path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 15d7e5ec26ec93adee4051b6359be90a943aa38
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index bb96434..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/coffee/coffee.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Closure loop
-snippet forindo
- for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
- do ($1) ->
- ${0:// body}
-# Array comprehension
-snippet fora
- for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
- ${0:# body...}
-# Object comprehension
-snippet foro
- for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:object}
- ${0:# body...}
-# Range comprehension (inclusive)
-snippet forr
- for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}]
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet forrb
- for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}] by ${4:step}
- ${0:# body...}
-# Range comprehension (exclusive)
-snippet forrex
- for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}]
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet forrexb
- for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}] by ${4:step}
- ${0:# body...}
-# Function
-snippet fun
- (${1:args}) ->
- ${0:# body...}
-# Function (bound)
-snippet bfun
- (${1:args}) =>
- ${0:# body...}
-# Class
-snippet cla class ..
- class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
- ${0}
-snippet cla class .. constructor: ..
- class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`}
- constructor: (${2:args}) ->
- ${3}
- ${0}
-snippet cla class .. extends ..
- class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} extends ${2:ParentClass}
- ${0}
-snippet cla class .. extends .. constructor: ..
- class ${1:`substitute(vim_snippets#Filename(), '\(_\|^\)\(.\)', '\u\2', 'g')`} extends ${2:ParentClass}
- constructor: (${3:args}) ->
- ${4}
- ${0}
-# If
-snippet if
- if ${1:condition}
- ${0:# body...}
-# If __ Else
-snippet ife
- if ${1:condition}
- ${2:# body...}
- else
- ${0:# body...}
-# Else if
-snippet eif
- else if ${1:condition}
- ${0:# body...}
-# Ternary If
-snippet ifte
- if ${1:condition} then ${2:value} else ${0:other}
-# Unless
-snippet unl
- ${1:action} unless ${0:condition}
-# Switch
-snippet swi
- switch ${1:object}
- when ${2:value}
- ${0:# body...}
-# Log
-snippet log
- console.log ${0}
-# Try __ Catch
-snippet try
- try
- ${1}
- catch ${2:error}
- ${0}
-# Require
-snippet req
- ${2:$1} = require '${1:sys}'
-# Export
-snippet exp
- ${0:root} = exports ? this
-snippet jsonp
- JSON.parse ${0:jstr}
-# JSON.stringify
-snippet jsons
- JSON.stringify ${0:object}