:tlib#vim#simalt_restore = 'r' "{{{2
+ endif
+ if !exists('g:tlib#vim#use_vimtweak')
+ " If true, use the vimtweak.dll for windows. This will enable
+ " tlib to remove the caption for fullscreen windows.
+ let g:tlib#vim#use_vimtweak = 0 "{{{2
+ endif
+ " Maximize the window.
+ " You might need to redefine |g:tlib#vim#simalt_maximize| if it doesn't
+ " work for you.
+ fun! tlib#vim#Maximize(fullscreen) "{{{3
+ if !has("gui_running")
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:SaveFrameParams()
+ let s:fullscreen = a:fullscreen
+ if g:tlib#vim#use_vimtweak && a:fullscreen
+ call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll", "EnableCaption", 0)
+ endif
+ exec 'simalt ~'. g:tlib#vim#simalt_maximize
+ endf
+ " Restore the original vimsize after having called |tlib#vim#Maximize()|.
+ function! tlib#vim#RestoreWindow() "{{{3
+ if !has("gui_running")
+ return
+ endif
+ if g:tlib#vim#use_vimtweak
+ call libcallnr("vimtweak.dll", "EnableCaption", 1)
+ endif
+ exec 'simalt ~'. g:tlib#vim#simalt_restore
+ call s:RestoreFrameParams()
+ endf
+ if !exists('g:tlib#vim#use_wmctrl')
+ " If true, use wmctrl for X windows to make a window
+ " maximized/fullscreen.
+ "
+ " This is the preferred method for maximizing windows under X
+ " windows. Some window managers have problem coping with the
+ " default method of setting 'lines' and 'columns' to a large
+ " value.
+ let g:tlib#vim#use_wmctrl = executable('wmctrl') "{{{2
+ endif
+ " :nodoc:
+ fun! tlib#vim#Maximize(fullscreen) "{{{3
+ if !has("gui_running")
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:SaveFrameParams()
+ let s:fullscreen = a:fullscreen
+ if g:tlib#vim#use_wmctrl
+ if a:fullscreen
+ silent !wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,fullscreen
+ else
+ silent !wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b add,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ endif
+ else
+ set lines=1000 columns=1000
+ endif
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! tlib#vim#RestoreWindow() "{{{3
+ if !has("gui_running")
+ return
+ endif
+ if g:tlib#vim#use_wmctrl
+ if s:fullscreen
+ silent !wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,fullscreen
+ else
+ silent !wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b remove,maximized_vert,maximized_horz
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:RestoreFrameParams()
+ endf
+function! s:SaveFrameParams() "{{{3
+ let s:restoreframecmd = printf("set lines=%d columns=%d | winpos %d %d", &lines, &columns, getwinposx(), getwinposy())
+function! s:RestoreFrameParams() "{{{3
+ if !empty(s:restoreframecmd)
+ exec s:restoreframecmd
+ let s:restoreframecmd = ''
+ endif
+" :display: tlib#vim##CopyFunction(old, new, overwrite=0)
+function! tlib#vim#CopyFunction(old, new, ...) "{{{3
+ let overwrite = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 0
+ redir => oldfn
+ exec 'silent function' a:old
+ redir END
+ if exists('*'. a:new)
+ if overwrite > 0
+ exec 'delfunction' a:new
+ elseif overwrite < 0
+ throw 'tlib#vim##CopyFunction: Function already exists: '. a:old .' -> '. a:new
+ else
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ let fn = split(oldfn, '\n')
+ let fn = map(fn, 'substitute(v:val, ''^\d\+'', "", "")')
+ let fn[0] = substitute(fn[0], '\V\^\s\*fu\%[nction]!\?\s\+\zs'. a:old, a:new, '')
+ let t = @t
+ try
+ let @t = join(fn, "\n")
+ redir => out
+ @t
+ redir END
+ finally
+ let @t = t
+ endtry
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/win.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/win.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4963af1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/win.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 55
+" Return vim code to jump back to the original window.
+function! tlib#win#Set(winnr) "{{{3
+ if a:winnr > 0
+ " TLogVAR a:winnr
+ " TLogDBG winnr()
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ if winnr() != a:winnr && winbufnr(a:winnr) != -1
+ let rv = winnr().'wincmd w'
+ exec a:winnr .'wincmd w'
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ return rv
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ''
+" :def: function! tlib#win#GetLayout(?save_view=0)
+function! tlib#win#GetLayout(...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['save_view', 0]
+ let views = {}
+ if save_view
+ let winnr = winnr()
+ windo let views[winnr()] = winsaveview()
+ " for w in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ " call tlib#win#Set(w)
+ " let views[w] = winsaveview()
+ " endfor
+ call tlib#win#Set(winnr)
+ endif
+ return {'winnr': winnr('$'), 'winrestcmd': winrestcmd(), 'views': views, 'cmdheight': &cmdheight, 'guioptions': &guioptions, 'tabpagenr': tabpagenr()}
+function! tlib#win#SetLayout(layout) "{{{3
+ if a:layout.tabpagenr == tabpagenr() && a:layout.winnr == winnr('$')
+ " TLogVAR a:layout.winrestcmd
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ exec a:layout.winrestcmd
+ if !empty(a:layout.views)
+ let winnr = winnr()
+ " TLogVAR winnr
+ for [w, v] in items(a:layout.views)
+ " TLogVAR w, v
+ call tlib#win#Set(w)
+ call winrestview(v)
+ endfor
+ call tlib#win#Set(winnr)
+ endif
+ if a:layout.cmdheight != &cmdheight
+ let &cmdheight = a:layout.cmdheight
+ endif
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ return 1
+ endif
+ return 0
+function! tlib#win#List() "{{{3
+ let wl = {}
+ for wn in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ let wl[wn] = bufname(winbufnr(wn))
+ endfor
+ return wl
+" " :def: function! tlib#win#GetLayout1(?save_view=0)
+" " Contrary to |tlib#win#GetLayout|, this version doesn't use
+" " |winrestcmd()|. It can also save windows views.
+" function! tlib#win#GetLayout1(...) "{{{3
+" TVarArg ['save_view', 0]
+" let winnr = winnr()
+" let acc = {}
+" for w in range(1, winnr('$'))
+" let def = {'h': winheight(w), 'w': winwidth(w)}
+" if save_view
+" call tlib#win#Set(w)
+" let def.view = winsaveview()
+" endif
+" let acc[w] = def
+" endfor
+" call tlib#win#Set(winnr)
+" return acc
+" endf
+" " Reset layout from the value of |tlib#win#GetLayout1|.
+" function! tlib#win#SetLayout1(layout) "{{{3
+" if len(a:layout) != winnr('$')
+" return 0
+" endif
+" let winnr = winnr()
+" for [w, def] in items(a:layout)
+" if tlib#win#Set(w)
+" exec 'resize '. def.h
+" exec 'vertical resize '. def.w
+" if has_key(def, 'view')
+" call winrestview(def.view)
+" endif
+" else
+" break
+" endif
+" endfor
+" call tlib#win#Set(winnr)
+" return 1
+" endf
+function! tlib#win#Width(wnr) "{{{3
+ return winwidth(a:wnr) - &fdc
+function! tlib#win#WinDo(ex) "{{{3
+ let w = winnr()
+ exec 'windo '. a:ex
+ exec w .'wincmd w'