Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* net-im/ferdi: update to 5.8.0Karel Kočí2022-03-21
* profiles/gaming: add required useKarel Kočí2022-03-12
* profiles/devel: add twineKarel Kočí2022-03-11
* x11-themes: remove numixKarel Kočí2022-02-23
* net-im/ferdi: update to version 5.7.0Karel Kočí2022-02-23
* gui-apps/wtype: update to version 0.4Karel Kočí2022-02-23
* gui-apps/rofimoji: update to 5.4.0 and fix dependenciesKarel Kočí2022-02-23
* dev-util/laminar: update to 1.2Karel Kočí2022-02-23
* gui-apps/wayvnc: update to 0.4.1Karel Kočí2022-02-21
* sys-kernel/linux: update to version 5.16.9Karel Kočí2022-02-15
* Revert "sys-devel/ct-ng: update to latest master"Karel Kočí2022-02-13
| | | | This reverts commit f7ab7a6f67e8d3d50820b99f708086968451e1e8.
* profiles/compile: add RISC V QemuKarel Kočí2022-02-13
* sys-apps/linux-misc-apps: removeKarel Kočí2022-02-13
| | | | The newer version is in upstream.
* sys-devel/ct-ng: update to latest masterKarel Kočí2022-02-13
| | | | This fixes issue with downloading some archives.
* dev-util/uroot: update to 0.2.2Karel Kočí2022-02-11
* profiles/desktop: remove gpodderKarel Kočí2022-01-31
* sys-kernel/linux: fix invalid manifestKarel Kočí2022-01-30
* sys-kernel/linux: update to 5.16.4Karel Kočí2022-01-29
* profiles/devel/arm: use captone in openocdKarel Kočí2022-01-28
* profiles/devel/arm: do not disable jlinkKarel Kočí2022-01-28
* profiles/desktop: replace faenza with delftKarel Kočí2022-01-25
* profiles: from dean to binkyKarel Kočí2022-01-24
* gui-apps/wev: add new packageKarel Kočí2022-01-23
* x11-themes/background-lnxpcs: fix when swaybackground run outside swayKarel Kočí2022-01-16
* sys-apps/shellrc: fix missing shellrcKarel Kočí2022-01-16
* sys-apps/shellrc: update to 0.9.0Karel Kočí2022-01-16
* profiles/devel: add pydocstyleKarel Kočí2022-01-14
* myswaylock: fill imageKarel Kočí2022-01-10
* x11-themes/background-lnxpcs: fix invalid file nameKarel Kočí2022-01-10
* x11-themes/background-lnxpcs: add swaybackgroundKarel Kočí2022-01-10
* profiles/desktop: add wayvncKarel Kočí2022-01-10
* profiles/desktop/wayland: drop clipman (missing)Karel Kočí2022-01-10
* profiles/desktop/wayland: tweak packagesKarel Kočí2022-01-10
* profiles/desktop: no accept all keywordsKarel Kočí2022-01-09
* profiles/desktop: fix usesKarel Kočí2022-01-09
* profiles/desktop: cleanup pulseaudioKarel Kočí2022-01-09
* profiles/desktop: switch from firefox-bin to firefoxKarel Kočí2022-01-09
* profiles/desktop: rever pulseaudioKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop: switch pulseaudio to pipewire in all usesKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop: another dependency fix attemptKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop/pacakge.use.mask: try to fix dependenciesKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop: drop pulseaudioKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop: switch to pipewireKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop: enable screencastKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop/wayland: add rofimojiKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* sys-kernel/linux: update to version 5.15.13Karel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop/wayland: fix invalid package nameKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/desktop/wayland: add wofi and wdisplaysKarel Kočí2022-01-08
* profiles/devel: add dev-python/lorem_textKarel Kočí2022-01-04
* dev-python/lorem_text: add new packageKarel Kočí2022-01-04