path: root/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
commite573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (patch)
tree8f572394ac8433529c7a8e70d160a2fbe8268b4e /vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim
parentb8c667bd64b3edd38d56c63c5bd1db53a23b4499 (diff)
Add current configurations from old repository
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim')
1 files changed, 1404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa1bc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/World.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1404 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Revision: 1434
+" :filedoc:
+" A prototype used by |tlib#input#List|.
+" Inherits from |tlib#Object#New|.
+" Size of the input list window (in percent) from the main size (of &lines).
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_pct = 50
+" Size of filename columns when listing filenames.
+" See |tlib#input#List()|.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename = '&co / 3'
+" TLet g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename = 25
+" If true, |tlib#input#List()| will show some indicators about the
+" status of a filename (e.g. buflisted(), bufloaded() etc.).
+" This is disabled by default because vim checks also for the file on
+" disk when doing this.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators = 0
+" If not null, display only a short info about the filter.
+TLet g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage = 0
+" Known keys & values:
+" scratch_split ... See |tlib#scratch#UseScratch()|
+let s:prototype = tlib#Object#New({
+ \ '_class': 'World',
+ \ 'name': 'world',
+ \ 'allow_suspend': 1,
+ \ 'base': [],
+ \ 'bufnr': -1,
+ \ 'buffer_local': 1,
+ \ 'cache_var': '',
+ \ 'display_format': '',
+ \ 'fileencoding': &fileencoding,
+ \ 'fmt_display': {},
+ \ 'fmt_filter': {},
+ \ 'fmt_options': {},
+ \ 'filetype': '',
+ \ 'filter': [['']],
+ \ 'filter_format': '',
+ \ 'filter_options': '',
+ \ 'follow_cursor': '',
+ \ 'has_menu': 0,
+ \ 'help_extra': [],
+ \ 'index_table': [],
+ \ 'initial_filter': [['']],
+ \ 'initial_index': 1,
+ \ 'initial_display': 1,
+ \ 'initialized': 0,
+ \ 'key_handlers': [],
+ \ 'list': [],
+ \ 'matcher': {},
+ \ 'next_agent': '',
+ \ 'next_eval': '',
+ \ 'next_state': '',
+ \ 'numeric_chars': g:tlib#input#numeric_chars,
+ \ 'offset': 1,
+ \ 'offset_horizontal': 0,
+ \ 'on_leave': [],
+ \ 'pick_last_item': tlib#var#Get('tlib#input#pick_last_item', 'bg'),
+ \ 'post_handlers': [],
+ \ 'query': '',
+ \ 'resize': 0,
+ \ 'resize_vertical': 0,
+ \ 'restore_from_cache': [],
+ \ 'filtered_items': [],
+ \ 'resume_state': '',
+ \ 'retrieve_eval': '',
+ \ 'return_agent': '',
+ \ 'rv': '',
+ \ 'scratch': '__InputList__',
+ \ 'scratch_filetype': 'tlibInputList',
+ \ 'scratch_hidden': g:tlib#scratch#hidden,
+ \ 'scratch_vertical': 0,
+ \ 'scratch_split': 1,
+ \ 'sel_idx': [],
+ \ 'show_empty': 0,
+ \ 'state': 'display',
+ \ 'state_handlers': [],
+ \ 'sticky': 0,
+ \ 'temp_lines': [],
+ \ 'temp_prompt': [],
+ \ 'timeout': 0,
+ \ 'timeout_resolution': 2,
+ \ 'tabpagenr': -1,
+ \ 'type': '',
+ \ 'win_wnr': -1,
+ \ 'win_height': -1,
+ \ 'win_width': -1,
+ \ 'win_pct': 25,
+ \ })
+ " \ 'handlers': [],
+ " \ 'filter_options': '\c',
+function! tlib#World#New(...)
+ let object = s:prototype.New(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {})
+ call object.SetMatchMode(tlib#var#Get('tlib#input#filter_mode', 'g', 'cnf'))
+ return object
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Set_display_format(value) dict "{{{3
+ if a:value == 'filename'
+ call self.Set_highlight_filename()
+ let self.display_format = 'world.FormatFilename(%s)'
+ else
+ let self.display_format = a:value
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayFormat(list) dict "{{{3
+ let display_format = self.display_format
+ if !empty(display_format)
+ if has_key(self, 'InitFormatName')
+ call self.InitFormatName()
+ endif
+ let cache = self.fmt_display
+ " TLogVAR display_format, fmt_entries
+ return map(copy(a:list), 'self.FormatName(cache, display_format, v:val)')
+ else
+ return a:list
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Set_highlight_filename() dict "{{{3
+ let self.tlib_UseInputListScratch = 'call world.Highlight_filename()'
+if g:tlib#input#format_filename == 'r'
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.Highlight_filename() dict "{{{3
+ syntax match TLibDir /\s\+\zs.\{-}[\/]\ze[^\/]\+$/
+ hi def link TLibDir Directory
+ syntax match TLibFilename /[^\/]\+$/
+ hi def link TLibFilename Normal
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.FormatFilename(file) dict "{{{3
+ if !has_key(self.fmt_options, 'maxlen')
+ let maxco = &co - len(len(self.base)) - eval(g:tlib#input#filename_padding_r)
+ let maxfi = max(map(copy(self.base), 'strwidth(v:val)'))
+ let self.fmt_options.maxlen = min([maxco, maxfi])
+ " TLogVAR maxco, maxfi, self.fmt_options.maxlen
+ endif
+ let max = self.fmt_options.maxlen
+ if len(a:file) > max
+ let filename = '...' . strpart(a:file, len(a:file) - max + 3)
+ else
+ let filename = printf('% '. max .'s', a:file)
+ endif
+ return filename
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.Highlight_filename() dict "{{{3
+ " let self.width_filename = 1 + eval(g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename)
+ " TLogVAR self.base
+ let self.width_filename = min([
+ \ get(self, 'width_filename', &co),
+ \ empty(g:tlib#input#filename_max_width) ? &co : eval(g:tlib#input#filename_max_width),
+ \ max(map(copy(self.base), 'strwidth(matchstr(v:val, "[^\\/]*$"))'))
+ \ ])
+ " TLogVAR self.width_filename
+ exec 'syntax match TLibDir /\%>'. (1 + self.width_filename) .'c \(|\|\[[^]]*\]\) \zs\(\(\a:\|\.\.\|\.\.\..\{-}\)\?[\/][^&<>*|]\{-}\)\?[^\/]\+$/ contained containedin=TLibMarker contains=TLibFilename'
+ exec 'syntax match TLibMarker /\%>'. (1 + self.width_filename) .'c \(|\|\[[^]]*\]\) \S.*$/ contains=TLibDir'
+ " exec 'syntax match TLibDir /\(|\|\[.\{-}\]\) \zs\(\(\a:\|\.\.\|\.\.\..\{-}\)\?[\/][^&<>*|]\{-}\)\?[^\/]\+$/ contained containedin=TLibMarker contains=TLibFilename'
+ " exec 'syntax match TLibMarker /\(|\|\[.\{-}\]\) \S.*$/ contains=TLibDir'
+ exec 'syntax match TLibFilename /[^\/]\+$/ contained containedin=TLibDir'
+ hi def link TLibMarker Special
+ hi def link TLibDir Directory
+ hi def link TLibFilename NonText
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! self.Highlighter(rx) dict
+ let rx = '/\c\%>'. (1 + self.width_filename) .'c \(|\|\[[^]]*\]\) .\{-}\zs'. escape(a:rx, '/') .'/'
+ exec 'match' self.matcher.highlight rx
+ endf
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.UseFilenameIndicators() dict "{{{3
+ return g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators || has_key(self, 'filename_indicators')
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.InitFormatName() dict "{{{3
+ if self.UseFilenameIndicators()
+ let self._buffers = {}
+ for bufnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
+ let filename = fnamemodify(bufname(bufnr), ':p')
+ " TLogVAR filename
+ let bufdef = {
+ \ 'bufnr': bufnr,
+ \ }
+ " '&buflisted'
+ for opt in ['&modified', '&bufhidden']
+ let bufdef[opt] = getbufvar(bufnr, opt)
+ endfor
+ let self._buffers[filename] = bufdef
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endf
+ " :nodoc:
+ function! s:prototype.FormatFilename(file) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:file
+ let width = self.width_filename
+ let split = match(a:file, '[/\\]\zs[^/\\]\+$')
+ if split == -1
+ let fname = a:file
+ let dname = a:file
+ else
+ let fname = strpart(a:file, split)
+ " let dname = strpart(a:file, 0, split - 1)
+ let dname = a:file
+ endif
+ if strwidth(fname) > width
+ let fname = strpart(fname, 0, width - 3) .'...'
+ endif
+ let dnmax = &co - max([width, strwidth(fname)]) - 8 - self.index_width - &fdc
+ let use_indicators = self.UseFilenameIndicators()
+ " TLogVAR use_indicators
+ let marker = []
+ if use_indicators
+ call insert(marker, '[')
+ if g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators
+ let bufdef = get(self._buffers, a:file, {})
+ " let bnr = bufnr(a:file)
+ let bnr = get(bufdef, 'bufnr', -1)
+ " TLogVAR a:file, bnr, self.bufnr
+ if bnr != -1
+ if bnr == self.bufnr
+ call add(marker, '%')
+ else
+ call add(marker, bnr)
+ endif
+ if get(bufdef, '&modified', 0)
+ call add(marker, '+')
+ endif
+ if get(bufdef, '&bufhidden', '') == 'hide'
+ call add(marker, 'h')
+ endif
+ " if !get(bufdef, '&buflisted', 1)
+ " call add(marker, 'u')
+ " endif
+ " echom "DBG" a:file string(get(self,'filename_indicators'))
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(self, 'filename_indicators') && has_key(self.filename_indicators, a:file)
+ if len(marker) > 1
+ call add(marker, '|')
+ endif
+ call add(marker, self.filename_indicators[a:file])
+ endif
+ if len(marker) <= 1
+ call add(marker, ' ')
+ endif
+ call add(marker, ']')
+ else
+ call add(marker, '|')
+ endif
+ let markers = join(marker, '')
+ if !empty(markers)
+ let dnmax -= len(markers)
+ endif
+ if strwidth(dname) > dnmax
+ let dname = '...'. strpart(dname, len(dname) - dnmax)
+ endif
+ return printf("%-*s %s %s",
+ \ self.width_filename + len(fname) - strwidth(fname),
+ \ fname, markers, dname)
+ endf
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetSelectedItems(current) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:current
+ if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+ let rv = copy(self.sel_idx)
+ else
+ let rv = map(copy(self.sel_idx), 'self.GetBaseItem(v:val)')
+ endif
+ if !empty(a:current)
+ " TLogVAR a:current, rv, type(a:current)
+ if tlib#type#IsNumber(a:current) || tlib#type#IsString(a:current)
+ call s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, a:current)
+ elseif tlib#type#IsList(a:current)
+ for item in a:current
+ call s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, item)
+ endfor
+ elseif tlib#type#IsDictionary(a:current)
+ for [inum, item] in items(a:current)
+ call s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, item)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TAssert empty(rv) || rv[0] == a:current
+ if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+ if !empty(self.index_table)
+ " TLogVAR rv, self.index_table
+ call map(rv, 'self.index_table[v:val - 1]')
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ endif
+ endif
+ return rv
+function! s:InsertSelectedItems(rv, current) "{{{3
+ let ci = index(a:rv, a:current)
+ if ci != -1
+ call remove(a:rv, ci)
+ endif
+ call insert(a:rv, a:current)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SelectItemsByNames(mode, items) dict "{{{3
+ for item in a:items
+ let bi = index(self.base, item) + 1
+ " TLogVAR item, bi
+ if bi > 0
+ let si = index(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ " TLogVAR self.sel_idx
+ " TLogVAR si
+ if si == -1
+ call add(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ elseif a:mode == 'toggle'
+ call remove(self.sel_idx, si)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 1
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SelectItem(mode, index) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:mode, a:index
+ let bi = self.GetBaseIdx(a:index)
+ " if self.RespondTo('MaySelectItem')
+ " if !self.MaySelectItem(bi)
+ " return 0
+ " endif
+ " endif
+ " TLogVAR bi
+ let si = index(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ " TLogVAR self.sel_idx
+ " TLogVAR si
+ if si == -1
+ call add(self.sel_idx, bi)
+ elseif a:mode == 'toggle'
+ call remove(self.sel_idx, si)
+ endif
+ return 1
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FormatBaseFromData() abort dict "{{{3
+ if has_key(self, 'format_data') && has_key(self, 'data')
+ let self.base = map(copy(self.data), 'call(self.format_data, [v:val], self)')
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FormatArgs(format_string, arg) dict "{{{3
+ let nargs = len(substitute(a:format_string, '%%\|[^%]', '', 'g'))
+ return [a:format_string] + repeat([string(a:arg)], nargs)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetRx(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return '\('. join(filter(copy(a:filter), 'v:val[0] != "!"'), '\|') .'\)'
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetRx0(...) dict "{{{3
+ exec tlib#arg#Let(['negative'])
+ let rx0 = []
+ for filter in self.filter
+ " TLogVAR filter
+ let rx = join(reverse(filter(copy(filter), '!empty(v:val)')), '\|')
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if !empty(rx) && (negative ? rx[0] == g:tlib#input#not : rx[0] != g:tlib#input#not)
+ call add(rx0, rx)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let rx0s = join(rx0, '\|')
+ if empty(rx0s)
+ return ''
+ else
+ return self.FilterRxPrefix() .'\('. rx0s .'\)'
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FormatName(cache, format, value) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:format, a:value
+ " TLogDBG has_key(self.fmt_display, a:value)
+ if has_key(a:cache, a:value)
+ " TLogDBG "cached"
+ return a:cache[a:value]
+ else
+ let world = self
+ let ftpl = self.FormatArgs(a:format, a:value)
+ let fn = call(function("printf"), ftpl)
+ let fmt = eval(fn)
+ " TLogVAR ftpl, fn, fmt
+ let a:cache[a:value] = fmt
+ return fmt
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetItem(idx) dict "{{{3
+ return self.list[a:idx - 1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetListIdx(baseidx) dict "{{{3
+ " if empty(self.index_table)
+ let baseidx = a:baseidx
+ " else
+ " let baseidx = 0 + self.index_table[a:baseidx - 1]
+ " " TLogVAR a:baseidx, baseidx, self.index_table
+ " endif
+ let rv = index(self.table, baseidx)
+ " TLogVAR rv, self.table
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+" The first index is 1.
+function! s:prototype.GetBaseIdx(idx) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:idx, self.table, self.index_table
+ if !empty(self.table) && a:idx > 0 && a:idx <= len(self.table)
+ return self.table[a:idx - 1]
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetBaseIdx0(idx) dict "{{{3
+ let idx0 = self.GetBaseIdx(a:idx) - 1
+ if idx0 < 0
+ call tlib#notify#Echo('TLIB: Internal Error: GetBaseIdx0: idx0 < 0', 'WarningMsg')
+ endif
+ return idx0
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetBaseItem(idx) dict "{{{3
+ return self.base[a:idx - 1]
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetBaseItem(idx, item) dict "{{{3
+ let self.base[a:idx - 1] = a:item
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetLineIdx(lnum) dict "{{{3
+ let line = getline(a:lnum)
+ let prefidx = substitute(matchstr(line, '^\d\+\ze[*:]'), '^0\+', '', '')
+ return prefidx
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetPrefIdx() dict "{{{3
+ " let pref = sort(range(1, self.llen), 'self.SortPrefs')
+ " let self.prefidx = get(pref, 0, self.initial_index)
+ let pref_idx = -1
+ let pref_weight = -1
+ " TLogVAR self.filter_pos, self.filter_neg
+ " let t0 = localtime() " DBG
+ for idx in range(1, self.llen)
+ let item = self.GetItem(idx)
+ let weight = self.matcher.AssessName(self, item)
+ " TLogVAR item, weight
+ if weight > pref_weight
+ let pref_idx = idx
+ let pref_weight = weight
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR localtime() - t0
+ " TLogVAR pref_idx
+ " TLogDBG self.GetItem(pref_idx)
+ if pref_idx == -1
+ let self.prefidx = self.initial_index
+ else
+ let self.prefidx = pref_idx
+ endif
+" " :nodoc:
+" function! s:prototype.GetCurrentItem() dict "{{{3
+" let idx = self.prefidx
+" " TLogVAR idx
+" if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+" return idx
+" elseif !empty(self.list)
+" if len(self.list) >= idx
+" let idx1 = idx - 1
+" let rv = self.list[idx - 1]
+" " TLogVAR idx, idx1, rv, self.list
+" return rv
+" endif
+" else
+" return ''
+" endif
+" endf
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CurrentItem() dict "{{{3
+ if stridx(self.type, 'i') != -1
+ return self.GetBaseIdx(self.llen == 1 ? 1 : self.prefidx)
+ else
+ if self.llen == 1
+ " TLogVAR self.llen
+ return self.list[0]
+ elseif self.prefidx > 0
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx
+ " return self.GetCurrentItem()
+ if len(self.list) >= self.prefidx
+ let rv = self.list[self.prefidx - 1]
+ " TLogVAR idx, rv, self.list
+ return rv
+ endif
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FilterRxPrefix() dict "{{{3
+ return self.matcher.FilterRxPrefix()
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFilter() dict "{{{3
+ " let mrx = '\V'. (a:0 >= 1 && a:1 ? '\C' : '')
+ let mrx = self.FilterRxPrefix() . self.filter_options
+ let self.filter_pos = []
+ let self.filter_neg = []
+ " TLogVAR mrx, self.filter
+ for filter in self.filter
+ " TLogVAR filter
+ let rx = join(reverse(filter(copy(filter), '!empty(v:val)')), '\|')
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if !empty(rx)
+ if rx =~ '\u'
+ let mrx1 = mrx .'\C'
+ else
+ let mrx1 = mrx
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR rx
+ if rx[0] == g:tlib#input#not
+ if len(rx) > 1
+ call add(self.filter_neg, mrx1 .'\('. rx[1:-1] .'\)')
+ endif
+ else
+ call add(self.filter_pos, mrx1 .'\('. rx .'\)')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR self.filter_pos, self.filter_neg
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.IsValidFilter() dict "{{{3
+ let last = self.FilterRxPrefix() .'\('. self.filter[0][0] .'\)'
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', last
+ " TLogVAR last
+ try
+ let a = match("", last)
+ return 1
+ catch
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', v:exception
+ return 0
+ endtry
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetMatchMode(match_mode) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:match_mode
+ if !empty(a:match_mode)
+ unlet self.matcher
+ try
+ let self.matcher = tlib#Filter_{a:match_mode}#New()
+ call self.matcher.Init(self)
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E117/
+ throw 'tlib: Unknown mode for tlib#input#filter_mode: '. a:match_mode
+ endtry
+ endif
+" function! s:prototype.Match(text) dict "{{{3
+" return self.matcher.Match(self, text)
+" endf
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.MatchBaseIdx(idx) dict "{{{3
+ let text = self.GetBaseItem(a:idx)
+ if !empty(self.filter_format)
+ let text = self.FormatName(self.fmt_filter, self.filter_format, text)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR text
+ " return self.Match(text)
+ return self.matcher.Match(self, text)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.BuildTableList() dict "{{{3
+ " let time0 = str2float(reltimestr(reltime())) " DBG
+ " TLogVAR time0
+ call self.SetFilter()
+ " TLogVAR self.filter_neg, self.filter_pos
+ let self.table = range(1, len(self.base))
+ " TLogVAR self.filtered_items
+ let copy_base = 1
+ if !empty(self.filtered_items)
+ let self.table = filter(self.table, 'index(self.filtered_items, v:val) != -1')
+ let copy_base = 0
+ endif
+ if !empty(self.filter_pos) || !empty(self.filter_neg)
+ let self.table = filter(self.table, 'self.MatchBaseIdx(v:val)')
+ let copy_base = 0
+ endif
+ if copy_base
+ let self.list = copy(self.base)
+ else
+ let self.list = map(copy(self.table), 'self.GetBaseItem(v:val)')
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ReduceFilter() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.filter
+ let reduced = 0
+ while !reduced
+ if self.filter[0] == [''] && len(self.filter) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter, 0)
+ elseif empty(self.filter[0][0]) && len(self.filter[0]) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter[0], 0)
+ else
+ call self.matcher.ReduceFrontFilter(self)
+ endif
+ if self.IsValidFilter()
+ let reduced = 1
+ endif
+ endwh
+" :nodoc:
+" filter is either a string or a list of list of strings.
+function! s:prototype.SetInitialFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ " let self.initial_filter = [[''], [a:filter]]
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:filter
+ if type(a:filter) == 3
+ let self.initial_filter = deepcopy(a:filter)
+ else
+ let self.initial_filter = [[a:filter]]
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PopFilter() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.filter
+ if len(self.filter[0]) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter[0], 0)
+ elseif len(self.filter) > 1
+ call remove(self.filter, 0)
+ else
+ let self.filter[0] = ['']
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FilterIsEmpty() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.filter
+ return self.filter == copy(self.initial_filter)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayFilter() dict "{{{3
+ let filter1 = copy(self.filter)
+ call filter(filter1, 'v:val != [""]')
+ " TLogVAR self.matcher['_class']
+ let rv = self.matcher.DisplayFilter(filter1)
+ let rv = self.CleanFilter(rv)
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetFrontFilter(pattern) dict "{{{3
+ call self.matcher.SetFrontFilter(self, a:pattern)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushFrontFilter(char) dict "{{{3
+ call self.matcher.PushFrontFilter(self, a:char)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CleanFilter(filter) dict "{{{3
+ return self.matcher.CleanFilter(a:filter)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.UseScratch() dict "{{{3
+ " if type(self.scratch) != 0 && get(self, 'buffer_local', 1)
+ " if self.scratch != fnamemodify(self.scratch, ':p')
+ " let self.scratch = tlib#file#Join([expand('%:p:h'), self.scratch])
+ " " TLogVAR self.scratch
+ " endif
+ " " let self.scratch_hidden = 'wipe'
+ " endif
+ keepjumps keepalt let rv = tlib#scratch#UseScratch(self)
+ " if expand('%:t') == self.scratch
+ let b:tlib_world = self
+ " endif
+ return rv
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.CloseScratch(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['reset_scratch', 0]
+ " TVarArg ['reset_scratch', 1]
+ " TLogVAR reset_scratch
+ if self.sticky
+ return 0
+ else
+ let rv = tlib#scratch#CloseScratch(self, reset_scratch)
+ " TLogVAR rv
+ if rv
+ call self.SwitchWindow('win')
+ endif
+ return rv
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Initialize() dict "{{{3
+ let self.initialized = 1
+ call self.SetOrigin(1)
+ call self.Reset(1)
+ if !empty(self.cache_var) && exists(self.cache_var)
+ for prop in self.restore_from_cache
+ exec 'let self[prop] = get('. self.cache_var .', prop, self[prop])'
+ endfor
+ exec 'unlet '. self.cache_var
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Leave() dict "{{{3
+ if !empty(self.cache_var)
+ exec 'let '. self.cache_var .' = self'
+ endif
+ for handler in self.on_leave
+ call call(handler, [self])
+ endfor
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.UseInputListScratch() dict "{{{3
+ let scratch = self.UseScratch()
+ if !exists('b:tlib_list_init')
+ call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()
+ autocmd TLib VimResized <buffer> call feedkeys("\<c-j>", 't')
+ " autocmd TLib WinLeave <buffer> let b:tlib_world_event = 'WinLeave' | call feedkeys("\<c-j>", 't')
+ let b:tlib_list_init = 1
+ endif
+ if !exists('w:tlib_list_init')
+ " TLogVAR scratch
+ if has_key(self, 'index_next_syntax')
+ if type(self.index_next_syntax) == 1
+ exec 'syntax match InputlListIndex /^\d\+:\s/ nextgroup='. self.index_next_syntax
+ elseif type(self.index_next_syntax) == 4
+ for [n, nsyn] in items(self.index_next_syntax)
+ let fn = printf('%0'. world.index_width .'d', n)
+ exec 'syntax match InputlListIndex /^'. fn .':\s/ nextgroup='. nsyn
+ endfor
+ endif
+ else
+ syntax match InputlListIndex /^\d\+:\s/
+ endif
+ call tlib#hook#Run('tlib_UseInputListScratch', self)
+ syntax match InputlListCursor /^\d\+\* .*$/ contains=InputlListIndex
+ syntax match InputlListSelected /^\d\+# .*$/ contains=InputlListIndex
+ hi def link InputlListIndex Constant
+ hi def link InputlListCursor Search
+ hi def link InputlListSelected IncSearch
+ setlocal nowrap
+ " hi def link InputlListIndex Special
+ " let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = {}
+ let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = []
+ let b:tlibDisplayListWorld = self
+ let w:tlib_list_init = 1
+ endif
+ return scratch
+" s:prototype.Reset(?initial=0)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Reset(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['initial', 0]
+ " TLogVAR initial
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', initial, self.initial_filter
+ let self.state = 'display'
+ let self.offset = 1
+ let self.filter = deepcopy(self.initial_filter)
+ let self.idx = ''
+ let self.prefidx = 0
+ let self.initial_display = 1
+ let self.fmt_display = {}
+ let self.fmt_filter = {}
+ call self.UseInputListScratch()
+ call self.ResetSelected()
+ call self.Retrieve(!initial)
+ call self.FormatBaseFromData()
+ return self
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ResetSelected() dict "{{{3
+ let self.sel_idx = []
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Retrieve(anyway) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:anyway, self.base
+ " TLogDBG (a:anyway || empty(self.base))
+ if (a:anyway || empty(self.base))
+ let ra = self.retrieve_eval
+ " TLogVAR ra
+ if !empty(ra)
+ let back = self.SwitchWindow('win')
+ let world = self
+ let self.base = eval(ra)
+ " TLogVAR self.base
+ exec back
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 0
+function! s:FormatHelp(help) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:help
+ let max = [0, 0]
+ for item in a:help
+ " TLogVAR item
+ if type(item) == 3
+ let itemlen = map(copy(item), 'strwidth(v:val)')
+ " TLogVAR itemlen
+ let max = map(range(2), 'max[v:val] >= itemlen[v:val] ? max[v:val] : itemlen[v:val]')
+ endif
+ unlet item
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR max
+ let cols = float2nr((winwidth(0) - &foldcolumn - 1) / (max[0] + max[1] + 2))
+ if cols < 1
+ let cols = 1
+ endif
+ let fmt = printf('%%%ds: %%-%ds', max[0], max[1])
+ " TLogVAR cols, fmt
+ let help = []
+ let idx = -1
+ let maxidx = len(a:help)
+ while idx < maxidx
+ let push_item = 0
+ let accum = []
+ for i in range(cols)
+ let idx += 1
+ if idx >= maxidx
+ break
+ endif
+ let item = a:help[idx]
+ if type(item) == 3
+ call add(accum, item)
+ else
+ let push_item = 1
+ break
+ endif
+ unlet item
+ endfor
+ if !empty(accum)
+ call add(help, s:FormatHelpItem(accum, fmt))
+ endif
+ if push_item
+ call add(help, a:help[idx])
+ endif
+ endwh
+ " TLogVAR help
+ return help
+function! s:FormatHelpItem(item, fmt) "{{{3
+ let args = [join(repeat([a:fmt], len(a:item)), ' ')]
+ for item in a:item
+ " TLogVAR item
+ let args += item
+ endfor
+ " TLogVAR args
+ return call('printf', args)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.InitHelp() dict "{{{3
+ return []
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.PushHelp(...) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:000
+ if a:0 == 1
+ if type(a:1) == 3
+ let self.temp_lines += a:1
+ else
+ call add(self.temp_lines, a:1)
+ endif
+ elseif a:0 == 2
+ call add(self.temp_lines, a:000)
+ else
+ throw "TLIB: PushHelp: Wrong number of arguments: ". string(a:000)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR helpstring
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayHelp() dict "{{{3
+ let self.temp_lines = self.InitHelp()
+ call self.PushHelp('<Esc>', self.key_mode == 'default' ? 'Abort' : 'Reset keymap')
+ call self.PushHelp('Enter, <cr>', 'Pick the current item')
+ call self.PushHelp('Mouse', 'L: Pick item, R: Show menu')
+ call self.PushHelp('<M-Number>', 'Select an item')
+ call self.PushHelp('<BS>, <C-BS>', 'Reduce filter')
+ call self.PushHelp('<Tab>', 'Complete word')
+ call self.PushHelp('<S-Esc>, <F10>', 'Enter command')
+ if self.key_mode == 'default'
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-r>', 'Reset the display')
+ call self.PushHelp('Up/Down', 'Next/previous item')
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-q>', 'Edit top filter string')
+ call self.PushHelp('Page Up/Down', 'Scroll')
+ call self.PushHelp('<S-Space>', 'Enter * Wildcard')
+ if self.allow_suspend
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-z>', 'Suspend/Resume')
+ call self.PushHelp('<C-o>', 'Switch to origin')
+ endif
+ if stridx(self.type, 'm') != -1
+ call self.PushHelp('<S-Up/Down>', '(Un)Select items')
+ call self.PushHelp('#', '(Un)Select the current item')
+ call self.PushHelp('<C|M-a>', '(Un)Select all items')
+ call self.PushHelp('<F9>', '(Un)Restrict view to selection')
+ " \ '<c-\> ... Show only selected',
+ endif
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR len(self.temp_lines)
+ call self.matcher.Help(self)
+ " TLogVAR self.key_mode
+ for handler in values(self.key_map[self.key_mode])
+ " TLogVAR handler
+ let key = get(handler, 'key_name', '')
+ " TLogVAR key
+ if !empty(key)
+ let desc = get(handler, 'help', '')
+ if empty(desc)
+ let desc = get(handler, 'agent', '')
+ endif
+ call self.PushHelp(key, desc)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if !has_key(self.key_map[self.key_mode], 'unknown_key')
+ call self.PushHelp('Letter', 'Filter the list')
+ endif
+ if self.key_mode == 'default' && !empty(self.help_extra)
+ call self.PushHelp(self.help_extra)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR len(self.temp_lines)
+ call self.PushHelp([
+ \ '',
+ \ 'Matches at word boundaries are prioritized.',
+ \ ])
+ let self.temp_lines = s:FormatHelp(self.temp_lines)
+ call self.PrintLines()
+function! s:prototype.PrintLines() dict "{{{3
+ let self.temp_prompt = ['Press any key to continue.', 'Question']
+ call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange('1', '$')
+ call append(0, self.temp_lines)
+ call tlib#buffer#DeleteRange('$', '$')
+ 1
+ call self.Resize(len(self.temp_lines), 0)
+ let self.temp_lines = []
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Resize(hsize, vsize) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.scratch_vertical, a:hsize, a:vsize
+ let world_resize = ''
+ let winpos = ''
+ let scratch_split = get(self, 'scratch_split', 1)
+ " TLogVAR scratch_split
+ if scratch_split > 0
+ if self.scratch_vertical
+ if a:vsize
+ let world_resize = 'vert resize '. a:vsize
+ let winpos = tlib#fixes#Winpos()
+ " let w:winresize = {'v': a:vsize}
+ setlocal winfixwidth
+ endif
+ else
+ if a:hsize
+ let world_resize = 'resize '. a:hsize
+ " let w:winresize = {'h': a:hsize}
+ setlocal winfixheight
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !empty(world_resize)
+ " TLogVAR world_resize, winpos
+ exec world_resize
+ if !empty(winpos)
+ exec winpos
+ endif
+ " redraw!
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.GetResize(size) dict "{{{3
+ let resize0 = get(self, 'resize', 0)
+ let resize = empty(resize0) ? 0 : eval(resize0)
+ " TLogVAR resize0, resize
+ let resize = resize == 0 ? a:size : min([a:size, resize])
+ " let min = self.scratch_vertical ? &cols : &lines
+ let min1 = (self.scratch_vertical ? self.win_width : self.win_height) * g:tlib_inputlist_pct
+ let min2 = (self.scratch_vertical ? &columns : &lines) * self.win_pct
+ let min = max([min1, min2])
+ let resize = min([resize, (min / 100)])
+ " TLogVAR resize, a:size, min, min1, min2
+ return resize
+" function! s:prototype.DisplayList(?query=self.Query(), ?list=[])
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayList(...) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.state
+ let query = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : self.Query()
+ let list = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : []
+ " TLogVAR query, len(list)
+ " TLogDBG 'len(list) = '. len(list)
+ call self.UseScratch()
+ " TLogVAR self.scratch
+ " TAssert IsNotEmpty(self.scratch)
+ if self.state == 'scroll'
+ call self.ScrollToOffset()
+ elseif self.state == 'help'
+ call self.DisplayHelp()
+ call self.SetStatusline(query)
+ elseif self.state == 'printlines'
+ call self.PrintLines()
+ call self.SetStatusline(query)
+ else
+ " TLogVAR query
+ " let ll = len(list)
+ let ll = self.llen
+ " let x = len(ll) + 1
+ let x = self.index_width + 1
+ " TLogVAR ll
+ if self.state =~ '\<display\>'
+ call self.Resize(self.GetResize(ll), eval(get(self, 'resize_vertical', 0)))
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('gg"tdG', 't')
+ let lines = copy(list)
+ let lines = map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, ''[[:cntrl:][:space:]]'', " ", "g")')
+ let w = winwidth(0) - &fdc
+ " let w = winwidth(0) - &fdc - 1
+ let lines = map(lines, 'printf("%-'. w .'.'. w .'s", v:val)')
+ " TLogVAR lines
+ call append(0, lines)
+ call tlib#normal#WithRegister('G"tddgg', 't')
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx
+ let base_pref = self.GetBaseIdx(self.prefidx)
+ " TLogVAR base_pref
+ if self.state =~ '\<redisplay\>'
+ call filter(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, 'index(self.sel_idx, v:val) == -1 && v:val != base_pref')
+ " TLogVAR b:tlibDisplayListMarks
+ call map(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, ":")')
+ " let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = map(copy(self.sel_idx), 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, "#")')
+ " call add(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, self.prefidx)
+ " call self.DisplayListMark(x, self.GetBaseIdx(self.prefidx), '*')
+ endif
+ let b:tlibDisplayListMarks = map(copy(self.sel_idx), 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, "#")')
+ call add(b:tlibDisplayListMarks, base_pref)
+ call self.DisplayListMark(x, base_pref, '*')
+ call self.SetOffset()
+ call self.SetStatusline(query)
+ " TLogVAR self.offset
+ call self.ScrollToOffset()
+ let rx0 = self.GetRx0()
+ " TLogVAR rx0
+ if !empty(self.matcher.highlight)
+ if empty(rx0)
+ match none
+ elseif self.IsValidFilter()
+ if has_key(self, 'Highlighter')
+ call self.Highlighter(rx0)
+ else
+ exec 'match '. self.matcher.highlight .' /\c'. escape(rx0, '/') .'/'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ redraw
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetStatusline(query) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:query
+ if !empty(self.temp_prompt)
+ let echo = get(self.temp_prompt, 0, '')
+ let hl = get(self.temp_prompt, 1, 'Normal')
+ let self.temp_prompt = []
+ else
+ let hl = 'Normal'
+ let query = a:query
+ let options = [self.matcher.name]
+ if self.sticky
+ call add(options, '#')
+ endif
+ if self.key_mode != 'default'
+ call add(options, 'map:'. self.key_mode)
+ endif
+ if !empty(self.filtered_items)
+ if g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage
+ call add(options, 'R')
+ else
+ call add(options, 'restricted')
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !empty(options)
+ let sopts = printf('[%s]', join(options, ', '))
+ " let echo = query . repeat(' ', &columns - len(sopts) - len(query) - 20) . sopts
+ let echo = query . ' ' . sopts
+ " let query .= '%%='. sopts .' '
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR &l:statusline, query
+ " let &l:statusline = query
+ endif
+ echo
+ if hl != 'Normal'
+ exec 'echohl' hl
+ echo echo
+ echohl None
+ else
+ echo echo
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.Query() dict "{{{3
+ let flt = self.DisplayFilter()
+ if g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage
+ let query = 'Filter: '. flt
+ else
+ let query = self.query .' (filter: '. flt .'; press <F1> for help)'
+ endif
+ return query
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ScrollToOffset() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.scratch_vertical, self.llen, winheight(0)
+ exec 'norm! '. self.offset .'zt'
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetOffset() dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx, self.offset
+ " TLogDBG winheight(0)
+ " TLogDBG self.prefidx > self.offset + winheight(0) - 1
+ let listtop = len(self.list) - winheight(0) + 1
+ if listtop < 1
+ let listtop = 1
+ endif
+ if self.prefidx > listtop
+ let self.offset = listtop
+ elseif self.prefidx > self.offset + winheight(0) - 1
+ let listoff = self.prefidx - winheight(0) + 1
+ let self.offset = min([listtop, listoff])
+ " TLogVAR self.prefidx
+ " TLogDBG len(self.list)
+ " TLogDBG winheight(0)
+ " TLogVAR listtop, listoff, self.offset
+ elseif self.prefidx < self.offset
+ let self.offset = self.prefidx
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.offset
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.ClearAllMarks() dict "{{{3
+ let x = self.index_width + 1
+ call map(range(1, line('$')), 'self.DisplayListMark(x, v:val, ":")')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.MarkCurrent(y) dict "{{{3
+ let x = self.index_width + 1
+ call self.DisplayListMark(x, a:y, '*')
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.DisplayListMark(x, y, mark) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:y, a:mark
+ if a:x > 0 && a:y >= 0
+ " TLogDBG a:x .'x'. a:y .' '. a:mark
+ let sy = self.GetListIdx(a:y) + 1
+ " TLogVAR sy
+ if sy >= 1
+ call setpos('.', [0, sy, a:x, 0])
+ exec 'norm! r'. a:mark
+ " exec 'norm! '. a:y .'gg'. a:x .'|r'. a:mark
+ endif
+ endif
+ return a:y
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SwitchWindow(where) dict "{{{3
+ " TLogDBG string(tlib#win#List())
+ if self.tabpagenr != tabpagenr()
+ call tlib#tab#Set(self.tabpagenr)
+ endif
+ let wnr = get(self, a:where.'_wnr')
+ " TLogVAR self, wnr
+ return tlib#win#Set(wnr)
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.FollowCursor() dict "{{{3
+ if !empty(self.follow_cursor)
+ let back = self.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " TLogVAR back
+ " TLogDBG winnr()
+ try
+ call call(self.follow_cursor, [self, [self.CurrentItem()]])
+ finally
+ exec back
+ endtry
+ endif
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.SetOrigin(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['winview', 0]
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.bufnr
+ " TLogDBG bufname('%')
+ " TLogDBG winnr()
+ " TLogDBG winnr('$')
+ let self.win_wnr = winnr()
+ let self.win_height = winheight(self.win_wnr)
+ let self.win_width = winwidth(self.win_wnr)
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.win_height, self.win_width
+ let self.bufnr = bufnr('%')
+ let self.tabpagenr = tabpagenr()
+ let self.cursor = getpos('.')
+ if winview
+ let self.winview = tlib#win#GetLayout()
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.bufnr, self.winview
+ return self
+" :nodoc:
+function! s:prototype.RestoreOrigin(...) dict "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['winview', 0]
+ if winview
+ " TLogVAR winview
+ call tlib#win#SetLayout(self.winview)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR self.win_wnr, self.bufnr, self.cursor, &splitbelow
+ " TLogDBG "RestoreOrigin0 ". string(tlib#win#List())
+ " If &splitbelow or &splitright is false, we cannot rely on
+ " self.win_wnr to be our source buffer since, e.g, opening a buffer
+ " in a split window changes the whole layout.
+ " Possible solutions:
+ " - Restrict buffer switching to cases when the number of windows
+ " hasn't changed.
+ " - Guess the right window, which we try to do here.
+ if &splitbelow == 0 || &splitright == 0
+ let wn = bufwinnr(self.bufnr)
+ " TLogVAR wn
+ if wn == -1
+ let wn = 1
+ end
+ else
+ let wn = self.win_wnr
+ endif
+ if wn != winnr()
+ exec wn .'wincmd w'
+ endif
+ exec 'buffer! '. self.bufnr
+ call setpos('.', self.cursor)
+ " TLogDBG "RestoreOrigin1 ". string(tlib#win#List())
+function! s:prototype.Suspend() dict "{{{3
+ call tlib#agent#Suspend(self, self.rv)