path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets')
173 files changed, 28546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/.gitignore b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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index 0000000..74f2796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+language: c
+sudo: false
+ email: false
+ - ./tests.sh
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/LICENSE b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..495ced2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 see AUTHORS
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/README.md b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e83c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+snipMate & UltiSnip Snippets
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/honza/vim-snippets.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/honza/vim-snippets)
+This repository contains snippets files for various programming languages.
+It is community-maintained and many people have contributed snippet files and
+other improvements already.
+- `snippets/*`: snippets using snipMate format
+- `UltiSnips/*`: snippets using UltiSnips format
+Snippet engines supporting vim-snippets
+There are different forks of snippet engines which allow the user to insert
+snippets by typing the name of a snippet hitting the expansion mapping.
+- [github.com/SirVer/ultisnips](https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips):
+ python, supports all snippets in this repo.
+- [github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate](https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate):
+ VimL, snipmate-snippets, engine sometimes behaves strange. Supports
+ snippets/*
+- [github.com/Shougo/neosnippet](https://github.com/Shougo/neosnippet.vim):
+ VimL, supports snippets/* with some configuration.
+- [github.com/drmingdrmer/xptemplate](https://github.com/drmingdrmer/xptemplate):
+ Totally different syntax, does not read snippets contained in this file, but
+ it is also very powerful. It does not support vim-snippets (just listing it
+ here for completeness)
+There tries to be a more comprehensive list (which still is incomplete) here:
+UltiSnips has additional features such as high speed, nesting snippets,
+expanding snippets in snippets and offers powerful transformations on text in
+snippets (like visual selections or placeholder texts).
+Which one to use? If you have python give
+[SirVer/ultisnips](https://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips) a try because its fast
+and has the most features.
+If you have VimL only (vim without python support) your best option is using
+[garbas/vim-snipmate](https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate) and cope with the
+minor bugs found in the engine.
+Q: Should "snipMate be deprecated in favour of UltiSnips"?
+A: No, because snipMate is VimL, and UltiSnips requires Python.
+Some people want to use snippets without having to install Vim with Python
+support. Yes - this sucks.
+One solution would be: Use snippets if they are good enough, but allow overriding them
+in UltiSnips. This would avoid most duplication while still serving most users.
+AFAIK there is a nested-placeholder branch for snipMate too. snipMate is still
+improved by Adnan Zafar. So maybe time is not ready to make a final decision yet.
+[github issue/discussion](https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets/issues/363)
+Vendor Snippets
+Additional library and framework snippets are available for UltiSnips users in
+the `UltiSnips/` directory. These files are removed from the default language
+namespaces to prevent them from all being loaded automatically. If there is a
+separate library, framework, or package you would like to support open a pull
+Additional snippets can be added to the current buffer with the
+`:UltiSnipsAddFiletypes` command followed by the snippet name without the
+"snippets" ending. For example, to add the JavaScript Jasmine snippets, run:
+`:UltiSnipsAddFiletypes javascript-jasmine`. To have this snippet loaded
+everytime a JavaScript file is opened or created you can add the command to your
+ -`.vim/ftplugin/javascript.vim` file. Another way is to add
+ `autocmd FileType js UltiSnipsAddFiletypes javascript-jasmine` in your `.vimrc`.
+For more see the UltiSnips docs (`:help UltiSnips`).
+First be aware that there are many options, see "Snippet engines" above.
+Second be aware than there are [tons of plugin managers](http://vim-wiki.mawercer.de/wiki/topic/vim%20plugin%20managment.html)
+which is why Marc Weber thinks that it doesn't make sense to repeat the same
+repetitive information everywhere.
+*Recommended way:*
+[vim-addon-manager](https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager) (because Marc Weber wrote it for exactly
+this reason, it supports simple dependency management). E.g. you're done by this
+line in your `.vimrc`:
+" assuming you want to use snipmate snippet engine
+ActivateAddons vim-snippets snipmate
+Is the place to discuss plugin managers and repository resources.
+About how to install snipMate see [snipmate@garbas](https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate)
+(Bundle, Pathogen, git clone - keywords to make people find this link by ctrl-f search)
+I know that I should be reading the docs of the snippet engine, just let me copy paste into my `.vimrc`:
+[See this pull request](https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets/pull/307/files).
+If you still have trouble getting this to work create a GitHub ticket, ask on
+IRC or the mailing list.
+Policies / for contributors
+Some snippets are useful for almost all languages, so let's try to have the same
+triggers for them:
+if : if without else
+ife: if $1 else $2
+eif : else if ($1) { .. }
+el : else ..
+wh : while (cond) ...
+Don't add useless placeholder default texts like:
+if (${1:condition}){
+ ${2:some code here}
+instead use:
+if (${1}){
+ ${2}
+Exception: Functions which are used less often, such as Vim's `matchall()`, `matchstr()`
+functions which case hints may be helpful to remember order. In the VimL case
+get vim-dev plugin which has function completion
+Thus for conditions (while, if ..) and block bodies just use ${N} - Thanks
+Open questions:
+What about one line if ee then .. else .. vs if \n .. then \n ... \n else \n .. ?
+Which additional policies to add?
+Discuss at: https://github.com/honza/vim-snippets/issues/230
+*folding markers*:
+Until further work is done on `vim-snipmate`, please don't add folding markers
+into snippets. `vim-snipmate` has some comments about how to patch all snippets
+on the fly adding those.
+Currently all snippets from UltiSnips have been put into UltiSnips - some work
+on merging should be done (dropping duplicates etc). Also see engines section above.
+Related repositories
+We also encourage people to maintain sets of snippets for particular use cases
+so that all users can benefit from them. People can list their snippet repositories here:
+* https://github.com/rbonvall/snipmate-snippets-bib (snippets for BibTeX files)
+* https://github.com/sudar/vim-arduino-snippets (snippets for Arduino files)
+* https://github.com/zedr/zope-snipmate-bundle.git (snippets for Python, TAL and ZCML)
+* https://github.com/bonsaiben/bootstrap-snippets (snippets for Twitter Bootstrap markup, in HTML and Haml)
+* https://github.com/sniphpets (advanced snippets for PHP, Symfony 2/3, Doctrine and etc.)
+Installation using VAM: https://github.com/MarcWeber/vim-addon-manager
+Future - ideas - examples
+[overview snippet engines](http://vim-wiki.mawercer.de/wiki/topic/text-snippets-skeletons-templates.html)
+If you have ideas you can add them to that list of "snippet engine features by example".
+Historical notes
+[vim-snipmate][1] was originally started by [Michael Sanders][2] who has now
+unfortunately abandoned the project. [Rok Garbas][3] is now maintaining a
+[fork][4] of the project in hopes of improving the existing code base.
+Versions / dialects / ..
+There are some issues, such as newer language versions may require other
+snippets than older. If this exists we currently recommend doing this:
+* add snippets/ruby.snippets (common snippets)
+* add snippets/ruby-1.8.snippets (1.8 only)
+* add snippets/ruby-1.9.snippets (1.9 only)
+then configure https://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate this way:
+let g:snipMate = {}
+let g:snipMate.scope_aliases = {}
+let g:snipMate.scope_aliases['ruby'] = 'ruby,ruby-rails,ruby-1.9'
+If it happens that you work on a project requiring ruby-1.8 snippets instead,
+consider using `vim-addon-local-vimrc` and override the filetypes.
+Well - of course it may not make sense to create a new file for each
+ruby-library-version triplet. Sometimes postfixing a name such as
+will do it then if syntax has changed.
+Language maintainers
+No one can really be proficient in all programming languages. If you would like
+to maintain snippets for a language, please get in touch.
+Notes: People are interested in snippets - and their interest may wane again.
+This list is kept up-to-date on a best effort basis.
+* Elixir - [lpil](https://github.com/lpil), [iurifq](https://github.com/iurifq)
+* Falcon - [steveno](https://github.com/steveno)
+* HTML Django - [honza](http://github.com/honza)
+* Javascript - [honza](http://github.com/honza)
+* Markdown - [honza](http://github.com/honza)
+* PHP - [chrisyue](http://github.com/chrisyue)
+* Python - [honza](http://github.com/honza)
+* Ruby - [taq](http://github.com/taq)
+* Scala - [gorodinskiy](https://github.com/gorodinskiy)
+* Supercollider - [lpil](https://github.com/lpil)
+Just as the original snipMate plugin, all the snippets are licensed under the
+terms of the MIT license.
+[1]: http://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate
+[2]: http://github.com/msanders
+[3]: http://github.com/garbas
+[4]: http://github.com/garbas/vim-snipmate
+[7]: http://github.com/SirVer/ultisnips
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/README b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41d8592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/README
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+This directory contains the snippets for UltiSnips.
+Standing On The Shoulders of Giants
+The snippets have been collected from various other project which I want to
+express my gratitude for. My main source for inspiration where the following
+two projects:
+ TextMate: http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/
+ SnipMate: http://code.google.com/p/snipmate/
+UltiSnips has seen contributions by many individuals. Those contributions have
+been merged into this collection seamlessly and without further comments.
+-- vim:ft=rst:nospell:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ada.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ada.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc35c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ada.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+priority -50
+global !p
+def ada_case(word):
+ out = word[0].upper()
+ for i in range(1, len(word)):
+ if word[i - 1] == '_':
+ out = out + word[i].upper()
+ else:
+ out = out + word[i]
+ return out
+snippet wi "with"
+with $1;$0
+snippet pac "package"
+package ${1:`!p snip.rv = ada_case(snip.basename)`} is
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet pacb "package body"
+package body ${1:`!p snip.rv = ada_case(snip.basename)`} is
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet ent "entry ... when"
+entry $1($2) when $3 is
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet task "task"
+task $1 is
+ entry $0
+end $1;
+snippet taskb "task body"
+task body $1 is
+ $2
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet acc "accept"
+accept $1($2) do
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet prot "protected type"
+protected type $1($2) is
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet prob "protected body"
+protected body $1 is
+ $2
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet gen "generic type"
+ type $1 is $2;$0
+snippet ty "type"
+type $1 is $2;$0
+snippet tyd "type with default value"
+type $1 is $2
+ with Default_Value => $3;$0
+snippet subty "subtype"
+subtype $1 is $2;$0
+snippet dec "declare block"
+ $1
+ $0
+snippet decn "declare named block"
+ $2
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet ifex "if expression"
+if $1 then $2 else $0
+snippet casex "case expression"
+case $1 is
+ when $2 => $3,$0
+snippet fora "for all"
+for all $1 ${2:in} $3 => $0
+snippet fors "for some"
+for some $1 ${2:in} $3 => $0
+snippet if "if"
+if $1 then
+ $0
+end if;
+snippet ife "if ... else"
+if $1 then
+ $2
+ $0
+end if;
+snippet el "else"
+ $0
+snippet eif "elsif"
+elsif $1 then
+ $0
+snippet wh "while"
+while $1 loop
+ $0
+end loop;
+snippet nwh "named while"
+while $2 loop
+ $0
+end loop $1;
+snippet for "for"
+for ${1:I} in $2 loop
+ $0
+end loop;
+snippet fore "for each"
+for $1 of $2 loop
+ $0
+end loop;
+snippet nfor "named for"
+for ${2:I} in $3 loop
+ $0
+end loop $1;
+snippet nfore "named for each"
+for $2 of $3 loop
+ $0
+end loop $1;
+snippet proc "procedure"
+procedure $1($2) is
+ $3
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet procd "procedure declaration"
+procedure $1;$0
+snippet fun "function"
+function $1($2) return $3 is
+ $4
+ $0
+end $1;
+snippet fune "expression function"
+function $1 return $2 is
+ ($3);$0
+snippet fund "function declaration"
+function $1 return $2;$0
+snippet ret "extended return"
+return $1 do
+ $0
+end return;
+snippet rec "record"
+ $0
+end record;
+snippet case "case"
+case $1 is
+ when $2 => $3;$0
+end case;
+snippet whe "when"
+when $1 => $2;$0
+snippet wheo "when others"
+when others => $1;$0
+snippet lo "loop"
+ $0
+end loop;
+snippet nlo "named loop"
+ $0
+end loop $1;
+snippet ex "exit when"
+exit when $1;$0
+snippet put "Ada.Text_IO.Put"
+snippet putl "Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line"
+snippet get "Ada.Text_IO.Get"
+snippet getl "Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line"
+snippet newline "Ada.Text_IO.New_Line"
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e286e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# This file contains snippets that are always defined. I personally
+# have snippets for signatures and often needed texts
+# sligthly lower priority than everything else since specialized versions
+# should overwrite. The user needs to adjust her priority in her snippets to
+# ~-55 so that other filetypes will still overwrite.
+priority -60
+global !p
+from vimsnippets import foldmarker, make_box, get_comment_format
+snippet box "A nice box with the current comment symbol" b
+box = make_box(len(t[1]))
+snip.rv = box[0]
+snip += box[1]
+box = make_box(len(t[1]))
+snip.rv = box[2]
+snip += box[3]`
+snippet bbox "A nice box over the full width" b
+if not snip.c:
+ width = int(vim.eval("&textwidth - (virtcol('.') == 1 ? 0 : virtcol('.'))")) or 71
+box = make_box(len(t[1]), width)
+snip.rv = box[0]
+snip += box[1]
+box = make_box(len(t[1]), width)
+snip.rv = box[2]
+snip += box[3]`
+snippet fold "Insert a vim fold marker" b
+`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${1:Fold description} `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[0]`${2:1} `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
+snippet foldc "Insert a vim fold close marker" b
+`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${2:1}`!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[1]` `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
+snippet foldp "Insert a vim fold marker pair" b
+`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${1:Fold description} `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[0]` `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
+`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[1]` $1 `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
+snippet lorem "Lorem Ipsum - 50 Words" b
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
+tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At
+vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,
+no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
+# See advice on `:help 'tabstop'` for why these values are set. Uses second
+# modeline form ('set') to work in languages with comment terminators
+# (/* like C */).
+snippet modeline "Vim modeline"
+vim`!v ':set '. (&expandtab ? printf('et sw=%i ts=%i', &sw, &ts) : printf('noet sts=%i sw=%i ts=%i', &sts, &sw, &ts)) . (&tw ? ' tw='. &tw : '') . ':'`
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bib.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bib.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9b8df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bib.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+priority -50
+snippet online "Online resource" b
+ author={${2:author}},
+ title={${3:title}},
+ date={${4:date}},
+ url={${5:url}}
+snippet article "Article reference" b
+ author={${2:author}},
+ title={${3:title}},
+ journaltitle={${4:journal}},
+ volume={${5:NN}},
+ number={${6:NN}},
+ year={${7:YYYY}},
+ pages={${8:NN}--${9:NN}}
+snippet book "Book reference" b
+ author={${2:author}},
+ title={${3:title}},
+ subtitle={${4:subtitle}},
+ year={${5:YYYY}},
+ location={${6:somewhere}},
+ publisher={${7:publisher}},
+ pages={${8:NN}--${9:NN}}
+snippet inb "In Book reference" b
+ author={${2:author}},
+ title={${3:title}},
+ subtitle={${4:subtitle}},
+ booktitle={${5:book}},
+ editor={${6:editor}},
+ year={${7:YYYY}},
+ location={${8:somewhere}},
+ publisher={${9:publisher}},
+ pages={${10:NN}--${11:NN}}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bindzone.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bindzone.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ab0df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bindzone.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+priority -50
+global !p
+def newsoa():
+ import datetime
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ # return standard SOA formatted serial for today
+ return now.strftime("%Y%m%d00")
+snippet zone "Bootstrap a new Bind zonefile" b
+$TTL 86400
+@ IN SOA ${1:example.net}. ${2:hostmaster.$1}.(
+ `!p snip.rv = newsoa()`; serial
+ 21600; refresh every 6 hours
+ 3600; retry after one hour
+ 604800; expire after a week
+ 86400 ); minimum TTL of 1 day
+ IN NS ns01.$1.
+ IN MX 10 mail.$1.
+ns01.$1 IN A
+mail.$1 IN A
+snippet A "Insert A Record" b
+${1:hostname} IN A ${2:ip}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/c.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/c.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c989464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/c.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# TextMate Snippets #
+priority -50
+snippet def "#define ..."
+#define ${1}
+snippet #ifndef "#ifndef ... #define ... #endif"
+#ifndef ${1/([A-Za-z0-9_]+).*/$1/}
+#define ${1:SYMBOL} ${2:value}
+#endif /* ifndef $1 */
+snippet #if "#if #endif" b
+#if ${1:0}
+snippet mark "#pragma mark (mark)"
+#if 0
+${1:#pragma mark -
+}#pragma mark $2
+snippet main "main() (main)"
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+ return 0;
+snippet for "for loop (for)"
+for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2}) {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet fori "for int loop (fori)"
+for (${4:int} ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2}) {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet once "Include header once only guard"
+#ifndef ${1:`!p
+if not snip.c:
+ import random, string
+ name = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]+','_', snip.fn).upper()
+ rand = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters+string.digits, 8))
+ snip.rv = ('%s_%s' % (name,rand)).upper()
+ snip.rv = snip.c`}
+#define $1
+#endif /* end of include guard: $1 */
+snippet fprintf "fprintf ..."
+fprintf(${1:stderr}, "${2:%s}\n"${2/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\);)/}$3${2/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\);)/}
+snippet eli "else if .. (eli)"
+else if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet printf "printf .. (printf)"
+printf("${1:%s}\n"${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\);)/}$2${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\);)/}
+snippet st "struct"
+struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name") + "_t"`} {
+ ${0:/* data */}
+snippet fun "function" b
+${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3})
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet fund "function declaration" b
+${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3});
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-jasmine.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-jasmine.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd35cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-jasmine.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# CoffeeScript versions -- adapted from the JS TextMate bundle + additions
+# for some jasmine-jquery matchers
+priority -50
+extends coffee
+priority -49
+snippet des "Describe (coffee)" b
+describe '${1:description}', ->
+ $0
+snippet it "it (coffee)" b
+it '${1:description}', ->
+ $0
+snippet bef "before each (coffee)" b
+beforeEach ->
+ $0
+snippet aft "after each (coffee)" b
+afterEach ->
+ $0
+snippet any "any (coffee)" b
+snippet ru "runs (coffee)" b
+runs ->
+ $0
+snippet wa "waits (coffee)" b
+snippet ex "expect (coffee)" b
+snippet ee "expect to equal (coffee)" b
+snippet em "expect to match (coffee)" b
+snippet eha "expect to have attribute (coffee)" b
+expect(${1:target}).toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'})
+snippet et "expect to be truthy (coffee)" b
+snippet ef "expect to be falsy (coffee)" b
+snippet ed "expect to be defined (coffee)" b
+snippet en "expect to be null (coffee)" b
+snippet ec "expect to contain (coffee)" b
+snippet ev "expect to be visible (coffee)" b
+snippet eh "expect to be hidden (coffee)" b
+snippet notx "expect not (coffee)" b
+snippet note "expect not to equal (coffee)" b
+snippet notm "expect not to match (coffee)" b
+snippet notha "expect to not have attribute (coffee)" b
+expect(${1:target}).not.toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'})
+snippet nott "expect not to be truthy (coffee)" b
+snippet notf "expect not to be falsy (coffee)" b
+snippet notd "expect not to be defined (coffee)" b
+snippet notn "expect not to be null (coffee)" b
+snippet notc "expect not to contain (coffee)" b
+snippet notv "expect not to be visible (coffee)" b
+snippet noth "expect not to be hidden (coffee)" b
+snippet s "spy on (coffee)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}")$0
+snippet sr "spy on and return (coffee)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andReturn(${3:arguments})
+snippet st "spy on and throw (coffee)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andThrow(${3:exception})
+snippet sct "spy on and call through (coffee)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andCallThrough()
+snippet scf "spy on and call fake (coffee)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andCallFake(${3:function})
+snippet esc "expect was called (coffee)" b
+snippet escw "expect was called with (coffee)" b
+snippet notsc "expect was not called (coffee)" b
+snippet noscw "expect was not called with (coffee)" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-react.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-react.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cdb40f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-react.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# CoffeeScript versions -- adapted from coffee-jasmine
+# for some ReactJS matchers.
+priority -50
+extends coffee
+priority -49
+snippet createClass "React define Class" b
+${1:classname}Class = React.createClass
+ displayName: "$1"
+ render: ->
+ ${2}
+$1 = React.createFactory($1)
+snippet PropTypes "React define propTypes" b
+propTypes: ->
+ ${1:myVar}: React.PropTypes.${2:type}${3:.isRequired}
+snippet propType "React propType (key/value)" b
+${1:myVar}: React.PropTypes.${2:type}${3:.isRequired}
+snippet setState "React setState" b
+ ${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}
+ ${3}
+snippet getInitialState "React define getInitialState" b
+getInitialState: ->
+ ${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}
+ ${3}
+snippet getDefaultProps "React define getDefaultProps" b
+getDefaultProps: ->
+ ${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}
+ ${3}
+snippet componentWillMount "React define componentWillMount" b
+componentWillMount: ->
+ ${1}
+snippet componentDidMount "React define componentDidMount" b
+componentDidMount: ->
+ ${1}
+snippet componentWillReceiveProps "React define componentWillReceiveProps" b
+componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) ->
+ ${1}
+snippet shouldComponentUpdate "React define shouldComponentUpdate" b
+shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->
+ ${1}
+snippet componentWillUpdate "React define componentWillUpdate" b
+componentWillUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->
+ ${1}
+snippet componentDidUpdate "React define componentDidUpdate" b
+componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) ->
+ ${1}
+snippet componentWillUnmount "React define componentWillUnmount" b
+componentWillUnmount: ->
+ ${1}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e7d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+priority -50
+snippet fun "Function" b
+${1:name} = `!p snip.rv = "(" if t[2] else ""`${2:args}`!p snip.rv = ") " if t[2] else ""`->
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet bfun "Function (bound)" i
+`!p snip.rv = "(" if t[1] else ""`${1:args}`!p snip.rv = ") " if t[1] else ""`=>`!p snip.rv = " " if t[2] and not t[2].startswith("\n") else ""`${2:expr}
+snippet if "If" b
+if ${1:condition}
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet ife "If .. Else" b
+if ${1:condition}
+ ${2:# body...}
+ ${3:# body...}
+snippet elif "Else if" b
+else if ${1:condition}
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet ifte "Ternary if" b
+if ${1:condition} then ${2:value} else ${3:other}
+snippet unl "Unless" b
+${1:action} unless ${2:condition}
+snippet fora "Array Comprehension" b
+for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet foro "Object Comprehension" b
+for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:Object}
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet forr "Range Comprehension (inclusive)" b
+for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}]`!p snip.rv = " by " if t[4] else ""`${4:step}
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet forrex "Range Comprehension (exclusive)" b
+for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}]`!p snip.rv = " by " if t[4] else ""`${4:step}
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet swi "Switch" b
+switch ${1:object}
+ when ${2:value}
+ ${3:# body...}
+ else
+ $0
+snippet swit "Switch when .. then" b
+switch ${1:object}
+ when ${2:condition}`!p snip.rv = " then " if t[3] else ""`${3:value}
+ else`!p snip.rv = " " if t[4] and not t[4].startswith("\n") else ""`${4:value}
+snippet cla "Class" b
+class ${1:ClassName}`!p snip.rv = " extends " if t[2] else ""`${2:Ancestor}
+ ${3:constructor:`!p snip.rv = " (" if t[4] else ""`${4:args}`!p snip.rv = ")" if t[4] else ""` ->
+ ${5:# body...}}
+ $0
+snippet try "Try .. Catch" b
+ $1
+catch ${2:error}
+ $3
+snippet req "Require" b
+${1/^'?(\w+)'?$/\L$1\E/} = require(${1:'${2:sys}'})
+snippet # "Interpolated Code" i
+snippet log "Log" b
+console.log ${1:"${2:msg}"}
+snippet kv "Key:value for object" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cpp.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cpp.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c2bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cpp.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+priority -50
+extends c
+# We want to overwrite everything in parent ft.
+priority -49
+# TextMate Snippets #
+snippet beginend "$1.begin(), $1.end() (beginend)"
+${1:v}${1/^.*?(-)?(>)?$/(?2::(?1:>:.))/}begin(), $1${1/^.*?(-)?(>)?$/(?2::(?1:>:.))/}end()
+snippet cl "class .. (class)"
+class ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "name"`}
+ ${1/(\w+).*/$1/} (${2:arguments});
+ virtual ~${1/(\w+).*/$1/} ();
+ ${0:/* data */}
+snippet ns "namespace .. (namespace)"
+namespace${1/.+/ /m}${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "name"`}
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+}${1/.+/ \/* /m}$1${1/.+/ *\/ /m}
+snippet readfile "read file (readF)"
+std::vector<char> v;
+if (FILE *fp = fopen(${1:"filename"}, "r"))
+ char buf[1024];
+ while(size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp))
+ v.insert(v.end(), buf, buf + len);
+ fclose(fp);
+snippet map "std::map (map)"
+std::map<${1:key}, ${2:value}> map$0;
+snippet vector "std::vector (v)"
+std::vector<${1:char}> v$0;
+snippet tp "template <typename ..> (template)"
+template <typename ${1:_InputIter}>
+snippet cla "An entire .h generator" b
+#ifndef ${2:`!v substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('$1_H','ClassName'),'.*','\U&\E','')`}
+#define $2
+class ${1:`!v substitute(substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('$1','ClassName'),'^.','\u&',''), '_\(\w\)', '\u\1', 'g')`}
+ ${3}
+ $1();
+ virtual ~$1();
+#endif /* $2 */
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cs.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cs.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca245e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cs.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+# C# Snippets for UltiSnips #
+priority -50
+# classes and structs #
+snippet namespace "namespace" b
+namespace ${1:MyNamespace}
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet class "class" w
+class ${1:MyClass}
+ $0
+snippet struct "struct" w
+struct ${1:MyStruct}
+ $0
+snippet interface "interface" w
+interface I${1:Interface}
+ $0
+snippet enum "enumeration" b
+enum ${1:MyEnum} { ${2:Item} };
+# Main() #
+snippet sim "static int main" b
+static int Main(string[] args)
+ $0
+snippet svm "static void main" b
+static void Main(string[] args)
+ $0
+# properties #
+snippet prop "Simple property declaration" b
+public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; }
+snippet propfull "Full property declaration" b
+private ${1:int} ${2:_myProperty};
+public $1 ${3:MyProperty}
+ get { return $2; }
+ set { $2 = value; }
+snippet propg "Property with a private setter" b
+public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; }
+# blocks #
+snippet #if "#if #endif" b
+#if ${1:DEBUG}
+snippet #region "#region #endregion" b
+#region ${1:Region}
+# loops #
+snippet for "for loop" b
+for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:10}; $1++)
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet forr "for loop (reverse)" b
+for (int ${1:i} = ${2:10}; $1 >= 0; $1--)
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet foreach "foreach loop" b
+foreach (${3:var} ${2:item} in ${1:items})
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet while "while loop" b
+while (${1:true})
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet do "do loop" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+} while (${1:true});
+# branching #
+snippet if "if statement" b
+if ($1)
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet ife "if else statement" b
+if ($1)
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet elif "else if" b
+else if ($1)
+ $0
+snippet elseif "else if" b
+else if ($1)
+ $0
+snippet ifnn "if not null" b
+if ($1 != null)
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet switch "switch statement" b
+switch (${1:statement})
+ case ${2:value}:
+ break;
+ default:
+ $0break;
+snippet case "case" b
+case ${1:value}:
+ $2
+ break;
+# wrappers #
+snippet using "using statement" b
+using (${1:resource})
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet unchecked "unchecked block" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet checked "checked block" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet unsafe "unsafe" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+# exception handling #
+snippet try "try catch block" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+catch (${1:Exception} ${2:e})
+ throw;
+snippet tryf "try finally block" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet throw "throw"
+throw new ${1}Exception("${2}");
+# LINQ #
+snippet from "LINQ syntax" b
+var ${1:seq} =
+ from ${2:item1} in ${3:items1}
+ join ${4:item2} in ${5:items2} on $2.${6:prop1} equals $4.${7:prop2}
+ select ${8:$2.prop3}
+ where ${9:clause}
+# feedback and debugging #
+snippet da "Debug.Assert" b
+snippet cw "Console.WriteLine" b
+# as you first type comma-separated parameters on the right, {n} values appear in the format string
+snippet cwp "Console.WriteLine with parameters" b
+snip.rv = ' '.join(['{' + str(i) + '}' for i in range(t[1].count(','))])
+`}"${1:, something});
+snippet mbox "Message box" b
+# full methods #
+snippet equals "Equals method" b
+public override bool Equals(object obj)
+ if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $0
+ return base.Equals(obj);
+# comments #
+snippet /// "XML comment" b
+/// <summary>
+/// $1
+/// </summary>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/css.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/css.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff26509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/css.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+priority -50
+snippet . "selector { }"
+$1 {
+ $0
+snippet p "padding"
+padding: ${1:0};$0
+snippet m "margin"
+margin: ${1:0};$0
+snippet bd "border"
+border: ${1:0};$0
+snippet d "display"
+display: ${1:none};$0
+snippet bg "background"
+background: ${1:none};$0
+snippet ff "font-family"
+font-family: ${1:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif};$0
+snippet h "height"
+height: ${1:auto};$0
+snippet w "width"
+width: ${1:auto};$0
+snippet pos "position"
+position: ${1:relative};$0
+snippet tt "text-transform"
+text-transform: ${1:none};$0
+snippet ! "!important CSS (!)"
+snippet tsh "text-shadow: color-hex x y blur (text)"
+text-shadow: ${1:${2:color} ${3:offset-x} ${4:offset-y} ${5:blur}};$0
+snippet bxsh "box-shadow: color-hex x y blur (text)"
+box-shadow: ${1:${2:offset-x} ${3:offset-y} ${4:blur} ${5:spread} ${6:color}};$0
+# Colors
+snippet rgb "color rgb"
+rgb(${1:255}, ${2:255}, ${3:255})$0
+snippet rgba "color rgba"
+rgba(${1:255}, ${2:255}, ${3:255}, ${4:0.5})$0
+snippet hsl "color hsl"
+hsl(${1:360}, ${2:100}%, ${3:100}%)$0
+snippet hsla "color hsla"
+hsla(${1:360}, ${2:100}%, ${3:100}%, ${4:0.5})$0
+# Selectors
+snippet :fc
+snippet :lc
+snippet :nc
+snippet :nlc
+snippet :oc
+# Pseudo-elements
+snippet :a
+snippet :b
+snippet ::a
+snippet ::b
+# Most of these came from TextMate #
+snippet background "background-attachment: scroll:fixed (background)"
+background-attachment: ${1:scroll/fixed};$0
+snippet background "background-color: color-hex (background)"
+background-color: #${1:DDD};$0
+snippet background "background-color: color-name (background)"
+background-color: ${1:red};$0
+snippet background "background-color: color-rgb (background)"
+background-color: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255});$0
+snippet background "background-color: transparent (background)"
+background-color: transparent;$0
+snippet background "background-image: none (background)"
+background-image: none;$0
+snippet background "background-image: url (background)"
+background-image: url($1);$0
+snippet background "background-position: position (background)"
+background-position: ${1:top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x-% y-%/x-pos y-pos};$0
+snippet background "background-repeat: r:r-x:r-y:n-r (background)"
+background-repeat: ${1:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat};$0
+snippet background "background: color image repeat attachment position (background)"
+background:${6: #${1:DDD}} url($2) ${3:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat} ${4:scroll/fixed} ${5:top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x-% y-%/x-pos y-pos};$0
+snippet border "border-bottom-color: size style color (border)"
+border-bottom-color: #${1:999};$0
+snippet border "border-bottom-style: size style color (border)"
+border-bottom-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
+snippet border "border-bottom-width: size style color (border)"
+border-bottom-width: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
+snippet border "border-bottom: size style color (border)"
+border-bottom: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
+snippet border "border-color: color (border)"
+border-color: ${1:999};$0
+snippet border "border-left-color: color (border)"
+border-right-color: #${1:999};$0
+snippet border "border-left-style: style (border)"
+border-left-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
+snippet border "border-left-width: size (border)"
+border-left-width: ${1:1}px
+snippet border "border-left: size style color (border)"
+border-left: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
+snippet border "border-right-color: color (border)"
+border-right-color: #${1:999};$0
+snippet border "border-right-style: style (border)"
+border-right-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
+snippet border "border-right-width: size (border)"
+border-right-width: ${1:1}px
+snippet border "border-right: size style color (border)"
+border-right: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
+snippet border "border-style: style (border)"
+border-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
+snippet border "border-top-color: color (border)"
+border-top-color: #${1:999};$0
+snippet border "border-top-style: style (border)"
+border-top-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
+snippet border "border-top-width: size (border)"
+border-top-width: ${1:1}px
+snippet border "border-top: size style color (border)"
+border-top: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
+snippet border "border-width: width (border)"
+border-width: ${1:1px};$0
+snippet border "border: size style color (border)"
+border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
+snippet clear "clear: value (clear)"
+clear: ${1:left/right/both/none};$0
+snippet color "color: color-hex (color)"
+color: #${1:DDD};$0
+snippet color "color: color-name (color)"
+color: ${1:red};$0
+snippet color "color: color-rgb (color)"
+color: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255});$0
+snippet cursor "cursor: type (cursor)"
+cursor: ${1:default/auto/crosshair/pointer/move/*-resize/text/wait/help};$0
+snippet cursor "cursor: url (cursor)"
+cursor: url($1);$0
+snippet direction "direction: ltr|rtl (direction)"
+direction: ${1:ltr|rtl};$0
+snippet display "display: block (display)"
+display: block;$0
+snippet display "display: common-types (display)"
+display: ${1:none/inline/block/list-item/run-in/compact/marker};$0
+snippet display "display: inline (display)"
+display: inline;$0
+snippet display "display: table-types (display)"
+display: ${1:table/inline-table/table-row-group/table-header-group/table-footer-group/table-row/table-column-group/table-column/table-cell/table-caption};$0
+snippet float "float: left:right:none (float)"
+float: ${1:left/right/none};$0
+snippet font "font-family: family (font)"
+font-family: ${1:Arial, "MS Trebuchet"}, ${2:sans-}serif;$0
+snippet font "font-size: size (font)"
+font-size: ${1:100%};$0
+snippet font "font-style: normal:italic:oblique (font)"
+font-style: ${1:normal/italic/oblique};$0
+snippet font "font-variant: normal:small-caps (font)"
+font-variant: ${1:normal/small-caps};$0
+snippet font "font-weight: weight (font)"
+font-weight: ${1:normal/bold};$0
+snippet font "font: style variant weight size:line-height font -family (font)"
+font: ${1:normal/italic/oblique} ${2:normal/small-caps} ${3:normal/bold} ${4:1em/1.5em} ${5:Arial}, ${6:sans-}serif;$0
+snippet font "font: size font (font)"
+font: ${1:75%} ${2:"Lucida Grande", "Trebuchet MS", Verdana,} ${3:sans-}serif;$0
+snippet letter "letter-spacing: length-em (letter)"
+letter-spacing: $1em;$0
+snippet letter "letter-spacing: length-px (letter)"
+letter-spacing: $1px;$0
+snippet list "list-style-image: url (list)"
+list-style-image: url($1);$0
+snippet list "list-style-position: pos (list)"
+list-style-position: ${1:inside/outside};$0
+snippet list "list-style-type: asian (list)"
+list-style-type: ${1:cjk-ideographic/hiragana/katakana/hiragana-iroha/katakana-iroha};$0
+snippet list "list-style-type: marker(list)"
+list-style-type: ${1:none/disc/circle/square};$0
+snippet list "list-style-type: numeric (list)"
+list-style-type: ${1:decimal/decimal-leading-zero/zero};$0
+snippet list "list-style-type: other (list)"
+list-style-type: ${1:hebrew/armenian/georgian};$0
+snippet list "list-style-type: roman-alpha-greek (list)"
+list-style-type: ${1:lower-roman/upper-roman/lower-alpha/upper-alpha/lower-greek/lower-latin/upper-latin};$0
+snippet list "list-style: type position image (list)"
+list-style: ${1:none/disc/circle/square/decimal/zero} ${2:inside/outside} url($3);$0
+snippet margin "margin-bottom: length (margin)"
+margin-bottom: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet margin "margin-left: length (margin)"
+margin-left: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet margin "margin-right: length (margin)"
+margin-right: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet margin "margin-top: length (margin)"
+margin-top: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet margin "margin: all (margin)"
+margin: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet margin "margin: T R B L (margin)"
+margin: ${1:20px} ${2:0px} ${3:40px} ${4:0px};$0
+snippet margin "margin: V H (margin)"
+margin: ${1:20px} ${2:0px};$0
+snippet marker "marker-offset: auto (marker)"
+marker-offset: auto;$0
+snippet marker "marker-offset: length (marker)"
+marker-offset: ${1:10px};$0
+snippet overflow "overflow: type (overflow)"
+overflow: ${1:visible/hidden/scroll/auto};$0
+snippet padding "padding-bottom: length (margin)"
+padding-bottom: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet padding "padding-left: length (margin)"
+padding-left: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet padding "padding-right: length (margin)"
+padding-right: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet padding "padding-top: length (margin)"
+padding-top: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet padding "padding: T R B L (padding)"
+padding: ${1:20px} ${2:0px} ${3:40px} ${4:0px};$0
+snippet padding "padding: V H (padding)"
+padding: ${1:20px} ${2:0px};$0
+snippet padding "padding: all (padding)"
+padding: ${1:20px};$0
+snippet position "position: type (position)"
+position: ${1:static/relative/absolute/fixed};$0
+snippet { "properties { } ( } )"
+ /* $1 */
+ $0
+snippet scrollbar "scrollbar"
+scrollbar-base-color: ${1:#CCCCCC};${2:
+scrollbar-arrow-color: ${3:#000000};
+scrollbar-track-color: ${4:#999999};
+scrollbar-3dlight-color: ${5:#EEEEEE};
+scrollbar-highlight-color: ${6:#FFFFFF};
+scrollbar-face-color: ${7:#CCCCCC};
+scrollbar-shadow-color: ${9:#999999};
+scrollbar-darkshadow-color: ${8:#666666};}
+snippet selection "selection"
+$1::selection {
+ color: ${2:inherit};
+ background: ${3:inherit};
+snippet text "text-align: left:center:right (txt)"
+text-align: ${1:left/right/center/justify};$0
+snippet text "text-decoration: none:underline:overline:line-through:blink (text)"
+text-decoration: ${1:none/underline/overline/line-through/blink};$0
+snippet text "text-indent: length (text)"
+text-indent: ${1:10}px;$0
+snippet text "text-transform: capitalize:upper:lower (text)"
+text-transform: ${1:capitalize/uppercase/lowercase};$0
+snippet vertical "vertical-align: type (vertical)"
+vertical-align: ${1:baseline/sub/super/top/text-top/middle/bottom/text-bottom/length/%};$0
+snippet visibility "visibility: type (visibility)"
+visibility: ${1:visible/hidden/collapse};$0
+snippet white "white-space: normal:pre:nowrap (white)"
+white-space: ${1:normal/pre/nowrap};$0
+snippet word "word-spacing: length (word)"
+word-spacing: ${1:10px};$0
+snippet z "z-index: index (z)"
+z-index: $1;$0
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/d.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/d.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce2751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/d.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# Simple shortcuts
+priority -50
+snippet imp "import (imp)" b
+import ${1:std.stdio};
+snippet pimp "public import (pimp)" b
+public import ${1:/*module*/};
+snippet over "override (over)" b
+override ${1:/*function*/}
+snippet al "alias (al)"
+alias ${1:/*orig*/} ${2:/*alias*/};
+snippet mixin "mixin (mixin)" b
+mixin ${1:/*mixed_in*/} ${2:/*name*/};
+snippet new "new (new)"
+new ${1}(${2});
+snippet scpn "@safe const pure nothrow (scpn)"
+@safe const pure nothrow
+snippet spn "@safe pure nothrow (spn)"
+@safe pure nothrow
+snippet cont "continue (cont)"
+snippet dis "@disable (dis)" b
+@disable ${1:/*method*/};
+snippet pub "public (pub)" b
+ ${1:/*members*/}
+snippet priv "private (priv)" b
+ ${1:/*members*/}
+snippet prot "protected (prot)" b
+ ${1:/*members*/}
+snippet pack "package (pack)" b
+ ${1:/*members*/}
+snippet ret "return (ret)"
+return ${1:/*value to return*/};
+snippet auto "auto (auto)" b
+auto ${1:/*variable*/} = ${2:/*value*/};
+snippet con "const (con)" b
+const ${1:/*variable*/} = ${2:/*value*/};
+snippet siz "size_t (siz)" b
+size_t ${1:/*variable*/} = ${2:/*value*/};
+snippet sup "super (sup)" b
+# Phobos
+snippet tup "tuple (tup)"
+snippet wr "writeln (wr)"
+snippet to "to (to)"
+snippet enf "enforce (enf)" b
+ new ${2}Exception(${3:/*args*/}));
+# Branches
+snippet if "if .. (if)"
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet ife "if .. else (ife)" b
+ ${2}
+ ${3:/*else*/}
+snippet el "else (el)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${1}
+snippet elif "else if (elif)" b
+else if(${1:/*condition*/})
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet sw "switch (sw)"
+ case ${2:/*value*/}:
+ ${3}
+ break;
+ case ${4:/*value*/}:
+ ${5}
+ break;
+ ${7:/*more cases*/}
+ default:
+ ${6:assert(false);}
+snippet fsw "final switch (fsw)"
+final switch(${1:/*var*/})
+ case ${2:/*value*/}:
+ ${3}
+ break;
+ case ${4:/*value*/}:
+ ${5}
+ break;
+ ${7:/*more cases*/}
+snippet case "case (case)" b
+case ${1:/*value*/}:
+ ${2}
+ break;
+snippet ?: "ternary operator (?:)"
+${1:/*condition*/} ? ${2:/*then*/} : ${3:/*else*/}$4
+# Loops
+snippet do "do while (do)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${2}
+} while(${1:/*condition*/});
+snippet wh "while (wh)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${2}
+snippet for "for (for)" b
+for (${4:size_t} ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2})
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet forever "forever (forever)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet fore "foreach (fore)"
+foreach(${1:/*elem*/}; ${2:/*range*/})
+ ${VISUAL}${3}
+snippet forif "foreach if (forif)" b
+foreach(${1:/*elem*/}; ${2:/*range*/}) if(${3:/*condition*/})
+ ${VISUAL}${4}
+# Contracts
+snippet in "in contract (in)" b
+ assert(${1:/*condition*/}, "${2:error message}");
+ ${3}
+snippet out "out contract (out)" b
+ assert(${2:/*condition*/}, "${3:error message}");
+ ${4}
+snippet inv "invariant (inv)" b
+ assert(${1:/*condition*/}, "${2:error message}");
+ ${3}
+# Functions (generic)
+snippet fun "function definition (fun)"
+${1:void} ${2:/*function name*/}(${3:/*args*/}) ${4:@safe pure nothrow}
+ ${VISUAL}${5}
+snippet void "void function definition (void)"
+void ${1:/*function name*/}(${2:/*args*/}) ${3:@safe pure nothrow}
+ ${VISUAL}${4}
+snippet this "ctor (this)" w
+ ${VISUAL}${2}
+snippet get "getter property (get)"
+@property ${1:/*type*/} ${2:/*member_name*/}() const pure nothrow {return ${3:$2_};}
+snippet set "setter property (set)"
+@property void ${1:/*member_name*/}(${2:/*type*/} rhs) pure nothrow {${3:$1_} = rhs;}
+# Functions (concrete)
+snippet main "Main" b
+void main(string[] args)
+ ${VISUAL}${0: /*code*/}
+# Mixins
+snippet signal "signal (signal)" b
+mixin Signal!(${1:/*args*/}) ${2:/*name*/};
+# Scope
+snippet scope "scope (scope)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${2}
+# With
+snippet with "with (with)"
+ ${VISUAL}${2}
+# Exception handling
+snippet try "try/catch (try)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${1:/*code to try*/}
+catch(${2}Exception e)
+ ${3:/*handle exception*/}
+snippet tryf "try/catch/finally (tryf)" b
+ ${VISUAL}${1:/*code to try*/}
+catch(${2}Exception e)
+ ${3:/*handle exception*/}
+ ${4:/*cleanup*/}
+snippet catch "catch (catch)" b
+catch(${1}Exception e)
+ ${2:/*handle exception*/}
+snippet thr "throw (thr)"
+throw new ${1}Exception("${2}");
+# Type declarations
+snippet struct "struct (struct)"
+struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
+ ${2}
+snippet union "union (union)"
+union ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
+ ${2}
+snippet class "class (class)"
+class ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
+ ${2}
+snippet inter "interface (inter)"
+interface ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
+ ${2}
+snippet enum "enum (enum)"
+enum ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
+ ${2}
+# Exception declarations
+snippet exc "exception declaration (exc)" b
+/// ${3:/*documentation*/}
+class ${1}Exception : ${2}Exception
+ public this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
+ {
+ super(msg, file, line);
+ }
+# Conditional compilation
+snippet version "version (version)" b
+version(${1:/*version name*/})
+ ${VISUAL}${2}
+snippet debug "debug" b
+ ${VISUAL}${1}
+# Templates
+snippet temp "template (temp)" b
+template ${2:/*name*/}(${1:/*args*/})
+ ${3}
+# Asserts
+snippet ass "assert (ass)" b
+assert(${1:false}, "${2:TODO}");
+# Unittests
+snippet unittest "unittest (unittest)" b
+ ${1}
+# Common member functions
+snippet opDis "opDispatch (opDis)" b
+${1:/*return type*/} opDispatch(string s)()
+ ${2};
+snippet op= "opAssign (op=)" b
+void opAssign(${1} rhs) ${2:@safe pure nothrow}
+ ${2}
+snippet opCmp "opCmp (opCmp)" b
+int opCmp(${1} rhs) @safe const pure nothrow
+ ${2}
+snippet opApply "opApply (opApply)" b
+int opApply(int delegate(ref ${1:/*iterated type/s*/}) dg)
+ int result = 0;
+ ${2:/*loop*/}
+ {
+ result = dg(${3:/*arg/s*/});
+ if(result){break;}
+ }
+ return result;
+snippet toString "toString (toString)" b
+string toString() @safe const pure nothrow
+ ${1}
+# Comments
+snippet todo "TODO (todo)"
+// TODO: ${1}
+# DDoc
+snippet doc "generic ddoc block (doc)" b
+/// ${1:description}
+/// ${2:details}
+snippet fdoc "function ddoc block (fdoc)" b
+/// ${1:description}
+/// ${2:Params: ${3:param} = ${4:param description}
+/// ${5}}
+/// ${6:Returns: ${7:return value}}
+/// ${8:Throws: ${9}Exception ${10}}
+snippet Par "Params (Par)"
+Params: ${1:param} = ${2:param description}
+/// ${3}
+snippet Ret "Returns (Ret)"
+Returns: ${1:return value/s}
+snippet Thr "Throws (Thr)"
+Throws: ${1}Exception ${2}
+snippet Example "Examples (Example)"
+/// --------------------
+/// ${1:example code}
+/// --------------------
+# License blocks
+snippet gpl "GPL (gpl)" b
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+// Copyright (C) ${1:Author}, `!v strftime("%Y")`
+snippet boost "Boost (boost)" b
+// Copyright ${1:Author} `!v strftime("%Y")`.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+# New module
+snippet module "New module (module)" b
+// Copyright ${1:Author} `!v strftime("%Y")`.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+module ${2}.`!v vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'name')`;
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/django.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/django.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ba6c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/django.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+priority -50
+# This files will define django snippets from sublime text djaneiro
+snippet form "Form" b
+class ${1:FORMNAME}(forms.Form):
+ ${2:# TODO: Define form fields here}
+snippet modelform "ModelForm" b
+class ${1:MODELNAME}Form(forms.ModelForm):
+ class Meta:
+ model = $1
+snippet fbool "BooleanField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.BooleanField($2)
+snippet fchar "CharField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.CharField($2)
+snippet fchoice "ChoiceField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ChoiceField($2)
+snippet fcombo "ComboField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ComboField($2)
+snippet fdate "DateField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DateField($2)
+snippet fdatetime "DateTimeField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DateTimeField($2)
+snippet fdecimal "DecimalField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DecimalField($2)
+snippet fmail "EmailField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.EmailField($2)
+snippet ffile "FileField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FileField($2)
+snippet ffilepath "FilePathField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FilePathField($2)
+snippet ffloat "FloatField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FloatField($2)
+snippet fip "IPAddressField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.IPAddressField($2)
+snippet fimg "ImageField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ImageField($2)
+snippet fint "IntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.IntegerField($2)
+snippet fmochoice "ModelChoiceField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ModelChoiceField($2)
+snippet fmomuchoice "ModelMultipleChoiceField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField($2)
+snippet fmuval "MultiValueField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.MultiValueField($2)
+snippet fmuchoice "MultipleChoiceField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.MultipleChoiceField($2)
+snippet fnullbool "NullBooleanField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.NullBooleanField($2)
+snippet freg "RegexField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.RegexField($2)
+snippet fslug "SlugField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.SlugField($2)
+snippet fsdatetime "SplitDateTimeField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.SplitDateTimeField($2)
+snippet ftime "TimeField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.TimeField($2)
+snippet ftchoice "TypedChoiceField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.TypedChoiceField($2)
+snippet ftmuchoice "TypedMultipleChoiceField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField($2)
+snippet furl "URLField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.URLField($2)
+snippet model "Model" b
+class ${1:MODELNAME}(models.Model):
+ ${0}
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = "$1"
+ verbose_name_plural = "$1s"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return super($1, self).__str__()
+snippet modelfull "Model" b
+class ${1:MODELNAME}(models.Model):
+ ${2:# TODO: Define fields here}
+ class Meta:
+ verbose_name = "$1"
+ verbose_name_plural = "$1s"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return super($1, self).__str__()
+ def save(self):
+ return super($1, self).save()
+ @models.permalink
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ return ('')
+ ${3:# TODO: Define custom methods here}
+snippet mauto "AutoField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.AutoField($2)
+snippet mbigint "BigIntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BigIntegerField($2)
+snippet mbool "BooleanField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BooleanField($2)
+snippet mchar "CharField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.CharField($2, max_length=${3:50})
+snippet mcoseint "CommaSeparatedIntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField($2)
+snippet mdate "DateField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DateField($2)
+snippet mdatetime "DateTimeField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DateTimeField($2)
+snippet mdecimal "DecimalField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DecimalField(max_digits=${2:10}, decimal_places=${3:2})
+snippet memail "EmailField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.EmailField($2)
+snippet mfile "FileField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FileField($2)
+snippet mfilepath "FilePathField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FilePathField($2)
+snippet mfloat "FloatField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FloatField($2)
+snippet fk "ForeignKey" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ForeignKey($2)
+snippet mip "IPAddressField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.IPAddressField($2)
+snippet mimg "ImageField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ImageField($2)
+snippet mint "IntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.IntegerField($2)
+snippet m2m "ManyToManyField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ManyToManyField($2)
+snippet mnullbool "NullBooleanField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.NullBooleanField($2)
+snippet o2o "OneToOneField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.OneToOneField($2)
+snippet mphone "PhoneNumberField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PhoneNumberField($2)
+snippet mposint "PositiveIntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PositiveIntegerField($2)
+snippet mpossmallint "PositiveSmallIntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField($2)
+snippet mslug "SlugField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.SlugField($2)
+snippet msmallint "SmallIntegerField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.SmallIntegerField($2)
+snippet mtext "TextField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.TextField($2)
+snippet mtime "TimeField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.TimeField($2)
+snippet murl "URLField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.URLField($2)
+snippet musstate "USStateField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.USStateField($2)
+snippet mxml "XMLField" b
+${1:FIELDNAME} = models.XMLField($2)
+snippet adminview "Model Admin View" b
+class ${1}Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ '''
+ Admin View for ${1}
+ '''
+ list_display = ('${2}',)
+ list_filter = ('${3}',)
+ inlines = [
+ ${4}Inline,
+ ]
+ raw_id_fields = ('${5}',)
+ readonly_fields = ('${6}',)
+ search_fields = ['${7}']
+admin.site.register(${1}, ${1}Admin)
+snippet createview "Generic Create View" b
+class ${1:MODEL_NAME}CreateView(CreateView):
+ model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
+ template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
+snippet deleteview "Generic Delete View" b
+class ${1:MODEL_NAME}DeleteView(DeleteView):
+ model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
+ template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
+snippet detailview "Generic Detail View" b
+class ${1:MODEL_NAME}DetailView(DetailView):
+ model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
+ template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
+snippet listview "Generic List View" b
+class ${1:MODEL_NAME}ListView(ListView):
+ model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
+ template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
+snippet stackedinline "Stacked Inline" b
+class ${1}Inline(admin.StackedInline):
+ '''
+ Stacked Inline View for ${1}
+ '''
+ model = ${2:${1}}
+ min_num = ${3:3}
+ max_num = ${4:20}
+ extra = ${5:1}
+ raw_id_fields = (${6},)
+snippet tabularinline "Tabular Inline" b
+class ${1}Inline(admin.TabularInline):
+ '''
+ Tabular Inline View for ${1}
+ '''
+ model = ${2:${1}}
+ min_num = ${3:3}
+ max_num = ${4:20}
+ extra = ${5:1}
+ raw_id_fields = (${6},)
+snippet templateview "Generic Template View" b
+class ${1:CLASS_NAME}(TemplateView):
+ template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
+snippet updateview "Generic Update View" b
+class ${1:MODEL_NAME}UpdateView(UpdateView):
+ model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
+ template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
+snippet dispatch "Dispatch View method" b
+def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ return super(${1:CLASS_NAME}, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
+snippet context "get_context_data view method" b
+def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
+ kwargs['extra_context'] = ${1:'New Value'}
+ return super(${2:CLASS_NAME}, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eelixir.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eelixir.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72fb7ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eelixir.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+priority -50
+extends html
+snippet % "<% %>" w
+<% $0 %>
+snippet = "<%= %>" w
+<%= $0 %>
+snippet end "<% end %>" w
+<% end %>
+snippet for
+<%= for ${1:item} <- ${2:$1s} ${3:@conn} do %>
+ $0
+<% end %>
+snippet ft "form_tag" w
+<%= form_tag(${1:"${2:/users}"}, method: ${3::post}) %>
+ $0
+snippet lin "link" w
+<%= link ${1:"${2:Submit}"}, to: ${3:"${4:/users}"}, method: ${5::delete} %>
+snippet ff "form_for" w
+<%= form_for @changeset, ${1:"${2:/users}"}, fn f -> %>
+ $0
+ <%= submit "Submit" %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f317685
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+priority -50
+snippet pat "Case:Receive:Try Clause"
+${1:pattern}${2: when ${3:guard}} ->
+ ${4:body}
+snippet beh "Behaviour Directive" b
+snippet case "Case Expression"
+case ${1:expression} of
+ ${2:pattern}${3: when ${4:guard}} ->
+ ${5:body}
+snippet def "Define Directive" b
+-define(${1:macro}${2: (${3:param})}, ${4:body}).
+snippet exp "Export Directive" b
+snippet fun "Fun Expression"
+ (${1:pattern})${2: when ${3:guard}} ->
+ ${4:body}
+snippet fu "Function"
+${1:function}(${2:param})${3: when ${4:guard}} ->
+ ${5:body}
+snippet if "If Expression"
+ ${1:guard} ->
+ ${2:body}
+snippet ifdef "Ifdef Directive" b
+snippet ifndef "Ifndef Directive" b
+snippet imp "Import Directive" b
+-import(${1:module}, [${2:function}/${3:arity}]).
+snippet inc "Include Directive" b
+snippet mod "Module Directive" b
+-module(${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "module"`}).
+snippet rcv "Receive Expression"
+${1: ${2:pattern}${3: when ${4:guard}} ->
+ ${5:body}}
+ ${7:expression} ->
+ ${8:body}}
+snippet rec "Record Directive" b
+-record(${1:record}, {${2:field}${3: = ${4:value}}}).
+snippet try "Try Expression"
+try${1: ${2:expression}${3: of
+ ${4:pattern}${5: when ${6:guard}} ->
+ ${7:body}}}
+ ${9:pattern}${10: when ${11:guard}} ->
+ ${12:body}}
+ ${14:body}}
+snippet undef "Undef Directive" b
+snippet || "List Comprehension"
+[${1:X} || ${2:X} <- ${3:List}${4:, gen}]
+snippet gen "Generator Expression"
+${1:X} <- ${2:List}${3:, gen}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eruby.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eruby.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe38c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eruby.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+extends html
+priority -50
+# TextMate added these variables to cope with changes in ERB handling
+# in different versions of Rails -- for instance, Rails 3 automatically
+# strips whitespace so that it's no longer necessary to use a form like
+# <% end -%>, but if you're still maintaining Rails 2 projects, you
+# can't omit the minus sign and get the same behavior.
+# The following regex replace substitutes the function below for the
+# TextMate variable references after the snippets are converted:
+# /\v\$\{(TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_([^_]+)_RUBY_([^_\s]+))\}/`!p textmate_var('\1', snip)`/g
+global !p
+def textmate_var(var, snip):
+ lookup = dict(
+ TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_start_ruby_expr', '<%= '),
+ TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_end_ruby_expr', ' %>'),
+ TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_start_ruby_inline', '<% '),
+ TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_INLINE = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_end_ruby_inline', ' %>'),
+ )
+ snip.rv = lookup[var]
+ return
+snippet % "<% ${0} %>" i
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`${0}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`
+snippet = "<%= ${0} %>" i
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`${0}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+# GENERATED FROM get_tm_snippets.py + REGEX REPLACE #
+snippet fi "<%= Fixtures.identify(:symbol) %>"
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`Fixtures.identify(:${1:name})`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`$0
+snippet ft "form_tag" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`form_tag(${1::action => '${2:update}'}${3:, ${4:${5:class} => '${6:form}'\}}}) do`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+ $0
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
+snippet ffs "form_for submit 2" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`${1:f}.submit '${2:Submit}'${3:, :disable_with => '${4:$2ing...}'}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f_fields_for (nff)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`f.fields_for :${1:attribute} do |${2:f}|`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`
+ $0
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.checkbox" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.check_box :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.file_field" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.file_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.hidden_field" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.hidden_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.label" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.label :${1:attribute}${2:, "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1: :\u$0)/g}}"}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.password_field" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.password_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.radio_button" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.radio_button :${1:attribute}, :${2:tag_value}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.submit" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.submit "${1:Submit}"${2:, :disable_with => '${3:$1ing...}'}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.text_area" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.text_area :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet f. "f.text_field" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.text_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet ffe "form_for with errors" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`error_messages_for :${1:model}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`form_for @${2:$1} do |f|`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+ $0
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
+snippet ff "form_for" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`form_for @${1:model} do |f|`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+ $0
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
+snippet ist "image_submit_tag" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`image_submit_tag("${1:agree.png}"${2:${3:, :id => "${4:${1/^(\w+)(\.\w*)?$/$1/}}"}${5:, :name => "${6:${1/^(\w+)(\.\w*)?$/$1/}}"}${7:, :class => "${8:${1/^(\w+)(\.\w*)?$/$1/}-button}"}${9:, :disabled => ${10:false}}})`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet it "image_tag" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`image_tag "$1${2:.png}"${3:${4:, :title => "${5:title}"}${6:, :class => "${7:class}"}}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet layout "layout"
+layout "${1:template_name}"${2:${3:, :only => ${4:[:${5:action}, :${6:action}]}}${7:, :except => ${8:[:${9:action}, :${10:action}]}}}
+snippet jit "javascript_include_tag" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`javascript_include_tag ${1::all}${2:, :cache => ${3:true}}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lt "link_to (name, dest)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", ${2:dest}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lia "link_to (action)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :action => "${2:index}"`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet liai "link_to (action, id)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :action => "${2:edit}", :id => ${3:@item}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lic "link_to (controller)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :controller => "${2:items}"`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lica "link_to (controller, action)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :controller => "${2:items}", :action => "${3:index}"`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet licai "link_to (controller, action, id)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :controller => "${2:items}", :action => "${3:edit}", :id => ${4:@item}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet linpp "link_to (nested path plural)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${10:parent}_${11:child}_path(${12:@}${13:${10}})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet linp "link_to (nested path)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lipp "link_to (path plural)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${4:model}s_path}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lip "link_to (path)" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${12:model}_path(${13:@}${14:${12}})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet lim "link_to model" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:model}.${2:name}, ${3:${4:$1}_path(${14:$1})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet hide "page.hide (*ids)"
+page.hide ${1:"${2:id(s)}"}
+snippet ins "page.insert_html (position, id, partial)"
+page.insert_html :${1:top}, ${2:"${3:id}"}, :${4:partial => "${5:template}"}
+snippet rep "page.replace (id, partial)"
+page.replace ${1:"${2:id}"}, :${3:partial => "${4:template}"}
+snippet reph "page.replace_html (id, partial)"
+page.replace_html ${1:"${2:id}"}, :${3:partial => "${4:template}"}
+snippet show "page.show (*ids)"
+page.show ${1:"${2:id(s)}"}
+snippet tog "page.toggle (*ids)"
+page.toggle ${1:"${2:id(s)}"}
+snippet vis "page.visual_effect (effect, id)"
+page.visual_effect :${1:toggle_slide}, ${2:"${3:DOM ID}"}
+snippet rp "render (partial) (rp)"
+render :partial => "${1:item}"
+snippet rpc "render (partial,collection) (rpc)"
+render :partial => "${1:item}", :collection => ${2:@$1s}
+snippet rpl "render (partial,locals) (rpl)"
+render :partial => "${1:item}", :locals => { :${2:$1} => ${3:@$1}$0 }
+snippet rpo "render (partial,object) (rpo)"
+render :partial => "${1:item}", :object => ${2:@$1}
+snippet rps "render (partial,status) (rps)"
+render :partial => "${1:item}", :status => ${2:500}
+snippet slt "stylesheet_link_tag" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`stylesheet_link_tag ${1::all}${2:, :cache => ${3:true}}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet st "submit_tag" w
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`submit_tag "${1:Save changes}"${2:, :id => "${3:submit}"}${4:, :name => "${5:$3}"}${6:, :class => "${7:form_$3}"}${8:, :disabled => ${9:false}}${10:, :disable_with => "${11:Please wait...}"}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+snippet else "else (ERB)"
+<% else %>
+ $0
+snippet lf "link_to_function"
+`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to_function ${1:"${2:Greeting}"}, "${3:alert('Hello world!')}"$4`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6891ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Snippets for Go
+priority -50
+# when to abbriviate and when not?
+# b doesn't work here, because it ignores whitespace
+# optional local name?
+snippet /^import/ "Import declaration" r
+import (
+ "${1:package}"
+snippet /^package/ "Package declaration" r
+// Package $1 provides ...
+package ${1:main}
+# Mostly converted from: https://github.com/AlanQuatermain/go-tmbundle
+snippet /^cons/ "Constants declaration" r
+const (
+ ${1:constant}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type} = ${0:value}
+snippet /^con/ "Constant declaration" r
+const ${1:name}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type} = ${0:value}
+snippet iota "Iota constant generator" b
+const (
+ ${1:constant}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type} = iota
+snippet struct "Struct declaration" b
+type ${1:Struct} struct {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet interface "Interface declaration" b
+type ${1:Interface} interface {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet if "If statement" b
+if ${1:condition}${1/(.+)/ /}{
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet switch "Switch statement" b
+switch ${1:expression}${1/(.+)/ /}{
+# functions
+snippet /^main/ "Main function" r
+func main() {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet /^meth/ "Method" r
+func (${1:receiver} ${2:type}) ${3:name}(${4:params})${5/(.+)/ /}${5:type} {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet func "Function" b
+func ${1:name}(${2:params})${3/(.+)/ /}${3:type} {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet funch "HTTP handler" b
+func ${1:handler}(${2:w} http.ResponseWriter, ${3:r} *http.Request) {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+# types and variables
+snippet map "Map type" b
+snippet : "Variable declaration :=" b
+${1:name} := ${0:value}
+snippet var "Variable declaration" b
+var ${1:name}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type}${3: = ${0:value}}
+snippet vars "Variables declaration" b
+var (
+ ${1:name}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type}${3: = ${0:value} }
+snippet json "JSON field"
+# vim:ft=snippets:
+# error handling
+snippet err "Basic error handling" b
+if err != nil {
+ log.${1:Fatal}(err)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/help.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/help.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b07a7de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/help.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Snippets for VIM Help Files
+priority -50
+global !p
+def sec_title(snip, t):
+ file_start = snip.fn.split('.')[0]
+ sec_name = t[1].strip("1234567890. ").lower().replace(' ', '-')
+ return ("*%s-%s*" % (file_start, sec_name)).rjust(78-len(t[1]))
+snippet sec "Section marker" b
+${1:SECTION}`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)`
+snippet ssec "Sub section marker" b
+${1:Subsection}`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)
+snip += "-"*len(t[1])`
+snippet sssec "Subsub Section marker" b
+${1:SubSubsection}:`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)`
+# For vim help, follow the same settings as the official docs.
+snippet modeline "Vim help modeline"
+ `!v 'vim'`:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd1aca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+priority -50
+# TextMate Snippets #
+global !p
+def x(snip):
+ if snip.ft.startswith("x"):
+ snip.rv = '/'
+ else:
+ snip.rv = ""
+# Doctypes #
+snippet doctype "DocType XHTML 1.0 Strict" b
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype "DocType XHTML 1.0 Transitional" b
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+snippet doctype "DocType XHTML 1.1" b
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+snippet doctype "HTML - 4.0 Transitional (doctype)" b
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+snippet doctype "HTML - 5.0 (doctype)" b
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+# Shortcuts #
+snippet down "Down (down)"
+snippet enter "Enter (enter)"
+snippet escape "Escape (escape)"
+snippet shift "Shift (shift)"
+snippet tab "Tab (tab)"
+snippet up "Up (up)"
+snippet return "Return (return)"
+snippet right "Right (right)"
+snippet left "Left (left)"
+snippet option "Option (option)"
+# Conditional inserts #
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_0 only"
+<!--[if IE 5.0]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.0 only }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_5 only"
+<!--[if IE 5.5000]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.5 only }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_x"
+<!--[if lt IE 6]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.x }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below"
+<!--[if lte IE 6]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only"
+<!--[if IE 6]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7+"
+<!--[if gte IE 7]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7 and above }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer"
+<!--[if IE]>${1: IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer }<![endif]-->$0
+snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer"
+<!--[if !IE]><!-->${1: IE Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer }<!-- <![endif]-->$0
+snippet input "Input with Label" w
+<label for="${2:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|( )/(?1:_:\L$0)/g}}">$1</label><input type="${3:text/submit/hidden/button}" name="${4:$2}" value="$5"${6: id="${7:$2}"}`!p x(snip)`>
+snippet input "XHTML <input>" w
+<input type="${1:text/submit/hidden/button}" name="${2:some_name}" value="$3"${4: id="${5:$2}"}`!p x(snip)`>
+snippet opt "Option" w
+<option${1: value="${2:option}"}>${3:$2}</option>
+snippet select "Select Box" w
+<select name="${1:some_name}" id="${2:$1}"${3:${4: multiple}${5: onchange="${6:}"}${7: size="${8:1}"}}>
+ <option${9: value="${10:option1}"}>${11:$10}</option>
+ <option${12: value="${13:option2}"}>${14:$13}</option>${15:}
+ $0
+snippet textarea "XHTML <textarea>" w
+<textarea name="${1:Name}" rows="${2:8}" cols="${3:40}">$0</textarea>
+snippet mailto "XHTML <a mailto: >" w
+<a href="mailto:${1:joe@example.com}?subject=${2:feedback}">${3:email me}</a>
+snippet base "XHTML <base>" w
+<base href="$1"${2: target="$3"}`!p x(snip)`>
+snippet body "<body>"
+ $0
+snippet div "<div>" w
+ $0
+snippet div. "<div> with class" w
+<div`!p snip.rv=' class="' if t[1] else ""`${1:name}`!p snip.rv = '"' if t[1] else ""`>
+ $0
+snippet div# "<div> with ID & class" w
+<div`!p snip.rv=' id="' if t[1] else ""`${1:name}`!p snip.rv = '"' if t[1] else ""``!p snip.rv=' class="' if t[2] else ""`${2:name}`!p snip.rv = '"' if t[2] else ""`>
+ $0
+snippet form "XHTML <form>" w
+<form action="${1:`!p
+snip.rv = (snip.basename or 'unnamed') + '_submit'
+`}" method="${2:get}" accept-charset="utf-8">
+ $0
+ <p><input type="submit" value="Continue →"`!p x(snip)`></p>
+snippet h1 "XHTML <h1>" w
+snippet h2 "XHTML <h2>" w
+snippet h3 "XHTML <h3>" w
+snippet h4 "XHTML <h4>" w
+snippet head "XHTML <head>"
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "Page Title"`}</title>
+ $0
+snippet link "XHTML <link>" w
+<link rel="${1:stylesheet}" href="${2:/css/master.css}" type="text/css" media="${3:screen}" title="${4:no title}" charset="${5:utf-8}"`!p x(snip)`>
+snippet meta "XHTML <meta>" w
+<meta name="${1:name}" content="${2:content}"`!p x(snip)`>
+snippet scriptsrc "XHTML <script src...>" w
+<script src="$1" type="text/javascript" charset="${3:utf-8}"></script>
+snippet script "XHTML <script>" w
+<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
+ $0
+snippet style "XHTML <style>" w
+<style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ $0
+snippet table "XHTML <table>" w
+<table border="${1:0}"${2: cellspacing="${3:5}" cellpadding="${4:5}"}>
+ <tr><th>${5:Header}</th></tr>
+ <tr><td>${0:Data}</td></tr>
+snippet a "Link" w
+<a href="${1:http://www.${2:url.com}}"${3: target="_blank"}>${4:Anchor Text}</a>
+snippet p "paragraph" w
+snippet li "list item" w
+snippet ul "unordered list" w
+snippet td "table cell" w
+snippet th "table header" w
+snippet tr "table row" w
+snippet title "XHTML <title>" w
+<title>${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "Page Title"`}</title>
+snippet fieldset "Fieldset" w
+<fieldset id="${1/[\w\d]+|( )/(?1:_:\L$0\E)/g}" ${2:class="${3:}"}>
+ <legend>$1</legend>
+ $0
+snippet movie "Embed QT movie (movie)" b
+<object width="$2" height="$3" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
+ <param name="src" value="$1"`!p x(snip)`>
+ <param name="controller" value="$4"`!p x(snip)`>
+ <param name="autoplay" value="$5"`!p x(snip)`>
+ <embed src="${1:movie.mov}"
+ width="${2:320}" height="${3:240}"
+ controller="${4:true}" autoplay="${5:true}"
+ scale="tofit" cache="true"
+ pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"
+ `!p x(snip)`>
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7ca5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# more can be found in snippets/html_minimal.snippets
+# these UltiSnips override snippets because nested placeholders are being used
+priority -50
+snippet id
+snippet idn
+id="${1}" name="${2:$1}"
+snippet label_and_input
+<label for="${2:$1}">${1}</label>
+<input type="${3:text}" name="${4:$2}"${5: id="${6:$2}"} value="${7}" />${8}
+snippet input
+<input type="${1:text}" value="${2}" name="${3}"${4: id="${5:$3}"}/>${7}
+snippet submit
+<input type="submit" value="${2}" ${3}/>${7}
+snippet textarea
+<textarea name="$2"${3: id="$4"}>$5</textarea>
+snippet img
+<img src="$1"${2: alt="$3"}/>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmldjango.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmldjango.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37fa85f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmldjango.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+priority -50
+extends html
+# Generic Tags
+snippet % "" bi
+{% ${1} %}${2}
+snippet %% "" bi
+{% ${1:tag_name} %}
+ ${2}
+{% end$1 %}
+snippet { "" bi
+{{ ${1} }}${2}
+# Template Tags
+snippet autoescape "" bi
+{% autoescape ${1:off} %}
+ ${2}
+{% endautoescape %}
+snippet block "" bi
+{% block ${1} %}
+ ${2}
+{% endblock $1 %}
+snippet # "" bi
+{# ${1:comment} #}
+snippet comment "" bi
+{% comment %}
+ ${1}
+{% endcomment %}
+snippet cycle "" bi
+{% cycle ${1:val1} ${2:val2} ${3:as ${4}} %}
+snippet debug "" bi
+{% debug %}
+snippet extends "" bi
+{% extends "${1:base.html}" %}
+snippet filter "" bi
+{% filter ${1} %}
+ ${2}
+{% endfilter %}
+snippet firstof "" bi
+{% firstof ${1} %}
+snippet for "" bi
+{% for ${1} in ${2} %}
+ ${3}
+{% endfor %}
+snippet empty "" bi
+{% empty %}
+ ${1}
+snippet if "" bi
+{% if ${1} %}
+ ${2}
+{% endif %}
+snippet iif "" bi
+{% if ${1} %}${2}{% endif %}
+snippet ielse "" bi
+{% else %}${1}
+snippet else "" bi
+{% else %}
+ ${1}
+snippet ielif "" bi
+{% elif %}${1}
+snippet elif "" bi
+{% elif %}
+ ${1}
+snippet ifchanged "" bi
+{% ifchanged %}${1}{% endifchanged %}
+snippet ifequal "" bi
+{% ifequal ${1} ${2} %}
+ ${3}
+{% endifequal %}
+snippet ifnotequal "" bi
+{% ifnotequal ${1} ${2} %}
+ ${3}
+{% endifnotequal %}
+snippet include "" bi
+{% include "${1}" %}
+snippet load "" bi
+{% load ${1} %}
+snippet now "" bi
+{% now "${1:jS F Y H:i}" %}
+snippet regroup "" bi
+{% regroup ${1} by ${2} as ${3} %}
+snippet spaceless "" bi
+{% spaceless %}${1}{% endspaceless %}
+snippet ssi "" bi
+{% ssi ${1} %}
+snippet trans "" bi
+{% trans "${1:string}" %}
+snippet url "" bi
+{% url ${1} as ${2} %}
+snippet widthratio "" bi
+{% widthratio ${1:this_value} ${2:max_value} ${3:100} %}
+snippet with "" bi
+{% with ${1} as ${2} %}
+{% endwith %}
+snippet verbatim "" bi
+{% verbatim %}
+{% endverbatim %}
+snippet super "" bi
+{{ block.super }}
+snippet staticu "" bi
+snippet static "" bi
+{% static "${VISUAL}" %}
+snippet mediau "" bi
+{{ MEDIA_URL }}
+snippet iblock "" bi
+{% block ${1:blockname} %}${VISUAL}{% endblock $1 %}
+snippet csrf "" bi
+{% csrf_token %}
+snippet blocktrans "" bi
+{% blocktrans %}
+{% endblocktrans %}
+snippet lorem "" bi
+{% lorem ${1} %}
+# Template Filters
+# Note: Since SnipMate can't determine which template filter you are
+# expanding without the "|" character, these do not add the "|"
+# character. These save a few keystrokes still.
+# Note: Template tags that take no arguments are not implemented.
+snippet add "" bi
+snippet center "" bi
+snippet cut "" bi
+snippet date "" bi
+snippet default "" bi
+snippet defaultifnone "" bi
+snippet dictsort "" bi
+snippet dictsortrev "" bi
+snippet divisibleby "" bi
+snippet floatformat "" bi
+snippet getdigit "" bi
+snippet join "" bi
+snippet lengthis "" bi
+snippet pluralize "" bi
+snippet removetags "" bi
+snippet slice "" bi
+snippet stringformat "" bi
+snippet time "" bi
+snippet truncatewords "" bi
+snippet truncatewordshtml "" bi
+snippet urlizetrunc "" bi
+snippet wordwrap "" bi
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3b3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+priority -50
+extends html, jinja2
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54d026d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+priority -50
+# Many of the snippets here use a global option called
+# "g:ultisnips_java_brace_style" which, if set to "nl" will put a newline
+# before '{' braces.
+# Setting "g:ultisnips_java_junit" will change how the test method snippet
+# looks, it is defaulted to junit4, setting this option to 3 will remove the
+# @Test annotation from the method
+global !p
+def junit(snip):
+ if snip.opt("g:ultisnips_java_junit", "") == "3":
+ snip += ""
+ else:
+ snip.rv += "@Test\n\t"
+def nl(snip):
+ if snip.opt("g:ultisnips_java_brace_style", "") == "nl":
+ snip += ""
+ else:
+ snip.rv += " "
+def getArgs(group):
+ import re
+ word = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9><.]+ \w+')
+ return [i.split(" ") for i in word.findall(group) ]
+def camel(word):
+ if not word: return ''
+ return word[0].upper() + word[1:]
+def mixedCase(word):
+ if not word: return ''
+ return word[0].lower() + word[1:]
+snippet sleep "try sleep catch" b
+try {
+ Thread.sleep(${1:1000});
+} catch (InterruptedException e){
+ e.printStackTrace();
+snippet /i|n/ "new primitive or int" br
+${1:int} ${2:i} = ${3:1};
+snippet /o|v/ "new Object or variable" br
+${1:Object} ${2:var} = new $1(${3});
+snippet f "field" b
+${1:private} ${2:String} ${3:`!p snip.rv = t[2].lower()`};
+snippet ab "abstract" b
+abstract $0
+snippet as "assert" b
+assert ${1:test}${2/(.+)/(?1: \: ")/}${2:Failure message}${2/(.+)/(?1:")/};
+snippet at "assert true" b
+snippet af "assert false" b
+snippet ae "assert equals" b
+assertEquals(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});
+snippet br "break"
+snippet cs "case" b
+case $1:
+ $2
+snippet ca "catch" b
+catch (${1:Exception} ${2:e})`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+snippet cle "class extends" b
+public class ${1:`!p
+snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} ${2:extends ${3:Parent} }${4:implements ${5:Interface} }{
+ $0
+snippet clc "class with constructor, fields, setter and getters" b
+public class `!p
+snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"` {
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+if len(args) == 0: snip.rv = ""
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\tprivate " + i[0] + " " + i[1]+ ";"
+if len(args) > 0:
+ snip.rv += "\n"`
+ public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "unknown"`($1) {`!p
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\t\tthis." + i[1] + " = " + i[1] + ";"
+if len(args) == 0:
+ snip.rv += "\n"`
+ }$0
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+if len(args) == 0: snip.rv = ""
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\tpublic void set" + camel(i[1]) + "(" + i[0] + " " + i[1] + ") {\n" + "\
+ \tthis." + i[1] + " = " + i[1] + ";\n\t}\n"
+ snip.rv += "\n\tpublic " + i[0] + " get" + camel(i[1]) + "() {\n\
+ \treturn " + i[1] + ";\n\t}\n"
+snippet clc "class with constructor, with field names" b
+public class `!p
+snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"` {
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\tprivate " + i[0] + " " + i[1]+ ";"
+if len(args) > 0:
+ snip.rv += "\n"`
+ public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "unknown"`($1) {`!p
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\t\tthis.%s = %s;" % (i[1], i[1])
+if len(args) == 0:
+ snip.rv += "\n"`
+ }
+snippet clc "class and constructor" b
+public class `!p
+snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"` {
+ public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`($2) {
+ $0
+ }
+snippet cl "class" b
+public class ${1:`!p
+snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} {
+ $0
+snippet cos "constant string" b
+public static final String ${1:var} = "$2";$0
+snippet co "constant" b
+public static final ${1:String} ${2:var} = $3;$0
+snippet de "default" b
+ $0
+snippet elif "else if"
+else if ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0${VISUAL}
+snippet el "else" w
+else`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0${VISUAL}
+snippet fi "final" b
+final $0
+snippet fore "for (each)" b
+for ($1 : $2)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+snippet fori "for" b
+for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:10}; $1++)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+snippet for "for" b
+for ($1; $2; $3)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+snippet if "if" b
+if ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0${VISUAL}
+snippet imt "import junit_framework_TestCase;" b
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+snippet im "import" b
+import ${1:java}.${2:util}.$0;
+snippet in "interface" b
+interface ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} ${2:extends ${3:Parent} }{
+ $0
+snippet cc "constructor call or setter body"
+this.${1:var} = $1;
+snippet list "Collections List" b
+List<${1:String}> ${2:list} = new ${3:Array}List<$1>();
+snippet map "Collections Map" b
+Map<${1:String}, ${2:String}> ${3:map} = new ${4:Hash}Map<$1, $2>();
+snippet set "Collections Set" b
+Set<${1:String}> ${2:set} = new ${3:Hash}Set<$1>();
+snippet /Str?|str/ "String" br
+String $0
+snippet cn "Constructor" b
+public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`(${1:}) {
+ $0
+snippet cn "constructor, \w fields + assigments" b
+ `!p
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\tprivate " + i[0] + " " + i[1]+ ";"
+if len(args) > 0:
+ snip.rv += "\n"`
+public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "unknown"`($1) {`!p
+args = getArgs(t[1])
+for i in args:
+ snip.rv += "\n\t\tthis.%s = %s;" % (i[1], i[1])
+if len(args) == 0:
+ snip.rv += "\n"`
+snippet j.b "java_beans_" i
+snippet j.i "java_io" i
+snippet j.m "java_math" i
+snippet j.n "java_net_" i
+snippet j.u "java_util_" i
+snippet main "method (main)" b
+public static void main(String[] args)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+snippet try "try/catch" b
+try {
+ $1${VISUAL}
+} catch(${2:Exception} ${3:e}){
+ ${4:e.printStackTrace();}
+snippet mt "method throws" b
+${1:private} ${2:void} ${3:method}(${4}) ${5:throws $6 }{
+ $0
+snippet m "method" b
+${1:private} ${2:void} ${3:method}(${4}) {
+ $0
+snippet md "Method With javadoc" b
+ * ${7:Short Description}`!p
+for i in getArgs(t[4]):
+ snip.rv += "\n\t * @param " + i[1] + " usage..."`
+ *`!p
+if "throws" in t[5]:
+ snip.rv = "\n\t * @throws " + t[6]
+ snip.rv = ""``!p
+if not "void" in t[2]:
+ snip.rv = "\n\t * @return object"
+ snip.rv = ""`
+ **/
+${1:public} ${2:void} ${3:method}($4) ${5:throws $6 }{
+ $0
+snippet /get(ter)?/ "getter" br
+public ${1:String} get${2:Name}() {
+ return `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[2])`;
+snippet /set(ter)?/ "setter" br
+public void set${1:Name}(${2:String} `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`) {
+ this.`!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])` = `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`;
+snippet /se?tge?t|ge?tse?t|gs/ "setter and getter" br
+public void set${1:Name}(${2:String} `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`) {
+ this.`!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])` = `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`;
+}`!p snip.rv += "\n"`
+public $2 get$1() {
+ return `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`;
+snippet pa "package" b
+package $0
+snippet p "print" b
+snippet pl "println" b
+snippet pr "private" b
+private $0
+snippet po "protected" b
+protected $0
+snippet pu "public" b
+public $0
+snippet re "return" b
+return $0
+snippet st "static"
+static $0
+snippet sw "switch" b
+switch ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ case $2: $0
+snippet sy "synchronized"
+synchronized $0
+snippet tc "test case"
+public class ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} extends ${2:TestCase}`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+snippet t "test" b
+`!p junit(snip)`public void test${1:Name}() {
+ $0
+snippet tt "test throws" b
+`!p junit(snip)`public void test${1:Name}() ${2:throws Exception }{
+ $0
+snippet th "throw" b
+throw new $0
+snippet wh "while" b
+while ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
+ $0
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-angular.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-angular.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91b5931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-angular.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+priority -50
+snippet iti "it (js, inject)" b
+it('${1:description}', inject(function($2) {
+ $0
+snippet befi "before each (js, inject)" b
+beforeEach(inject(function($1) {
+ $0
+snippet aconf "angular config" i
+config(function($1) {
+ $0
+snippet acont "angular controller" i
+controller('${1:name}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ $0
+snippet aconts "angular controller with scope" i
+controller('${1:name}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ $0
+snippet adir "angular directive" i
+directive('${1}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ return {
+ restrict: '${3:EA}',
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ };
+snippet adirs "angular directive with scope" i
+directive('${1}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ return {
+ restrict: '${3:EA}',
+ link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ };
+snippet afact "angular factory" i
+factory('${1:name}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ $0
+snippet afacts "angular factory with scope" i
+factory('${1:name}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ $0
+snippet aserv "angular service" i
+service('${1:name}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ $0
+snippet aservs "angular service" i
+service('${1:name}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
+ $0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-ember.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-ember.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b7e7b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-ember.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Ember snippets #
+priority -50
+# Application
+snippet eapp "App.Name = Ember.Application.create({});"
+${1:App.Name} = Ember.Application.create({});
+# Models
+snippet emod "App.ModelName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
+${1:model_name} = Ember.Model.extend({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+# View
+snippet eview "App.ViewName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
+${1:view_name} = Ember.View.extend({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+# Controller
+snippet econtroller "App.ControllerName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
+${1:controller_name} = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+# Route
+snippet eroute "App.RouteName = Ember.Route.extend({...});"
+${1:route_name} = Ember.Route.extend({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+snippet eview "App.ViewName = Ember.Model.create({...});"
+${1:view_name} = Ember.View.create({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+# Object
+snippet eobj "App.ObjectName = Ember.Object.extend({...});"
+${1:object_name} = Ember.Object.create({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+# Mixin
+snippet emix "App.MixinName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
+${1:view_name} = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ ${0://Properties here...}
+# Ember getter and setter
+snippet eget "this.get('property');"
+snippet eset "this.set('property', value);"
+${1:this}.set('${2:property}', ${3:value});
+# Computer properties
+snippet cpro "property_name: function() {...}.property(),"
+${1:property_name}: function() {
+ ${0://body...}
+snippet cpro ": function() {...}.property('property'),"
+${1:property_name}: function() {
+ ${0://body...}
+# Observes
+snippet proo "property_name: function() {...}.property()"
+${1:property_name}: function() {
+ ${0://body...}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jasmine.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jasmine.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77aec77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jasmine.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+priority -50
+# JavaScript versions -- from the TextMate bundle + some additions
+# for jasmine-jquery matchers
+snippet des "Describe (js)" b
+describe('${1:description}', function() {
+ $0
+snippet it "it (js)" b
+it('${1:description}', function() {
+ $0
+snippet bef "before each (js)" b
+beforeEach(function() {
+ $0
+snippet aft "after each (js)" b
+afterEach(function() {
+ $0
+snippet befa "before all (js)" b
+beforeAll(function() {
+ $0
+snippet afta "after all (js)" b
+afterAll(function() {
+ $0
+snippet any "any (js)" b
+snippet anyt "anything (js)" b
+snippet objc "object containing (js)" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet arrc "array containing (js)" b
+snippet strm "string matching (js)" b
+snippet ru "runs (js)" b
+runs(function() {
+ $0
+snippet wa "waits (js)" b
+snippet ex "expect (js)" b
+snippet ee "expect to equal (js)" b
+snippet el "expect to be less than (js)" b
+snippet eg "expect to be greater than (js)" b
+snippet eb "expect to be (js)" b
+snippet em "expect to match (js)" b
+snippet eha "expect to have attribute (js)" b
+expect(${1:target}).toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'});
+snippet et "expect to be truthy (js)" b
+snippet ef "expect to be falsy (js)" b
+snippet ed "expect to be defined (js)" b
+snippet eud "expect to be defined (js)" b
+snippet en "expect to be null (js)" b
+snippet ec "expect to contain (js)" b
+snippet ev "expect to be visible (js)" b
+snippet eh "expect to be hidden (js)" b
+snippet notx "expect not (js)" b
+snippet note "expect not to equal (js)" b
+snippet notl "expect to not be less than (js)" b
+snippet notg "expect to not be greater than (js)" b
+snippet notm "expect not to match (js)" b
+snippet notha "expect to not have attribute (js)" b
+expect(${1:target}).not.toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'});
+snippet nott "expect not to be truthy (js)" b
+snippet notf "expect not to be falsy (js)" b
+snippet notd "expect not to be defined (js)" b
+snippet notn "expect not to be null (js)" b
+snippet notc "expect not to contain (js)" b
+snippet notv "expect not to be visible (js)" b
+snippet noth "expect not to be hidden (js)" b
+snippet s "spy on (js)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}')$0;
+snippet sr "spy on and return (js)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.returnValue(${3:arguments});
+snippet st "spy on and throw (js)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.throwError(${3:exception});
+snippet sct "spy on and call through (js)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.callThrough();
+snippet scf "spy on and call fake (js)" b
+spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.callFake(${3:function});
+snippet ethbc "expect to have been called (js)" b
+snippet nthbc "expect not to have been called (js)" b
+snippet ethbcw "expect to have been called with (js)" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jsdoc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jsdoc.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..959f805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jsdoc.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+priority -50
+# JSDoc snippets
+snippet /* "A JSDoc comment" b
+ * ${1:${VISUAL}}$0
+ */
+snippet @au "@author email (First Last)"
+@author ${1:`!v g:snips_author`} [${2:`!v g:snips_author_email`}]
+snippet @li "@license Description"
+@license ${1:MIT}$0
+snippet @ver "@version Semantic version"
+@version ${1:0.1.0}$0
+snippet @fileo "@fileoverview Description" b
+ * @fileoverview ${1:${VISUAL:A description of the file}}$0
+ */
+snippet @constr "@constructor"
+snippet @p "@param {Type} varname Description"
+@param {${1:Type}} ${2:varname} ${3:Description}
+snippet @ret "@return {Type} Description"
+@return {${1:Type}} ${2:Description}
+snippet @pri "@private"
+snippet @over "@override"
+snippet @pro "@protected"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-node.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-node.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a14dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-node.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+priority -50
+snippet #! "shebang"
+#!/usr/bin/env node
+snippet vreq "assign a CommonJS-style module to a var"
+var ${0:${1/(.+\/)*(\w+)(-|\b|$)(\..+$)?/\u$2/g}} = require('${1}');
+snippet ex "module.exports"
+module.exports = ${1};
+snippet hcs "http.createServer"
+snippet ncs "net.createServer"
+ ${1}.on('data', function(${3:data}){
+ ${4}
+ });
+ ${1}.on('end', function(){
+ ${5}
+ });
+snippet pipe "pipe"
+# Express snippets
+snippet eget "express GET"
+${1:app}.get('${2}', ${3});
+snippet epost "express POST"
+${1:app}.post('${2}', ${3});
+snippet eput "express PUT"
+${1:app}.put('${2}', ${3});
+snippet edelete "express DELETE"
+${1:app}.delete('${2}', ${3});
+# process snippets
+snippet stdout "stdout"
+snippet stdin "stdin"
+snippet stderr "stderr"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-openui5.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-openui5.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5553c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-openui5.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+snippet sapmlabel
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.Label({
+ design : ${2},
+ text : ${3},
+ visible : ${4},
+ textAlign : ${5},
+ textDirection : ${6},
+ width : ${7},
+ required : ${7}
+ });
+snippet sapmtext
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.Text({
+ text :${2},
+ textDirection :${3},
+ visible :${4},
+ wrapping : ${5},
+ textAlign : ${6},
+ width :${7},
+ maxLines :${8}
+ });
+snippet sapmbutton
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.Button({
+ text : ${2},
+ type : ${3},
+ width : ${4},
+ enabled :${5},
+ visible :${6},
+ icon : ${7},
+ iconFirst : ${8},
+ activeIcon :${9},
+ iconDensityAware : ${10},
+ });
+snippet sapmflexbox
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.FlexBox({
+ visible : ${2},
+ height : ${3},
+ width : ${4},
+ displayInline :${5},
+ direction :${6},
+ fitContainer : ${7},
+ renderType : ${8},
+ justifyContent :${9},
+ alignItems : ${10},
+ items:[]
+ });
+snippet sapmhbox
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.HBox({
+ visible : ${2},
+ height : ${3},
+ width : ${4},
+ displayInline :${5},
+ direction :${6},
+ fitContainer : ${7},
+ renderType : ${8},
+ justifyContent :${9},
+ alignItems : ${10},
+ items:[]
+ });
+snippet sapmvbox
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.VBox({
+ visible : ${2},
+ height : ${3},
+ width : ${4},
+ displayInline :${5},
+ direction :${6},
+ fitContainer : ${7},
+ renderType : ${8},
+ justifyContent :${9},
+ alignItems : ${10},
+ items:[]
+ });
+snippet sapcomponent
+ sap.ui.controller("${1}", {
+ onInit: function(){
+ },
+ onAfterRendering: function() {
+ },
+ onAfterRendering: function() {
+ },
+ onExit: function() {
+ },
+ });
+snippet sapminput
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.Input({
+ value :${2},
+ width : ${3},
+ enabled :${4},
+ visible :${5},
+ valueState :${6},
+ name : ${7},
+ placeholder : ${8},
+ editable : ${9},
+ type : ${10},
+ maxLength :${11},
+ valueStateText :${12},
+ showValueStateMessage :${13},
+ dateFormat :${14},
+ showValueHelp :${15},
+ showSuggestion :${16},
+ valueHelpOnly :${17},
+ filterSuggests :${18},
+ maxSuggestionWidth :${19},
+ startSuggestion : ${20},
+ showTableSuggestionValueHelp : ${21},
+ description : ${22},
+ fieldWidth : ${23},
+ valueLiveUpdate :${24},
+ suggestionItems :[${25}],
+ suggestionColumns : [${26}],
+ suggestionRows : [${27}],
+ liveChange : ${28},
+ valueHelpRequest :${29},
+ suggest : ${30},
+ suggestionItemSelected : ${31}
+ });
+snippet _sthis
+ var _self = this;
+snippet sapmresponsivepopup
+ var ${1} = new sap.m.ResponsivePopover({
+ placement :${2} ,//sap.m.PlacementType (default: sap.m.PlacementType.Right)
+ showHeader :${3} ,//boolean (default: true)
+ title : ${4},//string
+ icon :${5} ,//sap.ui.core.URI
+ modal :${6} ,// boolean
+ offsetX :${7}, //int
+ offsetY :${8}, //int
+ contentWidth : ${9},//sap.ui.core.CSSSize
+ contentHeight :${10}, //sap.ui.core.CSSSize
+ horizontalScrolling :${11}, //boolean
+ verticalScrolling :${12}, //boolean
+ showCloseButton :${13}, //boolean (default: true)
+ //Aggregations
+ content :${14}, //sap.ui.core.Control[]
+ customHeader :${15}, //sap.m.IBar
+ subHeader : ${16}, //sap.m.IBar
+ beginButton :${17}, //sap.m.Button
+ endButton : ${18}, //sap.m.Button
+ //Associations
+ initialFocus : ${19}, //string | sap.ui.core.Control
+ //Events
+ beforeOpen :${20}, //fnListenerFunction or [fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject] or [oData, fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject]
+ afterOpen : ${21}, //fnListenerFunction or [fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject] or [oData, fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject]
+ beforeClose : ${22}, //fnListenerFunction or [fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject] or [oData, fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject]
+ afterClose : ${23} //fnList
+ });
+snippet sapicon
+ var ${1} = new sap.ui.core.Icon({
+ src :${2} , //sap.ui.core.URI
+ size :${3} , //sap.ui.core.CSSSize
+ color :${4} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
+ hoverColor : ${5} , // sap.ui.core.CSSColor
+ activeColor :${6} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
+ width :${7} , //sap.ui.core.CSSSize
+ height : ${8} ,//sap.ui.core.CSSSize
+ backgroundColor :${8} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
+ hoverBackgroundColor :${9} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
+ activeBackgroundColor :${10} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
+ visible :${11} , //boolean (default: true)
+ decorative : ${12} ,//boolean (default: true)
+ });
+snippet extendVerticalL
+ sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout.extend("${1}", {
+ metadata: {
+ properties: {
+ ${2}
+ },
+ aggregations: {
+ ${3}
+ },
+ events: {
+ ${4}
+ }
+ },
+ init: function(){
+ ${5}
+ },
+ renderer: "${6}"
+ });
+snippet extendHorizontalL
+ sap.ui.layout.HorizontalLayout.extend("${1}", {
+ metadata: {
+ properties: {
+ ${2}
+ },
+ aggregations: {
+ ${3}
+ },
+ events: {
+ ${4}
+ }
+ },
+ init: function(){
+ ${5}
+ },
+ renderer: "${6}"
+ });
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4537bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+priority -50
+# TextMate Snippets #
+snippet get "Get Elements"
+snippet '':f "object method string"
+'${1:${2:#thing}:${3:click}}': function(element) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet :f "Object Method"
+${1:method_name}: function(${3:attribute}) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet :, "Object Value JS"
+${1:value_name}: ${0:value},
+snippet : "Object key key: 'value'"
+${1:key}: ${2:"${3:value}"}${4:, }
+snippet proto "Prototype (proto)"
+${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function(${3:first_argument}) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet for "for (...) {...} (counting up)" b
+for (var ${1:i} = 0, ${2:len} = ${3:Things.length}; $1 < $2; $1++) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet ford "for (...) {...} (counting down, faster)" b
+for (var ${2:i} = ${1:Things.length} - 1; $2 >= 0; $2--) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet fun "function (fun)"
+function ${1:function_name}(${2:argument}) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet vf "Function assigned to var"
+${1:var }${2:function_name} = function $2(${3}) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet af "Anonymous Function" i
+function($1) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet iife "Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (iife)"
+(function(${1:window}) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet timeout "setTimeout function"
+setTimeout(function() {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+}${2:.bind(${3:this})}, ${1:10});
+snippet fi "for prop in obj using hasOwnProperty" b
+for (${1:prop} in ${2:obj}){
+ if ($2.hasOwnProperty($1)) {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+ }
+# Snippets for Console Debug Output
+snippet ca "console.assert" b
+console.assert(${1:assertion}, ${2:"${3:message}"});
+snippet cclear "console.clear" b
+snippet cdir "console.dir" b
+snippet cdirx "console.dirxml" b
+snippet ce "console.error" b
+snippet cgroup "console.group" b
+snippet cgroupc "console.groupCollapsed" b
+snippet ci "console.info" b
+snippet cl "console.log" b
+snippet cd "console.debug" b
+snippet cprof "console.profile" b
+snippet ctable "console.table" b
+snippet ctime "console.time" b
+snippet ctimestamp "console.timeStamp" b
+snippet ctrace "console.trace" b
+snippet cw "console.warn" b
+# AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) snippets
+snippet def "define an AMD module"
+define(${1:optional_name, }[${2:'jquery'}], ${3:callback});
+snippet req "require an AMD module"
+require([${1:'dependencies'}], ${2:callback});
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/jinja2.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/jinja2.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ded01dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/jinja2.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+priority -50
+# http://jinja.pocoo.org/
+# jinja2 is a full featured template engine for Python. It has full
+# unicode support, an optional integrated sandboxed execution
+# environment, widely used and BSD licensed.
+# possible extends:
+#extends html
+snippet block "block" b
+{% block ${1:name} %}
+ $2
+{% endblock $1 %}
+snippet {{ "variable" b
+{{ $1 }}
+snippet {# "comment" b
+{# $1 #}
+snippet # "comment" b
+{# $1 #}
+snippet raw "escaped block" b
+{% raw %}
+ $1
+{% endraw %}
+snippet extends "extends" b
+{% extends "${1:template}" %}
+snippet include "include" b
+{% include "${1:template}" %}
+snippet import "import" b
+{% import "${1:template}" %}
+snippet from "from/import/as" b
+{% from "${1:template}" import ${2:name}${3: as ${4:$2}} %}
+snippet filter "filter" b
+{% filter ${1:filter} %}
+ $2
+{% endfilter %}
+# Being able to quickly remove the whole 'else' block seems faster to me than
+# choosing between 'for' and 'for/else' snippets from the menu.
+# snippet for "for" b
+# {% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
+# $3${4:
+# {% else %}
+# $5}
+# {% endfor %}
+# endsnippet
+snippet for "for" b
+{% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
+ $3
+{% endfor %}
+snippet for "for/else" b
+{% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
+ $3
+{% else %}
+ $4
+{% endfor %}
+snippet if "if" b
+{% if ${1:expr} %}
+ $2
+{% endif %}
+snippet if "if/else" b
+{% if ${1:expr} %}
+ $2
+{% else %}
+ $3
+{% endif %}
+snippet if "if/elif/else" b
+{% if ${1:expr} %}
+ $2
+{% elif %}
+ $3
+{% else %}
+ $4
+{% endif %}
+snippet macro "macro" b
+{% macro ${1:name}(${2:args}) %}
+ $3
+{% endmacro %}
+snippet call "call" b
+{% call ${1:name}(${2:args}) %}
+ $3
+{% endcall %}
+snippet set "set" b
+{% set ${1:name} = ${2:'value'} %}
+snippet trans "translation" b
+{% trans %}
+ $1
+{% endtrans %}
+snippet with "with" b
+{% with %}
+ $1
+{% endwith %}
+snippet autoescape "autoescape" b
+{% autoescape ${1:true} %}
+ $2
+{% endautoescape %}
+# Filters
+# @todo: expand only when snippet is preceeded by a |
+snippet batch "batch items" w
+batch(linecount=$1, fill_with=${2:None})
+snippet dictsort "sort and yield (key, value) pairs" w
+dictsort(case_sensitive=${1:False}, by=${2:'key'})
+snippet round "round number" w
+round(precision=${1:0}, method=${2:'common|ceil|floor'})
+snippet urlize "convert plain-text url to <a/>" w
+urlize(trim_url_limit=${1:None}, nofollow=${2:False})
+snippet wordwrap "wordwrap" w
+wordwrap(width=${1:79}, break_long_words=${2:True})
+snippet truncate "truncate" w
+truncate(lenght=${1:79}, killwords=${2:False}, end=${3:'...''})
+snippet sum "sum of sequence of numbers + start" w
+sum(attribute=${1:None}, start=${2:0})
+snippet sort "sort an iterable" w
+sort(reverse=${1:False}, case_sensitive=${2:False}, attribute=${3:None})
+snippet indent "indent" w
+indent(width=${1:4}, indentfirst=${2:False})
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/json.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/json.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75edef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/json.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+priority -50
+snippet s "String" b
+"${1:key}": "${0:value}",
+snippet n "Number" b
+"${1:key}": ${0:value},
+snippet a "Array" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet na "Named array" b
+"${1:key}": [
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet o "Object" b
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet no "Named object" b
+"${1:key}": {
+ ${VISUAL}$0
+snippet null "Null" b
+"${0:key}": null,
+global !p
+def compB(t, opts):
+ if t:
+ opts = [m[len(t):] for m in opts if m.startswith(t)]
+ if len(opts) == 1:
+ return opts[0]
+ return "(" + '|'.join(opts) + ')'
+snippet b "Bool" b
+"${1:key}": $2`!p snip.rv=compB(t[2], ['true', 'false'])`,
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/julia.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/julia.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259c5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/julia.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Documentation
+snippet docf "function documentation" b
+#' @description
+#' ${1:function description}
+#' ${2:@param ${3:name}::${4:Type} ${5:Description}}
+#' ${6:@returns ${7:name}::${8:Type} ${9:Description}}
+#' @examples
+#' ${10: function call examples}
+snippet doct "type definition" b
+#' @description
+#' ${1:type description}
+#' ${2:@field ${3:name}::${4:Type} ${5:Description}}
+#' @examples
+#' ${10: constructor examples}
+snippet par "function parameter documentation" b
+#' @param ${1:name}::${2:Type} ${0:Description}
+snippet fld "type field documentation" b
+#' @field ${1:name}::${2:Type} ${0:Description}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ledger.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ledger.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d7a84d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ledger.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+priority -50
+snippet t "Transaction" b
+${1:`!v strftime("%Y")`}-${2:`!v strftime("%m")`}-${3:`!v strftime("%d")`} ${4:*} ${5:Payee}
+ ${6:Expenses} \$${7:0.00}
+ ${8:Assets:Checking}$0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lhaskell.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lhaskell.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29169a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lhaskell.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+priority -50
+extends haskell
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lua.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lua.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6d0c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lua.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+priority -50
+# Snippets for the Lua language #
+snippet #! "Shebang header" b
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+snippet !fun(ction)?! "New function" br
+function ${1:new_function}(${2:args})
+ $0
+snippet forp "pair for loop" b
+for ${1:name},${2:val} in pairs(${3:table_name}) do
+ $0
+snippet fori "ipair for foop" b
+for ${1:idx},${2:val} in ipairs(${3:table_name}) do
+ $0
+snippet for "numeric for loop" b
+for ${1:i}=${2:first},${3:last}${4/^..*/(?0:,:)/}${4:step} do
+ $0
+snippet do "do block"
+ $0
+snippet repeat "repeat loop" b
+ $1
+until $0
+snippet while "while loop" b
+while $1 do
+ $0
+snippet if "if statement" b
+if $1 then
+ $0
+snippet ife "if/else statement" b
+if $1 then
+ $2
+ $0
+snippet eif "if/elseif statement" b
+if $1 then
+ $2
+elseif $3 then
+ $0
+snippet eife "if/elseif/else statement" b
+if $1 then
+ $2
+elseif $3 then
+ $4
+ $0
+snippet pcall "pcall statement" b
+local ok, err = pcall(${1:your_function})
+if not ok then
+ handler(${2:ok, err})
+ success(${4:ok, err})
+snippet local "local x = 1"
+local ${1:x} = ${0:1}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/mako.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/mako.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb31ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/mako.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+priority -50
+# From snipmate #
+snippet def "definition" b
+<%def name="${1:name}">
+ ${2:}
+snippet call "call" b
+<%call expr="${1:name}">
+ ${2:}
+snippet doc "doc" b
+ ${1:}
+snippet text "text" b
+ ${1:}
+snippet for "for" b
+% for ${1:i} in ${2:iter}:
+ ${3:}
+% endfor
+snippet if "if " b
+% if ${1:condition}:
+ ${2:}
+% endif
+snippet if "if/else" b
+% if ${1:condition}:
+ ${2:}
+% else:
+ ${3:}
+% endif
+snippet try "try" b
+% try:
+ ${1:}
+% except${2:}:
+ ${3:pass}
+% endtry
+snippet wh "wh" b
+% while ${1:}:
+ ${2:}
+% endwhile
+snippet $ "$" i
+snippet <% "<%" b
+<% ${1:} %>
+snippet <!% "<!%" b
+<!% ${1:} %>
+snippet inherit "inherit" b
+<%inherit file="${1:filename}" />
+snippet include "include" b
+<%include file="${1:filename}" />
+snippet namespace "namespace" b
+<%namespace file="${1:name}" />
+snippet page "page" b
+<%page args="${1:}" />
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/markdown.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/markdown.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0720cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/markdown.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+priority -50
+# Sections and Paragraphs #
+snippet sec "Section" b
+# ${1:Section Name} #
+snippet ssec "Sub Section" b
+## ${1:Section Name} ##
+snippet sssec "SubSub Section" b
+### ${1:Section Name} ###
+snippet par "Paragraph" b
+#### ${1:Paragraph Name} ####
+snippet spar "Paragraph" b
+##### ${1:Paragraph Name} #####
+# Common stuff #
+snippet link "Link to something"
+snippet img "Image"
+![${1:pic alt}](${2:path}${3/.+/ "/}${3:opt title}${3/.+/"/})$0
+snippet ilc "Inline Code" i
+snippet cbl "Codeblock" b
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e41fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+priority -50
+# TextMate Snippets #
+snippet imp "#import (imp)" b
+#import "${1:`!p snip.rv = re.sub(r'\..*$', '.h', fn)`}"
+snippet Imp "#import <> (Imp)"
+#import <${1:Cocoa/Cocoa.h}>
+snippet cl "020 Class (objc)"
+@interface ${1:`!p
+if len(fn):
+ snip.rv = re.sub(r'\..*$', '', fn)
+ snip.rv = "object"
+`} : ${2:NSObject}
+@implementation $1
+- (id)init
+ if((self = [super init]))
+ {$0
+ }
+ return self;
+snippet array "NSArray (array)"
+NSMutableArray *${1:array} = [NSMutableArray array];
+snippet dict "NSDictionary (dict)"
+NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+snippet forarray "for NSArray loop (forarray)"
+unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
+for(unsigned int index = 0; index < $1Count; index += 1)
+ ${3:id} $1 = [$2 objectAtIndex:index];
+ $0
+snippet objacc "Object Accessors (objacc)"
+- (${1:id})${2:thing}
+ return $2;
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue
+ $0${1/( \*)?$/(?1:$1: )/}old${2/./\u$0/} = $2;
+ $2 = [aValue retain];
+ [old${2/./\u$0/} release];
+snippet sel "@selector"
+snippet cdacc "CoreData Accessors Implementation"
+- (${1:id})${2:attribute}
+ [self willAccessValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ $1 value = [self primitiveValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ [self didAccessValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ return value;
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue
+ [self willChangeValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ [self setPrimitiveValue:aValue forKey:@"$2"];
+ [self didChangeValueForKey:@"$2"];
+snippet delegate "Delegate Responds to Selector"
+if([${1:[self delegate]} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:selfDidSomething:})])
+ [$1 ${3:${2/((^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*:)\s*)|(:\s*$)|(:\s*))/(?2:$2self :\:<>)(?4::)(?5: :)/g}}];
+snippet thread "Detach New NSThread"
+[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(${1:method}:) toTarget:${2:aTarget} withObject:${3:anArgument}]
+snippet ibo "IBOutlet (ibo)"
+IBOutlet ${1:NSSomeClass} *${2:${1/^[A-Z](?:[A-Z]+|[a-z]+)([A-Z]\w*)/\l$1/}};
+snippet I "Initialize Implementation (I)"
++ (void)initialize
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ $0@"value", @"key",
+ nil]];
+snippet bind "Key:value binding (bind)"
+bind:@"${1:binding}" toObject:${2:observableController} withKeyPath:@"${3:keyPath}" options:${4:nil}
+snippet arracc "LoD array (arracc)"
+- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject
+ [${3:${1/./\l$0/}} addObject:anObject];
+- (void)insertObject:($2)anObject in$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
+ [$3 insertObject:anObject atIndex:i];
+- ($2)objectIn$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
+ return [$3 objectAtIndex:i];
+- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn$1:($2)anObject
+ return [$3 indexOfObject:anObject];
+- (void)removeObjectFrom$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
+ [$3 removeObjectAtIndex:i];
+- (unsigned int)countOf$1
+ return [$3 count];
+- (NSArray *${1/./\l$0/}
+ return $3;
+- (void)set$1:(NSArray *)new$1
+ [$3 setArray:new$1];
+snippet arracc "LoD array interface (arracc)"
+- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject;
+- (void)insertObject:($2)anObject in$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
+- ($2)objectIn$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
+- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn$1:($2)anObject;
+- (void)removeObjectFrom$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
+- (unsigned int)countOf$1;
+- (NSArray *)${1/./\l$0/};
+- (void)set$1:(NSArray *)new$1;
+snippet focus "Lock Focus"
+[self lockFocus];
+[self unlockFocus];
+snippet pool "NSAutoreleasePool (pool)"
+NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
+[pool drain];
+snippet log "NSLog (log) 2"
+NSLog(@"$1"${1/[^%]*(%)?.*/(?1:, :\);)/}$2${1/[^%]*(%)?.*/(?1:\);)/}
+snippet alert "NSRunAlertPanel (alert)"
+int choice = NSRunAlertPanel(@"${1:Something important!}", @"${2:Something important just happend, and now I need to ask you, do you want to continue?}", @"${3:Continue}", @"${4:Cancel}", nil);
+if(choice == NSAlertDefaultReturn) // "$3"
+ $0;
+else if(choice == NSAlertAlternateReturn) // "$4"
+ $0
+snippet format "NSString stringWithFormat (format)"
+[NSString stringWithFormat:@"$1", $2]$0
+snippet objacc "Object Accessors Interface (objacc)"
+- (${1:id})${2:thing};
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue;
+snippet prop "Property"
+@property (${1/^(e)$|.*/(?1:r)/}${1:r}${1/^(?:(r)|(e)|(c)|(a))$|.*/(?1:etain)(?2:adonly)(?3:opy)(?4:ssign)/}) ${2:NSSomeClass}$ *${3:${2/^[A-Z](?:[A-Z]+|[a-z]+)([A-Z]\w*)/\l$1/}};
+snippet getprefs "Read from defaults (getprefs)"
+[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:${1:key}];
+snippet obs "Register for Notification"
+[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:${1:self} selector:@selector(${3:${2/^([A-Z]{2})?(.+?)(Notification)?$/\l$2/}}:) name:${2:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification} object:${4:nil}];
+snippet responds "Responds to Selector"
+if ([${1:self} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:someSelector:})])
+ [$1 ${3:${2/((:\s*$)|(:\s*))/:<>(?3: )/g}}];
+snippet gsave "Save and Restore Graphics Context (gsave)"
+[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
+[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
+snippet acc "Scalar Accessors (acc)"
+- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing}
+ return ${3:$2};
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:(${1:unsigned int})new${2/./\u$0/}
+ $3 = new${2/./\u$0/};
+snippet acc "Scalar Accessors Interface (acc)"
+- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing};
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)new${2/./\u$0/};
+snippet stracc "String Accessors (stracc)"
+- (NSString *)${1:thing}
+ return ${2:$1};
+- (void)set${1/.*/\u$0/}:(NSString *)/})${3:a${1/.*/\u$0/}}
+ $3 = [$3 copy];
+ [$2 release];
+ $2 = $3;
+snippet syn "Synthesize"
+@synthesize ${1:property};
+snippet setprefs "Write to defaults (setprefs)"
+[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:${1:object} forKey:${2:key}];
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ocaml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ocaml.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ebc347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ocaml.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+priority -50
+snippet rs "raise" b
+raise (${1:Not_found})
+snippet open "open"
+let open ${1:module} in
+snippet try "try"
+try ${1:e}
+with ${2:Not_found} -> ${3:()}
+snippet ref "ref"
+let ${1:name} = ref ${2:val} in
+snippet matchl "pattern match on a list"
+match ${1:list} with
+| [] -> ${2:()}
+| x::xs -> ${3:()}
+snippet matcho "pattern match on an option type"
+match ${1:x} with
+| Some(${2:y}) -> ${3:()}
+| None -> ${4:()}
+snippet fun "anonymous function"
+(fun ${1:x} -> ${2:x})
+snippet cc "commment"
+(* ${1:comment} *)
+snippet let "let .. in binding"
+let ${1:x} = ${2:v} in
+snippet lr "let rec"
+let rec ${1:f} =
+ ${2:expr}
+snippet if "if"
+if ${1:(* condition *)} then
+ ${2:(* A *)}
+ ${3:(* B *)}
+snippet If "If"
+if ${1:(* condition *)} then
+ ${2:(* A *)}
+snippet while "while"
+while ${1:(* condition *)} do
+ ${2:(* A *)}
+snippet for "for"
+for ${1:i} = ${2:1} to ${3:10} do
+ ${4:(* BODY *)}
+snippet match "match"
+match ${1:(* e1 *)} with
+| ${2:p} -> ${3:e2}
+snippet Match "match"
+match ${1:(* e1 *)} with
+| ${2:p} -> ${3:e2}
+snippet class "class"
+class ${1:name} = object
+ ${2:methods}
+snippet obj "obj"
+ ${2:methods}
+snippet Obj "object"
+object (self)
+ ${2:methods}
+snippet {{ "object functional update"
+{< ${1:x} = ${2:y} >}
+snippet beg "beg"
+ ${1:block}
+snippet ml "module instantiantion with functor"
+module ${1:Mod} = ${2:Functor}(${3:Arg})
+snippet mod "module - no signature"
+module ${1:(* Name *)} = struct
+ ${2:(* BODY *)}
+snippet Mod "module with signature"
+module ${1:(* Name *)} : ${2:(* SIG *)} = struct
+ ${3:(* BODY *)}
+snippet sig "anonymous signature"
+ ${2:(* BODY *)}
+snippet sigf "functor signature or anonymous functor"
+functor (${1:Arg} : ${2:ARG}) -> ${3:(* BODY *)}
+snippet func "define functor - no signature"
+module ${1:M} (${2:Arg} : ${3:ARG}) = struct
+ ${4:(* BODY *)}
+snippet Func "define functor - with signature"
+module ${1:M} (${2:Arg} : ${3:ARG}) : ${4:SIG} = struct
+ ${5:(* BODY *)}
+snippet mot "Declare module signature"
+module type ${1:(* Name *)} = sig
+ ${2:(* BODY *)}
+snippet module "Module with anonymous signature"
+module ${1:(* Name *)} : sig
+ ${2:(* SIGNATURE *)}
+end = struct
+ ${3:(* BODY *)}
+snippet oo "odoc"
+(** ${1:odoc} *)
+snippet qt "inline qtest"
+(*$T ${1:name}
+ ${2:test}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/pandoc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/pandoc.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce858f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/pandoc.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+extends markdown
+# overwrite if necessary
+priority -49
+snippet title "Title Header" b
+% ${1:`!v vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'title')`}
+% ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
+% ${3:`!v strftime("%d %B %Y")`}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/perl.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/perl.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67c7f27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/perl.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+priority -50
+# TextMate Snippets #
+snippet ife "Conditional if..else (ife)"
+if ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+else {
+ ${3:# else...}
+snippet ifee "Conditional if..elsif..else (ifee)"
+if ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+elsif ($3) {
+ ${4:# elsif...}
+else {
+ ${5:# else...}
+snippet xunless "Conditional one-line (unless)"
+${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};
+snippet xif "Conditional one-line (xif)"
+${1:expression} if ${2:condition};
+snippet sub "Function (sub)"
+sub ${1:function_name} {
+ ${2:# body...}
+snippet xfore "Loop one-line (xforeach)"
+${1:expression} foreach @${2:array};
+snippet xwhile "Loop one-line (xwhile)"
+${1:expression} while ${2:condition};
+snippet test "Test"
+#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => ${1:1};
+use ${2:ModuleName};
+snippet class "class"
+package ${1:ClassName};
+${2:use parent qw(${3:ParentClass});}${2/.+/\n\n/}sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ $class = ref $class if ref $class;
+ my $self = bless {}, $class;
+ $self;
+snippet eval "eval"
+local $@;
+eval {
+ ${1:# do something risky...}
+if (my $${2:exception} = $@) {
+ ${3:# handle failure...}
+snippet for "for"
+for (my $${1:var} = 0; $$1 < ${2:expression}; $$1++) {
+ ${3:# body...}
+snippet fore "foreach"
+foreach ${1:my $${2:x}} (@${3:array}) {
+ ${4:# body...}
+snippet if "if"
+if ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+snippet slurp "slurp"
+my $${1:var} = do { local $/ = undef; open my $fh, '<', ${2:$file}; <$fh> };
+snippet unless "unless"
+unless ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+snippet while "while"
+while ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+snippet until "until"
+until ($1) {
+ ${2:# body...}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-laravel.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-laravel.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7367a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-laravel.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+#resource controller
+snippet l_rsc "Laravel resource controller" b
+ * \class $1
+ *
+ * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+class ${1:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ${2:BaseController} {
+ function __construct() {
+ }
+ public function index() {
+ }
+ public function create() {
+ }
+ public function store() {
+ }
+ public function show($id) {
+ }
+ public function edit($id) {
+ }
+ public function update($id) {
+ }
+ public function destroy($id) {
+ }
+#service service provider
+snippet l_ssp "Laravel service provider for service" b
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace ${1:Services};
+use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
+class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ServiceProvider {
+ public function register() {
+ $this->app->bind('${4}Service', function ($app) {
+ return new ${5}(
+ $app->make('Repositories\\${6}Interface')
+ );
+ });
+ }
+#repository service provider
+snippet l_rsp "Laravel service provider for repository" b
+ * \namespace $2
+ * \class $3
+ *
+ * \author ${4:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace ${2:Repositories\\${1:}};
+use Entities\\$1;
+use $2\\$1Repository;
+use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
+class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ServiceProvider {
+ /*!
+ * \var defer
+ * \brief Defer service
+ */
+ protected $defer = ${5:true};
+ public function register() {
+ $this->app->bind('$2\\$1Interface', function($app) {
+ return new $1Repository(new $1());
+ });
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \brief If $defer == true need this fn
+ */
+ public function provides() {
+ return ['$2\\$1Interface'];
+ }
+snippet l_md "Laravel simple model" b
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace ${1:Entities};
+class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends \Eloquent {
+ protected $table = '${4:`!p snip.rv = t[2].lower()`}';
+ public $timestamps = ${5:false};
+ protected $hidden = array(${6});
+ protected $guarded = array(${7:'id'});
+#abstract repository
+snippet l_ar "Laravel abstract Repository" b
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ * \implements $3
+ *
+ * \author ${4:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace ${1:Repositories};
+use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
+abstract class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} implements ${3:BaseRepositoryInterface} {
+ protected $model;
+ /*!
+ * \fn __construct
+ *
+ * \brief Take the model
+ */
+ public function __construct(Model $model) {
+ $this->model = $model;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn all
+ *
+ * \return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
+ */
+ public function all($columns = array('*')) {
+ return $this->model->all()->toArray();
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn create
+ *
+ * \return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
+ */
+ public function create(array $attributes) {
+ return $this->model->create($attributes);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn destroy
+ *
+ * \return int
+ */
+ public function destroy($ids) {
+ return $this->model->destroy($ids);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn find
+ *
+ * \return mixed
+ */
+ public function find($id, $columns = array('*')) {
+ return $this->model->find($id, $columns);
+ }
+snippet l_r "Laravel Repository" b
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $3
+ * \implements $4
+ *
+ * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace ${1:Repositories\\${2}};
+class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends \\${6} implements ${4:$3RepositoryInterface} {
+ ${7}
+snippet l_s "Laravel Service" b
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${6:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace Services\\${1};
+use ${3:Repositories\\${4:Interface}};
+class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} {
+ protected $${5:repo};
+ /*!
+ * \fn __construct
+ */
+ public function __construct($4 $repo) {
+ $this->$5 = $repo;
+ }
+snippet l_f "Laravel Facade" b
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+namespace ${1:Services};
+use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
+class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends Facade {
+ /*!
+ * \fn getFacadeAccessor
+ *
+ * \return string
+ */
+ protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return '${4:${3}Service}'; }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-phpspec.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-phpspec.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d84a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-phpspec.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Snippets for phpspec, to use add the following to your .vimrc
+# `autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,BufEnter *Spec.php UltiSnipsAddFiletypes php-phpspec`
+priority -50
+snippet spec "class XYZSpec extends ObjectBehaviour"
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
+use Prophecy\Argument;
+ * @author `!v g:snips_author`
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` extends ObjectBehavior
+ function it_${1}()
+ {
+ $0
+ }
+snippet it "function it_does_something() { ... }"
+function it_${1}()
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet let "function let() { ... }"
+function let()
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet letgo "function letgo() { ... }"
+function letgo()
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+# Object construction
+snippet cw "$this->beConstructedWith($arg)"
+snippet ct "$this->beConstructedThrough($methodName, [$arg])"
+$this->beConstructedThrough(${1:'methodName'}, [${2:'$arg'}]);
+# Identity and comparison matchers
+snippet sreturn "$this->XYZ()->shouldReturn('value')"
+snippet snreturn "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotReturn('value')"
+snippet sbe "$this->XYZ()->shouldBe('value')"
+snippet snbe "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBe('value')"
+snippet sequal "$this->XYZ()->shouldEqual('value')"
+snippet snequal "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotEqual('value')"
+snippet sbequalto "$this->XYZ()->shouldBeEqualTo('value')"
+snippet snbequalto "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBeEqualTo('value')"
+snippet sblike "$this->XYZ()->shouldBeLike('value')"
+snippet snblike "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBeLike('value')"
+# Throw matcher
+snippet sthrowm "$this->shouldThrow('\Exception')->duringXYZ($arg)"
+snippet sthrowi "$this->shouldThrow('\Exception')->duringInstantiation()"
+# Type matchers
+snippet stype "$this->shouldHaveType('Type')"
+snippet sntype "$this->shouldNotHaveType('Type')"
+snippet srinstance "$this->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('Type')"
+snippet snrinstance "$this->shouldNotReturnAnInstanceOf('Type')"
+snippet sbinstance "$this->shouldBeAnInstanceOf('Type')"
+snippet snbinstance "$this->shouldNotBeAnInstanceOf('Type')"
+snippet simplement "$this->shouldImplement('Type')"
+snippet snimplement "$this->shouldNotImplement('Type')"
+# Object state matchers
+snippet sbstate "$this->shouldBeXYZ()"
+snippet snbstate "$this->shouldNotBeXYZ()"
+# Count matchers
+snippet scount "$this->XYZ()->shouldHaveCount(7)"
+snippet sncount "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotHaveCount(7)"
+# Scalar type matchers
+snippet sbscalar "$this->XYZ()->shouldBeString|Array|Bool()"
+snippet snbscalar "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBeString|Array|Bool()"
+# Contain matcher
+snippet scontain "$this->XYZ()->shouldContain('value')"
+snippet sncontain "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotContain('value')"
+# Array matchers
+snippet skey "$this->XYZ()->shouldHaveKey('key')"
+snippet snkey "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotHaveKey('key')"
+snippet skeyvalue "$this->XYZ()->shouldHaveKeyWithValue('key', 'value')"
+$this->${1:method}()->shouldHaveKeyWithValue(${2:'key'}, ${3:'value'});
+snippet snkeyvalue "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotHaveKeyWithValue('key', 'value')"
+$this->${1:method}()->shouldNotHaveKeyWithValue(${2:'key'}, ${3:'value'});
+# String matchers
+snippet sstart "$this->XYZ()->shouldStartWith('string')"
+snippet snstart "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotStartWith('string')"
+snippet send "$this->XYZ()->shouldEndWith('string')"
+snippet snend "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotEndWith('string')"
+snippet smatch "$this->XYZ()->shouldMatch('/wizard/i')"
+snippet snmatch "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotMatch('/wizard/i')"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-symfony2.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-symfony2.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b127ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-symfony2.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# sugguestion? report bugs?
+# go to https://github.com/chrisyue/vim-snippets/issues
+priority -50
+snippet classn "Basic class with namespace snippet" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+ * ${1:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+ public function __construct(${3:$options})
+ {
+ ${4:// code}
+ }$0
+snippet contr "Symfony2 controller" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
+use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
+ * ${1:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` extends Controller
+snippet sfa "Symfony 2 Controller action"
+* @Route("/${1:route_name}", name="$1")
+* @Template()
+public function $1Action($2)
+ $3
+ return ${4:array();}$0
+snippet act "Symfony2 action" b
+ * @Route("${3}", name="${4}")
+ * @Method({${5:"POST"}})
+ * @Template()
+ */
+public function ${1}Action(${2})
+ ${6}
+snippet actt "Symfony2 action and template" b
+ * @Route("${3}", name="${4}")
+ * @Method({${5:"GET"}})
+ * @Template()
+ */
+public function ${1}Action(${2})
+ ${6}
+ return [];
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)`
+snippet comm "Symfony2 command" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
+ * ${3:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` extends ContainerAwareCommand
+ protected function configure()
+ {
+ $this->setName('${1}')
+ ->setDescription('${2}')
+ ->setDefinition([
+ new InputArgument('', InputArgument::REQUIRED, ''),
+ new InputOption('', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, ''),
+ ]);
+ }
+ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
+ {
+ }
+snippet subs "Symfony2 subscriber" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
+ * ${1:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` implements EventSubscriberInterface
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public static function getSubscribedEvents()
+ {
+ return [];
+ }
+snippet transf "Symfony2 form data transformer" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\TransformationFailedException;
+ * ${3:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` implements DataTransformerInterface
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public function transform(${1})
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public function reverseTransform(${2})
+ {
+ }
+snippet ent "Symfony2 doctrine entity" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
+ * ${3:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ *
+ * @ORM\Entity()
+ * @ORM\Table(name="`!p
+tmp = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+tmp = re.sub(r'\B([A-Z])', r'_\1', tmp)
+snip.rv = tmp.lower()
+ */
+m = re.search(r'Abstract', path)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = 'abstract '
+`class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+ /**
+ * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
+ * @ORM\GeneratedValue
+ * @ORM\Id
+ */
+ private $id;
+snippet form "Symfony2 form type" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
+use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
+use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
+ * ${2:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` extends AbstractType
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
+ {
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
+ {
+ $resolver->setDefaults();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc}
+ */
+ public function getName()
+ {
+ return '${1}';
+ }
+snippet ev "Symfony2 event" b
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
+ * ${2:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` extends Event
+snippet redir "Symfony2 redirect" b
+$this->redirect($this->generateUrl('${1}', ${2}));
+snippet usecontroller "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Controller" b
+use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;${1}
+snippet usereauest "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Request" b
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;${1}
+snippet useroute "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Route" b
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;${1}
+snippet useresponse "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Response" b
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;${1}
+snippet usefile "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\File" b
+use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;${1}
+snippet useassert "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Constraints as Assert" b
+use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;${1}
+snippet usetemplate "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Template" b
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;${1}
+snippet usecache "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Cache" b
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Cache;${1}
+snippet usemethod "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Method" b
+use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;${1}
+snippet usearray "Symfony2 use Doctrine\..\ArrayCollection" b
+use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;${1}
+snippet useorm "Symfony2 use Doctrine\..\Mapping as ORM" b
+use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;${1}
+snippet usesecure "Symfony2 use JMS\..\Secure" b
+use JMS\SecurityExtraBundle\Annotation\Secure;${1}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba51c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+priority -50
+## Snippets from SnipMate, taken from
+## https://github.com/scrooloose/snipmate-snippets.git
+snippet gm "PHP Class Getter" b
+ * Getter for $1
+ *
+ * @return ${2:string}
+ */
+public function get${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}()
+ return $this->$1;
+snippet sm "PHP Class Setter" b
+ * Setter for $1
+ *
+ * @param ${2:string} $$1
+ * @return ${3:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
+ */
+public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}(${4:${2/(void|string|int|integer|double|float|object|boolear|null|mixed|number|resource)|(.*)/(?1::$2 )/}}$$1)
+ $this->$1 = $$1;
+ ${5:return $this;}
+snippet gs "PHP Class Getter Setter" b
+ * Getter for $1
+ *
+ * @return ${2:string}
+ */
+public function get${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}()
+ return $this->$1;
+ * Setter for $1
+ *
+ * @param $2 $$1
+ * @return ${3:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
+ */
+public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}(${4:${2/(void|string|int|integer|double|float|object|boolear|null|mixed|number|resource)|(.*)/(?1::$2 )/}}$$1)
+ $this->$1 = $$1;
+ ${5:return $this;}
+snippet pub "Public function" b
+ * ${3:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:void}
+ */
+public function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
+snippet pro "Protected function" b
+ * ${3:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:void}
+ */
+protected function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
+snippet pri "Private function" b
+ * ${3:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:void}
+ */
+private function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
+snippet pubs "Public static function" b
+ * ${3:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:void}
+ */
+public static function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
+snippet pros "Protected static function" b
+ * ${3:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:void}
+ */
+protected static function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
+snippet pris "Private static function" b
+ * ${3:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:void}
+ */
+private static function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
+snippet fu "Function snip" b
+function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
+ ${VISUAL}${3:return null;}
+snippet new "New class instance" b
+$${1:variableName} = new ${2:${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}}($3);
+snippet ns "namespace declaration" b
+namespace ${1:`!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+snippet class "Class declaration template" b
+namespace ${1:`!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+ * Class ${1:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
+ * @author ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+class $1
+snippet interface "Interface declaration template" b
+namespace ${1:`!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+ * Interface ${1:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
+ * @author ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+interface $1
+ public function ${3:someFunction}();$4
+snippet trait "Trait declaration template" b
+namespace ${1:`!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+ * Trait ${1:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
+ * @author ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ */
+trait $1
+snippet construct "__construct()" b
+ * @param $2mixed ${1/, /\n * \@param mixed /g}
+ */
+public function __construct(${1:$dependencies})
+{${1/\$(\w+)(, )*/\n $this->$1 = $$1;/g}
+# PHPUnit snippets
+snippet testcase "class XYZTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { ... }"
+namespace `!p
+relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
+m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
+if m:
+ snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
+ * @author `!v g:snips_author`
+ */
+class `!p
+snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
+` extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public function test${1}()
+ {
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ }
+# :vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/proto.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/proto.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..923be57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/proto.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+priority -50
+global !p
+from vimsnippets import complete
+ 'double',
+ 'float',
+ 'int32',
+ 'int64',
+ 'uint32',
+ 'uint64',
+ 'sint32',
+ 'sint64',
+ 'fixed32',
+ 'fixed64',
+ 'sfixed32',
+ 'sfixed64',
+ 'bool',
+ 'string',
+ 'bytes']
+snippet mess "Proto message" b
+// ${2:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this message.}
+message ${1:Name} {
+ $0
+ // Next available id: 1
+snippet reqf "Required field" b
+// ${4:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this field.}
+optional ${1}`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)` ${2:name} = ${3:1}; // Required
+snippet optf "Optional field" b
+// ${4:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this field.}
+optional ${1}`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)` ${2:name} = ${3:1};
+snippet repf "Repeated field" b
+// ${4:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this field.}
+repeated ${1}`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)` ${2:name} = ${3:1};
+snippet enum "Enumeration" b
+// ${2:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this enum.}
+enum ${1:Name} {
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/puppet.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/puppet.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b2cfc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/puppet.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+priority -50
+# Python helper code #
+global !p
+import vim
+import os.path
+def get_module_namespace_and_basename():
+ """This function will try to guess the current class or define name you are
+ trying to create. Note that for this to work you should be using the module
+ structure as per the style guide. Examples inputs and it's output
+ * /home/nikolavp/puppet/modules/collectd/manifests/init.pp -> collectd
+ * /home/nikolavp/puppet/modules/collectd/manfistes/mysql.pp -> collectd::mysql
+ """
+ first_time = True
+ current_file_path_without_ext = vim.eval('expand("%:p:r")') or ""
+ if not current_file_path_without_ext:
+ return "name"
+ parts = os.path.split(current_file_path_without_ext)
+ namespace = ''
+ while parts[0] and parts[0] != '/':
+ if parts[1] == 'init' and first_time and not namespace:
+ first_time = False
+ parts = os.path.split(parts[0])
+ continue
+ if parts[1] == 'manifests':
+ return os.path.split(parts[0])[1] + ('::' + namespace).rstrip(':')
+ else:
+ namespace = parts[1] + '::' + namespace
+ parts = os.path.split(parts[0])
+ # couldn't guess the namespace. The user is editing a raw file in no module like the site.pp file
+ return "name"
+# Puppet Language Constructs #
+# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_summary.html #
+snippet class "Class declaration" b
+class ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_module_namespace_and_basename()`} {
+ ${0:# body}
+snippet define "Definition" b
+define ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_module_namespace_and_basename()`} {
+ ${0:# body}
+# Puppet Types #
+# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html #
+snippet cron "Cron resource type" b
+cron { '${1:name}':
+ user => ${2:user},
+ command => '${3:command}',
+ minute => ${3:minute},
+ hour => ${4:hour},
+snippet exec "Exec resource type" b
+exec { '${1:command}':
+ refreshonly => true,
+snippet file "File resource type" b
+file { '${1:name}':
+ source => "puppet://${2:path}",
+ mode => ${3:mode},
+snippet File "Defaults for file" b
+File {
+ owner => ${1:username},
+ group => ${2:groupname},
+snippet group "Group resource type" b
+group { '${1:groupname}':
+ ensure => ${3:present},
+ gid => ${2:gid},
+snippet mount "Mount resource type" b
+mount { '${1:path}':
+ device => '${2:/dev}',
+ fstype => '${3:filesystem}',
+ ensure => mounted,
+ options => 'rw,errors=remount-ro',
+snippet package "Package resource type" b
+package { '${1:name}':
+ ensure => ${2:installed},
+snippet user "user resource type" b
+user { '${1:username}':
+ ensure => ${2:present},
+ uid => ${3:uid},
+ gid => ${4:gid},
+ comment => ${5:gecos},
+ home => ${6:homedirectory},
+ managehome => false,
+ require => Group['${7:group'}],
+snippet service "Service resource type" b
+service { '${1:name}':
+ hasstatus => true,
+ enable => true,
+ ensure => running,
+# Puppet Functions #
+# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html #
+snippet alert "Alert Function" b
+snippet crit "Crit Function" b
+snippet debug "Debug Function" b
+snippet defined "Defined Function" b
+snippet emerg "Emerg Function" b
+snippet extlookup "Simple Extlookup" b
+$${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}")${0}
+snippet extlookup "Extlookup with defaults" b
+$${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0}
+snippet extlookup "Extlookup with defaults and custom data file" b
+$${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Data Source})${0}
+snippet fail "Fail Function" b
+snippet hiera "Hiera Function" b
+$${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}")${0}
+snippet hiera "Hiera with defaults" b
+$${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0}
+snippet hiera "Hiera with defaults and override" b
+$${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Override})${0}
+snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash Function" b
+$${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}")${0}
+snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash with defaults" b
+$${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0}
+snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash with defaults and override" b
+$${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Override})${0}
+snippet hiera_include "Hiera Include Function" b
+snippet include "Include Function" b
+include ${1:classname}${0}
+snippet info "Info Function" b
+snippet inline_template "Inline Template Function" b
+inline_template("<%= ${1:template} %>")${0}
+snippet notice "Notice Function" b
+snippet realize "Realize Function" b
+snippet regsubst "Regsubst Function" b
+regsubst($${1:Target}, '${2:regexp}', '${3:replacement}')${0}
+snippet split "Split Function" b
+$${1:Variable} = split($${1:Target}, '${2:regexp}')${0}
+snippet versioncmp "Version Compare Function" b
+$${1:Variable} = versioncmp('${1:version}', '${2:version}')${0}
+snippet warning "Warning Function" b
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa3ff8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+priority -50
+#! header
+snippet #! "Shebang header for python scripts" b
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+snippet ifmain "ifmain" b
+if __name__ == `!p snip.rv = get_quoting_style(snip)`__main__`!p snip.rv = get_quoting_style(snip)`:
+ ${1:${VISUAL:main()}}
+snippet with "with" b
+with ${1:expr}`!p snip.rv = " as " if t[2] else ""`${2:var}:
+ ${3:${VISUAL:pass}}
+snippet for "for loop" b
+for ${1:item} in ${2:iterable}:
+ ${3:${VISUAL:pass}}
+# The smart def and smart class snippets use a global option called
+# "g:ultisnips_python_style" which, if set to "doxygen" will use doxygen
+# style comments in docstrings.
+global !p
+NORMAL = 0x1
+DOXYGEN = 0x2
+SPHINX = 0x3
+GOOGLE = 0x4
+NUMPY = 0x5
+JEDI = 0x6
+class Arg(object):
+ def __init__(self, arg):
+ self.arg = arg
+ self.name = arg.split('=')[0].strip()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ return self.name
+ def is_kwarg(self):
+ return '=' in self.arg
+def get_args(arglist):
+ args = [Arg(arg) for arg in arglist.split(',') if arg]
+ args = [arg for arg in args if arg.name != 'self']
+ return args
+def get_quoting_style(snip):
+ style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_quoting_style", "double")
+ if style == 'single':
+def triple_quotes(snip):
+ style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_triple_quoting_style")
+ if not style:
+ return get_quoting_style(snip) * 3
+ return (SINGLE_QUOTES if style == 'single' else DOUBLE_QUOTES) * 3
+def triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, quoting_style):
+ """
+ Generate triple quoted strings and handle any trailing quote char,
+ which might be there from some autoclose/autopair plugin,
+ i.e. when expanding ``"|"``.
+ """
+ if not snip.c:
+ # Do this only once, otherwise the following error would happen:
+ # RuntimeError: The snippets content did not converge: …
+ _, col = vim.current.window.cursor
+ line = vim.current.line
+ # Handle already existing quote chars after the trigger.
+ _ret = quoting_style * 3
+ while True:
+ try:
+ nextc = line[col]
+ except IndexError:
+ break
+ if nextc == quoting_style and len(_ret):
+ _ret = _ret[1:]
+ col = col+1
+ else:
+ break
+ snip.rv = _ret
+ else:
+ snip.rv = snip.c
+def get_style(snip):
+ style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_style", "normal")
+ if style == "doxygen": return DOXYGEN
+ elif style == "sphinx": return SPHINX
+ elif style == "google": return GOOGLE
+ elif style == "numpy": return NUMPY
+ elif style == "jedi": return JEDI
+ else: return NORMAL
+def format_arg(arg, style):
+ if style == DOXYGEN:
+ return "@param %s TODO" % arg
+ elif style == SPHINX:
+ return ":param %s: TODO" % arg
+ elif style == NORMAL:
+ return ":%s: TODO" % arg
+ elif style == GOOGLE:
+ return "%s (TODO): TODO" % arg
+ elif style == JEDI:
+ return ":type %s: TODO" % arg
+ elif style == NUMPY:
+ return "%s : TODO" % arg
+def format_return(style):
+ if style == DOXYGEN:
+ return "@return: TODO"
+ elif style in (NORMAL, SPHINX, JEDI):
+ return ":returns: TODO"
+ elif style == GOOGLE:
+ return "Returns: TODO"
+def write_docstring_args(args, snip):
+ if not args:
+ snip.rv += ' {0}'.format(triple_quotes(snip))
+ return
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ style = get_style(snip)
+ if style == GOOGLE:
+ write_google_docstring_args(args, snip)
+ elif style == NUMPY:
+ write_numpy_docstring_args(args, snip)
+ else:
+ for arg in args:
+ snip += format_arg(arg, style)
+def write_google_docstring_args(args, snip):
+ kwargs = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_kwarg()]
+ args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.is_kwarg()]
+ if args:
+ snip += "Args:"
+ snip.shift()
+ for arg in args:
+ snip += format_arg(arg, GOOGLE)
+ snip.unshift()
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ if kwargs:
+ snip += "Kwargs:"
+ snip.shift()
+ for kwarg in kwargs:
+ snip += format_arg(kwarg, GOOGLE)
+ snip.unshift()
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+def write_numpy_docstring_args(args, snip):
+ if args:
+ snip += "Parameters"
+ snip += "----------"
+ kwargs = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_kwarg()]
+ args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.is_kwarg()]
+ if args:
+ for arg in args:
+ snip += format_arg(arg, NUMPY)
+ if kwargs:
+ for kwarg in kwargs:
+ snip += format_arg(kwarg, NUMPY) + ', optional'
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+def write_init_body(args, parents, snip):
+ parents = [p.strip() for p in parents.split(",")]
+ parents = [p for p in parents if p != 'object']
+ for p in parents:
+ snip += p + ".__init__(self)"
+ if parents:
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ for arg in args:
+ snip += "self._%s = %s" % (arg, arg)
+def write_slots_args(args, snip):
+ args = ['"_%s"' % arg for arg in args]
+ snip += '__slots__ = (%s,)' % ', '.join(args)
+def write_function_docstring(t, snip):
+ """
+ Writes a function docstring with the current style.
+ :param t: The values of the placeholders
+ :param snip: UltiSnips.TextObjects.SnippetUtil object instance
+ """
+ snip.rv = ""
+ snip >> 1
+ args = get_args(t[2])
+ if args:
+ write_docstring_args(args, snip)
+ style = get_style(snip)
+ if style == NUMPY:
+ snip += 'Returns'
+ snip += '-------'
+ snip += 'TODO'
+ else:
+ snip += format_return(style)
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ snip += triple_quotes(snip)
+def get_dir_and_file_name(snip):
+ return os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-1] + '.' + snip.basename
+# Class & Special Method Name Snippets #
+snippet class "class with docstrings" b
+class ${1:MyClass}(${2:object}):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${3:Docstring for $1. }`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
+ def __init__(self$4):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${5:TODO: to be defined1.}`!p
+snip.rv = ""
+snip >> 2
+args = get_args(t[4])
+write_docstring_args(args, snip)
+if args:
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ snip += '{0}'.format(triple_quotes(snip))
+write_init_body(args, t[2], snip)
+ $0
+snippet slotclass "class with slots and docstrings" b
+class ${1:MyClass}(${2:object}):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${3:Docstring for $1. }`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
+snip >> 1
+args = get_args(t[4])
+write_slots_args(args, snip)
+ def __init__(self$4):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${5:TODO: to be defined.}`!p
+snip.rv = ""
+snip >> 2
+args = get_args(t[4])
+write_docstring_args(args, snip)
+if args:
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ snip += triple_quotes(snip)
+write_init_body(args, t[2], snip)
+ $0
+snippet contain "methods for emulating a container type" b
+def __len__(self):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __getitem__(self, key):
+ ${2:pass}
+def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ ${3:pass}
+def __delitem__(self, key):
+ ${4:pass}
+def __iter__(self):
+ ${5:pass}
+def __reversed__(self):
+ ${6:pass}
+def __contains__(self, item):
+ ${7:pass}
+snippet context "context manager methods" b
+def __enter__(self):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ ${2:pass}
+snippet attr "methods for customizing attribute access" b
+def __getattr__(self, name):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ ${2:pass}
+def __delattr__(self, name):
+ ${3:pass}
+snippet desc "methods implementing descriptors" b
+def __get__(self, instance, owner):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __set__(self, instance, value):
+ ${2:pass}
+def __delete__(self, instance):
+ ${3:pass}
+snippet cmp "methods implementing rich comparison"
+def __eq__(self, other):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __ne__(self, other):
+ ${2:pass}
+def __lt__(self, other):
+ ${3:pass}
+def __le__(self, other):
+ ${4:pass}
+def __gt__(self, other):
+ ${5:pass}
+def __ge__(self, other):
+ ${6:pass}
+def __cmp__(self, other):
+ ${7:pass}
+snippet repr "methods implementing string representation"
+def __repr__(self):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __str__(self):
+ ${2:pass}
+def __unicode__(self):
+ ${3:pass}
+# note: reflected operands and augmented arithmeitc assignements have been
+# intentionally ommited to reduce verbosity.
+snippet numeric "methods for emulating a numeric type" b
+def __add__(self, other):
+ ${1:pass}
+def __sub__(self, other):
+ ${2:pass}
+def __mul__(self, other):
+ ${3:pass}
+def __div__(self, other):
+ ${4:pass}
+def __truediv__(self, other):
+ ${5:pass}
+def __floordiv__(self, other):
+ ${6:pass}
+def __mod__(self, other):
+ ${7:pass}
+def __divmod__(self, other):
+ ${8:pass}
+def __pow__(self, other):
+ ${9:pass}
+def __lshift__(self, other):
+ ${10:pass}
+def __rshift__(self, other):
+ ${11:pass}
+def __and__(self, other):
+ ${12:pass}
+def __xor__(self, other):
+ ${13:pass}
+def __or__(self, other):
+ ${14:pass}
+def __neg__(self):
+ ${15:pass}
+def __pos__(self):
+ ${16:pass}
+def __abs__(self):
+ ${17:pass}
+def __invert__(self):
+ ${18:pass}
+def __complex__(self):
+ ${19:pass}
+def __int__(self):
+ ${20:pass}
+def __long__(self):
+ ${21:pass}
+def __float__(self):
+ ${22:pass}
+def __oct__(self):
+ ${22:pass}
+def __hex__(self):
+ ${23:pass}
+def __index__(self):
+ ${24:pass}
+def __coerce__(self, other):
+ ${25:pass}
+snippet def "function with docstrings" b
+def ${1:function}(`!p
+if snip.indent:
+ snip.rv = 'self' + (", " if len(t[2]) else "")`${2:arg1}):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
+write_function_docstring(t, snip) `
+ ${5:${VISUAL:pass}}
+snippet defc "class method with docstrings" b
+def ${1:function}(`!p
+if snip.indent:
+ snip.rv = 'cls' + (", " if len(t[2]) else "")`${2:arg1}):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
+write_function_docstring(t, snip) `
+ ${5:${VISUAL:pass}}
+snippet defs "static method with docstrings" b
+def ${1:function}(${2:arg1}):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
+write_function_docstring(t, snip) `
+ ${5:${VISUAL:pass}}
+# doesn't expand when there is a word in front
+snippet /(^|(?<=\W))\./ "self." r
+snippet from "from module import name" b
+from ${1:module} import ${2:Stuff}
+snippet roprop "Read Only Property" b
+def ${1:name}(self):
+ ${2:return self._$1}$0
+snippet rwprop "Read write property" b
+def ${1:name}():
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip) if t[2] else ''
+`${2:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
+if t[2]:
+ snip >> 1
+ style = get_style(snip)
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ snip += format_return(style)
+ snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
+ snip += triple_quotes(snip)
+ snip.rv = ""`
+ def fget(self):
+ return self._$1$0
+ def fset(self, value):
+ self._$1 = value
+ return locals()
+$1 = property(**$1(), doc=$1.__doc__)
+# If / Else / Elif #
+snippet if "If" b
+if ${1:condition}:
+ ${2:${VISUAL:pass}}
+snippet ife "If / Else" b
+if ${1:condition}:
+ ${2:${VISUAL:pass}}
+ ${3:pass}
+snippet ifee "If / Elif / Else" b
+if ${1:condition}:
+ ${2:${VISUAL:pass}}
+elif ${3:condition}:
+ ${4:pass}
+ ${5:pass}
+# Try / Except / Finally #
+snippet try "Try / Except" b
+ ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
+except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:
+ ${4:raise $3}
+snippet trye "Try / Except / Else" b
+ ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
+except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:
+ ${4:raise $3}
+ ${5:pass}
+snippet tryf "Try / Except / Finally" b
+ ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
+except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:
+ ${4:raise $3}
+ ${5:pass}
+snippet tryef "Try / Except / Else / Finally" b
+ ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
+except${2: ${3:Exception} as ${4:e}}:
+ ${5:raise}
+ ${6:pass}
+ ${7:pass}
+# Assertions & Tests #
+snippet ae "Assert equal" b
+snippet at "Assert True" b
+snippet af "Assert False" b
+snippet aae "Assert almost equal" b
+snippet ar "Assert raises" b
+self.assertRaises(${1:exception}, ${2:${VISUAL:func}}${3/.+/, /}${3:arguments})
+snippet an "Assert is None" b
+snippet ann "Assert is not None" b
+snippet testcase "pyunit testcase" b
+class Test${1:Class}(${2:unittest.TestCase}):
+ `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${3:Test case docstring.}`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
+ def setUp(self):
+ ${4:pass}
+ def tearDown(self):
+ ${5:pass}
+ def test_${6:name}(self):
+ ${7:${VISUAL:pass}}
+snippet " "triple quoted string (double quotes)" b
+`!p triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, '"')`
+snippet ' "triple quoted string (single quotes)" b
+`!p triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, "'")`
+snippet doc "doc block (triple quotes)"
+`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
+`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
+snippet pmdoc "pocoo style module doc string" b
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ `!p snip.rv = get_dir_and_file_name(snip)`
+ `!p snip.rv = '~' * len(get_dir_and_file_name(snip))`
+ :copyright: (c) `date +%Y` by ${2:YOUR_NAME}.
+ :license: ${3:LICENSE_NAME}, see LICENSE for more details.
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/r.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/r.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02c4c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/r.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+priority -50
+global !p
+import os
+from vimsnippets import complete
+snippet #! "Hashbang for Rscript (#!)" b
+#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+snippet setwd "Set workingdir" b
+setwd("${1:`!p snip.rv = os.getcwd()`}")
+snippet as "Apply type on variable" w
+as.$1`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)`(${2}${VISUAL})
+snippet is "Test type on variable" w
+is.$1`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)`(${2}${VISUAL})
+snippet dl "Download and install a package" b
+download.file("${1:${VISUAL:url to package}}", destfile = "${2:${1/.*\/(\S*)$/(?1:$1)/ga}}")
+install.packages("$2", type = "source", repos = NULL)
+snippet lib "Import a library"
+snippet req "Require a file"
+snippet source "Source a file"
+snippet if "If statement"
+if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+snippet eif "Else-If statement"
+else if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+snippet el "Else statement"
+else {
+ ${0}
+snippet ife "if .. else"
+if (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+} else {
+ ${3}
+snippet wh "while loop"
+while(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+snippet for "for loop"
+for (${1:item} in ${2:list}) {
+ ${3}
+snippet fun "Function definition"
+${1:name} <- function (${2}) {
+ ${0}
+snippet ret "Return call"
+snippet df "Data frame"
+${1:name}[${2:rows}, ${0:cols}]
+snippet c "c function"
+snippet li "list function"
+snippet mat "matrix function"
+matrix(${1:data}, nrow = ${2:rows}, ncol = ${0:cols})
+snippet apply "apply function"
+apply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
+snippet lapply "lapply function"
+lapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet sapply "sapply function"
+sapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet vapply "vapply function"
+vapply(${1:list}, ${2:function}, ${0:type})
+snippet mapply "mapply function"
+mapply(${1:function}, ${0:...})
+snippet tapply "tapply function"
+tapply(${1:vector}, ${2:index}, ${0:function})
+snippet rapply "rapply function"
+rapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet pl "Plot function"
+plot(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet ggp "ggplot2 plot"
+ggplot(${1:data}, aes(${0:aesthetics}))
+snippet fis "Fisher test"
+fisher.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet chi "Chi Squared test"
+chisq.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet tt "t-test"
+t.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet wil "Wilcox test"
+wilcox.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet cor "Correlation test"
+cor.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet fte "FTE test"
+var.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet kvt "KV test"
+kv.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7b2757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,894 @@
+priority -50
+snippet anaf "accepts_nested_attributes_for"
+accepts_nested_attributes_for :${1:association_name}${2:${3:, :allow_destroy => true}${4:, :reject_if => proc \{ |obj| ${5:obj.blank?} \}}}
+snippet tcbi "Create binary column"
+t.binary :${1:title}${2:, :limit => ${3:2}.megabytes}
+snippet tcb "Create boolean column"
+t.boolean :${1:title}
+snippet clac "Create controller class"
+class ${1:Model}Controller < ApplicationController
+ before_filter :find_${2:model}
+ $0
+ private
+ def find_${2}
+ @$2 = ${3:$1}.find(params[:id]) if params[:id]
+ end
+snippet tcda "Create date column"
+t.date :${1:title}
+snippet tcdt "Create datetime column"
+t.datetime :${1:title}
+snippet tcd "Create decimal column"
+t.decimal :${1:title}${2:${3:, :precision => ${4:10}}${5:, :scale => ${6:2}}}
+snippet tcf "Create float column"
+t.float :${1:title}
+snippet clact "Create functional test class"
+require 'test_helper'
+class ${1:Model}ControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ test$0
+snippet tci "Create integer column"
+t.integer :${1:title}
+snippet tcl "Create lock_version column"
+t.integer :lock_version, :null => false, :default => 0
+# FIXME: handling literal bracket pair inside of nested tab groups?
+snippet tcr "Create references column"
+t.references :${1:taggable}${2:, :polymorphic => ${3:{ :default => '${4:Photo}' \}}}
+snippet resources "Create resources controller class"
+class ${1:Model}sController < ApplicationController
+ before_filter :find_${1/./\l$0/}, :only => [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s.xml
+ def index
+ @${1/./\l$0/}s = ${1:Model}.all
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ wants.html # index.html.erb
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}s }
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
+ def show
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ wants.html # show.html.erb
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/} }
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/new
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/new.xml
+ def new
+ @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.new
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ wants.html # new.html.erb
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/} }
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1/edit
+ def edit
+ end
+ # POST /${1/./\l$0/}s
+ # POST /${1/./\l$0/}s.xml
+ def create
+ @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.new(params[:${1/./\l$0/}])
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ if @${1/./\l$0/}.save
+ flash[:notice] = '${1:Model} was successfully created.'
+ wants.html { redirect_to(@${1/./\l$0/}) }
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}, :status => :created, :location => @${1/./\l$0/} }
+ else
+ wants.html { render :action => "new" }
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # PUT /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
+ # PUT /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
+ def update
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ if @${1/./\l$0/}.update(params[:${1/./\l$0/}])
+ flash[:notice] = '${1:Model} was successfully updated.'
+ wants.html { redirect_to(@${1/./\l$0/}) }
+ wants.xml { head :ok }
+ else
+ wants.html { render :action => "edit" }
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # DELETE /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
+ # DELETE /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
+ def destroy
+ @${1/./\l$0/}.destroy
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ wants.html { redirect_to(${1/./\l$0/}s_url) }
+ wants.xml { head :ok }
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def find_${1/./\l$0/}
+ @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.find(params[:id])
+ end
+snippet tcs "Create string column"
+t.string :${1:title}
+snippet tct "Create text column"
+t.text :${1:title}
+snippet tcti "Create time column"
+t.time :${1:title}
+snippet tcts "Create timestamp column"
+t.timestamp :${1:title}
+snippet tctss "Create timestamps columns"
+snippet mcol "Migration Create Column (mcc)"
+t.column ${1:title}, :${2:string}
+snippet mccc "Migration Create Column Continue (mccc)"
+t.column ${1:title}, :${2:string}
+snippet mtab "Migration Drop Create Table (mdct)"
+drop_table :${1:table}${2: [press tab twice to generate create_table]}
+snippet mcol "Migration Remove and Add Column (mrac)"
+remove_column :${1:table}, :${2:column}${3: [press tab twice to generate add_column]}
+snippet rdb "RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug (rdb)"
+RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug "${1:message}"$0
+snippet tre "Table column(s) rename"
+t.rename(:${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name})
+snippet art "Test Assert Redirected To (art)"
+assert_redirected_to ${2::action => "${1:index}"}
+snippet asre "Test Assert Response (are)"
+assert_response :${1:success}, @response.body$0
+snippet aftc "after_create"
+after_create $0
+snippet aftd "after_destroy"
+after_destroy $0
+snippet afts "after_save"
+after_save $0
+snippet aftu "after_update"
+after_update $0
+snippet aftv "after_validation"
+after_validation $0
+snippet aftvoc "after_validation_on_create"
+after_validation_on_create $0
+snippet aftvou "after_validation_on_update"
+after_validation_on_update $0
+snippet asg "assert(var = assigns(:var))"
+assert(${1:var} = assigns(:${1}), "Cannot find @${1}")
+snippet asd "assert_difference"
+assert_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}", ${3:1} do
+ $0
+snippet asnd "assert_no_difference"
+assert_no_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}" do
+ $0
+snippet artnpp "assert_redirected_to (nested path plural)"
+assert_redirected_to ${10:${2:parent}_${3:child}_path(${4:@}${5:${2}})}
+snippet artnp "assert_redirected_to (nested path)"
+assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})}
+snippet artpp "assert_redirected_to (path plural)"
+assert_redirected_to ${10:${2:model}s_path}
+snippet artp "assert_redirected_to (path)"
+assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:model}_path(${13:@}${14:${12}})}
+snippet asrj "assert_rjs"
+assert_rjs :${1:replace}, ${2:"${3:dom id}"}
+snippet ass "assert_select"
+assert_select '${1:path}'${2:, :${3:text} => ${4:'${5:inner_html}'}}${6: do
+ $0
+snippet befc "before_create"
+before_create $0
+snippet befd "before_destroy"
+before_destroy $0
+snippet befs "before_save"
+before_save $0
+snippet befu "before_update"
+before_update $0
+snippet befv "before_validation"
+before_validation $0
+snippet befvoc "before_validation_on_create"
+before_validation_on_create $0
+snippet befvou "before_validation_on_update"
+snippet bt "belongs_to (bt)"
+belongs_to :${1:object}${2:, :class_name => "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
+snippet crw "cattr_accessor"
+cattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
+snippet defcreate "def create - resource"
+def create
+ @${1:model} = ${2:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}.new(params[:$1])
+ $0
+ respond_to do |wants|
+ if @$1.save
+ flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully created.'
+ wants.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @$1, :status => :created, :location => @$1 }
+ else
+ wants.html { render :action => "new" }
+ wants.xml { render :xml => @$1.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
+ end
+snippet test "test do..end"
+test "${1:something interesting}" do
+ $0
+snippet deftg "def get request"
+def test_should_get_${1:action}
+ ${2:@${3:model} = ${4:$3s}(:${5:fixture_name})
+ }get :${1}${6:, :id => @$3.to_param}
+ assert_response :success
+ $0
+snippet deftp "def post request"
+def test_should_post_${1:action}
+ ${3:@$2 = ${4:$2s}(:${5:fixture_name})
+ }post :${1}${6:, :id => @$2.to_param}, :${2:model} => { $0 }
+ assert_response :redirect
+snippet fina "find(:all)"
+find(:all${1:, :conditions => ['${2:${3:field} = ?}', ${5:true}]})
+snippet finf "find(:first)"
+find(:first${1:, :conditions => ['${2:${3:field} = ?}', ${5:true}]})
+snippet fini "find(id)"
+snippet fine "find_each"
+find_each(${1::conditions => {:${2:field} => ${3:true}\}}) do |${4:${TM_CURRENT_WORD/(\w+)\./\L$1/g}}|
+ $0
+snippet finb "find_in_batches"
+find_in_batches(${1::conditions => {:${2:field} => ${3:true}\}}) do |${4:${TM_CURRENT_WORD/(\w+)\./\L$1/g}}s|
+ $4s.each do |$4|
+ $0
+ end
+snippet habtm "has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm)"
+has_and_belongs_to_many :${1:object}${2:, :join_table => "${3:table_name}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
+snippet hm "has_many (hm)"
+has_many :${1:object}s${2:, :class_name => "${1}", :foreign_key => "${4:reference}_id"}
+snippet hmt "has_many (through)"
+has_many :${1:objects}, :through => :${2:join_association}${3:, :source => :${4:${2}_table_foreign_key_to_${1}_table}}
+snippet hmd "has_many :dependent => :destroy"
+has_many :${1:object}s${2:, :class_name => "${1}", :foreign_key => "${4:reference}_id"}, :dependent => :destroy$0
+snippet ho "has_one (ho)"
+has_one :${1:object}${2:, :class_name => "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
+snippet logd "logger.debug"
+${1:Rails.}logger.debug { "${1:message}" }$0
+snippet loge "logger.error"
+logger.error { "${1:message}" }$0
+snippet logf "logger.fatal"
+logger.fatal { "${1:message}" }$0
+snippet logi "logger.info"
+logger.info { "${1:message}" }$0
+snippet logw "logger.warn"
+logger.warn { "${1:message}" }$0
+snippet mp "map(&:sym_proc)"
+snippet mapca "map.catch_all"
+${1:map}.catch_all "*${2:anything}", :controller => "${3:default}", :action => "${4:error}"
+snippet map "map.named_route"
+${1:map}.${2:connect} '${3::controller/:action/:id}'
+snippet mapr "map.resource"
+${1:map}.resource :${2:resource}${10: do |${11:$2}|
+ $0
+snippet maprs "map.resources"
+${1:map}.resources :${2:resource}${10: do |${11:$2}|
+ $0
+snippet mapwo "map.with_options"
+${1:map}.with_options :${2:controller} => '${3:thing}' do |${4:$3}|
+ $0
+snippet mrw "mattr_accessor"
+mattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
+snippet ncl "named_scope lambda"
+named_scope :name, lambda { |${1:param}| { :conditions => ${3:['${4:${5:field} = ?}', ${6:$1}]} } }
+snippet nc "named_scope"
+named_scope :name${1:, :joins => :${2:table}}, :conditions => ${3:['${4:${5:field} = ?}', ${6:true}]}
+snippet dscope "default_scope"
+default_scope ${1:order(${2:'${3:created_at DESC}'})}
+snippet flash "flash[...]"
+flash[:${1:notice}] = "${2:Successfully created...}"$0
+snippet rea "redirect_to (action)"
+redirect_to :action => "${1:index}"
+snippet reai "redirect_to (action, id)"
+redirect_to :action => "${1:show}", :id => ${0:@item}
+snippet rec "redirect_to (controller)"
+redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}"
+snippet reca "redirect_to (controller, action)"
+redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}", :action => "${2:list}"
+snippet recai "redirect_to (controller, action, id)"
+redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}", :action => "${2:show}", :id => ${0:@item}
+snippet renpp "redirect_to (nested path plural)"
+snippet renp "redirect_to (nested path)"
+redirect_to(${2:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})})
+snippet repp "redirect_to (path plural)"
+snippet rep "redirect_to (path)"
+snippet reb "redirect_to :back"
+redirect_to :back
+snippet ra "render (action)... (ra)"
+render :action => "${1:action}"
+snippet ral "render (action,layout) (ral)"
+render :action => "${1:action}", :layout => "${2:layoutname}"
+snippet rf "render (file) (rf)"
+render :file => "${1:filepath}"
+snippet rfu "render (file,use_full_path) (rfu)"
+render :file => "${1:filepath}", :use_full_path => ${2:false}
+snippet ri "render (inline) (ri)"
+render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}"
+snippet ril "render (inline,locals) (ril)"
+render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", :locals => { ${2::name} => "${3:value}"$4 }
+snippet rit "render (inline,type) (rit)"
+render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", :type => ${2::rxml}
+snippet rl "render (layout) (rl)"
+render :layout => "${1:layoutname}"
+snippet rn "render (nothing) (rn)"
+render :nothing => ${1:true}
+snippet rns "render (nothing,status) (rns)"
+render :nothing => ${1:true}, :status => ${2:401}
+snippet rt "render (text) (rt)"
+render :text => "${1:text to render...}"
+snippet rtl "render (text,layout) (rtl)"
+render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :layout => "${2:layoutname}"
+snippet rtlt "render (text,layout => true) (rtlt)"
+render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :layout => ${2:true}
+snippet rts "render (text,status) (rts)"
+render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :status => ${2:401}
+snippet ru "render (update)"
+render :update do |${2:page}|
+ $2.$0
+snippet rest "respond_to"
+respond_to do |wants|
+ wants.${1:html}${2: { $0 \}}
+snippet returning "returning do |variable| ... end"
+returning ${1:variable} do${2/(^(?<var>\s*[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(,\g<var>)*,?\s*$)|.*/(?1: |)/}${2:v}${2/(^(?<var>\s*[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(,\g<var>)*,?\s*$)|.*/(?1:|)/}
+ $0
+snippet t. "t.binary (tcbi)"
+t.binary :${1:title}${2:, :limit => ${3:2}.megabytes}
+snippet t. "t.boolean (tcb)"
+t.boolean :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.date (tcda)"
+t.date :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.datetime (tcdt)"
+t.datetime :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.decimal (tcd)"
+t.decimal :${1:title}${2:${3:, :precision => ${4:10}}${5:, :scale => ${6:2}}}
+snippet t. "t.float (tcf)"
+t.float :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.integer (tci)"
+t.integer :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.lock_version (tcl)"
+t.integer :lock_version, :null => false, :default => 0
+snippet t. "t.references (tcr)"
+t.references :${1:taggable}${2:, :polymorphic => ${3:{ :default => '${4:Photo}' \}}}
+snippet t. "t.rename (tre)"
+t.rename(:${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name})
+snippet t. "t.string (tcs)"
+t.string :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.text (tct)"
+t.text :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.time (tcti)"
+t.time :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.timestamp (tcts)"
+t.timestamp :${1:title}
+snippet t. "t.timestamps (tctss)"
+snippet vaoif "validates_acceptance_of if"
+validates_acceptance_of :${1:terms}${2:${3:, :accept => "${4:1}"}${5:, :message => "${6:You must accept the terms of service}"}}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vao "validates_acceptance_of"
+validates_acceptance_of :${1:terms}${2:${3:, :accept => "${4:1}"}${5:, :message => "${6:You must accept the terms of service}"}}
+snippet va "validates_associated (va)"
+validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}}
+snippet vaif "validates_associated if (vaif)"
+validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vc "validates_confirmation_of (vc)"
+validates_confirmation_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:should match confirmation}"}
+snippet vcif "validates_confirmation_of if (vcif)"
+validates_confirmation_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:should match confirmation}", :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet ve "validates_exclusion_of (ve)"
+validates_exclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not allowed}"}
+snippet veif "validates_exclusion_of if (veif)"
+validates_exclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not allowed}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vfif "validates_format_of if"
+validates_format_of :${1:attribute}, :with => /${2:^[${3:\w\d}]+\$}/${4:, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:is invalid}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vf "validates_format_of"
+validates_format_of :${1:attribute}, :with => /${2:^[${3:\w\d}]+\$}/${4:, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:is invalid}"}
+snippet viif "validates_inclusion_of if"
+validates_inclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not included in the list}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vi "validates_inclusion_of"
+validates_inclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not included in the list}"}
+snippet vl "validates_length_of (vl)"
+validates_length_of :${1:attribute}, :within => ${2:3..20}${3:, :on => :${4:create}, :message => "${5:must be present}"}
+snippet vlif "validates_length_of if"
+validates_length_of :${1:attribute}, :within => ${2:3..20}${3:, :on => :${4:create}, :message => "${5:must be present}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${6:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vnif "validates_numericality_of if"
+validates_numericality_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:is not a number}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vn "validates_numericality_of"
+validates_numericality_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:is not a number}"}
+snippet vp "validates_presence_of (vp)"
+validates_presence_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:can't be blank}"}
+snippet vpif "validates_presence_of if (vpif) 2"
+validates_presence_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:can't be blank}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet vu "validates_uniqueness_of (vu)"
+validates_uniqueness_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:must be unique}"}
+snippet vuif "validates_uniqueness_of if (vuif)"
+validates_uniqueness_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:must be unique}", :if => proc { |obj| ${6:obj.condition?} }}
+snippet verify "verify -- render"
+verify :only => [:$1], :method => :post, :render => {:status => 500, :text => "use HTTP-POST"}
+snippet verify "verify -- redirect"
+verify :only => [:$1], :session => :user, :params => :id, :redirect_to => {:action => '${2:index}'}
+snippet wants "wants_format"
+wants.${1:js|xml|html}${2: { $0 \}}
+snippet xdelete "xhr delete"
+xhr :delete, :${1:destroy}, :id => ${2:1}$0
+snippet xget "xhr get"
+xhr :get, :${1:show}${2:, :id => ${3:1}}$0
+snippet xpost "xhr post"
+xhr :post, :${1:create}, :${2:object} => { $3 }
+snippet xput "xhr put"
+xhr :put, :${1:update}, :id => ${2:1}, :${3:object} => { $4 }$0
+snippet sweeper "Create sweeper class"
+class ${1:Model}Sweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
+ observe ${1:Model}
+ def after_save(${1/./\l$0/})
+ expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
+ end
+ def after_destroy(${1/./\l$0/})
+ expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
+ end
+ private
+ def expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
+ ${0:expire_page ${1/./\l$0/}s_path
+ expire_page ${1/./\l$0/}_path(${1/./\l$0/})}
+ end
+snippet col "collection routes"
+collection do
+ ${1:get :${2:action}}
+ ${3:put :${4:action}}
+ ${5:post :${6:action}}
+ ${7:delete :${8:action}}
+snippet format "format (respond_with)"
+format.${1:html|xml|json|js|any} { $0 }
+snippet gem "gem"
+gem '${1:name}'${2:${3:, "${4:1.0}"}${5:${6:, :require => ${7:"${8:$1}"}}${9:, :group => :${10:test}}}}
+snippet gemg "gem :git"
+gem '${1:paperclip}', :git => "${2:git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git}"${3:, :branch => "${4:rails3}"}
+snippet match "match"
+match '${1:${2::controller}${3:/${4::action}${5:/${6::id}${7:(.:format)}}}}'${8: => '${9:$2}#${10:$4}'${11:, :as => :${12:$10}}}
+snippet member "member routes"
+member do
+ ${1:get :${2:action}}
+ ${3:put :${4:action}}
+ ${5:post :${6:action}}
+ ${7:delete :${8:action}}
+snippet res "resources"
+resources :${1:posts}${2: do
+ $3
+snippet scope "scope"
+scope :${1:name}, ${2:joins(:${3:table}).}where(${4:'${5:$3.${6:field}} = ?', ${7:'${8:value}'}})
+snippet scopel "scope lambda"
+scope :${1:name}, lambda { |${2:param}| ${3:where(${4::${5:field} => ${6:"${7:value}"}})} }
+snippet scopee "scope with extension"
+scope :${1:name}, ${2:where(${3::${4:field} => ${5:'${6:value}'}})} do
+ def ${7:method_name}
+ $0
+ end
+snippet sb "scoped_by"
+snippet setup "setup do..end"
+setup do
+ $0
+snippet trans "Translation snippet"
+I18n.t('`!v substitute(substitute(substitute(@%, substitute(getcwd() . "/", "\/", "\\\\/", "g"), "", ""), "\\(\\.\\(html\\|js\\)\\.\\(haml\\|erb\\)\\|\\(_controller\\)\\?\\.rb\\)$", "", ""), "/", ".", "g")`.${2:${1/[^\w]/_/g}}${3}', :default => "${1:some_text}"${4})${5:$0}
+snippet route_spec
+it 'routes to #${1:action}' do
+ ${2:get}('/${3:url}').should route_to('`!v substitute(expand('%:t:r'), '_routing_spec$', '', '')`#$1'${4:, ${5:params}})${6}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rnoweb.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rnoweb.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..773b9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rnoweb.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+priority -50
+extends tex, r
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rst.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rst.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0596eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rst.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+priority -50
+# General Stuff #
+global !p
+import vim
+from os import path as ospath
+from string import Template
+import re
+from collections import Counter
+from vimsnippets import complete
+TEXT_ROLES = ['emphasis','literal','code','math',
+ 'pep-reference','rfc-reference',
+ 'strong','subscript','superscript',
+ 'title-reference','raw']
+TEXT_ROLES_REGEX = r'\.\.\srole::?\s(w+)'
+SPECIFIC_ADMONITIONS = ["attention", "caution", "danger",
+ "error", "hint", "important", "note",
+ "tip", "warning"]
+DIRECTIVES = ['topic','sidebar','math','epigraph',
+ 'parsed-literal','code','highlights',
+ 'pull-quote','compound','container',
+ 'list-table','class','sectnum',
+ 'role','default-role','unicode',
+ 'raw']
+NONE_CONTENT_DIRECTIVES = ['rubric', 'contents', 'header',
+ 'footer', 'date', 'include', 'title']
+INCLUDABLE_DIRECTIVES = ['image', 'figure', 'include']
+# CJK chars
+# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2718196/find-all-chinese-text-in-a-string-using-python-and-regex
+CJK_RE = re.compile(u'[⺀-⺙⺛-⻳⼀-⿕々〇〡-〩〸-〺〻㐀-䶵一-鿃豈-鶴侮-頻並-龎]', re.UNICODE)
+def has_cjk(s):
+ """Detect if s contains CJK characters."""
+ return CJK_RE.search(s) is not None
+def real_filename(filename):
+ """pealeextension name off if possible
+ # i.e. "foo.bar.png will return "foo.bar"
+ """
+ return ospath.splitext(filename)[0]
+def check_file_exist(rst_path, relative_path):
+ """
+ For RST file, it can just include files as relative path.
+ :param rst_path: absolute path to rst file
+ :param relative_path: path related to rst file
+ :return: relative file's absolute path if file exist
+ """
+ abs_path = ospath.join(ospath.dirname(rst_path), relative_path)
+ if ospath.isfile(abs_path):
+ return abs_path
+ rst_char_len = vim.strwidth # Requires Vim 7.3+
+except AttributeError:
+ from unicodedata import east_asian_width
+ def rst_char_len(s):
+ """Return the required over-/underline length for s."""
+ result = 0
+ for c in s:
+ result += 2 if east_asian_width(c) in ('W', 'F') else 1
+ return result
+def make_items(times, leading='+'):
+ """
+ make lines with leading char multitimes
+ :param: times, how many times you need
+ :param: leading, leading character
+ """
+ times = int(times)
+ if leading == 1:
+ msg = ""
+ for x in range(1, times+1):
+ msg += "%s. Item\n" % x
+ return msg
+ else:
+ return ("%s Item\n" % leading) * times
+def look_up_directives(regex, fpath):
+ """
+ find all directive args in given file
+ :param: regex, the regex that needs to match
+ :param: path, to path to rst file
+ :return: list, empty list if nothing match
+ """
+ try:
+ with open(fpath) as source:
+ match = re.findall(regex, source.read())
+ except IOError:
+ match = []
+ return match
+def get_popular_code_type():
+ """
+ find most popular code type in the given rst
+ :param path: file to detect
+ :return: string, most popular code type in file
+ """
+ buf = "".join(vim.current.buffer)
+ types = re.findall(r'[:|\.\.\s]code::?\s(\w+)', buf)
+ try:
+ popular_type = Counter(types).most_common()[0][0]
+ except IndexError:
+ popular_type = "lua" # Don't break default
+ return popular_type
+snippet part "Part" b
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'#'`
+${1:${VISUAL:Part name}}
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'#'`
+snippet chap "Chapter" b
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'*'`
+${1:${VISUAL:Chapter name}}
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'*'`
+snippet sec "Section" b
+${1:${VISUAL:Section name}}
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'='`
+snippet ssec "Subsection" b
+${1:${VISUAL:Subsection name}}
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'-'`
+snippet sssec "Subsubsection" b
+${1:${VISUAL:Subsubsection name}}
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'^'`
+snippet para "Paragraph" b
+${1:${VISUAL:Paragraph name}}
+`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'"'`
+snippet em "Emphasize string" i
+# dirty but works with CJK character detection
+if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
+ snip.rv ="\ "`*${1:${VISUAL:Em}}*`!p
+if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
+ snip.rv ="\ "
+ snip.rv = " "
+snippet st "Strong string" i
+if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
+ snip.rv ="\ "`**${1:${VISUAL:Strong}}**`!p
+if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
+ snip.rv ="\ "
+ snip.rv = " "
+snippet "li(st)? (?P<num>\d+)" "List" br
+# usage: li 4<tab>
+# which will extand into a unordered list contains 4 items
+snip.rv = make_items(match.groupdict()['num'])
+snippet "ol(st)? (?P<num>\d+)" "Order List" br
+# usage: ol 4<tab>
+# which will extand into a ordered list contains 4 items
+snip.rv = make_items(match.groupdict()['num'], 1)
+# More Specialized Stuff. #
+snippet cb "Code Block" b
+.. code-block:: ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_popular_code_type()`}
+ ${2:${VISUAL:code}}
+# match snippets :
+# img, inc, fig
+snippet id "Includable Directives" b
+if di == 'im':
+ link = "|{0}|".format(real_name)
+if di == 'fi':
+ content="""
+ :alt: {0}
+ {0}""".format(real_name)
+..`!p snip.rv = " %s" % link if link else ""` $1`!p
+snip.rv=complete(t[1], INCLUDABLE_DIRECTIVES)
+`:: ${2:${VISUAL:file}}`!p
+if content:
+ snip.rv +=" "+content`
+# Tip of whether file is exist in comment type
+if not check_file_exist(path, t[2]):
+ snip.rv='.. FILE {0} does not exist'.format(t[2])
+ snip.rv=""
+snippet di "Directives" b
+.. $1`!p snip.rv=complete(t[1], DIRECTIVES)`:: $2
+ ${3:${VISUAL:Content}}
+snippet nd "None Content Directives" b
+.. $1`!p snip.rv=complete(t[1], NONE_CONTENT_DIRECTIVES)`:: $2
+snippet sa "Specific Admonitions" b
+.. $1`!p snip.rv =complete(t[1], SPECIFIC_ADMONITIONS)`::
+ ${2:${VISUAL:Content}}
+#it will be trigger at start of line or after a word
+snippet ro "Text Roles" w
+\ :$1`!p snip.rv=complete(t[1],
+ TEXT_ROLES+look_up_directives(TEXT_ROLES_REGEX,
+ path))`:\`$2\`\
+# Sphinx #
+snippet sid "SideBar" b
+.. sidebar:: ${1:SideBar Title}
+ ${2:${VISUAL:SideBar Content}}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ruby.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ruby.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7124f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ruby.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+priority -50
+snippet "^#!" "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" r
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+snippet "^# ?[uU][tT][fF]-?8" "# encoding: UTF-8" r
+# encoding: UTF-8
+snippet "\b(de)?f" "def <name>..." r
+def ${1:function_name}${2:(${3:*args})}
+ $0
+snippet defi "def initialize ..."
+def initialize${1:(${2:*args})}
+ $0
+snippet defr "def <name> ... rescue ..."
+def ${1:function_name}${2:(${3:*args})}
+ $4
+ $0
+snippet For "(<from>..<to>).each { |<i>| <block> }"
+(${1:from}..${2:to}).each { |${3:i}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.Merge!" ".merge!(<other_hash>) { |<key>,<oldval>,<newval>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.merge!(${1:other_hash}) { |${2:key},${3:oldval},${4:newval}| ${5:block} }
+snippet "(\S+)\.merge!" ".merge!(<other_hash>) do |<key>,<oldval>,<newval>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.merge!(${1:other_hash}) do |${2:key},${3:oldval},${4:newval}|
+ ${0:block}
+snippet "(\S+)\.Del(ete)?_?if" ".delete_if { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.delete_if { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.del(ete)?_?if" ".delete_if do |<key>,<value>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.delete_if do |${1:key},${2:value}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Keep_?if" ".keep_if { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.keep_if { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.keep_?if" ".keep_if do <key>,<value>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.keep_if do |${1:key},${2:value}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Reject" ".reject { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reject { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.reject" ".reject do <key>,<value>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reject do |${1:key},${2:value}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Select" ".select { |<item>| <block>}" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.select { |${1:item}| ${2:block} }
+snippet "(\S+)\.select" ".select do |<item>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.select do |${1:item}|
+ ${0:block}
+snippet "(\S+)\.Sort" ".sort { |<a>,<b>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.sort { |${1:a},${2:b}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.sort" ".sort do |<a>,<b>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.sort do |${1:a},${2:b}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?k(ey)?" ".each_key { |<key>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_key { |${1:key}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.each_?k(ey)?" ".each_key do |key| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_key do |${1:key}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?val(ue)?" ".each_value { |<value>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_value { |${1:value}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.each_?val(ue)?" ".each_value do |<value>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_value do |${1:value}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.ea" "<elements>.each do |<element>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each { |${1:e}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.ead" "<elements>.each do |<element>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each do |${1:e}|
+ $0
+snippet "each_?s(lice)?" "<array>.each_slice(n) do |slice| <block> end" r
+${1:elements}.each_slice(${2:2}) do |${3:slice}|
+ $0
+snippet "Each_?s(lice)?" "<array>.each_slice(n) { |slice| <block> }" r
+${1:elements}.each_slice(${2:2}) { |${3:slice}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.Map" ".map { |<element>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.map { |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+`}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.map" ".map do |<element>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.map do |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Rev(erse)?_?each" ".reverse_each { |<element>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reverse_each { |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+`}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.rev(erse)?_?each" ".reverse_each do |<element>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reverse_each do |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Each" ".each { |<element>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each { |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+`}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.each" ".each do |<element>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each do |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?w(ith)?_?i(ndex)?" ".each_with_index { |<element>,<i>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_with_index { |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+`},${2:i}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.each_?w(ith)?_?i(ndex)?" ".each_with_index do |<element>,<i>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_with_index do |${1:`!p
+element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
+ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
+ wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
+ snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
+ snip.rv = 'element'
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?p(air)?" ".each_pair { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_pair { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
+snippet "(\S+)\.each_?p(air)?" ".each_pair do |<key>,<value>| <block> end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_pair do |${1:key},${2:value}|
+ $0
+snippet "(\S+)\.sub" ".sub(<expression>) { <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.sub(${1:expression}) { ${2:"replace_with"} }
+snippet "(\S+)\.gsub" ".gsub(<expression>) { <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.gsub(${1:expression}) { ${2:"replace_with"} }
+snippet "(\S+)\.index" ".index { |item| <block> }" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.index { |${1:item}| ${2:block} }
+snippet "(\S+)\.Index" ".index do |item| ... end" r
+`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.index do |${1:item}|
+ ${0:block}
+snippet until "until <expression> ... end"
+until ${1:expression}
+ $0
+snippet Until "begin ... end until <expression>"
+ $0
+end until ${1:expression}
+snippet while "while <expression> ... end"
+while ${1:expression}
+ $0
+snippet While "begin ... end while <expression>"
+ $0
+end while ${1:expression}
+snippet begin "begin ... rescue ... end"
+ $1
+ $0
+snippet begin "begin ... rescue ... else ... ensure ... end"
+ ${1:# Raise exception}
+rescue Exception => e
+ puts e.message
+ puts e.backtrace.inspect
+ ${2:# Rescue}
+ ${3:# other exception}
+ ${0:# always excute}
+snippet rescue
+rescue Exception => e
+ puts e.message
+ puts e.backtrace.inspect
+ ${0:# Rescue}
+snippet "\b(case|sw(itch)?)" "case <variable> when <expression> ... end" r
+case ${1:variable}
+when ${2:expression}
+snippet alias "alias :<new_name> :<old_name>"
+alias :${1:new_name} :${2:old_name}
+snippet class "class <class_name> def initialize ... end end"
+class ${1:class_name}
+ def initialize(${2:*args})
+ $0
+ end
+snippet module "module"
+module ${1:module_name}
+ $0
+snippet ###
+ $0
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rust.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rust.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40e7605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rust.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# Rust Snippets #
+priority -50
+snippet let "let variable declaration" b
+let ${1:name}${2:: ${3:type}} = ${4};
+snippet letm "let mut variable declaration" b
+let mut ${1:name}${2:: ${3:type}} = ${4};
+snippet fn "A function, optionally with arguments and return type."
+fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3/..*/ -> /}${3} {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet pfn "A public function, optionally with arguments and return type."
+pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3/..*/ -> /}${3} {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet arg "Function Arguments" i
+${1:a}: ${2:T}${3:, arg}
+snippet || "Closure, anonymous function (inline)" i
+${1:move }|${2}| { $3 }
+snippet |} "Closure, anonymous function (block)" i
+${1:move }|${2}| {
+ $3
+snippet pri "print!(..)" b
+print!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2});
+snippet pln "println!(..)" b
+println!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2});
+snippet fmt "format!(..)"
+format!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2});
+snippet macro "macro_rules!" b
+macro_rules! ${1:name} {
+ (${2:matcher}) => (
+ ${3}
+ )
+snippet mod "A module" b
+mod ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.lower() or "name"`} {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet for "for .. in .." b
+for ${1:i} in ${2} {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+snippet todo "A Todo comment"
+// [TODO]: ${1:Description} - `!v strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%P")`
+snippet st "Struct" b
+struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.title() or "Name"`} {
+ ${VISUAL}${0}
+# TODO: fancy dynamic field mirroring like Python slotclass
+snippet stn "Struct with new constructor." b
+pub struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.title() or "Name"`} {
+ fd${0}
+impl $1 {
+ pub fn new(${2}) -> $1 {
+ $1 { ${3} }
+ }
+snippet fd "Struct field definition" w
+${1:name}: ${2:Type},
+snippet impl "Struct/Trait implementation" b
+impl ${1:Type/Trait}${2: for ${3:Type}} {
+ ${0}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/sh.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/sh.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7018184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/sh.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+priority -50
+global !p
+import vim
+# Tests for the existence of a variable declared by Vim's filetype detection
+# suggesting the type of shell script of the current file
+def testShell(scope, shell):
+ return vim.eval("exists('" + scope + ":is_" + shell + "')")
+# Loops over the possible variables, checking for global variables
+# first since they indicate an override by the user.
+def getShell():
+ for scope in ["g", "b"]:
+ for shell in ["bash", "posix", "sh", "kornshell"]:
+ if testShell(scope, shell) == "1":
+ if shell == "kornshell":
+ return "ksh"
+ if shell == "posix":
+ return "sh"
+ return shell
+ return "sh"
+# TextMate Snippets #
+snippet #!
+`!p snip.rv = '#!/bin/' + getShell() + "\n\n" `
+snippet !env "#!/usr/bin/env (!env)"
+`!p snip.rv = '#!/usr/bin/env ' + getShell() + "\n\n" `
+snippet sbash "safe bash options"
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+set -euo pipefail
+`!p snip.rv ='\n\n' `
+snippet temp "Tempfile"
+${1:TMPFILE}="$(mktemp -t ${2:`!p
+snip.rv = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]', '_', snip.fn) or "untitled"
+${3:${4/(.+)/trap "/}${4:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'}${4/(.+)/" 0 # EXIT\n/}${5/(.+)/trap "/}${5:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'; exit 1}${5/(.+)/" 2 # INT\n/}${6/(.+)/trap "/}${6:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'; exit 1}${6/(.+)/" 1 15 # HUP TERM\n/}}
+snippet case "case .. esac (case)"
+case ${1:word} in
+ ${2:pattern} )
+ $0;;
+snippet elif "elif .. (elif)"
+elif ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; then
+ ${0:#statements}
+snippet for "for ... done (for)"
+for (( i = 0; i < ${1:10}; i++ )); do
+ ${0:#statements}
+snippet forin "for ... in ... done (forin)"
+for ${1:i}${2/.+/ in /}${2:words}; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+snippet here "here document (here)"
+ $0
+snippet if "if ... then (if)"
+if ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; then
+ ${0:#statements}
+snippet until "until ... (done)"
+until ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+snippet while "while ... (done)"
+while ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/snippets.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/snippets.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee0c8c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/snippets.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+priority -50
+# We use a little hack so that the snippet is expanded
+# and parsed correctly
+snippet snip "Snippet definition" b
+`!p snip.rv = "snippet"` ${1:Tab_trigger} "${2:Description}" ${3:b}
+`!p snip.rv = "endsnippet"`
+snippet global "Global snippet" b
+`!p snip.rv = "global"` !p
+`!p snip.rv = "endglobal"`
+snippet vis "${VISUAL}" i
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/soy.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/soy.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a22a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/soy.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+priority -50
+extends html
+snippet ns "Namespace" b
+{namespace ${1:name}}
+snippet tmpl "Template" b
+ * ${2:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this template.}
+ */
+{template .${1:name}}
+ $0
+snippet msg "Message" b
+{msg desc="${1:description}"}
+ $0
+snippet let "let command" b
+{let $${1:identifier}: ${2:expression} /}
+snippet if "if .. (if)" b
+{if ${1:expression}}
+ $0
+snippet ife "if .. else (ife)" b
+{if ${1:expression}}
+ $2
+ $0
+snippet eli "else if .. (eli)" b
+{elif ${1:expression}}
+ $0
+snippet fore "foreach command" b
+{foreach $${1:var} in ${2:ref}}
+ $0
+snippet for "for command" b
+{for $${1:var} in range(${2:rangeexpr})}
+ $0
+snippet call "template call" b
+{call ${1:tmpl}}
+ $0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/supercollider.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/supercollider.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8538aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/supercollider.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+snippet for
+for (${1:1}, ${2:10}) {${3: |i}|}
+ $0
+snippet sdef
+SynthDef(\\${1:synthName}, {${2: |${3:x}|}
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tcl.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tcl.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6584915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tcl.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+priority -50
+snippet for "for... (for)" b
+for {${1:set i 0}} {${2:\$i < \$n}} {${3:incr i}} {
+ ${4}
+snippet foreach "foreach... (foreach)"
+foreach ${1:var} ${2:\$list} {
+ ${3}
+snippet if "if... (if)" b
+if {${1:condition}} {
+ ${2}
+snippet proc "proc... (proc)" b
+proc ${1:name} {${2:args}} \
+ ${3}
+snippet switch "switch... (switch)" b
+switch ${1:-exact} -- ${2:\$var} {
+ ${3:match} {
+ ${4}
+ }
+ default {${5}}
+snippet while "while... (while)" b
+while {${1:condition}} {
+ ${2}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c7e44b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+priority -50
+extends texmath
+snippet "b(egin)?" "begin{} / end{}" br
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+snippet tab "tabular / array environment" b
+$0${2/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g}
+snippet table "Table environment" b
+ \centering
+ \caption{${2:caption}}
+ \label{tab:${3:label}}
+ \begin{${4:t}${4/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}}{${5:c}}
+ $0${5/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g}
+ \end{$4${4/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}}
+snippet fig "Figure environment" b
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=${3:0.8}\linewidth]{${4:name.ext}}
+ \caption{${4/(\w+)\.\w+/\u$1/}$0}
+ \label{fig:${4/(\w+)\.\w+/$1/}}
+snippet enum "Enumerate" b
+ \item $0
+snippet item "Itemize" b
+ \item $0
+snippet desc "Description" b
+ \item[$1] $0
+snippet it "Individual item" b
+\item ${1}
+snippet part "Part" b
+\part{${1:part name}}
+snippet cha "Chapter" b
+\chapter{${1:chapter name}}
+snippet sec "Section" b
+\section{${1:section name}}
+snippet sub "Subsection" b
+\subsection{${1:subsection name}}
+snippet ssub "Subsubsection" b
+\subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}}
+snippet par "Paragraph" b
+\paragraph{${1:paragraph name}}
+snippet subp "Subparagraph" b
+\subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}}
+snippet ni "Non-indented paragraph" b
+snippet pac "Package" b
+snippet lp "Long parenthesis"
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0a25e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+priority -50
+snippet eq "Equation" b
+ $0
+snippet eqnn "Equation without number" b
+ $0
+snippet eqa "Equation array" b
+ $1 & $2 & $0
+snippet eqann "Equation array without numbers" b
+ $1 & $2 & $0
+snippet frac "Fraction" w
+snippet mat "Smart Matrix"
+ $0
+snippet lr( "left( right)" w
+\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right)
+snippet lr| "left| right|" w
+\left| ${1:${VISUAL}} \right|
+snippet lr{ "left\{ right\}" w
+\left\\{ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\\}
+snippet lr[ "left[ right]" w
+\left[ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right]
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/typescript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/typescript.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11072dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/typescript.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+priority -50
+extends javascript
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/vim.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/vim.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb2396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/vim.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+priority -50
+# SnipMate Snippets #
+snippet gvar "Global / configuration variable" b
+if !exists("g:${1:MyUltraImportantVar}")
+ let g:$1 = ${2:"${3:<tab>}"}
+snippet guard "script reload guard" b
+if exists('${1:did_`!p snip.rv = snip.fn.replace('.','_')`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
+ finish
+let $1 = 1${3}
+snippet f "function" b
+fun ${1:function_name}(${2})
+ ${3:" code}
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xhtml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xhtml.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9c5a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xhtml.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+priority -50
+extends html
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xml.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92dfb6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xml.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+priority -50
+snippet xml "XML declaration" b
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+snippet t "Simple tag" b
+ ${2:content}
+snippet ti "Inline tag" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/zsh.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/zsh.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7986ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/zsh.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+priority -50
+extends sh
+priority -49
+snippet #! "shebang" b
+snippet !env "#!/usr/bin/env (!env)" b
+#!/usr/bin/env zsh
+# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/addon-info.json b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/addon-info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..303bf28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/addon-info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "name" : "snipmate-snippets",
+ "author" : "community",
+ "maintainer" : "honza @ github & others",
+ "repository" : {"type": "git", "url": "git://github.com/honza/snipmate-snippets.git"},
+ "dependencies" : {
+ },
+ "description" : "community driven set of snippets for snipmate"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/autoload/vim_snippets.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/autoload/vim_snippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..061f171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/autoload/vim_snippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+" this is well known Filename found in snipmate (and the other engines), but
+" rewritten and documented :)
+" optional arg1: string in which to replace '$1' by filename with extension
+" and path dropped. Defaults to $1
+" optional arg2: return this value if buffer has no filename
+" But why not use the template in this case, too?
+" Doesn't make sense to me
+fun! vim_snippets#Filename(...)
+ let template = get(a:000, 0, "$1")
+ let arg2 = get(a:000, 1, "")
+ let basename = expand('%:t:r')
+ if basename == ''
+ return arg2
+ else
+ return substitute(template, '$1', basename, 'g')
+ endif
+" original code:
+" fun! Filename(...)
+" let filename = expand('%:t:r')
+" if filename == '' | return a:0 == 2 ? a:2 : '' | endif
+" return !a:0 || a:1 == '' ? filename : substitute(a:1, '$1', filename, 'g')
+" endf
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/plugin/vimsnippets.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/plugin/vimsnippets.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f58374c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/plugin/vimsnippets.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+if exists("b:done_vimsnippets")
+ finish
+let b:done_vimsnippets = 1
+" Some variables need default value
+if !exists("g:snips_author")
+ let g:snips_author = "yourname"
+if !exists("g:snips_email")
+ let g:snips_email = "yourname@email.com"
+if !exists("g:snips_github")
+ let g:snips_github = "https://github.com/yourname"
+" Expanding the path is not needed on Vim 7.4
+if &cp || version >= 704
+ finish
+" Add pythonx to the python search path if needed (i.e. <= Vim 7.3).
+if !has("python") && !has("python3")
+ finish
+" This will fail if UltiSnips is not installed.
+ call UltiSnips#bootstrap#Bootstrap()
+catch /E117/
+ finish
+" This should have been set by UltiSnips, otherwise something is wrong.
+if !exists("g:_uspy")
+ finish
+" Expand our path
+let s:SourcedFile=expand("<sfile>")
+exec g:_uspy "import vim, os, sys"
+exec g:_uspy "sourced_file = vim.eval('s:SourcedFile')"
+exec g:_uspy "while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(sourced_file, 'pythonx')):
+ \ sourced_file = os.path.dirname(sourced_file)"
+exec g:_uspy "module_path = os.path.join(sourced_file, 'pythonx')"
+exec g:_uspy "sys.path.append(module_path)"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/pythonx/vimsnippets.py b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/pythonx/vimsnippets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a446a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/pythonx/vimsnippets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+"""Helper methods used in UltiSnips snippets."""
+import string, vim
+def complete(tab, opts):
+ """
+ get options that start with tab
+ :param tab: query string
+ :param opts: list that needs to be completed
+ :return: a string that start with tab
+ """
+ msg = "({0})"
+ if tab:
+ opts = [m[len(tab):] for m in opts if m.startswith(tab)]
+ if len(opts) == 1:
+ return opts[0]
+ if not len(opts):
+ msg = "{0}"
+ return msg.format("|".join(opts))
+def _parse_comments(s):
+ """ Parses vim's comments option to extract comment format """
+ i = iter(s.split(","))
+ rv = []
+ try:
+ while True:
+ # get the flags and text of a comment part
+ flags, text = next(i).split(':', 1)
+ if len(flags) == 0:
+ rv.append((text, text, text, ""))
+ # parse 3-part comment, but ignore those with O flag
+ elif 's' in flags and 'O' not in flags:
+ ctriple = ["TRIPLE"]
+ indent = ""
+ if flags[-1] in string.digits:
+ indent = " " * int(flags[-1])
+ ctriple.append(text)
+ flags, text = next(i).split(':', 1)
+ assert flags[0] == 'm'
+ ctriple.append(text)
+ flags, text = next(i).split(':', 1)
+ assert flags[0] == 'e'
+ ctriple.append(text)
+ ctriple.append(indent)
+ rv.append(ctriple)
+ elif 'b' in flags:
+ if len(text) == 1:
+ rv.insert(0, ("SINGLE_CHAR", text, text, text, ""))
+ except StopIteration:
+ return rv
+def get_comment_format():
+ """ Returns a 4-element tuple (first_line, middle_lines, end_line, indent)
+ representing the comment format for the current file.
+ It first looks at the 'commentstring', if that ends with %s, it uses that.
+ Otherwise it parses '&comments' and prefers single character comment
+ markers if there are any.
+ """
+ commentstring = vim.eval("&commentstring")
+ if commentstring.endswith("%s"):
+ c = commentstring[:-2]
+ return (c, c, c, "")
+ comments = _parse_comments(vim.eval("&comments"))
+ for c in comments:
+ if c[0] == "SINGLE_CHAR":
+ return c[1:]
+ return comments[0][1:]
+def make_box(twidth, bwidth=None):
+ b, m, e, i = (s.strip() for s in get_comment_format())
+ bwidth_inner = bwidth - 3 - max(len(b), len(i + e)) if bwidth else twidth + 2
+ sline = b + m + bwidth_inner * m[0] + 2 * m[0]
+ nspaces = (bwidth_inner - twidth) // 2
+ mlines = i + m + " " + " " * nspaces
+ mlinee = " " + " "*(bwidth_inner - twidth - nspaces) + m
+ eline = i + m + bwidth_inner * m[0] + 2 * m[0] + e
+ return sline, mlines, mlinee, eline
+def foldmarker():
+ "Return a tuple of (open fold marker, close fold marker)"
+ return vim.eval("&foldmarker").split(",")
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0153a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/_.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# Global snippets
+# (c) holds no legal value ;)
+snippet c)
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${1:`g:snips_author`}. All Rights Reserved.
+snippet date
+ `strftime("%Y-%m-%d")`
+snippet ddate
+ `strftime("%B %d, %Y")`
+snippet diso
+ `strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")`
+snippet time
+ `strftime("%H:%M")`
+snippet datetime
+ `strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")`
+snippet lorem
+ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
+snippet GPL2
+ ${1:One line to give the program's name and a brief description.}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ${0}
+snippet LGPL2
+ ${1:One line to give the program's name and a brief description.}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ${0}
+snippet GPL3
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description.}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ${0}
+snippet LGPL3
+ ${1:One line to give the program's name and a brief description.}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+ by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ${0}
+snippet AGPL3
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description.}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ ${0}
+snippet GMGPL linking exception
+ As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from
+ this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an
+ executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting
+ executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
+ executable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.
+ ${0}
+snippet BSD2
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation
+ are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
+ official policies, either expressedor implied, of $2.
+ ${0}
+snippet BSD3
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ 3. Neither the name of the ${3:organization} nor the
+ names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ ${0}
+snippet BSD4
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ must display the following acknowledgement:
+ This product includes software developed by the ${3:organization}.
+ 4. Neither the name of the $3 nor the
+ names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ ${0}
+snippet MIT
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+ to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
+ the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
+ and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+ Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+ in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ ${0}
+snippet APACHE
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description}
+ Copyright `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+ ${0}
+snippet BEERWARE
+ ${1:one line to give the program's name and a brief description}
+ Copyright `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ Licensed under the "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
+ $2 wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
+ can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
+ this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer or coffee in return
+ ${0}
+snippet WTFPL
+ Version 2, December 2004
+ Copyright `strftime("%Y")` ${0:`g:snips_author`}
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
+ copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
+ as the name is changed.
+ ${0}
+snippet MPL2
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ ${0}
+snippet AGPL
+ ${1:One line to give the program's name and a brief description.}
+ Copyright `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` `strftime("%Y")` ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/actionscript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/actionscript.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7aa7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/actionscript.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+snippet main
+ package {
+ import flash.display.*;
+ import flash.Events.*;
+ public class Main extends Sprite {
+ public function Main ( ) {
+ trace("start");
+ stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
+ stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);
+ }
+ private function resizeListener (e:Event):void {
+ trace("The application window changed size!");
+ trace("New width: " + stage.stageWidth);
+ trace("New height: " + stage.stageHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+snippet class
+ ${1:public|internal} class ${2:name} ${0:extends } {
+ public function $2 ( ) {
+ ("start");
+ }
+ }
+snippet all
+ package name {
+ ${1:public|internal|final} class ${2:name} ${0:extends } {
+ private|public| static const FOO = "abc";
+ private|public| static var BAR = "abc";
+ // class initializer - no JIT !! one time setup
+ if Cababilities.os == "Linux|MacOS" {
+ FOO = "other";
+ }
+ // constructor:
+ public function $2 ( ){
+ super2();
+ trace("start");
+ }
+ public function name (a, b...){
+ super.name(..);
+ lable:break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function A(){
+ // A can only be accessed within this file
+ }
+snippet switch
+ switch(${1}){
+ case ${2}:
+ ${0}
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+snippet case
+ case ${1}:
+ ${0}
+ break;
+snippet package
+ package ${1:package}{
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet wh
+ while ${1:cond}{
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet do
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${1:cond})
+snippet for enumerate names
+ for (${1:var} in ${2:object}){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet for enumerate values
+ for each (${1:var} in ${2:object}){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet get_set
+ function get ${1:name} {
+ return ${2}
+ }
+ function set $1 (newValue) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet interface
+ interface name {
+ function method(${1}):${0:returntype};
+ }
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch (error:ErrorType) {
+ ${2}
+ } finally {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# For Loop (same as c.snippet)
+snippet for for (..) {..}
+ for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Custom For Loop
+snippet forr
+ for (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${3:$1 < 10}; $1${4:++}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# If Condition
+snippet if
+ if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Ternary conditional
+snippet t
+ ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${0:b}
+snippet fun
+ function ${1:function_name}(${2})${3}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# FlxSprite (usefull when using the flixel library)
+snippet FlxSprite
+ package
+ {
+ import org.flixel.*
+ public class ${1:ClassName} extends ${2:FlxSprite}
+ {
+ public function $1(${3: X:Number, Y:Number}):void
+ {
+ super(X,Y);
+ ${4}
+ }
+ override public function update():void
+ {
+ super.update();
+ ${0}
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ada.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ada.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1039946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ada.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+snippet wi with
+ with ${1};${0}
+snippet pac package
+ package ${1} is
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet pacb package body
+ package body ${1} is
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet ent entry ... when
+ entry ${1}(${2}) when ${3} is
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet task task
+ task ${1} is
+ entry ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet taskb task body
+ task body ${1} is
+ ${2}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet acc accept
+ accept ${1}(${2}) do
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet prot protected type
+ protected type ${1}(${2}) is
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet prob protected body
+ protected body ${1} is
+ ${2}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet gen generic type
+ generic
+ type ${1} is ${2};${0}
+snippet ty type
+ type ${1} is ${2};${0}
+snippet tyd type with default value
+ type ${1} is ${2}
+ with Default_Value => ${3};${0}
+snippet subty subtype
+ subtype ${1} is ${2};${0}
+snippet dec declare block
+ declare
+ ${1}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end;
+snippet decn declare named block
+ ${1}:
+ declare
+ ${2}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet ifex if expression
+ if ${1} then ${2} else ${0}
+snippet casex case expression
+ case ${1} is
+ when ${2} => ${3},${0}
+snippet fora for all
+ for all ${1} ${2:in} ${3} => ${0}
+snippet fors for some
+ for some ${1} ${2:in} ${3} => ${0}
+snippet if if
+ if ${1} then
+ ${0}
+ end if;
+snippet ife if ... else
+ if ${1} then
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ end if;
+snippet el else
+ else
+ ${0}
+snippet eif elsif
+ elsif ${1} then
+ ${0}
+snippet wh while
+ while ${1} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop;
+snippet nwh named while
+ ${1}:
+ while ${2} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop $1;
+snippet for for
+ for ${1:I} in ${2} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop;
+snippet fore for each
+ for ${1} of ${2} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop;
+snippet nfor named for
+ ${1}:
+ for ${2:I} in ${3} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop $1;
+snippet nfore named for each
+ ${1}:
+ for ${2} of ${3} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop $1;
+snippet proc procedure
+ procedure ${1}(${2}) is
+ ${3}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet procd procedure declaration
+ procedure ${1};${0}
+snippet fun function
+ function ${1}(${2}) return ${3} is
+ ${4}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end $1;
+snippet fune expression function
+ function ${1} return ${2} is
+ (${3});${0}
+snippet fund function declaration
+ function ${1} return ${2};${0}
+snippet ret extended return
+ return ${1} do
+ ${0}
+ end return;
+snippet rec record
+ record
+ ${0}
+ end record;
+snippet case case
+ case ${1} is
+ when ${2} => ${3};${0}
+ end case;
+snippet whe when
+ when ${1} => ${2};${0}
+snippet wheo when others
+ when others => ${1};${0}
+snippet lo loop
+ loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop;
+snippet nlo named loop
+ ${1}:
+ loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop $1;
+snippet ex exit when
+ exit when ${1};${0}
+snippet put Ada.Text_IO.Put
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put(${1});${0}
+snippet putl Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
+ Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(${1});${0}
+snippet get Ada.Text_IO.Get
+ Ada.Text_IO.Get(${1});${0}
+snippet getl Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line
+ Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line(${1});${0}
+snippet newline Ada.Text_IO.New_Line
+ Ada.Text_IO.New_Line(${1:1});${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/apache.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/apache.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db3256e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/apache.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Snippets for code blocks used oftenly in Apache files.
+# <Directory>
+snippet dir
+ <Directory ${1:/}>
+ DirectoryIndex ${0:index.html}
+ Order Deny,Allow
+ Deny from All
+ </Directory>
+# <FilesMatch>
+snippet filesmatch
+ <FilesMatch "${1:regex}">
+ ${0}
+ </FilesMatch>
+# <IfModule>
+snippet ifmodule
+ <IfModule ${1:mod_example.c}>
+ ${0}
+ </IfModule>
+# <LimitExcept>
+snippet limitexcept
+ <LimitExcept ${1:POST GET}>
+ ${0}
+ </LimitExcept>
+# <Proxy>
+snippet proxy
+ <Proxy ${1:*}>
+ ${0}
+ </Proxy>
+# <VirtualHost>
+snippet virtualhost
+ <VirtualHost ${1:*}:${2:80}>
+ ServerAdmin ${3:webmaster@example.com}
+ DocumentRoot ${4:/www/example.com}
+ ServerName ${0:www.example.com}
+ </VirtualHost>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/arduino.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/arduino.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ee46f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/arduino.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+snippet setup
+ void setup()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ Serial.begin(9600);
+ }
+snippet loop
+ void loop()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet inc
+ #include <${1}.h>
+# if
+snippet if
+ if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# else
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${1}
+ }
+# else if
+snippet elif
+ else if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# ifi
+snippet ifi
+ if (${1:/* condition */}) ${2};
+# switch
+snippet switch
+ switch (${1:/* variable */}) {
+ case ${2:/* variable case */}:
+ ${3}
+ ${4:break;}${5}
+ default:
+ ${6}
+ }
+snippet case
+ case ${1:/* variable case */}:
+ ${2}
+ ${3:break;}
+# for
+snippet for
+ for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+# for (custom)
+snippet forr
+ for (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${3:$1 < 10}; $1${4:++}) {
+ ${5}
+ }
+# while
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# do... while
+snippet do
+ do {
+ ${2}
+ } while (${1:/* condition */});
+## Functions
+# function definition
+snippet fun
+ ${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3})
+ {
+ ${4}
+ }
+## IO
+# pinMode OUTPUT
+snippet pinout
+ pinMode(${1}, OUTPUT);
+# pinMode INPUT
+snippet pinin
+ pinMode(${1}, INPUT);
+# digitalWrite HIGH
+snippet dwHigh
+ digitalWrite(${1}, HIGH);
+# digitalWrite LOW
+snippet dwLow
+ digitalWrite(${1}, LOW);
+# digitalRead
+snippet dr
+ digitalRead(${1});
+# serialRead
+snippet sr
+ serialRead();
+# serial.println
+snippet sp
+ serial.println(${1});
+# delay
+snippet dl
+ delay(${1});
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/autoit.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/autoit.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f973fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/autoit.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+snippet if
+ If ${1:condition} Then
+ ${0:; True code}
+ EndIf
+snippet el
+ Else
+ ${0}
+snippet eif
+ ElseIf ${1:condition} Then
+ ${0:; True code}
+# If/Else block
+snippet ife
+ If ${1:condition} Then
+ ${2:; True code}
+ Else
+ ${0:; Else code}
+ EndIf
+# If/ElseIf/Else block - because there is eif this is not really neccessary
+snippet ifelif
+ If ${1:condition 1} Then
+ ${2:; True code}
+ ElseIf ${3:condition 2} Then
+ ${4:; True code}
+ Else
+ ${0:; Else code}
+ EndIf
+# Switch block
+snippet switch
+ Switch (${1:condition})
+ Case ${2:case1}:
+ ${3:; Case 1 code}
+ Case Else:
+ ${0:; Else code}
+ EndSwitch
+# Select block
+snippet select
+ Select (${1:condition})
+ Case ${2:case1}:
+ ${3:; Case 1 code}
+ Case Else:
+ ${0:; Else code}
+ EndSelect
+# While loop
+snippet wh
+ While (${1:condition})
+ ${0:; code...}
+ WEnd
+# For loop
+snippet for
+ For ${1:n} = ${3:1} to ${2:count}
+ ${0:; code...}
+ Next
+# New Function
+snippet func
+ Func ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+ ${0:Return}
+ EndFunc
+# Message box
+snippet msg
+ MsgBox(${0:MsgType}, ${1:"Title"}, ${2:"Message Text"})
+# Debug Message
+snippet debug
+ MsgBox(0, "Debug", ${0:"Debug Message"})
+# Show Variable Debug Message
+snippet showvar
+ MsgBox(0, "${0:VarName}", $1)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/awk.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/awk.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32e56f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/awk.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# cannot use /usr/bin/env because it does not support parameters (as -f)
+snippet #! #!/usr/bin/awk -f
+ #!/usr/bin/awk -f
+# @include is a gawk extension
+snippet inc @include
+ @include "${1}"${0}
+# @load is a gawk extension
+snippet loa @load
+ @load "${1}"${0}
+snippet beg BEGIN { ... }
+ ${0}
+ }
+# BEGINFILE is a gawk extension
+snippet begf BEGINFILE { ... }
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet end END { ... }
+ END {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# ENDFILE is a gawk extension
+snippet endf ENDFILE { ... }
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet pri print
+ print ${1:"${2}"}${0}
+snippet printf printf
+ printf("${1:%s}\n", ${2})${0}
+snippet ign IGNORECASE
+ IGNORECASE = ${1:1}
+snippet if if {...}
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife if ... else ...
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet eif else if ...
+ else if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el else {...}
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet wh while
+ while (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet do do ... while
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${1})
+snippet for for
+ for (${2:i} = 0; i < ${1:n}; ${3:++i}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet fore for each
+ for (${1:i} in ${2:array}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# the switch is a gawk extension
+snippet sw switch
+ switch (${1}) {
+ case ${2}:
+ ${3}
+ break
+ default:
+ ${0}
+ break
+ }
+# the switch is a gawk extension
+snippet case case
+ case ${1}:
+ ${0}
+ break
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/c.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/c.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4745c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/c.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+## Main
+# main
+snippet main
+ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+ {
+ ${0}
+ return 0;
+ }
+# main(void)
+snippet mainn
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ ${0}
+ return 0;
+ }
+## Preprocessor
+# #include <...>
+snippet inc
+ #include <${1:stdio}.h>
+# #include "..."
+snippet Inc
+ #include "${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1.h")`}"
+# ifndef...define...endif
+snippet ndef
+ #ifndef $1
+ #define ${1:SYMBOL} ${2:value}
+ #endif /* ifndef $1 */
+# define
+snippet def
+ #define
+# ifdef...endif
+snippet ifdef
+ #ifdef ${1:FOO}
+ ${2:#define }
+ #endif
+# if
+snippet #if
+ #if ${1:FOO}
+ ${0}
+ #endif
+# header include guard
+snippet once
+ #ifndef ${1:`toupper(vim_snippets#Filename('$1_H', 'UNTITLED_H'))`}
+ #define $1
+ ${0}
+ #endif /* end of include guard: $1 */
+## Control Statements
+# if
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# else
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# else if
+snippet elif
+ else if (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# ifi
+snippet ifi
+ if (${1:true}) ${0};
+# ternary
+snippet t
+ ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${3:b}
+# switch
+snippet switch
+ switch (${1:/* variable */}) {
+ case ${2:/* variable case */}:
+ ${3}
+ ${4:break;}${5}
+ default:
+ ${6}
+ }
+# switch without default
+snippet switchndef
+ switch (${1:/* variable */}) {
+ case ${2:/* variable case */}:
+ ${3}
+ ${4:break;}${5}
+ }
+# case
+snippet case
+ case ${1:/* variable case */}:
+ ${2}
+ ${3:break;}
+snippet ret
+ return ${0};
+## Loops
+# for
+snippet for
+ for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+# for (custom)
+snippet forr
+ for (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${3:$1 < 10}; $1${4:++}) {
+ ${5}
+ }
+# while
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# do... while
+snippet do
+ do {
+ ${2}
+ } while (${1:/* condition */});
+## Functions
+# function definition
+snippet fun
+ ${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3})
+ {
+ ${4}
+ }
+# function declaration
+snippet fund
+ ${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3});
+## Types
+# typedef
+snippet td
+ typedef ${1:int} ${2:MyCustomType};
+# struct
+snippet st
+ struct ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1_t', 'name')`} {
+ ${2:/* data */}
+ }${3: /* optional variable list */};
+# typedef struct
+snippet tds
+ typedef struct ${2:_$1 }{
+ ${3:/* data */}
+ } ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1_t', 'name')`};
+snippet enum
+ enum ${1:name} { ${0} };
+# typedef enum
+snippet tde
+ typedef enum {
+ ${1:/* data */}
+ } ${2:foo};
+## Input/Output
+# printf
+snippet pr
+ printf("${1:%s}\n"${2});
+# fprintf (again, this isn't as nice as TextMate's version, but it works)
+snippet fpr
+ fprintf(${1:stderr}, "${2:%s}\n"${3});
+# getopt
+snippet getopt
+ int choice;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ static struct option long_options[] =
+ {
+ /* Use flags like so:
+ {"verbose", no_argument, &verbose_flag, 'V'}*/
+ /* Argument styles: no_argument, required_argument, optional_argument */
+ {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
+ {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+ ${1}
+ {0,0,0,0}
+ };
+ int option_index = 0;
+ /* Argument parameters:
+ no_argument: " "
+ required_argument: ":"
+ optional_argument: "::" */
+ choice = getopt_long( argc, argv, "vh",
+ long_options, &option_index);
+ if (choice == -1)
+ break;
+ switch( choice )
+ {
+ case 'v':
+ ${2}
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ ${3}
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ /* getopt_long will have already printed an error */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Not sure how to get here... */
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Deal with non-option arguments here */
+ if ( optind < argc )
+ {
+ while ( optind < argc )
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ }
+## Miscellaneous
+# This is kind of convenient
+snippet .
+ [${1}]
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429146a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Opscode Chef Cookbook Recipe Resources
+# Snippet by: Mike Smullin <mike@smullindesign.com>
+# Based on: http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Resources
+# @TODO: Include Meta attributes and actions in all snippets
+# @TODO: Finish writing snippets for remaining Resources
+snippet cookbook_file
+ # Cookbook File resource
+ cookbook_file ${1:"/path/to/file"} do # The remote path where the file will reside
+ ${2:#}backup ${3} # How many backups of this file to keep. Set to false if you want no backups
+ ${4:#}group ${5} # The group owner of the file (string or id)
+ ${6:#}mode ${7} # The octal mode of the file - e.g. 0755
+ ${8:#}owner ${9} # The owner for the file
+ ${10:#}source ${11} # The basename of the source file
+ ${12:#}cookbook ${13} # The cookbook this file is stored in
+ ${14:#}${15: action :create} # Create this file (Default)
+ ${16:#}${17: action :create_if_missing} # Create only if it doesn't exist yet
+ ${18:#}${0: action :delete} # Delete this file
+ end
+snippet execute
+ # Execute resource
+ execute ${1:"command to execute"} do # The command to execute
+ ${2:#}creates ${3:nil} # A file this command creates - if the file exists, the command will not be run.
+ ${4:#}cwd ${5:nil} # Current working directory to run the command from.
+ ${6:#}environment ${7:nil} # A hash of environment variables to set before running this command.
+ ${8:#}group ${9:nil} # A group name or group ID that we should change to before running this command.
+ ${10:#}path ${11:nil} # An array of paths to use when searching for the command. Nil uses system path.
+ ${12:#}returns ${13:0} # The return value of the command - this resource raises an exception if the return value does not match.
+ ${14:#}timeout ${15:nil} # How many seconds to let the command run before timing it out.
+ ${16:#}user ${17:nil} # A user name or user ID that we should change to before running this command.
+ ${18:#}umask ${19:nil} # Umask for files created by the command
+ ${20:#}${21:action :run} # Run this command (Default)
+ ${22:#}${0:action :nothing} # Do not run this command
+ end
+snippet link
+ # Link resource
+ link ${1:"/target/file"} do # The file name of the link
+ ${2:#}to ${3} # The real file you want to link to
+ ${4:#}link_type ${5:symbolic} # Either :symbolic or :hard
+ ${6:#}owner ${7} # The owner of the symlink
+ ${8:#}group ${9} # The group of the symlink
+ ${10:#}${11:action :create} # Create a link (Default)
+ ${12:#}${0:action :delete} # Delete a link
+ end
+snippet package
+ # Package resource
+ package ${1:"package_name"} do # Name of the package to install
+ ${2:#}version ${3:nil} # The version of the package to install/upgrade
+ ${4:#}response_file ${5:nil} # An optional response file - used to pre-seed packages (note: the file is fetched by Remote File)
+ ${6:#}source ${7} # Used to provide an optional package source for providers that use a local file (rubygems, dpkg and rpm)
+ ${8:#}options ${9:nil} # Add additional options to the underlying package command
+ ${10:#}gem_binary ${11:gem} # A gem_package attribut to specify a gem binary. Useful for installing ruby 1.9 gems while running chef in ruby 1.8
+ ${12:#}${13:action :install} # Install a package - if version is provided, install that specific version (Default)
+ ${14:#}${15:action :upgrade} # Upgrade a package - if version is provided, upgrade to that specific version
+ ${16:#}${17:action :remove} # Remove a package
+ ${18:#}${0:action :purge} # Purge a package (this usually entails removing configuration files as well as the package itself)
+ end
+snippet service
+ # Service resource
+ service ${1:"service_name"} do # Name of the service
+ ${2:#}enabled ${3:nil} # Whether the service is enabled at boot time
+ ${4:#}running ${5:nil} # Make sure the service is running. Start if stopped
+ ${6:#}pattern ${7} # Pattern to look for in the process table
+ ${8:#}start_command ${9:nil} # Command used to start this service
+ ${10:#}stop_command ${11:nil} # Command used to stop this service
+ ${12:#}status_command ${13:nil} # Command used to check the service run status
+ ${14:#}restart_command ${15:nil} # Command used to restart this service
+ ${16:#}reload_command ${17:nil} # Command used to tell this service to reload its configuration
+ ${18:#}supports ${19:false} # Features this service supports, ie :restart, :reload, :status
+ ${20:#}${21:action :enable} # Enable this service
+ ${22:#}${23:action :disable} # Disable this service
+ ${24:#}${25:action :nothing} # Don't do anything with this service (Default)
+ ${26:#}${27:action :start} # Start this service
+ ${28:#}${29:action :stop} # Stop this service
+ ${30:#}${31:action :restart} # Restart this service
+ ${32:#}${0:action :reload} # Reload the configuration for this service
+ end
+snippet file
+ # File resource
+ file ${1:"/path/to/file"} do # Path to the file
+ ${2:#}backup ${3:5} # How many backups of this file to keep. Set to false if you want no backups.
+ ${4:#}owner ${5} # The owner for the file
+ ${6:#}group ${7} # The group owner of the file (string or id)
+ ${8:#}mode ${9} # The octal mode of the file (4-digit format)
+ ${10:#}content ${11:nil} # A string to write to the file. This will replace any previous content if set
+ ${12:#}${13:action :create} # Create this file (Default)
+ ${14:#}${15:action :delete} # Delete this file
+ ${16:#}${0:action :touch} # Touch this file (update the mtime/atime)
+ end
+snippet directory
+ # Directory resource
+ directory ${1:"/path/to/dir"} do # The path to the directory
+ ${2:#}group ${3} # The group owner of the directory (string or id)
+ ${4:#}mode ${5} # The octal mode of the directory, eg 0755
+ ${6:#}owner ${7} # The owner for the directory
+ ${10:#}recursive ${11:false} # When deleting the directory, delete it recursively. When creating the directory, create recursively (ie, mkdir -p)
+ ${12:#}${13:action :create} # Create this directory (Default)
+ ${14:#}${0:action :delete} # Delete this directory
+ end
+snippet template
+ # Template resource
+ template ${1:"/path/to/file"} do # Path to the file
+ ${2:#}cookbook ${3:nil} # Specify the cookbook where the template is located, default is current cookbook
+ ${4:#}source ${5:nil} # Template source file. Found in templates/default for the cookbook
+ ${6:#}variables ${7} # Variables to use in the template
+ ${8:#}local ${9:false} # Is the template already present on the node?
+ ${10:#}backup ${11:5} # How many backups of this file to keep. Set to false if you want no backups.
+ ${12:#}owner ${13} # The owner for the file
+ ${14:#}group ${15} # The group owner of the file (string or id)
+ ${16:#}mode ${17} # The octal mode of the file (4-digit format)
+ ${18:#}content ${19:nil} # A string to write to the file. This will replace any previous content if set
+ ${20:#}${21:action :create} # Create the file (Default)
+ ${22:#}${23:action :delete} # Delete this file
+ ${24:#}${0:action :touch} # Touch this file (update the mtime/atime)
+ end
+snippet svn
+ # SCM Resource, Chef::Provider::Subversion
+ svn ${1:"/destination/path"} do # Path to clone/checkout/export the source to
+ ${2:#}repository ${3} # URI of the repository
+ ${4:#}revision ${5:"HEAD"} # revision to checkout. can be symbolic, like "HEAD" or an SCM specific revision id
+ ${6:#}reference ${7} # (Git only) alias for revision
+ ${8:#}user ${9:nil} # System user to own the checked out code
+ ${10:#}group ${11:nil} # System group to own the checked out code
+ ${12:#}svn_username ${13} # (Subversion only) Username for Subversion operations
+ ${14:#}svn_password ${15} # (Subversion only) Password for Subversion operations
+ ${16:#}svn_arguments ${17} # (Subversion only) Extra arguments passed to the subversion command
+ ${18:#}${19:action :sync} # Update the source to the specified revision, or get a new checkout (Default)
+ ${20:#}${21:action :checkout} # Checkout the source. Does nothing if a checkout is available
+ ${22:#}${0:action :export} # Export the source, excluding or removing any version control artifacts
+ end
+snippet git
+ # SCM Resource, Chef::Provider::Git
+ git ${1:"/destination/path"} do # Path to clone/checkout/export the source to
+ ${2:#}repository ${3} # URI of the repository
+ ${4:#}revision ${5:"HEAD"} # revision to checkout. can be symbolic, like "HEAD" or an SCM specific revision id
+ ${6:#}reference ${7} # (Git only) alias for revision
+ ${8:#}user ${9:nil} # System user to own the checked out code
+ ${10:#}group ${11:nil} # System group to own the checked out code
+ ${12:#}depth ${13:nil} # (Git only) Number of past revisions to include in Git shallow clone
+ ${14:#}enable_submodules ${15:"false"} # (Git only) performs a submodule init and submodule update
+ ${16:#}remote ${17:"origin"} # (Git only) remote repository to use for syncing an existing clone
+ ${18:#}ssh_wrapper ${19} # (Git only) path to a wrapper script for running SSH with git. GIT_SSH environment variable is set to this.
+ ${20:#}${21:action :sync} # Update the source to the specified revision, or get a new clone (Default)
+ ${22:#}${23:action :checkout} # Clone the source. Does nothing if a checkout is available
+ ${24:#}${0:action :export} # Export the source, excluding or removing any version control artifacts
+ end
+snippet deploy
+ # Deploy resource
+ deploy ${1:"/deploy/dir/"} do # Path to deploy to
+ ${2:#}deploy_to ${3} # The "meta root" for your application.
+ ${4:#}repository ${5} # URI of the repository
+ ${6:#}repo ${7} # alias for repository
+ ${8:#}revision ${9:"HEAD"} # revision to checkout. can be symbolic, like "HEAD" or an SCM specific revision id
+ ${10:#}branch ${11} # alias for revision
+ ${12:#}user ${13:nil} # System user to run the deploy as
+ ${14:#}group ${15:nil} # System group to run the deploy as
+ ${16:#}svn_username ${17} # (Subversion only) Username for Subversion operations}
+ ${18:#}svn_password ${19} # (Subversion only) Password for Subversion operations}
+ ${20:#}svn_arguments ${21} # (Subversion only) Extra arguments passed to the subversion command}
+ ${22:#}shallow_clone ${23:nil} # (Git only) boolean, true sets clone depth to 5
+ ${24:#}enable_submodules ${25:false} # (Git only) performs a submodule init and submodule update
+ ${26:#}remote ${27:"origin"} # (Git only) remote repository to use for syncing an existing clone
+ ${28:#}ssh_wrapper ${29} # (Git only) path to a wrapper script for running SSH with git. GIT_SSH environment variable is set to this.
+ ${30:#}git_ssh_wrapper ${31} # alias for ssh_wrapper
+ ${32:#}scm_provider ${33:Chef::Provider::Git} # SCM Provider to use.
+ ${34:#}repository_cache ${35: "cached-copy"} # Name of the subdirectory where the pristine copy of your app's source is kept
+ ${36:#}environment ${37} # A hash of the form {"ENV_VARIABLE"=>"VALUE"}}
+ ${38:#}purge_before_symlink ${39:%w(log tmp/pids public/system)} # An array of paths, relative to app root, to be removed from a checkout before symlinking
+ ${40:#}create_dirs_before_symlink ${41:%w(tmp public config)} # Directories to create before symlinking. Runs after purge_before_symlink
+ ${42:#}symlinks ${43:"system" => "public/system", "pids" => "tmp/pids", "log" => "log"} # A hash that maps files in the shared directory to their paths in the current release
+ ${44:#}symlink_before_migrate ${45:"config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml"} # A hash that maps files in the shared directory into the current release. Runs before migration
+ ${46:#}migrate ${47:false} # Should the migration command be executed? (true or false)
+ ${48:#}migration_command ${49} # A string containing a shell command to execute to run the migration
+ ${50:#}restart_command ${51:nil} # A code block to evaluate or a string containing a shell command
+ ${52:#}before_migrate ${53:"deploy/before_migrate.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run before migrating
+ ${54:#}before_symlink ${55:"deploy/before_symlink.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run before symlinking
+ ${56:#}before_restart ${57:"deploy/before_restart.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run before restarting
+ ${58:#}after_restart ${59:"deploy/after_restart.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run after restarting
+ ${60:#}${61::deploy} # Deploy the application (Default)
+ ${62:#}${63::force_deploy} # For the revision deploy strategy, this removes any existing release of the same code version and re-deploys in its place
+ ${64:#}${0::rollback} # Rollback the application to the previous release
+ end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/clojure.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/clojure.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152f896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/clojure.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+snippet comm
+ (comment
+ ${0})
+snippet condp
+ (condp ${1:pred} ${2:expr}
+ ${0})
+snippet def
+ (def ${0})
+snippet defm
+ (defmethod ${1:multifn} "${2:doc-string}" ${3:dispatch-val} [${4:args}]
+ ${0})
+snippet defmm
+ (defmulti ${1:name} "${2:doc-string}" ${0:dispatch-fn})
+snippet defma
+ (defmacro ${1:name} "${2:doc-string}" ${0:dispatch-fn})
+snippet defn
+ (defn ${1:name} "${2:doc-string}" [${3:arg-list}]
+ ${0})
+snippet defp
+ (defprotocol ${1:name}
+ ${0})
+snippet defr
+ (defrecord ${1:name} [${2:fields}]
+ ${3:protocol}
+ ${0})
+snippet deft
+ (deftest ${1:name}
+ (is (= ${0:assertion})))
+snippet is
+ (is (= ${1} ${0}))
+snippet defty
+ (deftype ${1:Name} [${2:fields}]
+ ${3:Protocol}
+ ${0})
+snippet doseq
+ (doseq [${1:elem} ${2:coll}]
+ ${0})
+snippet fn
+ (fn [${1:arg-list}] ${0})
+snippet if
+ (if ${1:test-expr}
+ ${2:then-expr}
+ ${0:else-expr})
+snippet if-let
+ (if-let [${1:result} ${2:test-expr}]
+ (${3:then-expr} $1)
+ (${0:else-expr}))
+snippet imp
+ (:import [${1:package}])
+ & {:keys [${1:keys}] :or {${0:defaults}}}
+snippet let
+ (let [${1:name} ${2:expr}]
+ ${0})
+snippet letfn
+ (letfn [(${1:name}) [${2:args}]
+ ${0})])
+snippet map
+ (map ${1:func} ${0:coll})
+snippet mapl
+ (map #(${1:lambda}) ${0:coll})
+snippet met
+ (${1:name} [${2:this} ${3:args}]
+ ${0})
+snippet ns
+ (ns ${0:name})
+snippet dotimes
+ (dotimes [_ 10]
+ (time
+ (dotimes [_ ${1:times}]
+ ${0})))
+snippet pmethod
+ (${1:name} [${2:this} ${0:args}])
+snippet refer
+ (:refer-clojure :exclude [${0}])
+snippet require
+ (:require [${1:namespace} :as [${0}]])
+snippet use
+ (:use [${1:namespace} :only [${0}]])
+snippet print
+ (println ${0})
+snippet reduce
+ (reduce ${1:(fn [p n] ${3})} ${2})
+snippet when
+ (when ${1:test} ${0:body})
+snippet when-let
+ (when-let [${1:result} ${2:test}]
+ ${0:body})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cmake.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cmake.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a0b920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cmake.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+snippet init
+ cmake_minimum_required(version ${1:2.8.2})
+ project(${2:ProjectName})
+ find_package(${3:library})
+ include_directories(${$3_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ add_subdirectory(${0:src})
+ add_executable($2)
+ target_link_libraries($2 ${$3_LIBRARIES})
+snippet proj
+ project(${0:Name})
+snippet min
+ cmake_minimum_required(version ${0:2.8.2})
+snippet include
+ include_directories(${${0:include_dir}})
+snippet find
+ find_package(${1:library} ${0:REQUIRED})
+snippet glob
+ file(glob ${1:srcs} *.${0:cpp})
+snippet subdir
+ add_subdirectory(${0:src})
+snippet lib
+ add_library(${1:lib} ${${0:srcs}})
+snippet link
+ target_link_libraries(${1:bin} ${0:somelib})
+snippet bin
+ add_executable(${1:bin})
+snippet set
+ set(${1:var} ${0:val})
+snippet dep
+ add_dependencies(${1:target}
+ ${0:dep}
+ )
+snippet Ext_url
+ include(ExternalProject)
+ ExternalProject_Add(${1:googletest}
+ URL ${2:http://googletest.googlecode.com/files/gtest-1.7.0.zip}
+ URL_HASH SHA1=${3:f85f6d2481e2c6c4a18539e391aa4ea8ab0394af}
+ SOURCE_DIR "${4:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gtest-src}"
+ BINARY_DIR "${0:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gtest-build}"
+ )
+snippet Ext_git
+ include(ExternalProject)
+ ExternalProject_Add(${1:googletest}
+ GIT_REPOSITORY ${2:https://github.com/google/googletest.git}
+ GIT_TAG ${3:master}
+ SOURCE_DIR "${4:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-src}"
+ BINARY_DIR "${0:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-build}"
+ )
+snippet props
+ set_target_properties(${1:target}
+ ${2:properties} ${3:compile_flags}
+ ${0:"-O3 -Wall -pedantic"}
+ )
+snippet test
+ add_test(${1:ATestName} ${0:testCommand --options})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/codeigniter.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/codeigniter.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c38aa4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/codeigniter.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Based on nebjak/snipmate.vim/snippets/php.snippets
+# Controller
+snippet ci_controller
+ <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
+ class ${1:ClassName} extends CI_Controller
+ {
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ ${2:// code...}
+ }
+ function ${3:index}()
+ {
+ ${4:// code...}
+ }
+ }
+# Model
+snippet ci_model
+ <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
+ class ${1:ClassName_model} extends CI_Model
+ {
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ ${2:// code...}
+ }
+ }
+snippet ci_model_crudl
+ <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
+ class ${1:ClassName_model} extends CI_Model
+ {
+ private $table = '${2:table_name}';
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ ${3:// code...}
+ }
+ public function create($data)
+ {
+ if($this->db->insert($this->table, $data))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function read($id)
+ {
+ return $this->db->get_where($this->table, array('id', $id))->result();
+ }
+ public function update($id, $data)
+ {
+ if($this->db->update($this->table, $data, array('id' => $id)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function delete($id)
+ {
+ if(is_array($id))
+ {
+ $this->db->trans_start();
+ foreach($id as $elem)
+ $this->db->delete($this->table, array('id' => $elem));
+ $this->db->trans_complete();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($this->db->delete($this->table, array('id' => $id)))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function listRows($limit = null, $offset = 0)
+ {
+ if(!is_null($limit))
+ $this->db->limit($limit, $offset);
+ return $this->db->get($this->table)->result();
+ }
+ }
+# Load view
+snippet ci_load-view
+ $this->load->view("${1:view_name}", $${2:data});${3}
+# DB Class snippets
+snippet ci_db-insert
+ $this->db->insert("${1:table}", $${2:data});${3}
+snippet ci_db-select
+ $this->db->select("${1:id, ...}");${2}
+snippet ci_db-from
+ $this->db->from("${1:table}");${2}
+snippet ci_db-join
+ $this->db->join("${1:table}", "${2:condition}", "${3:type}");${4}
+snippet ci_db-where
+ $this->db->where("${1:key}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_db-or_where
+ $this->db->or_where("${1:key}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_db-get
+ $this->db->get("${1:table}", ${2:limit}, ${3:offset});${4}
+snippet ci_db-delete
+ $this->db->delete("${1:table}", "${2:where}");${3}
+snippet ci_db-update
+ $this->db->update("${1:table}", $${2:set}, $${3:where});${4}
+# Input Class snippets
+snippet ci_input-post
+ $this->input->post("${1:index}");${2}
+snippet ci_input-get
+ $this->input->get("${1:index}");${2}
+snippet ci_input-cookie
+ $this->input->cookie("${1:index}");${2}
+snippet ci_input-server
+ $this->input->server("${1:index}");${2}
+snippet ci_input-user_agent
+ $this->input->user_agent();${1}
+snippet ci_input-is_ajax_request
+ $this->input->is_ajax_request();${1}
+snippet ci_input-is_cli_request
+ $this->input->is_cli_request();${1}
+# Form Validation Class and Form Helper snippets
+snippet ci_form_validation-set_rules
+ $this->form_validation->set_rules("${1:field}", "${2:label}", "${3:trim|required}");${4}
+snippet ci_form_open
+ form_open("${1:action}");${2}
+snippet ci_form_open_multipart
+ form_open_multipart("${1:action}");${2}
+snippet ci_form_hidden
+ form_hidden("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_input
+ form_input("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_password
+ form_password("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_upload
+ form_upload("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_textarea
+ form_textarea("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_dropdown
+ form_dropdown("${1:name}", $${2:options}, $${3:selected);${4}
+snippet ci_form_checkbox
+ form_checkbox("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_radio
+ form_radio("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_submit
+ form_submit("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_reset
+ form_reset("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_button
+ form_button("${1:name}", "${2:value}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_label
+ form_label("${1:label text}", "${2:id}");${3}
+snippet ci_form_close
+ form_close();${1}
+snippet ci_validation_errors
+ validation_errors();${1}
+# Session Class snippets
+snippet ci_session_userdata
+ $this->session->userdata("${1:item}");${2}
+snippet ci_session_set_userdata
+ $this->session->set_userdata($${1:array});${2}
+snippet ci_session_flashdata
+ $this->session->flashdata("${1:item}");${2}
+snippet ci_session_set_flashdata
+ $this->session->set_flashdata("${1:item}", "${2:value}");${3}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/angular_coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/angular_coffee.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f98cae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/angular_coffee.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+## Global Snippets
+# Define a new Angular Controller;
+# You can change the controller name and parameters
+snippet ngc
+ ${1:controllerName} = (${2:scope}, ${3:injectables}) ->
+ ${4}
+# angular.foreach loop
+snippet ngfor
+ angular.forEach ${1:iterateOver}, (value, key) ->
+ ${2}
+## Module Based Snippets
+# A new angular module without a config function
+snippet ngm
+ angular.module '${1:moduleName}', [${2:moduleDependencies}]
+ ${3}
+# A new angular module without a config function and a variable assignment
+snippet ngma
+ ${1:moduleName} = angular.module '$1', [${2:moduleDeps}]
+ ${3}
+# A new angular module with a config function
+snippet ngmc
+ ${1:moduleName} = angular.module('$1', [${2:moduleDeps}], (${3:configDeps}) ->
+ ${4}
+ )
+# A factory in a module
+snippet ngmfa
+ factory '${1:factoryName}', (${2:dependencies}) ->
+ ${3}
+# Define an Angular Module Service to be attached to a previously defined module
+# You can change the service name and service injectables
+snippet ngms
+ service '${1:serviceName}', (${2:injectables}) ->
+ ${3}
+# Define an Angular Module Filter to be attached to a previously defined module
+# You can change the filter name
+snippet ngmfi
+ filter '${1:filterName}', (${2:injectables}) ->
+ (input, ${3:args}) ->
+ ${4}
+## Route Based Snippets
+# Defines a when condition of an AngularJS route
+snippet ngrw
+ $routeProvider.when '${1:url}',
+ templateUrl: '${2:templateUrl}'
+ controller: '${3:controller}'
+ ${4}
+# Defines a when condition of an AngularJS route with the resolve block
+snippet ngrwr
+ $routeProvider.when '${1:url}',
+ templateUrl: '${2:templateUrl}'
+ controller: '${3:controller}'
+ resolve:
+ ${4}
+ ${5}
+# Defines an otherwise condition of an AngularJS route
+snippet ngro
+ $routeProvider.otherwise redirectTo: '${1:url}'
+ ${2}
+## Scope Related Snippets
+# Define a new $scope'd function (usually inside an AngularJS Controller)
+# You can change the function name and arguments
+snippet $f
+ $scope.${1:functionName} = (${2:args}) ->
+ ${3}
+# Defines a new $scope'd variable inside an AngularJS controller
+snippet $v
+ $scope.${1:variable} = ${2:value}
+ ${3}
+# Defines a new $scope'd variable inside an AngularJS controller and assigns a value from a constructor arguments
+snippet $va
+ $scope.${1:variable} = ${2:variable}
+ ${3}
+# Define a $watch for an expression
+# You can change the expression to be watched
+snippet $w
+ $scope.$watch '${1:watchExpr}', (newValue, oldValue) ->
+ ${2}
+# Define a $on for a $broadcast/$emit on the $scope inside an Angular Controller
+# You can change the event name to listen on
+snippet $on
+ $scope.$on '${1:eventName}', (event, ${2:args}) ->
+ ${3}
+# Define a $broadcast for a $scope inside an Angular Controller / Angular Controller Function
+# You can change the event name and optional event arguments
+snippet $b
+ $scope.$broadcast '${1:eventName}', ${2:eventArgs}
+ ${3}
+# Define an $emit for a $scope inside an Angular Controller / Angular Controller Function
+# You can change the event name and optional event arguments
+snippet $e
+ $scope.$emit '${1:eventName}', ${2:eventArgs}
+ ${3}
+## Directive related snippets
+# A compile function
+snippet ngdcf
+ compile = (tElement, tAttrs, transclude) ->
+ (scope, element, attrs) ->
+ ${1}
+# A linking function in a directive
+snippet ngdlf
+ (scope, element, attrs${1:ctrl}) ->
+ ${2}
+# A directive with a compile function
+snippet ngdc
+ directive '${1:directiveName}', factory = (${2:injectables}) ->
+ directiveDefinitionObject =
+ ${3:directiveAttrs}
+ compile: compile = (tElement, tAttrs, transclude) ->
+ (scope, element, attrs) ->
+ directiveDefinitionObject
+# A directive with a linking function only
+snippet ngdl
+ .directive('${1:directiveName}', (${2:directiveDeps}) ->
+ (scope, element, attrs${3:ctrl}) ->
+ ${4}
+ ) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb96434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Closure loop
+snippet forindo
+ for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
+ do ($1) ->
+ ${0:// body}
+# Array comprehension
+snippet fora
+ for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Object comprehension
+snippet foro
+ for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:object}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Range comprehension (inclusive)
+snippet forr
+ for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}]
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet forrb
+ for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}] by ${4:step}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Range comprehension (exclusive)
+snippet forrex
+ for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}]
+ ${0:# body...}
+snippet forrexb
+ for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}] by ${4:step}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Function
+snippet fun
+ (${1:args}) ->
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Function (bound)
+snippet bfun
+ (${1:args}) =>
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Class
+snippet cla class ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ ${0}
+snippet cla class .. constructor: ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ constructor: (${2:args}) ->
+ ${3}
+ ${0}
+snippet cla class .. extends ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} extends ${2:ParentClass}
+ ${0}
+snippet cla class .. extends .. constructor: ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} extends ${2:ParentClass}
+ constructor: (${3:args}) ->
+ ${4}
+ ${0}
+# If
+snippet if
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# If __ Else
+snippet ife
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${2:# body...}
+ else
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Else if
+snippet eif
+ else if ${1:condition}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Ternary If
+snippet ifte
+ if ${1:condition} then ${2:value} else ${0:other}
+# Unless
+snippet unl
+ ${1:action} unless ${0:condition}
+# Switch
+snippet swi
+ switch ${1:object}
+ when ${2:value}
+ ${0:# body...}
+# Log
+snippet log
+ console.log ${0}
+# Try __ Catch
+snippet try
+ try
+ ${1}
+ catch ${2:error}
+ ${0}
+# Require
+snippet req
+ ${2:$1} = require '${1:sys}'
+# Export
+snippet exp
+ ${0:root} = exports ? this
+snippet jsonp
+ JSON.parse ${0:jstr}
+# JSON.stringify
+snippet jsons
+ JSON.stringify ${0:object}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/jquery_coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/jquery_coffee.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10bcd77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/jquery_coffee.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+snippet add
+ ${1:obj}.add('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet addClass
+ ${1:obj}.addClass('${2:class name}')
+snippet after
+ ${1:obj}.after('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet ajax
+ $.ajax
+ url: "${1:mydomain.com/url}"
+ type: "${2:POST}"
+ dataType: "${3:xml/html/script/json}"
+ data: ${4:data}
+ complete: (jqXHR, textStatus) ->
+ ${5:// callback}
+ success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
+ ${6:// success callback}
+ error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) ->
+ ${0:// error callback}
+snippet ajaxcomplete
+ ${1:obj}.ajaxComplete (${1:e}, xhr, settings) ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet ajaxerror
+ ${1:obj}.ajaxError (${1:e}, xhr, settings, thrownError) ->
+ ${2:// error callback}
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxget
+ $.get '${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ (data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
+ ${0:// success callback}
+snippet ajaxpost
+ $.post '${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ (data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
+ ${0:// success callback}
+snippet ajaxprefilter
+ $.ajaxPrefilter (${1:options}, ${2:originalOptions}, jqXHR) ->
+ ${0: // Modify options, control originalOptions, store jqXHR, etc}
+snippet ajaxsend
+ ${1:obj}.ajaxSend (${1:request, settings}) ->
+ ${2:// error callback}
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxsetup
+ $.ajaxSetup({
+ url: "${1:mydomain.com/url}",
+ type: "${2:POST}",
+ dataType: "${3:xml/html/script/json}",
+ data: $.param( $("${4:Element or Expression}") ),
+ complete: (jqXHR, textStatus) ->
+ ${5:// callback}
+ ,
+ success: (data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
+ ${6:// success callback}
+ ,
+ error: (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) ->
+ ${0:// error callback}
+ })
+snippet ajaxstart
+ $.ajaxStart ->
+ ${1:// handler for when an AJAX call is started and no other AJAX calls are in progress}
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxstop
+ $.ajaxStop ->
+ ${1:// handler for when all AJAX calls have been completed}
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxsuccess
+ $.ajaxSuccess (${1:e}, xhr, settings) ->
+ ${2:// handler for when any AJAX call is successfully completed}
+ ${0}
+snippet andself
+ ${1:obj}.andSelf()
+snippet animate
+ ${1:obj}.animate({${2:param1: value1, param2: value2}}, ${3:speed})
+snippet append
+ ${1:obj}.append('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet appendTo
+ ${1:obj}.appendTo('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet attr
+ ${1:obj}.attr('${2:attribute}', '${3:value}')
+snippet attrm
+ ${1:obj}.attr({'${2:attr1}': '${3:value1}', '${4:attr2}': '${5:value2}'})
+snippet before
+ ${1:obj}.before('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet bind
+ ${1:obj}.bind('${2:event name}', (${3:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet blur
+ ${1:obj}.blur (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet C
+ $.Callbacks()
+snippet Cadd
+ ${1:callbacks}.add(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Cdis
+ ${1:callbacks}.disable()
+snippet Cempty
+ ${1:callbacks}.empty()
+snippet Cfire
+ ${1:callbacks}.fire(${2:args})
+snippet Cfired
+ ${1:callbacks}.fired()
+snippet Cfirew
+ ${1:callbacks}.fireWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Chas
+ ${1:callbacks}.has(${2:callback})
+snippet Clock
+ ${1:callbacks}.lock()
+snippet Clocked
+ ${1:callbacks}.locked()
+snippet Crem
+ ${1:callbacks}.remove(${2:callbacks})
+snippet change
+ ${1:obj}.change (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet children
+ ${1:obj}.children('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet clearq
+ ${1:obj}.clearQueue(${2:'queue name'})
+snippet click
+ ${1:obj}.click (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet clone
+ ${1:obj}.clone()
+snippet contains
+ $.contains(${1:container}, ${0:contents})
+snippet css
+ ${1:obj}.css('${2:attribute}', '${3:value}')
+snippet csshooks
+ $.cssHooks['${1:CSS prop}'] = {
+ get: (elem, computed, extra) ->
+ ${2: // handle getting the CSS property}
+ set: (elem, value) ->
+ ${0: // handle setting the CSS value}
+ }
+snippet cssm
+ ${1:obj}.css({${2:attribute1}: '${3:value1}', ${4:attribute2}: '${5:value2}'})
+snippet D
+ $.Deferred()
+snippet Dalways
+ ${1:deferred}.always(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Ddone
+ ${1:deferred}.done(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Dfail
+ ${1:deferred}.fail(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Disrej
+ ${1:deferred}.isRejected()
+snippet Disres
+ ${1:deferred}.isResolved()
+snippet Dnotify
+ ${1:deferred}.notify(${2:args})
+snippet Dnotifyw
+ ${1:deferred}.notifyWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Dpipe
+ ${1:deferred}.then(${2:doneFilter}, ${3:failFilter}, ${4:progressFilter})
+snippet Dprog
+ ${1:deferred}.progress(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Dprom
+ ${1:deferred}.promise(${2:target})
+snippet Drej
+ ${1:deferred}.reject(${2:args})
+snippet Drejw
+ ${1:deferred}.rejectWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Dres
+ ${1:deferred}.resolve(${2:args})
+snippet Dresw
+ ${1:deferred}.resolveWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Dstate
+ ${1:deferred}.state()
+snippet Dthen
+ ${1:deferred}.then(${2:doneCallbacks}, ${3:failCallbacks}, ${4:progressCallbacks})
+snippet Dwhen
+ $.when(${1:deferreds})
+snippet data
+ ${1:obj}.data(${2:obj})
+snippet dataa
+ $.data('${1:selector expression}', '${2:key}'${3:, 'value'})
+snippet dblclick
+ ${1:obj}.dblclick (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet delay
+ ${1:obj}.delay('${2:slow/400/fast}'${3:, 'queue name'})
+snippet dele
+ ${1:obj}.delegate '${2:selector expression}', '${3:event name}', (${4:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet deq
+ ${1:obj}.dequeue(${2:'queue name'})
+snippet deqq
+ $.dequeue('${1:selector expression}'${2:, 'queue name'})
+snippet detach
+ ${1:obj}.detach('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet die
+ ${1:obj}.die(${2:event}, ${3:handler})
+snippet each
+ ${1:obj}.each (index) ->
+ ${0:this.innerHTML = this + " is the element, " + index + " is the position"}
+snippet el
+ $('<${1}/>'${2:, {}})
+snippet eltrim
+ $.trim('${1:string}')
+snippet empty
+ ${1:obj}.empty()
+snippet end
+ ${1:obj}.end()
+snippet eq
+ ${1:obj}.eq(${2:element index})
+snippet error
+ ${1:obj}.error (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet eventsmap
+ {
+ :f${0}
+ }
+snippet extend
+ $.extend(${1:true, }${2:target}, ${3:obj})
+snippet fadein
+ ${1:obj}.fadeIn('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet fadeinc
+ ${1:obj}.fadeIn 'slow/400/fast', ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet fadeout
+ ${1:obj}.fadeOut('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet fadeoutc
+ ${1:obj}.fadeOut 'slow/400/fast', ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet fadeto
+ ${1:obj}.fadeTo('${2:slow/400/fast}', ${3:0.5})
+snippet fadetoc
+ ${1:obj}.fadeTo 'slow/400/fast', ${2:0.5}, ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet filter
+ ${1:obj}.filter('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet filtert
+ ${1:obj}.filter (${2:index}) ->
+ ${3}
+snippet find
+ ${1:obj}.find('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet focus
+ ${1:obj}.focus (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet focusin
+ ${1:obj}.focusIn (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet focusout
+ ${1:obj}.focusOut (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet get
+ ${1:obj}.get(${2:element index})
+snippet getjson
+ $.getJSON '${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ (data, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
+ ${0:// success callback}
+snippet getscript
+ $.getScript '${1:mydomain.com/url}', (script, textStatus, jqXHR) ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet grep
+ $.grep(${1:array}, (item, index) >
+ ${2}
+ ${0:, true})
+snippet hasc
+ ${1:obj}.hasClass('${2:className}')
+snippet hasd
+ $.hasData('${0:selector expression}')
+snippet height
+ ${1:obj}.height(${2:integer})
+snippet hide
+ ${1:obj}.hide('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet hidec
+ ${1:obj}.hide '${2:slow/400/fast}', ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet hover
+ ${1:obj}.hover (${2:e}) ->
+ ${3:// event handler}
+ , ($2) ->
+ ${4:// event handler}
+snippet html
+ ${1:obj}.html('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet inarr
+ $.inArray(${1:value}, ${0:array})
+snippet insa
+ ${1:obj}.insertAfter('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet insb
+ ${1:obj}.insertBefore('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet is
+ ${1:obj}.is('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet isarr
+ $.isArray(${1:obj})
+snippet isempty
+ $.isEmptyObject(${1:obj})
+snippet isfunc
+ $.isFunction(${1:obj})
+snippet isnum
+ $.isNumeric(${1:value})
+snippet isobj
+ $.isPlainObject(${1:obj})
+snippet iswin
+ $.isWindow(${1:obj})
+snippet isxml
+ $.isXMLDoc(${1:node})
+snippet jj
+ $('${1:selector}')
+snippet kdown
+ ${1:obj}.keydown (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet kpress
+ ${1:obj}.keypress (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet kup
+ ${1:obj}.keyup (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet last
+ ${1:obj}.last('${1:selector expression}')
+snippet live
+ ${1:obj}.live '${2:events}', (${3:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet load
+ ${1:obj}.load (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet loadf
+ ${1:obj}.load('${2:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ (responseText, textStatus, xhr) ->
+ ${0:// success callback}
+ })
+snippet makearray
+ $.makeArray(${0:obj})
+snippet map
+ ${1:obj}.map (${2:index}, ${3:element}) ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet mapp
+ $.map ${1:arrayOrObject}, (${2:value}, ${3:indexOrKey}) ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet merge
+ $.merge(${1:target}, ${0:original})
+snippet mdown
+ ${1:obj}.mousedown (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet menter
+ ${1:obj}.mouseenter (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet mleave
+ ${1:obj}.mouseleave (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet mmove
+ ${1:obj}.mousemove (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet mout
+ ${1:obj}.mouseout (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet mover
+ ${1:obj}.mouseover (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet mup
+ ${1:obj}.mouseup (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet next
+ ${1:obj}.next('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet nexta
+ ${1:obj}.nextAll('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet nextu
+ ${1:obj}.nextUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})
+snippet not
+ ${1:obj}.not('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet off
+ ${1:obj}.off('${2:events}', '${3:selector expression}'${4:, handler})
+snippet offset
+ ${1:obj}.offset()
+snippet offsetp
+ ${1:obj}.offsetParent()
+snippet on
+ ${1:obj}.on '${2:events}', '${3:selector expression}', (${4:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet one
+ ${1:obj}.one '${2:event name}', (${3:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet outerh
+ ${1:obj}.outerHeight()
+snippet outerw
+ ${1:obj}.outerWidth()
+snippet param
+ $.param(${1:obj})
+snippet parent
+ ${1:obj}.parent('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet parents
+ ${1:obj}.parents('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet parentsu
+ ${1:obj}.parentsUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})
+snippet parsejson
+ $.parseJSON(${1:data})
+snippet parsexml
+ $.parseXML(${1:data})
+snippet pos
+ ${1:obj}.position()
+snippet prepend
+ ${1:obj}.prepend('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet prependto
+ ${1:obj}.prependTo('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet prev
+ ${1:obj}.prev('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet preva
+ ${1:obj}.prevAll('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet prevu
+ ${1:obj}.prevUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})
+snippet promise
+ ${1:obj}.promise(${2:'fx'}, ${3:target})
+snippet prop
+ ${1:obj}.prop('${2:property name}')
+snippet proxy
+ $.proxy(${1:function}, ${2:this})
+snippet pushstack
+ ${1:obj}.pushStack(${2:elements})
+snippet queue
+ ${1:obj}.queue(${2:name}${3:, newQueue})
+snippet queuee
+ $.queue(${1:element}${2:, name}${3:, newQueue})
+snippet ready
+ $(() ->
+ ${0}
+ )
+snippet rem
+ ${1:obj}.remove()
+snippet rema
+ ${1:obj}.removeAttr('${2:attribute name}')
+snippet remc
+ ${1:obj}.removeClass('${2:class name}')
+snippet remd
+ ${1:obj}.removeData('${2:key name}')
+snippet remdd
+ $.removeData(${1:element}${2:, 'key name}')
+snippet remp
+ ${1:obj}.removeProp('${2:property name}')
+snippet repa
+ ${1:obj}.replaceAll(${2:target})
+snippet repw
+ ${1:obj}.replaceWith(${2:content})
+snippet reset
+ ${1:obj}.reset (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet resize
+ ${1:obj}.resize (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet scroll
+ ${1:obj}.scroll (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet scrolll
+ ${1:obj}.scrollLeft(${2:value})
+snippet scrollt
+ ${1:obj}.scrollTop(${2:value})
+snippet sdown
+ ${1:obj}.slideDown('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet sdownc
+ ${1:obj}.slideDown('${2:slow/400/fast}', ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet select
+ ${1:obj}.select (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet serialize
+ ${1:obj}.serialize()
+snippet serializea
+ ${1:obj}.serializeArray()
+snippet show
+ ${1:obj}.show('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet showc
+ ${1:obj}.show '${2:slow/400/fast}', ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet sib
+ ${1:obj}.siblings('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet size
+ ${1:obj}.size()
+snippet slice
+ ${1:obj}.slice(${2:start}${3:, end})
+snippet stoggle
+ ${1:obj}.slideToggle('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet stop
+ ${1:obj}.stop('${2:queue}', ${3:false}, ${4:false})
+snippet submit
+ ${1:obj}.submit (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet sup
+ ${1:obj}.slideUp('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet supc
+ ${1:obj}.slideUp '${2:slow/400/fast}', ->
+ ${0:// callback}
+snippet text
+ ${1:obj}.text(${2:'some text'})
+snippet this
+ $(this)
+snippet toarr
+ ${0:obj}.toArray()
+snippet tog
+ ${1:obj}.toggle (${2:e}) ->
+ ${3:// event handler}
+ , ($2) ->
+ ${4:// event handler}
+ ${0}
+snippet togclass
+ ${1:obj}.toggleClass('${2:class name}')
+snippet togsh
+ ${1:obj}.toggle('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet trig
+ ${1:obj}.trigger('${2:event name}')
+snippet trigh
+ ${1:obj}.triggerHandler('${2:event name}')
+snippet $trim
+ $.trim(${1:str})
+snippet $type
+ $.type(${1:obj})
+snippet unbind
+ ${1:obj}.unbind('${2:event name}')
+snippet undele
+ ${1:obj}.undelegate(${2:selector expression}, ${3:event}, ${4:handler})
+snippet uniq
+ $.unique(${1:array})
+snippet unload
+ ${1:obj}.unload (${2:e}) ->
+ ${0:// event handler}
+snippet unwrap
+ ${1:obj}.unwrap()
+snippet val
+ ${1:obj}.val('${2:text}')
+snippet width
+ ${1:obj}.width(${2:integer})
+snippet wrap
+ ${1:obj}.wrap('${2:&ltdiv class="extra-wrapper"&gt&lt/div&gt}')
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/requirejs_coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/requirejs_coffee.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfe179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/requirejs_coffee.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+snippet def
+ define ["${1:#dependencies1}"], (${2:#dependencies2}) ->
+ ${0:TARGET}
+snippet defn
+ define "${1:#name}", ["${2:#dependencies1}"], (${3:#dependencies2}) ->
+ ${0:TARGET}
+snippet reqjs
+ require ["${1:#dependencies1}"], (${2:#dependencies2}) ->
+ ${0:TARGET}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cpp.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cpp.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d06b3c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cpp.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+extends c
+## Preprocessor
+# #include <...>
+snippet inc
+ #include <${1:iostream}>
+snippet binc
+ #include <boost/${1:shared_ptr}.hpp>
+## STL Collections
+# std::array
+snippet array
+ std::array<${1:T}, ${2:N}> ${3};
+# std::vector
+snippet vector
+ std::vector<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::deque
+snippet deque
+ std::deque<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::forward_list
+snippet flist
+ std::forward_list<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::list
+snippet list
+ std::list<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::set
+snippet set
+ std::set<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::map
+snippet map
+ std::map<${1:Key}, ${2:T}> ${3};
+# std::multiset
+snippet mset
+ std::multiset<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::multimap
+snippet mmap
+ std::multimap<${1:Key}, ${2:T}> ${3};
+# std::unordered_set
+snippet uset
+ std::unordered_set<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::unordered_map
+snippet umap
+ std::unordered_map<${1:Key}, ${2:T}> ${3};
+# std::unordered_multiset
+snippet umset
+ std::unordered_multiset<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::unordered_multimap
+snippet ummap
+ std::unordered_multimap<${1:Key}, ${2:T}> ${3};
+# std::stack
+snippet stack
+ std::stack<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::queue
+snippet queue
+ std::queue<${1:T}> ${2};
+# std::priority_queue
+snippet pqueue
+ std::priority_queue<${1:T}> ${2};
+## Access Modifiers
+# private
+snippet pri
+ private
+# protected
+snippet pro
+ protected
+# public
+snippet pub
+ public
+# friend
+snippet fr
+ friend
+# mutable
+snippet mu
+ mutable
+## Class
+# class
+snippet cl
+ class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'name')`}
+ {
+ public:
+ $1(${2});
+ ~$1();
+ private:
+ ${0:/* data */}
+ };
+# member function implementation
+snippet mfun
+ ${4:void} ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'ClassName')`}::${2:memberFunction}(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# namespace
+snippet ns
+ namespace ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`} {
+ ${0}
+ } /* namespace $1 */
+## Input/Output
+# std::cout
+snippet cout
+ std::cout << ${1} << std::endl;
+# std::cin
+snippet cin
+ std::cin >> ${1};
+## Casts
+# static
+snippet sca
+ static_cast<${1:unsigned}>(${2:expr})${3}
+# dynamic
+snippet dca
+ dynamic_cast<${1:unsigned}>(${2:expr})${3}
+# reinterpret
+snippet rca
+ reinterpret_cast<${1:unsigned}>(${2:expr})${3}
+# const
+snippet cca
+ const_cast<${1:unsigned}>(${2:expr})${3}
+## Iteration
+# for i
+snippet fori
+ for (int ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+# foreach
+snippet fore
+ for (${1:auto} ${2:i} : ${3:container}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+# iterator
+snippet iter
+ for (${1:std::vector}<${2:type}>::${3:const_iterator} ${4:i} = ${5:container}.begin(); $4 != $5.end(); ++$4) {
+ ${6}
+ }
+# auto iterator
+snippet itera
+ for (auto ${1:i} = ${2:container}.begin(); $1 != $2.end(); ++$1) {
+ ${3:std::cout << *$1 << std::endl;}
+ }
+## Lambdas
+# lamda (one line)
+snippet ld
+ [${1}](${2}){${3}};
+# lambda (multi-line)
+snippet lld
+ [${1}](${2}){
+ ${3}
+ };
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cs.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cs.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40e9c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/cs.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+# cs.snippets
+# ===========
+# Standard C-Sharp snippets for snipmate.
+# Largely ported over from Visual Studio 2010 snippets plus
+# a few snippets from Resharper plus a few widely known snippets.
+# Most snippets on elements (i.e. classes, properties)
+# follow suffix conventions. The order of suffixes to a snippet
+# is fixed.
+# Snippet Suffix Order
+# --------------------
+# 1. Access Modifiers
+# 2. Class Modifiers
+# Access Modifier Suffix Table
+# ----------------------------
+# + = public
+# & = internal
+# | = protected
+# - = private
+# Example: `cls&` expands to `internal class $1`.
+# Access modifiers might be doubled to indicate
+# different modifiers for get/set on properties.
+# Example: `pb+-` expands to `public bool $1 { get; private set; }`
+# Class Modifier Table
+# --------------------
+# ^ = static
+# % = abstract
+# Example: `cls|%` expands to `protected abstract class $1`
+# On method and property snippets, you can directly set
+# one of the common types int, string and bool, if desired,
+# just by appending the type modifier.
+# Type Modifier Table
+# -------------------
+# i = integer
+# s = string
+# b = bool
+# Example: `pi+&` expands to `public int $1 { get; internal set; }`
+# I'll most propably add more stuff in here like
+# * List/Array constructio
+# * Mostly used generics
+# * Linq
+# * Funcs, Actions, Predicates
+# * Lambda
+# * Events
+# Feedback is welcome!
+# Main
+snippet sim
+ ${1:public }static int Main(string[] args) {
+ ${0}
+ return 0;
+ }
+snippet simc
+ public class Application {
+ ${1:public }static int Main(string[] args) {
+ ${0}
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+snippet svm
+ ${1:public }static void Main(string[] args) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# if condition
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ifs
+ if (${1})
+ ${0}
+# ternary conditional
+snippet t
+ ${1} ? ${2} : ${0}
+snippet ?
+ ${1} ? ${2} : ${0}
+# do while loop
+snippet do
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${1:true});
+# while loop
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# for loop
+snippet for
+ for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:count}; $1${3:++}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet forr
+ for (int ${1:i} = ${2:length}; $1 >= 0; $1--) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# foreach
+snippet fore
+ foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet foreach
+ foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet each
+ foreach (${1:var} ${2:entry} in ${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# interfaces
+snippet interface
+ public interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet if+
+ public interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# class bodies
+snippet class
+ public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls
+ ${2:public} class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls+
+ public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls+^
+ public static class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls&
+ internal class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls&^
+ internal static class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls|
+ protected class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cls|%
+ protected abstract class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# constructor
+snippet ctor
+ public ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}() {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# properties - auto properties by default.
+# default type is int with layout get / set.
+snippet prop
+ ${1:public} ${2:int} ${3} { get; set; }
+snippet p
+ ${1:public} ${2:int} ${3} { get; set; }
+snippet p+
+ public ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
+snippet p+&
+ public ${1:int} ${2} { get; internal set; }
+snippet p+|
+ public ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }
+snippet p+-
+ public ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
+snippet p&
+ internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
+snippet p&|
+ internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; protected set; }
+snippet p&-
+ internal ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
+snippet p|
+ protected ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
+snippet p|-
+ protected ${1:int} ${2} { get; private set; }
+snippet p-
+ private ${1:int} ${2} { get; set; }
+# property - bool
+snippet pi
+ ${1:public} int ${2} { get; set; }
+snippet pi+
+ public int ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet pi+&
+ public int ${1} { get; internal set; }
+snippet pi+|
+ public int ${1} { get; protected set; }
+snippet pi+-
+ public int ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet pi&
+ internal int ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet pi&|
+ internal int ${1} { get; protected set; }
+snippet pi&-
+ internal int ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet pi|
+ protected int ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet pi|-
+ protected int ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet pi-
+ private int ${1} { get; set; }
+# property - bool
+snippet pb
+ ${1:public} bool ${2} { get; set; }
+snippet pb+
+ public bool ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet pb+&
+ public bool ${1} { get; internal set; }
+snippet pb+|
+ public bool ${1} { get; protected set; }
+snippet pb+-
+ public bool ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet pb&
+ internal bool ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet pb&|
+ internal bool ${1} { get; protected set; }
+snippet pb&-
+ internal bool ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet pb|
+ protected bool ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet pb|-
+ protected bool ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet pb-
+ private bool ${1} { get; set; }
+# property - string
+snippet ps
+ ${1:public} string ${2} { get; set; }
+snippet ps+
+ public string ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet ps+&
+ public string ${1} { get; internal set; }
+snippet ps+|
+ public string ${1} { get; protected set; }
+snippet ps+-
+ public string ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet ps&
+ internal string ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet ps&|
+ internal string ${1} { get; protected set; }
+snippet ps&-
+ internal string ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet ps|
+ protected string ${1} { get; set; }
+snippet ps|-
+ protected string ${1} { get; private set; }
+snippet ps-
+ private string ${1} { get; set; }
+# members - void
+snippet m
+ ${1:public} ${2:void} ${3}(${4}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet m+
+ public ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet m&
+ internal ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet m|
+ protected ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet m-
+ private ${1:void} ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# members - int
+snippet mi
+ ${1:public} int ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0:return 0;}
+ }
+snippet mi+
+ public int ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return 0;}
+ }
+snippet mi&
+ internal int ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return 0;}
+ }
+snippet mi|
+ protected int ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return 0;}
+ }
+snippet mi-
+ private int ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return 0;}
+ }
+# members - bool
+snippet mb
+ ${1:public} bool ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0:return false;}
+ }
+snippet mb+
+ public bool ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return false;}
+ }
+snippet mb&
+ internal bool ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return false;}
+ }
+snippet mb|
+ protected bool ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return false;}
+ }
+snippet mb-
+ private bool ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return false;}
+ }
+# members - string
+snippet ms
+ ${1:public} string ${2}(${3}) {
+ ${0:return "";}
+ }
+snippet ms+
+ public string ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return "";}
+ }
+snippet ms&
+ internal string ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return "";}
+ }
+snippet ms|
+ protected string ${1:}(${2:}) {
+ ${0:return "";}
+ }
+snippet ms-
+ private string ${1}(${2}) {
+ ${0:return "";}
+ }
+# structure
+snippet struct
+ public struct ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# enumeration
+snippet enum
+ enum ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet enum+
+ public enum ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# preprocessor directives
+snippet #if
+ #if
+ ${0}
+ #endif
+# inline xml documentation
+snippet ///
+ /// <summary>
+ /// ${0}
+ /// </summary>
+snippet <p
+ <param name="${1}">${2:$1}</param>
+snippet <ex
+ <exception cref="${1:System.Exception}">${2}</exception>
+snippet <r
+ <returns>${1}</returns>{
+snippet <s
+ <see cref="${1}"/>
+snippet <rem
+ <remarks>${1}</remarks>
+snippet <c
+ <code>${1}</code>
+snippet cw
+ Console.WriteLine(${1});
+# equals override
+snippet eq
+ public override bool Equals(object obj) {
+ if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ${0:throw new NotImplementedException();}
+ return base.Equals(obj);
+ }
+# exception
+snippet exc
+ public class ${1:MyException} : ${2:Exception} {
+ public $1() { }
+ public $1(string message) : base(message) { }
+ public $1(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }
+ protected $1(
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,
+ System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context)
+ : base(info, context) { }
+ }
+# indexer
+snippet index
+ public ${1:object} this[${2:int} index] {
+ get { ${0} }
+ set { ${0} }
+ }
+# eventhandler
+snippet inv
+ EventHandler temp = ${1:MyEvent};
+ if (${2:temp} != null) {
+ $2();
+ }
+# lock
+snippet lock
+ lock (${1:this}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# namespace
+snippet namespace
+ namespace ${1:MyNamespace} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# property
+snippet prop
+ public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; }
+snippet propf
+ private ${1:int} ${2:myVar};
+ public $1 ${3:MyProperty} {
+ get { return $2; }
+ set { $2 = value; }
+ }
+snippet propg
+ public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; }
+# switch
+snippet switch
+ switch (${1:switch_on}) {
+ ${0}
+ default:
+ }
+# try
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ catch (${1:System.Exception}) {
+ throw;
+ }
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ finally {
+ ${1}
+ }
+# using
+snippet usi
+ using(${1:resource}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/css.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/css.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4a74de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/css.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,987 @@
+snippet .
+ ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet !
+ !important
+snippet bdi:m+
+ -moz-border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${0:stretch};
+snippet bdi:m
+ -moz-border-image: ${0};
+snippet bdrz:m
+ -moz-border-radius: ${0};
+snippet bxsh:m+
+ -moz-box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${0:000};
+snippet bxsh:m
+ -moz-box-shadow: ${0};
+snippet bdi:w+
+ -webkit-border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${0:stretch};
+snippet bdi:w
+ -webkit-border-image: ${0};
+snippet bdrz:w
+ -webkit-border-radius: ${0};
+snippet bxsh:w+
+ -webkit-box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${0:000};
+snippet bxsh:w
+ -webkit-box-shadow: ${0};
+snippet @f
+ @font-face {
+ font-family: ${1};
+ src: url(${0});
+ }
+snippet @i
+ @import url(${0});
+snippet @m
+ @media ${1:print} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet bg+
+ background: #${1:FFF} url(${2}) ${3:0} ${4:0} ${0:no-repeat};
+snippet bga
+ background-attachment: ${0};
+snippet bga:f
+ background-attachment: fixed;
+snippet bga:s
+ background-attachment: scroll;
+snippet bgbk
+ background-break: ${0};
+snippet bgbk:bb
+ background-break: bounding-box;
+snippet bgbk:c
+ background-break: continuous;
+snippet bgbk:eb
+ background-break: each-box;
+snippet bgcp
+ background-clip: ${0};
+snippet bgcp:bb
+ background-clip: border-box;
+snippet bgcp:cb
+ background-clip: content-box;
+snippet bgcp:nc
+ background-clip: no-clip;
+snippet bgcp:pb
+ background-clip: padding-box;
+snippet bgc
+ background-color: #${0:FFF};
+snippet bgc:t
+ background-color: transparent;
+snippet bgi
+ background-image: url(${0});
+snippet bgi:n
+ background-image: none;
+snippet bgo
+ background-origin: ${0};
+snippet bgo:bb
+ background-origin: border-box;
+snippet bgo:cb
+ background-origin: content-box;
+snippet bgo:pb
+ background-origin: padding-box;
+snippet bgpx
+ background-position-x: ${0};
+snippet bgpy
+ background-position-y: ${0};
+snippet bgp
+ background-position: ${1:0} ${0:0};
+snippet bgr
+ background-repeat: ${0};
+snippet bgr:n
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+snippet bgr:x
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+snippet bgr:y
+ background-repeat: repeat-y;
+snippet bgr:r
+ background-repeat: repeat;
+snippet bgz
+ background-size: ${0};
+snippet bgz:a
+ background-size: auto;
+snippet bgz:ct
+ background-size: contain;
+snippet bgz:cv
+ background-size: cover;
+snippet bg
+ background: ${0};
+snippet bg:ie
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='${1}',sizingMethod='${0:crop}');
+snippet bg:n
+ background: none;
+snippet bd+
+ border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${0:000};
+snippet bdb+
+ border-bottom: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${0:000};
+snippet bdbc
+ border-bottom-color: #${0:000};
+snippet bdbi
+ border-bottom-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdbi:n
+ border-bottom-image: none;
+snippet bdbli
+ border-bottom-left-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdbli:c
+ border-bottom-left-image: continue;
+snippet bdbli:n
+ border-bottom-left-image: none;
+snippet bdblrz
+ border-bottom-left-radius: ${0};
+snippet bdbri
+ border-bottom-right-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdbri:c
+ border-bottom-right-image: continue;
+snippet bdbri:n
+ border-bottom-right-image: none;
+snippet bdbrrz
+ border-bottom-right-radius: ${0};
+snippet bdbs
+ border-bottom-style: ${0};
+snippet bdbs:n
+ border-bottom-style: none;
+snippet bdbw
+ border-bottom-width: ${0};
+snippet bdb
+ border-bottom: ${0};
+snippet bdb:n
+ border-bottom: none;
+snippet bdbk
+ border-break: ${0};
+snippet bdbk:c
+ border-break: close;
+snippet bdcl
+ border-collapse: ${0};
+snippet bdcl:c
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+snippet bdcl:s
+ border-collapse: separate;
+snippet bdc
+ border-color: #${0:000};
+snippet bdci
+ border-corner-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdci:c
+ border-corner-image: continue;
+snippet bdci:n
+ border-corner-image: none;
+snippet bdf
+ border-fit: ${0};
+snippet bdf:c
+ border-fit: clip;
+snippet bdf:of
+ border-fit: overwrite;
+snippet bdf:ow
+ border-fit: overwrite;
+snippet bdf:r
+ border-fit: repeat;
+snippet bdf:sc
+ border-fit: scale;
+snippet bdf:sp
+ border-fit: space;
+snippet bdf:st
+ border-fit: stretch;
+snippet bdi
+ border-image: url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${0:stretch};
+snippet bdi:n
+ border-image: none;
+snippet bdl+
+ border-left: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${0:000};
+snippet bdlc
+ border-left-color: #${0:000};
+snippet bdli
+ border-left-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdli:n
+ border-left-image: none;
+snippet bdls
+ border-left-style: ${0};
+snippet bdls:n
+ border-left-style: none;
+snippet bdlw
+ border-left-width: ${0};
+snippet bdl
+ border-left: ${0};
+snippet bdl:n
+ border-left: none;
+snippet bdlt
+ border-length: ${0};
+snippet bdlt:a
+ border-length: auto;
+snippet bdrz
+ border-radius: ${0};
+snippet bdr+
+ border-right: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${0:000};
+snippet bdrc
+ border-right-color: #${0:000};
+snippet bdri
+ border-right-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdri:n
+ border-right-image: none;
+snippet bdrs
+ border-right-style: ${0};
+snippet bdrs:n
+ border-right-style: none;
+snippet bdrw
+ border-right-width: ${0};
+snippet bdr
+ border-right: ${0};
+snippet bdr:n
+ border-right: none;
+snippet bdsp
+ border-spacing: ${0};
+snippet bds
+ border-style: ${0};
+snippet bds:ds
+ border-style: dashed;
+snippet bds:dtds
+ border-style: dot-dash;
+snippet bds:dtdtds
+ border-style: dot-dot-dash;
+snippet bds:dt
+ border-style: dotted;
+snippet bds:db
+ border-style: double;
+snippet bds:g
+ border-style: groove;
+snippet bds:h
+ border-style: hidden;
+snippet bds:i
+ border-style: inset;
+snippet bds:n
+ border-style: none;
+snippet bds:o
+ border-style: outset;
+snippet bds:r
+ border-style: ridge;
+snippet bds:s
+ border-style: solid;
+snippet bds:w
+ border-style: wave;
+snippet bdt+
+ border-top: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${0:000};
+snippet bdtc
+ border-top-color: #${0:000};
+snippet bdti
+ border-top-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdti:n
+ border-top-image: none;
+snippet bdtli
+ border-top-left-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdtli:c
+ border-corner-image: continue;
+snippet bdtli:n
+ border-corner-image: none;
+snippet bdtlrz
+ border-top-left-radius: ${0};
+snippet bdtri
+ border-top-right-image: url(${0});
+snippet bdtri:c
+ border-top-right-image: continue;
+snippet bdtri:n
+ border-top-right-image: none;
+snippet bdtrrz
+ border-top-right-radius: ${0};
+snippet bdts
+ border-top-style: ${0};
+snippet bdts:n
+ border-top-style: none;
+snippet bdtw
+ border-top-width: ${0};
+snippet bdt
+ border-top: ${0};
+snippet bdt:n
+ border-top: none;
+snippet bdw
+ border-width: ${0};
+snippet bd
+ border: ${0};
+snippet bd:n
+ border: none;
+snippet b
+ bottom: ${0};
+snippet b:a
+ bottom: auto;
+snippet bxsh+
+ box-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${0:000};
+snippet bxsh
+ box-shadow: ${0};
+snippet bxsh:n
+ box-shadow: none;
+snippet bxz
+ box-sizing: ${0};
+snippet bxz:bb
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+snippet bxz:cb
+ box-sizing: content-box;
+snippet cps
+ caption-side: ${0};
+snippet cps:b
+ caption-side: bottom;
+snippet cps:t
+ caption-side: top;
+snippet cl
+ clear: ${0};
+snippet cl:b
+ clear: both;
+snippet cl:l
+ clear: left;
+snippet cl:n
+ clear: none;
+snippet cl:r
+ clear: right;
+snippet cp
+ clip: ${0};
+snippet cp:a
+ clip: auto;
+snippet cp:r
+ clip: rect(${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0:0});
+snippet c
+ color: #${0:000};
+snippet ct
+ content: ${0};
+snippet ct:a
+ content: attr(${0});
+snippet ct:cq
+ content: close-quote;
+snippet ct:c
+ content: counter(${0});
+snippet ct:cs
+ content: counters(${0});
+snippet ct:ncq
+ content: no-close-quote;
+snippet ct:noq
+ content: no-open-quote;
+snippet ct:n
+ content: normal;
+snippet ct:oq
+ content: open-quote;
+snippet coi
+ counter-increment: ${0};
+snippet cor
+ counter-reset: ${0};
+snippet cur
+ cursor: ${0};
+snippet cur:a
+ cursor: auto;
+snippet cur:c
+ cursor: crosshair;
+snippet cur:d
+ cursor: default;
+snippet cur:ha
+ cursor: hand;
+snippet cur:he
+ cursor: help;
+snippet cur:m
+ cursor: move;
+snippet cur:p
+ cursor: pointer;
+snippet cur:t
+ cursor: text;
+snippet d
+ display: ${0};
+snippet d:mib
+ display: -moz-inline-box;
+snippet d:mis
+ display: -moz-inline-stack;
+snippet d:b
+ display: block;
+snippet d:cp
+ display: compact;
+snippet d:ib
+ display: inline-block;
+snippet d:itb
+ display: inline-table;
+snippet d:i
+ display: inline;
+snippet d:li
+ display: list-item;
+snippet d:n
+ display: none;
+snippet d:ri
+ display: run-in;
+snippet d:tbcp
+ display: table-caption;
+snippet d:tbc
+ display: table-cell;
+snippet d:tbclg
+ display: table-column-group;
+snippet d:tbcl
+ display: table-column;
+snippet d:tbfg
+ display: table-footer-group;
+snippet d:tbhg
+ display: table-header-group;
+snippet d:tbrg
+ display: table-row-group;
+snippet d:tbr
+ display: table-row;
+snippet d:tb
+ display: table;
+snippet ec
+ empty-cells: ${0};
+snippet ec:h
+ empty-cells: hide;
+snippet ec:s
+ empty-cells: show;
+snippet exp
+ expression()
+snippet fl
+ float: ${0};
+snippet fl:l
+ float: left;
+snippet fl:n
+ float: none;
+snippet fl:r
+ float: right;
+snippet f+
+ font: ${1:1em} ${2:Arial},${0:sans-serif};
+snippet fef
+ font-effect: ${0};
+snippet fef:eb
+ font-effect: emboss;
+snippet fef:eg
+ font-effect: engrave;
+snippet fef:n
+ font-effect: none;
+snippet fef:o
+ font-effect: outline;
+snippet femp
+ font-emphasize-position: ${0};
+snippet femp:a
+ font-emphasize-position: after;
+snippet femp:b
+ font-emphasize-position: before;
+snippet fems
+ font-emphasize-style: ${0};
+snippet fems:ac
+ font-emphasize-style: accent;
+snippet fems:c
+ font-emphasize-style: circle;
+snippet fems:ds
+ font-emphasize-style: disc;
+snippet fems:dt
+ font-emphasize-style: dot;
+snippet fems:n
+ font-emphasize-style: none;
+snippet fem
+ font-emphasize: ${0};
+snippet ff
+ font-family: ${0};
+snippet ff:c
+ font-family: ${0:'Monotype Corsiva','Comic Sans MS'},cursive;
+snippet ff:f
+ font-family: ${0:Capitals,Impact},fantasy;
+snippet ff:m
+ font-family: ${0:Monaco,'Courier New'},monospace;
+snippet ff:ss
+ font-family: ${0:Helvetica,Arial},sans-serif;
+snippet ff:s
+ font-family: ${0:Georgia,'Times New Roman'},serif;
+snippet fza
+ font-size-adjust: ${0};
+snippet fza:n
+ font-size-adjust: none;
+snippet fz
+ font-size: ${0};
+snippet fsm
+ font-smooth: ${0};
+snippet fsm:aw
+ font-smooth: always;
+snippet fsm:a
+ font-smooth: auto;
+snippet fsm:n
+ font-smooth: never;
+snippet fst
+ font-stretch: ${0};
+snippet fst:c
+ font-stretch: condensed;
+snippet fst:e
+ font-stretch: expanded;
+snippet fst:ec
+ font-stretch: extra-condensed;
+snippet fst:ee
+ font-stretch: extra-expanded;
+snippet fst:n
+ font-stretch: normal;
+snippet fst:sc
+ font-stretch: semi-condensed;
+snippet fst:se
+ font-stretch: semi-expanded;
+snippet fst:uc
+ font-stretch: ultra-condensed;
+snippet fst:ue
+ font-stretch: ultra-expanded;
+snippet fs
+ font-style: ${0};
+snippet fs:i
+ font-style: italic;
+snippet fs:n
+ font-style: normal;
+snippet fs:o
+ font-style: oblique;
+snippet fv
+ font-variant: ${0};
+snippet fv:n
+ font-variant: normal;
+snippet fv:sc
+ font-variant: small-caps;
+snippet fw
+ font-weight: ${0};
+snippet fw:b
+ font-weight: bold;
+snippet fw:br
+ font-weight: bolder;
+snippet fw:lr
+ font-weight: lighter;
+snippet fw:n
+ font-weight: normal;
+snippet f
+ font: ${0};
+snippet h
+ height: ${0};
+snippet h:a
+ height: auto;
+snippet l
+ left: ${0};
+snippet l:a
+ left: auto;
+snippet lts
+ letter-spacing: ${0};
+snippet lh
+ line-height: ${0};
+snippet lisi
+ list-style-image: url(${0});
+snippet lisi:n
+ list-style-image: none;
+snippet lisp
+ list-style-position: ${0};
+snippet lisp:i
+ list-style-position: inside;
+snippet lisp:o
+ list-style-position: outside;
+snippet list
+ list-style-type: ${0};
+snippet list:c
+ list-style-type: circle;
+snippet list:dclz
+ list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero;
+snippet list:dc
+ list-style-type: decimal;
+snippet list:d
+ list-style-type: disc;
+snippet list:lr
+ list-style-type: lower-roman;
+snippet list:n
+ list-style-type: none;
+snippet list:s
+ list-style-type: square;
+snippet list:ur
+ list-style-type: upper-roman;
+snippet lis
+ list-style: ${0};
+snippet lis:n
+ list-style: none;
+snippet mb
+ margin-bottom: ${0};
+snippet mb:a
+ margin-bottom: auto;
+snippet ml
+ margin-left: ${0};
+snippet ml:a
+ margin-left: auto;
+snippet mr
+ margin-right: ${0};
+snippet mr:a
+ margin-right: auto;
+snippet mt
+ margin-top: ${0};
+snippet mt:a
+ margin-top: auto;
+snippet m
+ margin: ${0};
+snippet m:4
+ margin: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0:0};
+snippet m:3
+ margin: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${0:0};
+snippet m:2
+ margin: ${1:0} ${0:0};
+snippet m:0
+ margin: 0;
+snippet m:a
+ margin: auto;
+snippet mah
+ max-height: ${0};
+snippet mah:n
+ max-height: none;
+snippet maw
+ max-width: ${0};
+snippet maw:n
+ max-width: none;
+snippet mih
+ min-height: ${0};
+snippet miw
+ min-width: ${0};
+snippet op
+ opacity: ${0};
+snippet op:ie
+ filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=${0:100});
+snippet op:ms
+ -ms-filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=${0:100})';
+snippet orp
+ orphans: ${0};
+snippet o+
+ outline: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${0:000};
+snippet oc
+ outline-color: ${0:#000};
+snippet oc:i
+ outline-color: invert;
+snippet oo
+ outline-offset: ${0};
+snippet os
+ outline-style: ${0};
+snippet ow
+ outline-width: ${0};
+snippet o
+ outline: ${0};
+snippet o:n
+ outline: none;
+snippet ovs
+ overflow-style: ${0};
+snippet ovs:a
+ overflow-style: auto;
+snippet ovs:mq
+ overflow-style: marquee;
+snippet ovs:mv
+ overflow-style: move;
+snippet ovs:p
+ overflow-style: panner;
+snippet ovs:s
+ overflow-style: scrollbar;
+snippet ovx
+ overflow-x: ${0};
+snippet ovx:a
+ overflow-x: auto;
+snippet ovx:h
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+snippet ovx:s
+ overflow-x: scroll;
+snippet ovx:v
+ overflow-x: visible;
+snippet ovy
+ overflow-y: ${0};
+snippet ovy:a
+ overflow-y: auto;
+snippet ovy:h
+ overflow-y: hidden;
+snippet ovy:s
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+snippet ovy:v
+ overflow-y: visible;
+snippet ov
+ overflow: ${0};
+snippet ov:a
+ overflow: auto;
+snippet ov:h
+ overflow: hidden;
+snippet ov:s
+ overflow: scroll;
+snippet ov:v
+ overflow: visible;
+snippet pb
+ padding-bottom: ${0};
+snippet pl
+ padding-left: ${0};
+snippet pr
+ padding-right: ${0};
+snippet pt
+ padding-top: ${0};
+snippet p
+ padding: ${0};
+snippet p:4
+ padding: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0:0};
+snippet p:3
+ padding: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${0:0};
+snippet p:2
+ padding: ${1:0} ${0:0};
+snippet p:0
+ padding: 0;
+snippet pgba
+ page-break-after: ${0};
+snippet pgba:aw
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+snippet pgba:a
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+snippet pgba:l
+ page-break-after: left;
+snippet pgba:r
+ page-break-after: right;
+snippet pgbb
+ page-break-before: ${0};
+snippet pgbb:aw
+ page-break-before: always;
+snippet pgbb:a
+ page-break-before: auto;
+snippet pgbb:l
+ page-break-before: left;
+snippet pgbb:r
+ page-break-before: right;
+snippet pgbi
+ page-break-inside: ${0};
+snippet pgbi:a
+ page-break-inside: auto;
+snippet pgbi:av
+ page-break-inside: avoid;
+snippet pos
+ position: ${0};
+snippet pos:a
+ position: absolute;
+snippet pos:f
+ position: fixed;
+snippet pos:r
+ position: relative;
+snippet pos:s
+ position: static;
+snippet q
+ quotes: ${0};
+snippet q:en
+ quotes: '\201C' '\201D' '\2018' '\2019';
+snippet q:n
+ quotes: none;
+snippet q:ru
+ quotes: '\00AB' '\00BB' '\201E' '\201C';
+snippet rz
+ resize: ${0};
+snippet rz:b
+ resize: both;
+snippet rz:h
+ resize: horizontal;
+snippet rz:n
+ resize: none;
+snippet rz:v
+ resize: vertical;
+snippet r
+ right: ${0};
+snippet r:a
+ right: auto;
+snippet tbl
+ table-layout: ${0};
+snippet tbl:a
+ table-layout: auto;
+snippet tbl:f
+ table-layout: fixed;
+snippet tal
+ text-align-last: ${0};
+snippet tal:a
+ text-align-last: auto;
+snippet tal:c
+ text-align-last: center;
+snippet tal:l
+ text-align-last: left;
+snippet tal:r
+ text-align-last: right;
+snippet ta
+ text-align: ${0};
+snippet ta:c
+ text-align: center;
+snippet ta:l
+ text-align: left;
+snippet ta:r
+ text-align: right;
+snippet td
+ text-decoration: ${0};
+snippet td:l
+ text-decoration: line-through;
+snippet td:n
+ text-decoration: none;
+snippet td:o
+ text-decoration: overline;
+snippet td:u
+ text-decoration: underline;
+snippet te
+ text-emphasis: ${0};
+snippet te:ac
+ text-emphasis: accent;
+snippet te:a
+ text-emphasis: after;
+snippet te:b
+ text-emphasis: before;
+snippet te:c
+ text-emphasis: circle;
+snippet te:ds
+ text-emphasis: disc;
+snippet te:dt
+ text-emphasis: dot;
+snippet te:n
+ text-emphasis: none;
+snippet th
+ text-height: ${0};
+snippet th:a
+ text-height: auto;
+snippet th:f
+ text-height: font-size;
+snippet th:m
+ text-height: max-size;
+snippet th:t
+ text-height: text-size;
+snippet ti
+ text-indent: ${0};
+snippet ti:-
+ text-indent: -9999px;
+snippet tj
+ text-justify: ${0};
+snippet tj:a
+ text-justify: auto;
+snippet tj:d
+ text-justify: distribute;
+snippet tj:ic
+ text-justify: inter-cluster;
+snippet tj:ii
+ text-justify: inter-ideograph;
+snippet tj:iw
+ text-justify: inter-word;
+snippet tj:k
+ text-justify: kashida;
+snippet tj:t
+ text-justify: tibetan;
+snippet to+
+ text-outline: ${1:0} ${2:0} #${0:000};
+snippet to
+ text-outline: ${0};
+snippet to:n
+ text-outline: none;
+snippet tr
+ text-replace: ${0};
+snippet tr:n
+ text-replace: none;
+snippet tsh+
+ text-shadow: ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} #${0:000};
+snippet tsh
+ text-shadow: ${0};
+snippet tsh:n
+ text-shadow: none;
+snippet tt
+ text-transform: ${0};
+snippet tt:c
+ text-transform: capitalize;
+snippet tt:l
+ text-transform: lowercase;
+snippet tt:n
+ text-transform: none;
+snippet tt:u
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+snippet tw
+ text-wrap: ${0};
+snippet tw:no
+ text-wrap: none;
+snippet tw:n
+ text-wrap: normal;
+snippet tw:s
+ text-wrap: suppress;
+snippet tw:u
+ text-wrap: unrestricted;
+snippet t
+ top: ${0};
+snippet t:a
+ top: auto;
+snippet va
+ vertical-align: ${0};
+snippet va:bl
+ vertical-align: baseline;
+snippet va:b
+ vertical-align: bottom;
+snippet va:m
+ vertical-align: middle;
+snippet va:sub
+ vertical-align: sub;
+snippet va:sup
+ vertical-align: super;
+snippet va:tb
+ vertical-align: text-bottom;
+snippet va:tt
+ vertical-align: text-top;
+snippet va:t
+ vertical-align: top;
+snippet v
+ visibility: ${0};
+snippet v:c
+ visibility: collapse;
+snippet v:h
+ visibility: hidden;
+snippet v:v
+ visibility: visible;
+snippet whsc
+ white-space-collapse: ${0};
+snippet whsc:ba
+ white-space-collapse: break-all;
+snippet whsc:bs
+ white-space-collapse: break-strict;
+snippet whsc:k
+ white-space-collapse: keep-all;
+snippet whsc:l
+ white-space-collapse: loose;
+snippet whsc:n
+ white-space-collapse: normal;
+snippet whs
+ white-space: ${0};
+snippet whs:n
+ white-space: normal;
+snippet whs:nw
+ white-space: nowrap;
+snippet whs:pl
+ white-space: pre-line;
+snippet whs:pw
+ white-space: pre-wrap;
+snippet whs:p
+ white-space: pre;
+snippet wid
+ widows: ${0};
+snippet w
+ width: ${0};
+snippet w:a
+ width: auto;
+snippet wob
+ word-break: ${0};
+snippet wob:ba
+ word-break: break-all;
+snippet wob:bs
+ word-break: break-strict;
+snippet wob:k
+ word-break: keep-all;
+snippet wob:l
+ word-break: loose;
+snippet wob:n
+ word-break: normal;
+snippet wos
+ word-spacing: ${0};
+snippet wow
+ word-wrap: ${0};
+snippet wow:no
+ word-wrap: none;
+snippet wow:n
+ word-wrap: normal;
+snippet wow:s
+ word-wrap: suppress;
+snippet wow:u
+ word-wrap: unrestricted;
+snippet z
+ z-index: ${0};
+snippet z:a
+ z-index: auto;
+snippet zoo
+ zoom: 1;
+snippet :h
+ :hover
+snippet :fc
+ :first-child
+snippet :lc
+ :last-child
+snippet :nc
+ :nth-child(${0})
+snippet :nlc
+ :nth-last-child(${0})
+snippet :oc
+ :only-child
+snippet :a
+ :after
+snippet :b
+ :before
+snippet ::a
+ ::after
+snippet ::b
+ ::before
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/d.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/d.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..216a4d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/d.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+### Import
+snippet imp
+ import
+snippet pimp
+ public import
+### My favorite modules
+snippet io
+ std.stdio
+snippet traits
+ std.traits
+snippet conv
+ std.conv
+snippet arr
+ std.array
+snippet algo
+ std.algorithm
+snippet theusual
+ import std.stdio, std.string, std.array;
+ import std.traits, std.conv, std.algorithm;
+ import std.math, std.regex;
+### Control Structures
+snippet for
+ for(int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:count}; $1++) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet fe
+ foreach(${1:elem}; ${2:range}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet fei
+ foreach(${1:i}, ${2:elem}; ${3:range}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet fer
+ foreach_reverse(${1:elem}; ${2:range}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet feri
+ foreach_reverse(${1:i}, ${2:elem}; ${3:range}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet sce
+ scope(exit) ${1:f.close();}
+snippet scs
+ scope(success) ${1}
+snippet scf
+ scope(failure) ${1}
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${1}
+ }
+snippet eif
+ else if(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet if
+ if(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife
+ if(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${3}
+ }
+snippet ifee
+ if(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else if(${3}) {
+ ${4}
+ } else {
+ ${5}
+ }
+snippet sw
+ switch(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cs
+ case ${1:0}:
+ ${2}
+ break;
+snippet def
+ default:
+ ${0}
+snippet fsw
+ final switch(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch(${2:Exception} ${3:e}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+snippet tcf
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ ${3}
+ } finally {
+ ${4}
+ }
+snippet wh
+ while(${1:cond}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet dowh
+ do {
+ ${1}
+ } while(${2});
+snippet sif
+ static if(${1:cond}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet sife
+ static if(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${3}
+ }
+snippet sifee
+ static if(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else static if(${3}) {
+ ${4}
+ } else {
+ ${5}
+ }
+snippet seif
+ else static if(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet ?
+ (${1: a > b}) ? ${2:a} : ${3:b};
+snippet with
+ with(${1:exp}) {
+ ${2}
+ } ${0}
+### Functions
+snippet fun
+ ${1:auto} ${2:func}(${3:params}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet contr
+ in {
+ ${1}
+ } out {
+ ${2}
+ } body {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet l
+ (${1:x}) => ${2:x}${0:;}
+snippet funl
+ function (${1:int x}) => ${2}${3:;}
+snippet del
+ delegate (${1:int x}) => ${2}${3:;}
+### Templates
+snippet temp
+ template ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$2", "untitled")`}(${2:T}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet tempif
+ template ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$2", "untitled")`}(${2:T}) if(${3:isSomeString!}$2) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet opApply
+ int opApply(Dg)(Dg dg) if(ParameterTypeTuble!Dg.length == 2) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet psn
+ pure @safe nothrow
+snippet safe
+ @safe
+snippet trusted
+ @trusted
+snippet system
+ @system
+### OOPs
+snippet cl
+ class${1:(T)} ${2:`vim_snippets#Filename("$3", "untitled")`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet str
+ struct${1:(T)} ${2:`vim_snippets#Filename("$3", "untitled")`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet uni
+ union${1:(T)} ${2:`vim_snippets#Filename("$3", "untitled")`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet inter
+ interface I${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$2", "untitled")`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet enum
+ enum ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet pu
+ public
+snippet pr
+ private
+snippet po
+ protected
+snippet ctor
+ this(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet dtor
+ ~this(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+### Type Witchery
+snippet al
+ alias ${1:b} = ${2:a};
+ ${0}
+snippet alth
+ alias ${1:value} this;
+ ${0}
+### The Commonplace
+snippet main
+ void main() {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet maina
+ void main(string[] args) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mod
+ module ${1:main};${0}
+snippet var
+ ${1:auto} ${2:var} = ${0:1};
+snippet new
+ ${1:auto} ${2:var} = new ${3:Object}(${4});
+ ${0}
+snippet file
+ auto ${1:f} = File(${2:"useful_info.xml"}, ${3:"rw"});
+ ${0}
+snippet map
+ map!(${1:f})(${2:xs});
+ ${0}
+snippet filter
+ filter!(${1:p})(${2:xs});
+ ${0}
+snippet reduce
+ reduce!(${1:f})(${2:xs});
+ ${0}
+snippet find
+ find!(${1:p})($2:xs);
+ ${0}
+snippet aa
+ ${1:int}[${2:string}] ${3:dict} = ${0};
+### Misc
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+snippet bang
+ #!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+snippet rdmd
+ #!/usr/bin/env rdmd
+snippet isstr
+ isSomeString!${1:S}
+snippet isnum
+ isNumeric!${1:N}
+snippet tos
+ to!string(${1:x});
+ ${0}
+snippet toi
+ to!int(${1:str});
+ ${0}
+snippet tod
+ to!double(${1:str});
+ ${0}
+snippet un
+ unittest {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ver
+ version(${1:Posix}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet de
+ debug {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet sst
+ shared static this(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet td
+ // Typedef is deprecated. Use alias instead.
+ typedef
+snippet ino
+ inout
+snippet imm
+ immutable
+snippet fin
+ final
+snippet con
+ const
+snippet psi
+ private static immutable ${1:int} ${2:Constant} = ${3:1};
+ ${0}
+snippet prag
+ pragma(${1})
+snippet pms
+ pragma(msg, ${1:Warning});
+snippet asm
+ asm {
+ ${1}
+ }
+snippet mixin
+ mixin(${1:`writeln("Hello, World!");`});
+snippet over
+ override
+snippet ret
+ return ${1};
+snippet FILE
+ __FILE__
+snippet MOD
+ __MODULE__
+snippet LINE
+ __LINE__
+snippet FUN
+snippet PF
+snippet cast
+ cast(${1:T})(${2:val});
+snippet /*
+ /*
+ * ${1}
+ */
+### Fun stuff
+snippet idk
+ // I don't know how this works. Don't touch it.
+snippet idfk
+ // Don't FUCKING touch this.
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/dart.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/dart.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0093f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/dart.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+snippet lib
+ #library('${1}');
+ ${0}
+snippet im
+ #import('${1}');
+ ${0}
+snippet so
+ #source('${1}');
+ ${0}
+snippet main
+ static void main() {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet st
+ static ${0}
+snippet fi
+ final ${0}
+snippet re
+ return ${0}
+snippet br
+ break;
+snippet th
+ throw ${0}
+snippet cl
+ class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("", "untitled")`} ${0}
+snippet in
+ interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("", "untitled")`} ${0}
+snippet imp
+ implements ${0}
+snippet ext
+ extends ${0}
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el
+ else
+snippet sw
+ switch (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet cs
+ case ${1}:
+ ${0}
+snippet de
+ default:
+ ${0}
+snippet for
+ for (var ${2:i} = 0, len = ${1:things}.length; $2 < len; ${3:++}$2) {
+ ${0:$1[$2]}
+ }
+snippet fore
+ for (final ${2:item} in ${1:itemList}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet dowh
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${0:/* condition */});
+snippet as
+ assert(${0:/* condition */});
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch (${1:Exception e}) {
+ }
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch (${1:Exception e}) {
+ } finally {
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/diff.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/diff.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89bc31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/diff.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# DEP-3 (http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/) style patch header
+snippet header DEP-3 style header
+ Description: ${1}
+ Origin: ${2:vendor|upstream|other}, ${3:url of the original patch}
+ Bug: ${4:url in upstream bugtracker}
+ Forwarded: ${5:no|not-needed|url}
+ Author: ${6:`g:snips_author`}
+ Reviewed-by: ${7:name and email}
+ Last-Update: ${8:`strftime("%Y-%m-%d")`}
+ Applied-Upstream: ${0:upstream version|url|commit}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/django.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/django.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2a8d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/django.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Model Fields
+# Note: Optional arguments are using defaults that match what Django will use
+# as a default, e.g. with max_length fields. Doing this as a form of self
+# documentation and to make it easy to know whether you should override the
+# default or not.
+# Note: Optional arguments that are booleans will use the opposite since you
+# can either not specify them, or override them, e.g. auto_now_add=False.
+snippet auto
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.AutoField(${0})
+snippet bigint
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BigIntegerField(${0})
+snippet binary
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BinaryField(${0})
+snippet bool
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BooleanField(${0:default=True})
+snippet char
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.CharField(max_length=${2}${0:, blank=True})
+snippet comma
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField(max_length=${2}${0:, blank=True})
+snippet date
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DateField(${2:auto_now_add=True, auto_now=True}${0:, blank=True, null=True})
+snippet datetime
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DateTimeField(${2:auto_now_add=True, auto_now=True}${0:, blank=True, null=True})
+snippet decimal
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DecimalField(max_digits=${2}, decimal_places=${0})
+snippet email
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.EmailField(max_length=${2:75}${0:, blank=True})
+snippet file
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FileField(upload_to=${2:path/for/upload}${0:, max_length=100})
+snippet filepath
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FilePathField(path=${2:"/abs/path/to/dir"}${3:, max_length=100}${4:, match="*.ext"}${5:, recursive=True}${0:, blank=True, })
+snippet float
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FloatField(${0})
+snippet image
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ImageField(upload_to=${2:path/for/upload}${3:, height_field=height, width_field=width}${0:, max_length=100})
+snippet int
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.IntegerField(${0})
+snippet ip
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.IPAddressField(${0})
+snippet nullbool
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.NullBooleanField(${0})
+snippet posint
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PositiveIntegerField(${0})
+snippet possmallint
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(${0})
+snippet slug
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.SlugField(max_length=${2:50}${0:, blank=True})
+snippet smallint
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.SmallIntegerField(${0})
+snippet text
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.TextField(${0:blank=True})
+snippet time
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.TimeField(${2:auto_now_add=True, auto_now=True}${0:, blank=True, null=True})
+snippet url
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.URLField(${2:verify_exists=False}${3:, max_length=200}${0:, blank=True})
+snippet xml
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.XMLField(schema_path=${2:None}${0:, blank=True})
+# Relational Fields
+snippet fk
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ForeignKey(${2:OtherModel}${3:, related_name=''}${4:, limit_choices_to=}${0:, to_field=''})
+snippet m2m
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ManyToManyField(${2:OtherModel}${3:, related_name=''}${4:, limit_choices_to=}${5:, symmetrical=False}${6:, through=''}${0:, db_table=''})
+snippet o2o
+ ${1:FIELDNAME} = models.OneToOneField(${2:OtherModel}${3:, parent_link=True}${4:, related_name=''}${5:, limit_choices_to=}${0:, to_field=''})
+# Code Skeletons
+snippet form
+ class ${1:FormName}(forms.Form):
+ """${2:docstring}"""
+ ${0}
+snippet model
+ class ${1:ModelName}(models.Model):
+ """${2:docstring}"""
+ ${3}
+ class Meta:
+ ${4}
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ ${5}
+ def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ ${6}
+ @models.permalink
+ def get_absolute_url(self):
+ return ('${7:view_or_url_name}' ${0})
+snippet modeladmin
+ class ${1:ModelName}Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ ${0}
+ admin.site.register($1, $1Admin)
+snippet tabularinline
+ class ${0:ModelName}Inline(admin.TabularInline):
+ model = $1
+snippet stackedinline
+ class ${0:ModelName}Inline(admin.StackedInline):
+ model = $1
+snippet r2r
+ return render_to_response('${1:template.html}', {
+ ${2}
+ }${0:, context_instance=RequestContext(request)}
+ )
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/dosini.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/dosini.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95c759c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/dosini.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+snippet ec
+ ; http://editorconfig.org
+ root = true
+ [*]
+ indent_style = ${1:space_or_tab}
+ indent_size = ${2:indent_size}
+ end_of_line = lf
+ charset = utf-8
+ trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+ insert_final_newline = true
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/eelixir.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/eelixir.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d6e33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/eelixir.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+extends html
+snippet %
+ <% ${0} %>
+snippet =
+ <%= ${0} %>
+snippet end
+ <% end %>
+snippet for
+ <%= for ${1:item} <- ${2:items} ${3:@conn} do %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet if
+ <%= if ${1} do %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet ife
+ <%= if ${1} do %>
+ ${2}
+ <%= else %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet ft
+ <%= form_tag(${1:"/users"}, method: ${2::post}) %>
+ ${0}
+ </form>
+snippet lin
+ <%= link "${1:Submit}", to: ${2:"/users"}, method: ${3::delete} %>
+snippet ff
+ <%= form_for @changeset, ${1:"/users"}, fn f -> %>
+ ${0}
+ <%= submit "Submit" %>
+ <% end %>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/elixir.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/elixir.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..851dc8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/elixir.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+snippet do
+ do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet if if .. do .. end
+ if ${1} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet if: if .. do: ..
+ if ${1:condition}, do: ${0}
+snippet ife if .. do .. else .. end
+ if ${1:condition} do
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet ife: if .. do: .. else:
+ if ${1:condition}, do: ${2}, else: ${0}
+snippet unless unless .. do .. end
+ unless ${1} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet unless: unless .. do: ..
+ unless ${1:condition}, do: ${0}
+snippet unlesse unless .. do .. else .. end
+ unless ${1:condition} do
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet unlesse: unless .. do: .. else:
+ unless ${1:condition}, do: ${2}, else: ${0}
+snippet cond
+ cond do
+ ${1} ->
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet case
+ case ${1} do
+ ${2} ->
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet for
+ for ${1:item} <- ${2:items} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet fori
+ for ${1:item} <- ${2:items}, into: ${3} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet df
+ def ${1:name}, do: ${2}
+snippet def
+ def ${1:name} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defd
+ @doc """
+ ${1:doc string}
+ """
+ def ${2:name} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defim
+ defimpl ${1:protocol_name}, for: ${2:data_type} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defma
+ defmacro ${1:name} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defmo
+ defmodule ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defp
+ defp ${1:name} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defpr
+ defprotocol ${1:name}, [${0:function}]
+snippet defr
+ defrecord ${1:record_name}, ${0:fields}
+snippet doc
+ @doc """
+ ${0}
+ """
+snippet fn
+ fn ${1:args} -> ${0} end
+snippet mdoc
+ @moduledoc """
+ ${0}
+ """
+snippet mdocf
+ @moduledoc false
+snippet rec
+ receive do
+ ${1} ->
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet req
+ require ${0:module_name}
+snippet imp
+ import ${0:module_name}
+snippet ali
+ alias ${0:module_name}
+snippet test
+ test "${1:test_name}" do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet testa
+ test "${1:test_name}", %{${2:arg: arg}} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet exunit
+ defmodule ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} do
+ use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet try try .. rescue .. end
+ try do
+ ${1}
+ rescue
+ ${2} -> ${0}
+ end
+snippet pry
+ require IEx; IEx.pry
+ ${0}
+snippet qu
+ quote do
+ ${1}
+ end
+snippet beh
+ @behaviour ${1:Mix.Task}
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/elm.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/elm.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a15c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/elm.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+snippet mod
+ module `substitute(substitute(expand('%:r'), '[/\\]','.','g'),'^\%(\l*\.\)\?','','')` exposing (${1})
+ ${0}
+snippet imp
+ import ${0:List}
+snippet impe
+ import ${1:List} exposing (${0:map})
+snippet fn
+ ${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a}
+ $1 ${4} =
+ ${0}
+snippet fn1
+ ${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a}
+ $1 ${4} =
+ ${0}
+snippet fn2
+ ${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a} -> ${4:a}
+ $1 ${5} =
+ ${0}
+snippet fn3
+ ${1:fn} : ${2:a} -> ${3:a} -> ${4:a} -> ${5:a}
+ $1 ${6} =
+ ${0}
+snippet fn0
+ ${1:fn} : ${2:a}
+ $1 =
+ ${0}
+snippet case
+ case ${1} of
+ ${2} ->
+ ${0}
+snippet -
+ ${1} ->
+ ${0}
+snippet let
+ let
+ ${1} = ${2}
+ in
+ ${0}
+snippet if
+ if ${1} then
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+snippet ty
+ type ${1:Msg}
+ = ${0}
+snippet tya
+ type alias ${1:Model} =
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/erlang.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/erlang.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5440d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/erlang.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+# module and export all
+snippet mod
+ -module(${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -compile([export_all]).
+ start() ->
+ ${0}
+ stop() ->
+ ok.
+# define directive
+snippet def
+ -define(${1:macro}, ${2:body}).
+# export directive
+snippet exp
+ -export([${1:function}/${0:arity}]).
+# include directive
+snippet inc
+ -include("${1:file}").
+# include_lib directive
+snippet incl
+ -include_lib("${1:lib}/include/${1}.hrl").${2}
+# behavior directive
+snippet beh
+ -behaviour(${1:behaviour}).
+snippet ifd
+ -ifdef(${1:TEST}).
+ ${0}
+ -endif.
+# if expression
+snippet if
+ if
+ ${1:guard} ->
+ ${0:body}
+ end
+# case expression
+snippet case
+ case ${1:expression} of
+ ${2:pattern} ->
+ ${0:body};
+ end
+# anonymous function
+snippet fun
+ fun (${1:Parameters}) -> ${2:body} end
+# try...catch
+snippet try
+ try
+ ${1}
+ catch
+ ${2:_:_} -> ${0:got_some_exception}
+ end
+# record directive
+snippet rec
+ -record(${1:record}, {
+ ${2:field}=${3:value}}).
+# todo comment
+snippet todo
+ %% TODO: ${0}
+## Snippets below (starting with '%') are in EDoc format.
+## See http://www.erlang.org/doc/apps/edoc/chapter.html#id56887 for more details
+# doc comment
+snippet %d
+ %% @doc ${0}
+# end of doc comment
+snippet %e
+ %% @end
+# specification comment
+snippet %s
+ %% @spec ${0}
+# private function marker
+snippet %p
+ %% @private
+# OTP application
+snippet application
+ -module(${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -behaviour(application).
+ -export([start/2, stop/1]).
+ start(_Type, _StartArgs) ->
+ case ${0:root_supervisor}:start_link() of
+ {ok, Pid} ->
+ {ok, Pid};
+ Other ->
+ {error, Other}
+ end.
+ stop(_State) ->
+ ok.
+# OTP supervisor
+snippet supervisor
+ -module(${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -behaviour(supervisor).
+ %% API
+ -export([start_link/0]).
+ %% Supervisor callbacks
+ -export([init/1]).
+ -define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
+ start_link() ->
+ supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).
+ init([]) ->
+ Server = {${0:my_server}, {${2}, start_link, []},
+ permanent, 2000, worker, [${2}]},
+ Children = [Server],
+ RestartStrategy = {one_for_one, 0, 1},
+ {ok, {RestartStrategy, Children}}.
+# OTP gen_server
+snippet gen_server
+ -module(${0:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -behaviour(gen_server).
+ %% API
+ -export([
+ start_link/0
+ ]).
+ %% gen_server callbacks
+ -export([init/1,
+ handle_call/3,
+ handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+ -define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
+ -record(state, {}).
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% API
+ %%%===================================================================
+ start_link() ->
+ gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% gen_server callbacks
+ %%%===================================================================
+ init([]) ->
+ {ok, #state{}}.
+ handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
+ Reply = ok,
+ {reply, Reply, State}.
+ handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+ handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {noreply, State}.
+ terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% Internal functions
+ %%%===================================================================
+# OTP gen_fsm
+snippet gen_fsm
+ -module(${0:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -behaviour(gen_fsm).
+ %% API
+ -export([start_link/0]).
+ %% gen_fsm callbacks
+ -export([init/1,
+ state_name/2,
+ state_name/3,
+ handle_event/3,
+ handle_sync_event/4,
+ handle_info/3,
+ terminate/3,
+ code_change/4]).
+ -record(state, {}).
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% API
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @doc
+ %% Creates a gen_fsm process which calls Module:init/1 to
+ %% initialize. To ensure a synchronized start-up procedure, this
+ %% function does not return until Module:init/1 has returned.
+ %%
+ %% @spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid} | ignore | {error, Error}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ start_link() ->
+ gen_fsm:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% gen_fsm callbacks
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever a gen_fsm is started using gen_fsm:start/[3,4] or
+ %% gen_fsm:start_link/[3,4], this function is called by the new
+ %% process to initialize.
+ %%
+ %% @spec init(Args) -> {ok, StateName, State} |
+ %% {ok, StateName, State, Timeout} |
+ %% ignore |
+ %% {stop, StopReason}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ init([]) ->
+ {ok, state_name, #state{}}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% There should be one instance of this function for each possible
+ %% state name. Whenever a gen_fsm receives an event sent using
+ %% gen_fsm:send_event/2, the instance of this function with the same
+ %% name as the current state name StateName is called to handle
+ %% the event. It is also called if a timeout occurs.
+ %%
+ %% @spec state_name(Event, State) ->
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ state_name(_Event, State) ->
+ {next_state, state_name, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% There should be one instance of this function for each possible
+ %% state name. Whenever a gen_fsm receives an event sent using
+ %% gen_fsm:sync_send_event/[2,3], the instance of this function with
+ %% the same name as the current state name StateName is called to
+ %% handle the event.
+ %%
+ %% @spec state_name(Event, From, State) ->
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, NewState} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ state_name(_Event, _From, State) ->
+ Reply = ok,
+ {reply, Reply, state_name, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever a gen_fsm receives an event sent using
+ %% gen_fsm:send_all_state_event/2, this function is called to handle
+ %% the event.
+ %%
+ %% @spec handle_event(Event, StateName, State) ->
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever a gen_fsm receives an event sent using
+ %% gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/[2,3], this function is called
+ %% to handle the event.
+ %%
+ %% @spec handle_sync_event(Event, From, StateName, State) ->
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {reply, Reply, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, NewState} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, Reply, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, State) ->
+ Reply = ok,
+ {reply, Reply, StateName, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% This function is called by a gen_fsm when it receives any
+ %% message other than a synchronous or asynchronous event
+ %% (or a system message).
+ %%
+ %% @spec handle_info(Info,StateName,State)->
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState} |
+ %% {next_state, NextStateName, NextState, Timeout} |
+ %% {stop, Reason, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ handle_info(_Info, StateName, State) ->
+ {next_state, StateName, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% This function is called by a gen_fsm when it is about to
+ %% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any
+ %% necessary cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_fsm terminates with
+ %% Reason. The return value is ignored.
+ %%
+ %% @spec terminate(Reason, StateName, State) -> void()
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _State) ->
+ ok.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Convert process state when code is changed
+ %%
+ %% @spec code_change(OldVsn, StateName, State, Extra) ->
+ %% {ok, StateName, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, StateName, State}.
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% Internal functions
+ %%%===================================================================
+# OTP gen_event
+snippet gen_event
+ -module(${0:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -behaviour(gen_event).
+ %% API
+ -export([start_link/0,
+ add_handler/2]).
+ %% gen_event callbacks
+ -export([init/1,
+ handle_event/2,
+ handle_call/2,
+ handle_info/2,
+ terminate/2,
+ code_change/3]).
+ -record(state, {}).
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% gen_event callbacks
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @doc
+ %% Creates an event manager
+ %%
+ %% @spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid} | {error, Error}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ start_link() ->
+ gen_event:start_link({local, ?MODULE}).
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @doc
+ %% Adds an event handler
+ %%
+ %% @spec add_handler(Handler, Args) -> ok | {'EXIT', Reason} | term()
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ add_handler(Handler, Args) ->
+ gen_event:add_handler(?MODULE, Handler, Args).
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% gen_event callbacks
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever a new event handler is added to an event manager,
+ %% this function is called to initialize the event handler.
+ %%
+ %% @spec init(Args) -> {ok, State}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ init([]) ->
+ {ok, #state{}}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever an event manager receives an event sent using
+ %% gen_event:notify/2 or gen_event:sync_notify/2, this function is
+ %% called for each installed event handler to handle the event.
+ %%
+ %% @spec handle_event(Event, State) ->
+ %% {ok, State} |
+ %% {swap_handler, Args1, State1, Mod2, Args2} |
+ %% remove_handler
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ handle_event(_Event, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever an event manager receives a request sent using
+ %% gen_event:call/3,4, this function is called for the specified
+ %% event handler to handle the request.
+ %%
+ %% @spec handle_call(Request, State) ->
+ %% {ok, Reply, State} |
+ %% {swap_handler, Reply, Args1, State1, Mod2, Args2} |
+ %% {remove_handler, Reply}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ handle_call(_Request, State) ->
+ Reply = ok,
+ {ok, Reply, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% This function is called for each installed event handler when
+ %% an event manager receives any other message than an event or a
+ %% synchronous request (or a system message).
+ %%
+ %% @spec handle_info(Info, State) ->
+ %% {ok, State} |
+ %% {swap_handler, Args1, State1, Mod2, Args2} |
+ %% remove_handler
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ handle_info(_Info, State) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Whenever an event handler is deleted from an event manager, this
+ %% function is called. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and
+ %% do any necessary cleaning up.
+ %%
+ %% @spec terminate(Reason, State) -> void()
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
+ ok.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% @private
+ %% @doc
+ %% Convert process state when code is changed
+ %%
+ %% @spec code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
+ %% @end
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+ %%%===================================================================
+ %%% Internal functions
+ %%%===================================================================
+# EUnit snippets
+snippet eunit
+ -module(${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
+ ${0}
+snippet ieunit
+ -ifdef(TEST).
+ -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
+ ${0}
+ -endif.
+snippet as
+ ?assert(${0})
+snippet asn
+ ?assertNot(${0})
+snippet aseq
+ ?assertEqual(${1}, ${0})
+snippet asneq
+ ?assertNotEqual(${1}, ${0})
+snippet asmat
+ ?assertMatch(${1:Pattern}, ${0:Expression})
+snippet asnmat
+ ?assertNotMatch(${1:Pattern}, ${0:Expression})
+snippet aserr
+ ?assertError(${1:Pattern}, ${0:Expression})
+snippet asex
+ ?assertExit(${1:Pattern}, ${0:Expression})
+snippet asexc
+ ?assertException(${1:Class}, ${2:Pattern}, ${0:Expression})
+# common_test test_SUITE
+snippet testsuite
+ -module(${0:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'my')`}).
+ -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl").
+ %% Test server callbacks
+ -export([suite/0, all/0, groups/0,
+ init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
+ init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2,
+ init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
+ %% Test cases
+ -export([
+ ]).
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: suite() -> Info
+ %%
+ %% Info = [tuple()]
+ %% List of key/value pairs.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Returns list of tuples to set default properties
+ %% for the suite.
+ %%
+ %% Note: The suite/0 function is only meant to be used to return
+ %% default data values, not perform any other operations.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ suite() ->
+ [{timetrap,{minutes,10}}].
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: init_per_suite(Config0) ->
+ %% Config1 | {skip,Reason} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
+ %%
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
+ %% Reason = term()
+ %% The reason for skipping the suite.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Initialization before the suite.
+ %%
+ %% Note: This function is free to add any key/value pairs to the Config
+ %% variable, but should NOT alter/remove any existing entries.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ init_per_suite(Config) ->
+ Config.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: end_per_suite(Config0) -> void() | {save_config,Config1}
+ %%
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Cleanup after the suite.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end_per_suite(_Config) ->
+ ok.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: init_per_group(GroupName, Config0) ->
+ %% Config1 | {skip,Reason} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
+ %%
+ %% GroupName = atom()
+ %% Name of the test case group that is about to run.
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding configuration data for the group.
+ %% Reason = term()
+ %% The reason for skipping all test cases and subgroups in the group.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Initialization before each test case group.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
+ Config.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: end_per_group(GroupName, Config0) ->
+ %% void() | {save_config,Config1}
+ %%
+ %% GroupName = atom()
+ %% Name of the test case group that is finished.
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding configuration data for the group.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Cleanup after each test case group.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end_per_group(_GroupName, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: init_per_testcase(TestCase, Config0) ->
+ %% Config1 | {skip,Reason} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
+ %%
+ %% TestCase = atom()
+ %% Name of the test case that is about to run.
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
+ %% Reason = term()
+ %% The reason for skipping the test case.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Initialization before each test case.
+ %%
+ %% Note: This function is free to add any key/value pairs to the Config
+ %% variable, but should NOT alter/remove any existing entries.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ init_per_testcase(_TestCase, Config) ->
+ Config.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: end_per_testcase(TestCase, Config0) ->
+ %% void() | {save_config,Config1} | {fail,Reason}
+ %%
+ %% TestCase = atom()
+ %% Name of the test case that is finished.
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
+ %% Reason = term()
+ %% The reason for failing the test case.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Cleanup after each test case.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ end_per_testcase(_TestCase, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: groups() -> [Group]
+ %%
+ %% Group = {GroupName,Properties,GroupsAndTestCases}
+ %% GroupName = atom()
+ %% The name of the group.
+ %% Properties = [parallel | sequence | Shuffle | {RepeatType,N}]
+ %% Group properties that may be combined.
+ %% GroupsAndTestCases = [Group | {group,GroupName} | TestCase]
+ %% TestCase = atom()
+ %% The name of a test case.
+ %% Shuffle = shuffle | {shuffle,Seed}
+ %% To get cases executed in random order.
+ %% Seed = {integer(),integer(),integer()}
+ %% RepeatType = repeat | repeat_until_all_ok | repeat_until_all_fail |
+ %% repeat_until_any_ok | repeat_until_any_fail
+ %% To get execution of cases repeated.
+ %% N = integer() | forever
+ %%
+ %% Description: Returns a list of test case group definitions.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ groups() ->
+ [].
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: all() -> GroupsAndTestCases | {skip,Reason}
+ %%
+ %% GroupsAndTestCases = [{group,GroupName} | TestCase]
+ %% GroupName = atom()
+ %% Name of a test case group.
+ %% TestCase = atom()
+ %% Name of a test case.
+ %% Reason = term()
+ %% The reason for skipping all groups and test cases.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Returns the list of groups and test cases that
+ %% are to be executed.
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ all() ->
+ [].
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Function: TestCase(Config0) ->
+ %% ok | exit() | {skip,Reason} | {comment,Comment} |
+ %% {save_config,Config1} | {skip_and_save,Reason,Config1}
+ %%
+ %% Config0 = Config1 = [tuple()]
+ %% A list of key/value pairs, holding the test case configuration.
+ %% Reason = term()
+ %% The reason for skipping the test case.
+ %% Comment = term()
+ %% A comment about the test case that will be printed in the html log.
+ %%
+ %% Description: Test case function. (The name of it must be specified in
+ %% the all/0 list or in a test case group for the test case
+ %% to be executed).
+ %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/eruby.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/eruby.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adad8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/eruby.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# .erb and .rhmtl files
+# Includes html.snippets
+# Rails *****************************
+snippet rc
+ <% ${0} %>
+snippet rce
+ <%= ${1} %>
+snippet %
+ <% ${0} %>
+snippet =
+ <%= ${1} %>
+snippet end
+ <% end %>
+snippet ead
+ <% ${1}.each do |${2}| %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet for
+ <% for ${2:item} in ${1} %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet rp
+ <%= render partial: '${0:item}' %>
+snippet rpl
+ <%= render partial: '${1:item}', locals: { :${2:name} => '${3:value}'${0} } %>
+snippet rps
+ <%= render partial: '${1:item}', status: ${0:500} %>
+snippet rpc
+ <%= render partial: '${1:item}', collection: ${0:items} %>
+snippet lia
+ <%= link_to '${1:link text...}', action: '${0:index}' %>
+snippet liai
+ <%= link_to '${1:link text...}', action: '${2:edit}', id: ${0:@item} %>
+snippet lic
+ <%= link_to '${1:link text...}', controller: '${0:items}' %>
+snippet lica
+ <%= link_to '${1:link text...}', controller: '${2:items}', action: '${0:index}' %>
+snippet licai
+ <%= link_to '${1:link text...}', controller: '${2:items}', action: '${3:edit}', id: ${0:@item} %>
+snippet yield
+ <%= yield ${1::content_symbol} %>
+snippet conf
+ <% content_for :${1:head} do %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet cs
+ <%= collection_select <+object+>, <+method+>, <+collection+>, <+value_method+>, <+text_method+><+, <+[options]+>, <+[html_options]+>+> %>
+snippet ct
+ <%= content_tag '${1:DIV}', ${2:content}${0:,options} %>
+snippet ff
+ <%= form_for @${1:model} do |f| %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet ffi
+ <%= ${1:f}.input :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet ffcb
+ <%= ${1:f}.check_box :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet ffe
+ <% error_messages_for :${1:model} %>
+ <%= form_for @${2:model} do |f| %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet ffff
+ <%= ${1:f}.file_field :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet ffhf
+ <%= ${1:f}.hidden_field :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet ffl
+ <%= ${1:f}.label :${2:attribute}, '${0:$2}' %>
+snippet ffpf
+ <%= ${1:f}.password_field :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet ffrb
+ <%= ${1:f}.radio_button :${2:attribute}, :${0:tag_value} %>
+snippet ffs
+ <%= ${1:f}.submit "${0:submit}" %>
+snippet ffta
+ <%= ${1:f}.text_area :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet fftf
+ <%= ${1:f}.text_field :${0:attribute} %>
+snippet fields
+ <%= fields_for :${1:model}, @$1 do |${2:f}| %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet i18
+ I18n.t('${1:type.key}')
+snippet it
+ <%= image_tag "${1}"${0} %>
+snippet jit
+ <%= javascript_include_tag ${0::all} %>
+snippet jsit
+ <%= javascript_include_tag "${0}" %>
+snippet lim
+ <%= link_to ${1:model}.${2:name}, ${3:$1}_path(${0:$1}) %>
+snippet linp
+ <%= link_to "${1:Link text...}", ${2:parent}_${3:child}_path(${4:@$2}, ${0:@$3}) %>
+snippet linpp
+ <%= link_to "${1:Link text...}", ${2:parent}_${3:child}_path(${0:@$2}) %>
+snippet lip
+ <%= link_to "${1:Link text...}", ${2:model}_path(${0:@$2}) %>
+snippet lipp
+ <%= link_to "${1:Link text...}", ${0:model}s_path %>
+snippet lt
+ <%= link_to "${1:name}", ${0:dest} %>
+snippet ntc
+ <%= number_to_currency(${1}) %>
+snippet ofcfs
+ <%= options_from_collection_for_select ${1:collection}, ${2:value_method}, ${3:text_method}, ${0:selected_value} %>
+snippet ofs
+ <%= options_for_select ${1:collection}, ${2:value_method} %>
+snippet rf
+ <%= render file: "${1:file}"${0} %>
+snippet rt
+ <%= render template: "${1:file}"${0} %>
+snippet slt
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag ${1::all}, cache: ${0:true} %>
+snippet sslt
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag "${0}" %>
+snippet if
+ <% if ${1} %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet ife
+ <% if ${1} %>
+ ${2}
+ <% else %>
+ ${0}
+ <% end %>
+snippet pry
+ <% require 'pry'; binding.pry %>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/falcon.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/falcon.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c523980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/falcon.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env falcon
+# Import
+snippet imp
+ import ${0:module}
+# Function
+snippet fun
+ function ${2:function_name}(${3})
+ ${0}
+ end
+# Class
+snippet class
+ class ${1:class_name}(${2:class_params})
+ ${0:/* members/methods */}
+ end
+# If
+snippet if
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+ end
+# If else
+snippet ife
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+ else
+ ${1}
+ end
+# If else if
+snippet eif
+ elif ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+# Switch case
+snippet switch
+ switch ${1:expression}
+ case ${2:item}
+ case ${0:item}
+ default
+ end
+# Select
+snippet select
+ select ${1:variable}
+ case ${2:TypeSpec}
+ case ${0:TypeSpec}
+ default
+ end
+# For/in Loop
+snippet forin
+ for ${1:element} in ${2:container}
+ ${0}
+ end
+# For/to Loop
+snippet forto
+ for ${1:lowerbound} to ${2:upperbound}
+ ${0}
+ end
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+ while ${1:conidition}
+ ${0}
+ end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/fortran.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/fortran.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9ab060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/fortran.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+snippet impl
+ implicit none
+ $0
+snippet prog
+ program ${1:main}
+ $0
+ end program $1
+snippet mod
+ module ${1:modulename}
+ $0
+ end module $1
+snippet proc
+ procedure ${1:name}
+ ${0}
+ end procedure $1
+snippet iface
+ interface ${1:name}
+ ${0}
+ end interface $1
+snippet doc
+ ! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
+ ! File: ${2:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1')`}
+ ! Author: `g:snips_author`
+ ! Email: `g:snips_email`
+ ! Github: `g:snips_github`
+ ! Description: $1
+ ! """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
+ $0
+# Variables definitions
+# Boolean
+snippet bool
+ logical :: $0
+# Integer
+snippet int
+ integer :: $0
+snippet real
+ real :: $0
+# Double Precision
+snippet double
+ double precision :: $0
+# Char
+snippet str
+ character(len=${1:*}) :: ${0:}
+# Types
+snippet type
+ type(${1:name})
+ $0
+ end type
+snippet const
+ ${1:type}, parameter :: $2 = $0
+snippet arr
+ ${1:type}, allocatable, dimension(${2::}) :: $0
+snippet intent
+ ${1:type}, intent(inout) :: $0
+# Array
+snippet /
+ (/ $1 /) ${2:,&} $0
+snippet if
+ if (${1:condition}) then
+ $2
+ end if
+snippet case
+ select case (${1:expr})
+ case ($2)
+ case default
+ $3
+ end select $0
+snippet do
+ do ${1:i} = ${2:start},${3:end}, ${4:incr}
+ $4
+ end do
+snippet dow
+ do while (${1:condition})
+ $2
+ end do
+snippet sub
+ subroutine ${1:name}($2)
+ $0
+ end subroutine $1
+snippet func
+ function ${1:name}($2) result($3)
+ $0
+ end function $1
+snippet pr
+ write(*,*) $0
+snippet read
+ read( unit = ${1:fp}, file = ${2:filename}${3:, iostat = IERR }) $0
+snippet write
+ write( unit = ${1:fp}, file = ${2:filename}${3:, iostat = IERR }) $0
+snippet open
+ open (unit = ${1:fp}, file = ${2:filename}, status = unknown${3:, iostat = IERR }) $0
+snippet close
+ close ( unit = ${1:fp} ) $0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3acac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/go.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+# shorthand variable declaration
+snippet v
+ ${1} := ${2}
+# variable initialization
+snippet vr
+ var ${1:t} ${0:string}
+# variable declaration
+snippet var
+ var ${1} ${2} = ${3}
+# variables declaration
+snippet vars
+ var (
+ ${1} ${2} = ${3}
+ )
+# append
+snippet ap
+ append(${1:slice}, ${0:value})
+# bool
+snippet bl
+ bool
+# byte
+snippet bt
+ byte
+# break
+snippet br
+ break
+# channel
+snippet ch
+ chan ${0:int}
+# case
+snippet cs
+ case ${1:value}:
+ ${0}
+# const
+snippet c
+ const ${1:NAME} = ${0:0}
+# constants with iota
+snippet co
+ const (
+ ${1:NAME1} = iota
+ ${0:NAME2}
+ )
+# continue
+snippet cn
+ continue
+# defer
+snippet df
+ defer ${0:func}()
+# defer recover
+snippet dfr
+ defer func() {
+ if err := recover(); err != nil {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ }()
+# int
+snippet i
+ int
+# import
+snippet im
+ import (
+ "${1:package}"
+ )
+# interface
+snippet in
+ interface{}
+# full interface snippet
+snippet inf
+ interface ${1:name} {
+ ${2:/* methods */}
+ }
+# if condition
+snippet if
+ if ${1:/* condition */} {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet ife
+ if ${1:/* condition */} {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# else snippet
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${1}
+ }
+# error snippet
+snippet ir
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ ${0}
+# false
+snippet f
+ false
+# fallthrough
+snippet ft
+ fallthrough
+# float
+snippet fl
+ float32
+# float32
+snippet f3
+ float32
+# float64
+snippet f6
+ float64
+# if else
+snippet ie
+ if ${1:/* condition */} {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${3}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# for int loop
+snippet for
+ for ${1}{
+ ${0}
+ }
+# for int loop
+snippet fori
+ for ${2:i} := 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# for range loop
+snippet forr
+ for ${1:e} := range ${2:collection} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# function simple
+snippet fun
+ func ${1:funcName}(${2}) ${3:error} {
+ ${4}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# function on receiver
+snippet fum
+ func (${1:receiver} ${2:type}) ${3:funcName}(${4}) ${5:error} {
+ ${6}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# log printf
+snippet lf
+ log.Printf("%${1:s}", ${2:var})
+# log printf
+snippet lp
+ log.Println("${1}")
+# make
+snippet mk
+ make(${1:[]string}, ${0:0})
+# map
+snippet mp
+ map[${1:string}]${0:int}
+# main()
+snippet main
+ func main() {
+ ${1}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# new
+snippet nw
+ new(${0:type})
+# package
+snippet pa
+ package ${1:main}
+# panic
+snippet pn
+ panic("${0:msg}")
+# print
+snippet pr
+ fmt.Printf("%${1:s}\n", ${2:var})
+# range
+snippet rn
+ range ${0}
+# return
+snippet rt
+ return ${0}
+# result
+snippet rs
+ result
+# select
+snippet sl
+ select {
+ case ${1:v1} := <-${2:chan1}
+ ${3}
+ default:
+ ${0}
+ }
+# string
+snippet sr
+ string
+# struct
+snippet st
+ struct ${1:name} {
+ ${2:/* data */}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# switch
+snippet sw
+ switch ${1:var} {
+ case ${2:value1}:
+ ${3}
+ case ${4:value2}:
+ ${5}
+ default:
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet sp
+ fmt.Sprintf("%${1:s}", ${2:var})
+# true
+snippet t
+ true
+# goroutine named function
+snippet g
+ go ${1:funcName}(${0})
+# goroutine anonymous function
+snippet ga
+ go func(${1} ${2:type}) {
+ ${3:/* code */}
+ }(${0})
+snippet test test function
+ func Test${1:name}(t *testing.T) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+ ${0}
+snippet bench benchmark function
+ func Benchmark${1:name}(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ ${2}
+ }
+ }
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/haml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/haml.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09217c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/haml.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+snippet t
+ %table
+ %tr
+ %th
+ ${1:headers}
+ %tr
+ %td
+ ${0:headers}
+snippet ul
+ %ul
+ %li
+ ${0:item}
+ %li
+snippet rp
+ = render :partial => "${0:item}"
+snippet rpc
+ = render :partial => "${1:item}", :collection => ${0:@$1s}
+snippet rpl
+ = render :partial => "${1:item}", :locals => { :${2:$1} => ${0:@$1}
+snippet rpo
+ = render :partial => "${1:item}", :object => ${0:@$1}
+snippet lt
+ = link_to ${1:name}, ${2:dest}
+snippet mt
+ = mail_to ${1:email_address}, ${2:name}
+snippet mts
+ = mail_to ${1:email_address}, ${2:name}, :subject => ${3}, :body => ${4}
+snippet ife
+ - if ${1:condition}
+ ${2}
+ - else
+ ${0}
+snippet ifp
+ - if ${1:condition}.presence?
+ ${0}
+snippet ntc
+ = number_to_currency(${1})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/haskell.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/haskell.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4957e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/haskell.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+snippet lang
+ {-# LANGUAGE ${0:OverloadedStrings} #-}
+snippet haddock
+ {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ${0:hide} #-}
+snippet ghc
+ {-# OPTIONS_GHC ${0:-fno-warn-unused-imports} #-}
+snippet inline
+ {-# INLINE ${0:name} #-}
+snippet info
+ -- |
+ -- Module : ${1:`substitute(substitute(expand('%:r'), '[/\\]','.','g'),'^\%(\l*\.\)\?','','')`}
+ -- Copyright : ${2:Author} ${3:2011-2012}
+ -- License : ${4:BSD3}
+ --
+ -- Maintainer : ${5:email@something.com}
+ -- Stability : ${6:experimental}
+ -- Portability : ${7:unknown}
+ --
+ -- ${0:Description}
+ --
+snippet imp
+ import ${0:Data.Text}
+snippet import
+ import ${0:Data.Text}
+snippet import2
+ import ${1:Data.Text} (${0:head})
+snippet impq
+ import qualified ${1:Data.Text} as ${0:T}
+snippet importq
+ import qualified ${1:Data.Text} as ${0:T}
+snippet inst
+ instance ${1:Monoid} ${2:Type} where
+ ${0}
+snippet type
+ type ${1:Type} = ${0:Type}
+snippet data
+ data ${1:Type} = ${2:$1} ${0:Int}
+snippet newtype
+ newtype ${1:Type} = ${2:$1} ${0:Int}
+snippet class
+ class ${1:Class} a where
+ ${0}
+snippet module
+ module `substitute(substitute(expand('%:r'), '[/\\]','.','g'),'^\%(\l*\.\)\?','','')` (
+ ) where
+ `expand('%') =~ 'Main' ? "\nmain :: IO ()\nmain = undefined" : ""`
+snippet main
+ main :: IO ()
+ main = ${0:undefined}
+snippet const
+ ${1:name} :: ${2:a}
+ $1 = ${0:undefined}
+snippet fn
+ ${1:fn} :: ${2:a} -> ${3:a}
+ $1 ${4} = ${0:undefined}
+snippet fn2
+ ${1:fn} :: ${2:a} -> ${3:a} -> ${4:a}
+ $1 ${5} = ${0:undefined}
+snippet fn3
+ ${1:fn} :: ${2:a} -> ${3:a} -> ${4:a} -> ${5:a}
+ $1 ${6} = ${0:undefined}
+snippet => "Type constraint"
+ (${1:Class} ${2:a}) => $2
+snippet ap
+ ${1:map} ${2:fn} ${0:list}
+snippet \
+ \\${1:x} -> ${0:expression}
+snippet (\
+ (\\${1:x} -> ${0:expression})
+snippet <-
+ ${1:a} <- ${0:m a}
+snippet ->
+ ${1:m a} -> ${0:a}
+snippet tup
+ (${1:a}, ${0:b})
+snippet tup2
+ (${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${0:c})
+snippet tup3
+ (${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${0:d})
+snippet rec
+ ${1:Record} { ${2:recFieldA} = ${3:undefined}
+ , ${4:recFieldB} = ${0:undefined}
+ }
+snippet case
+ case ${1:something} of
+ ${2} -> ${0}
+snippet let
+ let ${1} = ${2}
+ in ${3}
+snippet where
+ where
+ ${1:fn} = ${0:undefined}
+snippet spec
+ module `substitute(substitute(expand('%:r'), '[/\\]','.','g'),'^\%(\l*\.\)\?','','')` (main, spec) where
+ import Test.Hspec
+ import Test.QuickCheck
+ main :: IO ()
+ main = hspec spec
+ spec :: Spec
+ spec =
+ describe "${1}" $ do
+ $0
+snippet desc
+ describe "${1}" $ do
+ $0
+snippet it
+ it "${1}" $
+ $0
+snippet itp
+ it "${1}" $ property $
+ $0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/html.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/html.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41f983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/html.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
+# Some useful Unicode entities
+# Non-Breaking Space
+snippet nbs
+ &nbsp;
+# ←
+snippet left
+ &#x2190;
+# →
+snippet right
+ &#x2192;
+# ↑
+snippet up
+ &#x2191;
+# ↓
+snippet down
+ &#x2193;
+# ↩
+snippet return
+ &#x21A9;
+# ⇤
+snippet backtab
+ &#x21E4;
+# ⇥
+snippet tab
+ &#x21E5;
+# ⇧
+snippet shift
+ &#x21E7;
+# ⌃
+snippet ctrl
+ &#x2303;
+# ⌅
+snippet enter
+ &#x2305;
+# ⌘
+snippet cmd
+ &#x2318;
+# ⌥
+snippet option
+ &#x2325;
+# ⌦
+snippet delete
+ &#x2326;
+# ⌫
+snippet backspace
+ &#x232B;
+# ⎋
+snippet esc
+ &#x238B;
+# comment
+snippet //
+ <!-- ${1} -->${0}
+# Generic Doctype
+snippet doctype HTML 4.01 Strict
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype HTML 4.01 Transitional
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+snippet doctype HTML 5
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.0 Frameset
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.0 Strict
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.0 Transitional
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.1
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+# HTML Doctype 4.01 Strict
+snippet docts
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+# HTML Doctype 4.01 Transitional
+snippet doct
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+# HTML Doctype 5
+snippet doct5
+# XHTML Doctype 1.0 Frameset
+snippet docxf
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
+# XHTML Doctype 1.0 Strict
+snippet docxs
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+# XHTML Doctype 1.0 Transitional
+snippet docxt
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+# XHTML Doctype 1.1
+snippet docx
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+# Attributes
+snippet attr
+ ${1:attribute}="${0:property}"
+snippet attr+
+ ${1:attribute}="${2:property}" attr+
+snippet .
+ class="${1}"
+snippet #
+ id="${1}"
+snippet alt
+ alt="${1}"
+snippet charset
+ charset="${1:utf-8}"
+snippet data
+ data-${1}="${2:$1}"
+snippet for
+ for="${1}"
+snippet height
+ height="${1}"
+snippet href
+ href="${1:#}"
+snippet lang
+ lang="${1:en}"
+snippet media
+ media="${1}"
+snippet name
+ name="${1}"
+snippet rel
+ rel="${1}"
+snippet scope
+ scope="${1:row}"
+snippet src
+ src="${1}"
+snippet title=
+ title="${1}"
+snippet type
+ type="${1}"
+snippet value
+ value="${1}"
+snippet width
+ width="${1}"
+# Elements
+snippet a
+ <a href="${1:#}">${0:$1}</a>
+snippet a.
+ <a class="${1}" href="${2:#}">${0:$1}</a>
+snippet a#
+ <a id="${1}" href="${2:#}">${0:$1}</a>
+snippet a:ext
+ <a href="http://${1:example.com}">${0:$1}</a>
+snippet a:mail
+ <a href="mailto:${1:joe@example.com}?subject=${2:feedback}">${0:email me}</a>
+snippet ac
+ <a href="`@+`">${0:`@+`}</a>
+snippet abbr
+ <abbr title="${1}">${0}</abbr>
+snippet address
+ <address>
+ ${0}
+ </address>
+snippet area
+ <area shape="${1:rect}" coords="${2}" href="${3}" alt="${0}">
+snippet area+
+ <area shape="${1:rect}" coords="${2}" href="${3}" alt="${4}">
+ area+
+snippet area:c
+ <area shape="circle" coords="${1}" href="${2}" alt="${0}">
+snippet area:d
+ <area shape="default" coords="${1}" href="${2}" alt="${0}">
+snippet area:p
+ <area shape="poly" coords="${1}" href="${2}" alt="${0}">
+snippet area:r
+ <area shape="rect" coords="${1}" href="${2}" alt="${0}">
+snippet article
+ <article>
+ ${0}
+ </article>
+snippet article.
+ <article class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </article>
+snippet article#
+ <article id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </article>
+snippet aside
+ <aside>
+ ${0}
+ </aside>
+snippet aside.
+ <aside class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </aside>
+snippet aside#
+ <aside id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </aside>
+snippet audio
+ <audio src="${1}>${0}</audio>
+snippet b
+ <b>${0}</b>
+snippet base
+ <base href="${1}" target="${0}">
+snippet bdi
+ <bdi>${0}</bdo>
+snippet bdo
+ <bdo dir="${1}">${0}</bdo>
+snippet bdo:l
+ <bdo dir="ltr">${0}</bdo>
+snippet bdo:r
+ <bdo dir="rtl">${0}</bdo>
+snippet blockquote
+ <blockquote>
+ ${0}
+ </blockquote>
+snippet body
+ <body>
+ ${0}
+ </body>
+snippet br
+ <br>
+snippet button
+ <button type="${1:submit}">${0}</button>
+snippet button.
+ <button class="${1:button}" type="${2:submit}">${0}</button>
+snippet button#
+ <button id="${1}" type="${2:submit}">${0}</button>
+snippet button:s
+ <button type="submit">${0}</button>
+snippet button:r
+ <button type="reset">${0}</button>
+snippet canvas
+ <canvas>
+ ${0}
+ </canvas>
+snippet caption
+ <caption>${0}</caption>
+snippet cite
+ <cite>${0}</cite>
+snippet code
+ <code>${0}</code>
+snippet col
+ <col>
+snippet col+
+ <col>
+ col+
+snippet colgroup
+ <colgroup>
+ ${0}
+ </colgroup>
+snippet colgroup+
+ <colgroup>
+ <col />
+ col+${0}
+ </colgroup>
+snippet command
+ <command type="command" label="${1}" icon="${0}">
+snippet command:c
+ <command type="checkbox" label="${1}" icon="${0}">
+snippet command:r
+ <command type="radio" radiogroup="${1}" label="${2}" icon="${0}">
+snippet datagrid
+ <datagrid>
+ ${0}
+ </datagrid>
+snippet datalist
+ <datalist>
+ ${0}
+ </datalist>
+snippet datatemplate
+ <datatemplate>
+ ${0}
+ </datatemplate>
+snippet dd
+ <dd>${0}</dd>
+snippet dd.
+ <dd class="${1}">${0}</dd>
+snippet dd#
+ <dd id="${1}">${0}</dd>
+snippet del
+ <del>${0}</del>
+snippet details
+ <details>${0}</details>
+snippet dfn
+ <dfn>${0}</dfn>
+snippet dialog
+ <dialog>
+ ${0}
+ </dialog>
+snippet div
+ <div>
+ ${0}
+ </div>
+snippet div.
+ <div class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </div>
+snippet div#
+ <div id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </div>
+snippet dl
+ <dl>
+ ${0}
+ </dl>
+snippet dl.
+ <dl class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </dl>
+snippet dl#
+ <dl id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </dl>
+snippet dl+
+ <dl>
+ <dt>${1}</dt>
+ <dd>${2}</dd>
+ dt+${0}
+ </dl>
+snippet dt
+ <dt>${0}</dt>
+snippet dt.
+ <dt class="${1}">${0}</dt>
+snippet dt#
+ <dt id="${1}">${0}</dt>
+snippet dt+
+ <dt>${1}</dt>
+ <dd>${2}</dd>
+ dt+${0}
+snippet em
+ <em>${0}</em>
+snippet embed
+ <embed src="${1}" type="${0}">
+snippet fieldset
+ <fieldset>
+ ${0}
+ </fieldset>
+snippet fieldset.
+ <fieldset class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </fieldset>
+snippet fieldset#
+ <fieldset id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </fieldset>
+snippet fieldset+
+ <fieldset>
+ <legend><span>${1}</span></legend>
+ ${2}
+ </fieldset>
+ fieldset+${0}
+snippet figcaption
+ <figcaption>${0}</figcaption>
+snippet figure
+ <figure>${0}</figure>
+snippet figure#
+ <figure id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </figure>
+snippet figure.
+ <figure class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </figure>
+snippet footer
+ <footer>
+ ${0}
+ </footer>
+snippet footer.
+ <footer class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </footer>
+snippet footer#
+ <footer id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </footer>
+snippet form
+ <form action="${1}" method="${2:post}">
+ ${0}
+ </form>
+snippet form.
+ <form class="${1}" action="${2}" method="${3:post}">
+ ${0}
+ </form>
+snippet form#
+ <form id="${1}" action="${2}" method="${3:post}">
+ ${0}
+ </form>
+snippet h1
+ <h1>${0}</h1>
+snippet h1.
+ <h1 class="${1}">${0}</h1>
+snippet h1#
+ <h1 id="${1}">${0}</h1>
+snippet h2
+ <h2>${0}</h2>
+snippet h2.
+ <h2 class="${1}">${0}</h2>
+snippet h2#
+ <h2 id="${1}">${0}</h2>
+snippet h3
+ <h3>${0}</h3>
+snippet h3.
+ <h3 class="${1}">${0}</h3>
+snippet h3#
+ <h3 id="${1}">${0}</h3>
+snippet h4
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+snippet h4.
+ <h4 class="${1}">${0}</h4>
+snippet h4#
+ <h4 id="${1}">${0}</h4>
+snippet h5
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+snippet h5.
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+snippet h5#
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+snippet h6
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+snippet h6.
+ <h6 class="${1}">${0}</h6>
+snippet h6#
+ <h6 id="${1}">${0}</h6>
+snippet head
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+ ${0}
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+snippet header
+ <header>
+ ${0}
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+snippet header.
+ <header class="${1}">
+ ${0}
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+snippet header#
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+ ${0}
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+snippet hgroup
+ <hgroup>
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+snippet hgroup.
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+snippet hr
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+snippet html
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+snippet xhtml
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+snippet html5
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+ ${2:link}
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+ <body>
+ ${0:body}
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+snippet html5l
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
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+ ${3:link}
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+ <body>
+ ${0:body}
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+snippet i
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+snippet iframe
+ <iframe src="${1}" frameborder="0"></iframe>
+snippet iframe.
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+snippet iframe#
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+snippet img
+ <img src="${1}" alt="${2}">
+snippet img.
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+snippet img#
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+snippet input
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+snippet input.
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+snippet input:text
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+snippet input:submit
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+snippet input:hidden
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+snippet input:button
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+snippet input:image
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+snippet input:checkbox
+ <input type="checkbox" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}">
+snippet input:radio
+ <input type="radio" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}">
+snippet input:color
+ <input type="color" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:date
+ <input type="date" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:datetime
+ <input type="datetime" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:datetime-local
+ <input type="datetime-local" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:email
+ <input type="email" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:file
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+snippet input:month
+ <input type="month" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:number
+ <input type="number" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:password
+ <input type="password" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:range
+ <input type="range" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:reset
+ <input type="reset" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:search
+ <input type="search" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:time
+ <input type="time" name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" value="${3}">
+snippet input:url
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+snippet input:week
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+snippet label:i
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+snippet label:s
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+snippet legend
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+snippet li
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+snippet li.
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+ li+
+snippet lia
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+snippet lia+
+ <li><a href="${2:#}">${1}</a></li>
+ lia+
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+snippet link:css
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+snippet link:touch
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+snippet main
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+snippet map
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+snippet map.
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+ ${0}
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+snippet map#
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+ ${0}
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+snippet map+
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+snippet mark
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+ <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
+snippet meta:utf
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+snippet meter
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+ <nav>
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+snippet nav.
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+ <noscript>
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+ ${3}
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+# Embed QT Movie
+snippet movie
+ <object width="$2" height="$3" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"
+ codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
+ <param name="src" value="$1" />
+ <param name="controller" value="$4">
+ <param name="autoplay" value="$5">
+ <embed src="${1:movie.mov}"
+ width="${2:320}" height="${3:240}"
+ controller="${4:true}" autoplay="${5:true}"
+ scale="tofit" cache="true"
+ pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/">
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+snippet ol
+ <ol>
+ ${0}
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+snippet ol.
+ <ol class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </ol>
+snippet ol#
+ <ol id="${1}">
+ ${0}
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+snippet ol+
+ <ol>
+ <li>${1}</li>
+ li+${0}
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+snippet opt
+ <option value="${1}">${0:$1}</option>
+snippet opt+
+ <option value="${1}">${2:$1}</option>
+ opt+${0}
+snippet optt
+ <option>${0}</option>
+snippet optgroup
+ <optgroup>
+ <option value="${1}">${2:$1}</option>
+ opt+${0}
+ </optgroup>
+snippet output
+ <output>${0}</output>
+snippet p
+ <p>${0}</p>
+snippet p.
+ <p class="${1}">${0}</p>
+snippet p#
+ <p id="${1}">${0}</p>
+snippet param
+ <param name="${1}" value="${2}">
+snippet pre
+ <pre>
+ ${0}
+ </pre>
+snippet progress
+ <progress>${0}</progress>
+snippet q
+ <q>${0}</q>
+snippet rp
+ <rp>${0}</rp>
+snippet rt
+ <rt>${0}</rt>
+snippet ruby
+ <ruby>
+ <rp><rt>${0}</rt></rp>
+ </ruby>
+snippet s
+ <s>${0}</s>
+snippet samp
+ <samp>
+ ${0}
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+snippet script
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+snippet scriptt
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+snippet scriptsrc
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+snippet section
+ <section>
+ ${0}
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+snippet section.
+ <section class="${1}">
+ ${0}
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+snippet section#
+ <section id="${1}">
+ ${0}
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+snippet select
+ <select name="${1}" id="${2:$1}">
+ ${0}
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+snippet select.
+ <select name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" class="${3}>
+ ${0}
+ </select>
+snippet select+
+ <select name="${1}" id="${2:$1}">
+ <option value="${3}">${4:$3}</option>
+ opt+${0}
+ </select>
+snippet small
+ <small>${0}</small>
+snippet source
+ <source src="${1}" type="${2}" media="${0}">
+snippet span
+ <span>${0}</span>
+snippet span.
+ <span class="${1}">${0}</span>
+snippet span#
+ <span id="${1}">${0}</span>
+snippet strong
+ <strong>${0}</strong>
+snippet style
+ <style type="text/css" media="${1:all}">
+ ${0}
+ </style>
+snippet sub
+ <sub>${0}</sub>
+snippet summary
+ <summary>
+ ${0}
+ </summary>
+snippet sup
+ <sup>${0}</sup>
+snippet table
+ <table>
+ ${0}
+ </table>
+snippet table.
+ <table class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </table>
+snippet table#
+ <table id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </table>
+snippet tbody
+ <tbody>
+ ${0}
+ </tbody>
+snippet td
+ <td>${0}</td>
+snippet td.
+ <td class="${1}">${0}</td>
+snippet td#
+ <td id="${1}">${0}</td>
+snippet td+
+ <td>${1}</td>
+ td+${0}
+snippet textarea
+ <textarea name="${1}" id="${2:$1}" rows="${3:8}" cols="${4:40}">${5}</textarea>
+snippet tfoot
+ <tfoot>
+ ${0}
+ </tfoot>
+snippet th
+ <th>${0}</th>
+snippet th.
+ <th class="${1}">${0}</th>
+snippet th#
+ <th id="${1}">${0}</th>
+snippet th+
+ <th>${1}</th>
+ th+${0}
+snippet thead
+ <thead>
+ ${0}
+ </thead>
+snippet time
+ <time datetime="${1}" pubdate="${2:$1}">${0:$1}</time>
+snippet title
+ <title>${0:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('', 'Page Title'), '^.', '\u&', '')`}</title>
+snippet tr
+ <tr>
+ ${0}
+ </tr>
+snippet tr+
+ <tr>
+ <td>${1}</td>
+ td+${0}
+ </tr>
+snippet track
+ <track src="${1}" srclang="${2}" label="${3}" default="${4:default}>${5}</track>
+snippet ul
+ <ul>
+ ${0}
+ </ul>
+snippet ul.
+ <ul class="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </ul>
+snippet ul#
+ <ul id="${1}">
+ ${0}
+ </ul>
+snippet ul+
+ <ul>
+ <li>${1}</li>
+ li+${0}
+ </ul>
+snippet var
+ <var>${0}</var>
+snippet video
+ <video src="${1} height="${2}" width="${3}" preload="${5:none}" autoplay="${6:autoplay}>${7}</video>
+snippet wbr
+ <wbr>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/htmldjango.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/htmldjango.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d14ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/htmldjango.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Generic tags
+extends html
+snippet %
+ {% ${1} %}
+snippet %%
+ {% ${1:tag_name} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end$1 %}
+snippet {
+ {{ ${1} }}
+# Template Tags
+snippet autoescape
+ {% autoescape ${1:off} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endautoescape %}
+snippet block
+ {% block ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endblock %}
+snippet #
+ {# ${0:comment} #}
+snippet comment
+ {% comment %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endcomment %}
+snippet cycle
+ {% cycle ${1:val1} ${2:val2} ${3:as ${4}} %}
+snippet debug
+ {% debug %}
+snippet extends
+ {% extends "${0:base.html}" %}
+snippet filter
+ {% filter ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endfilter %}
+snippet firstof
+ {% firstof ${1} %}
+snippet for
+ {% for ${1} in ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endfor %}
+snippet empty
+ {% empty %}
+ ${0}
+snippet if
+ {% if ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endif %}
+snippet el
+ {% else %}
+ ${1}
+snippet eif
+ {% elif ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+snippet ifchanged
+ {% ifchanged %}${1}{% endifchanged %}
+snippet ifequal
+ {% ifequal ${1} ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endifequal %}
+snippet ifnotequal
+ {% ifnotequal ${1} ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endifnotequal %}
+snippet include
+ {% include "${0}" %}
+snippet load
+ {% load ${0} %}
+snippet now
+ {% now "${0:jS F Y H:i}" %}
+snippet regroup
+ {% regroup ${1} by ${2} as ${0} %}
+snippet spaceless
+ {% spaceless %}${0}{% endspaceless %}
+snippet ssi
+ {% ssi ${0} %}
+snippet trans
+ {% trans "${0:string}" %}
+snippet url
+ {% url ${1} as ${0} %}
+snippet widthratio
+ {% widthratio ${1:this_value} ${2:max_value} ${0:100} %}
+snippet with
+ {% with ${1} as ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endwith %}
+# Template Filters
+# Note: Since SnipMate can't determine which template filter you are
+# expanding without the "|" character, these do not add the "|"
+# character. These save a few keystrokes still.
+# Note: Template tags that take no arguments are not implemented.
+snippet add
+ add:"${0}"
+snippet center
+ center:"${0}"
+snippet cut
+ cut:"${0}"
+snippet date
+ date:"${0}"
+snippet default
+ default:"${0}"
+snippet defaultifnone
+ default_if_none:"${0}"
+snippet dictsort
+ dictsort:"${0}"
+snippet dictsortrev
+ dictsortreversed:"${0}"
+snippet divisibleby
+ divisibleby:"${0}"
+snippet floatformat
+ floatformat:"${0}"
+snippet getdigit
+ get_digit:"${0}"
+snippet join
+ join:"${0}"
+snippet lengthis
+ length_is:"${0}"
+snippet pluralize
+ pluralize:"${0}"
+snippet removetags
+ removetags:"${0}"
+snippet slice
+ slice:"${0}"
+snippet stringformat
+ stringformat:"${0}"
+snippet time
+ time:"${0}"
+snippet truncatewords
+ truncatewords:${0}
+snippet truncatewordshtml
+ truncatewords_html:${0}
+snippet urlizetrunc
+ urlizetrunc:${0}
+snippet wordwrap
+ wordwrap:${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/htmltornado.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/htmltornado.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f5dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/htmltornado.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Generic tags
+snippet {
+ {{ ${0} }}
+# Template tags
+snippet extends
+ {% extends "${0:base.html}" %}
+snippet autoescape
+ {% autoescape ${0:xhtml_escape | None} %}
+snippet apply
+ {% apply ${1:function} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end %}
+snippet block
+ {% block ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end %}
+snippet for
+ {% for ${1:item} in ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end %}
+snippet from
+ {% from ${1:x} import ${0:y} %}
+snippet if
+ {% if ${1:condition} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end %}
+snippet eif
+ {% elif ${0:condition} %}
+snippet el
+ {% else %}
+snippet import
+ {% import ${0:module} %}
+snippet include
+ {% include "${0:filename}" %}
+snippet module
+ {% module ${0:expression} %}
+snippet raw
+ {% raw ${0:expression} %}
+snippet set
+ {% set ${1:x} = ${0:y} %}
+snippet try
+ {% try %}
+ ${1}
+ {% except %}
+ ${2}
+ {% finallly %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end %}
+snippet wh
+ {% while ${1:condition} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end %}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jade.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jade.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55f0af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jade.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Angular HTML
+snippet rep
+ div(ng-repeat='${1} in ${2}')
+snippet repf
+ div(ng-repeat='${1} in ${2}' | ${3})
+snippet repi
+ div(ng-repeat='${1} in ${2}' track by $index)
+snippet hide
+ div(ng-hide='${1}')
+snippet show
+ div(ng-show='${1}')
+snippet if
+ div(ng-if='${1}')
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/java.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/java.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e40bbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/java.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+## Access Modifiers
+snippet po
+ protected ${0}
+snippet pu
+ public ${0}
+snippet pr
+ private ${0}
+## Annotations
+snippet before
+ @Before
+ static void ${1:intercept}(${2:args}) { ${0} }
+snippet mm
+ @ManyToMany
+ ${0}
+snippet mo
+ @ManyToOne
+ ${0}
+snippet om
+ @OneToMany${1:(cascade=CascadeType.ALL)}
+ ${0}
+snippet oo
+ @OneToOne
+ ${1}
+## Basic Java packages and import
+snippet im
+ import ${0}
+snippet j.b
+ java.beans.
+snippet j.i
+ java.io.
+snippet j.m
+ java.math.
+snippet j.n
+ java.net.
+snippet j.u
+ java.util.
+## Class
+snippet cl
+ class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1", "untitled")`} ${0}
+snippet pcl
+ public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1", "untitled")`} ${0}
+snippet in
+ interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1", "untitled")`} ${2:extends Parent}
+snippet tc
+ public class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1")`} extends ${0:TestCase}
+## Class Enhancements
+snippet ext
+ extends ${0}
+snippet imp
+ implements ${0}
+## Comments
+snippet /*
+ /*
+ * ${0}
+ */
+## Constants
+snippet co
+ static public final ${1:String} ${2:var} = ${3};
+snippet cos
+ static public final String ${1:var} = "${2}";
+## Control Statements
+snippet case
+ case ${1}:
+ ${0}
+snippet def
+ default:
+ ${0}
+snippet el
+ else
+snippet eif
+ else if (${1}) ${0}
+snippet if
+ if (${1}) ${0}
+snippet sw
+ switch (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+## Create a Method
+snippet m
+ ${1:void} ${2:method}(${3}) ${4:throws }
+## Create a Variable
+snippet v
+ ${1:String} ${2:var}${3: = null}${4};
+## Declaration for ArrayList
+snippet d.al
+ List<${1:Object}> ${2:list} = new ArrayList<$1>();${0}
+## Declaration for HashMap
+snippet d.hm
+ Map<${1:Object}, ${2:Object}> ${3:map} = new HashMap<$1, $2>();${0}
+## Declaration for HashSet
+snippet d.hs
+ Set<${1:Object}> ${2:set} = new HashSet<$1>();${0}
+## Declaration for Stack
+snippet d.st
+ Stack<${1:Object}> ${2:stack} = new Stack<$1>();${0}
+## Singleton Pattern
+snippet singlet
+ private static class Holder {
+ private static final ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1")`} INSTANCE = new $1();
+ }
+ private $1() { }
+ public static $1 getInstance() {
+ return Holder.INSTANCE;
+ }
+## Enhancements to Methods, variables, classes, etc.
+snippet ab
+ abstract ${0}
+snippet fi
+ final ${0}
+snippet st
+ static ${0}
+snippet sy
+ synchronized ${0}
+## Error Methods
+snippet err
+ System.err.print("${0:Message}");
+snippet errf
+ System.err.printf("${1:Message}", ${0:exception});
+snippet errln
+ System.err.println("${0:Message}");
+## Exception Handling
+snippet as
+ assert ${1:test} : "${2:Failure message}";
+snippet ae
+ assertEquals("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});
+snippet aae
+ assertArrayEquals("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expecteds}, ${3:actuals});
+snippet af
+ assertFalse("${1:Failure message}", ${2:condition});
+snippet at
+ assertTrue("${1:Failure message}", ${2:condition});
+snippet an
+ assertNull("${1:Failure message}", ${2:object});
+snippet ann
+ assertNotNull("${1:Failure message}", ${2:object});
+snippet ass
+ assertSame("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});
+snippet asns
+ assertNotSame("${1:Failure message}", ${2:expected}, ${3:actual});
+snippet fa
+ fail("${1:Failure message}");
+snippet ca
+ catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) ${0}
+snippet thr
+ throw ${0}
+snippet ths
+ throws ${0}
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ }
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ } finally {
+ }
+## Find Methods
+snippet findall
+ List<${1:listName}> ${2:items} = ${1}.findAll();
+snippet findbyid
+ ${1:var} ${2:item} = ${1}.findById(${3});
+## Javadocs
+snippet /**
+ /**
+ * ${0}
+ */
+snippet @au
+ @author `system("grep \`id -un\` /etc/passwd | cut -d \":\" -f5 | cut -d \",\" -f1")`
+snippet @br
+ @brief ${0:Description}
+snippet @fi
+ @file ${0:`vim_snippets#Filename("$1")`}.java
+snippet @pa
+ @param ${0:param}
+snippet @re
+ @return ${0:param}
+## Logger Methods
+snippet debug
+ Logger.debug(${1:param});
+snippet error
+ Logger.error(${1:param});
+snippet info
+ Logger.info(${1:param});
+snippet warn
+ Logger.warn(${1:param});
+## Loops
+snippet enfor
+ for (${1} : ${2}) ${0}
+snippet for
+ for (${1}; ${2}; ${3}) ${0}
+snippet wh
+ while (${1}) ${0}
+## Main method
+snippet main
+ public static void main (String[] args) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+## Print Methods
+snippet print
+ System.out.print("${0:Message}");
+snippet printf
+ System.out.printf("${1:Message}", ${0:args});
+snippet println
+ System.out.println(${0});
+snippet printlna
+ System.out.println(Arrays.toString(${0}));
+## Render Methods
+snippet ren
+ render(${1:param});
+snippet rena
+ renderArgs.put("${1}", ${2});
+snippet renb
+ renderBinary(${1:param});
+snippet renj
+ renderJSON(${1:param});
+snippet renx
+ renderXml(${1:param});
+## Setter and Getter Methods
+snippet set
+ ${1:public} void set${3:}(${2:String} ${0:}){
+ this.$4 = $4;
+ }
+snippet get
+ ${1:public} ${2:String} get${3:}(){
+ return this.${0:};
+ }
+## Terminate Methods or Loops
+snippet re
+ return ${0}
+snippet br
+ break;
+## Test Methods
+snippet t
+ public void test${1:Name}() throws Exception {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet test
+ @Test
+ public void test${1:Name}() throws Exception {
+ ${0}
+ }
+## Utils
+snippet Sc
+ Scanner
+## Miscellaneous
+snippet action
+ public static void ${1:index}(${2:args}) { ${0} }
+snippet rnf
+ notFound(${1:param});
+snippet rnfin
+ notFoundIfNull(${1:param});
+snippet rr
+ redirect(${1:param});
+snippet ru
+ unauthorized(${1:param});
+snippet unless
+ (unless=${1:param});
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript-mocha.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript-mocha.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f08bf84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript-mocha.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+snippet des "Describe" b
+ describe('${1:}', () => {
+ ${0}
+ });
+snippet it "it" b
+ it('${1:}', () => {
+ ${0}
+ });
+snippet exp "expect" b
+ expect(${1:})${0};
+snippet expe "expect" b
+ expect(${1:}).to.equal(${0});
+snippet expd "expect" b
+ expect(${1:}).to.deep.equal(${0});
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript-jquery.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript-jquery.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef6f66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript-jquery.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+snippet add
+ ${1:obj}.add('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet addClass
+ ${1:obj}.addClass('${2:class name}')
+snippet after
+ ${1:obj}.after('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet ajax
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ type: '${2:POST}',
+ dataType: '${3:xml/html/script/json}',
+ data: $.param( $('${4:Element or Expression}') ),
+ complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
+ ${5:// callback}
+ },
+ success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ ${6:// success callback}
+ },
+ error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ ${0:// error callback}
+ }
+ });
+snippet ajaxcomplete
+ ${1:obj}.ajaxComplete(function (${1:e}, xhr, settings) {
+ ${0:// callback}
+ });
+snippet ajaxerror
+ ${1:obj}.ajaxError(function (${1:e}, xhr, settings, thrownError) {
+ ${2:// error callback}
+ });
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxget
+ $.get('${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ ${0:// success callback}
+ }
+ );
+snippet ajaxpost
+ $.post('${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ ${0:// success callback}
+ }
+ );
+snippet ajaxprefilter
+ $.ajaxPrefilter(function (${1:options}, ${2:originalOptions}, jqXHR) {
+ ${0: // Modify options, control originalOptions, store jqXHR, etc}
+ });
+snippet ajaxsend
+ ${1:obj}.ajaxSend(function (${1:request, settings}) {
+ ${2:// error callback}
+ });
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxsetup
+ $.ajaxSetup({
+ url: "${1:mydomain.com/url}",
+ type: "${2:POST}",
+ dataType: "${3:xml/html/script/json}",
+ data: $.param( $("${4:Element or Expression}") ),
+ complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
+ ${5:// callback}
+ },
+ success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ ${6:// success callback}
+ },
+ error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ ${0:// error callback}
+ }
+ });
+snippet ajaxstart
+ $.ajaxStart(function () {
+ ${1:// handler for when an AJAX call is started and no other AJAX calls are in progress};
+ });
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxstop
+ $.ajaxStop(function () {
+ ${1:// handler for when all AJAX calls have been completed};
+ });
+ ${0}
+snippet ajaxsuccess
+ $.ajaxSuccess(function (${1:e}, xhr, settings) {
+ ${2:// handler for when any AJAX call is successfully completed};
+ });
+ ${0}
+snippet andself
+ ${1:obj}.andSelf()
+snippet animate
+ ${1:obj}.animate({${2:param1: value1, param2: value2}}, ${3:speed})
+snippet append
+ ${1:obj}.append('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet appendTo
+ ${1:obj}.appendTo('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet attr
+ ${1:obj}.attr('${2:attribute}', '${3:value}')
+snippet attrm
+ ${1:obj}.attr({'${2:attr1}': '${3:value1}', '${4:attr2}': '${5:value2}'})
+snippet before
+ ${1:obj}.before('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet bind
+ ${1:obj}.bind('${2:event name}', function (${3:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet blur
+ ${1:obj}.blur(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet C
+ $.Callbacks()
+snippet Cadd
+ ${1:callbacks}.add(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Cdis
+ ${1:callbacks}.disable()
+snippet Cempty
+ ${1:callbacks}.empty()
+snippet Cfire
+ ${1:callbacks}.fire(${2:args})
+snippet Cfired
+ ${1:callbacks}.fired()
+snippet Cfirew
+ ${1:callbacks}.fireWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Chas
+ ${1:callbacks}.has(${2:callback})
+snippet Clock
+ ${1:callbacks}.lock()
+snippet Clocked
+ ${1:callbacks}.locked()
+snippet Crem
+ ${1:callbacks}.remove(${2:callbacks})
+snippet change
+ ${1:obj}.change(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet children
+ ${1:obj}.children('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet clearq
+ ${1:obj}.clearQueue(${2:'queue name'})
+snippet click
+ ${1:obj}.click(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet clone
+ ${1:obj}.clone()
+snippet contains
+ $.contains(${1:container}, ${0:contents});
+snippet css
+ ${1:obj}.css('${2:attribute}', '${3:value}')
+snippet csshooks
+ $.cssHooks['${1:CSS prop}'] = {
+ get: function (elem, computed, extra) {
+ ${2: // handle getting the CSS property}
+ },
+ set: function (elem, value) {
+ ${0: // handle setting the CSS value}
+ }
+ };
+snippet cssm
+ ${1:obj}.css({${2:attribute1}: '${3:value1}', ${4:attribute2}: '${5:value2}'})
+snippet D
+ $.Deferred()
+snippet Dalways
+ ${1:deferred}.always(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Ddone
+ ${1:deferred}.done(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Dfail
+ ${1:deferred}.fail(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Disrej
+ ${1:deferred}.isRejected()
+snippet Disres
+ ${1:deferred}.isResolved()
+snippet Dnotify
+ ${1:deferred}.notify(${2:args})
+snippet Dnotifyw
+ ${1:deferred}.notifyWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Dpipe
+ ${1:deferred}.then(${2:doneFilter}, ${3:failFilter}, ${4:progressFilter})
+snippet Dprog
+ ${1:deferred}.progress(${2:callbacks})
+snippet Dprom
+ ${1:deferred}.promise(${2:target})
+snippet Drej
+ ${1:deferred}.reject(${2:args})
+snippet Drejw
+ ${1:deferred}.rejectWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Dres
+ ${1:deferred}.resolve(${2:args})
+snippet Dresw
+ ${1:deferred}.resolveWith(${2:this}, ${3:args})
+snippet Dstate
+ ${1:deferred}.state()
+snippet Dthen
+ ${1:deferred}.then(${2:doneCallbacks}, ${3:failCallbacks}, ${4:progressCallbacks})
+snippet Dwhen
+ $.when(${1:deferreds})
+snippet data
+ ${1:obj}.data(${2:obj})
+snippet dataa
+ $.data('${1:selector expression}', '${2:key}'${3:, 'value'})
+snippet dblclick
+ ${1:obj}.dblclick(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet delay
+ ${1:obj}.delay('${2:slow/400/fast}'${3:, 'queue name'})
+snippet dele
+ ${1:obj}.delegate('${2:selector expression}', '${3:event name}', function (${4:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet deq
+ ${1:obj}.dequeue(${2:'queue name'})
+snippet deqq
+ $.dequeue('${1:selector expression}'${2:, 'queue name'})
+snippet detach
+ ${1:obj}.detach('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet die
+ ${1:obj}.die(${2:event}, ${3:handler})
+snippet each
+ ${1:obj}.each(function (index) {
+ ${0:this.innerHTML = this + " is the element, " + index + " is the position";}
+ });
+snippet el
+ $('<${1}/>'${2:, {}})
+snippet eltrim
+ $.trim('${1:string}')
+snippet empty
+ ${1:obj}.empty()
+snippet end
+ ${1:obj}.end()
+snippet eq
+ ${1:obj}.eq(${2:element index})
+snippet error
+ ${1:obj}.error(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet eventsmap
+ {
+ :f${0}
+ }
+snippet extend
+ $.extend(${1:true, }${2:target}, ${3:obj})
+snippet fadein
+ ${1:obj}.fadeIn('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet fadeinc
+ ${1:obj}.fadeIn('slow/400/fast', function () {
+ ${0:// callback};
+ });
+snippet fadeout
+ ${1:obj}.fadeOut('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet fadeoutc
+ ${1:obj}.fadeOut('slow/400/fast', function () {
+ ${0:// callback};
+ });
+snippet fadeto
+ ${1:obj}.fadeTo('${2:slow/400/fast}', ${3:0.5})
+snippet fadetoc
+ ${1:obj}.fadeTo('slow/400/fast', ${2:0.5}, function () {
+ ${0:// callback};
+ });
+snippet filter
+ ${1:obj}.filter('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet filtert
+ ${1:obj}.filter(function (${2:index}) {
+ ${3}
+ })
+snippet find
+ ${1:obj}.find('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet focus
+ ${1:obj}.focus(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet focusin
+ ${1:obj}.focusIn(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet focusout
+ ${1:obj}.focusOut(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet get
+ ${1:obj}.get(${2:element index})
+snippet getjson
+ $.getJSON('${1:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ ${0:// success callback}
+ }
+ );
+snippet getscript
+ $.getScript('${1:mydomain.com/url}', function (script, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ ${0:// callback}
+ });
+snippet grep
+ $.grep(${1:array}, function (item, index) {
+ ${2}
+ }${0:, true});
+snippet hasc
+ ${1:obj}.hasClass('${2:className}')
+snippet hasd
+ $.hasData('${0:selector expression}');
+snippet height
+ ${1:obj}.height(${2:integer})
+snippet hide
+ ${1:obj}.hide('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet hidec
+ ${1:obj}.hide('${2:slow/400/fast}', function () {
+ ${0:// callback}
+ });
+snippet hover
+ ${1:obj}.hover(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${3:// event handler}
+ }, function ($2) {
+ ${4:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet html
+ ${1:obj}.html('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet inarr
+ $.inArray(${1:value}, ${0:array});
+snippet insa
+ ${1:obj}.insertAfter('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet insb
+ ${1:obj}.insertBefore('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet is
+ ${1:obj}.is('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet isarr
+ $.isArray(${1:obj})
+snippet isempty
+ $.isEmptyObject(${1:obj})
+snippet isfunc
+ $.isFunction(${1:obj})
+snippet isnum
+ $.isNumeric(${1:value})
+snippet isobj
+ $.isPlainObject(${1:obj})
+snippet iswin
+ $.isWindow(${1:obj})
+snippet isxml
+ $.isXMLDoc(${1:node})
+snippet jj
+ $('${1:selector}')
+snippet kdown
+ ${1:obj}.keydown(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet kpress
+ ${1:obj}.keypress(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet kup
+ ${1:obj}.keyup(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet last
+ ${1:obj}.last('${1:selector expression}')
+snippet live
+ ${1:obj}.live('${2:events}', function (${3:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet load
+ ${1:obj}.load(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet loadf
+ ${1:obj}.load('${2:mydomain.com/url}',
+ ${2:{ param1: value1 },}
+ function (responseText, textStatus, xhr) {
+ ${0:// success callback}
+ }
+ });
+snippet makearray
+ $.makeArray(${0:obj});
+snippet map
+ ${1:obj}.map(function (${2:index}, ${3:element}) {
+ ${0:// callback}
+ });
+snippet mapp
+ $.map(${1:arrayOrObject}, function (${2:value}, ${3:indexOrKey}) {
+ ${0:// callback}
+ });
+snippet merge
+ $.merge(${1:target}, ${0:original});
+snippet mdown
+ ${1:obj}.mousedown(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet menter
+ ${1:obj}.mouseenter(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet mleave
+ ${1:obj}.mouseleave(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet mmove
+ ${1:obj}.mousemove(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet mout
+ ${1:obj}.mouseout(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet mover
+ ${1:obj}.mouseover(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet mup
+ ${1:obj}.mouseup(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet next
+ ${1:obj}.next('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet nexta
+ ${1:obj}.nextAll('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet nextu
+ ${1:obj}.nextUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})
+snippet not
+ ${1:obj}.not('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet off
+ ${1:obj}.off('${2:events}', '${3:selector expression}'${4:, handler})
+snippet offset
+ ${1:obj}.offset()
+snippet offsetp
+ ${1:obj}.offsetParent()
+snippet on
+ ${1:obj}.on('${2:events}', '${3:selector expression}', function (${4:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet one
+ ${1:obj}.one('${2:event name}', function (${3:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet outerh
+ ${1:obj}.outerHeight()
+snippet outerw
+ ${1:obj}.outerWidth()
+snippet param
+ $.param(${1:obj})
+snippet parent
+ ${1:obj}.parent('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet parents
+ ${1:obj}.parents('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet parentsu
+ ${1:obj}.parentsUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})
+snippet parsejson
+ $.parseJSON(${1:data})
+snippet parsexml
+ $.parseXML(${1:data})
+snippet pos
+ ${1:obj}.position()
+snippet prepend
+ ${1:obj}.prepend('${2:Some text <b>and bold!</b>}')
+snippet prependto
+ ${1:obj}.prependTo('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet prev
+ ${1:obj}.prev('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet preva
+ ${1:obj}.prevAll('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet prevu
+ ${1:obj}.prevUntil('${2:selector expression}'${3:, 'filter expression'})
+snippet promise
+ ${1:obj}.promise(${2:'fx'}, ${3:target})
+snippet prop
+ ${1:obj}.prop('${2:property name}')
+snippet proxy
+ $.proxy(${1:function}, ${2:this})
+snippet pushstack
+ ${1:obj}.pushStack(${2:elements})
+snippet queue
+ ${1:obj}.queue(${2:name}${3:, newQueue})
+snippet queuee
+ $.queue(${1:element}${2:, name}${3:, newQueue})
+snippet ready
+ $(function () {
+ ${0}
+ });
+snippet rem
+ ${1:obj}.remove()
+snippet rema
+ ${1:obj}.removeAttr('${2:attribute name}')
+snippet remc
+ ${1:obj}.removeClass('${2:class name}')
+snippet remd
+ ${1:obj}.removeData('${2:key name}')
+snippet remdd
+ $.removeData(${1:element}${2:, 'key name}')
+snippet remp
+ ${1:obj}.removeProp('${2:property name}')
+snippet repa
+ ${1:obj}.replaceAll(${2:target})
+snippet repw
+ ${1:obj}.replaceWith(${2:content})
+snippet reset
+ ${1:obj}.reset(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet resize
+ ${1:obj}.resize(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet scroll
+ ${1:obj}.scroll(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet scrolll
+ ${1:obj}.scrollLeft(${2:value})
+snippet scrollt
+ ${1:obj}.scrollTop(${2:value})
+snippet sdown
+ ${1:obj}.slideDown('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet sdownc
+ ${1:obj}.slideDown('${2:slow/400/fast}', function () {
+ ${0:// callback};
+ });
+snippet select
+ ${1:obj}.select(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet serialize
+ ${1:obj}.serialize()
+snippet serializea
+ ${1:obj}.serializeArray()
+snippet show
+ ${1:obj}.show('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet showc
+ ${1:obj}.show('${2:slow/400/fast}', function () {
+ ${0:// callback}
+ });
+snippet sib
+ ${1:obj}.siblings('${2:selector expression}')
+snippet size
+ ${1:obj}.size()
+snippet slice
+ ${1:obj}.slice(${2:start}${3:, end})
+snippet stoggle
+ ${1:obj}.slideToggle('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet stop
+ ${1:obj}.stop('${2:queue}', ${3:false}, ${4:false})
+snippet submit
+ ${1:obj}.submit(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet sup
+ ${1:obj}.slideUp('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet supc
+ ${1:obj}.slideUp('${2:slow/400/fast}', function () {
+ ${0:// callback};
+ });
+snippet text
+ ${1:obj}.text(${2:'some text'})
+snippet this
+ $(this)
+snippet toarr
+ ${0:obj}.toArray()
+snippet tog
+ ${1:obj}.toggle(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${3:// event handler}
+ }, function ($2) {
+ ${4:// event handler}
+ });
+ ${0}
+snippet togclass
+ ${1:obj}.toggleClass('${2:class name}')
+snippet togsh
+ ${1:obj}.toggle('${2:slow/400/fast}')
+snippet trig
+ ${1:obj}.trigger('${2:event name}')
+snippet trigh
+ ${1:obj}.triggerHandler('${2:event name}')
+snippet $trim
+ $.trim(${1:str})
+snippet $type
+ $.type(${1:obj})
+snippet unbind
+ ${1:obj}.unbind('${2:event name}')
+snippet undele
+ ${1:obj}.undelegate(${2:selector expression}, ${3:event}, ${4:handler})
+snippet uniq
+ $.unique(${1:array})
+snippet unload
+ ${1:obj}.unload(function (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:// event handler}
+ });
+snippet unwrap
+ ${1:obj}.unwrap()
+snippet val
+ ${1:obj}.val('${2:text}')
+snippet width
+ ${1:obj}.width(${2:integer})
+snippet wrap
+ ${1:obj}.wrap('${2:&lt;div class="extra-wrapper"&gt;&lt;/div&gt;}')
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript-requirejs.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript-requirejs.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e72ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript-requirejs.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+snippet def
+ define(["${1:#dependencies1}"], function (${2:#dependencies2}) {
+ return ${0:TARGET};
+ });
+snippet defn
+ define("${1:#name}", ["${2:#dependencies1}"], function (${3:#dependencies2}) {
+ return ${0:TARGET};
+ });
+snippet reqjs
+ require(["${1:#dependencies1}"], function (${2:#dependencies2}) {
+ return ${0:TARGET};
+ });
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.d3.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.d3.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5be918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.d3.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+snippet .attr
+ .attr("${1}", ${2})
+snippet .style
+ .style("${1}", ${2})
+snippet axis
+ d3.svg.axis()
+ .orient(${1})
+ .scale(${2})
+snippet fd
+ function(d) { ${1} }
+snippet fdi
+ function(d, i) { ${1} }
+snippet marginconvention
+ var ${1:margin} = { top: ${2:10}, right: ${3:10}, bottom: ${4:10}, left: ${5:10} };
+ var ${6:width} = ${7:970} - $1.left - $1.right;
+ var ${8:height} = ${9:500} - $1.top - $1.bottom;
+ var ${10:svg} = d3.select("${11}").append("svg")
+ .attr("width", $6 + $1.left + $1.right)
+ .attr("height", $8 + $1.top + $1.bottom)
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("transform", "translate(" + $1.left + "," + $1.top + ")")
+snippet nest
+ d3.nest()
+ .key(${1})
+ .entries(${2})
+snippet scale
+ d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain(${1})
+ .range(${2})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.es6.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.es6.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df059a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.es6.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+snippet const
+ const ${1} = ${0};
+snippet let
+ let ${1} = ${0};
+snippet im
+ import ${1} from '${0}';
+snippet cla
+ class ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet clax
+ class ${1} extends ${2} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet =>
+ (${1}) => {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet af
+ (${1}) => {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet sym
+ const ${1} = Symbol('${0}');
+snippet ed
+ export default ${0}
+snippet ${
+ ${${1}}${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.node.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.node.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b5aefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.node.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env node
+# module exports
+snippet ex
+ module.exports = ${1};
+# require
+snippet re
+ ${1:var} ${2} = require('${3:module_name}');
+# EventEmitter
+snippet on
+ on('${1:event_name}', function(${2:stream}) {
+ ${3}
+ });
+snippet emit
+ emit('${1:event_name}', ${2:args});
+snippet once
+ once('${1:event_name}', function(${2:stream}) {
+ ${3}
+ });
+# http. User js function snippet as handler
+snippet http
+ http.createServer(${1:handler}).listen(${2:port_number});
+# net
+snippet net
+ net.createServer(function(${1:socket}){
+ ${1}.on('data', function('data'){
+ ${2}
+ ]});
+ ${1}.on('end', function(){
+ ${3}
+ });
+ }).listen(${4:8124});
+# Stream snippets
+snippet pipe
+ pipe(${1:stream})${2}
+# Express snippets
+snippet eget
+ ${1:app}.get('${2:route}', ${3:handler});
+snippet epost
+ ${1:app}.post('${2:route}', ${3:handler});
+snippet eput
+ ${1:app}.put('${2:route}', ${3:handler});
+snippet edel
+ ${1:app}.delete('${2:route}', ${3:handler});
+# process snippets
+snippet stdin
+ process.stdin
+snippet stdout
+ process.stdout
+snippet stderr
+ process.stderr
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d054f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# Functions
+# prototype
+snippet proto
+ ${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# Function
+snippet fun
+ function ${1:function_name}(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Anonymous Function
+snippet f "" w
+ function(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Anonymous Function assigned to variable
+snippet vaf
+ var ${1:function_name} = function(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# Function assigned to variable
+snippet vf
+ var ${1:function_name} = function $1(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# Immediate function
+snippet (f
+ (function(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }(${2}));
+# self-defining function
+snippet sdf
+ var ${1:function_name} = function (${2:argument}) {
+ ${3}
+ $1 = function ($2) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+ };
+# Flow control
+# if
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# if ... else
+snippet ife
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# tertiary conditional
+snippet ter
+ ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:/* if true */} : ${0:/* if false */}
+# switch
+snippet switch
+ switch (${1:expression}) {
+ case '${3:case}':
+ ${4}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+ default:
+ ${2}
+ }
+# case
+snippet case
+ case '${1:case}':
+ ${2}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+# try
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:/* handle error */}
+ }
+# try finally
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:/* handle error */}
+ } finally {
+ ${3:/* be executed regardless of the try / catch result*/}
+ }
+# throw Error
+snippet terr
+ throw new Error('${1:error message}')
+# return
+snippet ret
+ return ${0:result};
+# Loops
+# for loop
+snippet for
+ for (var ${2:i} = 0, l = ${1:arr}.length; $2 < l; $2++) {
+ var ${3:v} = $1[$2];${0:}
+ }
+# Reversed for loop
+snippet forr
+ for (var ${2:i} = ${1:arr}.length - 1; $2 >= 0; $2--) {
+ var ${3:v} = $1[$2];${0:}
+ }
+# While loop
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Do while loop
+snippet do
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${1:/* condition */});
+# For in loop
+snippet fori
+ for (var ${1:prop} in ${2:object}) {
+ ${0:$2[$1]}
+ }
+# Objects
+# Object Method
+snippet :f
+ ${1:method_name}: function (${2:attribute}) {
+ ${3}
+ },
+# hasOwnProperty
+snippet has
+ hasOwnProperty(${0})
+# singleton
+snippet sing
+ function ${1:Singleton} (${2:argument}) {
+ // the cached instance
+ var instance;
+ // rewrite the constructor
+ $1 = function $1($2) {
+ return instance;
+ };
+ // carry over the prototype properties
+ $1.prototype = this;
+ // the instance
+ instance = new $1();
+ // reset the constructor pointer
+ instance.constructor = $1;
+ ${0}
+ return instance;
+ }
+# Crockford's object function
+snippet obj
+ function object(o) {
+ function F() {}
+ F.prototype = o;
+ return new F();
+ }
+# Define multiple properties
+snippet props
+ var ${1:my_object} = Object.defineProperties(
+ ${2:new Object()},
+ {
+ ${3:property} : {
+ get : function $1_$3_getter() {
+ // getter code
+ },
+ set : function $1_$3_setter(value) {
+ // setter code
+ },
+ value : ${4:value},
+ writeable : ${5:boolean},
+ enumerable : ${6:boolean},
+ configurable : ${0:boolean}
+ }
+ }
+ );
+# Define single property
+snippet prop
+ Object.defineProperty(
+ ${1:object},
+ '${2:property}',
+ {
+ get : function $1_$2_getter() {
+ // getter code
+ },
+ set : function $1_$2_setter(value) {
+ // setter code
+ },
+ value : ${3:value},
+ writeable : ${4:boolean},
+ enumerable : ${5:boolean},
+ configurable : ${0:boolean}
+ }
+ );
+# Documentation
+# docstring
+snippet /**
+ /**
+ * ${0:description}
+ *
+ */
+snippet @par
+ @param {${1:type}} ${2:name} ${0:description}
+snippet @ret
+ @return {${1:type}} ${0:description}
+# JSON.parse
+snippet jsonp
+ JSON.parse(${0:jstr});
+# JSON.stringify
+snippet jsons
+ JSON.stringify(${0:object});
+# DOM selectors
+# Get elements
+snippet get
+ getElementsBy${1:TagName}('${0}')
+# Get element
+snippet gett
+ getElementBy${1:Id}('${0}')
+# Elements by class
+snippet by.
+ ${1:document}.getElementsByClassName('${0:class}')
+# Element by ID
+snippet by#
+ ${1:document}.getElementById('${0:element ID}')
+# Query selector
+snippet qs
+ ${1:document}.querySelector('${0:CSS selector}')
+# Query selector all
+snippet qsa
+ ${1:document}.querySelectorAll('${0:CSS selector}')
+# Debugging
+snippet de
+ debugger;
+# console.log
+snippet cl
+ console.log(${0});
+# console.debug
+snippet cd
+ console.debug(${0});
+# console.error
+snippet ce
+ console.error(${0});
+# console.trace
+snippet ct
+ console.trace(${0:label});
+# console.time
+snippet ctime
+ console.time(${0:label});
+# console.assert
+snippet ca
+ console.assert(${1:expression}, ${0:obj});
+# console.dir
+snippet cdir
+ console.dir(${0:obj});
+# Misc
+# 'use strict';
+snippet us
+ 'use strict';
+# setTimeout function
+snippet timeout
+ setTimeout(function () {${0}}${2}, ${1:10});
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jinja.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jinja.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d14ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jinja.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# Generic tags
+extends html
+snippet %
+ {% ${1} %}
+snippet %%
+ {% ${1:tag_name} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% end$1 %}
+snippet {
+ {{ ${1} }}
+# Template Tags
+snippet autoescape
+ {% autoescape ${1:off} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endautoescape %}
+snippet block
+ {% block ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endblock %}
+snippet #
+ {# ${0:comment} #}
+snippet comment
+ {% comment %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endcomment %}
+snippet cycle
+ {% cycle ${1:val1} ${2:val2} ${3:as ${4}} %}
+snippet debug
+ {% debug %}
+snippet extends
+ {% extends "${0:base.html}" %}
+snippet filter
+ {% filter ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endfilter %}
+snippet firstof
+ {% firstof ${1} %}
+snippet for
+ {% for ${1} in ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endfor %}
+snippet empty
+ {% empty %}
+ ${0}
+snippet if
+ {% if ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endif %}
+snippet el
+ {% else %}
+ ${1}
+snippet eif
+ {% elif ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+snippet ifchanged
+ {% ifchanged %}${1}{% endifchanged %}
+snippet ifequal
+ {% ifequal ${1} ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endifequal %}
+snippet ifnotequal
+ {% ifnotequal ${1} ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endifnotequal %}
+snippet include
+ {% include "${0}" %}
+snippet load
+ {% load ${0} %}
+snippet now
+ {% now "${0:jS F Y H:i}" %}
+snippet regroup
+ {% regroup ${1} by ${2} as ${0} %}
+snippet spaceless
+ {% spaceless %}${0}{% endspaceless %}
+snippet ssi
+ {% ssi ${0} %}
+snippet trans
+ {% trans "${0:string}" %}
+snippet url
+ {% url ${1} as ${0} %}
+snippet widthratio
+ {% widthratio ${1:this_value} ${2:max_value} ${0:100} %}
+snippet with
+ {% with ${1} as ${2} %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endwith %}
+# Template Filters
+# Note: Since SnipMate can't determine which template filter you are
+# expanding without the "|" character, these do not add the "|"
+# character. These save a few keystrokes still.
+# Note: Template tags that take no arguments are not implemented.
+snippet add
+ add:"${0}"
+snippet center
+ center:"${0}"
+snippet cut
+ cut:"${0}"
+snippet date
+ date:"${0}"
+snippet default
+ default:"${0}"
+snippet defaultifnone
+ default_if_none:"${0}"
+snippet dictsort
+ dictsort:"${0}"
+snippet dictsortrev
+ dictsortreversed:"${0}"
+snippet divisibleby
+ divisibleby:"${0}"
+snippet floatformat
+ floatformat:"${0}"
+snippet getdigit
+ get_digit:"${0}"
+snippet join
+ join:"${0}"
+snippet lengthis
+ length_is:"${0}"
+snippet pluralize
+ pluralize:"${0}"
+snippet removetags
+ removetags:"${0}"
+snippet slice
+ slice:"${0}"
+snippet stringformat
+ stringformat:"${0}"
+snippet time
+ time:"${0}"
+snippet truncatewords
+ truncatewords:${0}
+snippet truncatewordshtml
+ truncatewords_html:${0}
+snippet urlizetrunc
+ urlizetrunc:${0}
+snippet wordwrap
+ wordwrap:${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jsp.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jsp.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db185b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/jsp.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+snippet @page
+ <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
+snippet jstl
+ <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
+ <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>
+snippet jstl:c
+ <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
+snippet jstl:fn
+ <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" prefix="fn" %>
+snippet cpath
+ ${pageContext.request.contextPath}
+snippet cout
+ <c:out value="${1}" default="${0}" />
+snippet cset
+ <c:set var="${1}" value="${0}" />
+snippet cremove
+ <c:remove var="${1}" scope="${0:page}" />
+snippet ccatch
+ <c:catch var="${0}" />
+snippet cif
+ <c:if test="${${1}}">
+ ${0}
+ </c:if>
+snippet cchoose
+ <c:choose>
+ ${0}
+ </c:choose>
+snippet cwhen
+ <c:when test="${${1}}">
+ ${0}
+ </c:when>
+snippet cother
+ <c:otherwise>
+ ${0}
+ </c:otherwise>
+snippet cfore
+ <c:forEach items="${${1}}" var="${2}" varStatus="${3}">
+ ${0:<c:out value="$2" />}
+ </c:forEach>
+snippet cfort
+ <c:set var="${1}">${2:item1,item2,item3}</c:set>
+ <c:forTokens var="${3}" items="${$1}" delims="${4:,}">
+ ${0:<c:out value="$3" />}
+ </c:forTokens>
+snippet cparam
+ <c:param name="${1}" value="${0}" />
+snippet cparam+
+ <c:param name="${1}" value="${2}" />
+ cparam+${0}
+snippet cimport
+ <c:import url="${1}" />
+snippet cimport+
+ <c:import url="${1}">
+ <c:param name="${2}" value="${3}" />
+ cparam+${0}
+ </c:import>
+snippet curl
+ <c:url value="${1}" var="${2}" />
+ <a href="${$2}">${0}</a>
+snippet curl+
+ <c:url value="${1}" var="${2}">
+ <c:param name="${4}" value="${5}" />
+ cparam+${0}
+ </c:url>
+ <a href="${$2}">${3}</a>
+snippet credirect
+ <c:redirect url="${0}" />
+snippet contains
+ ${fn:contains(${1:string}, ${0:substr})}
+snippet contains:i
+ ${fn:containsIgnoreCase(${1:string}, ${0:substr})}
+snippet endswith
+ ${fn:endsWith(${1:string}, ${0:suffix})}
+snippet escape
+ ${fn:escapeXml(${0:string})}
+snippet indexof
+ ${fn:indexOf(${1:string}, ${0:substr})}
+snippet join
+ ${fn:join(${1:collection}, ${0:delims})}
+snippet length
+ ${fn:length(${0:collection_or_string})}
+snippet replace
+ ${fn:replace(${1:string}, ${2:substr}, ${0:replace})}
+snippet split
+ ${fn:split(${1:string}, ${0:delims})}
+snippet startswith
+ ${fn:startsWith(${1:string}, ${0:prefix})}
+snippet substr
+ ${fn:substring(${1:string}, ${2:begin}, ${0:end})}
+snippet substr:a
+ ${fn:substringAfter(${1:string}, ${0:substr})}
+snippet substr:b
+ ${fn:substringBefore(${1:string}, ${0:substr})}
+snippet lc
+ ${fn:toLowerCase(${0:string})}
+snippet uc
+ ${fn:toUpperCase(${0:string})}
+snippet trim
+ ${fn:trim(${0:string})}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/julia.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/julia.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1876ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/julia.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env julia
+# Functions
+snippet fun function definition
+ function ${1}(${2})
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet ret return
+ return(${0})
+# Printing to console
+snippet pr print
+ print("${1}")
+ ${0}
+snippet prl print line
+ println("${1}")
+ ${0}
+# Includes
+snippet use load a package
+ using ${0}
+snippet incl include source code
+ include("${1}")
+ ${0}
+# Loops
+snippet forc for loop iterating over iterable container
+ for ${1} in ${2}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet for standard for loop
+ for ${1} = ${2}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet fornest nested for loop
+ for ${1} = ${2}, ${3} = ${4}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet wh while loop
+ while ${1} ${2:<=} ${3}
+ ${0}
+ end
+# Conditionals
+snippet if if statement
+ if ${1}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet el else part of statement
+ else
+ ${0}
+snippet eif else if part of if statement
+ else if ${1}
+ ${0}
+snippet ife full if-else statement
+ if ${1}
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet tern ternary operator
+ ${1} ? ${2} : ${3:nothing}
+# Exceptions
+snippet try try catch
+ try
+ ${1}
+ catch ${2}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet fin finally statement
+ finally
+ ${0}
+snippet thr throw
+ throw(${1})
+ ${0}
+# Messages
+snippet in
+ info("${1}")
+ ${0}
+snippet wa
+ warn("${1}")
+ ${0}
+snippet err
+ error("${1}")
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/laravel.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/laravel.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7435e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/laravel.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+#resource controller
+snippet l_rsc
+ /*!
+ * \class $1
+ *
+ * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ class ${1:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ${2:BaseController} {
+ function __construct() {
+ }
+ public function index() {
+ }
+ public function create() {
+ }
+ public function store() {
+ }
+ public function show($id) {
+ }
+ public function edit($id) {
+ }
+ public function update($id) {
+ }
+ public function destroy($id) {
+ }
+ }
+#service service provider
+snippet l_ssp
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace ${1:Services};
+ use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
+ class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ServiceProvider {
+ public function register() {
+ $this->app->bind('${4}Service', function ($app) {
+ return new ${5}(
+ $app->make('Repositories\\${6}Interface')
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ }
+#repository service provider
+snippet l_rsp
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $2
+ * \class $3
+ *
+ * \author ${4:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace ${2:Repositories\\${1:}};
+ use Entities\\$1;
+ use $2\\$1Repository;
+ use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
+ class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ServiceProvider {
+ /*!
+ * \var defer
+ * \brief Defer service
+ */
+ protected $defer = ${5:true};
+ public function register() {
+ $this->app->bind('$2\\$1Interface', function($app) {
+ return new $1Repository(new $1());
+ });
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \brief If $defer == true need this fn
+ */
+ public function provides() {
+ return ['$2\\$1Interface'];
+ }
+ }
+snippet l_md
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace ${1:Entities};
+ class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends \Eloquent {
+ protected $table = '${4:`!p snip.rv = t[2].lower()`}';
+ public $timestamps = ${5:false};
+ protected $hidden = array(${6});
+ protected $guarded = array(${7:'id'});
+ }
+#abstract repository
+snippet l_ar
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ * \implements $3
+ *
+ * \author ${4:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace ${1:Repositories};
+ use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
+ abstract class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} implements ${3:BaseRepositoryInterface} {
+ protected $model;
+ /*!
+ * \fn __construct
+ *
+ * \brief Take the model
+ */
+ public function __construct(Model $model) {
+ $this->model = $model;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn all
+ *
+ * \return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
+ */
+ public function all($columns = array('*')) {
+ return $this->model->all()->toArray();
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn create
+ *
+ * \return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
+ */
+ public function create(array $attributes) {
+ return $this->model->create($attributes);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn destroy
+ *
+ * \return int
+ */
+ public function destroy($ids) {
+ return $this->model->destroy($ids);
+ }
+ /*!
+ * \fn find
+ *
+ * \return mixed
+ */
+ public function find($id, $columns = array('*')) {
+ return $this->model->find($id, $columns);
+ }
+ }
+snippet l_r
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $3
+ * \implements $4
+ *
+ * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace ${1:Repositories\\${2}};
+ class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends \\${6} implements ${4:$3RepositoryInterface} {
+ ${7}
+ }
+snippet l_s
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${6:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace Services\\${1};
+ use ${3:Repositories\\${4:Interface}};
+ class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} {
+ protected $${5:repo};
+ /*!
+ * \fn __construct
+ */
+ public function __construct($4 $repo) {
+ $this->$5 = $repo;
+ }
+ }
+snippet l_f
+ /*!
+ * \namespace $1
+ * \class $2
+ *
+ * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
+ */
+ namespace ${1:Services};
+ use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
+ class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends Facade {
+ /*!
+ * \fn getFacadeAccessor
+ *
+ * \return string
+ */
+ protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return '${4:${3}Service}'; }
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ledger.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ledger.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b401f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ledger.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Ledger <http://ledger-cli.org/>
+snippet ent
+ `strftime("%Y/%m/%d")` ${1:transaction}
+ ${2:account} ${3:value}
+ ${0:account}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ls.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ls.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..909b35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ls.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Closure loop
+snippet forinlet
+ for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
+ let $1
+ ${3}
+# Array comprehension
+snippet fora
+ for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
+ ${3}
+# Object comprehension
+snippet foro
+ for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:object}
+ ${4}
+# Range comprehension (inclusive)
+snippet forr
+ for ${1:name} from ${2:start} to ${3:finish}
+ ${4}
+snippet forrb
+ for ${1:name} from ${2:start} to ${3:finish} by ${4:step}
+ ${5}
+# Range comprehension (exclusive)
+snippet forrex
+ for ${1:name} from ${2:start} til ${3:finish}
+ ${4}
+snippet forrexb
+ for ${1:name} from ${2:start} til ${3:finish} by ${4:step}
+ ${5}
+# Function
+snippet fun
+ (${1:args}) ->
+ ${2}
+# Function (bound)
+snippet bfun
+ (${1:args}) ~>
+ ${2}
+# Class
+snippet cla class ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ ${2}
+snippet cla class .. constructor: ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ (${2:args}) ->
+ ${3}
+ ${4}
+snippet cla class .. extends ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} extends ${2:ParentClass}
+ ${3}
+snippet cla class .. extends .. constructor: ..
+ class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} extends ${2:ParentClass}
+ (${3:args}) ->
+ ${4}
+ ${5}
+# If
+snippet if
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${2}
+# If __ Else
+snippet ife
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${3}
+# Else if
+snippet elif
+ else if ${1:condition}
+ ${2}
+# Ternary If
+snippet ifte
+ if ${1:condition} then ${2:value} else ${3:other}
+# Unless
+snippet unl
+ ${1:action} unless ${2:condition}
+# Switch
+snippet swi
+ switch ${1:object}
+ case ${2:value}
+ ${3}
+ default void
+snippet mat
+ match ${1:object}
+ | ${2:value} => ${3}
+ | otherwise => void
+# Log
+snippet log
+ console.log ${1}
+# stringify
+snippet str
+ JSON.stringify ${1}, void, 2
+# Try __ Catch
+snippet try
+ try
+ ${1}
+ catch ${2:error}
+ ${3}
+# Require
+snippet req
+ ${2:$1} = require '${1}'${3}
+# Require!
+snippet req!
+ require! ${1}
+# Export
+snippet exp
+ ${1:root} = exports ? this
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/lua.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/lua.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7de2de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/lua.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env lua
+ $1
+snippet local
+ local ${1:x} = ${0:1}
+snippet fun
+ function ${1:fname}(${2:...})
+ ${0:-- body}
+ end
+snippet for
+ for ${1:i}=${2:1},${3:10} do
+ ${0:print(i)}
+ end
+snippet forp
+ for ${1:i},${2:v} in pairs(${3:table_name}) do
+ ${0:-- body}
+ end
+snippet fori
+ for ${1:i},${2:v} in ipairs(${3:table_name}) do
+ ${0:-- body}
+ end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/make.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/make.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..332d6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/make.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# base
+snippet base
+ .PHONY: clean, mrproper
+ CC = gcc
+ CFLAGS = -g -Wall
+ all: $1
+ %.o: %.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ ${1:out}: $1.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $+
+ clean:
+ rm -f *.o core.*
+ mrproper: clean
+ rm -f $1
+# add
+snippet add
+ ${1:out}: $1.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $+
+# print
+snippet print
+ print-%: ; @echo $*=$($*)
+# ifeq
+snippet if
+ ifeq (${1:cond0}, ${2:cond1})
+ ${0}
+ endif
+# ifeq ... else ... endif
+snippet ife
+ ifeq (${1:cond0}, ${2:cond1})
+ ${3}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ endif
+# else ...
+snippet el
+ else
+ ${0}
+# .DEFAULT_GOAL := target
+snippet default
+ .DEFAULT_GOAL := ${1}
+# help target for self-documented Makefile
+snippet help
+ help: ## Prints help for targets with comments
+ @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $\$1, $\$2}'
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/mako.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/mako.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2264eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/mako.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+snippet def
+ <%def name="${1:name}">
+ ${0:}
+ </%def>
+snippet call
+ <%call expr="${1:name}">
+ ${0:}
+ </%call>
+snippet doc
+ <%doc>
+ ${0:}
+ </%doc>
+snippet text
+ <%text>
+ ${0:}
+ </%text>
+snippet for
+ % for ${1:i} in ${2:iter}:
+ ${0:}
+ % endfor
+snippet if if
+ % if ${1:condition}:
+ ${0:}
+ % endif
+snippet ife if/else
+ % if ${1:condition}:
+ ${2:}
+ % else:
+ ${0:}
+ % endif
+snippet try
+ % try:
+ ${1:}
+ % except${2:}:
+ ${0:pass}
+ % endtry
+snippet wh
+ % while ${1:}:
+ ${0:}
+ % endwhile
+snippet $
+ ${ ${0:} }
+snippet <%
+ <% ${0:} %>
+snippet <!%
+ <!% ${0:} %>
+snippet inherit
+ <%inherit file="${0:filename}" />
+snippet include
+ <%include file="${0:filename}" />
+snippet namespace
+ <%namespace file="${0:name}" />
+snippet page
+ <%page args="${0:}" />
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d258aa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/markdown.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# Markdown
+# Includes octopress (http://octopress.org/) snippets
+# The suffix `c` stands for "Clipboard".
+snippet [
+ [${1:text}](http://${2:address})
+snippet [*
+ [${1:link}](${2:`@*`})
+snippet [c
+ [${1:link}](${2:`@+`})
+snippet ["
+ [${1:text}](http://${2:address} "${3:title}")
+snippet ["*
+ [${1:link}](${2:`@*`} "${3:title}")
+snippet ["c
+ [${1:link}](${2:`@+`} "${3:title}")
+snippet [:
+ [${1:id}]: http://${2:url}
+snippet [:*
+ [${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`}
+snippet [:c
+ [${1:id}]: ${2:`@+`}
+snippet [:"
+ [${1:id}]: http://${2:url} "${3:title}"
+snippet [:"*
+ [${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"
+snippet [:"c
+ [${1:id}]: ${2:`@+`} "${3:title}"
+snippet ![
+ ![${1:alttext}](${2:/images/image.jpg})
+snippet ![*
+ ![${1:alt}](${2:`@*`})
+snippet ![c
+ ![${1:alt}](${2:`@+`})
+snippet !["
+ ![${1:alttext}](${2:/images/image.jpg} "${3:title}")
+snippet !["*
+ ![${1:alt}](${2:`@*`} "${3:title}")
+snippet !["c
+ ![${1:alt}](${2:`@+`} "${3:title}")
+snippet ![:
+ ![${1:id}]: ${2:url}
+snippet ![:*
+ ![${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`}
+snippet ![:"
+ ![${1:id}]: ${2:url} "${3:title}"
+snippet ![:"*
+ ![${1:id}]: ${2:`@*`} "${3:title}"
+snippet ![:"c
+ ![${1:id}]: ${2:`@+`} "${3:title}"
+snippet <
+ <http://${1:url}>
+snippet <*
+ <`@*`>
+snippet <c
+ <`@+`>
+snippet **
+ **${1:bold}**
+snippet __
+ __${1:bold}__
+snippet ===
+ `repeat('=', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)) - strlen(getline('.')))`
+ ${0}
+snippet -
+ - ${0}
+snippet ---
+ `repeat('-', strlen(getline(line(".") - 1)) - strlen(getline('.')))`
+ ${0}
+snippet blockquote
+ {% blockquote %}
+ ${0:quote}
+ {% endblockquote %}
+snippet blockquote-author
+ {% blockquote ${1:author}, ${2:title} %}
+ ${0:quote}
+ {% endblockquote %}
+snippet blockquote-link
+ {% blockquote ${1:author} ${2:URL} ${3:link_text} %}
+ ${0:quote}
+ {% endblockquote %}
+snippet ```
+ \`\`\`
+ ${1:code}
+ \`\`\`
+# Language.
+snippet ```l
+ \`\`\`${1:language}
+ ${2:code}
+ \`\`\`
+snippet codeblock-short
+ {% codeblock %}
+ ${0:code_snippet}
+ {% endcodeblock %}
+snippet codeblock-full
+ {% codeblock ${1:title} lang:${2:language} ${3:URL} ${4:link_text} %}
+ ${0:code_snippet}
+ {% endcodeblock %}
+snippet gist-full
+ {% gist ${1:gist_id} ${0:filename} %}
+snippet gist-short
+ {% gist ${0:gist_id} %}
+snippet img
+ {% img ${1:class} ${2:URL} ${3:width} ${4:height} ${5:title_text} ${0:alt_text} %}
+snippet youtube
+ {% youtube ${0:video_id} %}
+# The quote should appear only once in the text. It is inherently part of it.
+# See http://octopress.org/docs/plugins/pullquote/ for more info.
+snippet pullquote
+ {% pullquote %}
+ ${1:text} {" ${2:quote} "} ${0:text}
+ {% endpullquote %}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/mustache.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/mustache.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8296afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/mustache.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# if {{#value}} ... {{/value}}
+snippet if
+ {{#${1:value}}}
+ ${0}
+ {{/$1}}
+# if not {{^value}} ... {{/value}}
+snippet ifn
+ {{^${1:value}}}
+ ${0}
+ {{/$1}}
+# if else {{#value}} ... {{/value}} {{^value}} ... {{/value}}
+snippet ife
+ {{#${1:value}}}
+ ${2}
+ {{/$1}}
+ {{^$1}}
+ ${3}
+ {{/$1}}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/objc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/objc.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24cfb97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/objc.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# #import <...>
+snippet Imp
+ #import <${1:Cocoa/Cocoa.h}>
+# #import "..."
+snippet imp
+ #import "${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`.h}"
+# @selector(...)
+snippet sel
+ @selector(${1:method}:)
+# @"..." string
+snippet s
+ @"${1}"
+# Object
+snippet o
+ ${1:NSObject} *${2:foo} = [${3:$1 alloc}]${4};
+# NSLog(...)
+snippet log
+ NSLog(@"${1:%@}"${2});
+# Class
+snippet objc
+ @interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'someClass')`} : ${2:NSObject}
+ {
+ }
+ @end
+ @implementation $1
+ ${0}
+ @end
+# Class Interface
+snippet int
+ @interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'someClass')`} : ${2:NSObject}
+ {${3}
+ }
+ ${0}
+ @end
+snippet @interface
+ @interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'someClass')`} : ${2:NSObject}
+ {${3}
+ }
+ ${0}
+ @end
+# Class Implementation
+snippet impl
+ @implementation ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'someClass')`}
+ ${0}
+ @end
+snippet @implementation
+ @implementation ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'someClass')`}
+ ${0}
+ @end
+# Protocol
+snippet pro
+ @protocol ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1Delegate', 'MyProtocol')`} ${2:<NSObject>}
+ ${0}
+ @end
+snippet @protocol
+ @protocol ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1Delegate', 'MyProtocol')`} ${2:<NSObject>}
+ ${0}
+ @end
+# init Definition
+snippet init
+ - (id)init
+ {
+ if (self = [super init]) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ return self;
+ }
+# dealloc Definition
+snippet dealloc
+ - (void) dealloc
+ {
+ ${0:deallocations}
+ [super dealloc];
+ }
+snippet su
+ [super ${1:init}]
+snippet ibo
+ IBOutlet ${1:NSSomeClass} *${2:$1};
+# Category
+snippet cat
+ @interface ${1:NSObject} (${2:MyCategory})
+ @end
+ @implementation $1 ($2)
+ ${0}
+ @end
+# Category Interface
+snippet cath
+ @interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'NSObject')`} (${2:MyCategory})
+ ${0}
+ @end
+# Method
+snippet m
+ - (${1:id})${2:method}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Method declaration
+snippet md
+ - (${1:id})${2:method};
+# IBAction declaration
+snippet ibad
+ - (IBAction)${1:method}:(${2:id})sender;
+# IBAction method
+snippet iba
+ - (IBAction)${1:method}:(${2:id})sender
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# awakeFromNib method
+snippet wake
+ - (void)awakeFromNib
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Class Method
+snippet M
+ + (${1:id})${2:method}
+ {
+ ${0:return nil;}
+ }
+# Sub-method (Call super)
+snippet sm
+ - (${1:id})${2:method}
+ {
+ [super $2];${0}
+ return self;
+ }
+# Accessor Methods For:
+# Object
+snippet objacc
+ - (${1:id})${2:thing}
+ {
+ return $2;
+ }
+ - (void)set$2:($1)${3:new$2}
+ {
+ [$3 retain];
+ [$2 release];
+ $2 = $3;
+ }
+# for (object in array)
+snippet forin
+ for (${1:Class} *${2:some$1} in ${3:array}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet fore
+ for (${1:object} in ${2:array}) {
+ ${0:statements}
+ }
+snippet forarray
+ unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
+ for (unsigned int index = 0; index < $1Count; index++) {
+ ${3:id} $1 = [$2 $1AtIndex:index];
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet fora
+ unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
+ for (unsigned int index = 0; index < $1Count; index++) {
+ ${3:id} $1 = [$2 $1AtIndex:index];
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Try / Catch Block
+snippet @try
+ @try {
+ ${1:statements}
+ }
+ @catch (NSException * e) {
+ ${2:handler}
+ }
+ @finally {
+ ${0:statements}
+ }
+snippet @catch
+ @catch (${1:exception}) {
+ ${0:handler}
+ }
+snippet @finally
+ @finally {
+ ${0:statements}
+ }
+# IBOutlet
+# @property (Objective-C 2.0)
+snippet prop
+ @property (${1:retain}) ${2:NSSomeClass} ${3:*$2};
+# @synthesize (Objective-C 2.0)
+snippet syn
+ @synthesize ${1:property};
+# [[ alloc] init]
+snippet alloc
+ [[${1:foo} alloc] init${2}];
+snippet a
+ [[${1:foo} alloc] init${2}];
+# retain
+snippet ret
+ [${1:foo} retain];
+# release
+snippet rel
+ [${0:foo} release];
+# autorelease
+snippet arel
+ [${0:foo} autorelease];
+# autorelease pool
+snippet pool
+ NSAutoreleasePool *${1:pool} = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+ ${0}
+ [$1 drain];
+# Throw an exception
+snippet except
+ NSException *${1:badness};
+ $1 = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"${2:$1Name}"
+ reason:@"${0}"
+ userInfo:nil];
+ [$1 raise];
+snippet prag
+ #pragma mark ${0:-}
+snippet cl
+ @class ${1:Foo};
+snippet color
+ [[NSColor ${0:blackColor}] set];
+# NSArray
+snippet array
+ NSMutableArray *${1:array} = [NSMutable array];
+snippet nsa
+ NSArray ${0}
+snippet nsma
+ NSMutableArray ${0}
+snippet aa
+ NSArray * array;
+snippet ma
+ NSMutableArray * array;
+# NSDictionary
+snippet dict
+ NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+snippet nsd
+ NSDictionary ${0}
+snippet nsmd
+ NSMutableDictionary ${0}
+# NSString
+snippet nss
+ NSString ${0}
+snippet nsms
+ NSMutableString ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/openfoam.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/openfoam.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..950cbda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/openfoam.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# 0/*
+snippet fv
+ type fixedValue;
+ value uniform ${0};
+snippet zg
+ type zeroGradient;
+snippet sym
+ type symmetryPlane;
+# system/controlDict
+snippet forces
+ forces
+ {
+ type forces;
+ functionObjectLibs ("libforces.so");
+ enabled true;
+ outputControl ${1:timeStep};
+ outputInterval ${2:1};
+ patches (${3});
+ log ${4:true};
+ CofR (${0:0 0 0});
+ }
+# system/fvSolution
+# solvers
+snippet gamg
+ ${1:p}
+ {
+ solver GAMG;
+ tolerance 1e-${2:6};
+ relTol ${0:0.0};
+ smoother GaussSeidel;
+ cacheAgglomeration true;
+ nCellsInCoarsestLevel 10;
+ agglomerator faceAreaPair;
+ mergeLevels 1;
+ }
+snippet pbicg
+ ${1:U}
+ {
+ solver PBiCG;
+ preconditioner DILU;
+ tolerance 1e-${2:6};
+ relTol ${0:0.0};
+ }
+snippet pimple
+ {
+ nOuterCorrectors ${1:outer};
+ nCorrectors ${2:inner};
+ nNonOrthogonalCorrectors ${3:nonOrtho};
+ pRefCell ${4:cell};
+ pRefValue ${0:value for $4};
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/perl.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/perl.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65120a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/perl.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# #!/usr/bin/perl
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Hash Pointer
+snippet .
+ =>
+# Function
+snippet sub
+ sub ${1:function_name} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Conditional
+snippet if
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Conditional if..else
+snippet ife
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Conditional if..elsif..else
+snippet ifee
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+ elsif (${3}) {
+ ${4:# elsif...}
+ }
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet eif
+ elsif (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Conditional One-line
+snippet xif
+ ${1:expression} if ${2:condition};
+# Unless conditional
+snippet unless
+ unless (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Unless conditional One-line
+snippet xunless
+ ${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};
+# Try/Except
+snippet eval
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ ${1:# do something risky...}
+ };
+ if (my $e = $@) {
+ ${0:# handle failure...}
+ }
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+ while (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# While Loop One-line
+snippet xwh
+ ${1:expression} while ${2:condition};
+# C-style For Loop
+snippet cfor
+ for (my $${2:var} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# For loop one-line
+snippet xfor
+ ${1:expression} for @${2:array};
+# Foreach Loop
+snippet for
+ foreach my $${1:x} (@${2:array}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Foreach Loop One-line
+snippet fore
+ ${1:expression} foreach @${2:array};
+# Package
+snippet package
+ package ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('', 'Page Title'), '^.', '\u&', '')`};
+ ${0}
+ 1;
+ __END__
+# Package syntax perl >= 5.14
+snippet packagev514
+ package ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('', 'Page Title'), '^.', '\u&', '')`} ${2:0.99};
+ ${0}
+ 1;
+ __END__
+snippet moose
+ use Moose;
+ use namespace::autoclean;
+ ${1:#}BEGIN {extends '${2:ParentClass}'};
+ ${0}
+# parent
+snippet parent
+ use parent qw(${0:Parent Class});
+# Read File
+snippet slurp
+ my $${1:var} = do { local $/; open my $file, '<', "${2:file}"; <$file> };
+ ${0}
+# strict warnings
+snippet strwar
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+# older versioning with perlcritic bypass
+snippet vers
+ ## no critic
+ our $VERSION = '${0:version}';
+ eval $VERSION;
+ ## use critic
+# new 'switch' like feature
+snippet switch
+ use feature 'switch';
+# Anonymous subroutine
+snippet asub
+ sub {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Begin block
+snippet begin
+ ${0}
+ }
+# call package function with some parameter
+snippet pkgmv
+ __PACKAGE__->${1:package_method}(${0:var})
+# call package function without a parameter
+snippet pkgm
+ __PACKAGE__->${0:package_method}()
+# call package "get_" function without a parameter
+snippet pkget
+ __PACKAGE__->get_${0:package_method}()
+# call package function with a parameter
+snippet pkgetv
+ __PACKAGE__->get_${1:package_method}(${0:var})
+# complex regex
+snippet qrx
+ qr/
+ ${0:regex}
+ /xms
+#simpler regex
+snippet qr/
+ qr/${0:regex}/x
+snippet given
+ given ($${1:var}) {
+ ${2:# cases}
+ ${0:# default}
+ }
+# switch-like case
+snippet when
+ when (${1:case}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# hash slice
+snippet hslice
+ @{ ${1:hash} }{ ${0:array} }
+# map
+snippet map
+ map { ${0: body } } ${1: @array } ;
+# Pod stub
+snippet ppod
+ =head1 NAME
+ ${1:ClassName} - ${2:ShortDesc}
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use $1;
+ ${3:# synopsis...}
+ ${0:# longer description...}
+ =head1 INTERFACE
+ =head1 SEE ALSO
+# Heading for a subroutine stub
+snippet psub
+ =head2 ${1:MethodName}
+ ${0:Summary....}
+# Heading for inline subroutine pod
+snippet psubi
+ =head2 ${1:MethodName}
+ ${0:Summary...}
+ =cut
+# inline documented subroutine
+snippet subpod
+ =head2 $1
+ Summary of $1
+ =cut
+ sub ${1:subroutine_name} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Subroutine signature
+snippet parg
+ =over 2
+ =item
+ Arguments
+ =over 3
+ =item
+ C<${1:DataStructure}>
+ ${2:Sample}
+ =back
+ =item
+ Return
+ =over 3
+ =item
+ C<${0:...return data}>
+ =back
+ =back
+# Moose has
+snippet has
+ has ${1:attribute} => (
+ is => '${2:ro|rw}',
+ isa => '${3:Str|Int|HashRef|ArrayRef|etc}',
+ default => sub {
+ ${4:defaultvalue}
+ },
+ ${0:# other attributes}
+ );
+# override
+snippet override
+ override ${1:attribute} => sub {
+ ${2:# my $self = shift;};
+ ${0:# my ($self, $args) = @_;};
+ };
+# use test classes
+snippet tuse
+ use Test::More;
+ use Test::Deep; # (); # uncomment to stop prototype errors
+ use Test::Exception;
+# local test lib
+snippet tlib
+ use lib qw{ ./t/lib };
+#test methods
+snippet tmeths
+ $ENV{TEST_METHOD} = '${0:regex}';
+# runtestclass
+snippet trunner
+ use ${0:test_class};
+ $1->runtests();
+# Test::Class-style test
+snippet tsub
+ sub t${1:number}_${2:test_case} :Test(${3:num_of_tests}) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Test::Routine-style test
+snippet trsub
+ test ${1:test_name} => { description => '${2:Description of test.}'} => sub {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ ${0}
+ };
+#prep test method
+snippet tprep
+ sub prep${1:number}_${2:test_case} :Test(startup) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ ${0}
+ }
+# cause failures to print stack trace
+snippet debug_trace
+ use Carp; # 'verbose';
+ # cloak "die"
+ # warn "warning"
+ $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub {
+ require Carp; Carp::confess
+ };
+snippet dump
+ use Data::Dump qw(dump);
+ warn dump ${1:variable}
+snippet subtest
+ subtest '${1: test_name}' => sub {
+ ${2}
+ };
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/perl6.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/perl6.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21ddf5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/perl6.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# shebang
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env perl6
+# Hash Pointer
+snippet .
+ =>
+# Function
+snippet sub
+ sub ${1:function_name}(${2:Str $var}) {
+ ${3}
+ }
+snippet mul
+ multi ${1:function_name}(${2:Str $var}) {
+ ${3}
+ }
+# Conditional
+snippet if
+ if ${1} {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# Conditional if..else
+snippet ife
+ if ${1} {
+ ${2}
+ }
+ else {
+ ${3}
+ }
+snippet eif
+ elsif ${1) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# Conditional One-line
+snippet xif
+ ${1:expression} if ${2:condition};
+# Unless conditional
+snippet unless
+ unless ${1} {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# Unless conditional One-line
+snippet xunless
+ ${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};
+# Ternary conditional
+snippet tc
+ ${1:condition} ?? ${2:value-if-true} !! ${3:value-if-false};
+# given - when (perl6 switch)
+snippet switch
+ given ${1:$var} {
+ when ${2:condition} {
+ ${3:# code block ...}
+ }
+ ${4}
+ default {
+ ${5}
+ }
+ }
+# 'loop' - C's for.
+snippet loop
+ loop (my ${1:$i} = 0; $$1 < ${2:count}; $$1++) {
+ ${3}
+ }
+# for loop
+snippet for
+ for ${1:@array} -> ${2:$variable} {
+ ${3}
+ }
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+ while ${1} {
+ ${2}
+ }
+# Repeat while and repean until
+snippet rp
+ repeat {
+ ${1}
+ } ${2:while|until} ${3};
+# classes ..
+snippet cl
+ ${1:my} class ${2:ClassName} ${3:is|does Parent|Role}{
+ ${4}
+ }
+snippet has
+ has ${1:Type} ${2:$!identifier};
+snippet mth
+ method ${1:method_name}(${2:$attr}) {
+ ${3}
+ }
+snippet pmth
+ method ${1:!}${2:method_name}(${3:$attr}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+snippet smth
+ submethod ${1:submethod_name}(${2:$attr}) {
+ ${3}
+ }
+# Tests
+snippet test
+ use v6;
+ use Test;
+ ${1:use lib 'lib';}
+ plan ${2:$num-tests};
+# IO
+snippet slurp
+ my ${1:$var} = "${2:filename}".IO.slurp;
+snippet rfile
+ for "${1:filename}".IO.lines -> $line {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet open
+ my $fh = open "${1:filename}", ${2::r|:w|:a};
+ ${3:# actions};
+ $fh.close;
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/php.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/php.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4faa167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/php.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+snippet <?
+ <?php
+ ${0}
+snippet ec
+ echo ${0};
+snippet <?e
+ <?php echo ${0} ?>
+# this one is for php5.4
+snippet <?=
+ <?=${0}?>
+snippet ?=
+ <?= ${0} ?>
+snippet ?
+ <?php ${0} ?>
+snippet ?f
+ <?php foreach ($${1:vars} as $${2:$var}): ?>
+ ${0}
+ <?php endforeach ?>
+snippet ?i
+ <?php if ($${1:var}): ?>
+ ${0}
+ <?php endif ?>
+snippet ns
+ namespace ${1:Foo\Bar\Baz};
+ ${0}
+snippet c
+ class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet i
+ interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet t.
+ $this->
+snippet f
+ function ${1}(${3})
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# method
+snippet m
+ ${1:protected} function ${2:foo}()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet sm "PHP Class Setter"
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of ${1:foo}
+ *
+ * @param ${2:string} $$1 ${3:description}
+ *
+ * @return ${4:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ */
+ ${5:public} function set${6:$1}(${7:$2 }$$1)
+ {
+ $this->${8:$1} = $$1;
+ return $this;
+ }
+snippet gm "PHP Class Getter Setter"
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of ${1:foo}
+ *
+ * @return ${2:string}
+ */
+ ${3:public} function get${4:$1}()
+ {
+ return $this->${5:$1};
+ }
+snippet $s
+ ${1:$foo}->set${2:Bar}(${0});
+snippet $g
+ ${1:$foo}->get${0:Bar}();
+# Tertiary conditional
+snippet =?:
+ $${1:foo} = ${2:true} ? ${3:a} : ${0};
+snippet ?:
+ ${1:true} ? ${2:a} : ${0}
+snippet t "$retVal = (condition) ? a : b"
+ $${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b};
+# Predefined variables
+snippet C
+ $_COOKIE['${1:variable}']
+snippet E
+ $_ENV['${1:variable}']
+snippet F
+ $_FILES['${1:variable}']
+snippet G
+ $_GET['${1:variable}']
+snippet P
+ $_POST['${1:variable}']
+snippet R
+ $_REQUEST['${1:variable}']
+snippet S
+ $_SERVER['${1:variable}']
+snippet SS
+ $_SESSION['${1:variable}']
+snippet get "get"
+ $_GET['${1}']
+snippet post "post"
+ $_POST['${1}']
+snippet session "session"
+ $_SESSION['${1}']
+# the following are old ones
+snippet inc
+ include '${1:file}';
+snippet inc1
+ include_once '${1:file}';
+snippet req
+ require '${1:file}';
+snippet req1
+ require_once '${1:file}';
+# Start Docblock
+snippet /*
+ /**
+ * ${0}
+ */
+# Class - post doc
+snippet doc_cp
+ /**
+ * ${1:undocumented class}
+ *
+ * @package ${2:default}
+ * @subpackage ${3:default}
+ * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+# Class Variable - post doc
+snippet doc_vp
+ /**
+ * ${1:undocumented class variable}
+ *
+ * @var ${2:string}
+ */
+# Class Variable
+snippet doc_v
+ /**
+ * ${3:undocumented class variable}
+ *
+ * @var ${4:string}
+ */
+ ${1:var} $${2};
+# Class
+snippet doc_c
+ /**
+ * ${3:undocumented class}
+ *
+ * @package ${4:default}
+ * @subpackage ${5:default}
+ * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+ ${1:}class ${2:}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ } // END $1class $2
+# Constant Definition - post doc
+snippet doc_dp
+ /**
+ * ${1:undocumented constant}
+ */
+# Constant Definition
+snippet doc_d
+ /**
+ * ${3:undocumented constant}
+ */
+ define(${1}, ${2});
+# Function - post doc
+snippet doc_fp
+ /**
+ * ${1:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${2:void}
+ * @author ${3:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+# Function signature
+snippet doc_s
+ /**
+ * ${4:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${5:void}
+ * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+ ${1}function ${2}(${3});
+# Function
+snippet doc_f
+ /**
+ * ${4:undocumented function}
+ *
+ * @return ${5:void}
+ * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+ ${1}function ${2}(${3})
+ {${0}
+ }
+# Header
+snippet doc_h
+ /**
+ * ${1}
+ *
+ * @author ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ * @version ${3:$Id$}
+ * @copyright ${4:$2}, `strftime('%d %B, %Y')`
+ * @package ${0:default}
+ */
+snippet doc_i "interface someClass {}"
+ /**
+ * $1
+ * @package ${2:default}
+ * @author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
+ **/
+ interface ${1:someClass}
+ {${4}
+ }
+snippet inheritdoc "@inheritdoc docblock"
+ /**
+ * {@inheritdoc}
+ */
+# Interface
+snippet interface
+ /**
+ * ${2:undocumented class}
+ *
+ * @package ${3:default}
+ * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+ interface ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Trait
+snippet trait
+ /**
+ * ${2:undocumented class}
+ *
+ * @package ${3:default}
+ * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
+ */
+ trait ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# class ...
+snippet class
+ /**
+ * ${1}
+ */
+ class ${2:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ {
+ ${3}
+ /**
+ * ${4}
+ */
+ ${5:public} function ${6:__construct}(${7:argument})
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ }
+snippet nc
+ namespace ${1:`substitute(substitute(expand("%:h"), '\v^\w+\/(\u)', '\1', ''), '\/', '\\\', 'g')`};
+ ${2:abstract }class ${3:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# define(...)
+snippet def "define('VARIABLE_NAME', 'definition')"
+ define('${1:VARIABLE_NAME}', ${2:'definition'});
+# defined(...)
+snippet def?
+ ${1}defined('${2}')
+snippet wh "while (condition) { ... }"
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet do "do { ... } while (condition)"
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${1});
+snippet if "if (condition) { ... }"
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ifn "if (!condition) { ... }"
+ if (!${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet ifil "<?php if (condition): ?> ... <?php endif; ?>"
+ <?php if (${1}): ?>
+ ${0}
+ <?php endif; ?>
+snippet ife "if (cond) { ... } else { ... }"
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${3}
+ }
+ ${0}
+snippet ifeil "<?php if (condition): ?> ... <?php else: ?> ... <?php endif; ?>"
+ <?php if (${1}): ?>
+ ${2}
+ <?php else: ?>
+ ${3}
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ ${0}
+snippet el "else { ... }"
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet eif "elseif(condition) { ... }"
+ elseif (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet switch "switch($var) { case 'xyz': ... default: .... }"
+ switch ($${1:variable}) {
+ case '${2:value}':
+ ${3}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+ default:
+ ${4}
+ break;
+ }
+snippet case "case 'value': ... break"
+ case '${1:value}':
+ ${2}
+ break;
+snippet for "for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { ... }"
+ for ($${2:i} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet foreach "foreach ($var as $value) { .. }"
+ foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:value}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet foreachil "<?php foreach ($var as $value): ?> ... <?php endforeach; ?>"
+ <?php foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:value}): ?>
+ ${0}
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+snippet foreachk "foreach ($var as $key => $value) { .. }"
+ foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet foreachkil "<?php foreach ($var as $key => $value): ?> ... <?php endforeach; ?>"
+ <?php foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key} => $${3:value}): ?>
+ ${0:<!-- html... -->}
+ <?php endforeach; ?>
+snippet array "$... = array(...)"
+ $${1:arrayName} = array('${2}' => ${3});
+snippet try "try { ... } catch (Exception $e) { ... }"
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch (${1:Exception} $e) {
+ }
+# lambda with closure
+snippet lambda
+ ${1:static }function (${2:args}) use (${3:&$x, $y /*put vars in scope (closure) */}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# pre_dump();
+snippet pd
+ echo '<pre>'; var_dump(${0}); echo '</pre>';
+# pre_dump(); die();
+snippet pdd
+ echo '<pre>'; var_dump(${1}); echo '</pre>'; die(${0:});
+snippet vd
+ var_dump(${0});
+snippet vdd
+ var_dump(${1}); die(${0:});
+snippet pr
+ print_r(${0});
+snippet prs
+ print_r(${0}, 1);
+snippet vdf
+ error_log(print_r($${1:foo}, true), 3, '${2:/tmp/debug.log}');
+snippet http_redirect
+ header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
+ header ("Location: ".URL);
+ exit();
+snippet log "error_log(var_export($var, true));"
+ error_log(var_export(${1}, true));
+snippet var "var_export($var)"
+ var_export(${1});
+snippet ve "Dumb debug helper in HTML"
+ echo '<pre>' . var_export(${1}, 1) . '</pre>';
+snippet pc "Dumb debug helper in cli"
+ var_export($1);$0
+# Getters & Setters
+snippet gs "PHP Class Getter Setter"
+ /**
+ * Gets the value of ${1:foo}
+ *
+ * @return ${2:string}
+ */
+ public function get${3:$1}()
+ {
+ return $this->${4:$1};
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the value of $1
+ *
+ * @param $2 $$1 ${5:description}
+ *
+ * @return ${6:`vim_snippets#Filename()`}
+ */
+ public function set$3(${7:$2 }$$1)
+ {
+ $this->$4 = $$1;
+ return $this;
+ }
+# anotation, get, and set, useful for doctrine
+snippet ags
+ /**
+ * ${1:description}
+ *
+ * @${0}
+ */
+ ${2:protected} $${3:foo};
+ public function get${4:$3}()
+ {
+ return $this->$3;
+ }
+ public function set$4(${5:$4 }$${6:$3})
+ {
+ $this->$3 = $$6;
+ return $this;
+ }
+snippet rett
+ return true;
+snippet retf
+ return false;
+snippet am
+ $${1:foo} = array_map(function($${2:v}) {
+ ${0}
+ return $$2;
+ }, $$1);
+snippet aw
+ array_walk($${1:foo}, function(&$${2:v}, $${3:k}) {
+ $$2 = ${0};
+ });
+# static var assign once
+snippet static_var
+ static $${1} = null;
+ if (is_null($$1)){
+ $$1 = ${2};
+ }
+snippet CSVWriter
+ <?php
+ class CSVWriter {
+ public function __construct($file_or_handle, $sep = "\t", $quot = '"'){
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ $mode = isset($opts['mode']) ? $opts['mode'] : 'w';
+ $this->f =
+ is_string($file_or_handle)
+ ? fopen($file_or_handle, $mode)
+ : $file_or_handle;
+ $this->fputcsv_args = array($this->f, null, $sep, $quot);
+ if (!$this->f) throw new Exception('bad file descriptor');
+ }
+ public function write($row){
+ $this->fputcsv_args[1] =& $row;
+ call_user_func_array('fputcsv', $this->fputcsv_args);
+ }
+ public function close(){
+ if (!is_null($this->f))
+ fclose($this->f);
+ $this->f = null;
+ }
+ public function __destruct(){
+ $this->close();
+ }
+ }
+snippet CSVIterator
+ // http://snipplr.com/view.php?codeview&id=1986 // modified
+ class CSVIterator implements Iterator
+ {
+ private $f;
+ private $curr;
+ private $rowCounter;
+ /* opts keys:
+ * row_size
+ * escape
+ * enclosure
+ * delimiter
+ */
+ public function __construct( $file_or_handle, $opts = array(4096, ',') )
+ {
+ $d = function($n) use(&$opts){ return isset($opts[$n]) ? $opts[$n] : false; };
+ $this->combine = $d('combine');
+ $this->headers = $d('headers');
+ $this->headerCheckFunction = $d('header_check_function');
+ $this->f =
+ is_string($file_or_handle)
+ ? fopen( $file_or_handle, 'r' )
+ : $file_or_handle;
+ if (!$this->f) throw new Exception('bad file descriptor');
+ $this->fgetcsv_args = array(
+ $this->f,
+ isset($opts['row_size']) ? $opts['row_size'] : 4096,
+ isset($opts['delimiter']) ? $opts['delimiter'] : ',',
+ isset($opts['enclosure']) ? $opts['enclosure'] : '"',
+ isset($opts['escape']) ? $opts['escape'] : '\\',
+ );
+ $this->start();
+ }
+ protected function readRow(){
+ $this->curr = call_user_func_array('fgetcsv', $this->fgetcsv_args );
+ $this->rowCounter++;
+ if ($this->rowCounter == 1){
+ $this->processHeader();
+ } elseif ($this->curr) {
+ $this->processRow();
+ }
+ }
+ public function processHeader(){
+ if ($this->headers || $this->combine){
+ $this->header = $this->curr;
+ if ($this->headerCheckFunction){
+ $f = $this->headerCheckFunction;
+ $f($this->header);
+ }
+ $this->readRow();
+ }
+ }
+ public function processRow(){
+ if ($this->combine)
+ $this->curr = array_combine($this->header, $this->curr);
+ }
+ public function start(){
+ $this->rowCounter = 0;
+ rewind( $this->f );
+ $this->readRow();
+ }
+ public function rewind()
+ {
+ $this->start();
+ }
+ public function current()
+ {
+ $curr = $this->curr;
+ $this->readRow();
+ return $curr;
+ }
+ public function key()
+ {
+ return $this->rowCounter;
+ }
+ public function next()
+ {
+ return $this->curr;
+ }
+ public function valid(){
+ if( !$this->next() )
+ {
+ fclose( $this->f );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ } // end class
+# phpunit
+snippet ase "$this->assertEquals()"
+ $this->assertEquals(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});
+snippet asne "$this->assertNotEquals()"
+ $this->assertNotEquals(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});
+snippet asf "$this->assertFalse()"
+ $this->assertFalse(${1});
+snippet ast "$this->assertTrue()"
+ $this->assertTrue(${1});
+snippet asfex "$this->assertFileExists()"
+ $this->assertFileExists(${1:'path/to/file'});
+snippet asfnex "$this->assertFileNotExists()"
+ $this->assertFileNotExists(${1:'path/to/file'});
+snippet ascon "$this->assertContains()"
+ $this->assertContains(${1:$needle}, ${2:$haystack});
+snippet ashk "$this->assertArrayHasKey()"
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey(${1:$key}, ${2:$array});
+snippet asnhk "$this->assertArrayNotHasKey()"
+ this->assertArrayNotHasKey(${1:$key}, ${2:$array});
+snippet ascha "$this->assertClassHasAttribute()"
+ $this->assertClassHasAttribute(${1:$attributeName}, '${2:$className}');
+snippet asi "$this->assertInstanceOf(...)"
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});
+snippet test "public function testXYZ() { ... }"
+ public function test${1}()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet setup "protected function setUp() { ... }"
+ protected function setUp()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet teardown "protected function tearDown() { ... }"
+ protected function tearDown()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet exp "phpunit expects"
+ expects($this->${1:once}())
+ ->method('${2}')
+ ->with($this->equalTo(${3})${4})
+ ->will($this->returnValue(${5}));
+snippet testcmt "phpunit comment with group"
+ /**
+ * @group ${1}
+ */
+snippet fail "$this->fail()"
+ $this->fail(${1});
+snippet marki "$this->markTestIncomplete()"
+ $this->markTestIncomplete(${1});
+snippet marks "$this->markTestSkipped()"
+ $this->markTestSkipped(${1});
+# end of phpunit snippets
+snippet te "throw new Exception()"
+ throw new ${1:Exception}("${2:Error Processing Request}");
+snippet fpc "file_put_contents" b
+ file_put_contents(${1:file}, ${2:content}${3:, FILE_APPEND});$0
+snippet sr "str_replace"
+ str_replace(${1:search}, ${2:replace}, ${3:subject})$0
+snippet ia "in_array"
+ in_array(${1:needle}, ${2:haystack})$0
+snippet is "isset"
+ isset(${1:var})$0
+snippet isa "isset array"
+ isset($${1:array}[${2:key}])$0
+snippet in "is_null"
+ is_null($${1:var})$0
+snippet fe "file_exists"
+ file_exists(${1:file})$0
+snippet id "is_dir"
+ is_dir(${1:path})$0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/plsql.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/plsql.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2920758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/plsql.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# create package spec
+snippet ps
+ create or replace package ${1:name}
+ as
+ ${0:-- spec}
+ end; -- end of package spec $1
+# create package body
+snippet pb
+ create or replace package body ${1:name}
+ as
+ ${0:-- body}
+ end; -- end of package body $1;
+# package procedure spec
+snippet pps
+ procedure ${1:name}(${0:args});
+# package procedure body
+snippet ppb
+ procedure ${1:name}(${2:args})
+ as
+ begin
+ ${0:-- body}
+ end $2;
+# package function spec
+snippet pfs
+ function ${1:name}(${2:args})
+ return ${0:type};
+# package function body
+snippet pfb
+ function ${1:name}(${2:args})
+ return ${3:type}
+ as
+ l_res $3;
+ begin
+ ${0:-- body};
+ return l_res;
+ end $1;
+# snow errors
+snippet err
+ show errors;
+# proc/func in parameter
+snippet p
+ ${1:name} ${2:in} ${3:type} ${0: := null}
+# package type: record
+snippet tr
+ type tr_${1:name} is record (${0:/* columns */});
+# package type: nested table
+snippet tt
+ type tt_${1:name} is table of tr_${0:name};
+# package type: indexed table
+snippet tti
+ type tt_${1:name} is table of tr_${0:name} index by binary_integer;
+# proc/func comment
+snippet doc
+ /*
+ * ${0: comment ...}
+ */
+# plsql block
+snippet beg
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end;
+# plsql block with declare part
+snippet dec
+ declare
+ ${1}
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ end;
+# return pipe row
+snippet rpipe
+ for ${1:i} in 1 .. ${0:l_res}.count loop
+ pipe row( $2($1) );
+ end loop;
+ return;
+# bulk collect
+snippet bc
+ bulk collect into ${0}
+# local variable
+snippet l
+ l_${1} ${0:number};
+# output
+snippet log
+ dbms_output.put_line('${0}');
+# for loop
+snippet for
+ for ${1:i} in ${2:1}..${3:42} loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop;
+# for loop with select
+snippet fors
+ for ${1:rec} in (${2: select}) loop
+ ${0}
+ end loop;
+# for loop with collection
+snippet forc
+ for ${1:i} in ${2:l_var}.first .. $2.last loop
+ ${0: -- dbms_output.put_line($2($1)); }
+ end loop;
+# if
+snippet if
+ if ${1} then
+ ${0}
+ end if;
+snippet ife
+ if ${1} then
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ end if;
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/po.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/po.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84916fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/po.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+snippet msg
+ msgid "${1}"
+ msgstr "${2}"
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..015af4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+# doc
+snippet doc
+ /**
+ * ${1:Description}
+ *
+ * @author ${2:name}
+ * @since ${3:`strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")`}
+ */
+ ${0}
+# doc comment
+snippet docc
+ /**
+ * ${1:@private}$0
+ */
+ ${0}
+# class
+snippet class
+ ${1:public }class ${2:`fnamemodify(bufname("%"),":t:r")`} ${3:extends}
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------
+ public $2 (${4:arguments}) {
+ ${0:// expression}
+ }
+ }
+# package
+snippet package
+ /**
+ * ${1:Description}
+ *
+ * @author ${2:$TM_FULLNAME}
+ * @since ${3:`strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")`}
+ */
+ package ${0:package};
+# function
+snippet fun
+ ${1:void/private/protected/public}${2: static} ${3:name}(${4}) {
+ ${5://if not void return null;}
+ }
+ ${0}
+snippet fn
+ ${1:void }${2:name}(${3}) {
+ ${4://if not void return null;}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# constant
+snippet const
+ static final ${1:Object} ${2:VAR_NAM} = ${0};
+# var
+snippet var
+ ${1:private/public }${2:static }${3:String} ${4:str}${5: =}${0:value};
+# var objects
+snippet obj
+ ${1:private/public }${2:Object} ${3:o}${4: = new }$2(${0});
+#loop for
+snippet for
+ for (int ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:Things}.length; $2${3:++}) {
+ ${0:$1[$2]}
+ };
+#loop while
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet break
+ break ${1:label};
+snippet case
+ case ${1:expression} :
+ ${0}
+ break;
+snippet default
+ default :
+ ${1}
+ break;
+snippet switch
+ switch(${1:expression}) {
+ case '${3:case}':
+ ${4}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+ default:
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ }
+#try catch finally
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ } finally {
+ }
+snippet throw
+ throw new ("${1:Exception()}");
+snippet ?
+ ? ${1:trueExpression} : ${2:falseExpression}
+ ${0}
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {${0}}
+# if ... else
+snippet ife
+ if (${1:true}) {${2}}
+ else{${0}}
+snippet get
+ public ${1:String} get${2}() {
+ return ${0:fieldName};
+ }
+snippet set
+ public void set${1}(${0:String} new${1}) {
+ ${1:fieldName} = new${1};
+ }
+snippet println
+ println("${1:`fnamemodify(bufname("%"),":t:r")`}::${2:method}() "${3: +} ${0});
+#println string
+snippet pr
+ println("${0}");
+#setup draw
+snippet setup
+ void setup(){
+ ${1}
+ }
+ void draw(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+#setup OPENGL
+snippet opengl
+ import processing.opengl.*;
+ import javax.media.opengl.*;
+ PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;
+ GL gl;
+ void setup(){
+ size( ${1:300}, ${2:300}, OPENGL );
+ colorMode( RGB, 1.0 );
+ pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;
+ gl = pgl.gl;
+ gl.setSwapInterval(1);
+ initGL();
+ ${3}
+ }
+ void draw(){
+ pgl.beginGL();
+ ${4}
+ pgl.endGL();
+ getOpenGLErrors();
+ }
+ void initGL(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+ void getOpenGLErrors(){
+ int error = gl.glGetError();
+ switch (error){
+ case 1280 :
+ println("GL_INVALID_ENUM - An invalid enumerant was passed to an OpenGL command.");
+ break;
+ case 1282 :
+ println("GL_INVALID_OPERATION - An OpenGL command was issued that was invalid or inappropriate for the current state.");
+ break;
+ case 1281 :
+ println("GL_INVALID_VALUE - A value was passed to OpenGL that was outside the allowed range.");
+ break;
+ case 1285 :
+ println("GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - OpenGL was unable to allocate enough memory to process a command.");
+ break;
+ case 1283 :
+ println("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to overflow.");
+ break;
+ case 1284 :
+ println("GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to underflow.");
+ break;
+ case 32817 :
+ println("GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#GL Functions
+snippet gl begin gl
+ pgl.beginGL();
+ ${0}
+ pgl.endGL();
+snippet gl gl swap interval
+ // specify the minimum swap interval for buffer swaps.
+ gl.setSwapInterval(${0:interval});
+snippet gl gl call list
+ // execute a display list
+ gl.glCallList(${0:list});
+snippet gl gl gen buffers
+ // import java.nio.IntBuffer;
+ // import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
+ // import com.sun.opengl.util.BufferUtil;
+ // You might need to create four buffers to store vertext data, normal data, texture coordinate data, and indices in vertex arrays
+ IntBuffer bufferObjects = IntBuffer.allocate(${1:4});
+ gl.glGenBuffers($1, bufferObjects);
+ int vertexCount = ${2:3};
+ int numCoordinates = ${0:3};
+ // vertexCount * numCoordinates
+ FloatBuffer vertices = BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer(vertexCount * numCoordinates);
+ float[] v = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
+ vertices.put(v);
+ // Bind the first buffer object ID for use with vertext array data
+ gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObjects.get(0));
+ gl.glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexCount * numCoordinates * BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, vertices, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+snippet gl gl bind buffer
+ ${0:// A buffer ID of zero unbinds a buffer object}
+ gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ${1:0});
+snippet gl gl delete buffers
+ ${0:// Parameters are the same for glGenBuffers}
+ gl.glDeleteBuffers(${1:4}, ${2:bufferObjects});
+snippet gl gl depth mask
+ // enable or disable writing into the depth buffer
+ gl.glDepthMask(${0:flag});
+snippet gl gl load identity
+ // replaces the top of the active matrix stack with the identity matrix
+ gl.glLoadIdentity();
+snippet gl gl tex coord 2f
+ // set the current texture coordinates - 2 floats
+ gl.glTexCoord2f(${1:0.0f}, ${0:0.0f});
+snippet gl gl vertex 2f
+ gl.glVertex2f(${1:0.0f}, ${0:0.0f});
+snippet gl gl vertex 3f
+ gl.glVertex3f(${1:0.0f}, ${2:0.0f}, ${0:0.0f});
+snippet gl gl translate f
+ // multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
+ gl.glTranslatef(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet gl gl rotate f
+ // rotate, x-axis, y-axis, z-axiz
+ gl.glRotatef(${1:angle}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet gl gl scale f
+ // multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix
+ gl.glScalef(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet gl gl color 4f
+ gl.glColor4f(${1:red}, ${2:green}, ${3:blue}, ${0:alpha});
+snippet gl gl clear color
+ gl.glClearColor(${1:red}, ${2:green}, ${3:blue}, ${0:alpha});
+snippet gl gl color 3f
+ gl.glColor3f(${1:red}, ${2:green}, ${0:blue});
+snippet gl gl push matrix
+ // spush and pop the current matrix stack
+ gl.glPushMatrix();
+ ${0}
+ gl.glPopMatrix();
+snippet gl gl gen lists
+ gl.glGenLists(${0:1})
+snippet gl gl flush
+ // Empties buffers. Call this when all previous issues commands completed
+ gl.glFlush();
+ ${0}
+snippet gl gl get error
+ println(gl.glGetError());
+snippet gl gl clear
+ gl.glClear(${1:GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT}${2: | }${0:GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT});
+#frame operations
+snippet frameRate
+ frameRate(${1:30});
+ ${0}
+snippet saveFrame
+ saveFrame("${1:filename-####}${0:.ext}");
+snippet size normal
+ size(${1:200}, ${2:200}${0:, P3D});
+snippet size opengl
+ size(${1:200}, ${2:200}${0:, OPENGL});
+snippet color
+ color ${1:c}${2: = color(}${3:value1, }${4:value2, }${0:value3)};
+snippet char
+ char ${1:m}${2: = "}${0:char"};
+snippet float
+ float ${1:f}${2: = }${0:0.0f};
+snippet int
+ int ${1:f}${2: = }${0:0};
+snippet boolean
+ boolean ${1:b}${2: = }${0:true};
+snippet byte
+ byte ${1:b}${2: = }${0:127};
+snippet string
+ String ${1:str}${2: = "}${0:CCCP"};
+snippet array
+ ${1:int}[] ${2:numbers}${3: = new $1}[${0:length}];
+snippet object
+ ${1:Object} ${2:o}${3: = new $1}(${0});
+snippet curve
+ curve(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${4:y2}, ${5:x3}, ${6:y3}, ${7:x4}, ${0:y4});
+snippet curve 3D
+ curve(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${6:z2}, ${7:x3}, ${8:y3}, ${9:z3}, ${10:x4}, ${11:y4}, ${0:z4});
+snippet curveDetail
+ curveDetail(${0:detail});
+snippet curvePoint
+ curvePoint(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${4:d}, ${0:t});
+snippet curveTightness
+ curveTightness(${0:squishy});
+snippet bezier
+ bezier(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:cx1}, ${4:cy1}, ${5:cx2}, ${6:cy2}, ${7:x2}, ${0:y2});
+snippet bezier 3D
+ bezier(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:cx1}, ${5:cy1}, ${6:cz1}, ${7:cx2}, ${8:cy2}, ${9:cz2}, ${10:x2}, ${11:y2}, ${0:z2});
+snippet bezierDetail
+ bezierDetail(${0:detail});
+snippet bezierTangent
+ bezierTangent(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${4:d}, ${0:t});
+snippet bezierPoint
+ bezierPoint(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${4:d}, ${0:t});
+snippet vertex
+ vertex(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${4:u}${5:, }${0:v});
+snippet vertex 3D
+ vertex(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:z}${4:, }${5:u}${6:, }${0:v});
+snippet bezierVertex
+ bezierVertex(${1:cx1}, ${2:cy1}, ${3:cx2}, ${4:cy2}, ${5:x}, ${0:y});
+snippet bezierVertex 3D
+ bezierVertex(${1:cx1}, ${2:cy1}, ${3:cz1}, ${4:cx2}, ${5:cy2}, ${6:cz2}, ${7:x}, ${8:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet curveVertex
+ curveVertex(${1:x}, ${0:y});
+snippet curveVertex 3D
+ curveVertex(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet stroke
+ stroke(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet strokeWeight
+ strokeWeight(${0:1});
+snippet mouseDragged
+ void mouseDragged(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mouseMoved
+ void mouseMoved(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mouseReleased
+ void mouseReleased(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mousePressed
+ void mousePressed(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet keyReleased
+ void keyReleased(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet keyTyped
+ void keyTyped(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet keyPressed
+ void keyPressed(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet loadStrings
+ loadStrings("${0:filename}");
+snippet saveStrings
+ saveStrings(${1:filename}, ${0:strings});
+snippet loadBytes
+ loadBytes("${0:filename}");
+snippet beginRecord
+ beginRecord(${1:renderer}, ${0:filename});
+snippet saveBytes
+ saveBytes(${1:filename}, ${0:bytes});
+snippet createWriter
+ createWriter(${0:filename});
+snippet createReader
+ createReader(${0:filename});
+snippet pushMatrix
+ pushMatrix();
+ ${0:};
+ popMatrix();
+snippet text data
+ text(${1:data}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}${4:, }${0:z});
+snippet text stringdata
+ text(${1:stringdata}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}, ${4:width}, ${5:height}${6:, }${0:z});
+snippet textSize
+ textSize(${0:size});
+snippet textLeading
+ textLeading(${0:size});
+snippet textWidth
+ textWidth(${0:data});
+snippet font
+ PFont ${1:font};
+ $1 = loadFont("${0:FFScala-32.vlw}");
+#load font
+snippet loadFont
+ ${1:font} = loadFont("${0:FFScala-32.vlw}");
+snippet textFont
+ textFont(${1:font}${2:, }${0:size});
+snippet tan
+ tan(${0:rad});
+snippet atan
+ atan(${0:rad});
+snippet atan2
+ atan2(${0:rad});
+snippet sin
+ sin(${0:rad});
+snippet asin
+ asin(${0:rad});
+snippet cos
+ cos(${0:rad});
+snippet acos
+ acos(${0:rad});
+snippet degrees
+ degrees(${0:rad});
+snippet radians
+ radians(${0:deg});
+snippet randomSseed
+ randomSeed(${0:value});
+snippet random
+ random(${1:value1}${2:, }${0:value2});
+snippet pow
+ pow(${1:num}, ${0:exponent});
+snippet floor
+ floor(${0:value});
+snippet sqrt
+ sqrt(${0:value});
+snippet abs
+ abs(${0:value});
+snippet sq
+ sq(${0:value});
+snippet ceil
+ ceil(${0:value});
+snippet exp
+ exp(${0:value});
+snippet round
+ round(${0:value}};
+snippet min
+ min(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}${3:, }${0:value3});
+snippet max
+ max(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}${3:, }${0:value3});
+snippet max array
+ max(${0:array});
+snippet min array
+ min(${0:array});
+snippet log
+ log(${0:value});
+snippet map
+ map(${1:value}, ${2:low1}, ${4:high1}, ${5:low2}, ${0:high2});
+snippet norm
+ norm(${1:value}, ${2:low}, ${0:high});
+snippet constrain
+ constrain(${1:value}, ${2:min}, ${0:max});
+snippet mag
+ mag(${1:a}, ${2:b}${3:, }${0:c});
+snippet dist
+ dist(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${4:x2}, ${0:y2});
+snippet dist 3D
+ dist(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${0:z2});
+#noise math
+snippet noise
+ noise(${1:x}${2:, }${3:y}${4:, }${0:z});
+snippet noiseDetail
+ noiseDetail(${1:octaves}${2:, }${0:falloff});
+snippet noiseSeed
+ noiseSeed(${0:x});
+snippet shininess
+ shininess(${0:shine});
+snippet specular
+ specular(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet ambient
+ ambient(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${0:value3});
+snippet emissive
+ emissive(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${0:value3});
+snippet diretionalLight
+ directionalLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}, ${4:nx}, ${5:ny}, ${0:nz});
+snippet pointLight
+ pointLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}, ${4:nx}, ${5:ny}, ${0:nz});
+snippet lightFalloff
+ lightFalloff(${1:constant}, ${2:linear}, ${0:quadratic});
+snippet normal
+ normal(${1:nx}, ${2:ny}, ${0:nz});
+snippet lightSpecular
+ lightSpecular(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${0:v3});
+snippet ambientLight
+ ambientLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}${7:, ${4:x}, ${5:y}, ${0:z}});
+snippet spotLight
+ spotLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}, ${4:x}, ${5:y}, ${6:z}, ${7:nx}, ${8:ny}, ${9:nz}, ${10:angle}, ${0:concentration});
+snippet camera
+ camera(${1:eyeX}, ${2:eyeY}, ${3:eyeZ}, ${4:centerX}, ${5:centerY}, ${6:centerZ}, ${7:upX}, ${8:upY}, ${0:upZ});
+snippet ortho
+ ortho(${1:left}, ${2:right}, ${3:bottom}, ${4:top}, ${5:near}, ${0:far});
+snippet perspective
+ perspective(${1:fov}, ${2:aspect}, ${3:zNear}, ${0:zFar});
+snippet frustrum
+ frustrum(${1:left}, ${2:right}, ${3:bottom}, ${4:top}, ${5:near}, ${0:far});
+snippet rotate
+ rotate${1:X}(${0:angle});
+snippet translate
+ translate(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${0:z});
+snippet scale size
+ scale(${0:size});
+snippet scale
+ scale(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${0:z});
+snippet coord
+ ${1:model/screen}${2:X}(${3:x}, ${4:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet brightness
+ brightness(${0:color});
+snippet lerpColor
+ lerpColor(${1:c1}, ${2:c2}, ${0:amt});
+snippet saturation
+ saturation(${0:color});
+snippet hue
+ hue(${0:color});
+snippet alpha
+ alpha(${0:color});
+snippet tint
+ tint(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet set pixel
+ set(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:color/image});
+snippet pixels
+ pixels[${0:index}]
+snippet get pixel
+ get(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${4:width}${5:, }${0:height});
+#geometric figures
+snippet triangle
+ triangle(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${4:y2}, ${5:x3}, ${0:y3});
+snippet line
+ line(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${0:y2});
+snippet line 3D
+ line(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${0:z2});
+snippet arc
+ arc(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${4:height}, ${5:start}, ${0:stop});
+snippet point
+ point(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${0:z});
+snippet quad
+ quad(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${4:y2}, ${5:x3}, ${6:y3}, ${7:x4}, ${0:y4});
+snippet ellipse
+ ellipse(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${0:height});
+snippet rect
+ rect(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${0:height});
+snippet box
+ box(${1:width}, ${2:height}, ${0:depth});
+snippet sphere
+ sphere(${0:radius});
+snippet sphereDetails
+ sphereDetail(${0:n});
+#array operations
+snippet split
+ split("${1:str}"${2: , }${0:delimiter});
+snippet splitTokens
+ splitTokens(${1:str}${2:, }${0:tokens});
+snippet join
+ join(${1:strgArray}${2: , }${0:seperator});
+snippet shorten
+ shorten(${0:array});
+snippet concat
+ concat(${1:array1}, ${0:array2});
+snippet subset
+ subset(${1:array}, ${0:offset});
+snippet append
+ append(${1:array}, ${0:element});
+snippet reverse
+ reverse(${0:array});
+snippet splice
+ splice(${1:array}, ${2:value/array2}, ${0:index});
+snippet sort
+ sort(${1:dataArray}${2:, }${0:count});
+snippet expand
+ expand(${1:array}${2:, }${0:newSize});
+snippet arrayCopy
+ arrayCopy(${1:src}, ${2:dest}, ${3:, }${0:length});
+#string operations
+snippet str
+ str("${0:str}");
+snippet match
+ match(${1:str}, ${0:regexp});
+snippet trim
+ trim(${0:str});
+snippet nf
+ nf(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});
+snippet nfs
+ nfs(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});
+snippet nfp
+ nfp(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});
+snippet nfc
+ nfc(${1:value}${2:, }${0:right});
+snippet unbinary
+ unbinary("${0:str}"});
+snippet hexadecimal
+ hex(${0:c});
+snippet unhex
+ unhex(${0:c});
+snippet binary
+ binary(${1:value}${2:, }${0:digits});
+#image operations
+snippet loadImage
+ loadImage(${0:filename});
+snippet image
+ image(${1:img}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}${4:, }${5:width}${6:, }${0:height});
+snippet copy
+ copy(${1:srcImg}${2:, }${3:x}, ${4:y}, ${5:width}, ${6:height}, ${7:dx}, ${8:dy}, ${9:dwidth}, ${0:dheight});
+snippet bg
+ background(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet pg
+ PGraphics pg;
+ pg = createGraphics(${1:width}, ${2:height}${3:, }${0:applet});
+snippet pimage
+ PImage(${1:width}, ${0:height});
+snippet fill
+ fill(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet red
+ red(${0:color});
+snippet green
+ green(${0:color});
+snippet blue
+ blue(${0:color});
+snippet status
+ status(${0:text});
+snippet param
+ param(${0:s});
+snippet link
+ link(${1:url}${2:, }${0:target});
+snippet @
+ @${1:param/return/private/public} ${1:parameter} ${0:description}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/progress.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/progress.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dee07a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/progress.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Progress/OpenEdge ABL snippets
+# define
+snippet defbuf
+ DEFINE BUFFER b_${1:TableName} FOR $1 ${0}.
+snippet defvar
+ DEFINE VARIABLE ${1:VariableName} AS ${0}.
+snippet nl
+snippet ne
+snippet nle
+snippet ini
+ INITIAL ${0:?}
+snippet nu
+snippet err
+snippet ff
+ FIND FIRST ${1:BufferName}
+ ${2:WHERE $1.${3}} ${0}
+snippet input
+ DEFINE INPUT PARAMETER ${1:ParamName} AS ${0}.
+snippet output
+ DEFINE OUTPUT PARAMETER ${1:ParamName} AS ${0:ParamType}.
+snippet proc
+ /******************************************************************************/
+ PROCEDURE ${1:ProcName}:
+ ${0}
+ END PROCEDURE. /* $1 */
+ /******************************************************************************/
+snippet alert
+ MESSAGE "${1:MessageContent}" ${2:Data} VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX.
+snippet if
+ IF ${1:Condition}
+ THEN ${2:Action}
+ ${3:ELSE ${4:OtherWise}}
+snippet do
+ DO${1: Clauses}:
+ ${0}
+ END.
+# datatypes
+snippet int
+snippet char
+snippet log
+snippet dec
+snippet sep
+ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e9ceeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/puppet.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+# Snippets for use with VIM and http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2540
+# Please contact R.I.Pienaar <rip@devco.net> for additions and feedback,
+# see it in action @ http://www.devco.net/archives/2009/09/22/vim_and_puppet.php
+# Header to match http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/style_guide.html#puppet-doc
+snippet classheader
+ # == Class: ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename(expand('%:p:s?.*modules/??:h:h'), 'name')`}
+ #
+ # ${2:Full description of class $1 here}
+ #
+ # === Parameters
+ #
+ # Document parameters here.
+ #
+ # [*parameter1*]
+ # Explanation of what this parameter affects and what it defaults to.
+ # e.g. "Specify one or more upstream ntp servers as an array."
+ #
+ # === Variables
+ #
+ # Here you should define a list of variables that this module would require.
+ #
+ # [*variable1*]
+ # Explanation of how this variable affects the funtion of this class and
+ # if it has a default. e.g. "The parameter enc_ntp_servers must be set by the
+ # External Node Classifier as a comma separated list of hostnames."
+ #
+ # === Examples
+ #
+ # class { '$1':
+ # parameter1 => [ 'just', 'an', 'example', ]
+ # }
+ #
+ # === Authors
+ #
+ # `g:snips_author` <`g:snips_email`>
+ #
+ # === Copyright
+ #
+ # Copyright `strftime("%Y")` `g:snips_author`
+ #
+ class $1 (${3}){
+ ${4}
+ }
+snippet defheader
+ # == Define: ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename(expand('%:p:s?.*modules/??:r:s?/manifests/?::?'), 'name')`}
+ #
+ # ${2:Full description of defined resource type $1 here}
+ #
+ # === Parameters
+ #
+ # Document parameters here
+ #
+ # [*namevar*]
+ # If there is a parameter that defaults to the value of the title string
+ # when not explicitly set, you must always say so. This parameter can be
+ # referred to as a "namevar," since it's functionally equivalent to the
+ # namevar of a core resource type.
+ #
+ # [*basedir*]
+ # Description of this variable. For example, "This parameter sets the
+ # base directory for this resource type. It should not contain a trailing
+ # slash."
+ #
+ # === Examples
+ #
+ # Provide some examples on how to use this type:
+ #
+ # $1 { 'namevar':
+ # basedir => '/tmp/src',
+ # }
+ #
+ # === Authors
+ #
+ # `g:snips_author` <`g:snips_email`>
+ #
+ # === Copyright
+ #
+ # Copyright `strftime("%Y")` `g:snips_author`
+ #
+ define $1(${3}) {
+ ${4}
+ }
+# Language Constructs
+snippet class
+ class ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'name')`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet node
+ node "${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('', 'fqdn')`}" {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet case
+ case $${1:variable} {
+ default: { ${0} }
+ }
+snippet ife
+ if $${1:variable} {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet if
+ if $${1:variable} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ifd
+ if defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"]) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ifnd
+ if !defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"]) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ?
+ ? {
+ "${1}" => ${0}
+ }
+# blocks etc and general syntax sugar
+snippet [
+ [ ${1} ]
+snippet >
+ ${1} => ${0}
+snippet p:
+ "puppet://puppet/${1:module name}/${0:file name}"
+# Functions
+snippet alert
+ alert("${1:message}")
+snippet crit
+ crit("${1:message}")
+snippet debug
+ debug("${1:message}")
+snippet defined
+ defined(${1:Resource}["${2:name}"])
+snippet emerg
+ emerg("${1:message}")
+snippet extlookup Simple extlookup
+ extlookup("${1:variable}")
+snippet extlookup Extlookup with defaults
+ extlookup("${1:variable}", "${2:default}")
+snippet extlookup Extlookup with defaults and custom data file
+ extlookup("${1:variable}", "${2:default}", "${3:data source}")
+snippet fail
+ fail("${1:message}")
+snippet info
+ info("${1:message}")
+snippet inline_template
+ inline_template("<%= ${1} %>")
+snippet notice
+ notice("${1:message}")
+snippet realize
+ realize(${1:Resource}[${2:name}])
+snippet regsubst
+ regsubst(${1:hay stack}, ${2:needle}, "${3:replacement}")
+snippet inc
+ include ${1:classname}
+snippet split
+ split(${1:hay stack}, "${2:patten}")
+snippet versioncmp
+ versioncmp("${1:version}", "${2:version}")
+snippet warning
+ warning("${1:message}")
+# Types
+snippet cron
+ cron { "${1:name}":
+ command => "${2}",
+ user => "${3:root}",
+ ${4} => ${0},
+ }
+snippet exec
+ exec { "${1:name}":
+ command => "${2:$1}",
+ user => "${3:root}",
+ ${4} => ${0},
+ }
+snippet user
+ user { "${1:user}":
+ ensure => present,
+ comment => "${2:$1}",
+ managehome => true,
+ home => "${0:/home/$1}",
+ }
+snippet group
+ group { "${1:group}":
+ ensure => ${0:present},
+ }
+snippet host
+ host { "${1:hostname}":
+ ip => ${0:},
+ }
+snippet mailalias
+ mailalias { "${1:localpart}":
+ recipient => "${0:recipient}",
+ }
+snippet mount
+ mount { "${1:destination path}":
+ ensure => ${2:mounted},
+ device => "${0:device name or path}",
+ }
+snippet package
+ package { "${1:package name}":
+ ensure => ${0:present},
+ }
+snippet yumrepo
+ yumrepo { "${1:repo name}":
+ descr => "${2:$1}",
+ enabled => ${0:1},
+ }
+snippet define
+ define ${1} (${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet service
+ service { "${1:service}" :
+ ensure => running,
+ enable => true,
+ require => [ Package["${2:package}"], File["${3:file}"], ],
+ subscribe => [ File["${4:configfile1}"], File["${5:configfile2}"], Package["${6:package}"], ],
+ }
+snippet file
+ file { "${1:filename}" :
+ ensure => ${2:present},
+ owner => "${3:root}",
+ group => "${4:root}",
+ mode => "${5:0644}",
+ source => "puppet:///modules/${6:module}/${7:source}",
+ content => template("${8:module}/${9:template}"),
+ alias => "${10:alias}",
+ require => [ Package["${11:package}"], File["${12:file}"], ],
+ }
+snippet archive
+ archive { "${1:filename}" :
+ ensure => ${2:present},
+ url => "http://${3:url}",
+ extension => "${4:tgz}",
+ target => "${5:target}",
+ checksum => ${6:false},
+ src_target => "${7:/tmp}",
+ }
+snippet firewall
+ firewall { "${1:comment}" :
+ proto => ${2:tcp},
+ action => ${3:accept},
+ port => ${4},
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f68acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/python.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+snippet #!3
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+snippet imp
+ import ${0:module}
+snippet uni
+ def __unicode__(self):
+ ${0:representation}
+snippet from
+ from ${1:package} import ${0:module}
+# Module Docstring
+snippet docs
+ """
+ File: ${1:`vim_snippets#Filename('$1.py', 'foo.py')`}
+ Author: `g:snips_author`
+ Email: `g:snips_email`
+ Github: `g:snips_github`
+ Description: ${0}
+ """
+snippet wh
+ while ${1:condition}:
+ ${0}
+# dowh - does the same as do...while in other languages
+snippet dowh
+ while True:
+ ${1}
+ if ${0:condition}:
+ break
+snippet with
+ with ${1:expr} as ${2:var}:
+ ${0}
+# New Class
+snippet cl
+ class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}):
+ """${3:docstring for $1}"""
+ def __init__(self, ${4:arg}):
+ ${5:super($1, self).__init__()}
+ self.$4 = $4
+ ${0}
+# New Function
+snippet def
+ def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+ """${3:docstring for $1}"""
+ ${0}
+snippet deff
+ def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+ ${0}
+# New Method
+snippet defm
+ def ${1:mname}(self, ${2:arg}):
+ ${0}
+# New Property
+snippet property
+ def ${1:foo}():
+ doc = "${2:The $1 property.}"
+ def fget(self):
+ ${3:return self._$1}
+ def fset(self, value):
+ ${4:self._$1 = value}
+ def fdel(self):
+ ${0:del self._$1}
+ return locals()
+ $1 = property(**$1())
+# Ifs
+snippet if
+ if ${1:condition}:
+ ${0}
+snippet el
+ else:
+ ${0}
+snippet ei
+ elif ${1:condition}:
+ ${0}
+# For
+snippet for
+ for ${1:item} in ${2:items}:
+ ${0}
+# Encodes
+snippet cutf8
+ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+snippet clatin1
+ # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
+snippet cascii
+ # -*- coding: ascii -*-
+# Lambda
+snippet ld
+ ${1:var} = lambda ${2:vars} : ${0:action}
+snippet .
+ self.
+snippet try Try/Except
+ try:
+ ${1}
+ except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+ ${0:raise $3}
+snippet try Try/Except/Else
+ try:
+ ${1}
+ except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+ ${4:raise $3}
+ else:
+ ${0}
+snippet try Try/Except/Finally
+ try:
+ ${1}
+ except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+ ${4:raise $3}
+ finally:
+ ${0}
+snippet try Try/Except/Else/Finally
+ try:
+ ${1}
+ except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+ ${4:raise $3}
+ else:
+ ${5}
+ finally:
+ ${0}
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+snippet ifmain
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ${0:main()}
+# __magic__
+snippet _
+ __${1:init}__
+# python debugger (pdb)
+snippet pdb
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+# bpython debugger (bpdb)
+snippet bpdb
+ import bpdb
+ bpdb.set_trace()
+# ipython debugger (ipdb)
+snippet ipdb
+ import ipdb
+ ipdb.set_trace()
+# embed ipython itself
+snippet iem
+ import IPython
+ IPython.embed()
+# ipython debugger (pdbbb)
+snippet pdbbb
+ import pdbpp
+ pdbpp.set_trace()
+# remote python debugger (rpdb)
+snippet rpdb
+ import rpdb
+ rpdb.set_trace()
+# ptpython
+snippet ptpython
+ from ptpython.repl import embed
+ embed(globals(), locals(), vi_mode=${1:False}, history_filename=${2:None})
+# python console debugger (pudb)
+snippet pudb
+ import pudb
+ pudb.set_trace()
+# pdb in nosetests
+snippet nosetrace
+ from nose.tools import set_trace
+ set_trace()
+snippet pprint
+ import pprint
+ pprint.pprint(${1})
+snippet "
+ """${0:doc}
+ """
+# assertions
+snippet a=
+ self.assertEqual(${0}, ${1})
+# test function/method
+snippet test
+ def test_${1:description}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+ ${0}
+# test case
+snippet testcase
+ class ${1:ExampleCase}(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_${2:description}(self):
+ ${0}
+snippet fut
+ from __future__ import ${0}
+snippet getopt
+ try:
+ # Short option syntax: "hv:"
+ # Long option syntax: "help" or "verbose="
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "${1:short_options}", [${2:long_options}])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ # Print debug info
+ print str(err)
+ ${3:error_action}
+ for option, argument in opts:
+ if option in ("-h", "--help"):
+ ${0}
+ elif option in ("-v", "--verbose"):
+ verbose = argument
+# logging
+# glog = get log
+snippet glog
+ import logging
+ logger = logging.getLogger(${0:__name__})
+snippet le
+ logger.error(${0:msg})
+# conflict with lambda=ld, therefor we change into Logger.debuG
+snippet lg
+ logger.debug(${0:msg})
+snippet lw
+ logger.warning(${0:msg})
+snippet lc
+ logger.critical(${0:msg})
+snippet li
+ logger.info(${0:msg})
+snippet epydoc
+ """${1:Description}
+ @param ${2:param}: ${3: Description}
+ @type $2: ${4: Type}
+ @return: ${5: Description}
+ @rtype : ${6: Type}
+ @raise e: ${0: Description}
+ """
+snippet dol
+ def ${1:__init__}(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(${0:ClassName}, self).$1(*args, **kwargs)
+snippet kwg
+ self.${1:var_name} = kwargs.get('$1', ${2:None})
+snippet lkwg
+ ${1:var_name} = kwargs.get('$1', ${2:None})
+snippet args
+ *args${1:,}${0}
+snippet kwargs
+ **kwargs${1:,}${0}
+snippet akw
+ *args, **kwargs${1:,}${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/r.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/r.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bdeeec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/r.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
+# includes
+snippet lib
+ library(${0:package})
+snippet req
+ require(${0:package})
+snippet source
+ source('${0:file}')
+# conditionals
+snippet if
+ if (${1:condition}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ei
+ else if (${1:condition}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# loops
+snippet wh
+ while(${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet for
+ for (${1:item} in ${2:list}) {
+ ${3}
+ }
+# functions
+snippet fun
+ ${1:name} <- function (${2:variables}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ret
+ return(${0})
+# dataframes, lists, etc
+snippet df
+ ${1:name}[${2:rows}, ${0:cols}]
+snippet c
+ c(${0:items})
+snippet li
+ list(${0:items})
+snippet mat
+ matrix(${1:data}, nrow = ${2:rows}, ncol = ${0:cols})
+# apply functions
+snippet apply
+ apply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
+snippet lapply
+ lapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet sapply
+ lapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet vapply
+ vapply(${1:list}, ${2:function}, ${0:type})
+snippet mapply
+ mapply(${1:function}, ${0:...})
+snippet tapply
+ tapply(${1:vector}, ${2:index}, ${0:function})
+snippet rapply
+ rapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+# plyr functions
+snippet dd
+ ddply(${1:frame}, ${2:variables}, ${0:function})
+snippet dl
+ dlply(${1:frame}, ${2:variables}, ${0:function})
+snippet da
+ daply(${1:frame}, ${2:variables}, ${0:function})
+snippet d_
+ d_ply(${1:frame}, ${2:variables}, ${0:function})
+snippet ad
+ adply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
+snippet al
+ alply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
+snippet aa
+ aaply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
+snippet a_
+ a_ply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
+snippet ld
+ ldply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet ll
+ llply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet la
+ laply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet l_
+ l_ply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
+snippet md
+ mdply(${1:matrix}, ${0:function})
+snippet ml
+ mlply(${1:matrix}, ${0:function})
+snippet ma
+ maply(${1:matrix}, ${0:function})
+snippet m_
+ m_ply(${1:matrix}, ${0:function})
+# plot functions
+snippet pl
+ plot(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet ggp
+ ggplot(${1:data}, aes(${0:aesthetics}))
+snippet img
+ ${1:(jpeg,bmp,png,tiff)}(filename = '${2:filename}', width = ${3}, height = ${4}, unit = '${5}')
+ ${0:plot}
+ dev.off()
+# statistical test functions
+snippet fis
+ fisher.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet chi
+ chisq.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet tt
+ t.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet wil
+ wilcox.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet cor
+ cor.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet fte
+ var.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
+snippet kvt
+ kv.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rails.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rails.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e834222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rails.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+snippet art
+ assert_redirected_to ${1:action}: '${2:index}'
+snippet artnp
+ assert_redirected_to ${1:parent}_${2:child}_path(${3:@$1}, ${0:@$2})
+snippet artnpp
+ assert_redirected_to ${1:parent}_${2:child}_path(${0:@$1})
+snippet artp
+ assert_redirected_to ${1:model}_path(${0:@$1})
+snippet artpp
+ assert_redirected_to ${0:model}s_path
+snippet asd
+ assert_difference '${1:Model}.${2:count}', ${3:1} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet asnd
+ assert_no_difference '${1:Model}.${2:count}' do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet asre
+ assert_response :${1:success}, @response.body
+snippet asrj
+ assert_rjs :${1:replace}, '${0:dom id}'
+snippet ass assert_select(..)
+ assert_select '${1:path}', ${2:text}: '${3:inner_html}' ${4:do}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet ba
+ before_action :${0:method}
+snippet bf
+ before_filter :${0:method}
+snippet bt
+ belongs_to :${0:association}
+snippet btp
+ belongs_to :${1:association}, polymorphic: true
+snippet crw
+ cattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
+snippet defcreate
+ def create
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.new($1_params)
+ respond_to do |format|
+ if @$1.save
+ flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully created.'
+ format.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
+ format.xml { render xml: @$1, status: :created, location: @$1 }
+ else
+ format.html { render action: 'new' }
+ format.xml { render xml: @$1.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+snippet defdestroy
+ def destroy
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
+ @$1.destroy
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { redirect_to($1s_url) }
+ format.xml { head :ok }
+ end
+ end
+snippet defedit
+ def edit
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${0:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
+ end
+snippet defindex
+ def index
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.all
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # index.html.erb
+ format.xml { render xml: @$1s }
+ end
+ end
+snippet defnew
+ def new
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.new
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # new.html.erb
+ format.xml { render xml: @$1 }
+ end
+ end
+snippet defshow
+ def show
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # show.html.erb
+ format.xml { render xml: @$1 }
+ end
+ end
+snippet defupdate
+ def update
+ @${1:model_class_name} = ${2:ModelClassName}.find(params[:id])
+ respond_to do |format|
+ if @$1.update($1_params)
+ flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully updated.'
+ format.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
+ format.xml { head :ok }
+ else
+ format.html { render action: 'edit' }
+ format.xml { render xml: @$1.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+snippet defparams
+ def ${1:model_class_name}_params
+ params.require(:$1).permit()
+ end
+snippet dele delegate .. to
+ delegate :${1:methods}, to: :${0:object}
+snippet dele delegate .. to .. prefix .. allow_nil
+ delegate :${1:methods}, to: :${2:object}, prefix: :${3:prefix}, allow_nil: ${0:allow_nil}
+snippet amc
+ alias_method_chain :${1:method_name}, :${0:feature}
+snippet flash
+ flash[:${1:notice}] = '${0}'
+snippet habtm
+ has_and_belongs_to_many :${1:object}, join_table: '${2:table_name}', foreign_key: '${3}_id'
+snippet hm
+ has_many :${0:object}
+snippet hmd
+ has_many :${1:other}s, class_name: '${2:$1}', foreign_key: '${3:$1}_id', dependent: :destroy
+snippet hmt
+ has_many :${1:object}, through: :${0:object}
+snippet ho
+ has_one :${0:object}
+snippet hod
+ has_one :${1:object}, dependent: :${0:destroy}
+snippet i18
+ I18n.t('${1:type.key}')
+snippet ist
+ <%= image_submit_tag('${1:agree.png}', id: '${2:id}'${0}) %>
+snippet log
+ Rails.logger.${1:debug} ${0}
+snippet log2
+ RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.${1:debug} ${0}
+snippet logd
+ logger.debug { '${1:message}' }
+snippet loge
+ logger.error { '${1:message}' }
+snippet logf
+ logger.fatal { '${1:message}' }
+snippet logi
+ logger.info { '${1:message}' }
+snippet logw
+ logger.warn { '${1:message}' }
+snippet mapc
+ ${1:map}.${2:connect} '${0:controller/:action/:id}'
+snippet mapca
+ ${1:map}.catch_all '*${2:anything}', controller: '${3:default}', action: '${4:error}'
+snippet mapr
+ ${1:map}.resource :${0:resource}
+snippet maprs
+ ${1:map}.resources :${0:resource}
+snippet mapwo
+ ${1:map}.with_options ${2:controller}: '${3:thing}' do |$3|
+ ${0}
+ end
+# model callback snippets #
+# before callback
+snippet mbv
+ before_validation :${0:method}
+snippet mbc
+ before_create :${0:method}
+snippet mbu
+ before_update :${0:method}
+snippet mbs
+ before_save :${0:method}
+snippet mbd
+ before_destroy :${0:method}
+# after callback
+snippet mav
+ after_validation :${0:method}
+snippet maf
+ after_find :${0:method}
+snippet mat
+ after_touch :${0:method}
+snippet macr
+ after_create :${0:method}
+snippet mau
+ after_update :${0:method}
+snippet mas
+ after_save :${0:method}
+snippet mad
+ after_destroy :${0:method}
+# around callback
+snippet marc
+ around_create :${0:method}
+snippet maru
+ around_update :${0:method}
+snippet mars
+ around_save :${0:method}
+snippet mard
+ around_destroy :${0:method}
+snippet mcht
+ change_table :${1:table_name} do |t|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet mp
+ map(&:${0:id})
+snippet mrw
+ mattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
+snippet oa
+ order('${0:field}')
+snippet od
+ order('${0:field} DESC')
+snippet pa
+ params[:${1:id}]
+snippet ra
+ render action: '${0:action}'
+snippet ral
+ render action: '${1:action}', layout: '${0:layoutname}'
+snippet rest
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.${1:html} { ${0} }
+ end
+snippet rf
+ render file: '${0:filepath}'
+snippet rfu
+ render file: '${1:filepath}', use_full_path: ${0:false}
+snippet ri
+ render inline: "${0:<%= 'hello' %>}"
+snippet ril
+ render inline: "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", locals: { ${2:name}: '${3:value}'${0} }
+snippet rit
+ render inline: "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", type: ${0::rxml}
+snippet rjson
+ render json: '${0:text to render}'
+snippet rl
+ render layout: '${0:layoutname}'
+snippet rn
+ render nothing: ${0:true}
+snippet rns
+ render nothing: ${1:true}, status: ${0:401}
+snippet rp
+ render partial: '${0:item}'
+snippet rpc
+ render partial: '${1:item}', collection: ${0:@$1s}
+snippet rpl
+ render partial: '${1:item}', locals: { ${2:$1}: ${0:@$1} }
+snippet rpo
+ render partial: '${1:item}', object: ${0:@$1}
+snippet rps
+ render partial: '${1:item}', status: ${0:500}
+snippet rt
+ render text: '${0:text to render}'
+snippet rtl
+ render text: '${1:text to render}', layout: '${0:layoutname}'
+snippet rtlt
+ render text: '${1:text to render}', layout: ${0:true}
+snippet rts
+ render text: '${1:text to render}', status: ${0:401}
+snippet ru
+ render :update do |${1:page}|
+ $1.${0}
+ end
+snippet rxml
+ render xml: '${0:text to render}'
+snippet sc
+ scope :${1:name}, -> { where(${2:field}: ${0:value}) }
+snippet sl
+ scope :${1:name}, lambda do |${2:value}|
+ where('${3:field = ?}', ${0:value})
+ end
+snippet sha1
+ Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(${0:string})
+snippet sweeper
+ class ${1:ModelClassName}Sweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
+ observe $1
+ def after_save(${0:model_class_name})
+ expire_cache($2)
+ end
+ def after_destroy($2)
+ expire_cache($2)
+ end
+ def expire_cache($2)
+ expire_page
+ end
+ end
+snippet va validates_associated
+ validates_associated :${0:attribute}
+snippet va validates .., acceptance: true
+ validates :${0:terms}, acceptance: true
+snippet vc
+ validates :${0:attribute}, confirmation: true
+snippet ve
+ validates :${1:attribute}, exclusion: { in: ${0:%w( mov avi )} }
+snippet vf
+ validates :${1:attribute}, format: { with: /${0:regex}/ }
+snippet vi
+ validates :${1:attribute}, inclusion: { in: %w(${0: mov avi }) }
+snippet vl
+ validates :${1:attribute}, length: { in: ${2:3}..${0:20} }
+snippet vn
+ validates :${0:attribute}, numericality: true
+snippet vp
+ validates :${0:attribute}, presence: true
+snippet vu
+ validates :${0:attribute}, uniqueness: true
+snippet format
+ format.${1:js|xml|html} { ${0} }
+snippet wc
+ where(${1:'conditions'}${0:, bind_var})
+snippet wf
+ where(${1:field}: ${0:value})
+snippet xdelete
+ xhr :delete, :${1:destroy}, id: ${2:1}
+snippet xget
+ xhr :get, :${1:show}, id: ${2:1}
+snippet xpost
+ xhr :post, :${1:create}, ${2:object}: ${3:object}
+snippet xput
+ xhr :put, :${1:update}, id: ${2:1}, ${3:object}: ${4:object}
+snippet test
+ test 'should ${1:do something}' do
+ ${0}
+ end
+# migrations snippets #
+snippet mac
+ add_column :${1:table_name}, :${2:column_name}, :${0:data_type}
+snippet mai
+ add_index :${1:table_name}, :${0:column_name}
+snippet mrc
+ remove_column :${1:table_name}, :${0:column_name}
+snippet mrnc
+ rename_column :${1:table_name}, :${2:old_column_name}, :${0:new_column_name}
+snippet mcc
+ change_column :${1:table}, :${2:column}, :${0:type}
+snippet mnc
+ t.${1:string} :${2:title}${3:, null: false}
+snippet mct
+ create_table :${1:table_name} do |t|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet migration class .. < ActiveRecord::Migration .. def up .. def down .. end
+ class `substitute( substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '^\d\+_', '',''), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')` < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def up
+ ${0}
+ end
+ def down
+ end
+ end
+snippet migration class .. < ActiveRecord::Migration .. def change .. end
+ class `substitute( substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '^\d\+_', '',''), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')` < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ ${0}
+ end
+ end
+snippet trc
+ t.remove :${0:column}
+snippet tre
+ t.rename :${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name}
+ ${0}
+snippet tref
+ t.references :${0:model}
+snippet tcb
+ t.boolean :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcbi
+ t.binary :${1:title}, limit: ${2:2}.megabytes
+ ${0}
+snippet tcd
+ t.decimal :${1:title}, precision: ${2:10}, scale: ${3:2}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcda
+ t.date :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcdt
+ t.datetime :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcf
+ t.float :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tch
+ t.change :${1:name}, :${2:string}, ${3:limit}: ${4:80}
+ ${0}
+snippet tci
+ t.integer :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcl
+ t.integer :lock_version, null: false, default: 0
+ ${0}
+snippet tcr
+ t.references :${1:taggable}, polymorphic: { default: '${2:Photo}' }
+ ${0}
+snippet tcs
+ t.string :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tct
+ t.text :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcti
+ t.time :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tcts
+ t.timestamp :${1:title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tctss
+ t.timestamps
+ ${0}
+# Rspec snippets #
+snippet isfp
+ it { should filter_param :${0:key} }
+snippet isrt
+ it { should redirect_to ${0:url} }
+snippet isrtp
+ it { should render_template ${0} }
+snippet isrwl
+ it { should render_with_layout ${0} }
+snippet isrf
+ it { should rescue_from ${0:exception} }
+snippet isrw
+ it { should respond_with ${0:status} }
+snippet isr
+ it { should route(:${1:method}, '${0:path}') }
+snippet isss
+ it { should set_session :${0:key} }
+snippet issf
+ it { should set_the_flash('${0}') }
+snippet isama
+ it { should allow_mass_assignment_of :${0} }
+snippet isav
+ it { should allow_value(${1}).for :${0} }
+snippet isee
+ it { should ensure_exclusion_of :${0} }
+snippet isei
+ it { should ensure_inclusion_of :${0} }
+snippet isel
+ it { should ensure_length_of :${0} }
+snippet isva
+ it { should validate_acceptance_of :${0} }
+snippet isvc
+ it { should validate_confirmation_of :${0} }
+snippet isvn
+ it { should validate_numericality_of :${0} }
+snippet isvp
+ it { should validate_presence_of :${0} }
+snippet isvu
+ it { should validate_uniqueness_of :${0} }
+snippet isana
+ it { should accept_nested_attributes_for :${0} }
+snippet isbt
+ it { should belong_to :${0} }
+snippet isbtcc
+ it { should belong_to(:${1}).counter_cache ${0:true} }
+snippet ishbtm
+ it { should have_and_belong_to_many :${0} }
+snippet isbv
+ it { should be_valid }
+snippet ishc
+ it { should have_db_column :${0} }
+snippet ishi
+ it { should have_db_index :${0} }
+snippet ishm
+ it { should have_many :${0} }
+snippet ishmt
+ it { should have_many(:${1}).through :${0} }
+snippet isho
+ it { should have_one :${0} }
+snippet ishro
+ it { should have_readonly_attribute :${0} }
+snippet iss
+ it { should serialize :${0} }
+snippet isres
+ it { should respond_to :${0} }
+snippet isresw
+ it { should respond_to(:${1}).with(${0}).arguments }
+snippet super_call
+ ${1:super_class}.instance_method(:${0:method}).bind(self).call
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rst.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rst.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b185245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rst.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# rst
+snippet :
+ :${1:field name}: ${0:field body}
+snippet *
+ *${1:Emphasis}* ${0}
+snippet **
+ **${1:Strong emphasis}** ${0}
+snippet _
+ \`${1:hyperlink-name}\`_
+ .. _\`$1\`: ${0:link-block}
+snippet =
+ ${1:Title}
+ =====${2:=}
+ ${0}
+snippet -
+ ${1:Title}
+ -----${2:-}
+ ${0}
+#some directive
+snippet img:
+ .. |${0:alias}| image:: ${1:img}
+snippet fig:
+ .. figure:: ${1:img}
+ :alt: ${0:alter text}
+ $2
+snippet cont:
+ .. contents::
+ ${0:content}
+snippet code:
+ .. code:: ${1:type}
+ ${0:write some code}
+snippet tip:
+ .. tip::
+ ${0:my tips}
+snippet not:
+ .. note::
+ ${0:my notes}
+snippet war:
+ .. warning::
+ ${0:attention!}
+snippet imp:
+ .. important::
+ ${0:this is importatnt}
+snippet att:
+ .. attention::
+ ${0:hey!}
+snippet dan:
+ .. danger::
+ ${0:ah!}
+snippet err:
+ .. error::
+ ${0:Error occur}
+snippet cau:
+ .. caution::
+ ${0:Watch out!}
+#Sphinx only
+snippet sid:
+ .. sidebar:: ${1:Title}
+ ${0}
+snippet tod:
+ .. todo::
+ ${0}
+snippet lis:
+ .. list-table:: ${0:Title}
+ :header-rows: 1
+ :stub-columns: 1
+ * - x1,y1
+ - x2,y1
+ - x3,y1
+ * - x1,y2
+ - x2,y2
+ - x3,y2
+ * - x1,y3
+ - x2,y3
+ - x3,y3
+snippet toc:
+ .. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ ${0}
+snippet dow:
+ :download:`${0:text} <${1:path}>`
+snippet ref:
+ :ref:`${0:text} <${1:path}>`
+snippet doc:
+ :doc:`${0:text} <${1:path}>`
+# CJK optimize, CJK has no space between charaters
+snippet *c
+ \ *${1:Emphasis}*\ ${0}
+snippet **c
+ \ **${1:Strong emphasis}**\ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..772f464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/ruby.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,731 @@
+snippet enc
+ # encoding: utf-8
+snippet frozen
+ # frozen_string_literal: true
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# New Block
+snippet =b
+ =begin rdoc
+ ${0}
+ =end
+snippet prot
+ protected
+ ${0}
+snippet priv
+ private
+ ${0}
+snippet y
+ :yields: ${0:arguments}
+snippet rb
+ #!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
+snippet beg
+ begin
+ ${0}
+ rescue ${1:Exception} => ${2:e}
+ end
+snippet req require
+ require '${1}'
+snippet reqr
+ require_relative '${1}'
+snippet #
+ # =>
+snippet case
+ case ${1:object}
+ when ${2:condition}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet when
+ when ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+snippet def
+ def ${1:method_name}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet deft
+ def test_${1:case_name}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet descendants
+ class Class
+ def descendants
+ ObjectSpace.each_object(::Class).select { |klass| klass < self }
+ end
+ end
+snippet if
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet ife
+ if ${1:condition}
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eif
+ elsif ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+snippet ifee
+ if ${1:condition}
+ $2
+ elsif ${3:condition}
+ $4
+ else
+ $0
+ end
+snippet unless
+ unless ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet unlesse
+ unless ${1:condition}
+ $2
+ else
+ $0
+ end
+snippet unlesee
+ unless ${1:condition}
+ $2
+ elsif ${3:condition}
+ $4
+ else
+ $0
+ end
+snippet wh
+ while ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet for
+ for ${1:e} in ${2:c}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet until
+ until ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet cla class .. end
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet clai class .. initialize .. end
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ def initialize(${2:args})
+ ${0}
+ end
+ end
+snippet cla< class .. < ParentClass .. initialize .. end
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} < ${2:ParentClass}
+ def initialize(${3:args})
+ ${0}
+ end
+ end
+snippet blankslate class BlankSlate .. initialize .. end
+ class ${0:BlankSlate}
+ instance_methods.each { |meth| undef_method(meth) unless meth =~ /\A__/ }
+ end
+snippet claself class << self .. end
+ class << ${1:self}
+ ${0}
+ end
+# class .. < DelegateClass .. initialize .. end
+snippet cla-
+ class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} < DelegateClass(${2:ParentClass})
+ def initialize(${3:args})
+ super(${4:del_obj})
+ ${0}
+ end
+ end
+snippet mod module .. end
+ module ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet mod module .. ClassMethods .. end
+ module ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
+ module ClassMethods
+ ${0}
+ end
+ module InstanceMethods
+ end
+ def self.included(receiver)
+ receiver.extend ClassMethods
+ receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods
+ end
+ end
+# attr_reader
+snippet r
+ attr_reader :${0:attr_names}
+# attr_writer
+snippet w
+ attr_writer :${0:attr_names}
+# attr_accessor
+snippet rw
+ attr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
+snippet atp
+ attr_protected :${0:attr_names}
+snippet ata
+ attr_accessible :${0:attr_names}
+snippet ana
+ accepts_nested_attributes_for :${0:association}
+# ivc == instance variable cache
+snippet ivc
+ @${1:variable_name} ||= ${0:cached_value}
+# include Enumerable
+snippet Enum
+ include Enumerable
+ def each(&block)
+ ${0}
+ end
+# include Comparable
+snippet Comp
+ include Comparable
+ def <=>(other)
+ ${0}
+ end
+# extend Forwardable
+snippet Forw-
+ extend Forwardable
+# def self
+snippet defs
+ def self.${1:class_method_name}
+ ${0}
+ end
+# def initialize
+snippet definit
+ def initialize(${1:args})
+ ${0}
+ end
+# def method_missing
+snippet defmm
+ def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk)
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet defd
+ def_delegator :${1:@del_obj}, :${2:del_meth}, :${0:new_name}
+snippet defds
+ def_delegators :${1:@del_obj}, :${0:del_methods}
+snippet am
+ alias_method :${1:new_name}, :${0:old_name}
+snippet app
+ if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME
+ ${0}
+ end
+# usage_if()
+snippet usai
+ if ARGV.${1}
+ abort "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} ${2:ARGS_GO_HERE}"${0}
+ end
+# usage_unless()
+snippet usau
+ unless ARGV.${1}
+ abort "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} ${2:ARGS_GO_HERE}"${0}
+ end
+snippet array
+ Array.new(${1:10}) { |${2:i}| ${0} }
+snippet hash
+ Hash.new { |${1:hash}, ${2:key}| $1[$2] = ${0} }
+snippet file File.foreach() { |line| .. }
+ File.foreach(${1:'path/to/file'}) { |${2:line}| ${0} }
+snippet file File.read()
+ File.read(${1:'path/to/file'})
+snippet Dir Dir.global() { |file| .. }
+ Dir.glob(${1:'dir/glob/*'}) { |${2:file}| ${0} }
+snippet Dir Dir[".."]
+ Dir[${1:'glob/**/*.rb'}]
+snippet dir
+ Filename.dirname(__FILE__)
+snippet deli
+ delete_if { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet fil
+ fill(${1:range}) { |${2:i}| ${0} }
+# flatten_once()
+snippet flao
+ reduce(Array.new) { |${1:arr}, ${2:a}| $1.push(*$2) }
+snippet zip
+ zip(${1:enums}) { |${2:row}| ${0} }
+# downto(0) { |n| .. }
+snippet dow
+ downto(${1:0}) { |${2:n}| ${0} }
+snippet ste
+ step(${1:2}) { |${2:n}| ${0} }
+snippet tim
+ times { |${1:n}| ${0} }
+snippet upt
+ upto(${1:1.0/0.0}) { |${2:n}| ${0} }
+snippet loo
+ loop { ${0} }
+snippet ea
+ each { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet ead
+ each do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eab
+ each_byte { |${1:byte}| ${0} }
+snippet eac- each_char { |chr| .. }
+ each_char { |${1:chr}| ${0} }
+snippet eac- each_cons(..) { |group| .. }
+ each_cons(${1:2}) { |${2:group}| ${0} }
+snippet eai
+ each_index { |${1:i}| ${0} }
+snippet eaid
+ each_index do |${1:i}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eak
+ each_key { |${1:key}| ${0} }
+snippet eakd
+ each_key do |${1:key}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eal
+ each_line { |${1:line}| ${0} }
+snippet eald
+ each_line do |${1:line}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eap
+ each_pair { |${1:name}, ${2:val}| ${0} }
+snippet eapd
+ each_pair do |${1:name}, ${2:val}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eas-
+ each_slice(${1:2}) { |${2:group}| ${0} }
+snippet easd-
+ each_slice(${1:2}) do |${2:group}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eav
+ each_value { |${1:val}| ${0} }
+snippet eavd
+ each_value do |${1:val}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eawi
+ each_with_index { |${1:e}, ${2:i}| ${0} }
+snippet eawid
+ each_with_index do |${1:e}, ${2:i}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet eawo
+ each_with_object(${1:init}) { |${2:e}, ${3:var}| ${0} }
+snippet eawod
+ each_with_object(${1:init}) do |${2:e}, ${3:var}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet reve
+ reverse_each { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet reved
+ reverse_each do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet inj
+ inject(${1:init}) { |${2:mem}, ${3:var}| ${0} }
+snippet injd
+ inject(${1:init}) do |${2:mem}, ${3:var}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet red
+ reduce(${1:init}) { |${2:mem}, ${3:var}| ${0} }
+snippet redd
+ reduce(${1:init}) do |${2:mem}, ${3:var}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet map
+ map { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet mapd
+ map do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet mapwi-
+ enum_with_index.map { |${1:e}, ${2:i}| ${0} }
+snippet sor
+ sort { |a, b| ${0} }
+snippet sorb
+ sort_by { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet ran
+ sort_by { rand }
+snippet all
+ all? { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet any
+ any? { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet cl
+ classify { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet col
+ collect { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet cold
+ collect do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet det
+ detect { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet detd
+ detect do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet fet
+ fetch(${1:name}) { |${2:key}| ${0} }
+snippet fin
+ find { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet find
+ find do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet fina
+ find_all { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet finad
+ find_all do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet gre
+ grep(${1:/pattern/}) { |${2:match}| ${0} }
+snippet sub
+ ${1:g}sub(${2:/pattern/}) { |${3:match}| ${0} }
+snippet sca
+ scan(${1:/pattern/}) { |${2:match}| ${0} }
+snippet scad
+ scan(${1:/pattern/}) do |${2:match}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet max
+ max { |a, b| ${0} }
+snippet min
+ min { |a, b| ${0} }
+snippet par
+ partition { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet pard
+ partition do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet rej
+ reject { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet rejd
+ reject do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet sel
+ select { |${1:e}| ${0} }
+snippet seld
+ select do |${1:e}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet lam
+ lambda { |${1:args}| ${0} }
+snippet ->
+ -> { ${0} }
+snippet ->a
+ ->(${1:args}) { ${0} }
+# I'm pretty sure that ruby users expect do to expand to do .. end
+snippet do
+ do
+ ${0}
+ end
+# this is for one or more variables. typing a ", " is that cheap that it may
+# not be worth adding another snippet. should 0/1 placeholders change order?
+# its a good idea to think about the var name, so use it first
+snippet dov
+ do |${1:v}|
+ ${2}
+ end
+snippet :
+ ${1:key}: ${2:'value'}
+snippet ope
+ open('${1:path/or/url/or/pipe}', '${2:w}') { |${3:io}| ${0} }
+# path_from_here()
+snippet fpath
+ File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *['${1:rel path here}'])
+# unix_filter {}
+snippet unif
+ ARGF.each_line${1} do |${2:line}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+# option_parse {}
+snippet optp
+ require 'optparse'
+ options = { ${0:default: 'args'} }
+ ARGV.options do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)}"
+ end
+snippet opt
+ opts.on('-${1:o}', '--${2:long-option-name}', ${3:String}, '${4:Option description.}') do |${5:opt}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet tc
+ require 'test/unit'
+ require '${1:library_file_name}'
+ class Test${2:$1} < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def test_${3:case_name}
+ ${0}
+ end
+ end
+snippet ts
+ require 'test/unit'
+ require 'tc_${1:test_case_file}'
+ require 'tc_${2:test_case_file}'
+snippet as
+ assert ${1:test}, '${2:Failure message.}'
+snippet ase
+ assert_equal ${1:expected}, ${2:actual}
+snippet asne
+ assert_not_equal ${1:unexpected}, ${2:actual}
+snippet asid
+ assert_in_delta ${1:expected_float}, ${2:actual_float}, ${3:2**-20}
+snippet asi
+ assert_includes ${1:collection}, ${2:object}
+snippet asio
+ assert_instance_of ${1:ExpectedClass}, ${2:actual_instance}
+snippet asko
+ assert_kind_of ${1:ExpectedKind}, ${2:actual_instance}
+snippet asn
+ assert_nil ${1:instance}
+snippet asnn
+ assert_not_nil ${1:instance}
+snippet asm
+ assert_match(/${1:expected_pattern}/, ${2:actual_string})
+snippet asnm
+ assert_no_match(/${1:unexpected_pattern}/, ${2:actual_string})
+snippet aso
+ assert_operator ${1:left}, :${2:operator}, ${3:right}
+snippet asr
+ assert_raise ${1:Exception} { ${0} }
+snippet asrd
+ assert_raise ${1:Exception} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet asnr
+ assert_nothing_raised ${1:Exception} { ${0} }
+snippet asnrd
+ assert_nothing_raised ${1:Exception} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet asrt
+ assert_respond_to ${1:object}, :${2:method}
+snippet ass assert_same(..)
+ assert_same ${1:expected}, ${2:actual}
+snippet ass assert_send(..)
+ assert_send [${1:object}, :${2:message}, ${3:args}]
+snippet asns
+ assert_not_same ${1:unexpected}, ${2:actual}
+snippet ast
+ assert_throws :${1:expected}, -> { ${0} }
+snippet astd
+ assert_throws :${1:expected} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet asnt
+ assert_nothing_thrown { ${0} }
+snippet asntd
+ assert_nothing_thrown do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet fl
+ flunk '${1:Failure message.}'
+# Benchmark.bmbm do .. end
+snippet bm-
+ TESTS = ${1:10_000}
+ Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet rep
+ results.report('${1:name}:') { TESTS.times { ${0} } }
+# Marshal.dump(.., file)
+snippet Md
+ File.open('${1:path/to/file.dump}', 'wb') { |${2:file}| Marshal.dump(${3:obj}, $2) }
+# Mashal.load(obj)
+snippet Ml
+ File.open('${1:path/to/file.dump}', 'rb') { |${2:file}| Marshal.load($2) }
+# deep_copy(..)
+snippet deec
+ Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(${1:obj_to_copy}))
+snippet Pn-
+ PStore.new('${1:file_name.pstore}')
+snippet tra
+ transaction(${1:true}) { ${0} }
+# xmlread(..)
+snippet xml-
+ REXML::Document.new(File.read('${1:path/to/file}'))
+# xpath(..) { .. }
+snippet xpa
+ elements.each('${1://Xpath}') do |${2:node}|
+ ${0}
+ end
+# class_from_name()
+snippet clafn
+ split('::').inject(Object) { |par, const| par.const_get(const) }
+# singleton_class()
+snippet sinc
+ class << self; self end
+snippet nam
+ namespace :${1:`vim_snippets#Filename()`} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet tas
+ desc '${1:Task description}'
+ task ${2:task_name: [:dependent, :tasks]} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+# block
+snippet b
+ { |${1:var}| ${0} }
+snippet begin
+ begin
+ fail 'A test exception.'
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts e.message
+ puts e.backtrace.inspect
+ else
+ # other exception
+ ensure
+ # always executed
+ end
+snippet debug
+ require 'byebug'; byebug
+snippet debug19
+ require 'debugger'; debugger
+snippet debug18
+ require 'ruby-debug'; debugger
+snippet pry
+ require 'pry'; binding.pry
+snippet strf
+ strftime('${1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z}')${0}
+# Minitest snippets
+snippet mb
+ must_be ${0}
+snippet wb
+ wont_be ${0}
+snippet mbe
+ must_be_empty
+snippet wbe
+ wont_be_empty
+snippet mbio
+ must_be_instance_of ${0:Class}
+snippet wbio
+ wont_be_instance_of ${0:Class}
+snippet mbko
+ must_be_kind_of ${0:Class}
+snippet wbko
+ wont_be_kind_of ${0:Class}
+snippet mbn
+ must_be_nil
+snippet wbn
+ wont_be_nil
+snippet mbsa
+ must_be_same_as ${0:other}
+snippet wbsa
+ wont_be_same_as ${0:other}
+snippet mbsi
+ -> { ${0} }.must_be_silent
+snippet mbwd
+ must_be_within_delta ${1:0.1}, ${2:0.1}
+snippet wbwd
+ wont_be_within_delta ${1:0.1}, ${2:0.1}
+snippet mbwe
+ must_be_within_epsilon ${1:0.1}, ${2:0.1}
+snippet wbwe
+ wont_be_within_epsilon ${1:0.1}, ${2:0.1}
+snippet me
+ must_equal ${0:other}
+snippet we
+ wont_equal ${0:other}
+snippet mi
+ must_include ${0:what}
+snippet wi
+ wont_include ${0:what}
+snippet mm
+ must_match /${0:regex}/
+snippet wm
+ wont_match /${0:regex}/
+snippet mout
+ -> { ${1} }.must_output '${0}'
+snippet mra
+ -> { ${1} }.must_raise ${0:Exception}
+snippet mrt
+ must_respond_to :${0:method}
+snippet wrt
+ wont_respond_to :${0:method}
+snippet msend
+ must_send [ ${1:what}, :${2:method}, ${3:args} ]
+snippet mthrow
+ -> { throw :${1:error} }.must_throw :${2:error}
+# Rspec snippets #
+snippet desc
+ describe ${1:`substitute(substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '_spec$', '', ''), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet descm
+ describe '${1:#method}' do
+ ${0:pending 'Not implemented'}
+ end
+snippet cont
+ context '${1:message}' do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet bef
+ before :${1:each} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet aft
+ after :${1:each} do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet let
+ let(:${1:object}) { ${0} }
+snippet let!
+ let!(:${1:object}) { ${0} }
+snippet subj
+ subject { ${0} }
+snippet s.
+ subject.${0:method}
+snippet spec
+ specify { subject.${0} }
+snippet exp
+ expect(${1:object}).to ${0}
+snippet expb
+ expect { ${1:object} }.to ${0}
+snippet experr
+ expect { ${1:object} }.to raise_error ${2:StandardError}, /${0:message_regex}/
+snippet shared
+ shared_examples ${0:'shared examples name'}
+snippet ibl
+ it_behaves_like ${0:'shared examples name'}
+snippet it
+ it '${1:spec_name}' do
+ ${0}
+ end
+snippet its
+ its(:${1:method}) { should ${0} }
+snippet is
+ it { should ${0} }
+snippet isn
+ it { should_not ${0} }
+snippet iexp
+ it { expect(${1:object}).${1} ${0} }
+snippet iexpb
+ it { expect { ${1:object} }.${1} ${0} }
+snippet iiexp
+ it { is_expected.to ${0} }
+snippet iiexpn
+ it { is_expected.not_to ${0} }
+snippet agg
+ aggregate_failures '${1:message}' do
+ ${0}
+ end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rust.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rust.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20532f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/rust.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# Rust Snippets #
+# Functions
+snippet fn "Function definition"
+ fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet pfn "Function definition"
+ pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet test "Unit test function"
+ #[test]
+ fn ${1:test_function_name}() {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet bench "Bench function" b
+ #[bench]
+ fn ${1:bench_function_name}(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
+ b.iter(|| {
+ ${0}
+ })
+ }
+snippet new "Constructor function"
+ pub fn new(${2}) -> ${1:Name} {
+ $1 { ${3} }
+ }
+snippet main "Main function"
+ pub fn main() {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet let "let variable declaration with type inference"
+ let ${1} = ${2};
+snippet lett "let variable declaration with explicit type annotation"
+ let ${1}: ${2} = ${3};
+snippet letm "let mut variable declaration with type inference"
+ let mut ${1} = ${2};
+snippet lettm "let mut variable declaration with explicit type annotation"
+ let mut ${1}: ${2} = ${3};
+snippet pln "println!"
+ println!("${1}");
+snippet pln, "println! with format param"
+ println!("${1}", ${2});
+# Modules
+snippet ec "extern crate"
+ extern crate ${1:sync};
+snippet ecl "extern crate log"
+ #[macro_use]
+ extern crate log;
+snippet mod
+ mod ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} {
+ ${0}
+ } /* $1 */
+snippet testmod "Test module" b
+ #[cfg(test)]
+ mod tests {
+ use super::${1:*};
+ test${0}
+ }
+# Attributes
+snippet allow "allow lint attribute" b
+ #[allow(${1:unused_variable})]
+snippet cfg "cfg attribute" b
+ #[cfg(${1:target_os = "linux"})]
+snippet feat "feature attribute" b
+ #![feature(${1:plugin})]
+snippet der "#[derive(..)]" b
+ #[derive(${1:Debug})]
+snippet attr "#[..]" b
+ #[${1:inline}]
+snippet crate "Define create meta attributes"
+ // Crate name
+ #![crate_name = "${1:crate_name}"]
+ // Additional metadata attributes
+ #![desc = "${2:Descrption.}"]
+ #![license = "${3:BSD}"]
+ #![comment = "${4:Comment.}"]
+ // Specify the output type
+ #![crate_type = "${5:lib}"]
+# Common types
+snippet opt "Option<T>"
+ Option<${1:i32}>
+snippet res "Result<T, E>"
+ Result<${1:~str}, ${2:()}>
+# Control structures
+snippet if
+ if ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife "if / else"
+ if ${1} {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet el "else"
+ else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet eli "else if"
+ else if ${1} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mat "match pattern"
+ match ${1} {
+ ${2} => ${3}
+ }
+snippet case "Case clause of pattern match"
+ ${1:_} => ${2:expression}
+snippet loop "loop {}" b
+ loop {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet wh "while loop"
+ while ${1:condition} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet for "for ... in ... loop"
+ for ${1:i} in ${2} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# TODO commenting
+snippet todo "TODO comment"
+ // [TODO]: ${0:Description}
+snippet fixme "FIXME comment"
+ // FIXME: $0
+# Struct
+snippet st "Struct definition"
+ struct ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet impl "Struct/Trait implementation"
+ impl ${1:Type/Trait}${2: for ${3:Type}} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet stn "Struct with new constructor"
+ pub struct ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ impl $1 {
+ pub fn new(${2}) -> $1 {
+ $1 { ${3} }
+ }
+ }
+snippet type "Type alias"
+ type ${1:NewName} = $2;
+snippet enum "enum definition"
+ enum ${1:Name} {
+ ${2},
+ }
+# Traits
+snippet trait "Trait definition"
+ trait ${1:Name} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet drop "Drop trait implementation (destructor)"
+ impl Drop for ${1:Name} {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ }
+# Statics
+snippet ss "static string declaration"
+ static ${1}: &'static str = "${0}";
+snippet stat "static item declaration"
+ static ${1}: ${2:usize} = ${0};
+# Concurrency
+snippet scoped "spawn a scoped thread"
+ thread::scoped(${1:move }|| {
+ ${0}
+ });
+snippet spawn "spawn a thread"
+ thread::spawn(${1:move }|| {
+ ${0}
+ });
+snippet chan "Declare (Sender, Receiver) pair of asynchronous channel()"
+ let (${1:tx}, ${2:rx}): (Sender<${3:i32}>, Receiver<${4:i32}>) = channel();
+# Testing
+snippet as "assert!"
+ assert!(${1:predicate})
+snippet ase "assert_eq!"
+ assert_eq!(${1:expected}, ${2:actual})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sass.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sass.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7207360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sass.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+extends css
+snippet $
+ $${1:variable}: ${0:value}
+snippet imp
+ @import '${0}'
+snippet mix
+ @mixin ${1:name}(${2})
+ ${0}
+snippet inc
+ @include ${1:mixin}(${2})
+snippet ext
+ @extend ${0}
+snippet fun
+ @function ${1:name}(${2:args})
+ ${0}
+snippet if
+ @if ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+snippet ife
+ @if ${1:condition}
+ ${2}
+ @else
+ ${0}
+snippet eif
+ @else if ${1:condition}
+ ${0}
+snippet for
+ @for ${1:$i} from ${2:1} through ${3:3}
+ ${0}
+snippet each
+ @each ${1:$item} in ${2:items}
+ ${0}
+snippet while
+ @while ${1:$i} ${2:>} ${3:0}
+ ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scala.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scala.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003081e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scala.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# © Copyright 2011 Konstantin Gorodinskiy. All Rights Reserved.#
+# Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2. #
+# See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. #
+# Scala lang
+snippet if
+ if (${1})
+ ${0}
+#if not
+snippet ifn
+ if (!${1})
+ ${0}
+snippet ife
+ if (${1})
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+snippet ifelif
+ if (${1})
+ ${2}
+ else if (${3})
+ ${0}
+snippet eif
+ else if (${3})
+ ${0}
+#while loop
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:obj}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+#for loop(classic)
+snippet for
+ for (${1:item} <- ${2:obj}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+#for loop(indexed)
+snippet fori
+ for (${1:i} <- ${2:0} to ${3:obj}.length) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+#for comprehension
+snippet fory
+ for {
+ ${1:item} <- ${2:obj}
+ } yield ${0}
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch {
+ case e: FileNotFoundException => ${2}
+ case e: IOException => ${3}
+ } finally {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet match
+ ${1: obj} match {
+ case ${2:e} => ${3}
+ case _ => ${0}
+ }
+snippet case
+ case ${1:value} => ${0}
+# methods and arguments
+snippet arg
+ ${1:a}: ${2:T}${0:, arg}
+snippet args
+ ${1:args}: ${0:T}*
+snippet def
+ def ${1:name}(${2:arg}) = ${0:}
+#private def
+snippet prdef
+ private def ${1:name}(${2:arg}) = ${0:}
+#override def
+snippet ovdef
+ override def ${1:name}(${2:arg}) = ${0:}
+#first class function(see scalabook p 188)
+snippet fcf
+ (${1:a}: ${2:T}) => $1 ${0}
+snippet =>
+ ${1:name} => ${0}
+snippet rec
+ def ${1:name}(${0:arg}) =
+ if($2) $2
+ else $1($2)
+#curried method
+snippet crdef
+ def ${1:name}(${2:arg})(${3:arg}) = ${0:}
+#main method
+#check validity of T
+snippet main
+ def main(args: Array[String]):${1:T} = ${0:}
+# basic types(general purpose)
+# you might want to use basic types snippets
+snippet T Double
+ dbl
+snippet T Int
+ int
+snippet T Long
+ lng
+snippet T Char
+ chr
+snippet T String
+ str
+snippet T Array
+ arr
+snippet T Buffer
+ buf
+snippet T List
+ list
+snippet T Tuple
+ tpl
+snippet T Set
+ set
+snippet T Map
+ map
+snippet T HashSet
+ hset
+snippet T HashMap
+ hmap
+snippet T Boolean
+ bool
+#named snippets for types
+snippet bool
+ Boolean
+snippet anyr
+ AnyRef
+snippet dbl
+ Double
+snippet int
+ Int
+snippet str
+ String
+snippet chr
+ Char
+snippet lng
+ Long
+snippet arr
+ Array${1:[T]}${0:()}
+snippet buf
+ Buffer${1:[T]}${0:()}
+snippet list
+ List${1:[T]}${0:()}
+snippet tpl
+ Tuple${1:2}[${2:T},${0:T}]
+snippet set
+ Set${1:[T]}${0:()}
+snippet hset
+ HashSet${1:[T]}${0:()}
+snippet mhset
+ mutable.HashSet${1:[T]}${0:()}
+#for maps
+snippet keyval
+ ${1:key}->${2:val}${0:, keyval}
+snippet map
+ Map[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)}
+snippet hmap
+ HashMap[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)}
+snippet mmap
+ mutable.Map[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)}
+snippet mhmap
+ mutable.HashMap[${1:T},${2:T}]${0:(keyval)}
+#TODO add TreeMap and TreeSet
+snippet as
+ ${1:name}.asInstanceOf[${2:T}]
+snippet is
+ ${1:name}.isInstanceOf[${2:T}]
+#collections methods
+#scope() with one arg
+snippet (a
+ (${1:a} => ${0})
+#scope() with two args
+snippet {(
+ {(${1:a},${2:b}) =>
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet filter
+ ${0:name}.filter (a
+#map function
+snippet mapf
+ ${0:name}.map (a
+snippet flatmap
+ ${1:name}.flatMap${0:[T]}(a
+#fold left
+snippet fldl
+ ${1:name}.foldLeft(${0:first}) {(
+#fold right
+snippet fldr
+ ${1:name}.foldRight(${0:first}) {(
+#fold left operator(if u wanna reduce readability of ur code)
+#use wildcard symbols
+snippet /:
+ (${1:first}/:${2:name})(${0})
+#fold right operator
+snippet :\
+ (${1:first}:\${2:name})(${0})
+#reduce left
+snippet redl
+ ${1:name}.reduceLeft[${0:T}] {(
+#reduce right
+snippet redr
+ ${1:name}.reduceRight[${0:T}] {(
+#zipWithIndex(safe way).
+#see http://daily-scala.blogspot.com/2010/05/zipwithindex.html
+snippet zipwi
+ ${0:name}.view.zipWithIndex
+snippet spl
+ ${1:name}.split("${0:,}")
+snippet val
+ val ${1:name}${2:: T} = ${0:value}
+snippet var
+ var ${1:name}${2:: T} = ${0:value}
+# classes
+snippet extends
+ extends ${0:what}
+snippet with
+ with ${1:what}${0: with}
+#auxiliary constructor(a. this)
+snippet athis
+ def this(arg) = this(arg)
+#abstract class
+snippet abstract
+ abstract class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} {
+ ${5:override def toString = "$1"}
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet class
+ class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} {
+ ${5:override def toString = "$1"}
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet object
+ object ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} ${0:}
+snippet trait
+ trait ${1:name}${2: extends }${3: with} {
+ ${0:}
+ }
+#class with trait Ordered(page 265)
+snippet ordered
+ class ${1:name}${2:(arg)} extends Ordered[$1] ${3: with} {
+ ${4:override def toString = "$1"}
+ def compare(that: $1) = ${5:this - that}
+ ${0}
+ }
+#case class
+snippet casecl
+ case class ${1:name}${2:(arg)}${3: extends }${4: with} ${0:}
+# testing
+#scalatest imports
+snippet scalatest
+ ${1:import org.scalatest.Suite}
+ ${0:import org.scalatest.FunSuite}
+snippet assert
+ assert(${1:a} === ${0:b})
+#ensuring(p 296)
+snippet ensuring
+ ifel ensuring(${1:a}==${0:b})
+snippet expect
+ expect(${1:what}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet intercept
+ intercept[${1:IllegalArgumentException}] {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet test
+ test("${1:description}") {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet suite
+ class ${0:name} extends Suite {
+ def test() {
+ }
+snippet fsuite
+ class ${1:name} extends FunSuite {
+ test("${0:description}") {
+ }
+# SBT
+snippet webproject
+ import sbt._
+ class ${1:Name}(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultWebProject(info) {
+ val liftVersion = "${0:2.3}"
+ override def libraryDependencies = Set(
+ ) ++ super.libraryDependencies
+ val snapshots = ScalaToolsSnapshots
+ }
+snippet liftjar
+ "net.liftweb" %% "${0:lib}" % liftVersion % "compile->default",
+snippet jettyjar
+ "org.mortbay.jetty" % "jetty" % "${0:version}" % "test->default",
+# Lift
+#lift imports
+snippet liftimports
+ import _root_.net.liftweb.http._
+ import S._
+ import _root_.net.liftweb.util._
+ import Helpers._
+ import _root_.scala.xml._
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scheme.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scheme.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..035d534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scheme.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+snippet +
+ (+ ${1}
+ ${0})
+snippet -
+ (- ${1}
+ ${0})
+snippet /
+ (/ ${1}
+ ${0})
+snippet *
+ (* ${1}
+ ${0})
+# Definition
+snippet def
+ (define (${1:name})
+ (${0:definition}))
+# Definition with lambda
+snippet defl
+ (define ${1:name}
+ (lambda (x)(${0:definition})))
+# Condition
+snippet cond
+ (cond ((${1:predicate}) (${2:action}))
+ ((${3:predicate}) (${0:action})))
+# If statement
+snippet if
+ (if (${1:predicate})
+ (${2:true-action})
+ (${0:false-action}))
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scss.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scss.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998a120
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/scss.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+extends css
+snippet $
+ $${1:variable}: ${0:value};
+snippet imp
+ @import '${0}';
+snippet mix
+ @mixin ${1:name}(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet inc
+ @include ${1:mixin}(${2});
+snippet ext
+ @extend ${0};
+snippet fun
+ @function ${1:name}(${2:args}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet if
+ @if ${1:condition} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife
+ @if ${1:condition} {
+ ${2}
+ } @else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet eif
+ @else if ${1:condition} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet for
+ @for ${1:$i} from ${2:1} through ${3:3} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet each
+ @each ${1:$item} in ${2:items} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet while
+ @while ${1:$i} ${2:>} ${3:0} {
+ ${0}
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sh.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sh.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e470a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sh.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Shebang. Executing bash via /usr/bin/env makes scripts more portable.
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env sh
+snippet bash
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+snippet sbash
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ set -euo pipefail
+ IFS=$'\n\t'
+snippet if
+ if [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then
+ ${0:#statements}
+ fi
+snippet elif
+ elif [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then
+ ${0:#statements}
+snippet for
+ for (( ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++ )); do
+ ${0:#statements}
+ done
+snippet fori
+ for ${1:needle} in ${2:haystack} ; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+ done
+snippet wh
+ while [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+ done
+snippet until
+ until [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+ done
+snippet case
+ case ${1:word} in
+ ${2:pattern})
+ ${0};;
+ esac
+snippet go
+ while getopts '${1:o}' ${2:opts}
+ do
+ case $$2 in
+ ${3:o0})
+ ${0:#staments};;
+ esac
+ done
+# Set SCRIPT_DIR variable to directory script is located.
+snippet sdir
+ SCRIPT_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
+# getopt
+snippet getopt
+ __ScriptVersion="${1:version}"
+ #=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+ # NAME: usage
+ # DESCRIPTION: Display usage information.
+ #===============================================================================
+ function usage ()
+ {
+ echo "Usage : $${0:0} [options] [--]
+ Options:
+ -h|help Display this message
+ -v|version Display script version"
+ } # ---------- end of function usage ----------
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Handle command line arguments
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ while getopts ":hv" opt
+ do
+ case $opt in
+ h|help ) usage; exit 0 ;;
+ v|version ) echo "$${0:0} -- Version $__ScriptVersion"; exit 0 ;;
+ * ) echo -e "\n Option does not exist : $OPTARG\n"
+ usage; exit 1 ;;
+ esac # --- end of case ---
+ done
+ shift $(($OPTIND-1))
+snippet root
+ if [ \$(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then exec sudo \$0; fi
+snippet fun-sh
+ ${1:function_name}() {
+ ${0:#function_body}
+ }
+snippet fun
+ function ${1:function_name}() {
+ ${0:#function_body}
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/simplemvcf.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/simplemvcf.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef6a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/simplemvcf.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+snippet sm_controller
+ <?php
+ namespace Controllers;
+ use Core\View;
+ use Core\Controller;
+ class ${1:class_name} extends Controller
+ {
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ public function index()
+ {
+ ${2:}
+ }
+ }
+snippet sm_model
+ <?php
+ namespace Models;
+ use Core\Model;
+ class ${1:class_name} extends Model
+ {
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ }
+snippet sm_model_crud
+ <?php
+ namespace Models;
+ use Core\Model;
+ class ${1:class_name} extends Model
+ {
+ private $${2:table};
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ public function getRow($where)
+ {
+ return $this->db->select('SELECT * FROM '.$table.' WHERE ${3:where}', $data);
+ }
+ public function getRows($where)
+ {
+ return $this->db->select('SELECT * FROM '.$table.');
+ }
+ public function insert($data)
+ {
+ $this->db->insert($table, $data);
+ }
+ public function update($data, $where)
+ {
+ $this->db->update($table ,$data, $where);
+ }
+ public function delete($where)
+ {
+ $this->db->delete($table, $where);
+ }
+ }
+snippet sm_render
+ View::render('${1:view}', $${2:array});
+snippet sm_render_template
+ View::renderTemplate('${1:part}', $${2:array});
+# database
+snippet sm_db_select
+ $this->db->select(${1:sql}, ${2:where});
+snippet sm_db_insert
+ $this->db->insert(${1:table}, ${2:data});
+snippet sm_db_update
+ $this->db->update(${1:table}, ${2:data}, ${3:where});
+snippet sm_db_delete
+ $this->db->delete(${1:table}, ${2:where});
+snippet sm_db_truncate
+ $this->db->delete(${1:table});
+snippet sm_session_set
+ Session::set(${1:key}, ${2:value});
+snippet sm_session_get
+ Session::get(${1:key});
+snippet sm_session_pull
+ Session::pull(${1:key});
+snippet sm_session_id
+ Session::id();
+snippet sm_session_destroy
+ Session::set(${1:key});
+snippet sm_session_display
+ Session::display();
+snippet sm_url_redirect
+ Url:redirect('${1:path}');
+snippet sm_url_previous
+ Url:previous();
+snippet sm_url_templatepath
+ Url:templatePath();
+snippet sm_url_autolink
+ Url:autolink('${1:string}');
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/slim.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/slim.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885ca8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/slim.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+snippet pry
+ - binding.pry
+snippet renp
+ = render partial: '${0}'
+# Forms
+# =====
+snippet fieldset
+ fieldset
+ legend ${1}
+snippet css
+ link rel="stylesheet" href="${1:style.css}" type="text/css" media="${2:all}"
+snippet script
+ script src="${1:script.js}" type="text/javascript"
+# Some useful Unicode entities
+# ============================
+# Non-Breaking Space
+snippet nbs
+ &nbsp;
+# ←
+snippet left
+ &#x2190;
+# →
+snippet right
+ &#x2192;
+# ↑
+snippet up
+ &#x2191;
+# ↓
+snippet down
+ &#x2193;
+# ↩
+snippet return
+ &#x21A9;
+# ⇤
+snippet backtab
+ &#x21E4;
+# ⇥
+snippet tab
+ &#x21E5;
+# ⇧
+snippet shift
+ &#x21E7;
+# ⌃
+snippet ctrl
+ &#x2303;
+# ⌅
+snippet enter
+ &#x2305;
+# ⌘
+snippet cmd
+ &#x2318;
+# ⌥
+snippet option
+ &#x2325;
+# ⌦
+snippet delete
+ &#x2326;
+# ⌫
+snippet backspace
+ &#x232B;
+# ⎋
+snippet esc
+ &#x238B;
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/snippets.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/snippets.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8de42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/snippets.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# snippets for making snippets :)
+snippet snip
+ snippet ${1:trigger}
+ ${0}
+snippet msnip
+ snippet ${1:trigger} ${2:description}
+ ${0}
+snippet v
+snippet $
+ ${${1:1}:${0:text}}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sql.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sql.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..556fae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/sql.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+snippet tbl
+ create table ${1:table} (
+ ${0:columns}
+ );
+snippet col
+ ${1:name} ${2:type} ${3:default ''} ${0:not null}
+snippet ccol
+ ${1:name} varchar2(${2:size}) ${3:default ''} ${0:not null}
+snippet ncol
+ ${1:name} number ${3:default 0} ${0:not null}
+snippet dcol
+ ${1:name} date ${3:default sysdate} ${0:not null}
+snippet ind
+ create index ${0:$1_$2} on ${1:table}(${2:column});
+snippet uind
+ create unique index ${1:name} on ${2:table}(${0:column});
+snippet tblcom
+ comment on table ${1:table} is '${0:comment}';
+snippet colcom
+ comment on column ${1:table}.${2:column} is '${0:comment}';
+snippet addcol
+ alter table ${1:table} add (${2:column} ${0:type});
+snippet seq
+ create sequence ${1:name} start with ${2:1} increment by ${3:1} minvalue ${0:1};
+snippet s*
+ select * from ${0:table}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/stylus.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/stylus.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205f847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/stylus.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+snippet !
+ !important
+snippet bdi:m+
+ -moz-border-image url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${0:stretch}
+snippet bdi:m
+ -moz-border-image ${0}
+snippet bdrz:m
+ -moz-border-radius ${0}
+snippet bxsh:m+
+ -moz-box-shadow ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0}
+snippet bxsh:m
+ -moz-box-shadow ${0}
+snippet bdi:w+
+ -webkit-border-image url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${0:stretch}
+snippet bdi:w
+ -webkit-border-image ${0}
+snippet bdrz:w
+ -webkit-border-radius ${0}
+snippet bxsh:w+
+ -webkit-box-shadow ${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0}
+snippet bxsh:w
+ -webkit-box-shadow ${0}
+snippet @f
+ @font-face ${0}
+snippet @i
+ @import '${0}'
+snippet @r
+ @require '${0}'
+snippet @m
+ @media ${1:screen}
+snippet @msmw
+ @media screen and (min-width: ${0}px)
+snippet @ext
+ @extend .${1}
+ ${0}
+snippet bg+
+ background ${1} url(${2}) ${3:0} ${4:0} ${0:no-repeat}
+snippet bga
+ background-attachment ${0}
+snippet bga:f
+ background-attachment fixed
+snippet bga:s
+ background-attachment scroll
+snippet bgbk
+ background-break ${0}
+snippet bgbk:bb
+ background-break bounding-box
+snippet bgbk:c
+ background-break continuous
+snippet bgbk:eb
+ background-break each-box
+snippet bgcp
+ background-clip ${0}
+snippet bgcp:bb
+ background-clip border-box
+snippet bgcp:cb
+ background-clip content-box
+snippet bgcp:nc
+ background-clip no-clip
+snippet bgcp:pb
+ background-clip padding-box
+snippet bgc
+ background-color ${0}
+snippet bgc:t
+ background-color transparent
+snippet bgi
+ background-image url(${0})
+snippet bgi:n
+ background-image none
+snippet bgo
+ background-origin ${0}
+snippet bgo:bb
+ background-origin border-box
+snippet bgo:cb
+ background-origin content-box
+snippet bgo:pb
+ background-origin padding-box
+snippet bgpx
+ background-position-x ${0}
+snippet bgpy
+ background-position-y ${0}
+snippet bgp
+ background-position ${1:0} ${0:0}
+snippet bgr
+ background-repeat ${0}
+snippet bgr:n
+ background-repeat no-repeat
+snippet bgr:x
+ background-repeat repeat-x
+snippet bgr:y
+ background-repeat repeat-y
+snippet bgr:r
+ background-repeat repeat
+snippet bgz
+ background-size ${0}
+snippet bgz:a
+ background-size auto
+snippet bgz:ct
+ background-size contain
+snippet bgz:cv
+ background-size cover
+snippet bg
+ background ${0}
+snippet bg:ie
+ filter progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='${1}',sizingMethod='${0:crop}')
+snippet bg:n
+ background none
+snippet bd+
+ border ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${0}
+snippet bdb+
+ border-bottom ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${0}
+snippet bdbc
+ border-bottom-color ${0}
+snippet bdbi
+ border-bottom-image url(${0})
+snippet bdbi:n
+ border-bottom-image none
+snippet bdbli
+ border-bottom-left-image url(${0})
+snippet bdbli:c
+ border-bottom-left-image continue
+snippet bdbli:n
+ border-bottom-left-image none
+snippet bdblrz
+ border-bottom-left-radius ${0}
+snippet bdbri
+ border-bottom-right-image url(${0})
+snippet bdbri:c
+ border-bottom-right-image continue
+snippet bdbri:n
+ border-bottom-right-image none
+snippet bdbrrz
+ border-bottom-right-radius ${0}
+snippet bdbs
+ border-bottom-style ${0}
+snippet bdbs:n
+ border-bottom-style none
+snippet bdbw
+ border-bottom-width ${0}
+snippet bdb
+ border-bottom ${0}
+snippet bdb:n
+ border-bottom none
+snippet bdbk
+ border-break ${0}
+snippet bdbk:c
+ border-break close
+snippet bdcl
+ border-collapse ${0}
+snippet bdcl:c
+ border-collapse collapse
+snippet bdcl:s
+ border-collapse separate
+snippet bdc
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+snippet bdci
+ border-corner-image url(${0})
+snippet bdci:c
+ border-corner-image continue
+snippet bdci:n
+ border-corner-image none
+snippet bdf
+ border-fit ${0}
+snippet bdf:c
+ border-fit clip
+snippet bdf:of
+ border-fit overwrite
+snippet bdf:ow
+ border-fit overwrite
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+ border-fit repeat
+snippet bdf:sc
+ border-fit scale
+snippet bdf:sp
+ border-fit space
+snippet bdf:st
+ border-fit stretch
+snippet bdi
+ border-image url(${1}) ${2:0} ${3:0} ${4:0} ${5:0} ${6:stretch} ${0:stretch}
+snippet bdi:n
+ border-image none
+snippet bdl+
+ border-left ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${0}
+snippet bdlc
+ border-left-color ${0}
+snippet bdli
+ border-left-image url(${0})
+snippet bdli:n
+ border-left-image none
+snippet bdls
+ border-left-style ${0}
+snippet bdls:n
+ border-left-style none
+snippet bdlw
+ border-left-width ${0}
+snippet bdl
+ border-left ${0}
+snippet bdl:n
+ border-left none
+snippet bdlt
+ border-length ${0}
+snippet bdlt:a
+ border-length auto
+snippet bdrz
+ border-radius ${0}
+snippet bdr+
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+snippet bdrc
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+snippet bdri
+ border-right-image url(${0})
+snippet bdri:n
+ border-right-image none
+snippet bdrs
+ border-right-style ${0}
+snippet bdrs:n
+ border-right-style none
+snippet bdrw
+ border-right-width ${0}
+snippet bdr
+ border-right ${0}
+snippet bdr:n
+ border-right none
+snippet bdsp
+ border-spacing ${0}
+snippet bds
+ border-style ${0}
+snippet bds:ds
+ border-style dashed
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+ border-style dot-dash
+snippet bds:dtdtds
+ border-style dot-dot-dash
+snippet bds:dt
+ border-style dotted
+snippet bds:db
+ border-style double
+snippet bds:g
+ border-style groove
+snippet bds:h
+ border-style hidden
+snippet bds:i
+ border-style inset
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+ border-style none
+snippet bds:o
+ border-style outset
+snippet bds:r
+ border-style ridge
+snippet bds:s
+ border-style solid
+snippet bds:w
+ border-style wave
+snippet bdt+
+ border-top ${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${0}
+snippet bdtc
+ border-top-color ${0}
+snippet bdti
+ border-top-image url(${0})
+snippet bdti:n
+ border-top-image none
+snippet bdtli
+ border-top-left-image url(${0})
+snippet bdtli:c
+ border-corner-image continue
+snippet bdtli:n
+ border-corner-image none
+snippet bdtlrz
+ border-top-left-radius ${0}
+snippet bdtri
+ border-top-right-image url(${0})
+snippet bdtri:c
+ border-top-right-image continue
+snippet bdtri:n
+ border-top-right-image none
+snippet bdtrrz
+ border-top-right-radius ${0}
+snippet bdts
+ border-top-style ${0}
+snippet bdts:n
+ border-top-style none
+snippet bdtw
+ border-top-width ${0}
+snippet bdt
+ border-top ${0}
+snippet bdt:n
+ border-top none
+snippet bdw
+ border-width ${0}
+snippet bd
+ border ${0}
+snippet bd:n
+ border none
+snippet b
+ bottom ${0}
+snippet b:a
+ bottom auto
+snippet bxsh+
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+snippet bxsh
+ box-shadow ${0}
+snippet bxsh:n
+ box-shadow none
+snippet bxz
+ box-sizing ${0}
+snippet bxz:bb
+ box-sizing border-box
+snippet bxz:cb
+ box-sizing content-box
+snippet cps
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+ caption-side bottom
+snippet cps:t
+ caption-side top
+snippet cl
+ clear ${0}
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+ clear both
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+ clear left
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+ clear none
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+ clear right
+snippet cp
+ clip ${0}
+snippet cp:a
+ clip auto
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+ clip rect(${1:0} ${2:0} ${3:0} ${0:0})
+snippet c
+ color ${0}
+snippet ct
+ content ${0}
+snippet ct:a
+ content attr(${0})
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+ content close-quote
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+ content counter(${0})
+snippet ct:cs
+ content counters(${0})
+snippet ct:ncq
+ content no-close-quote
+snippet ct:noq
+ content no-open-quote
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+ content normal
+snippet ct:oq
+ content open-quote
+snippet coi
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+snippet cor
+ counter-reset ${0}
+snippet cur
+ cursor ${0}
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+ cursor auto
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+ cursor crosshair
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+ cursor default
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+ cursor hand
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+ cursor help
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+ cursor move
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+ cursor pointer
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+ cursor text
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+ display block
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+ display compact
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+ display inline-block
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+ display inline-table
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+ display inline
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+ display list-item
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+ display none
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+ display run-in
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+ display table-caption
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+ display table-column-group
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+ display table-column
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+ display table-footer-group
+snippet d:tbhg
+ display table-header-group
+snippet d:tbrg
+ display table-row-group
+snippet d:tbr
+ display table-row
+snippet d:tb
+ display table
+snippet ec
+ empty-cells ${0}
+snippet ec:h
+ empty-cells hide
+snippet ec:s
+ empty-cells show
+snippet exp
+ expression()
+snippet fl
+ float ${0}
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+ float left
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+ float none
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+ float right
+snippet f+
+ font ${1:1em} ${2:Arial},${0:sans-serif}
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+ font-effect outline
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+snippet fems:ds
+ font-emphasize-style disc
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+ font-emphasize-style dot
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+snippet fem
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+snippet ff:ss
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+snippet ff:s
+ font-family ${0:Georgia,'Times New Roman'},serif
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+ font-size-adjust none
+snippet fz
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+ font-smooth always
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+ font-smooth never
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+ font-stretch condensed
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+ font-stretch expanded
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+ font-stretch extra-expanded
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+ font-stretch normal
+snippet fst:sc
+ font-stretch semi-condensed
+snippet fst:se
+ font-stretch semi-expanded
+snippet fst:uc
+ font-stretch ultra-condensed
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+ font-stretch ultra-expanded
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+ font-variant small-caps
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+ font-weight lighter
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+ font-weight normal
+snippet f
+ font ${0}
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+ height auto
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+ list-style-position outside
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+snippet list:dclz
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+ list-style-type decimal
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+ list-style-type upper-roman
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+ margin-right auto
+snippet mt
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+snippet m:0
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+snippet miw
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+ -ms-filter 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=${0:100})'
+snippet orp
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+snippet o+
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+ quotes '\00AB' '\00BB' '\201E' '\201C'
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+ resize vertical
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+ text-height text-size
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+snippet ti:-
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+ text-justify inter-ideograph
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+ text-justify kashida
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+ text-justify tibetan
+snippet to+
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+snippet to
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+ text-outline none
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+snippet tw
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+ text-wrap unrestricted
+snippet t
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+ vertical-align middle
+snippet va:sub
+ vertical-align sub
+snippet va:sup
+ vertical-align super
+snippet va:tb
+ vertical-align text-bottom
+snippet va:tt
+ vertical-align text-top
+snippet va:t
+ vertical-align top
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+ visibility visible
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+ white-space-collapse keep-all
+snippet whsc:l
+ white-space-collapse loose
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+ white-space-collapse normal
+snippet whs
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+snippet whs:pw
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+ white-space pre
+snippet wid
+ widows ${0}
+snippet w
+ width ${0}
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+ width auto
+snippet wob
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+ word-break loose
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+ word-break normal
+snippet wos
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+ word-wrap normal
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+ word-wrap unrestricted
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+snippet zoo
+ zoom 1
+snippet :h
+ :hover
+snippet :fc
+ :first-child
+snippet :lc
+ :last-child
+snippet :nc
+ :nth-child(${0})
+snippet :nlc
+ :nth-last-child(${0})
+snippet :oc
+ :only-child
+snippet :a
+ :after
+snippet :b
+ :before
+snippet ::a
+ ::after
+snippet ::b
+ ::before
+snippet if
+ if ${0}
+snippet mix
+ ${1}(${0})
+snippet for
+ for ${1:i} in ${0}
+snippet keyf
+ @keyframes ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/supercollider.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/supercollider.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afaefb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/supercollider.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+snippet b
+ (
+ ${0}
+ )
+snippet if
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet ife
+ if (${1}) {
+ ${2}
+ } {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet for
+ for (${1:1}, ${2:10}) { |i|
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet sdef
+ SynthDef(\\${1:synthName}, {${2}
+ ${0}
+ }).add;
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70a9d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/systemverilog.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+extends verilog
+# Foreach Loop
+snippet fe
+ foreach (${1}) begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+# Do-while statement
+snippet dowh
+ do begin
+ ${0}
+ end while (${1});
+# Combinational always block
+snippet alc
+ always_comb begin ${1:: statement_label}
+ ${0}
+ end $1
+# Sequential logic
+snippet alff
+ always_ff @(posedge ${1:clk}) begin ${2:: statement_label}
+ ${0}
+ end $2
+# Latched logic
+snippet all
+ always_latch begin ${1:: statement_label}
+ ${0}
+ end $1
+# Class
+snippet cl
+ class ${1:class_name};
+ // data or class properties
+ ${0}
+ // initialization
+ function new();
+ endfunction : new
+ endclass : $1
+# Typedef structure
+snippet types
+ typedef struct {
+ ${0}
+ } ${1:name_t};
+# Program block
+snippet prog
+ program ${1:program_name} ();
+ ${0}
+ endprogram : $1
+# Interface block
+snippet intf
+ interface ${1:program_name} ();
+ // nets
+ ${0}
+ // clocking
+ // modports
+ endinterface : $1
+# Clocking Block
+snippet clock
+ clocking ${1:clocking_name} @(${2:posedge} ${3:clk});
+ ${0}
+ endclocking : $1
+# Covergroup construct
+snippet cg
+ covergroup ${1:group_name} @(${2:posedge} ${3:clk});
+ ${0}
+ endgroup : $1
+# Package declaration
+snippet pkg
+ package ${1:package_name};
+ ${0}
+ endpackage : $1
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/tcl.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/tcl.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9da703c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/tcl.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+snippet #!
+ #!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+# Process
+snippet pro
+ proc ${1:function_name} {${2:args}} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet xif
+ ${1:expr}? ${2:true} : ${0:false}
+# Conditional
+snippet if
+ if {${1}} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Conditional if..else
+snippet ife
+ if {${1}} {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0:# else...}
+ }
+snippet eif
+ elseif {${1}} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Conditional if..elsif..else
+snippet ifee
+ if {${1}} {
+ ${2}
+ } elseif {${3}} {
+ ${4:# elsif...}
+ } else {
+ ${0:# else...}
+ }
+# If catch then
+snippet ifc
+ if { [catch {${1:#do something...}} ${2:err}] } {
+ ${0:# handle failure...}
+ }
+# Catch
+snippet catch
+ catch {${1}} ${2:err} ${0:options}
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+ while {${1}} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# For Loop
+snippet for
+ for {set ${2:var} 0} {$$2 < ${1:count}} {${3:incr} $2} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Foreach Loop
+snippet fore
+ foreach ${1:x} {${2:#list}} {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# after ms script...
+snippet af
+ after ${1:ms} ${0:#do something}
+# after cancel id
+snippet afc
+ after cancel ${0:id or script}
+# after idle
+snippet afi
+ after idle ${0:script}
+# after info id
+snippet afin
+ after info ${0:id}
+# Expr
+snippet exp
+ expr {${0:#expression here}}
+# Switch
+snippet sw
+ switch ${1:var} {
+ ${3:pattern 1} {
+ ${0:#do something}
+ }
+ default {
+ ${2:#do something}
+ }
+ }
+# Case
+snippet ca
+ ${1:pattern} {
+ ${2:#do something}
+ }
+# Namespace eval
+snippet ns
+ namespace eval ${1:path} {${0:#script...}}
+# Namespace current
+snippet nsc
+ namespace current
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/tex.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/tex.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ac5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/tex.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+snippet nc \newcommand
+ \newcommand{\\${1:cmd}}[${2:opt}]{${3:realcmd}} ${0}
+snippet up \usepackage
+ \usepackage[${1:options}]{${2:package}} ${0}
+snippet nuc \newunicodechar
+ \newunicodechar{${1}}{${2:\ensuremath}${3:tex-substitute}}} ${0}
+snippet dmo \DeclareMathOperator
+ \DeclareMathOperator{${1}}{${2}} ${0}
+# \begin{}...\end{}
+snippet begin \begin{} ... \end{} block
+ \begin{${1:env}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{$1}
+# Tabular
+snippet tab tabular (or arbitrary) environment
+ \begin{${1:tabular}}{${2:c}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{$1}
+snippet thm thm (or arbitrary) environment with optional argument
+ \begin[${1:author}]{${2:thm}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{$2}
+snippet center center environment
+ \begin{center}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{center}
+# Align(ed)
+snippet ali align(ed) environment
+ \begin{align${1:ed}}
+ \label{eq:${2}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{align$1}
+# Gather(ed)
+snippet gat gather(ed) environment
+ \begin{gather${1:ed}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{gather$1}
+# Equation
+snippet eq equation environment
+ \begin{equation}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{equation}
+# Equation
+snippet eql Labeled equation environment
+ \begin{equation}
+ \label{eq:${2}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{equation}
+# Equation
+snippet eq* unnumbered equation environment
+ \begin{equation*}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{equation*}
+# Unnumbered Equation
+snippet \ unnumbered equation: \[ ... \]
+ \[
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \]
+# Equation array
+snippet eqnarray eqnarray environment
+ \begin{eqnarray}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{eqnarray}
+# Label
+snippet lab \label
+ \label{${1:eq:}${2:fig:}${3:tab:}${0}}
+# Enumerate
+snippet enum enumerate environment
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item ${0}
+ \end{enumerate}
+snippet enuma enumerate environment
+ \begin{enumerate}[(a)]
+ \item ${0}
+ \end{enumerate}
+snippet enumi enumerate environment
+ \begin{enumerate}[(i)]
+ \item ${0}
+ \end{enumerate}
+# Itemize
+snippet itemize itemize environment
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item ${0}
+ \end{itemize}
+snippet item \item
+ \item ${1:${VISUAL}}
+# Description
+snippet desc description environment
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[${1}] ${0}
+ \end{description}
+# Endless new item
+snippet ]i \item (recursive)
+ \item ${1}
+ ${0:]i}
+# Matrix
+snippet mat smart matrix environment
+ \begin{${1:p/b/v/V/B/small}matrix}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{$1matrix}
+# Cases
+snippet cas cases environment
+ \begin{cases}
+ ${1:equation}, &\text{ if }${2:case}\\
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{cases}
+# Split
+snippet spl split environment
+ \begin{split}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{split}
+# Part
+snippet part document \part
+ \part{${1:part name}} % (fold)
+ \label{prt:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+ % part $2 (end)
+# Chapter
+snippet cha \chapter
+ \chapter{${1:chapter name}}
+ \label{cha:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Section
+snippet sec \section
+ \section{${1:section name}}
+ \label{sec:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Section without number
+snippet sec* \section*
+ \section*{${1:section name}}
+ \label{sec:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Sub Section
+snippet sub \subsection
+ \subsection{${1:subsection name}}
+ \label{sub:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Sub Section without number
+snippet sub* \subsection*
+ \subsection*{${1:subsection name}}
+ \label{sub:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Sub Sub Section
+snippet subs \subsubsection
+ \subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}}
+ \label{ssub:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Sub Sub Section without number
+snippet subs* \subsubsection*
+ \subsubsection*{${1:subsubsection name}}
+ \label{ssub:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Paragraph
+snippet par \paragraph
+ \paragraph{${1:paragraph name}}
+ \label{par:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+# Sub Paragraph
+snippet subp \subparagraph
+ \subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}}
+ \label{subp:${2:$1}}
+ ${0}
+snippet ni \noindent
+ \noindent
+ ${0}
+snippet itd description \item
+ \item[${1:description}] ${0:item}
+snippet figure reference to a figure
+ ${1:Figure}~\ref{${2:fig:}}
+snippet table reference to a table
+ ${1:Table}~\ref{${2:tab:}}
+snippet listing reference to a listing
+ ${1:Listing}~\ref{${2:list}}
+snippet section reference to a section
+ ${1:Section}~\ref{sec:${2}} ${0}
+snippet page reference to a page
+ ${1:page}~\pageref{${2}} ${0}
+snippet index \index
+ \index{${1:index}} ${0}
+snippet citen \citen
+ \citen{${1}} ${0}
+# natbib citations
+snippet citep \citep
+ \citep{${1}} ${0}
+snippet citet \citet
+ \citet{${1}} ${0}
+snippet cite \cite[]{}
+ \cite[${1}]{${2}} ${0}
+snippet citea \citeauthor
+ \citeauthor{${1}} ${0}
+snippet citey \citeyear
+ \citeyear{${1}} ${0}
+snippet fcite \footcite[]{}
+ \footcite[${1}]{${2}}${0}
+#Formating text: italic, bold, underline, small capital, emphase ..
+snippet it italic text
+ \textit{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet bf bold face text
+ \textbf{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet under underline text
+ \underline{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet emp emphasize text
+ \emph{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet sc small caps text
+ \textsc{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+#Choosing font
+snippet sf sans serife text
+ \textsf{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet rm roman font text
+ \textrm{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet tt typewriter (monospace) text
+ \texttt{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+#Math font
+snippet mf mathfrak
+ \mathfrak{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet mc mathcal
+ \mathcal{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet ms mathscr
+ \mathscr{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet ft \footnote
+ \footnote{${0:${VISUAL:text}}}
+snippet fig figure environment (includegraphics)
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{center}
+ \includegraphics[scale=${1}]{Figures/${2}}
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{${3}}
+ \label{fig:${4}}
+ \end{figure}
+ ${0}
+snippet tikz figure environment (tikzpicture)
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=${1:1}]
+ ${2}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{center}
+ \caption{${3}}
+ \label{fig:${4}}
+ \end{figure}
+ ${0}
+snippet stackrel \stackrel{}{}
+ \stackrel{${1:above}}{${2:below}} ${0}
+snippet frac \frac{}{}
+ \frac{${1:num}}{${2:denom}} ${0}
+snippet sum \sum^{}_{}
+ \sum^{${1:n}}_{${2:i=1}} ${0}
+snippet lim \lim_{}
+ \lim_{${1:n \to \infty}} ${0}
+snippet frame frame environment
+ \begin{frame}[${1:t}]{${2:title}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{frame}
+snippet block block environment
+ \begin{block}{${1:title}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{block}
+snippet alert alertblock environment
+ \begin{alertblock}{${1:title}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{alertblock}
+snippet example exampleblock environment
+ \begin{exampleblock}{${1:title}}
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{exampleblock}
+snippet col2 two-column environment
+ \begin{columns}
+ \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}
+ ${1}
+ \end{column}
+ \begin{column}{0.5\textwidth}
+ ${0}
+ \end{column}
+ \end{columns}
+snippet \{ \{ \}
+ \\{ ${0} \\}
+snippet lr left right
+ \left${1} ${0} \right$1
+snippet lr( left( right)
+ \left( ${0} \right)
+snippet lr| left| right|
+ \left| ${0} \right|
+snippet lr{ left\{ right\}
+ \left\\{ ${0} \right\\}
+snippet lr[ left[ right]
+ \left[ ${0} \right]
+snippet lra langle rangle
+ \langle ${0} \rangle
+# Code listings
+snippet lst
+ \begin{listing}[language=${1:language}]
+ ${0:${VISUAL}}
+ \end{listing}
+snippet lsi
+ \lstinline|${1}| ${0}
+# Hyperlinks
+snippet url
+ \url{${1}} ${0}
+snippet href
+ \href{${1}}{${2}} ${0}
+# URL from Clipboard.
+snippet urlc
+ \url{`@+`} ${0}
+snippet hrefc
+ \href{`@+`}{${1}} ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/textile.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/textile.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1522bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/textile.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Jekyll post header
+snippet header
+ ---
+ title: ${1:title}
+ layout: post
+ date: ${2:date} ${0:hour:minute:second} -05:00
+ ---
+# Image
+snippet img
+ !${1:url}(${2:title}):${0:link}!
+# Table
+snippet |
+ |${1}|
+# Link
+snippet link
+ "${1:link text}":${0:url}
+# Acronym
+snippet (
+ (${1:Expand acronym})
+# Footnote
+snippet fn
+ [${1:ref number}] ${0}
+ fn$1. ${2:footnote}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/twig.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/twig.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47997c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/twig.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+snippet bl "{% block xyz %} .. {% endblock xyz %}"
+ {% block ${1} %}
+ ${2}
+ {% endblock $1 %}
+snippet js "{% javascripts 'xyz' %} .. {% endjavascripts %}"
+ {% javascripts '${1}' %}
+ <script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
+ {% endjavascripts %}
+snippet css "{% stylesheets 'xyz' %} .. {% endstylesheets %}"
+ {% stylesheets '${1}' %}
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}">
+ {% endstylesheets %}
+snippet if "{% if %} .. {% endif %}"
+ {% if ${1} %}
+ ${2}
+ {% endif %}
+snippet ife "{% if %} .. {% else %} .. {% endif %}"
+ {% if ${1} %}
+ ${2}
+ {% else %}
+ ${0}
+ {% endif %}
+snippet el "{% else %}"
+ {% else %}
+ ${0}
+snippet eif "{% elseif %}"
+ {% elseif ${1} %}
+ ${0}
+snippet for "{% for x in y %} .. {% endfor %}"
+ {% for ${1} in ${2} %}
+ ${3}
+ {% endfor %}
+snippet ext "{% extends xyz %}"
+ {% extends ${1} %}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/verilog.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/verilog.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cd80f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/verilog.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# if statement
+snippet if
+ if (${1}) begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+# If/else statements
+snippet ife
+ if (${1}) begin
+ ${2}
+ end
+ else begin
+ ${1}
+ end
+# Else if statement
+snippet eif
+ else if (${1}) begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+#Else statement
+snippet el
+ else begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+# While statement
+snippet wh
+ while (${1}) begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+# Repeat Loop
+snippet rep
+ repeat (${1}) begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+# Case statement
+snippet case
+ case (${1:/* variable */})
+ ${2:/* value */}: begin
+ ${3}
+ end
+ default: begin
+ ${4}
+ end
+ endcase
+# CaseZ statement
+snippet casez
+ casez (${1:/* variable */})
+ ${2:/* value */}: begin
+ ${3}
+ end
+ default: begin
+ ${4}
+ end
+ endcase
+# Always block
+snippet al
+ always @(${1:/* sensitive list */}) begin
+ ${0}
+ end
+# Module block
+snippet mod
+ module ${1:module_name} (${2});
+ ${0}
+ endmodule
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/vim.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/vim.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b299f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/vim.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+snippet header standard Vim script file header
+ " File: ${1:`expand('%:t')`}
+ " Author: ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+ " Description: ${3}
+ ${0:" Last Modified: `strftime("%B %d, %Y")`}
+snippet guard script reload guard
+ if exists('${1:did_`vim_snippets#Filename()`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
+ finish
+ endif
+ let $1 = 1${0}
+snippet f function
+ fun! ${1:`expand('%') =~ 'autoload' ? substitute(matchstr(expand('%:p'),'autoload/\zs.*\ze.vim'),'[/\\]','#','g').'#' : ''`}${2:function_name}(${3})
+ ${0}
+ endf
+snippet t try ... catch statement
+ try
+ ${1}
+ catch ${2}
+ ${0}
+ endtry
+snippet for for ... in loop
+ for ${1} in ${2}
+ ${0}
+ endfor
+snippet forkv for [key, value] in loop
+ for [${1},${2}] in items(${3})
+ ${0}
+ unlet $1 $2
+ endfor
+snippet wh while loop
+ while ${1}
+ ${0}
+ endw
+snippet if if statement
+ if ${1}
+ ${0}
+ endif
+snippet ife if ... else statement
+ if ${1}
+ ${2}
+ else
+ ${0}
+ endif
+snippet au augroup ... autocmd block
+ augroup ${1:AU_NAME}
+ " this one is which you're most likely to use?
+ autocmd ${2:BufRead,BufNewFile} ${3:*.ext,*.ext3|<buffer[=N]>} ${0}
+ augroup end
+snippet bun Vundle.vim Plugin definition
+ Plugin '${0}'
+snippet plug Vundle.vim Plugin definition
+ Plugin '${0}'
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/xml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/xml.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab346b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/xml.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# xml declaration
+snippet xml
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+# tag
+snippet t
+ <${1:}>
+ ${2}
+ </$1>
+# inline tag
+snippet ti
+ <${1:}>${2}</$1>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/xslt.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/xslt.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..700e77d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/xslt.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+snippet apply-templates with-param
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="${1:*}">
+ <xsl:with-param name="${2:param}">${3}</xsl:with-param>${4}
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+snippet apply-templates sort-by
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="${1:*}">
+ <xsl:sort select="${2:node}" order="${3:ascending}" data-type="${4:text}">${5}
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+snippet apply-templates plain
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="${1:*}" />
+snippet attribute blank
+ <xsl:attribute name="${1:name}">${2}</xsl:attribute>
+snippet attribute value-of
+ <xsl:attribute name="${1:name}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="${2:*}" />
+ </xsl:attribute>
+snippet call-template
+ <xsl:call-template name="${1:template}" />
+snippet call-template with-param
+ <xsl:call-template name="${1:template}">
+ <xsl:with-param name="${2:param}">${3}</xsl:with-param>${4}
+ </xsl:call-template>
+snippet choose
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="${1:value}">
+ ${2}
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+snippet copy-of
+ <xsl:copy-of select="${1:*}" />
+snippet for-each
+ <xsl:for-each select="${1:*}">${2}
+ </xsl:for-each>
+snippet if
+ <xsl:if test="${1:test}">${2}
+ </xsl:if>
+snippet import
+ <xsl:import href="${1:stylesheet}" />
+snippet include
+ <xsl:include href="${1:stylesheet}" />
+snippet otherwise
+ <xsl:otherwise>${0}
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+snippet param
+ <xsl:param name="${1:name}">${2}
+ </xsl:param>
+snippet stylesheet
+ <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
+ xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">${0}
+ </xsl:stylesheet>
+snippet template
+ <xsl:template match="${1:*}">${0}
+ </xsl:template>
+snippet template named
+ <xsl:template name="${1:name}">${0}
+ </xsl:template>
+snippet text
+ <xsl:text>${0}</xsl:text>
+snippet value-of
+ <xsl:value-of select="${1:*}" />
+snippet variable blank
+ <xsl:variable name="${1:name}">${0}
+ </xsl:variable>
+snippet variable select
+ <xsl:variable select="${1:*}" />
+snippet when
+ <xsl:when test="${1:test}">${0}
+ </xsl:when>
+snippet with-param
+ <xsl:with-param name="${1:name}">${0}</xsl:with-param>
+snippet with-param select
+ <xsl:with-param name="${1:name}" select="${0:*}" />
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/yii-chtml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/yii-chtml.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e827901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/yii-chtml.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#--------------------Yii CHtml---------------------------------
+#Yii CHtml::radioButton
+snippet yhrb
+ echo CHtml::radioButton('${1:name}', ${2:false},array(${3:optionName}=>${0:optionValue} );
+#Yii CHtml::asset
+snippet yhass
+ echo CHtml::asset('${0:path}');
+#Yii CHtml::activeLabelEx
+snippet yhale
+ echo CHtml::activeLabelEx(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::encodeArray
+snippet yheca
+ echo CHtml::encodeArray(array(${0}));
+#Yii CHtml::normalizeUrl
+snippet yhnurl
+ echo CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('${0}'));
+#Yii CHtml::resetButton
+snippet yhsb
+ echo CHtml::submitButton('${1:label}',array('${2:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::linkButton
+snippet yhlinkb
+ echo CHtml::linkButton('${1:lable}',array('${2:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeTextArea
+snippet yhata
+ echo CHtml::activeTextArea(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::ajaxButton
+snippet yhajb
+ echo CHtml::ajaxButton('${1:label}', '${2:url}',array('${3:ajaxOptionName}'=>${4:ajaxOptionValue}),array('${5:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeId
+snippet yhai
+ echo CHtml::activeId(${1:model}, '${0:attribute}');
+#Yii CHtml::activeCheckBox
+snippet yhacb
+ echo CHtml::activeCheckBox(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeHiddenField
+snippet yhahf
+ echo CHtml::activeHiddenField(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::encode
+snippet yhec
+ echo CHtml::encode(${0:text});
+#Yii CHtml::metaTag
+snippet yhmtag
+ echo CHtml::metaTag('${1:content}', '${2:name}', '${3:httpEquiv}',array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::dropDownList
+snippet yhddl
+ echo CHtml::dropDownList('${1:name}', '${2:select}', array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::listBox
+snippet yhlb
+ echo CHtml::listBox('${1:name}', '${2:select}',array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::script
+snippet yhjs
+ echo CHtml::script('${0:test}');
+#Yii CHtml::ajax
+snippet yhaj
+ echo CHtml::ajax(array(${0}));
+#Yii CHtml::textField
+snippet yhtf
+ echo CHtml::textField('${1:name}', '${2:value}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activePasswordField
+snippet yhapf
+ echo CHtml::activePasswordField(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::listData
+snippet yhld
+ echo CHtml::listData(array(${1}),'${2:valueField}', '${3:textField}','${0:groupField}');
+#Yii CHtml::mailto
+snippet yhmt
+ echo CHtml::mailto('${1:text}', '${2:email}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::image
+snippet yhimg
+ echo CHtml::image('${1:src}', '${2:alt}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeListBox
+snippet yhalb
+ echo CHtml::activeListBox(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}', array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeFileField
+snippet yhaff
+ echo CHtml::activeFileField(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::closeTag
+snippet yhct
+ echo CHtml::closeTag('${0:tag}');
+#Yii CHtml::activeInputField
+snippet yhaif
+ echo CHtml::activeInputField('${1:type}', ${2:model}, '${3:attribute}',array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::scriptFile
+snippet yhjsf
+ echo CHtml::scriptFile('${0:url}');
+#Yii CHtml::radioButtonList
+snippet yhrbl
+ echo CHtml::radioButtonList('${1:name}', ${2:select}, array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::cssFile
+snippet yhcssf
+ echo CHtml::cssFile('${1:url}','${0:media}');
+#Yii CHtml::error
+snippet yherr
+ echo CHtml::error(${1:model}, '${0:attribute}');
+#Yii CHtml::passwordField
+snippet yhpf
+ echo CHtml::passwordField('${1:name}', '${2:value}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::hiddenField
+snippet yhhf
+ echo CHtml::hiddenField('${1:name}', '${2:value}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::cdata
+snippet yhc
+ echo CHtml::cdata(${0:text});
+#Yii CHtml::link
+snippet yhlink
+ echo CHtml::link('${1:text}',array(${2}),array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::errorSummary
+snippet yherrs
+ echo CHtml::errorSummary(${1:model},'${2:headerHtml}','${0:footerHtml}');
+#Yii CHtml::tag
+snippet yht
+ echo CHtml::tag('${1:tag}',array('${2:optionName}'=>${3:optionValue}),${4:false},${0:true});
+#Yii CHtml::ajaxLink
+snippet yhajl
+ echo CHtml::ajaxLink('${1:label}', '${2:url}',array('${3:ajaxOptionName}'=>${4:ajaxOptionValue}),array('${5:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::label
+snippet yhlabel
+ echo CHtml::label('${1:label}', '${2:for}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeName
+snippet yhan
+ echo CHtml::activeName(${1:model}, '${0:attribute}');
+#Yii CHtml::statefulForm
+snippet yhsform
+ echo CHtml::statefulForm(array('${1}'), '${2:post}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::fileField
+snippet yhff
+ echo CHtml::fileField('${1:name}', '${2:value}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeTextField
+snippet yhatf
+ echo CHtml::activeTextField(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::css
+snippet yhcss
+ echo CHtml::css('${1:test}','${0:media}');
+#Yii CHtml::imageButton
+snippet yhimgb
+ echo CHtml::imageButton('${1:src}',array('${2:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton
+snippet yhajsb
+ echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('${1:label}', '${2:url}',array('${3:ajaxOptionName}'=>${4:ajaxOptionValue}),array('${5:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::button
+snippet yhb
+ echo CHtml::button('${1:label}',array('${2:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::listOptions
+snippet yhlo
+ echo CHtml::listOptions('${1:selection}', array(${2}), array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeCheckBoxList
+snippet yhacbl
+ echo CHtml::activeCheckBoxList(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}', array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::openTag
+snippet yhot
+ echo CHtml::openTag('${1:tag}', array('${2:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::checkBox
+snippet yhcb
+ echo CHtml::checkBox('${1:name}', ${2:false}, array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::textArea
+snippet yhta
+ echo CHtml::textArea('${1:name}', '${2:value}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::linkTag
+snippet yhlinkt
+ echo CHtml::linkTag('${1:relation}', '${2:type}', '${3:href}', '${4:media}',array('${5:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::resetButton
+snippet yhrsb
+ echo CHtml::resetButton('${1:label}',array('${2:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeRadioButtonList
+snippet yharbl
+ echo CHtml::activeRadioButtonList(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}', array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::checkBoxList
+snippet yhcbl
+ echo CHtml::checkBoxList('${1:name}', ${2:select}, array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::form
+snippet yhform
+ echo CHtml::form(array('${1}'), '${2:post}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::beginForm
+snippet yhbeform
+ echo CHtml::beginForm(array('${1}'), '${2:post}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${4:optionValue}));
+ ${0}
+ echo CHtml::endForm();
+#Yii CHtml::activeDropDownList
+snippet yhaddl
+ echo CHtml::activeDropDownList(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}', array(${3}),array('${4:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeRadioButton
+snippet yharb
+ echo CHtml::activeRadioButton(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
+#Yii CHtml::activeLabel
+snippet yhal
+ echo CHtml::activeLabel(${1:model}, '${2:attribute}',array('${3:optionName}'=>${0:optionValue}));
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/yii.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/yii.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f9fc6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/yii.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#Yii session offset
+snippet yse
+ Yii::app()->session['${0}'];
+#Yii renderDynamic
+snippet yrd
+ $this->renderDynamic('${0:callback}');
+#Yii set cache
+snippet ycas
+ Yii::app()->cache->set('${1:key}', ${2:value}, ${3:expire}, new C${4:}CacheDependency(${0}));
+#Yii Add cache
+snippet ycad
+ Yii::app()->cache->add('${1:key}', ${2:value}, ${3:expire}, new C${4}CacheDependency(${0}));
+#Yii register CSS file
+snippet yregcf
+ Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile('${0:file}');
+#Yii requestType
+snippet yreqtype
+ Yii::app()->request->requestType
+#Yii isAjaxRequest
+snippet yisajax
+ Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest
+#Yii translate
+snippet yt
+ Yii::t('${1:category}', '${2:message}',array(${0}));
+#Yii register CSS
+snippet yregc
+ Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCss('${1:id}', '${0}');
+#Yii log
+snippet ylog
+ Yii::log('${1:msg}', '${0:info}');
+#Yii userHostAddress
+snippet yuserip
+ YYii::app()->request->userHostAddress
+#Yii register script file
+snippet yregsf
+ Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile('${1:scriptUrl}', CClientScript::POS_${0:END});
+#Yii CLinkPager
+snippet ylinkpager
+ $this->widget('CLinkPager', array('pages'=>$pages,'header'=>'${0}'}))
+#Yii CJSON::encode
+snippet yjec
+ CJSON::encode(${0:text});
+snippet yadp
+ $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('${1}', array(
+ 'criteria' => array(
+ 'condition' => '${2}',
+ 'order' => '${3}',
+ 'with' => array('${4}')
+ ),
+ //'pagination' => false,
+ 'pagination' => array(
+ 'pageSize'=>${5},
+ ),
+ ));
+ ${0}
+ // $dataProvider->getData() will return a list of Post objects
+#Yii renderDynamic internal
+snippet yrdi
+ $this->renderDynamic('${1:callback}', array('${2:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii register script
+snippet yregs
+ Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('${1:id}', '${2}', CClientScript::POS_${0:READY});
+#Yii Flush cache
+snippet ycaf
+ Yii::app()->cache->flush();
+#Yii Yii::app()->request->cookies
+snippet yco
+ Yii::app()->request->cookies['${0}']
+#Yii user->
+snippet yuser
+ Yii::app()->user->
+#Yii refresh
+snippet yrf
+ $this->refresh();
+#Yii import
+snippet yimp
+ Yii::import('${0}');
+#Yii trace
+snippet ytrace
+ Yii::trace('${0:msg}');
+#Yii params
+snippet ypar
+ Yii::app()->params['${0}']
+#Yii isPostRequest
+snippet yispost
+ Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest
+#Yii IF isAjaxRequest
+snippet yifisajax
+ if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest == TRUE)
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+#Yii Yii::app()->cache->delete
+snippet ydelcache
+ Yii::app()->cache->delete('${0:key}');
+#Yii render view
+snippet yr
+ $this->render('${1:view}',array('${2:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii redirect
+snippet yre
+ $this->redirect(array('${1:controller}/${0:action}'));
+#Yii Get cache
+snippet ycag
+ Yii::app()->cache->get('${0:key}');
+#Yii render text
+snippet yrt
+ $this->renderText('${0}');
+#Yii render partial
+snippet yrp
+ $this->renderPartial('${1:view}',array('${2:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#----------------Yii Model-----------------------------
+#Yii Model count
+snippet ycountm
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->count(${2:condition}, array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model countBySql
+snippet ycountbs
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->countBySql(${2:sql},array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model updateAll
+snippet yupdatea
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->updateAll(${2:array('attributes')}, ${3:condition},array('${4:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model updateByPk
+snippet yupdatebp
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->updateByPk(${2:pk}, ${3:array('attributes')}, ${4:condition},array('${5:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model deleteAll
+snippet ydela
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->deleteAll(${2:condition},array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model deleteByPk
+snippet ydelbp
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->deleteByPk(${2:pk}, ${3:condition}, array('${4:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model find
+snippet yfind
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->find(${2:condition},array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model findAll
+snippet yfinda
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->findAll(${2:condition},array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model findByPk
+snippet yfindbp
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->findByPk(${2:pk}, ${3:condition}, array('${4:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model findAllByPk
+snippet yfindabp
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->findAllByPk(${2:pk}, ${3:condition},array('${4:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model findBySql
+snippet yfindbs
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->findBySql(${2:sql}, array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model findAllByAttributes
+snippet yfindaba
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('${2:attributeName}'=>${3:attributeValue}), ${4:condition}, array('${5:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Model exists
+snippet yexists
+ ${1:ModelName}::model()->exists(${2:condition}, array('${3:key}'=>${0:value}));
+#Yii Create model class
+snippet ymodel
+ <?php
+ class ${1:ModelName} extends ${2:CActiveRecord}
+ {
+ /**
+ * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
+ * @return CActiveRecord the static model class
+ */
+ public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
+ {
+ return parent::model($className);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string the associated database table name
+ */
+ public function tableName()
+ {
+ return '${0:table_name}';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array validation rules for model attributes.
+ */
+ public function rules()
+ {
+ return array(
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array relational rules.
+ */
+ public function relations()
+ {
+ return array(
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array customized attribute labels (name=&gt;label)
+ */
+ public function attributeLabels()
+ {
+ return array(
+ );
+ }
+ }
+#------------Yii Controller------------------------------------
+#Yii Create controller class
+snippet ycontroller
+ <?php
+ /**
+ * ${1:}
+ */
+ class ${2:Site}Controller extends ${3:CController}
+ {
+ public function action${4:Index}()
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------
+ // Uncomment the following methods and override them if needed
+ /*
+ public function filters()
+ {
+ // return the filter configuration for this controller, e.g.:
+ return array(
+ 'inlineFilterName',
+ array(
+ 'class'=>'path.to.FilterClass',
+ 'propertyName'=>'propertyValue',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ public function actions()
+ {
+ // return external action classes, e.g.:
+ return array(
+ 'action1'=>'path.to.ActionClass',
+ 'action2'=>array(
+ 'class'=>'path.to.AnotherActionClass',
+ 'propertyName'=>'propertyValue',
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+#Yii Create controller action method
+snippet yact
+ public function action${1:Index}(${2:params})
+ {
+ ${0}
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/zsh.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/zsh.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc1c837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/zsh.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# #!/bin/zsh
+snippet #!
+ #!/bin/zsh
+snippet if
+ if ${1:condition}; then
+ ${0:# statements}
+ fi
+snippet ife
+ if ${1:condition}; then
+ ${2:# statements}
+ else
+ ${0:# statements}
+ fi
+snippet eif
+ elif ${1:condition}; then
+ ${0:# statements}
+snippet for
+ for (( ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++ )); do
+ ${0:# statements}
+ done
+snippet fori
+ for ${1:needle} in ${2:haystack}; do
+ ${0:#statements}
+ done
+snippet fore
+ for ${1:item} in ${2:list}; do
+ ${0:# statements}
+ done
+snippet wh
+ while ${1:condition}; do
+ ${0:# statements}
+ done
+snippet until
+ until ${1:condition}; do
+ ${0:# statements}
+ done
+snippet repeat
+ repeat ${1:integer}; do
+ ${0:# statements}
+ done
+snippet case
+ case ${1:word} in
+ ${2:pattern})
+ ${0};;
+ esac
+snippet select
+ select ${1:answer} in ${2:choices}; do
+ ${0:# statements}
+ done
+snippet (
+ ( ${0:#statements} )
+snippet {
+ { ${0:#statements} }
+snippet [
+ [[ ${0:test} ]]
+snippet always
+ { ${1:try} } always { ${0:always} }
+snippet fun
+ ${1:function_name}() {
+ ${0:# function_body}
+ }
+snippet ffun
+ function ${1:function_name}() {
+ ${0:# function_body}
+ }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/tests.sh b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07f0ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+SPACED=$(grep -REn '^ .+' --include '*.snippets' snippets)
+if [[ $? -ne 1 ]]; then
+ echo These snippet lines are indented with spaces:
+ echo
+ echo "$SPACED"
+ echo
+ echo Tests failed!
+ exit 1
+echo Tests passed!
+exit 0