path: root/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode/align.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode/align.vim')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode/align.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode/align.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e6330c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode/align.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+" Borrowed from Tabular
+" Private Functions {{{1
+" function! s:StripTrailingSpaces(string) - Remove all trailing spaces {{{2
+" from a string.
+function! s:StripTrailingSpaces(string)
+ return matchstr(a:string, '^.\{-}\ze\s*$')
+function! s:Padding(string, length, where) "{{{3
+ let gap_length = a:length - tablemode#utils#StrDisplayWidth(a:string)
+ if a:where =~# 'l'
+ return a:string . repeat(" ", gap_length)
+ elseif a:where =~# 'r'
+ return repeat(" ", gap_length) . a:string
+ elseif a:where =~# 'c'
+ let right = gap_length / 2
+ let left = right + (right * 2 != gap_length)
+ return repeat(" ", left) . a:string . repeat(" ", right)
+ endif
+" Public Functions {{{1
+" function! tablemode#align#Split() - Split a string into fields and delimiters {{{2
+" Like split(), but include the delimiters as elements
+" All odd numbered elements are delimiters
+" All even numbered elements are non-delimiters (including zero)
+function! tablemode#align#Split(string, delim)
+ let rv = []
+ let beg = 0
+ let len = len(a:string)
+ let searchoff = 0
+ while 1
+ let mid = match(a:string, a:delim, beg + searchoff, 1)
+ if mid == -1 || mid == len
+ break
+ endif
+ let matchstr = matchstr(a:string, a:delim, beg + searchoff, 1)
+ let length = strlen(matchstr)
+ if length == 0 && beg == mid
+ " Zero-length match for a zero-length delimiter - advance past it
+ let searchoff += 1
+ continue
+ endif
+ if beg == mid
+ let rv += [ "" ]
+ else
+ let rv += [ a:string[beg : mid-1] ]
+ endif
+ let rv += [ matchstr ]
+ let beg = mid + length
+ let searchoff = 0
+ endwhile
+ let rv += [ strpart(a:string, beg) ]
+ return rv
+function! tablemode#align#alignments(lnum, ncols) "{{{2
+ let achr = g:table_mode_align_char
+ let alignments = []
+ if tablemode#table#IsBorder(a:lnum+1)
+ let hcols = tablemode#align#Split(getline(a:lnum+1), '[' . g:table_mode_corner . g:table_mode_corner_corner . ']')
+ for idx in range(len(hcols))
+ " Right align if header
+ call add(alignments, 'l')
+ if hcols[idx] =~# achr . '[^'.achr.']\+' . achr
+ let alignments[idx] = 'c'
+ elseif hcols[idx] =~# achr . '$'
+ let alignments[idx] = 'r'
+ endif
+ " if hcols[idx] !~# '[^0-9\.]' | let alignments[idx] = 'r' | endif
+ endfor
+ end
+ return alignments
+function! tablemode#align#Align(lines) "{{{2
+ if empty(a:lines) | return [] | endif
+ let lines = map(a:lines, 'map(v:val, "v:key =~# \"text\" ? tablemode#align#Split(v:val, g:table_mode_separator) : v:val")')
+ for line in lines
+ let stext = line.text
+ if len(stext) <= 1 | continue | endif
+ if stext[0] !~ tablemode#table#StartExpr()
+ let stext[0] = s:StripTrailingSpaces(stext[0])
+ endif
+ if len(stext) >= 2
+ for i in range(1, len(stext)-1)
+ let stext[i] = tablemode#utils#strip(stext[i])
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let maxes = []
+ for line in lines
+ let stext = line.text
+ if len(stext) <= 1 | continue | endif
+ for i in range(len(stext))
+ if i == len(maxes)
+ let maxes += [ tablemode#utils#StrDisplayWidth(stext[i]) ]
+ else
+ let maxes[i] = max([ maxes[i], tablemode#utils#StrDisplayWidth(stext[i]) ])
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ let alignments = tablemode#align#alignments(lines[0].lnum, len(lines[0].text))
+ for idx in range(len(lines))
+ let tlnum = lines[idx].lnum
+ let tline = lines[idx].text
+ if len(tline) <= 1 | continue | endif
+ for jdx in range(len(tline))
+ " Dealing with the header being the first line
+ if jdx >= len(alignments) | call add(alignments, 'l') | endif
+ let field = s:Padding(tline[jdx], maxes[jdx], alignments[jdx])
+ let tline[jdx] = field . (jdx == 0 || jdx == len(tline) ? '' : ' ')
+ endfor
+ let lines[idx].text = s:StripTrailingSpaces(join(tline, ''))
+ endfor
+ return lines