path: root/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode.vim')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..defc3dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-table-mode/autoload/tablemode.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+" Private Functions {{{1
+function! s:SetBufferOptDefault(opt, val) "{{{2
+ if !exists('b:' . a:opt)
+ let b:{a:opt} = a:val
+ endif
+function! s:Map(map, to, mode) "{{{2
+ if !empty(a:to) && !hasmapto(a:map, a:mode)
+ for l:mode in split(a:mode, '.\zs')
+ execute l:mode . 'map <buffer>' a:to a:map
+ endfor
+ endif
+function! s:UnMap(map, mode) "{{{2
+ if !empty(maparg(a:map, a:mode))
+ for mode in split(a:mode, '.\zs')
+ execute l:mode . 'unmap <buffer>' a:map
+ endfor
+ endif
+function! s:ToggleMapping() "{{{2
+ let separator_map = g:table_mode_separator
+ " '|' is a special character, we need to map <Bar> instead
+ if g:table_mode_separator ==# '|' | let separator_map = '<Bar>' | endif
+ if !g:table_mode_disable_mappings
+ if tablemode#IsActive()
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-tableize)', separator_map, 'i')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-motion-up)', g:table_mode_motion_up_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-motion-down)', g:table_mode_motion_down_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-motion-left)', g:table_mode_motion_left_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-motion-right)', g:table_mode_motion_right_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-cell-text-object-a)', g:table_mode_cell_text_object_a_map, 'ox')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-cell-text-object-i)', g:table_mode_cell_text_object_i_map, 'ox')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-realign)', g:table_mode_realign_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-delete-row)', g:table_mode_delete_row_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-delete-column)', g:table_mode_delete_column_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-add-formula)', g:table_mode_add_formula_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-eval-formula)', g:table_mode_eval_formula_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-echo-cell)', g:table_mode_echo_cell_map, 'n')
+ call s:Map('<Plug>(table-mode-sort)', g:table_mode_sort_map, 'n')
+ else
+ call s:UnMap(separator_map, 'i')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_motion_up_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_motion_down_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_motion_left_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_motion_right_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_cell_text_object_a_map, 'ox')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_cell_text_object_i_map, 'ox')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_realign_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_delete_row_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_delete_column_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_add_formula_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_eval_formula_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_echo_cell_map, 'n')
+ call s:UnMap(g:table_mode_sort_map, 'n')
+ endif
+ endif
+function! tablemode#SyntaxEnable()
+ exec 'syntax match Table'
+ \ '/' . tablemode#table#StartExpr() . '\zs|.\+|\ze' . tablemode#table#EndExpr() . '/'
+ \ 'contains=TableBorder,TableSeparator,TableColumnAlign containedin=ALL'
+ syntax match TableSeparator /|/ contained
+ syntax match TableColumnAlign /:/ contained
+ syntax match TableBorder /[\-+]\+/ contained
+ hi! link TableBorder Delimiter
+ hi! link TableSeparator Delimiter
+ hi! link TableColumnAlign Type
+function! s:ToggleSyntax()
+ if tablemode#IsActive()
+ call tablemode#SyntaxEnable()
+ else
+ syntax clear Table
+ syntax clear TableBorder
+ syntax clear TableSeparator
+ syntax clear TableColumnAlign
+ hi! link TableBorder NONE
+ hi! link TableSeparator NONE
+ hi! link TableColumnAlign NONE
+ endif
+function! s:SetActive(bool) "{{{2
+ let b:table_mode_active = a:bool
+ call s:ToggleSyntax()
+ call s:ToggleMapping()
+ if tablemode#IsActive()
+ doautocmd User TableModeEnabled
+ else
+ doautocmd User TableModeDisabled
+ endif
+function! s:ConvertDelimiterToSeparator(line, ...) "{{{2
+ let old_gdefault = &gdefault
+ set nogdefault
+ let delim = g:table_mode_delimiter
+ if a:0 | let delim = a:1 | endif
+ if delim ==# ','
+ silent! execute a:line . 's/' . "[\'\"][^\'\"]*\\zs,\\ze[^\'\"]*[\'\"]/__COMMA__/g"
+ endif
+ let [cstart, cend] = [tablemode#table#GetCommentStart(), tablemode#table#GetCommentEnd()]
+ let [match_char_start, match_char_end] = ['.', '.']
+ if tablemode#utils#strlen(cend) > 0 | let match_char_end = '[^' . cend . ']' | endif
+ if tablemode#utils#strlen(cstart) > 0 | let match_char_start = '[^' . cstart . ']' | endif
+ silent! execute a:line . 's/' . tablemode#table#StartExpr() . '\zs\ze' . match_char_start .
+ \ '\|' . delim . '\|' . match_char_end . '\zs\ze' . tablemode#table#EndExpr() . '/' .
+ \ g:table_mode_separator . '/g'
+ if delim ==# ','
+ silent! execute a:line . 's/' . "[\'\"][^\'\"]*\\zs__COMMA__\\ze[^\'\"]*[\'\"]/,/g"
+ endif
+ let &gdefault=old_gdefault
+function! s:Tableizeline(line, ...) "{{{2
+ let delim = g:table_mode_delimiter
+ if a:0 && type(a:1) == type('') && !empty(a:1) | let delim = a:1[1:-1] | endif
+ call s:ConvertDelimiterToSeparator(a:line, delim)
+" Public API {{{1
+function! tablemode#IsActive() "{{{2
+ if g:table_mode_always_active | return 1 | endif
+ call s:SetBufferOptDefault('table_mode_active', 0)
+ return b:table_mode_active
+function! tablemode#TableizeInsertMode() "{{{2
+ if tablemode#IsActive() && getline('.') =~# (tablemode#table#StartExpr() . g:table_mode_separator . g:table_mode_separator)
+ call tablemode#table#AddBorder('.')
+ normal! A
+ elseif tablemode#IsActive() && getline('.') =~# (tablemode#table#StartExpr() . g:table_mode_separator)
+ let column = tablemode#utils#strlen(substitute(getline('.')[0:col('.')], '[^' . g:table_mode_separator . ']', '', 'g'))
+ let position = tablemode#utils#strlen(matchstr(getline('.')[0:col('.')], '.*' . g:table_mode_separator . '\s*\zs.*'))
+ call tablemode#table#Realign('.')
+ normal! 0
+ call search(repeat('[^' . g:table_mode_separator . ']*' . g:table_mode_separator, column) . '\s\{-\}' . repeat('.', position), 'ce', line('.'))
+ endif
+function! tablemode#Enable() "{{{2
+ call s:SetActive(1)
+function! tablemode#Disable() "{{{2
+ call s:SetActive(0)
+function! tablemode#Toggle() "{{{2
+ if g:table_mode_always_active
+ return 1
+ endif
+ call s:SetBufferOptDefault('table_mode_active', 0)
+ call s:SetActive(!b:table_mode_active)
+function! tablemode#TableizeRange(...) range "{{{2
+ let lnum = a:firstline
+ while lnum < (a:firstline + (a:lastline - a:firstline + 1))
+ call s:Tableizeline(lnum, a:1)
+ undojoin
+ let lnum += 1
+ endwhile
+ call tablemode#table#Realign(lnum - 1)
+function! tablemode#TableizeByDelimiter() "{{{2
+ let delim = input('/')
+ if delim =~# "\<Esc>" || delim =~# "\<C-C>" | return | endif
+ let vm = visualmode()
+ if vm ==? 'line' || vm ==? 'V'
+ exec line("'<") . ',' . line("'>") . "call tablemode#TableizeRange('/' . delim)"
+ endif