path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips')
69 files changed, 0 insertions, 10786 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 15d7e5ec26ec93adee4051b6359be90a943aa38
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/README b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 41d8592..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains the snippets for UltiSnips.
-Standing On The Shoulders of Giants
-The snippets have been collected from various other project which I want to
-express my gratitude for. My main source for inspiration where the following
-two projects:
- TextMate: http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/
- SnipMate: http://code.google.com/p/snipmate/
-UltiSnips has seen contributions by many individuals. Those contributions have
-been merged into this collection seamlessly and without further comments.
--- vim:ft=rst:nospell:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ada.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ada.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index cc35c2c..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ada.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-global !p
-def ada_case(word):
- out = word[0].upper()
- for i in range(1, len(word)):
- if word[i - 1] == '_':
- out = out + word[i].upper()
- else:
- out = out + word[i]
- return out
-snippet wi "with"
-with $1;$0
-snippet pac "package"
-package ${1:`!p snip.rv = ada_case(snip.basename)`} is
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet pacb "package body"
-package body ${1:`!p snip.rv = ada_case(snip.basename)`} is
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet ent "entry ... when"
-entry $1($2) when $3 is
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet task "task"
-task $1 is
- entry $0
-end $1;
-snippet taskb "task body"
-task body $1 is
- $2
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet acc "accept"
-accept $1($2) do
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet prot "protected type"
-protected type $1($2) is
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet prob "protected body"
-protected body $1 is
- $2
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet gen "generic type"
- type $1 is $2;$0
-snippet ty "type"
-type $1 is $2;$0
-snippet tyd "type with default value"
-type $1 is $2
- with Default_Value => $3;$0
-snippet subty "subtype"
-subtype $1 is $2;$0
-snippet dec "declare block"
- $1
- $0
-snippet decn "declare named block"
- $2
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet ifex "if expression"
-if $1 then $2 else $0
-snippet casex "case expression"
-case $1 is
- when $2 => $3,$0
-snippet fora "for all"
-for all $1 ${2:in} $3 => $0
-snippet fors "for some"
-for some $1 ${2:in} $3 => $0
-snippet if "if"
-if $1 then
- $0
-end if;
-snippet ife "if ... else"
-if $1 then
- $2
- $0
-end if;
-snippet el "else"
- $0
-snippet eif "elsif"
-elsif $1 then
- $0
-snippet wh "while"
-while $1 loop
- $0
-end loop;
-snippet nwh "named while"
-while $2 loop
- $0
-end loop $1;
-snippet for "for"
-for ${1:I} in $2 loop
- $0
-end loop;
-snippet fore "for each"
-for $1 of $2 loop
- $0
-end loop;
-snippet nfor "named for"
-for ${2:I} in $3 loop
- $0
-end loop $1;
-snippet nfore "named for each"
-for $2 of $3 loop
- $0
-end loop $1;
-snippet proc "procedure"
-procedure $1($2) is
- $3
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet procd "procedure declaration"
-procedure $1;$0
-snippet fun "function"
-function $1($2) return $3 is
- $4
- $0
-end $1;
-snippet fune "expression function"
-function $1 return $2 is
- ($3);$0
-snippet fund "function declaration"
-function $1 return $2;$0
-snippet ret "extended return"
-return $1 do
- $0
-end return;
-snippet rec "record"
- $0
-end record;
-snippet case "case"
-case $1 is
- when $2 => $3;$0
-end case;
-snippet whe "when"
-when $1 => $2;$0
-snippet wheo "when others"
-when others => $1;$0
-snippet lo "loop"
- $0
-end loop;
-snippet nlo "named loop"
- $0
-end loop $1;
-snippet ex "exit when"
-exit when $1;$0
-snippet put "Ada.Text_IO.Put"
-snippet putl "Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line"
-snippet get "Ada.Text_IO.Get"
-snippet getl "Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line"
-snippet newline "Ada.Text_IO.New_Line"
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e286e5..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains snippets that are always defined. I personally
-# have snippets for signatures and often needed texts
-# sligthly lower priority than everything else since specialized versions
-# should overwrite. The user needs to adjust her priority in her snippets to
-# ~-55 so that other filetypes will still overwrite.
-priority -60
-global !p
-from vimsnippets import foldmarker, make_box, get_comment_format
-snippet box "A nice box with the current comment symbol" b
-box = make_box(len(t[1]))
-snip.rv = box[0]
-snip += box[1]
-box = make_box(len(t[1]))
-snip.rv = box[2]
-snip += box[3]`
-snippet bbox "A nice box over the full width" b
-if not snip.c:
- width = int(vim.eval("&textwidth - (virtcol('.') == 1 ? 0 : virtcol('.'))")) or 71
-box = make_box(len(t[1]), width)
-snip.rv = box[0]
-snip += box[1]
-box = make_box(len(t[1]), width)
-snip.rv = box[2]
-snip += box[3]`
-snippet fold "Insert a vim fold marker" b
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${1:Fold description} `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[0]`${2:1} `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-snippet foldc "Insert a vim fold close marker" b
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${2:1}`!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[1]` `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-snippet foldp "Insert a vim fold marker pair" b
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${1:Fold description} `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[0]` `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[1]` $1 `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-snippet lorem "Lorem Ipsum - 50 Words" b
-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
-tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At
-vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,
-no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
-# See advice on `:help 'tabstop'` for why these values are set. Uses second
-# modeline form ('set') to work in languages with comment terminators
-# (/* like C */).
-snippet modeline "Vim modeline"
-vim`!v ':set '. (&expandtab ? printf('et sw=%i ts=%i', &sw, &ts) : printf('noet sts=%i sw=%i ts=%i', &sts, &sw, &ts)) . (&tw ? ' tw='. &tw : '') . ':'`
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bib.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bib.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index c9b8df5..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bib.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet online "Online resource" b
- author={${2:author}},
- title={${3:title}},
- date={${4:date}},
- url={${5:url}}
-snippet article "Article reference" b
- author={${2:author}},
- title={${3:title}},
- journaltitle={${4:journal}},
- volume={${5:NN}},
- number={${6:NN}},
- year={${7:YYYY}},
- pages={${8:NN}--${9:NN}}
-snippet book "Book reference" b
- author={${2:author}},
- title={${3:title}},
- subtitle={${4:subtitle}},
- year={${5:YYYY}},
- location={${6:somewhere}},
- publisher={${7:publisher}},
- pages={${8:NN}--${9:NN}}
-snippet inb "In Book reference" b
- author={${2:author}},
- title={${3:title}},
- subtitle={${4:subtitle}},
- booktitle={${5:book}},
- editor={${6:editor}},
- year={${7:YYYY}},
- location={${8:somewhere}},
- publisher={${9:publisher}},
- pages={${10:NN}--${11:NN}}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bindzone.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bindzone.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b8ab0df..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/bindzone.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-global !p
-def newsoa():
- import datetime
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- # return standard SOA formatted serial for today
- return now.strftime("%Y%m%d00")
-snippet zone "Bootstrap a new Bind zonefile" b
-$TTL 86400
-@ IN SOA ${1:example.net}. ${2:hostmaster.$1}.(
- `!p snip.rv = newsoa()`; serial
- 21600; refresh every 6 hours
- 3600; retry after one hour
- 604800; expire after a week
- 86400 ); minimum TTL of 1 day
- IN NS ns01.$1.
- IN MX 10 mail.$1.
-ns01.$1 IN A
-mail.$1 IN A
-snippet A "Insert A Record" b
-${1:hostname} IN A ${2:ip}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/c.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/c.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index c989464..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/c.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# TextMate Snippets #
-priority -50
-snippet def "#define ..."
-#define ${1}
-snippet #ifndef "#ifndef ... #define ... #endif"
-#ifndef ${1/([A-Za-z0-9_]+).*/$1/}
-#define ${1:SYMBOL} ${2:value}
-#endif /* ifndef $1 */
-snippet #if "#if #endif" b
-#if ${1:0}
-snippet mark "#pragma mark (mark)"
-#if 0
-${1:#pragma mark -
-}#pragma mark $2
-snippet main "main() (main)"
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- ${VISUAL}${0}
- return 0;
-snippet for "for loop (for)"
-for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2}) {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet fori "for int loop (fori)"
-for (${4:int} ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2}) {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet once "Include header once only guard"
-#ifndef ${1:`!p
-if not snip.c:
- import random, string
- name = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]+','_', snip.fn).upper()
- rand = ''.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters+string.digits, 8))
- snip.rv = ('%s_%s' % (name,rand)).upper()
- snip.rv = snip.c`}
-#define $1
-#endif /* end of include guard: $1 */
-snippet fprintf "fprintf ..."
-fprintf(${1:stderr}, "${2:%s}\n"${2/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\);)/}$3${2/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\);)/}
-snippet eli "else if .. (eli)"
-else if (${1:/* condition */}) {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet printf "printf .. (printf)"
-printf("${1:%s}\n"${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:, :\);)/}$2${1/([^%]|%%)*(%.)?.*/(?2:\);)/}
-snippet st "struct"
-struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name") + "_t"`} {
- ${0:/* data */}
-snippet fun "function" b
-${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3})
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet fund "function declaration" b
-${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3});
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-jasmine.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-jasmine.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd35cd..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-jasmine.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-# CoffeeScript versions -- adapted from the JS TextMate bundle + additions
-# for some jasmine-jquery matchers
-priority -50
-extends coffee
-priority -49
-snippet des "Describe (coffee)" b
-describe '${1:description}', ->
- $0
-snippet it "it (coffee)" b
-it '${1:description}', ->
- $0
-snippet bef "before each (coffee)" b
-beforeEach ->
- $0
-snippet aft "after each (coffee)" b
-afterEach ->
- $0
-snippet any "any (coffee)" b
-snippet ru "runs (coffee)" b
-runs ->
- $0
-snippet wa "waits (coffee)" b
-snippet ex "expect (coffee)" b
-snippet ee "expect to equal (coffee)" b
-snippet em "expect to match (coffee)" b
-snippet eha "expect to have attribute (coffee)" b
-expect(${1:target}).toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'})
-snippet et "expect to be truthy (coffee)" b
-snippet ef "expect to be falsy (coffee)" b
-snippet ed "expect to be defined (coffee)" b
-snippet en "expect to be null (coffee)" b
-snippet ec "expect to contain (coffee)" b
-snippet ev "expect to be visible (coffee)" b
-snippet eh "expect to be hidden (coffee)" b
-snippet notx "expect not (coffee)" b
-snippet note "expect not to equal (coffee)" b
-snippet notm "expect not to match (coffee)" b
-snippet notha "expect to not have attribute (coffee)" b
-expect(${1:target}).not.toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'})
-snippet nott "expect not to be truthy (coffee)" b
-snippet notf "expect not to be falsy (coffee)" b
-snippet notd "expect not to be defined (coffee)" b
-snippet notn "expect not to be null (coffee)" b
-snippet notc "expect not to contain (coffee)" b
-snippet notv "expect not to be visible (coffee)" b
-snippet noth "expect not to be hidden (coffee)" b
-snippet s "spy on (coffee)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}")$0
-snippet sr "spy on and return (coffee)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andReturn(${3:arguments})
-snippet st "spy on and throw (coffee)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andThrow(${3:exception})
-snippet sct "spy on and call through (coffee)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andCallThrough()
-snippet scf "spy on and call fake (coffee)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, "${2:method}").andCallFake(${3:function})
-snippet esc "expect was called (coffee)" b
-snippet escw "expect was called with (coffee)" b
-snippet notsc "expect was not called (coffee)" b
-snippet noscw "expect was not called with (coffee)" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-react.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-react.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cdb40f..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee-react.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# CoffeeScript versions -- adapted from coffee-jasmine
-# for some ReactJS matchers.
-priority -50
-extends coffee
-priority -49
-snippet createClass "React define Class" b
-${1:classname}Class = React.createClass
- displayName: "$1"
- render: ->
- ${2}
-$1 = React.createFactory($1)
-snippet PropTypes "React define propTypes" b
-propTypes: ->
- ${1:myVar}: React.PropTypes.${2:type}${3:.isRequired}
-snippet propType "React propType (key/value)" b
-${1:myVar}: React.PropTypes.${2:type}${3:.isRequired}
-snippet setState "React setState" b
- ${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}
- ${3}
-snippet getInitialState "React define getInitialState" b
-getInitialState: ->
- ${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}
- ${3}
-snippet getDefaultProps "React define getDefaultProps" b
-getDefaultProps: ->
- ${1:myvar}: ${2:myvalue}
- ${3}
-snippet componentWillMount "React define componentWillMount" b
-componentWillMount: ->
- ${1}
-snippet componentDidMount "React define componentDidMount" b
-componentDidMount: ->
- ${1}
-snippet componentWillReceiveProps "React define componentWillReceiveProps" b
-componentWillReceiveProps: (nextProps) ->
- ${1}
-snippet shouldComponentUpdate "React define shouldComponentUpdate" b
-shouldComponentUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->
- ${1}
-snippet componentWillUpdate "React define componentWillUpdate" b
-componentWillUpdate: (nextProps, nextState) ->
- ${1}
-snippet componentDidUpdate "React define componentDidUpdate" b
-componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) ->
- ${1}
-snippet componentWillUnmount "React define componentWillUnmount" b
-componentWillUnmount: ->
- ${1}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 75e7d06..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/coffee.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet fun "Function" b
-${1:name} = `!p snip.rv = "(" if t[2] else ""`${2:args}`!p snip.rv = ") " if t[2] else ""`->
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet bfun "Function (bound)" i
-`!p snip.rv = "(" if t[1] else ""`${1:args}`!p snip.rv = ") " if t[1] else ""`=>`!p snip.rv = " " if t[2] and not t[2].startswith("\n") else ""`${2:expr}
-snippet if "If" b
-if ${1:condition}
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet ife "If .. Else" b
-if ${1:condition}
- ${2:# body...}
- ${3:# body...}
-snippet elif "Else if" b
-else if ${1:condition}
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet ifte "Ternary if" b
-if ${1:condition} then ${2:value} else ${3:other}
-snippet unl "Unless" b
-${1:action} unless ${2:condition}
-snippet fora "Array Comprehension" b
-for ${1:name} in ${2:array}
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet foro "Object Comprehension" b
-for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:Object}
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet forr "Range Comprehension (inclusive)" b
-for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}]`!p snip.rv = " by " if t[4] else ""`${4:step}
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet forrex "Range Comprehension (exclusive)" b
-for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}]`!p snip.rv = " by " if t[4] else ""`${4:step}
- ${0:# body...}
-snippet swi "Switch" b
-switch ${1:object}
- when ${2:value}
- ${3:# body...}
- else
- $0
-snippet swit "Switch when .. then" b
-switch ${1:object}
- when ${2:condition}`!p snip.rv = " then " if t[3] else ""`${3:value}
- else`!p snip.rv = " " if t[4] and not t[4].startswith("\n") else ""`${4:value}
-snippet cla "Class" b
-class ${1:ClassName}`!p snip.rv = " extends " if t[2] else ""`${2:Ancestor}
- ${3:constructor:`!p snip.rv = " (" if t[4] else ""`${4:args}`!p snip.rv = ")" if t[4] else ""` ->
- ${5:# body...}}
- $0
-snippet try "Try .. Catch" b
- $1
-catch ${2:error}
- $3
-snippet req "Require" b
-${1/^'?(\w+)'?$/\L$1\E/} = require(${1:'${2:sys}'})
-snippet # "Interpolated Code" i
-snippet log "Log" b
-console.log ${1:"${2:msg}"}
-snippet kv "Key:value for object" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cpp.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cpp.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c2bd8..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cpp.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends c
-# We want to overwrite everything in parent ft.
-priority -49
-# TextMate Snippets #
-snippet beginend "$1.begin(), $1.end() (beginend)"
-${1:v}${1/^.*?(-)?(>)?$/(?2::(?1:>:.))/}begin(), $1${1/^.*?(-)?(>)?$/(?2::(?1:>:.))/}end()
-snippet cl "class .. (class)"
-class ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "name"`}
- ${1/(\w+).*/$1/} (${2:arguments});
- virtual ~${1/(\w+).*/$1/} ();
- ${0:/* data */}
-snippet ns "namespace .. (namespace)"
-namespace${1/.+/ /m}${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "name"`}
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-}${1/.+/ \/* /m}$1${1/.+/ *\/ /m}
-snippet readfile "read file (readF)"
-std::vector<char> v;
-if (FILE *fp = fopen(${1:"filename"}, "r"))
- char buf[1024];
- while(size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp))
- v.insert(v.end(), buf, buf + len);
- fclose(fp);
-snippet map "std::map (map)"
-std::map<${1:key}, ${2:value}> map$0;
-snippet vector "std::vector (v)"
-std::vector<${1:char}> v$0;
-snippet tp "template <typename ..> (template)"
-template <typename ${1:_InputIter}>
-snippet cla "An entire .h generator" b
-#ifndef ${2:`!v substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('$1_H','ClassName'),'.*','\U&\E','')`}
-#define $2
-class ${1:`!v substitute(substitute(vim_snippets#Filename('$1','ClassName'),'^.','\u&',''), '_\(\w\)', '\u\1', 'g')`}
- ${3}
- $1();
- virtual ~$1();
-#endif /* $2 */
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cs.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cs.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index aca245e..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/cs.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# C# Snippets for UltiSnips #
-priority -50
-# classes and structs #
-snippet namespace "namespace" b
-namespace ${1:MyNamespace}
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet class "class" w
-class ${1:MyClass}
- $0
-snippet struct "struct" w
-struct ${1:MyStruct}
- $0
-snippet interface "interface" w
-interface I${1:Interface}
- $0
-snippet enum "enumeration" b
-enum ${1:MyEnum} { ${2:Item} };
-# Main() #
-snippet sim "static int main" b
-static int Main(string[] args)
- $0
-snippet svm "static void main" b
-static void Main(string[] args)
- $0
-# properties #
-snippet prop "Simple property declaration" b
-public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; }
-snippet propfull "Full property declaration" b
-private ${1:int} ${2:_myProperty};
-public $1 ${3:MyProperty}
- get { return $2; }
- set { $2 = value; }
-snippet propg "Property with a private setter" b
-public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; }
-# blocks #
-snippet #if "#if #endif" b
-#if ${1:DEBUG}
-snippet #region "#region #endregion" b
-#region ${1:Region}
-# loops #
-snippet for "for loop" b
-for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:10}; $1++)
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet forr "for loop (reverse)" b
-for (int ${1:i} = ${2:10}; $1 >= 0; $1--)
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet foreach "foreach loop" b
-foreach (${3:var} ${2:item} in ${1:items})
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet while "while loop" b
-while (${1:true})
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet do "do loop" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-} while (${1:true});
-# branching #
-snippet if "if statement" b
-if ($1)
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet ife "if else statement" b
-if ($1)
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet elif "else if" b
-else if ($1)
- $0
-snippet elseif "else if" b
-else if ($1)
- $0
-snippet ifnn "if not null" b
-if ($1 != null)
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet switch "switch statement" b
-switch (${1:statement})
- case ${2:value}:
- break;
- default:
- $0break;
-snippet case "case" b
-case ${1:value}:
- $2
- break;
-# wrappers #
-snippet using "using statement" b
-using (${1:resource})
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet unchecked "unchecked block" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet checked "checked block" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet unsafe "unsafe" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-# exception handling #
-snippet try "try catch block" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-catch (${1:Exception} ${2:e})
- throw;
-snippet tryf "try finally block" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet throw "throw"
-throw new ${1}Exception("${2}");
-# LINQ #
-snippet from "LINQ syntax" b
-var ${1:seq} =
- from ${2:item1} in ${3:items1}
- join ${4:item2} in ${5:items2} on $2.${6:prop1} equals $4.${7:prop2}
- select ${8:$2.prop3}
- where ${9:clause}
-# feedback and debugging #
-snippet da "Debug.Assert" b
-snippet cw "Console.WriteLine" b
-# as you first type comma-separated parameters on the right, {n} values appear in the format string
-snippet cwp "Console.WriteLine with parameters" b
-snip.rv = ' '.join(['{' + str(i) + '}' for i in range(t[1].count(','))])
-`}"${1:, something});
-snippet mbox "Message box" b
-# full methods #
-snippet equals "Equals method" b
-public override bool Equals(object obj)
- if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())
- {
- return false;
- }
- $0
- return base.Equals(obj);
-# comments #
-snippet /// "XML comment" b
-/// <summary>
-/// $1
-/// </summary>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/css.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/css.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index ff26509..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/css.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet . "selector { }"
-$1 {
- $0
-snippet p "padding"
-padding: ${1:0};$0
-snippet m "margin"
-margin: ${1:0};$0
-snippet bd "border"
-border: ${1:0};$0
-snippet d "display"
-display: ${1:none};$0
-snippet bg "background"
-background: ${1:none};$0
-snippet ff "font-family"
-font-family: ${1:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif};$0
-snippet h "height"
-height: ${1:auto};$0
-snippet w "width"
-width: ${1:auto};$0
-snippet pos "position"
-position: ${1:relative};$0
-snippet tt "text-transform"
-text-transform: ${1:none};$0
-snippet ! "!important CSS (!)"
-snippet tsh "text-shadow: color-hex x y blur (text)"
-text-shadow: ${1:${2:color} ${3:offset-x} ${4:offset-y} ${5:blur}};$0
-snippet bxsh "box-shadow: color-hex x y blur (text)"
-box-shadow: ${1:${2:offset-x} ${3:offset-y} ${4:blur} ${5:spread} ${6:color}};$0
-# Colors
-snippet rgb "color rgb"
-rgb(${1:255}, ${2:255}, ${3:255})$0
-snippet rgba "color rgba"
-rgba(${1:255}, ${2:255}, ${3:255}, ${4:0.5})$0
-snippet hsl "color hsl"
-hsl(${1:360}, ${2:100}%, ${3:100}%)$0
-snippet hsla "color hsla"
-hsla(${1:360}, ${2:100}%, ${3:100}%, ${4:0.5})$0
-# Selectors
-snippet :fc
-snippet :lc
-snippet :nc
-snippet :nlc
-snippet :oc
-# Pseudo-elements
-snippet :a
-snippet :b
-snippet ::a
-snippet ::b
-# Most of these came from TextMate #
-snippet background "background-attachment: scroll:fixed (background)"
-background-attachment: ${1:scroll/fixed};$0
-snippet background "background-color: color-hex (background)"
-background-color: #${1:DDD};$0
-snippet background "background-color: color-name (background)"
-background-color: ${1:red};$0
-snippet background "background-color: color-rgb (background)"
-background-color: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255});$0
-snippet background "background-color: transparent (background)"
-background-color: transparent;$0
-snippet background "background-image: none (background)"
-background-image: none;$0
-snippet background "background-image: url (background)"
-background-image: url($1);$0
-snippet background "background-position: position (background)"
-background-position: ${1:top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x-% y-%/x-pos y-pos};$0
-snippet background "background-repeat: r:r-x:r-y:n-r (background)"
-background-repeat: ${1:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat};$0
-snippet background "background: color image repeat attachment position (background)"
-background:${6: #${1:DDD}} url($2) ${3:repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y/no-repeat} ${4:scroll/fixed} ${5:top left/top center/top right/center left/center center/center right/bottom left/bottom center/bottom right/x-% y-%/x-pos y-pos};$0
-snippet border "border-bottom-color: size style color (border)"
-border-bottom-color: #${1:999};$0
-snippet border "border-bottom-style: size style color (border)"
-border-bottom-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
-snippet border "border-bottom-width: size style color (border)"
-border-bottom-width: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
-snippet border "border-bottom: size style color (border)"
-border-bottom: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
-snippet border "border-color: color (border)"
-border-color: ${1:999};$0
-snippet border "border-left-color: color (border)"
-border-right-color: #${1:999};$0
-snippet border "border-left-style: style (border)"
-border-left-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
-snippet border "border-left-width: size (border)"
-border-left-width: ${1:1}px
-snippet border "border-left: size style color (border)"
-border-left: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
-snippet border "border-right-color: color (border)"
-border-right-color: #${1:999};$0
-snippet border "border-right-style: style (border)"
-border-right-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
-snippet border "border-right-width: size (border)"
-border-right-width: ${1:1}px
-snippet border "border-right: size style color (border)"
-border-right: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
-snippet border "border-style: style (border)"
-border-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
-snippet border "border-top-color: color (border)"
-border-top-color: #${1:999};$0
-snippet border "border-top-style: style (border)"
-border-top-style: ${1:none/hidden/dotted/dashed/solid/double/groove/ridge/inset/outset};$0
-snippet border "border-top-width: size (border)"
-border-top-width: ${1:1}px
-snippet border "border-top: size style color (border)"
-border-top: ${1:1}px ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
-snippet border "border-width: width (border)"
-border-width: ${1:1px};$0
-snippet border "border: size style color (border)"
-border: ${1:1px} ${2:solid} #${3:999};$0
-snippet clear "clear: value (clear)"
-clear: ${1:left/right/both/none};$0
-snippet color "color: color-hex (color)"
-color: #${1:DDD};$0
-snippet color "color: color-name (color)"
-color: ${1:red};$0
-snippet color "color: color-rgb (color)"
-color: rgb(${1:255},${2:255},${3:255});$0
-snippet cursor "cursor: type (cursor)"
-cursor: ${1:default/auto/crosshair/pointer/move/*-resize/text/wait/help};$0
-snippet cursor "cursor: url (cursor)"
-cursor: url($1);$0
-snippet direction "direction: ltr|rtl (direction)"
-direction: ${1:ltr|rtl};$0
-snippet display "display: block (display)"
-display: block;$0
-snippet display "display: common-types (display)"
-display: ${1:none/inline/block/list-item/run-in/compact/marker};$0
-snippet display "display: inline (display)"
-display: inline;$0
-snippet display "display: table-types (display)"
-display: ${1:table/inline-table/table-row-group/table-header-group/table-footer-group/table-row/table-column-group/table-column/table-cell/table-caption};$0
-snippet float "float: left:right:none (float)"
-float: ${1:left/right/none};$0
-snippet font "font-family: family (font)"
-font-family: ${1:Arial, "MS Trebuchet"}, ${2:sans-}serif;$0
-snippet font "font-size: size (font)"
-font-size: ${1:100%};$0
-snippet font "font-style: normal:italic:oblique (font)"
-font-style: ${1:normal/italic/oblique};$0
-snippet font "font-variant: normal:small-caps (font)"
-font-variant: ${1:normal/small-caps};$0
-snippet font "font-weight: weight (font)"
-font-weight: ${1:normal/bold};$0
-snippet font "font: style variant weight size:line-height font -family (font)"
-font: ${1:normal/italic/oblique} ${2:normal/small-caps} ${3:normal/bold} ${4:1em/1.5em} ${5:Arial}, ${6:sans-}serif;$0
-snippet font "font: size font (font)"
-font: ${1:75%} ${2:"Lucida Grande", "Trebuchet MS", Verdana,} ${3:sans-}serif;$0
-snippet letter "letter-spacing: length-em (letter)"
-letter-spacing: $1em;$0
-snippet letter "letter-spacing: length-px (letter)"
-letter-spacing: $1px;$0
-snippet list "list-style-image: url (list)"
-list-style-image: url($1);$0
-snippet list "list-style-position: pos (list)"
-list-style-position: ${1:inside/outside};$0
-snippet list "list-style-type: asian (list)"
-list-style-type: ${1:cjk-ideographic/hiragana/katakana/hiragana-iroha/katakana-iroha};$0
-snippet list "list-style-type: marker(list)"
-list-style-type: ${1:none/disc/circle/square};$0
-snippet list "list-style-type: numeric (list)"
-list-style-type: ${1:decimal/decimal-leading-zero/zero};$0
-snippet list "list-style-type: other (list)"
-list-style-type: ${1:hebrew/armenian/georgian};$0
-snippet list "list-style-type: roman-alpha-greek (list)"
-list-style-type: ${1:lower-roman/upper-roman/lower-alpha/upper-alpha/lower-greek/lower-latin/upper-latin};$0
-snippet list "list-style: type position image (list)"
-list-style: ${1:none/disc/circle/square/decimal/zero} ${2:inside/outside} url($3);$0
-snippet margin "margin-bottom: length (margin)"
-margin-bottom: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet margin "margin-left: length (margin)"
-margin-left: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet margin "margin-right: length (margin)"
-margin-right: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet margin "margin-top: length (margin)"
-margin-top: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet margin "margin: all (margin)"
-margin: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet margin "margin: T R B L (margin)"
-margin: ${1:20px} ${2:0px} ${3:40px} ${4:0px};$0
-snippet margin "margin: V H (margin)"
-margin: ${1:20px} ${2:0px};$0
-snippet marker "marker-offset: auto (marker)"
-marker-offset: auto;$0
-snippet marker "marker-offset: length (marker)"
-marker-offset: ${1:10px};$0
-snippet overflow "overflow: type (overflow)"
-overflow: ${1:visible/hidden/scroll/auto};$0
-snippet padding "padding-bottom: length (margin)"
-padding-bottom: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet padding "padding-left: length (margin)"
-padding-left: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet padding "padding-right: length (margin)"
-padding-right: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet padding "padding-top: length (margin)"
-padding-top: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet padding "padding: T R B L (padding)"
-padding: ${1:20px} ${2:0px} ${3:40px} ${4:0px};$0
-snippet padding "padding: V H (padding)"
-padding: ${1:20px} ${2:0px};$0
-snippet padding "padding: all (padding)"
-padding: ${1:20px};$0
-snippet position "position: type (position)"
-position: ${1:static/relative/absolute/fixed};$0
-snippet { "properties { } ( } )"
- /* $1 */
- $0
-snippet scrollbar "scrollbar"
-scrollbar-base-color: ${1:#CCCCCC};${2:
-scrollbar-arrow-color: ${3:#000000};
-scrollbar-track-color: ${4:#999999};
-scrollbar-3dlight-color: ${5:#EEEEEE};
-scrollbar-highlight-color: ${6:#FFFFFF};
-scrollbar-face-color: ${7:#CCCCCC};
-scrollbar-shadow-color: ${9:#999999};
-scrollbar-darkshadow-color: ${8:#666666};}
-snippet selection "selection"
-$1::selection {
- color: ${2:inherit};
- background: ${3:inherit};
-snippet text "text-align: left:center:right (txt)"
-text-align: ${1:left/right/center/justify};$0
-snippet text "text-decoration: none:underline:overline:line-through:blink (text)"
-text-decoration: ${1:none/underline/overline/line-through/blink};$0
-snippet text "text-indent: length (text)"
-text-indent: ${1:10}px;$0
-snippet text "text-transform: capitalize:upper:lower (text)"
-text-transform: ${1:capitalize/uppercase/lowercase};$0
-snippet vertical "vertical-align: type (vertical)"
-vertical-align: ${1:baseline/sub/super/top/text-top/middle/bottom/text-bottom/length/%};$0
-snippet visibility "visibility: type (visibility)"
-visibility: ${1:visible/hidden/collapse};$0
-snippet white "white-space: normal:pre:nowrap (white)"
-white-space: ${1:normal/pre/nowrap};$0
-snippet word "word-spacing: length (word)"
-word-spacing: ${1:10px};$0
-snippet z "z-index: index (z)"
-z-index: $1;$0
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/d.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/d.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ce2751..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/d.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-# Simple shortcuts
-priority -50
-snippet imp "import (imp)" b
-import ${1:std.stdio};
-snippet pimp "public import (pimp)" b
-public import ${1:/*module*/};
-snippet over "override (over)" b
-override ${1:/*function*/}
-snippet al "alias (al)"
-alias ${1:/*orig*/} ${2:/*alias*/};
-snippet mixin "mixin (mixin)" b
-mixin ${1:/*mixed_in*/} ${2:/*name*/};
-snippet new "new (new)"
-new ${1}(${2});
-snippet scpn "@safe const pure nothrow (scpn)"
-@safe const pure nothrow
-snippet spn "@safe pure nothrow (spn)"
-@safe pure nothrow
-snippet cont "continue (cont)"
-snippet dis "@disable (dis)" b
-@disable ${1:/*method*/};
-snippet pub "public (pub)" b
- ${1:/*members*/}
-snippet priv "private (priv)" b
- ${1:/*members*/}
-snippet prot "protected (prot)" b
- ${1:/*members*/}
-snippet pack "package (pack)" b
- ${1:/*members*/}
-snippet ret "return (ret)"
-return ${1:/*value to return*/};
-snippet auto "auto (auto)" b
-auto ${1:/*variable*/} = ${2:/*value*/};
-snippet con "const (con)" b
-const ${1:/*variable*/} = ${2:/*value*/};
-snippet siz "size_t (siz)" b
-size_t ${1:/*variable*/} = ${2:/*value*/};
-snippet sup "super (sup)" b
-# Phobos
-snippet tup "tuple (tup)"
-snippet wr "writeln (wr)"
-snippet to "to (to)"
-snippet enf "enforce (enf)" b
- new ${2}Exception(${3:/*args*/}));
-# Branches
-snippet if "if .. (if)"
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet ife "if .. else (ife)" b
- ${2}
- ${3:/*else*/}
-snippet el "else (el)" b
- ${VISUAL}${1}
-snippet elif "else if (elif)" b
-else if(${1:/*condition*/})
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet sw "switch (sw)"
- case ${2:/*value*/}:
- ${3}
- break;
- case ${4:/*value*/}:
- ${5}
- break;
- ${7:/*more cases*/}
- default:
- ${6:assert(false);}
-snippet fsw "final switch (fsw)"
-final switch(${1:/*var*/})
- case ${2:/*value*/}:
- ${3}
- break;
- case ${4:/*value*/}:
- ${5}
- break;
- ${7:/*more cases*/}
-snippet case "case (case)" b
-case ${1:/*value*/}:
- ${2}
- break;
-snippet ?: "ternary operator (?:)"
-${1:/*condition*/} ? ${2:/*then*/} : ${3:/*else*/}$4
-# Loops
-snippet do "do while (do)" b
- ${VISUAL}${2}
-} while(${1:/*condition*/});
-snippet wh "while (wh)" b
- ${VISUAL}${2}
-snippet for "for (for)" b
-for (${4:size_t} ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; ${3:++$2})
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet forever "forever (forever)" b
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet fore "foreach (fore)"
-foreach(${1:/*elem*/}; ${2:/*range*/})
- ${VISUAL}${3}
-snippet forif "foreach if (forif)" b
-foreach(${1:/*elem*/}; ${2:/*range*/}) if(${3:/*condition*/})
- ${VISUAL}${4}
-# Contracts
-snippet in "in contract (in)" b
- assert(${1:/*condition*/}, "${2:error message}");
- ${3}
-snippet out "out contract (out)" b
- assert(${2:/*condition*/}, "${3:error message}");
- ${4}
-snippet inv "invariant (inv)" b
- assert(${1:/*condition*/}, "${2:error message}");
- ${3}
-# Functions (generic)
-snippet fun "function definition (fun)"
-${1:void} ${2:/*function name*/}(${3:/*args*/}) ${4:@safe pure nothrow}
- ${VISUAL}${5}
-snippet void "void function definition (void)"
-void ${1:/*function name*/}(${2:/*args*/}) ${3:@safe pure nothrow}
- ${VISUAL}${4}
-snippet this "ctor (this)" w
- ${VISUAL}${2}
-snippet get "getter property (get)"
-@property ${1:/*type*/} ${2:/*member_name*/}() const pure nothrow {return ${3:$2_};}
-snippet set "setter property (set)"
-@property void ${1:/*member_name*/}(${2:/*type*/} rhs) pure nothrow {${3:$1_} = rhs;}
-# Functions (concrete)
-snippet main "Main" b
-void main(string[] args)
- ${VISUAL}${0: /*code*/}
-# Mixins
-snippet signal "signal (signal)" b
-mixin Signal!(${1:/*args*/}) ${2:/*name*/};
-# Scope
-snippet scope "scope (scope)" b
- ${VISUAL}${2}
-# With
-snippet with "with (with)"
- ${VISUAL}${2}
-# Exception handling
-snippet try "try/catch (try)" b
- ${VISUAL}${1:/*code to try*/}
-catch(${2}Exception e)
- ${3:/*handle exception*/}
-snippet tryf "try/catch/finally (tryf)" b
- ${VISUAL}${1:/*code to try*/}
-catch(${2}Exception e)
- ${3:/*handle exception*/}
- ${4:/*cleanup*/}
-snippet catch "catch (catch)" b
-catch(${1}Exception e)
- ${2:/*handle exception*/}
-snippet thr "throw (thr)"
-throw new ${1}Exception("${2}");
-# Type declarations
-snippet struct "struct (struct)"
-struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
- ${2}
-snippet union "union (union)"
-union ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
- ${2}
-snippet class "class (class)"
-class ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
- ${2}
-snippet inter "interface (inter)"
-interface ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
- ${2}
-snippet enum "enum (enum)"
-enum ${1:`!p snip.rv = (snip.basename or "name")`}
- ${2}
-# Exception declarations
-snippet exc "exception declaration (exc)" b
-/// ${3:/*documentation*/}
-class ${1}Exception : ${2}Exception
- public this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)
- {
- super(msg, file, line);
- }
-# Conditional compilation
-snippet version "version (version)" b
-version(${1:/*version name*/})
- ${VISUAL}${2}
-snippet debug "debug" b
- ${VISUAL}${1}
-# Templates
-snippet temp "template (temp)" b
-template ${2:/*name*/}(${1:/*args*/})
- ${3}
-# Asserts
-snippet ass "assert (ass)" b
-assert(${1:false}, "${2:TODO}");
-# Unittests
-snippet unittest "unittest (unittest)" b
- ${1}
-# Common member functions
-snippet opDis "opDispatch (opDis)" b
-${1:/*return type*/} opDispatch(string s)()
- ${2};
-snippet op= "opAssign (op=)" b
-void opAssign(${1} rhs) ${2:@safe pure nothrow}
- ${2}
-snippet opCmp "opCmp (opCmp)" b
-int opCmp(${1} rhs) @safe const pure nothrow
- ${2}
-snippet opApply "opApply (opApply)" b
-int opApply(int delegate(ref ${1:/*iterated type/s*/}) dg)
- int result = 0;
- ${2:/*loop*/}
- {
- result = dg(${3:/*arg/s*/});
- if(result){break;}
- }
- return result;
-snippet toString "toString (toString)" b
-string toString() @safe const pure nothrow
- ${1}
-# Comments
-snippet todo "TODO (todo)"
-// TODO: ${1}
-# DDoc
-snippet doc "generic ddoc block (doc)" b
-/// ${1:description}
-/// ${2:details}
-snippet fdoc "function ddoc block (fdoc)" b
-/// ${1:description}
-/// ${2:Params: ${3:param} = ${4:param description}
-/// ${5}}
-/// ${6:Returns: ${7:return value}}
-/// ${8:Throws: ${9}Exception ${10}}
-snippet Par "Params (Par)"
-Params: ${1:param} = ${2:param description}
-/// ${3}
-snippet Ret "Returns (Ret)"
-Returns: ${1:return value/s}
-snippet Thr "Throws (Thr)"
-Throws: ${1}Exception ${2}
-snippet Example "Examples (Example)"
-/// --------------------
-/// ${1:example code}
-/// --------------------
-# License blocks
-snippet gpl "GPL (gpl)" b
-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-// Copyright (C) ${1:Author}, `!v strftime("%Y")`
-snippet boost "Boost (boost)" b
-// Copyright ${1:Author} `!v strftime("%Y")`.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-# New module
-snippet module "New module (module)" b
-// Copyright ${1:Author} `!v strftime("%Y")`.
-// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
-module ${2}.`!v vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'name')`;
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/django.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/django.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba6c9d..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/django.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# This files will define django snippets from sublime text djaneiro
-snippet form "Form" b
-class ${1:FORMNAME}(forms.Form):
- ${2:# TODO: Define form fields here}
-snippet modelform "ModelForm" b
-class ${1:MODELNAME}Form(forms.ModelForm):
- class Meta:
- model = $1
-snippet fbool "BooleanField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.BooleanField($2)
-snippet fchar "CharField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.CharField($2)
-snippet fchoice "ChoiceField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ChoiceField($2)
-snippet fcombo "ComboField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ComboField($2)
-snippet fdate "DateField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DateField($2)
-snippet fdatetime "DateTimeField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DateTimeField($2)
-snippet fdecimal "DecimalField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.DecimalField($2)
-snippet fmail "EmailField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.EmailField($2)
-snippet ffile "FileField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FileField($2)
-snippet ffilepath "FilePathField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FilePathField($2)
-snippet ffloat "FloatField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.FloatField($2)
-snippet fip "IPAddressField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.IPAddressField($2)
-snippet fimg "ImageField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ImageField($2)
-snippet fint "IntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.IntegerField($2)
-snippet fmochoice "ModelChoiceField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ModelChoiceField($2)
-snippet fmomuchoice "ModelMultipleChoiceField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField($2)
-snippet fmuval "MultiValueField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.MultiValueField($2)
-snippet fmuchoice "MultipleChoiceField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.MultipleChoiceField($2)
-snippet fnullbool "NullBooleanField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.NullBooleanField($2)
-snippet freg "RegexField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.RegexField($2)
-snippet fslug "SlugField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.SlugField($2)
-snippet fsdatetime "SplitDateTimeField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.SplitDateTimeField($2)
-snippet ftime "TimeField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.TimeField($2)
-snippet ftchoice "TypedChoiceField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.TypedChoiceField($2)
-snippet ftmuchoice "TypedMultipleChoiceField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField($2)
-snippet furl "URLField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = forms.URLField($2)
-snippet model "Model" b
-class ${1:MODELNAME}(models.Model):
- ${0}
- class Meta:
- verbose_name = "$1"
- verbose_name_plural = "$1s"
- def __str__(self):
- return super($1, self).__str__()
-snippet modelfull "Model" b
-class ${1:MODELNAME}(models.Model):
- ${2:# TODO: Define fields here}
- class Meta:
- verbose_name = "$1"
- verbose_name_plural = "$1s"
- def __str__(self):
- return super($1, self).__str__()
- def save(self):
- return super($1, self).save()
- @models.permalink
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- return ('')
- ${3:# TODO: Define custom methods here}
-snippet mauto "AutoField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.AutoField($2)
-snippet mbigint "BigIntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BigIntegerField($2)
-snippet mbool "BooleanField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.BooleanField($2)
-snippet mchar "CharField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.CharField($2, max_length=${3:50})
-snippet mcoseint "CommaSeparatedIntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.CommaSeparatedIntegerField($2)
-snippet mdate "DateField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DateField($2)
-snippet mdatetime "DateTimeField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DateTimeField($2)
-snippet mdecimal "DecimalField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.DecimalField(max_digits=${2:10}, decimal_places=${3:2})
-snippet memail "EmailField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.EmailField($2)
-snippet mfile "FileField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FileField($2)
-snippet mfilepath "FilePathField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FilePathField($2)
-snippet mfloat "FloatField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.FloatField($2)
-snippet fk "ForeignKey" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ForeignKey($2)
-snippet mip "IPAddressField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.IPAddressField($2)
-snippet mimg "ImageField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ImageField($2)
-snippet mint "IntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.IntegerField($2)
-snippet m2m "ManyToManyField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.ManyToManyField($2)
-snippet mnullbool "NullBooleanField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.NullBooleanField($2)
-snippet o2o "OneToOneField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.OneToOneField($2)
-snippet mphone "PhoneNumberField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PhoneNumberField($2)
-snippet mposint "PositiveIntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PositiveIntegerField($2)
-snippet mpossmallint "PositiveSmallIntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField($2)
-snippet mslug "SlugField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.SlugField($2)
-snippet msmallint "SmallIntegerField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.SmallIntegerField($2)
-snippet mtext "TextField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.TextField($2)
-snippet mtime "TimeField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.TimeField($2)
-snippet murl "URLField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.URLField($2)
-snippet musstate "USStateField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.USStateField($2)
-snippet mxml "XMLField" b
-${1:FIELDNAME} = models.XMLField($2)
-snippet adminview "Model Admin View" b
-class ${1}Admin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- '''
- Admin View for ${1}
- '''
- list_display = ('${2}',)
- list_filter = ('${3}',)
- inlines = [
- ${4}Inline,
- ]
- raw_id_fields = ('${5}',)
- readonly_fields = ('${6}',)
- search_fields = ['${7}']
-admin.site.register(${1}, ${1}Admin)
-snippet createview "Generic Create View" b
-class ${1:MODEL_NAME}CreateView(CreateView):
- model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
- template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
-snippet deleteview "Generic Delete View" b
-class ${1:MODEL_NAME}DeleteView(DeleteView):
- model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
- template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
-snippet detailview "Generic Detail View" b
-class ${1:MODEL_NAME}DetailView(DetailView):
- model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
- template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
-snippet listview "Generic List View" b
-class ${1:MODEL_NAME}ListView(ListView):
- model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
- template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
-snippet stackedinline "Stacked Inline" b
-class ${1}Inline(admin.StackedInline):
- '''
- Stacked Inline View for ${1}
- '''
- model = ${2:${1}}
- min_num = ${3:3}
- max_num = ${4:20}
- extra = ${5:1}
- raw_id_fields = (${6},)
-snippet tabularinline "Tabular Inline" b
-class ${1}Inline(admin.TabularInline):
- '''
- Tabular Inline View for ${1}
- '''
- model = ${2:${1}}
- min_num = ${3:3}
- max_num = ${4:20}
- extra = ${5:1}
- raw_id_fields = (${6},)
-snippet templateview "Generic Template View" b
-class ${1:CLASS_NAME}(TemplateView):
- template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
-snippet updateview "Generic Update View" b
-class ${1:MODEL_NAME}UpdateView(UpdateView):
- model = ${1:MODEL_NAME}
- template_name = "${2:TEMPLATE_NAME}"
-snippet dispatch "Dispatch View method" b
-def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
- return super(${1:CLASS_NAME}, self).dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
-snippet context "get_context_data view method" b
-def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
- kwargs['extra_context'] = ${1:'New Value'}
- return super(${2:CLASS_NAME}, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eelixir.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eelixir.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 72fb7ce..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eelixir.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends html
-snippet % "<% %>" w
-<% $0 %>
-snippet = "<%= %>" w
-<%= $0 %>
-snippet end "<% end %>" w
-<% end %>
-snippet for
-<%= for ${1:item} <- ${2:$1s} ${3:@conn} do %>
- $0
-<% end %>
-snippet ft "form_tag" w
-<%= form_tag(${1:"${2:/users}"}, method: ${3::post}) %>
- $0
-snippet lin "link" w
-<%= link ${1:"${2:Submit}"}, to: ${3:"${4:/users}"}, method: ${5::delete} %>
-snippet ff "form_for" w
-<%= form_for @changeset, ${1:"${2:/users}"}, fn f -> %>
- $0
- <%= submit "Submit" %>
-<% end %>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index f317685..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/erlang.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet pat "Case:Receive:Try Clause"
-${1:pattern}${2: when ${3:guard}} ->
- ${4:body}
-snippet beh "Behaviour Directive" b
-snippet case "Case Expression"
-case ${1:expression} of
- ${2:pattern}${3: when ${4:guard}} ->
- ${5:body}
-snippet def "Define Directive" b
--define(${1:macro}${2: (${3:param})}, ${4:body}).
-snippet exp "Export Directive" b
-snippet fun "Fun Expression"
- (${1:pattern})${2: when ${3:guard}} ->
- ${4:body}
-snippet fu "Function"
-${1:function}(${2:param})${3: when ${4:guard}} ->
- ${5:body}
-snippet if "If Expression"
- ${1:guard} ->
- ${2:body}
-snippet ifdef "Ifdef Directive" b
-snippet ifndef "Ifndef Directive" b
-snippet imp "Import Directive" b
--import(${1:module}, [${2:function}/${3:arity}]).
-snippet inc "Include Directive" b
-snippet mod "Module Directive" b
--module(${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "module"`}).
-snippet rcv "Receive Expression"
-${1: ${2:pattern}${3: when ${4:guard}} ->
- ${5:body}}
- ${7:expression} ->
- ${8:body}}
-snippet rec "Record Directive" b
--record(${1:record}, {${2:field}${3: = ${4:value}}}).
-snippet try "Try Expression"
-try${1: ${2:expression}${3: of
- ${4:pattern}${5: when ${6:guard}} ->
- ${7:body}}}
- ${9:pattern}${10: when ${11:guard}} ->
- ${12:body}}
- ${14:body}}
-snippet undef "Undef Directive" b
-snippet || "List Comprehension"
-[${1:X} || ${2:X} <- ${3:List}${4:, gen}]
-snippet gen "Generator Expression"
-${1:X} <- ${2:List}${3:, gen}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eruby.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eruby.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index fe38c2f..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/eruby.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-extends html
-priority -50
-# TextMate added these variables to cope with changes in ERB handling
-# in different versions of Rails -- for instance, Rails 3 automatically
-# strips whitespace so that it's no longer necessary to use a form like
-# <% end -%>, but if you're still maintaining Rails 2 projects, you
-# can't omit the minus sign and get the same behavior.
-# The following regex replace substitutes the function below for the
-# TextMate variable references after the snippets are converted:
-# /\v\$\{(TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_([^_]+)_RUBY_([^_\s]+))\}/`!p textmate_var('\1', snip)`/g
-global !p
-def textmate_var(var, snip):
- lookup = dict(
- TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_start_ruby_expr', '<%= '),
- TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_end_ruby_expr', ' %>'),
- TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_start_ruby_inline', '<% '),
- TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_INLINE = snip.opt('g:tm_rails_template_end_ruby_inline', ' %>'),
- )
- snip.rv = lookup[var]
- return
-snippet % "<% ${0} %>" i
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`${0}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`
-snippet = "<%= ${0} %>" i
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`${0}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-# GENERATED FROM get_tm_snippets.py + REGEX REPLACE #
-snippet fi "<%= Fixtures.identify(:symbol) %>"
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`Fixtures.identify(:${1:name})`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`$0
-snippet ft "form_tag" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`form_tag(${1::action => '${2:update}'}${3:, ${4:${5:class} => '${6:form}'\}}}) do`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
- $0
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
-snippet ffs "form_for submit 2" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`${1:f}.submit '${2:Submit}'${3:, :disable_with => '${4:$2ing...}'}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f_fields_for (nff)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`f.fields_for :${1:attribute} do |${2:f}|`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_INLINE', snip)`
- $0
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.checkbox" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.check_box :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.file_field" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.file_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.hidden_field" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.hidden_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.label" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.label :${1:attribute}${2:, "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1: :\u$0)/g}}"}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.password_field" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.password_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.radio_button" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.radio_button :${1:attribute}, :${2:tag_value}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.submit" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.submit "${1:Submit}"${2:, :disable_with => '${3:$1ing...}'}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.text_area" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.text_area :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet f. "f.text_field" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`f.text_field :${1:attribute}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet ffe "form_for with errors" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`error_messages_for :${1:model}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`form_for @${2:$1} do |f|`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
- $0
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
-snippet ff "form_for" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`form_for @${1:model} do |f|`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
- $0
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_BLOCK', snip)`
-snippet ist "image_submit_tag" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`image_submit_tag("${1:agree.png}"${2:${3:, :id => "${4:${1/^(\w+)(\.\w*)?$/$1/}}"}${5:, :name => "${6:${1/^(\w+)(\.\w*)?$/$1/}}"}${7:, :class => "${8:${1/^(\w+)(\.\w*)?$/$1/}-button}"}${9:, :disabled => ${10:false}}})`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet it "image_tag" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`image_tag "$1${2:.png}"${3:${4:, :title => "${5:title}"}${6:, :class => "${7:class}"}}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet layout "layout"
-layout "${1:template_name}"${2:${3:, :only => ${4:[:${5:action}, :${6:action}]}}${7:, :except => ${8:[:${9:action}, :${10:action}]}}}
-snippet jit "javascript_include_tag" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`javascript_include_tag ${1::all}${2:, :cache => ${3:true}}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lt "link_to (name, dest)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", ${2:dest}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lia "link_to (action)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :action => "${2:index}"`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet liai "link_to (action, id)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :action => "${2:edit}", :id => ${3:@item}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lic "link_to (controller)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :controller => "${2:items}"`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lica "link_to (controller, action)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :controller => "${2:items}", :action => "${3:index}"`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet licai "link_to (controller, action, id)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to "${1:link text...}", :controller => "${2:items}", :action => "${3:edit}", :id => ${4:@item}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet linpp "link_to (nested path plural)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${10:parent}_${11:child}_path(${12:@}${13:${10}})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet linp "link_to (nested path)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lipp "link_to (path plural)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${4:model}s_path}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lip "link_to (path)" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:"${2:link text...}"}, ${3:${12:model}_path(${13:@}${14:${12}})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet lim "link_to model" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to ${1:model}.${2:name}, ${3:${4:$1}_path(${14:$1})}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet hide "page.hide (*ids)"
-page.hide ${1:"${2:id(s)}"}
-snippet ins "page.insert_html (position, id, partial)"
-page.insert_html :${1:top}, ${2:"${3:id}"}, :${4:partial => "${5:template}"}
-snippet rep "page.replace (id, partial)"
-page.replace ${1:"${2:id}"}, :${3:partial => "${4:template}"}
-snippet reph "page.replace_html (id, partial)"
-page.replace_html ${1:"${2:id}"}, :${3:partial => "${4:template}"}
-snippet show "page.show (*ids)"
-page.show ${1:"${2:id(s)}"}
-snippet tog "page.toggle (*ids)"
-page.toggle ${1:"${2:id(s)}"}
-snippet vis "page.visual_effect (effect, id)"
-page.visual_effect :${1:toggle_slide}, ${2:"${3:DOM ID}"}
-snippet rp "render (partial) (rp)"
-render :partial => "${1:item}"
-snippet rpc "render (partial,collection) (rpc)"
-render :partial => "${1:item}", :collection => ${2:@$1s}
-snippet rpl "render (partial,locals) (rpl)"
-render :partial => "${1:item}", :locals => { :${2:$1} => ${3:@$1}$0 }
-snippet rpo "render (partial,object) (rpo)"
-render :partial => "${1:item}", :object => ${2:@$1}
-snippet rps "render (partial,status) (rps)"
-render :partial => "${1:item}", :status => ${2:500}
-snippet slt "stylesheet_link_tag" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`stylesheet_link_tag ${1::all}${2:, :cache => ${3:true}}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet st "submit_tag" w
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`submit_tag "${1:Save changes}"${2:, :id => "${3:submit}"}${4:, :name => "${5:$3}"}${6:, :class => "${7:form_$3}"}${8:, :disabled => ${9:false}}${10:, :disable_with => "${11:Please wait...}"}`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-snippet else "else (ERB)"
-<% else %>
- $0
-snippet lf "link_to_function"
-`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_START_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`link_to_function ${1:"${2:Greeting}"}, "${3:alert('Hello world!')}"$4`!p textmate_var('TM_RAILS_TEMPLATE_END_RUBY_EXPR', snip)`
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b6891ff..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/go.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Snippets for Go
-priority -50
-# when to abbriviate and when not?
-# b doesn't work here, because it ignores whitespace
-# optional local name?
-snippet /^import/ "Import declaration" r
-import (
- "${1:package}"
-snippet /^package/ "Package declaration" r
-// Package $1 provides ...
-package ${1:main}
-# Mostly converted from: https://github.com/AlanQuatermain/go-tmbundle
-snippet /^cons/ "Constants declaration" r
-const (
- ${1:constant}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type} = ${0:value}
-snippet /^con/ "Constant declaration" r
-const ${1:name}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type} = ${0:value}
-snippet iota "Iota constant generator" b
-const (
- ${1:constant}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type} = iota
-snippet struct "Struct declaration" b
-type ${1:Struct} struct {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet interface "Interface declaration" b
-type ${1:Interface} interface {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet if "If statement" b
-if ${1:condition}${1/(.+)/ /}{
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet switch "Switch statement" b
-switch ${1:expression}${1/(.+)/ /}{
-# functions
-snippet /^main/ "Main function" r
-func main() {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet /^meth/ "Method" r
-func (${1:receiver} ${2:type}) ${3:name}(${4:params})${5/(.+)/ /}${5:type} {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet func "Function" b
-func ${1:name}(${2:params})${3/(.+)/ /}${3:type} {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet funch "HTTP handler" b
-func ${1:handler}(${2:w} http.ResponseWriter, ${3:r} *http.Request) {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-# types and variables
-snippet map "Map type" b
-snippet : "Variable declaration :=" b
-${1:name} := ${0:value}
-snippet var "Variable declaration" b
-var ${1:name}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type}${3: = ${0:value}}
-snippet vars "Variables declaration" b
-var (
- ${1:name}${2/(.+)/ /}${2:type}${3: = ${0:value} }
-snippet json "JSON field"
-# vim:ft=snippets:
-# error handling
-snippet err "Basic error handling" b
-if err != nil {
- log.${1:Fatal}(err)
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/help.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/help.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b07a7de..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/help.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Snippets for VIM Help Files
-priority -50
-global !p
-def sec_title(snip, t):
- file_start = snip.fn.split('.')[0]
- sec_name = t[1].strip("1234567890. ").lower().replace(' ', '-')
- return ("*%s-%s*" % (file_start, sec_name)).rjust(78-len(t[1]))
-snippet sec "Section marker" b
-${1:SECTION}`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)`
-snippet ssec "Sub section marker" b
-${1:Subsection}`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)
-snip += "-"*len(t[1])`
-snippet sssec "Subsub Section marker" b
-${1:SubSubsection}:`!p snip.rv = sec_title(snip, t)`
-# For vim help, follow the same settings as the official docs.
-snippet modeline "Vim help modeline"
- `!v 'vim'`:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index fd1aca5..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# TextMate Snippets #
-global !p
-def x(snip):
- if snip.ft.startswith("x"):
- snip.rv = '/'
- else:
- snip.rv = ""
-# Doctypes #
-snippet doctype "DocType XHTML 1.0 Strict" b
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
-snippet doctype "DocType XHTML 1.0 Transitional" b
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
-snippet doctype "DocType XHTML 1.1" b
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
-snippet doctype "HTML - 4.0 Transitional (doctype)" b
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
-snippet doctype "HTML - 5.0 (doctype)" b
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-# Shortcuts #
-snippet down "Down (down)"
-snippet enter "Enter (enter)"
-snippet escape "Escape (escape)"
-snippet shift "Shift (shift)"
-snippet tab "Tab (tab)"
-snippet up "Up (up)"
-snippet return "Return (return)"
-snippet right "Right (right)"
-snippet left "Left (left)"
-snippet option "Option (option)"
-# Conditional inserts #
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_0 only"
-<!--[if IE 5.0]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.0 only }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_5 only"
-<!--[if IE 5.5000]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.5 only }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_x"
-<!--[if lt IE 6]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5.x }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below"
-<!--[if lte IE 6]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only"
-<!--[if IE 6]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7+"
-<!--[if gte IE 7]>${1:IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7 and above }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer"
-<!--[if IE]>${1: IE Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer }<![endif]-->$0
-snippet ! "IE Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer"
-<!--[if !IE]><!-->${1: IE Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer }<!-- <![endif]-->$0
-snippet input "Input with Label" w
-<label for="${2:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|( )/(?1:_:\L$0)/g}}">$1</label><input type="${3:text/submit/hidden/button}" name="${4:$2}" value="$5"${6: id="${7:$2}"}`!p x(snip)`>
-snippet input "XHTML <input>" w
-<input type="${1:text/submit/hidden/button}" name="${2:some_name}" value="$3"${4: id="${5:$2}"}`!p x(snip)`>
-snippet opt "Option" w
-<option${1: value="${2:option}"}>${3:$2}</option>
-snippet select "Select Box" w
-<select name="${1:some_name}" id="${2:$1}"${3:${4: multiple}${5: onchange="${6:}"}${7: size="${8:1}"}}>
- <option${9: value="${10:option1}"}>${11:$10}</option>
- <option${12: value="${13:option2}"}>${14:$13}</option>${15:}
- $0
-snippet textarea "XHTML <textarea>" w
-<textarea name="${1:Name}" rows="${2:8}" cols="${3:40}">$0</textarea>
-snippet mailto "XHTML <a mailto: >" w
-<a href="mailto:${1:joe@example.com}?subject=${2:feedback}">${3:email me}</a>
-snippet base "XHTML <base>" w
-<base href="$1"${2: target="$3"}`!p x(snip)`>
-snippet body "<body>"
- $0
-snippet div "<div>" w
- $0
-snippet div. "<div> with class" w
-<div`!p snip.rv=' class="' if t[1] else ""`${1:name}`!p snip.rv = '"' if t[1] else ""`>
- $0
-snippet div# "<div> with ID & class" w
-<div`!p snip.rv=' id="' if t[1] else ""`${1:name}`!p snip.rv = '"' if t[1] else ""``!p snip.rv=' class="' if t[2] else ""`${2:name}`!p snip.rv = '"' if t[2] else ""`>
- $0
-snippet form "XHTML <form>" w
-<form action="${1:`!p
-snip.rv = (snip.basename or 'unnamed') + '_submit'
-`}" method="${2:get}" accept-charset="utf-8">
- $0
- <p><input type="submit" value="Continue →"`!p x(snip)`></p>
-snippet h1 "XHTML <h1>" w
-snippet h2 "XHTML <h2>" w
-snippet h3 "XHTML <h3>" w
-snippet h4 "XHTML <h4>" w
-snippet head "XHTML <head>"
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title>${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "Page Title"`}</title>
- $0
-snippet link "XHTML <link>" w
-<link rel="${1:stylesheet}" href="${2:/css/master.css}" type="text/css" media="${3:screen}" title="${4:no title}" charset="${5:utf-8}"`!p x(snip)`>
-snippet meta "XHTML <meta>" w
-<meta name="${1:name}" content="${2:content}"`!p x(snip)`>
-snippet scriptsrc "XHTML <script src...>" w
-<script src="$1" type="text/javascript" charset="${3:utf-8}"></script>
-snippet script "XHTML <script>" w
-<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- $0
-snippet style "XHTML <style>" w
-<style type="text/css" media="screen">
- $0
-snippet table "XHTML <table>" w
-<table border="${1:0}"${2: cellspacing="${3:5}" cellpadding="${4:5}"}>
- <tr><th>${5:Header}</th></tr>
- <tr><td>${0:Data}</td></tr>
-snippet a "Link" w
-<a href="${1:http://www.${2:url.com}}"${3: target="_blank"}>${4:Anchor Text}</a>
-snippet p "paragraph" w
-snippet li "list item" w
-snippet ul "unordered list" w
-snippet td "table cell" w
-snippet th "table header" w
-snippet tr "table row" w
-snippet title "XHTML <title>" w
-<title>${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "Page Title"`}</title>
-snippet fieldset "Fieldset" w
-<fieldset id="${1/[\w\d]+|( )/(?1:_:\L$0\E)/g}" ${2:class="${3:}"}>
- <legend>$1</legend>
- $0
-snippet movie "Embed QT movie (movie)" b
-<object width="$2" height="$3" classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="http://www.apple.com/qtactivex/qtplugin.cab">
- <param name="src" value="$1"`!p x(snip)`>
- <param name="controller" value="$4"`!p x(snip)`>
- <param name="autoplay" value="$5"`!p x(snip)`>
- <embed src="${1:movie.mov}"
- width="${2:320}" height="${3:240}"
- controller="${4:true}" autoplay="${5:true}"
- scale="tofit" cache="true"
- pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"
- `!p x(snip)`>
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ca5e0..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/html_minimal.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# more can be found in snippets/html_minimal.snippets
-# these UltiSnips override snippets because nested placeholders are being used
-priority -50
-snippet id
-snippet idn
-id="${1}" name="${2:$1}"
-snippet label_and_input
-<label for="${2:$1}">${1}</label>
-<input type="${3:text}" name="${4:$2}"${5: id="${6:$2}"} value="${7}" />${8}
-snippet input
-<input type="${1:text}" value="${2}" name="${3}"${4: id="${5:$3}"}/>${7}
-snippet submit
-<input type="submit" value="${2}" ${3}/>${7}
-snippet textarea
-<textarea name="$2"${3: id="$4"}>$5</textarea>
-snippet img
-<img src="$1"${2: alt="$3"}/>
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmldjango.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmldjango.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 37fa85f..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmldjango.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends html
-# Generic Tags
-snippet % "" bi
-{% ${1} %}${2}
-snippet %% "" bi
-{% ${1:tag_name} %}
- ${2}
-{% end$1 %}
-snippet { "" bi
-{{ ${1} }}${2}
-# Template Tags
-snippet autoescape "" bi
-{% autoescape ${1:off} %}
- ${2}
-{% endautoescape %}
-snippet block "" bi
-{% block ${1} %}
- ${2}
-{% endblock $1 %}
-snippet # "" bi
-{# ${1:comment} #}
-snippet comment "" bi
-{% comment %}
- ${1}
-{% endcomment %}
-snippet cycle "" bi
-{% cycle ${1:val1} ${2:val2} ${3:as ${4}} %}
-snippet debug "" bi
-{% debug %}
-snippet extends "" bi
-{% extends "${1:base.html}" %}
-snippet filter "" bi
-{% filter ${1} %}
- ${2}
-{% endfilter %}
-snippet firstof "" bi
-{% firstof ${1} %}
-snippet for "" bi
-{% for ${1} in ${2} %}
- ${3}
-{% endfor %}
-snippet empty "" bi
-{% empty %}
- ${1}
-snippet if "" bi
-{% if ${1} %}
- ${2}
-{% endif %}
-snippet iif "" bi
-{% if ${1} %}${2}{% endif %}
-snippet ielse "" bi
-{% else %}${1}
-snippet else "" bi
-{% else %}
- ${1}
-snippet ielif "" bi
-{% elif %}${1}
-snippet elif "" bi
-{% elif %}
- ${1}
-snippet ifchanged "" bi
-{% ifchanged %}${1}{% endifchanged %}
-snippet ifequal "" bi
-{% ifequal ${1} ${2} %}
- ${3}
-{% endifequal %}
-snippet ifnotequal "" bi
-{% ifnotequal ${1} ${2} %}
- ${3}
-{% endifnotequal %}
-snippet include "" bi
-{% include "${1}" %}
-snippet load "" bi
-{% load ${1} %}
-snippet now "" bi
-{% now "${1:jS F Y H:i}" %}
-snippet regroup "" bi
-{% regroup ${1} by ${2} as ${3} %}
-snippet spaceless "" bi
-{% spaceless %}${1}{% endspaceless %}
-snippet ssi "" bi
-{% ssi ${1} %}
-snippet trans "" bi
-{% trans "${1:string}" %}
-snippet url "" bi
-{% url ${1} as ${2} %}
-snippet widthratio "" bi
-{% widthratio ${1:this_value} ${2:max_value} ${3:100} %}
-snippet with "" bi
-{% with ${1} as ${2} %}
-{% endwith %}
-snippet verbatim "" bi
-{% verbatim %}
-{% endverbatim %}
-snippet super "" bi
-{{ block.super }}
-snippet staticu "" bi
-snippet static "" bi
-{% static "${VISUAL}" %}
-snippet mediau "" bi
-{{ MEDIA_URL }}
-snippet iblock "" bi
-{% block ${1:blockname} %}${VISUAL}{% endblock $1 %}
-snippet csrf "" bi
-{% csrf_token %}
-snippet blocktrans "" bi
-{% blocktrans %}
-{% endblocktrans %}
-snippet lorem "" bi
-{% lorem ${1} %}
-# Template Filters
-# Note: Since SnipMate can't determine which template filter you are
-# expanding without the "|" character, these do not add the "|"
-# character. These save a few keystrokes still.
-# Note: Template tags that take no arguments are not implemented.
-snippet add "" bi
-snippet center "" bi
-snippet cut "" bi
-snippet date "" bi
-snippet default "" bi
-snippet defaultifnone "" bi
-snippet dictsort "" bi
-snippet dictsortrev "" bi
-snippet divisibleby "" bi
-snippet floatformat "" bi
-snippet getdigit "" bi
-snippet join "" bi
-snippet lengthis "" bi
-snippet pluralize "" bi
-snippet removetags "" bi
-snippet slice "" bi
-snippet stringformat "" bi
-snippet time "" bi
-snippet truncatewords "" bi
-snippet truncatewordshtml "" bi
-snippet urlizetrunc "" bi
-snippet wordwrap "" bi
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index fa3b3c2..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/htmljinja.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends html, jinja2
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 54d026d..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/java.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# Many of the snippets here use a global option called
-# "g:ultisnips_java_brace_style" which, if set to "nl" will put a newline
-# before '{' braces.
-# Setting "g:ultisnips_java_junit" will change how the test method snippet
-# looks, it is defaulted to junit4, setting this option to 3 will remove the
-# @Test annotation from the method
-global !p
-def junit(snip):
- if snip.opt("g:ultisnips_java_junit", "") == "3":
- snip += ""
- else:
- snip.rv += "@Test\n\t"
-def nl(snip):
- if snip.opt("g:ultisnips_java_brace_style", "") == "nl":
- snip += ""
- else:
- snip.rv += " "
-def getArgs(group):
- import re
- word = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9><.]+ \w+')
- return [i.split(" ") for i in word.findall(group) ]
-def camel(word):
- if not word: return ''
- return word[0].upper() + word[1:]
-def mixedCase(word):
- if not word: return ''
- return word[0].lower() + word[1:]
-snippet sleep "try sleep catch" b
-try {
- Thread.sleep(${1:1000});
-} catch (InterruptedException e){
- e.printStackTrace();
-snippet /i|n/ "new primitive or int" br
-${1:int} ${2:i} = ${3:1};
-snippet /o|v/ "new Object or variable" br
-${1:Object} ${2:var} = new $1(${3});
-snippet f "field" b
-${1:private} ${2:String} ${3:`!p snip.rv = t[2].lower()`};
-snippet ab "abstract" b
-abstract $0
-snippet as "assert" b
-assert ${1:test}${2/(.+)/(?1: \: ")/}${2:Failure message}${2/(.+)/(?1:")/};
-snippet at "assert true" b
-snippet af "assert false" b
-snippet ae "assert equals" b
-assertEquals(${1:expected}, ${2:actual});
-snippet br "break"
-snippet cs "case" b
-case $1:
- $2
-snippet ca "catch" b
-catch (${1:Exception} ${2:e})`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-snippet cle "class extends" b
-public class ${1:`!p
-snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} ${2:extends ${3:Parent} }${4:implements ${5:Interface} }{
- $0
-snippet clc "class with constructor, fields, setter and getters" b
-public class `!p
-snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"` {
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-if len(args) == 0: snip.rv = ""
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\tprivate " + i[0] + " " + i[1]+ ";"
-if len(args) > 0:
- snip.rv += "\n"`
- public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "unknown"`($1) {`!p
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\t\tthis." + i[1] + " = " + i[1] + ";"
-if len(args) == 0:
- snip.rv += "\n"`
- }$0
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-if len(args) == 0: snip.rv = ""
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\tpublic void set" + camel(i[1]) + "(" + i[0] + " " + i[1] + ") {\n" + "\
- \tthis." + i[1] + " = " + i[1] + ";\n\t}\n"
- snip.rv += "\n\tpublic " + i[0] + " get" + camel(i[1]) + "() {\n\
- \treturn " + i[1] + ";\n\t}\n"
-snippet clc "class with constructor, with field names" b
-public class `!p
-snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"` {
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\tprivate " + i[0] + " " + i[1]+ ";"
-if len(args) > 0:
- snip.rv += "\n"`
- public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "unknown"`($1) {`!p
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\t\tthis.%s = %s;" % (i[1], i[1])
-if len(args) == 0:
- snip.rv += "\n"`
- }
-snippet clc "class and constructor" b
-public class `!p
-snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"` {
- public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`($2) {
- $0
- }
-snippet cl "class" b
-public class ${1:`!p
-snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} {
- $0
-snippet cos "constant string" b
-public static final String ${1:var} = "$2";$0
-snippet co "constant" b
-public static final ${1:String} ${2:var} = $3;$0
-snippet de "default" b
- $0
-snippet elif "else if"
-else if ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0${VISUAL}
-snippet el "else" w
-else`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0${VISUAL}
-snippet fi "final" b
-final $0
-snippet fore "for (each)" b
-for ($1 : $2)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-snippet fori "for" b
-for (int ${1:i} = 0; $1 < ${2:10}; $1++)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-snippet for "for" b
-for ($1; $2; $3)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-snippet if "if" b
-if ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0${VISUAL}
-snippet imt "import junit_framework_TestCase;" b
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-snippet im "import" b
-import ${1:java}.${2:util}.$0;
-snippet in "interface" b
-interface ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} ${2:extends ${3:Parent} }{
- $0
-snippet cc "constructor call or setter body"
-this.${1:var} = $1;
-snippet list "Collections List" b
-List<${1:String}> ${2:list} = new ${3:Array}List<$1>();
-snippet map "Collections Map" b
-Map<${1:String}, ${2:String}> ${3:map} = new ${4:Hash}Map<$1, $2>();
-snippet set "Collections Set" b
-Set<${1:String}> ${2:set} = new ${3:Hash}Set<$1>();
-snippet /Str?|str/ "String" br
-String $0
-snippet cn "Constructor" b
-public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`(${1:}) {
- $0
-snippet cn "constructor, \w fields + assigments" b
- `!p
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\tprivate " + i[0] + " " + i[1]+ ";"
-if len(args) > 0:
- snip.rv += "\n"`
-public `!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "unknown"`($1) {`!p
-args = getArgs(t[1])
-for i in args:
- snip.rv += "\n\t\tthis.%s = %s;" % (i[1], i[1])
-if len(args) == 0:
- snip.rv += "\n"`
-snippet j.b "java_beans_" i
-snippet j.i "java_io" i
-snippet j.m "java_math" i
-snippet j.n "java_net_" i
-snippet j.u "java_util_" i
-snippet main "method (main)" b
-public static void main(String[] args)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-snippet try "try/catch" b
-try {
- $1${VISUAL}
-} catch(${2:Exception} ${3:e}){
- ${4:e.printStackTrace();}
-snippet mt "method throws" b
-${1:private} ${2:void} ${3:method}(${4}) ${5:throws $6 }{
- $0
-snippet m "method" b
-${1:private} ${2:void} ${3:method}(${4}) {
- $0
-snippet md "Method With javadoc" b
- * ${7:Short Description}`!p
-for i in getArgs(t[4]):
- snip.rv += "\n\t * @param " + i[1] + " usage..."`
- *`!p
-if "throws" in t[5]:
- snip.rv = "\n\t * @throws " + t[6]
- snip.rv = ""``!p
-if not "void" in t[2]:
- snip.rv = "\n\t * @return object"
- snip.rv = ""`
- **/
-${1:public} ${2:void} ${3:method}($4) ${5:throws $6 }{
- $0
-snippet /get(ter)?/ "getter" br
-public ${1:String} get${2:Name}() {
- return `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[2])`;
-snippet /set(ter)?/ "setter" br
-public void set${1:Name}(${2:String} `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`) {
- this.`!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])` = `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`;
-snippet /se?tge?t|ge?tse?t|gs/ "setter and getter" br
-public void set${1:Name}(${2:String} `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`) {
- this.`!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])` = `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`;
-}`!p snip.rv += "\n"`
-public $2 get$1() {
- return `!p snip.rv = mixedCase(t[1])`;
-snippet pa "package" b
-package $0
-snippet p "print" b
-snippet pl "println" b
-snippet pr "private" b
-private $0
-snippet po "protected" b
-protected $0
-snippet pu "public" b
-public $0
-snippet re "return" b
-return $0
-snippet st "static"
-static $0
-snippet sw "switch" b
-switch ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
- case $2: $0
-snippet sy "synchronized"
-synchronized $0
-snippet tc "test case"
-public class ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename or "untitled"`} extends ${2:TestCase}`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-snippet t "test" b
-`!p junit(snip)`public void test${1:Name}() {
- $0
-snippet tt "test throws" b
-`!p junit(snip)`public void test${1:Name}() ${2:throws Exception }{
- $0
-snippet th "throw" b
-throw new $0
-snippet wh "while" b
-while ($1)`!p nl(snip)`{
- $0
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-angular.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-angular.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 91b5931..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-angular.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet iti "it (js, inject)" b
-it('${1:description}', inject(function($2) {
- $0
-snippet befi "before each (js, inject)" b
-beforeEach(inject(function($1) {
- $0
-snippet aconf "angular config" i
-config(function($1) {
- $0
-snippet acont "angular controller" i
-controller('${1:name}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- $0
-snippet aconts "angular controller with scope" i
-controller('${1:name}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- $0
-snippet adir "angular directive" i
-directive('${1}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- return {
- restrict: '${3:EA}',
- link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
- ${0}
- }
- };
-snippet adirs "angular directive with scope" i
-directive('${1}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- return {
- restrict: '${3:EA}',
- link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
- ${0}
- }
- };
-snippet afact "angular factory" i
-factory('${1:name}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- $0
-snippet afacts "angular factory with scope" i
-factory('${1:name}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- $0
-snippet aserv "angular service" i
-service('${1:name}', [${2}function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- $0
-snippet aservs "angular service" i
-service('${1:name}', [${2:'$scope', }function(${2/('|")([A-Z_$]+)?\1?((, ?)$)?/$2(?3::$4)/ig}) {
- $0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-ember.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-ember.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b7e7b8..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-ember.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Ember snippets #
-priority -50
-# Application
-snippet eapp "App.Name = Ember.Application.create({});"
-${1:App.Name} = Ember.Application.create({});
-# Models
-snippet emod "App.ModelName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
-${1:model_name} = Ember.Model.extend({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-# View
-snippet eview "App.ViewName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
-${1:view_name} = Ember.View.extend({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-# Controller
-snippet econtroller "App.ControllerName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
-${1:controller_name} = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-# Route
-snippet eroute "App.RouteName = Ember.Route.extend({...});"
-${1:route_name} = Ember.Route.extend({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-snippet eview "App.ViewName = Ember.Model.create({...});"
-${1:view_name} = Ember.View.create({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-# Object
-snippet eobj "App.ObjectName = Ember.Object.extend({...});"
-${1:object_name} = Ember.Object.create({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-# Mixin
-snippet emix "App.MixinName = Ember.Model.extend({...});"
-${1:view_name} = Ember.Mixin.create({
- ${0://Properties here...}
-# Ember getter and setter
-snippet eget "this.get('property');"
-snippet eset "this.set('property', value);"
-${1:this}.set('${2:property}', ${3:value});
-# Computer properties
-snippet cpro "property_name: function() {...}.property(),"
-${1:property_name}: function() {
- ${0://body...}
-snippet cpro ": function() {...}.property('property'),"
-${1:property_name}: function() {
- ${0://body...}
-# Observes
-snippet proo "property_name: function() {...}.property()"
-${1:property_name}: function() {
- ${0://body...}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jasmine.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jasmine.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 77aec77..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jasmine.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# JavaScript versions -- from the TextMate bundle + some additions
-# for jasmine-jquery matchers
-snippet des "Describe (js)" b
-describe('${1:description}', function() {
- $0
-snippet it "it (js)" b
-it('${1:description}', function() {
- $0
-snippet bef "before each (js)" b
-beforeEach(function() {
- $0
-snippet aft "after each (js)" b
-afterEach(function() {
- $0
-snippet befa "before all (js)" b
-beforeAll(function() {
- $0
-snippet afta "after all (js)" b
-afterAll(function() {
- $0
-snippet any "any (js)" b
-snippet anyt "anything (js)" b
-snippet objc "object containing (js)" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet arrc "array containing (js)" b
-snippet strm "string matching (js)" b
-snippet ru "runs (js)" b
-runs(function() {
- $0
-snippet wa "waits (js)" b
-snippet ex "expect (js)" b
-snippet ee "expect to equal (js)" b
-snippet el "expect to be less than (js)" b
-snippet eg "expect to be greater than (js)" b
-snippet eb "expect to be (js)" b
-snippet em "expect to match (js)" b
-snippet eha "expect to have attribute (js)" b
-expect(${1:target}).toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'});
-snippet et "expect to be truthy (js)" b
-snippet ef "expect to be falsy (js)" b
-snippet ed "expect to be defined (js)" b
-snippet eud "expect to be defined (js)" b
-snippet en "expect to be null (js)" b
-snippet ec "expect to contain (js)" b
-snippet ev "expect to be visible (js)" b
-snippet eh "expect to be hidden (js)" b
-snippet notx "expect not (js)" b
-snippet note "expect not to equal (js)" b
-snippet notl "expect to not be less than (js)" b
-snippet notg "expect to not be greater than (js)" b
-snippet notm "expect not to match (js)" b
-snippet notha "expect to not have attribute (js)" b
-expect(${1:target}).not.toHaveAttr('${2:attr}'${3:, '${4:value}'});
-snippet nott "expect not to be truthy (js)" b
-snippet notf "expect not to be falsy (js)" b
-snippet notd "expect not to be defined (js)" b
-snippet notn "expect not to be null (js)" b
-snippet notc "expect not to contain (js)" b
-snippet notv "expect not to be visible (js)" b
-snippet noth "expect not to be hidden (js)" b
-snippet s "spy on (js)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}')$0;
-snippet sr "spy on and return (js)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.returnValue(${3:arguments});
-snippet st "spy on and throw (js)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.throwError(${3:exception});
-snippet sct "spy on and call through (js)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.callThrough();
-snippet scf "spy on and call fake (js)" b
-spyOn(${1:object}, '${2:method}').and.callFake(${3:function});
-snippet ethbc "expect to have been called (js)" b
-snippet nthbc "expect not to have been called (js)" b
-snippet ethbcw "expect to have been called with (js)" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jsdoc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jsdoc.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 959f805..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-jsdoc.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# JSDoc snippets
-snippet /* "A JSDoc comment" b
- * ${1:${VISUAL}}$0
- */
-snippet @au "@author email (First Last)"
-@author ${1:`!v g:snips_author`} [${2:`!v g:snips_author_email`}]
-snippet @li "@license Description"
-@license ${1:MIT}$0
-snippet @ver "@version Semantic version"
-@version ${1:0.1.0}$0
-snippet @fileo "@fileoverview Description" b
- * @fileoverview ${1:${VISUAL:A description of the file}}$0
- */
-snippet @constr "@constructor"
-snippet @p "@param {Type} varname Description"
-@param {${1:Type}} ${2:varname} ${3:Description}
-snippet @ret "@return {Type} Description"
-@return {${1:Type}} ${2:Description}
-snippet @pri "@private"
-snippet @over "@override"
-snippet @pro "@protected"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-node.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-node.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a14dee..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-node.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet #! "shebang"
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-snippet vreq "assign a CommonJS-style module to a var"
-var ${0:${1/(.+\/)*(\w+)(-|\b|$)(\..+$)?/\u$2/g}} = require('${1}');
-snippet ex "module.exports"
-module.exports = ${1};
-snippet hcs "http.createServer"
-snippet ncs "net.createServer"
- ${1}.on('data', function(${3:data}){
- ${4}
- });
- ${1}.on('end', function(){
- ${5}
- });
-snippet pipe "pipe"
-# Express snippets
-snippet eget "express GET"
-${1:app}.get('${2}', ${3});
-snippet epost "express POST"
-${1:app}.post('${2}', ${3});
-snippet eput "express PUT"
-${1:app}.put('${2}', ${3});
-snippet edelete "express DELETE"
-${1:app}.delete('${2}', ${3});
-# process snippets
-snippet stdout "stdout"
-snippet stdin "stdin"
-snippet stderr "stderr"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-openui5.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-openui5.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 5553c79..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript-openui5.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-snippet sapmlabel
- var ${1} = new sap.m.Label({
- design : ${2},
- text : ${3},
- visible : ${4},
- textAlign : ${5},
- textDirection : ${6},
- width : ${7},
- required : ${7}
- });
-snippet sapmtext
- var ${1} = new sap.m.Text({
- text :${2},
- textDirection :${3},
- visible :${4},
- wrapping : ${5},
- textAlign : ${6},
- width :${7},
- maxLines :${8}
- });
-snippet sapmbutton
- var ${1} = new sap.m.Button({
- text : ${2},
- type : ${3},
- width : ${4},
- enabled :${5},
- visible :${6},
- icon : ${7},
- iconFirst : ${8},
- activeIcon :${9},
- iconDensityAware : ${10},
- });
-snippet sapmflexbox
- var ${1} = new sap.m.FlexBox({
- visible : ${2},
- height : ${3},
- width : ${4},
- displayInline :${5},
- direction :${6},
- fitContainer : ${7},
- renderType : ${8},
- justifyContent :${9},
- alignItems : ${10},
- items:[]
- });
-snippet sapmhbox
- var ${1} = new sap.m.HBox({
- visible : ${2},
- height : ${3},
- width : ${4},
- displayInline :${5},
- direction :${6},
- fitContainer : ${7},
- renderType : ${8},
- justifyContent :${9},
- alignItems : ${10},
- items:[]
- });
-snippet sapmvbox
- var ${1} = new sap.m.VBox({
- visible : ${2},
- height : ${3},
- width : ${4},
- displayInline :${5},
- direction :${6},
- fitContainer : ${7},
- renderType : ${8},
- justifyContent :${9},
- alignItems : ${10},
- items:[]
- });
-snippet sapcomponent
- sap.ui.controller("${1}", {
- onInit: function(){
- },
- onAfterRendering: function() {
- },
- onAfterRendering: function() {
- },
- onExit: function() {
- },
- });
-snippet sapminput
- var ${1} = new sap.m.Input({
- value :${2},
- width : ${3},
- enabled :${4},
- visible :${5},
- valueState :${6},
- name : ${7},
- placeholder : ${8},
- editable : ${9},
- type : ${10},
- maxLength :${11},
- valueStateText :${12},
- showValueStateMessage :${13},
- dateFormat :${14},
- showValueHelp :${15},
- showSuggestion :${16},
- valueHelpOnly :${17},
- filterSuggests :${18},
- maxSuggestionWidth :${19},
- startSuggestion : ${20},
- showTableSuggestionValueHelp : ${21},
- description : ${22},
- fieldWidth : ${23},
- valueLiveUpdate :${24},
- suggestionItems :[${25}],
- suggestionColumns : [${26}],
- suggestionRows : [${27}],
- liveChange : ${28},
- valueHelpRequest :${29},
- suggest : ${30},
- suggestionItemSelected : ${31}
- });
-snippet _sthis
- var _self = this;
-snippet sapmresponsivepopup
- var ${1} = new sap.m.ResponsivePopover({
- placement :${2} ,//sap.m.PlacementType (default: sap.m.PlacementType.Right)
- showHeader :${3} ,//boolean (default: true)
- title : ${4},//string
- icon :${5} ,//sap.ui.core.URI
- modal :${6} ,// boolean
- offsetX :${7}, //int
- offsetY :${8}, //int
- contentWidth : ${9},//sap.ui.core.CSSSize
- contentHeight :${10}, //sap.ui.core.CSSSize
- horizontalScrolling :${11}, //boolean
- verticalScrolling :${12}, //boolean
- showCloseButton :${13}, //boolean (default: true)
- //Aggregations
- content :${14}, //sap.ui.core.Control[]
- customHeader :${15}, //sap.m.IBar
- subHeader : ${16}, //sap.m.IBar
- beginButton :${17}, //sap.m.Button
- endButton : ${18}, //sap.m.Button
- //Associations
- initialFocus : ${19}, //string | sap.ui.core.Control
- //Events
- beforeOpen :${20}, //fnListenerFunction or [fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject] or [oData, fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject]
- afterOpen : ${21}, //fnListenerFunction or [fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject] or [oData, fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject]
- beforeClose : ${22}, //fnListenerFunction or [fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject] or [oData, fnListenerFunction, oListenerObject]
- afterClose : ${23} //fnList
- });
-snippet sapicon
- var ${1} = new sap.ui.core.Icon({
- src :${2} , //sap.ui.core.URI
- size :${3} , //sap.ui.core.CSSSize
- color :${4} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
- hoverColor : ${5} , // sap.ui.core.CSSColor
- activeColor :${6} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
- width :${7} , //sap.ui.core.CSSSize
- height : ${8} ,//sap.ui.core.CSSSize
- backgroundColor :${8} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
- hoverBackgroundColor :${9} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
- activeBackgroundColor :${10} , //sap.ui.core.CSSColor
- visible :${11} , //boolean (default: true)
- decorative : ${12} ,//boolean (default: true)
- });
-snippet extendVerticalL
- sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout.extend("${1}", {
- metadata: {
- properties: {
- ${2}
- },
- aggregations: {
- ${3}
- },
- events: {
- ${4}
- }
- },
- init: function(){
- ${5}
- },
- renderer: "${6}"
- });
-snippet extendHorizontalL
- sap.ui.layout.HorizontalLayout.extend("${1}", {
- metadata: {
- properties: {
- ${2}
- },
- aggregations: {
- ${3}
- },
- events: {
- ${4}
- }
- },
- init: function(){
- ${5}
- },
- renderer: "${6}"
- });
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 4537bae..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# TextMate Snippets #
-snippet get "Get Elements"
-snippet '':f "object method string"
-'${1:${2:#thing}:${3:click}}': function(element) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet :f "Object Method"
-${1:method_name}: function(${3:attribute}) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet :, "Object Value JS"
-${1:value_name}: ${0:value},
-snippet : "Object key key: 'value'"
-${1:key}: ${2:"${3:value}"}${4:, }
-snippet proto "Prototype (proto)"
-${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function(${3:first_argument}) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet for "for (...) {...} (counting up)" b
-for (var ${1:i} = 0, ${2:len} = ${3:Things.length}; $1 < $2; $1++) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet ford "for (...) {...} (counting down, faster)" b
-for (var ${2:i} = ${1:Things.length} - 1; $2 >= 0; $2--) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet fun "function (fun)"
-function ${1:function_name}(${2:argument}) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet vf "Function assigned to var"
-${1:var }${2:function_name} = function $2(${3}) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet af "Anonymous Function" i
-function($1) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet iife "Immediately-Invoked Function Expression (iife)"
-(function(${1:window}) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet timeout "setTimeout function"
-setTimeout(function() {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-}${2:.bind(${3:this})}, ${1:10});
-snippet fi "for prop in obj using hasOwnProperty" b
-for (${1:prop} in ${2:obj}){
- if ($2.hasOwnProperty($1)) {
- ${VISUAL}$0
- }
-# Snippets for Console Debug Output
-snippet ca "console.assert" b
-console.assert(${1:assertion}, ${2:"${3:message}"});
-snippet cclear "console.clear" b
-snippet cdir "console.dir" b
-snippet cdirx "console.dirxml" b
-snippet ce "console.error" b
-snippet cgroup "console.group" b
-snippet cgroupc "console.groupCollapsed" b
-snippet ci "console.info" b
-snippet cl "console.log" b
-snippet cd "console.debug" b
-snippet cprof "console.profile" b
-snippet ctable "console.table" b
-snippet ctime "console.time" b
-snippet ctimestamp "console.timeStamp" b
-snippet ctrace "console.trace" b
-snippet cw "console.warn" b
-# AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) snippets
-snippet def "define an AMD module"
-define(${1:optional_name, }[${2:'jquery'}], ${3:callback});
-snippet req "require an AMD module"
-require([${1:'dependencies'}], ${2:callback});
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/jinja2.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/jinja2.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index ded01dc..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/jinja2.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# http://jinja.pocoo.org/
-# jinja2 is a full featured template engine for Python. It has full
-# unicode support, an optional integrated sandboxed execution
-# environment, widely used and BSD licensed.
-# possible extends:
-#extends html
-snippet block "block" b
-{% block ${1:name} %}
- $2
-{% endblock $1 %}
-snippet {{ "variable" b
-{{ $1 }}
-snippet {# "comment" b
-{# $1 #}
-snippet # "comment" b
-{# $1 #}
-snippet raw "escaped block" b
-{% raw %}
- $1
-{% endraw %}
-snippet extends "extends" b
-{% extends "${1:template}" %}
-snippet include "include" b
-{% include "${1:template}" %}
-snippet import "import" b
-{% import "${1:template}" %}
-snippet from "from/import/as" b
-{% from "${1:template}" import ${2:name}${3: as ${4:$2}} %}
-snippet filter "filter" b
-{% filter ${1:filter} %}
- $2
-{% endfilter %}
-# Being able to quickly remove the whole 'else' block seems faster to me than
-# choosing between 'for' and 'for/else' snippets from the menu.
-# snippet for "for" b
-# {% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
-# $3${4:
-# {% else %}
-# $5}
-# {% endfor %}
-# endsnippet
-snippet for "for" b
-{% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
- $3
-{% endfor %}
-snippet for "for/else" b
-{% for ${1:item} in ${2:sequence} %}
- $3
-{% else %}
- $4
-{% endfor %}
-snippet if "if" b
-{% if ${1:expr} %}
- $2
-{% endif %}
-snippet if "if/else" b
-{% if ${1:expr} %}
- $2
-{% else %}
- $3
-{% endif %}
-snippet if "if/elif/else" b
-{% if ${1:expr} %}
- $2
-{% elif %}
- $3
-{% else %}
- $4
-{% endif %}
-snippet macro "macro" b
-{% macro ${1:name}(${2:args}) %}
- $3
-{% endmacro %}
-snippet call "call" b
-{% call ${1:name}(${2:args}) %}
- $3
-{% endcall %}
-snippet set "set" b
-{% set ${1:name} = ${2:'value'} %}
-snippet trans "translation" b
-{% trans %}
- $1
-{% endtrans %}
-snippet with "with" b
-{% with %}
- $1
-{% endwith %}
-snippet autoescape "autoescape" b
-{% autoescape ${1:true} %}
- $2
-{% endautoescape %}
-# Filters
-# @todo: expand only when snippet is preceeded by a |
-snippet batch "batch items" w
-batch(linecount=$1, fill_with=${2:None})
-snippet dictsort "sort and yield (key, value) pairs" w
-dictsort(case_sensitive=${1:False}, by=${2:'key'})
-snippet round "round number" w
-round(precision=${1:0}, method=${2:'common|ceil|floor'})
-snippet urlize "convert plain-text url to <a/>" w
-urlize(trim_url_limit=${1:None}, nofollow=${2:False})
-snippet wordwrap "wordwrap" w
-wordwrap(width=${1:79}, break_long_words=${2:True})
-snippet truncate "truncate" w
-truncate(lenght=${1:79}, killwords=${2:False}, end=${3:'...''})
-snippet sum "sum of sequence of numbers + start" w
-sum(attribute=${1:None}, start=${2:0})
-snippet sort "sort an iterable" w
-sort(reverse=${1:False}, case_sensitive=${2:False}, attribute=${3:None})
-snippet indent "indent" w
-indent(width=${1:4}, indentfirst=${2:False})
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/json.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/json.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 75edef9..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/json.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet s "String" b
-"${1:key}": "${0:value}",
-snippet n "Number" b
-"${1:key}": ${0:value},
-snippet a "Array" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet na "Named array" b
-"${1:key}": [
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet o "Object" b
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet no "Named object" b
-"${1:key}": {
- ${VISUAL}$0
-snippet null "Null" b
-"${0:key}": null,
-global !p
-def compB(t, opts):
- if t:
- opts = [m[len(t):] for m in opts if m.startswith(t)]
- if len(opts) == 1:
- return opts[0]
- return "(" + '|'.join(opts) + ')'
-snippet b "Bool" b
-"${1:key}": $2`!p snip.rv=compB(t[2], ['true', 'false'])`,
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/julia.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/julia.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 259c5f4..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/julia.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Documentation
-snippet docf "function documentation" b
-#' @description
-#' ${1:function description}
-#' ${2:@param ${3:name}::${4:Type} ${5:Description}}
-#' ${6:@returns ${7:name}::${8:Type} ${9:Description}}
-#' @examples
-#' ${10: function call examples}
-snippet doct "type definition" b
-#' @description
-#' ${1:type description}
-#' ${2:@field ${3:name}::${4:Type} ${5:Description}}
-#' @examples
-#' ${10: constructor examples}
-snippet par "function parameter documentation" b
-#' @param ${1:name}::${2:Type} ${0:Description}
-snippet fld "type field documentation" b
-#' @field ${1:name}::${2:Type} ${0:Description}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ledger.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ledger.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d7a84d..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ledger.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet t "Transaction" b
-${1:`!v strftime("%Y")`}-${2:`!v strftime("%m")`}-${3:`!v strftime("%d")`} ${4:*} ${5:Payee}
- ${6:Expenses} \$${7:0.00}
- ${8:Assets:Checking}$0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lhaskell.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lhaskell.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 29169a5..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lhaskell.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends haskell
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lua.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lua.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b6d0c1a..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/lua.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# Snippets for the Lua language #
-snippet #! "Shebang header" b
-#!/usr/bin/env lua
-snippet !fun(ction)?! "New function" br
-function ${1:new_function}(${2:args})
- $0
-snippet forp "pair for loop" b
-for ${1:name},${2:val} in pairs(${3:table_name}) do
- $0
-snippet fori "ipair for foop" b
-for ${1:idx},${2:val} in ipairs(${3:table_name}) do
- $0
-snippet for "numeric for loop" b
-for ${1:i}=${2:first},${3:last}${4/^..*/(?0:,:)/}${4:step} do
- $0
-snippet do "do block"
- $0
-snippet repeat "repeat loop" b
- $1
-until $0
-snippet while "while loop" b
-while $1 do
- $0
-snippet if "if statement" b
-if $1 then
- $0
-snippet ife "if/else statement" b
-if $1 then
- $2
- $0
-snippet eif "if/elseif statement" b
-if $1 then
- $2
-elseif $3 then
- $0
-snippet eife "if/elseif/else statement" b
-if $1 then
- $2
-elseif $3 then
- $4
- $0
-snippet pcall "pcall statement" b
-local ok, err = pcall(${1:your_function})
-if not ok then
- handler(${2:ok, err})
- success(${4:ok, err})
-snippet local "local x = 1"
-local ${1:x} = ${0:1}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/mako.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/mako.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index fb31ec8..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/mako.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# From snipmate #
-snippet def "definition" b
-<%def name="${1:name}">
- ${2:}
-snippet call "call" b
-<%call expr="${1:name}">
- ${2:}
-snippet doc "doc" b
- ${1:}
-snippet text "text" b
- ${1:}
-snippet for "for" b
-% for ${1:i} in ${2:iter}:
- ${3:}
-% endfor
-snippet if "if " b
-% if ${1:condition}:
- ${2:}
-% endif
-snippet if "if/else" b
-% if ${1:condition}:
- ${2:}
-% else:
- ${3:}
-% endif
-snippet try "try" b
-% try:
- ${1:}
-% except${2:}:
- ${3:pass}
-% endtry
-snippet wh "wh" b
-% while ${1:}:
- ${2:}
-% endwhile
-snippet $ "$" i
-snippet <% "<%" b
-<% ${1:} %>
-snippet <!% "<!%" b
-<!% ${1:} %>
-snippet inherit "inherit" b
-<%inherit file="${1:filename}" />
-snippet include "include" b
-<%include file="${1:filename}" />
-snippet namespace "namespace" b
-<%namespace file="${1:name}" />
-snippet page "page" b
-<%page args="${1:}" />
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/markdown.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/markdown.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0720cbf..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/markdown.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# Sections and Paragraphs #
-snippet sec "Section" b
-# ${1:Section Name} #
-snippet ssec "Sub Section" b
-## ${1:Section Name} ##
-snippet sssec "SubSub Section" b
-### ${1:Section Name} ###
-snippet par "Paragraph" b
-#### ${1:Paragraph Name} ####
-snippet spar "Paragraph" b
-##### ${1:Paragraph Name} #####
-# Common stuff #
-snippet link "Link to something"
-snippet img "Image"
-![${1:pic alt}](${2:path}${3/.+/ "/}${3:opt title}${3/.+/"/})$0
-snippet ilc "Inline Code" i
-snippet cbl "Codeblock" b
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e41fc..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# TextMate Snippets #
-snippet imp "#import (imp)" b
-#import "${1:`!p snip.rv = re.sub(r'\..*$', '.h', fn)`}"
-snippet Imp "#import <> (Imp)"
-#import <${1:Cocoa/Cocoa.h}>
-snippet cl "020 Class (objc)"
-@interface ${1:`!p
-if len(fn):
- snip.rv = re.sub(r'\..*$', '', fn)
- snip.rv = "object"
-`} : ${2:NSObject}
-@implementation $1
-- (id)init
- if((self = [super init]))
- {$0
- }
- return self;
-snippet array "NSArray (array)"
-NSMutableArray *${1:array} = [NSMutableArray array];
-snippet dict "NSDictionary (dict)"
-NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
-snippet forarray "for NSArray loop (forarray)"
-unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
-for(unsigned int index = 0; index < $1Count; index += 1)
- ${3:id} $1 = [$2 objectAtIndex:index];
- $0
-snippet objacc "Object Accessors (objacc)"
-- (${1:id})${2:thing}
- return $2;
-- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue
- $0${1/( \*)?$/(?1:$1: )/}old${2/./\u$0/} = $2;
- $2 = [aValue retain];
- [old${2/./\u$0/} release];
-snippet sel "@selector"
-snippet cdacc "CoreData Accessors Implementation"
-- (${1:id})${2:attribute}
- [self willAccessValueForKey:@"$2"];
- $1 value = [self primitiveValueForKey:@"$2"];
- [self didAccessValueForKey:@"$2"];
- return value;
-- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue
- [self willChangeValueForKey:@"$2"];
- [self setPrimitiveValue:aValue forKey:@"$2"];
- [self didChangeValueForKey:@"$2"];
-snippet delegate "Delegate Responds to Selector"
-if([${1:[self delegate]} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:selfDidSomething:})])
- [$1 ${3:${2/((^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*:)\s*)|(:\s*$)|(:\s*))/(?2:$2self :\:<>)(?4::)(?5: :)/g}}];
-snippet thread "Detach New NSThread"
-[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(${1:method}:) toTarget:${2:aTarget} withObject:${3:anArgument}]
-snippet ibo "IBOutlet (ibo)"
-IBOutlet ${1:NSSomeClass} *${2:${1/^[A-Z](?:[A-Z]+|[a-z]+)([A-Z]\w*)/\l$1/}};
-snippet I "Initialize Implementation (I)"
-+ (void)initialize
- [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
- $0@"value", @"key",
- nil]];
-snippet bind "Key:value binding (bind)"
-bind:@"${1:binding}" toObject:${2:observableController} withKeyPath:@"${3:keyPath}" options:${4:nil}
-snippet arracc "LoD array (arracc)"
-- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject
- [${3:${1/./\l$0/}} addObject:anObject];
-- (void)insertObject:($2)anObject in$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
- [$3 insertObject:anObject atIndex:i];
-- ($2)objectIn$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
- return [$3 objectAtIndex:i];
-- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn$1:($2)anObject
- return [$3 indexOfObject:anObject];
-- (void)removeObjectFrom$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
- [$3 removeObjectAtIndex:i];
-- (unsigned int)countOf$1
- return [$3 count];
-- (NSArray *${1/./\l$0/}
- return $3;
-- (void)set$1:(NSArray *)new$1
- [$3 setArray:new$1];
-snippet arracc "LoD array interface (arracc)"
-- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject;
-- (void)insertObject:($2)anObject in$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
-- ($2)objectIn$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
-- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn$1:($2)anObject;
-- (void)removeObjectFrom$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
-- (unsigned int)countOf$1;
-- (NSArray *)${1/./\l$0/};
-- (void)set$1:(NSArray *)new$1;
-snippet focus "Lock Focus"
-[self lockFocus];
-[self unlockFocus];
-snippet pool "NSAutoreleasePool (pool)"
-NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
-[pool drain];
-snippet log "NSLog (log) 2"
-NSLog(@"$1"${1/[^%]*(%)?.*/(?1:, :\);)/}$2${1/[^%]*(%)?.*/(?1:\);)/}
-snippet alert "NSRunAlertPanel (alert)"
-int choice = NSRunAlertPanel(@"${1:Something important!}", @"${2:Something important just happend, and now I need to ask you, do you want to continue?}", @"${3:Continue}", @"${4:Cancel}", nil);
-if(choice == NSAlertDefaultReturn) // "$3"
- $0;
-else if(choice == NSAlertAlternateReturn) // "$4"
- $0
-snippet format "NSString stringWithFormat (format)"
-[NSString stringWithFormat:@"$1", $2]$0
-snippet objacc "Object Accessors Interface (objacc)"
-- (${1:id})${2:thing};
-- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue;
-snippet prop "Property"
-@property (${1/^(e)$|.*/(?1:r)/}${1:r}${1/^(?:(r)|(e)|(c)|(a))$|.*/(?1:etain)(?2:adonly)(?3:opy)(?4:ssign)/}) ${2:NSSomeClass}$ *${3:${2/^[A-Z](?:[A-Z]+|[a-z]+)([A-Z]\w*)/\l$1/}};
-snippet getprefs "Read from defaults (getprefs)"
-[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:${1:key}];
-snippet obs "Register for Notification"
-[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:${1:self} selector:@selector(${3:${2/^([A-Z]{2})?(.+?)(Notification)?$/\l$2/}}:) name:${2:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification} object:${4:nil}];
-snippet responds "Responds to Selector"
-if ([${1:self} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:someSelector:})])
- [$1 ${3:${2/((:\s*$)|(:\s*))/:<>(?3: )/g}}];
-snippet gsave "Save and Restore Graphics Context (gsave)"
-[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
-[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
-snippet acc "Scalar Accessors (acc)"
-- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing}
- return ${3:$2};
-- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:(${1:unsigned int})new${2/./\u$0/}
- $3 = new${2/./\u$0/};
-snippet acc "Scalar Accessors Interface (acc)"
-- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing};
-- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)new${2/./\u$0/};
-snippet stracc "String Accessors (stracc)"
-- (NSString *)${1:thing}
- return ${2:$1};
-- (void)set${1/.*/\u$0/}:(NSString *)/})${3:a${1/.*/\u$0/}}
- $3 = [$3 copy];
- [$2 release];
- $2 = $3;
-snippet syn "Synthesize"
-@synthesize ${1:property};
-snippet setprefs "Write to defaults (setprefs)"
-[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:${1:object} forKey:${2:key}];
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ocaml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ocaml.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ebc347..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ocaml.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet rs "raise" b
-raise (${1:Not_found})
-snippet open "open"
-let open ${1:module} in
-snippet try "try"
-try ${1:e}
-with ${2:Not_found} -> ${3:()}
-snippet ref "ref"
-let ${1:name} = ref ${2:val} in
-snippet matchl "pattern match on a list"
-match ${1:list} with
-| [] -> ${2:()}
-| x::xs -> ${3:()}
-snippet matcho "pattern match on an option type"
-match ${1:x} with
-| Some(${2:y}) -> ${3:()}
-| None -> ${4:()}
-snippet fun "anonymous function"
-(fun ${1:x} -> ${2:x})
-snippet cc "commment"
-(* ${1:comment} *)
-snippet let "let .. in binding"
-let ${1:x} = ${2:v} in
-snippet lr "let rec"
-let rec ${1:f} =
- ${2:expr}
-snippet if "if"
-if ${1:(* condition *)} then
- ${2:(* A *)}
- ${3:(* B *)}
-snippet If "If"
-if ${1:(* condition *)} then
- ${2:(* A *)}
-snippet while "while"
-while ${1:(* condition *)} do
- ${2:(* A *)}
-snippet for "for"
-for ${1:i} = ${2:1} to ${3:10} do
- ${4:(* BODY *)}
-snippet match "match"
-match ${1:(* e1 *)} with
-| ${2:p} -> ${3:e2}
-snippet Match "match"
-match ${1:(* e1 *)} with
-| ${2:p} -> ${3:e2}
-snippet class "class"
-class ${1:name} = object
- ${2:methods}
-snippet obj "obj"
- ${2:methods}
-snippet Obj "object"
-object (self)
- ${2:methods}
-snippet {{ "object functional update"
-{< ${1:x} = ${2:y} >}
-snippet beg "beg"
- ${1:block}
-snippet ml "module instantiantion with functor"
-module ${1:Mod} = ${2:Functor}(${3:Arg})
-snippet mod "module - no signature"
-module ${1:(* Name *)} = struct
- ${2:(* BODY *)}
-snippet Mod "module with signature"
-module ${1:(* Name *)} : ${2:(* SIG *)} = struct
- ${3:(* BODY *)}
-snippet sig "anonymous signature"
- ${2:(* BODY *)}
-snippet sigf "functor signature or anonymous functor"
-functor (${1:Arg} : ${2:ARG}) -> ${3:(* BODY *)}
-snippet func "define functor - no signature"
-module ${1:M} (${2:Arg} : ${3:ARG}) = struct
- ${4:(* BODY *)}
-snippet Func "define functor - with signature"
-module ${1:M} (${2:Arg} : ${3:ARG}) : ${4:SIG} = struct
- ${5:(* BODY *)}
-snippet mot "Declare module signature"
-module type ${1:(* Name *)} = sig
- ${2:(* BODY *)}
-snippet module "Module with anonymous signature"
-module ${1:(* Name *)} : sig
- ${2:(* SIGNATURE *)}
-end = struct
- ${3:(* BODY *)}
-snippet oo "odoc"
-(** ${1:odoc} *)
-snippet qt "inline qtest"
-(*$T ${1:name}
- ${2:test}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/pandoc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/pandoc.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index ce858f0..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/pandoc.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-extends markdown
-# overwrite if necessary
-priority -49
-snippet title "Title Header" b
-% ${1:`!v vim_snippets#Filename('$1', 'title')`}
-% ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
-% ${3:`!v strftime("%d %B %Y")`}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/perl.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/perl.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 67c7f27..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/perl.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# TextMate Snippets #
-snippet ife "Conditional if..else (ife)"
-if ($1) {
- ${2:# body...}
-else {
- ${3:# else...}
-snippet ifee "Conditional if..elsif..else (ifee)"
-if ($1) {
- ${2:# body...}
-elsif ($3) {
- ${4:# elsif...}
-else {
- ${5:# else...}
-snippet xunless "Conditional one-line (unless)"
-${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};
-snippet xif "Conditional one-line (xif)"
-${1:expression} if ${2:condition};
-snippet sub "Function (sub)"
-sub ${1:function_name} {
- ${2:# body...}
-snippet xfore "Loop one-line (xforeach)"
-${1:expression} foreach @${2:array};
-snippet xwhile "Loop one-line (xwhile)"
-${1:expression} while ${2:condition};
-snippet test "Test"
-#!/usr/bin/env perl -w
-use strict;
-use Test::More tests => ${1:1};
-use ${2:ModuleName};
-snippet class "class"
-package ${1:ClassName};
-${2:use parent qw(${3:ParentClass});}${2/.+/\n\n/}sub new {
- my $class = shift;
- $class = ref $class if ref $class;
- my $self = bless {}, $class;
- $self;
-snippet eval "eval"
-local $@;
-eval {
- ${1:# do something risky...}
-if (my $${2:exception} = $@) {
- ${3:# handle failure...}
-snippet for "for"
-for (my $${1:var} = 0; $$1 < ${2:expression}; $$1++) {
- ${3:# body...}
-snippet fore "foreach"
-foreach ${1:my $${2:x}} (@${3:array}) {
- ${4:# body...}
-snippet if "if"
-if ($1) {
- ${2:# body...}
-snippet slurp "slurp"
-my $${1:var} = do { local $/ = undef; open my $fh, '<', ${2:$file}; <$fh> };
-snippet unless "unless"
-unless ($1) {
- ${2:# body...}
-snippet while "while"
-while ($1) {
- ${2:# body...}
-snippet until "until"
-until ($1) {
- ${2:# body...}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-laravel.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-laravel.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 7367a14..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-laravel.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-#resource controller
-snippet l_rsc "Laravel resource controller" b
- * \class $1
- *
- * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-class ${1:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ${2:BaseController} {
- function __construct() {
- }
- public function index() {
- }
- public function create() {
- }
- public function store() {
- }
- public function show($id) {
- }
- public function edit($id) {
- }
- public function update($id) {
- }
- public function destroy($id) {
- }
-#service service provider
-snippet l_ssp "Laravel service provider for service" b
- * \namespace $1
- * \class $2
- *
- * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace ${1:Services};
-use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
-class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ServiceProvider {
- public function register() {
- $this->app->bind('${4}Service', function ($app) {
- return new ${5}(
- $app->make('Repositories\\${6}Interface')
- );
- });
- }
-#repository service provider
-snippet l_rsp "Laravel service provider for repository" b
- * \namespace $2
- * \class $3
- *
- * \author ${4:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace ${2:Repositories\\${1:}};
-use Entities\\$1;
-use $2\\$1Repository;
-use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
-class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends ServiceProvider {
- /*!
- * \var defer
- * \brief Defer service
- */
- protected $defer = ${5:true};
- public function register() {
- $this->app->bind('$2\\$1Interface', function($app) {
- return new $1Repository(new $1());
- });
- }
- /*!
- * \brief If $defer == true need this fn
- */
- public function provides() {
- return ['$2\\$1Interface'];
- }
-snippet l_md "Laravel simple model" b
- * \namespace $1
- * \class $2
- *
- * \author ${3:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace ${1:Entities};
-class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends \Eloquent {
- protected $table = '${4:`!p snip.rv = t[2].lower()`}';
- public $timestamps = ${5:false};
- protected $hidden = array(${6});
- protected $guarded = array(${7:'id'});
-#abstract repository
-snippet l_ar "Laravel abstract Repository" b
- * \namespace $1
- * \class $2
- * \implements $3
- *
- * \author ${4:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace ${1:Repositories};
-use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
-abstract class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} implements ${3:BaseRepositoryInterface} {
- protected $model;
- /*!
- * \fn __construct
- *
- * \brief Take the model
- */
- public function __construct(Model $model) {
- $this->model = $model;
- }
- /*!
- * \fn all
- *
- * \return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
- */
- public function all($columns = array('*')) {
- return $this->model->all()->toArray();
- }
- /*!
- * \fn create
- *
- * \return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
- */
- public function create(array $attributes) {
- return $this->model->create($attributes);
- }
- /*!
- * \fn destroy
- *
- * \return int
- */
- public function destroy($ids) {
- return $this->model->destroy($ids);
- }
- /*!
- * \fn find
- *
- * \return mixed
- */
- public function find($id, $columns = array('*')) {
- return $this->model->find($id, $columns);
- }
-snippet l_r "Laravel Repository" b
- * \namespace $1
- * \class $3
- * \implements $4
- *
- * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace ${1:Repositories\\${2}};
-class ${3:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends \\${6} implements ${4:$3RepositoryInterface} {
- ${7}
-snippet l_s "Laravel Service" b
- * \namespace $1
- * \class $2
- *
- * \author ${6:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace Services\\${1};
-use ${3:Repositories\\${4:Interface}};
-class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} {
- protected $${5:repo};
- /*!
- * \fn __construct
- */
- public function __construct($4 $repo) {
- $this->$5 = $repo;
- }
-snippet l_f "Laravel Facade" b
- * \namespace $1
- * \class $2
- *
- * \author ${5:`!v g:snips_author`}
- * \date `!v strftime('%d-%m-%y')`
- */
-namespace ${1:Services};
-use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
-class ${2:`!v expand('%:t:r')`} extends Facade {
- /*!
- * \fn getFacadeAccessor
- *
- * \return string
- */
- protected static function getFacadeAccessor() { return '${4:${3}Service}'; }
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-phpspec.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-phpspec.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 08d84a0..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-phpspec.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Snippets for phpspec, to use add the following to your .vimrc
-# `autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile,BufEnter *Spec.php UltiSnipsAddFiletypes php-phpspec`
-priority -50
-snippet spec "class XYZSpec extends ObjectBehaviour"
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use PhpSpec\ObjectBehavior;
-use Prophecy\Argument;
- * @author `!v g:snips_author`
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` extends ObjectBehavior
- function it_${1}()
- {
- $0
- }
-snippet it "function it_does_something() { ... }"
-function it_${1}()
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet let "function let() { ... }"
-function let()
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet letgo "function letgo() { ... }"
-function letgo()
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-# Object construction
-snippet cw "$this->beConstructedWith($arg)"
-snippet ct "$this->beConstructedThrough($methodName, [$arg])"
-$this->beConstructedThrough(${1:'methodName'}, [${2:'$arg'}]);
-# Identity and comparison matchers
-snippet sreturn "$this->XYZ()->shouldReturn('value')"
-snippet snreturn "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotReturn('value')"
-snippet sbe "$this->XYZ()->shouldBe('value')"
-snippet snbe "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBe('value')"
-snippet sequal "$this->XYZ()->shouldEqual('value')"
-snippet snequal "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotEqual('value')"
-snippet sbequalto "$this->XYZ()->shouldBeEqualTo('value')"
-snippet snbequalto "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBeEqualTo('value')"
-snippet sblike "$this->XYZ()->shouldBeLike('value')"
-snippet snblike "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBeLike('value')"
-# Throw matcher
-snippet sthrowm "$this->shouldThrow('\Exception')->duringXYZ($arg)"
-snippet sthrowi "$this->shouldThrow('\Exception')->duringInstantiation()"
-# Type matchers
-snippet stype "$this->shouldHaveType('Type')"
-snippet sntype "$this->shouldNotHaveType('Type')"
-snippet srinstance "$this->shouldReturnAnInstanceOf('Type')"
-snippet snrinstance "$this->shouldNotReturnAnInstanceOf('Type')"
-snippet sbinstance "$this->shouldBeAnInstanceOf('Type')"
-snippet snbinstance "$this->shouldNotBeAnInstanceOf('Type')"
-snippet simplement "$this->shouldImplement('Type')"
-snippet snimplement "$this->shouldNotImplement('Type')"
-# Object state matchers
-snippet sbstate "$this->shouldBeXYZ()"
-snippet snbstate "$this->shouldNotBeXYZ()"
-# Count matchers
-snippet scount "$this->XYZ()->shouldHaveCount(7)"
-snippet sncount "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotHaveCount(7)"
-# Scalar type matchers
-snippet sbscalar "$this->XYZ()->shouldBeString|Array|Bool()"
-snippet snbscalar "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotBeString|Array|Bool()"
-# Contain matcher
-snippet scontain "$this->XYZ()->shouldContain('value')"
-snippet sncontain "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotContain('value')"
-# Array matchers
-snippet skey "$this->XYZ()->shouldHaveKey('key')"
-snippet snkey "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotHaveKey('key')"
-snippet skeyvalue "$this->XYZ()->shouldHaveKeyWithValue('key', 'value')"
-$this->${1:method}()->shouldHaveKeyWithValue(${2:'key'}, ${3:'value'});
-snippet snkeyvalue "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotHaveKeyWithValue('key', 'value')"
-$this->${1:method}()->shouldNotHaveKeyWithValue(${2:'key'}, ${3:'value'});
-# String matchers
-snippet sstart "$this->XYZ()->shouldStartWith('string')"
-snippet snstart "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotStartWith('string')"
-snippet send "$this->XYZ()->shouldEndWith('string')"
-snippet snend "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotEndWith('string')"
-snippet smatch "$this->XYZ()->shouldMatch('/wizard/i')"
-snippet snmatch "$this->XYZ()->shouldNotMatch('/wizard/i')"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-symfony2.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-symfony2.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b127ee..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php-symfony2.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-# sugguestion? report bugs?
-# go to https://github.com/chrisyue/vim-snippets/issues
-priority -50
-snippet classn "Basic class with namespace snippet" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
- * ${1:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
- public function __construct(${3:$options})
- {
- ${4:// code}
- }$0
-snippet contr "Symfony2 controller" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
-use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
- * ${1:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` extends Controller
-snippet sfa "Symfony 2 Controller action"
-* @Route("/${1:route_name}", name="$1")
-* @Template()
-public function $1Action($2)
- $3
- return ${4:array();}$0
-snippet act "Symfony2 action" b
- * @Route("${3}", name="${4}")
- * @Method({${5:"POST"}})
- * @Template()
- */
-public function ${1}Action(${2})
- ${6}
-snippet actt "Symfony2 action and template" b
- * @Route("${3}", name="${4}")
- * @Method({${5:"GET"}})
- * @Template()
- */
-public function ${1}Action(${2})
- ${6}
- return [];
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)`
-snippet comm "Symfony2 command" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command\ContainerAwareCommand;
-use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
-use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
-use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
-use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
- * ${3:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` extends ContainerAwareCommand
- protected function configure()
- {
- $this->setName('${1}')
- ->setDescription('${2}')
- ->setDefinition([
- new InputArgument('', InputArgument::REQUIRED, ''),
- new InputOption('', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, ''),
- ]);
- }
- protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
- {
- }
-snippet subs "Symfony2 subscriber" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
- * ${1:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` implements EventSubscriberInterface
- public function __construct()
- {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public static function getSubscribedEvents()
- {
- return [];
- }
-snippet transf "Symfony2 form data transformer" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface;
-use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\TransformationFailedException;
- * ${3:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` implements DataTransformerInterface
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public function transform(${1})
- {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public function reverseTransform(${2})
- {
- }
-snippet ent "Symfony2 doctrine entity" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
- * ${3:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- *
- * @ORM\Entity()
- * @ORM\Table(name="`!p
-tmp = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-tmp = re.sub(r'\B([A-Z])', r'_\1', tmp)
-snip.rv = tmp.lower()
- */
-m = re.search(r'Abstract', path)
-if m:
- snip.rv = 'abstract '
-`class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
- /**
- * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
- * @ORM\GeneratedValue
- * @ORM\Id
- */
- private $id;
-snippet form "Symfony2 form type" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
-use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
-use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
- * ${2:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` extends AbstractType
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
- {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
- {
- $resolver->setDefaults();
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- public function getName()
- {
- return '${1}';
- }
-snippet ev "Symfony2 event" b
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
- * ${2:@author `!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` extends Event
-snippet redir "Symfony2 redirect" b
-$this->redirect($this->generateUrl('${1}', ${2}));
-snippet usecontroller "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Controller" b
-use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;${1}
-snippet usereauest "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Request" b
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;${1}
-snippet useroute "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Route" b
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;${1}
-snippet useresponse "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Response" b
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;${1}
-snippet usefile "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\File" b
-use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile;${1}
-snippet useassert "Symfony2 use Symfony\..\Constraints as Assert" b
-use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;${1}
-snippet usetemplate "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Template" b
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;${1}
-snippet usecache "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Cache" b
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Cache;${1}
-snippet usemethod "Symfony2 use Sensio\..\Method" b
-use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method;${1}
-snippet usearray "Symfony2 use Doctrine\..\ArrayCollection" b
-use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;${1}
-snippet useorm "Symfony2 use Doctrine\..\Mapping as ORM" b
-use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;${1}
-snippet usesecure "Symfony2 use JMS\..\Secure" b
-use JMS\SecurityExtraBundle\Annotation\Secure;${1}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ba51c7..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/php.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-## Snippets from SnipMate, taken from
-## https://github.com/scrooloose/snipmate-snippets.git
-snippet gm "PHP Class Getter" b
- * Getter for $1
- *
- * @return ${2:string}
- */
-public function get${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}()
- return $this->$1;
-snippet sm "PHP Class Setter" b
- * Setter for $1
- *
- * @param ${2:string} $$1
- * @return ${3:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
- */
-public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}(${4:${2/(void|string|int|integer|double|float|object|boolear|null|mixed|number|resource)|(.*)/(?1::$2 )/}}$$1)
- $this->$1 = $$1;
- ${5:return $this;}
-snippet gs "PHP Class Getter Setter" b
- * Getter for $1
- *
- * @return ${2:string}
- */
-public function get${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}()
- return $this->$1;
- * Setter for $1
- *
- * @param $2 $$1
- * @return ${3:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
- */
-public function set${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}(${4:${2/(void|string|int|integer|double|float|object|boolear|null|mixed|number|resource)|(.*)/(?1::$2 )/}}$$1)
- $this->$1 = $$1;
- ${5:return $this;}
-snippet pub "Public function" b
- * ${3:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${4:void}
- */
-public function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
-snippet pro "Protected function" b
- * ${3:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${4:void}
- */
-protected function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
-snippet pri "Private function" b
- * ${3:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${4:void}
- */
-private function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
-snippet pubs "Public static function" b
- * ${3:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${4:void}
- */
-public static function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
-snippet pros "Protected static function" b
- * ${3:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${4:void}
- */
-protected static function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
-snippet pris "Private static function" b
- * ${3:undocumented function}
- *
- * @return ${4:void}
- */
-private static function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${5:return null;}
-snippet fu "Function snip" b
-function ${1:name}(${2:$param})
- ${VISUAL}${3:return null;}
-snippet new "New class instance" b
-$${1:variableName} = new ${2:${1/\w+\s*/\u$0/}}($3);
-snippet ns "namespace declaration" b
-namespace ${1:`!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
-snippet class "Class declaration template" b
-namespace ${1:`!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
- * Class ${1:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
- * @author ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-class $1
-snippet interface "Interface declaration template" b
-namespace ${1:`!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
- * Interface ${1:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
- * @author ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-interface $1
- public function ${3:someFunction}();$4
-snippet trait "Trait declaration template" b
-namespace ${1:`!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
- * Trait ${1:`!p snip.rv=snip.basename`}
- * @author ${2:`!v g:snips_author`}
- */
-trait $1
-snippet construct "__construct()" b
- * @param $2mixed ${1/, /\n * \@param mixed /g}
- */
-public function __construct(${1:$dependencies})
-{${1/\$(\w+)(, )*/\n $this->$1 = $$1;/g}
-# PHPUnit snippets
-snippet testcase "class XYZTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { ... }"
-namespace `!p
-relpath = os.path.relpath(path)
-m = re.search(r'[A-Z].+(?=/)', relpath)
-if m:
- snip.rv = m.group().replace('/', '\\')
- * @author `!v g:snips_author`
- */
-class `!p
-snip.rv = re.match(r'.*(?=\.)', fn).group()
-` extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
- public function test${1}()
- {
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
- }
-# :vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/proto.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/proto.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 923be57..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/proto.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-global !p
-from vimsnippets import complete
- 'double',
- 'float',
- 'int32',
- 'int64',
- 'uint32',
- 'uint64',
- 'sint32',
- 'sint64',
- 'fixed32',
- 'fixed64',
- 'sfixed32',
- 'sfixed64',
- 'bool',
- 'string',
- 'bytes']
-snippet mess "Proto message" b
-// ${2:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this message.}
-message ${1:Name} {
- $0
- // Next available id: 1
-snippet reqf "Required field" b
-// ${4:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this field.}
-optional ${1}`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)` ${2:name} = ${3:1}; // Required
-snippet optf "Optional field" b
-// ${4:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this field.}
-optional ${1}`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)` ${2:name} = ${3:1};
-snippet repf "Repeated field" b
-// ${4:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this field.}
-repeated ${1}`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)` ${2:name} = ${3:1};
-snippet enum "Enumeration" b
-// ${2:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this enum.}
-enum ${1:Name} {
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/puppet.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/puppet.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2cfc5..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/puppet.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# Python helper code #
-global !p
-import vim
-import os.path
-def get_module_namespace_and_basename():
- """This function will try to guess the current class or define name you are
- trying to create. Note that for this to work you should be using the module
- structure as per the style guide. Examples inputs and it's output
- * /home/nikolavp/puppet/modules/collectd/manifests/init.pp -> collectd
- * /home/nikolavp/puppet/modules/collectd/manfistes/mysql.pp -> collectd::mysql
- """
- first_time = True
- current_file_path_without_ext = vim.eval('expand("%:p:r")') or ""
- if not current_file_path_without_ext:
- return "name"
- parts = os.path.split(current_file_path_without_ext)
- namespace = ''
- while parts[0] and parts[0] != '/':
- if parts[1] == 'init' and first_time and not namespace:
- first_time = False
- parts = os.path.split(parts[0])
- continue
- if parts[1] == 'manifests':
- return os.path.split(parts[0])[1] + ('::' + namespace).rstrip(':')
- else:
- namespace = parts[1] + '::' + namespace
- parts = os.path.split(parts[0])
- # couldn't guess the namespace. The user is editing a raw file in no module like the site.pp file
- return "name"
-# Puppet Language Constructs #
-# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_summary.html #
-snippet class "Class declaration" b
-class ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_module_namespace_and_basename()`} {
- ${0:# body}
-snippet define "Definition" b
-define ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_module_namespace_and_basename()`} {
- ${0:# body}
-# Puppet Types #
-# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/type.html #
-snippet cron "Cron resource type" b
-cron { '${1:name}':
- user => ${2:user},
- command => '${3:command}',
- minute => ${3:minute},
- hour => ${4:hour},
-snippet exec "Exec resource type" b
-exec { '${1:command}':
- refreshonly => true,
-snippet file "File resource type" b
-file { '${1:name}':
- source => "puppet://${2:path}",
- mode => ${3:mode},
-snippet File "Defaults for file" b
-File {
- owner => ${1:username},
- group => ${2:groupname},
-snippet group "Group resource type" b
-group { '${1:groupname}':
- ensure => ${3:present},
- gid => ${2:gid},
-snippet mount "Mount resource type" b
-mount { '${1:path}':
- device => '${2:/dev}',
- fstype => '${3:filesystem}',
- ensure => mounted,
- options => 'rw,errors=remount-ro',
-snippet package "Package resource type" b
-package { '${1:name}':
- ensure => ${2:installed},
-snippet user "user resource type" b
-user { '${1:username}':
- ensure => ${2:present},
- uid => ${3:uid},
- gid => ${4:gid},
- comment => ${5:gecos},
- home => ${6:homedirectory},
- managehome => false,
- require => Group['${7:group'}],
-snippet service "Service resource type" b
-service { '${1:name}':
- hasstatus => true,
- enable => true,
- ensure => running,
-# Puppet Functions #
-# See http://docs.puppetlabs.com/references/latest/function.html #
-snippet alert "Alert Function" b
-snippet crit "Crit Function" b
-snippet debug "Debug Function" b
-snippet defined "Defined Function" b
-snippet emerg "Emerg Function" b
-snippet extlookup "Simple Extlookup" b
-$${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}")${0}
-snippet extlookup "Extlookup with defaults" b
-$${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0}
-snippet extlookup "Extlookup with defaults and custom data file" b
-$${1:Variable} = extlookup("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Data Source})${0}
-snippet fail "Fail Function" b
-snippet hiera "Hiera Function" b
-$${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}")${0}
-snippet hiera "Hiera with defaults" b
-$${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0}
-snippet hiera "Hiera with defaults and override" b
-$${1:Variable} = hiera("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Override})${0}
-snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash Function" b
-$${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}")${0}
-snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash with defaults" b
-$${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default})${0}
-snippet hiera_hash "Hiera Hash with defaults and override" b
-$${1:Variable} = hiera_hash("${2:Lookup}", ${3:Default}, ${4:Override})${0}
-snippet hiera_include "Hiera Include Function" b
-snippet include "Include Function" b
-include ${1:classname}${0}
-snippet info "Info Function" b
-snippet inline_template "Inline Template Function" b
-inline_template("<%= ${1:template} %>")${0}
-snippet notice "Notice Function" b
-snippet realize "Realize Function" b
-snippet regsubst "Regsubst Function" b
-regsubst($${1:Target}, '${2:regexp}', '${3:replacement}')${0}
-snippet split "Split Function" b
-$${1:Variable} = split($${1:Target}, '${2:regexp}')${0}
-snippet versioncmp "Version Compare Function" b
-$${1:Variable} = versioncmp('${1:version}', '${2:version}')${0}
-snippet warning "Warning Function" b
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index fa3ff8b..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/python.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,707 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-#! header
-snippet #! "Shebang header for python scripts" b
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-snippet ifmain "ifmain" b
-if __name__ == `!p snip.rv = get_quoting_style(snip)`__main__`!p snip.rv = get_quoting_style(snip)`:
- ${1:${VISUAL:main()}}
-snippet with "with" b
-with ${1:expr}`!p snip.rv = " as " if t[2] else ""`${2:var}:
- ${3:${VISUAL:pass}}
-snippet for "for loop" b
-for ${1:item} in ${2:iterable}:
- ${3:${VISUAL:pass}}
-# The smart def and smart class snippets use a global option called
-# "g:ultisnips_python_style" which, if set to "doxygen" will use doxygen
-# style comments in docstrings.
-global !p
-NORMAL = 0x1
-DOXYGEN = 0x2
-SPHINX = 0x3
-GOOGLE = 0x4
-NUMPY = 0x5
-JEDI = 0x6
-class Arg(object):
- def __init__(self, arg):
- self.arg = arg
- self.name = arg.split('=')[0].strip()
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.name
- def is_kwarg(self):
- return '=' in self.arg
-def get_args(arglist):
- args = [Arg(arg) for arg in arglist.split(',') if arg]
- args = [arg for arg in args if arg.name != 'self']
- return args
-def get_quoting_style(snip):
- style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_quoting_style", "double")
- if style == 'single':
-def triple_quotes(snip):
- style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_triple_quoting_style")
- if not style:
- return get_quoting_style(snip) * 3
- return (SINGLE_QUOTES if style == 'single' else DOUBLE_QUOTES) * 3
-def triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, quoting_style):
- """
- Generate triple quoted strings and handle any trailing quote char,
- which might be there from some autoclose/autopair plugin,
- i.e. when expanding ``"|"``.
- """
- if not snip.c:
- # Do this only once, otherwise the following error would happen:
- # RuntimeError: The snippets content did not converge: …
- _, col = vim.current.window.cursor
- line = vim.current.line
- # Handle already existing quote chars after the trigger.
- _ret = quoting_style * 3
- while True:
- try:
- nextc = line[col]
- except IndexError:
- break
- if nextc == quoting_style and len(_ret):
- _ret = _ret[1:]
- col = col+1
- else:
- break
- snip.rv = _ret
- else:
- snip.rv = snip.c
-def get_style(snip):
- style = snip.opt("g:ultisnips_python_style", "normal")
- if style == "doxygen": return DOXYGEN
- elif style == "sphinx": return SPHINX
- elif style == "google": return GOOGLE
- elif style == "numpy": return NUMPY
- elif style == "jedi": return JEDI
- else: return NORMAL
-def format_arg(arg, style):
- if style == DOXYGEN:
- return "@param %s TODO" % arg
- elif style == SPHINX:
- return ":param %s: TODO" % arg
- elif style == NORMAL:
- return ":%s: TODO" % arg
- elif style == GOOGLE:
- return "%s (TODO): TODO" % arg
- elif style == JEDI:
- return ":type %s: TODO" % arg
- elif style == NUMPY:
- return "%s : TODO" % arg
-def format_return(style):
- if style == DOXYGEN:
- return "@return: TODO"
- elif style in (NORMAL, SPHINX, JEDI):
- return ":returns: TODO"
- elif style == GOOGLE:
- return "Returns: TODO"
-def write_docstring_args(args, snip):
- if not args:
- snip.rv += ' {0}'.format(triple_quotes(snip))
- return
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- style = get_style(snip)
- if style == GOOGLE:
- write_google_docstring_args(args, snip)
- elif style == NUMPY:
- write_numpy_docstring_args(args, snip)
- else:
- for arg in args:
- snip += format_arg(arg, style)
-def write_google_docstring_args(args, snip):
- kwargs = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_kwarg()]
- args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.is_kwarg()]
- if args:
- snip += "Args:"
- snip.shift()
- for arg in args:
- snip += format_arg(arg, GOOGLE)
- snip.unshift()
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- if kwargs:
- snip += "Kwargs:"
- snip.shift()
- for kwarg in kwargs:
- snip += format_arg(kwarg, GOOGLE)
- snip.unshift()
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
-def write_numpy_docstring_args(args, snip):
- if args:
- snip += "Parameters"
- snip += "----------"
- kwargs = [arg for arg in args if arg.is_kwarg()]
- args = [arg for arg in args if not arg.is_kwarg()]
- if args:
- for arg in args:
- snip += format_arg(arg, NUMPY)
- if kwargs:
- for kwarg in kwargs:
- snip += format_arg(kwarg, NUMPY) + ', optional'
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
-def write_init_body(args, parents, snip):
- parents = [p.strip() for p in parents.split(",")]
- parents = [p for p in parents if p != 'object']
- for p in parents:
- snip += p + ".__init__(self)"
- if parents:
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- for arg in args:
- snip += "self._%s = %s" % (arg, arg)
-def write_slots_args(args, snip):
- args = ['"_%s"' % arg for arg in args]
- snip += '__slots__ = (%s,)' % ', '.join(args)
-def write_function_docstring(t, snip):
- """
- Writes a function docstring with the current style.
- :param t: The values of the placeholders
- :param snip: UltiSnips.TextObjects.SnippetUtil object instance
- """
- snip.rv = ""
- snip >> 1
- args = get_args(t[2])
- if args:
- write_docstring_args(args, snip)
- style = get_style(snip)
- if style == NUMPY:
- snip += 'Returns'
- snip += '-------'
- snip += 'TODO'
- else:
- snip += format_return(style)
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- snip += triple_quotes(snip)
-def get_dir_and_file_name(snip):
- return os.getcwd().split(os.sep)[-1] + '.' + snip.basename
-# Class & Special Method Name Snippets #
-snippet class "class with docstrings" b
-class ${1:MyClass}(${2:object}):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${3:Docstring for $1. }`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
- def __init__(self$4):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${5:TODO: to be defined1.}`!p
-snip.rv = ""
-snip >> 2
-args = get_args(t[4])
-write_docstring_args(args, snip)
-if args:
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- snip += '{0}'.format(triple_quotes(snip))
-write_init_body(args, t[2], snip)
- $0
-snippet slotclass "class with slots and docstrings" b
-class ${1:MyClass}(${2:object}):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${3:Docstring for $1. }`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
-snip >> 1
-args = get_args(t[4])
-write_slots_args(args, snip)
- def __init__(self$4):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${5:TODO: to be defined.}`!p
-snip.rv = ""
-snip >> 2
-args = get_args(t[4])
-write_docstring_args(args, snip)
-if args:
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- snip += triple_quotes(snip)
-write_init_body(args, t[2], snip)
- $0
-snippet contain "methods for emulating a container type" b
-def __len__(self):
- ${1:pass}
-def __getitem__(self, key):
- ${2:pass}
-def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- ${3:pass}
-def __delitem__(self, key):
- ${4:pass}
-def __iter__(self):
- ${5:pass}
-def __reversed__(self):
- ${6:pass}
-def __contains__(self, item):
- ${7:pass}
-snippet context "context manager methods" b
-def __enter__(self):
- ${1:pass}
-def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- ${2:pass}
-snippet attr "methods for customizing attribute access" b
-def __getattr__(self, name):
- ${1:pass}
-def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- ${2:pass}
-def __delattr__(self, name):
- ${3:pass}
-snippet desc "methods implementing descriptors" b
-def __get__(self, instance, owner):
- ${1:pass}
-def __set__(self, instance, value):
- ${2:pass}
-def __delete__(self, instance):
- ${3:pass}
-snippet cmp "methods implementing rich comparison"
-def __eq__(self, other):
- ${1:pass}
-def __ne__(self, other):
- ${2:pass}
-def __lt__(self, other):
- ${3:pass}
-def __le__(self, other):
- ${4:pass}
-def __gt__(self, other):
- ${5:pass}
-def __ge__(self, other):
- ${6:pass}
-def __cmp__(self, other):
- ${7:pass}
-snippet repr "methods implementing string representation"
-def __repr__(self):
- ${1:pass}
-def __str__(self):
- ${2:pass}
-def __unicode__(self):
- ${3:pass}
-# note: reflected operands and augmented arithmeitc assignements have been
-# intentionally ommited to reduce verbosity.
-snippet numeric "methods for emulating a numeric type" b
-def __add__(self, other):
- ${1:pass}
-def __sub__(self, other):
- ${2:pass}
-def __mul__(self, other):
- ${3:pass}
-def __div__(self, other):
- ${4:pass}
-def __truediv__(self, other):
- ${5:pass}
-def __floordiv__(self, other):
- ${6:pass}
-def __mod__(self, other):
- ${7:pass}
-def __divmod__(self, other):
- ${8:pass}
-def __pow__(self, other):
- ${9:pass}
-def __lshift__(self, other):
- ${10:pass}
-def __rshift__(self, other):
- ${11:pass}
-def __and__(self, other):
- ${12:pass}
-def __xor__(self, other):
- ${13:pass}
-def __or__(self, other):
- ${14:pass}
-def __neg__(self):
- ${15:pass}
-def __pos__(self):
- ${16:pass}
-def __abs__(self):
- ${17:pass}
-def __invert__(self):
- ${18:pass}
-def __complex__(self):
- ${19:pass}
-def __int__(self):
- ${20:pass}
-def __long__(self):
- ${21:pass}
-def __float__(self):
- ${22:pass}
-def __oct__(self):
- ${22:pass}
-def __hex__(self):
- ${23:pass}
-def __index__(self):
- ${24:pass}
-def __coerce__(self, other):
- ${25:pass}
-snippet def "function with docstrings" b
-def ${1:function}(`!p
-if snip.indent:
- snip.rv = 'self' + (", " if len(t[2]) else "")`${2:arg1}):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
-write_function_docstring(t, snip) `
- ${5:${VISUAL:pass}}
-snippet defc "class method with docstrings" b
-def ${1:function}(`!p
-if snip.indent:
- snip.rv = 'cls' + (", " if len(t[2]) else "")`${2:arg1}):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
-write_function_docstring(t, snip) `
- ${5:${VISUAL:pass}}
-snippet defs "static method with docstrings" b
-def ${1:function}(${2:arg1}):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${4:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
-write_function_docstring(t, snip) `
- ${5:${VISUAL:pass}}
-# doesn't expand when there is a word in front
-snippet /(^|(?<=\W))\./ "self." r
-snippet from "from module import name" b
-from ${1:module} import ${2:Stuff}
-snippet roprop "Read Only Property" b
-def ${1:name}(self):
- ${2:return self._$1}$0
-snippet rwprop "Read write property" b
-def ${1:name}():
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip) if t[2] else ''
-`${2:TODO: Docstring for $1.}`!p
-if t[2]:
- snip >> 1
- style = get_style(snip)
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- snip += format_return(style)
- snip.rv += '\n' + snip.mkline('', indent='')
- snip += triple_quotes(snip)
- snip.rv = ""`
- def fget(self):
- return self._$1$0
- def fset(self, value):
- self._$1 = value
- return locals()
-$1 = property(**$1(), doc=$1.__doc__)
-# If / Else / Elif #
-snippet if "If" b
-if ${1:condition}:
- ${2:${VISUAL:pass}}
-snippet ife "If / Else" b
-if ${1:condition}:
- ${2:${VISUAL:pass}}
- ${3:pass}
-snippet ifee "If / Elif / Else" b
-if ${1:condition}:
- ${2:${VISUAL:pass}}
-elif ${3:condition}:
- ${4:pass}
- ${5:pass}
-# Try / Except / Finally #
-snippet try "Try / Except" b
- ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
-except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:
- ${4:raise $3}
-snippet trye "Try / Except / Else" b
- ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
-except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:
- ${4:raise $3}
- ${5:pass}
-snippet tryf "Try / Except / Finally" b
- ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
-except ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:
- ${4:raise $3}
- ${5:pass}
-snippet tryef "Try / Except / Else / Finally" b
- ${1:${VISUAL:pass}}
-except${2: ${3:Exception} as ${4:e}}:
- ${5:raise}
- ${6:pass}
- ${7:pass}
-# Assertions & Tests #
-snippet ae "Assert equal" b
-snippet at "Assert True" b
-snippet af "Assert False" b
-snippet aae "Assert almost equal" b
-snippet ar "Assert raises" b
-self.assertRaises(${1:exception}, ${2:${VISUAL:func}}${3/.+/, /}${3:arguments})
-snippet an "Assert is None" b
-snippet ann "Assert is not None" b
-snippet testcase "pyunit testcase" b
-class Test${1:Class}(${2:unittest.TestCase}):
- `!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`${3:Test case docstring.}`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
- def setUp(self):
- ${4:pass}
- def tearDown(self):
- ${5:pass}
- def test_${6:name}(self):
- ${7:${VISUAL:pass}}
-snippet " "triple quoted string (double quotes)" b
-`!p triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, '"')`
-snippet ' "triple quoted string (single quotes)" b
-`!p triple_quotes_handle_trailing(snip, "'")`
-snippet doc "doc block (triple quotes)"
-`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
-`!p snip.rv = triple_quotes(snip)`
-snippet pmdoc "pocoo style module doc string" b
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- `!p snip.rv = get_dir_and_file_name(snip)`
- `!p snip.rv = '~' * len(get_dir_and_file_name(snip))`
- :copyright: (c) `date +%Y` by ${2:YOUR_NAME}.
- :license: ${3:LICENSE_NAME}, see LICENSE for more details.
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/r.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/r.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c4c25..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/r.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-global !p
-import os
-from vimsnippets import complete
-snippet #! "Hashbang for Rscript (#!)" b
-#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
-snippet setwd "Set workingdir" b
-setwd("${1:`!p snip.rv = os.getcwd()`}")
-snippet as "Apply type on variable" w
-as.$1`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)`(${2}${VISUAL})
-snippet is "Test type on variable" w
-is.$1`!p snip.rv = complete(t[1], FIELD_TYPES)`(${2}${VISUAL})
-snippet dl "Download and install a package" b
-download.file("${1:${VISUAL:url to package}}", destfile = "${2:${1/.*\/(\S*)$/(?1:$1)/ga}}")
-install.packages("$2", type = "source", repos = NULL)
-snippet lib "Import a library"
-snippet req "Require a file"
-snippet source "Source a file"
-snippet if "If statement"
-if (${1}) {
- ${0}
-snippet eif "Else-If statement"
-else if (${1}) {
- ${0}
-snippet el "Else statement"
-else {
- ${0}
-snippet ife "if .. else"
-if (${1}) {
- ${2}
-} else {
- ${3}
-snippet wh "while loop"
-while(${1}) {
- ${2}
-snippet for "for loop"
-for (${1:item} in ${2:list}) {
- ${3}
-snippet fun "Function definition"
-${1:name} <- function (${2}) {
- ${0}
-snippet ret "Return call"
-snippet df "Data frame"
-${1:name}[${2:rows}, ${0:cols}]
-snippet c "c function"
-snippet li "list function"
-snippet mat "matrix function"
-matrix(${1:data}, nrow = ${2:rows}, ncol = ${0:cols})
-snippet apply "apply function"
-apply(${1:array}, ${2:margin}, ${0:function})
-snippet lapply "lapply function"
-lapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
-snippet sapply "sapply function"
-sapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
-snippet vapply "vapply function"
-vapply(${1:list}, ${2:function}, ${0:type})
-snippet mapply "mapply function"
-mapply(${1:function}, ${0:...})
-snippet tapply "tapply function"
-tapply(${1:vector}, ${2:index}, ${0:function})
-snippet rapply "rapply function"
-rapply(${1:list}, ${0:function})
-snippet pl "Plot function"
-plot(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet ggp "ggplot2 plot"
-ggplot(${1:data}, aes(${0:aesthetics}))
-snippet fis "Fisher test"
-fisher.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet chi "Chi Squared test"
-chisq.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet tt "t-test"
-t.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet wil "Wilcox test"
-wilcox.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet cor "Correlation test"
-cor.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet fte "FTE test"
-var.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
-snippet kvt "KV test"
-kv.test(${1:x}, ${0:y})
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b2757..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,894 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet anaf "accepts_nested_attributes_for"
-accepts_nested_attributes_for :${1:association_name}${2:${3:, :allow_destroy => true}${4:, :reject_if => proc \{ |obj| ${5:obj.blank?} \}}}
-snippet tcbi "Create binary column"
-t.binary :${1:title}${2:, :limit => ${3:2}.megabytes}
-snippet tcb "Create boolean column"
-t.boolean :${1:title}
-snippet clac "Create controller class"
-class ${1:Model}Controller < ApplicationController
- before_filter :find_${2:model}
- $0
- private
- def find_${2}
- @$2 = ${3:$1}.find(params[:id]) if params[:id]
- end
-snippet tcda "Create date column"
-t.date :${1:title}
-snippet tcdt "Create datetime column"
-t.datetime :${1:title}
-snippet tcd "Create decimal column"
-t.decimal :${1:title}${2:${3:, :precision => ${4:10}}${5:, :scale => ${6:2}}}
-snippet tcf "Create float column"
-t.float :${1:title}
-snippet clact "Create functional test class"
-require 'test_helper'
-class ${1:Model}ControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- test$0
-snippet tci "Create integer column"
-t.integer :${1:title}
-snippet tcl "Create lock_version column"
-t.integer :lock_version, :null => false, :default => 0
-# FIXME: handling literal bracket pair inside of nested tab groups?
-snippet tcr "Create references column"
-t.references :${1:taggable}${2:, :polymorphic => ${3:{ :default => '${4:Photo}' \}}}
-snippet resources "Create resources controller class"
-class ${1:Model}sController < ApplicationController
- before_filter :find_${1/./\l$0/}, :only => [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s.xml
- def index
- @${1/./\l$0/}s = ${1:Model}.all
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html # index.html.erb
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}s }
- end
- end
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
- def show
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html # show.html.erb
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/} }
- end
- end
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/new
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/new.xml
- def new
- @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.new
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html # new.html.erb
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/} }
- end
- end
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1/edit
- def edit
- end
- # POST /${1/./\l$0/}s
- # POST /${1/./\l$0/}s.xml
- def create
- @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.new(params[:${1/./\l$0/}])
- respond_to do |wants|
- if @${1/./\l$0/}.save
- flash[:notice] = '${1:Model} was successfully created.'
- wants.html { redirect_to(@${1/./\l$0/}) }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}, :status => :created, :location => @${1/./\l$0/} }
- else
- wants.html { render :action => "new" }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
- end
- end
- end
- # PUT /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
- # PUT /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
- def update
- respond_to do |wants|
- if @${1/./\l$0/}.update(params[:${1/./\l$0/}])
- flash[:notice] = '${1:Model} was successfully updated.'
- wants.html { redirect_to(@${1/./\l$0/}) }
- wants.xml { head :ok }
- else
- wants.html { render :action => "edit" }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
- end
- end
- end
- # DELETE /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
- # DELETE /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
- def destroy
- @${1/./\l$0/}.destroy
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html { redirect_to(${1/./\l$0/}s_url) }
- wants.xml { head :ok }
- end
- end
- private
- def find_${1/./\l$0/}
- @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.find(params[:id])
- end
-snippet tcs "Create string column"
-t.string :${1:title}
-snippet tct "Create text column"
-t.text :${1:title}
-snippet tcti "Create time column"
-t.time :${1:title}
-snippet tcts "Create timestamp column"
-t.timestamp :${1:title}
-snippet tctss "Create timestamps columns"
-snippet mcol "Migration Create Column (mcc)"
-t.column ${1:title}, :${2:string}
-snippet mccc "Migration Create Column Continue (mccc)"
-t.column ${1:title}, :${2:string}
-snippet mtab "Migration Drop Create Table (mdct)"
-drop_table :${1:table}${2: [press tab twice to generate create_table]}
-snippet mcol "Migration Remove and Add Column (mrac)"
-remove_column :${1:table}, :${2:column}${3: [press tab twice to generate add_column]}
-snippet rdb "RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug (rdb)"
-RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug "${1:message}"$0
-snippet tre "Table column(s) rename"
-t.rename(:${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name})
-snippet art "Test Assert Redirected To (art)"
-assert_redirected_to ${2::action => "${1:index}"}
-snippet asre "Test Assert Response (are)"
-assert_response :${1:success}, @response.body$0
-snippet aftc "after_create"
-after_create $0
-snippet aftd "after_destroy"
-after_destroy $0
-snippet afts "after_save"
-after_save $0
-snippet aftu "after_update"
-after_update $0
-snippet aftv "after_validation"
-after_validation $0
-snippet aftvoc "after_validation_on_create"
-after_validation_on_create $0
-snippet aftvou "after_validation_on_update"
-after_validation_on_update $0
-snippet asg "assert(var = assigns(:var))"
-assert(${1:var} = assigns(:${1}), "Cannot find @${1}")
-snippet asd "assert_difference"
-assert_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}", ${3:1} do
- $0
-snippet asnd "assert_no_difference"
-assert_no_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}" do
- $0
-snippet artnpp "assert_redirected_to (nested path plural)"
-assert_redirected_to ${10:${2:parent}_${3:child}_path(${4:@}${5:${2}})}
-snippet artnp "assert_redirected_to (nested path)"
-assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})}
-snippet artpp "assert_redirected_to (path plural)"
-assert_redirected_to ${10:${2:model}s_path}
-snippet artp "assert_redirected_to (path)"
-assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:model}_path(${13:@}${14:${12}})}
-snippet asrj "assert_rjs"
-assert_rjs :${1:replace}, ${2:"${3:dom id}"}
-snippet ass "assert_select"
-assert_select '${1:path}'${2:, :${3:text} => ${4:'${5:inner_html}'}}${6: do
- $0
-snippet befc "before_create"
-before_create $0
-snippet befd "before_destroy"
-before_destroy $0
-snippet befs "before_save"
-before_save $0
-snippet befu "before_update"
-before_update $0
-snippet befv "before_validation"
-before_validation $0
-snippet befvoc "before_validation_on_create"
-before_validation_on_create $0
-snippet befvou "before_validation_on_update"
-snippet bt "belongs_to (bt)"
-belongs_to :${1:object}${2:, :class_name => "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
-snippet crw "cattr_accessor"
-cattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
-snippet defcreate "def create - resource"
-def create
- @${1:model} = ${2:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}.new(params[:$1])
- $0
- respond_to do |wants|
- if @$1.save
- flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully created.'
- wants.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @$1, :status => :created, :location => @$1 }
- else
- wants.html { render :action => "new" }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @$1.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
- end
- end
-snippet test "test do..end"
-test "${1:something interesting}" do
- $0
-snippet deftg "def get request"
-def test_should_get_${1:action}
- ${2:@${3:model} = ${4:$3s}(:${5:fixture_name})
- }get :${1}${6:, :id => @$3.to_param}
- assert_response :success
- $0
-snippet deftp "def post request"
-def test_should_post_${1:action}
- ${3:@$2 = ${4:$2s}(:${5:fixture_name})
- }post :${1}${6:, :id => @$2.to_param}, :${2:model} => { $0 }
- assert_response :redirect
-snippet fina "find(:all)"
-find(:all${1:, :conditions => ['${2:${3:field} = ?}', ${5:true}]})
-snippet finf "find(:first)"
-find(:first${1:, :conditions => ['${2:${3:field} = ?}', ${5:true}]})
-snippet fini "find(id)"
-snippet fine "find_each"
-find_each(${1::conditions => {:${2:field} => ${3:true}\}}) do |${4:${TM_CURRENT_WORD/(\w+)\./\L$1/g}}|
- $0
-snippet finb "find_in_batches"
-find_in_batches(${1::conditions => {:${2:field} => ${3:true}\}}) do |${4:${TM_CURRENT_WORD/(\w+)\./\L$1/g}}s|
- $4s.each do |$4|
- $0
- end
-snippet habtm "has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm)"
-has_and_belongs_to_many :${1:object}${2:, :join_table => "${3:table_name}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
-snippet hm "has_many (hm)"
-has_many :${1:object}s${2:, :class_name => "${1}", :foreign_key => "${4:reference}_id"}
-snippet hmt "has_many (through)"
-has_many :${1:objects}, :through => :${2:join_association}${3:, :source => :${4:${2}_table_foreign_key_to_${1}_table}}
-snippet hmd "has_many :dependent => :destroy"
-has_many :${1:object}s${2:, :class_name => "${1}", :foreign_key => "${4:reference}_id"}, :dependent => :destroy$0
-snippet ho "has_one (ho)"
-has_one :${1:object}${2:, :class_name => "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
-snippet logd "logger.debug"
-${1:Rails.}logger.debug { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet loge "logger.error"
-logger.error { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet logf "logger.fatal"
-logger.fatal { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet logi "logger.info"
-logger.info { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet logw "logger.warn"
-logger.warn { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet mp "map(&:sym_proc)"
-snippet mapca "map.catch_all"
-${1:map}.catch_all "*${2:anything}", :controller => "${3:default}", :action => "${4:error}"
-snippet map "map.named_route"
-${1:map}.${2:connect} '${3::controller/:action/:id}'
-snippet mapr "map.resource"
-${1:map}.resource :${2:resource}${10: do |${11:$2}|
- $0
-snippet maprs "map.resources"
-${1:map}.resources :${2:resource}${10: do |${11:$2}|
- $0
-snippet mapwo "map.with_options"
-${1:map}.with_options :${2:controller} => '${3:thing}' do |${4:$3}|
- $0
-snippet mrw "mattr_accessor"
-mattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
-snippet ncl "named_scope lambda"
-named_scope :name, lambda { |${1:param}| { :conditions => ${3:['${4:${5:field} = ?}', ${6:$1}]} } }
-snippet nc "named_scope"
-named_scope :name${1:, :joins => :${2:table}}, :conditions => ${3:['${4:${5:field} = ?}', ${6:true}]}
-snippet dscope "default_scope"
-default_scope ${1:order(${2:'${3:created_at DESC}'})}
-snippet flash "flash[...]"
-flash[:${1:notice}] = "${2:Successfully created...}"$0
-snippet rea "redirect_to (action)"
-redirect_to :action => "${1:index}"
-snippet reai "redirect_to (action, id)"
-redirect_to :action => "${1:show}", :id => ${0:@item}
-snippet rec "redirect_to (controller)"
-redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}"
-snippet reca "redirect_to (controller, action)"
-redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}", :action => "${2:list}"
-snippet recai "redirect_to (controller, action, id)"
-redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}", :action => "${2:show}", :id => ${0:@item}
-snippet renpp "redirect_to (nested path plural)"
-snippet renp "redirect_to (nested path)"
-redirect_to(${2:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})})
-snippet repp "redirect_to (path plural)"
-snippet rep "redirect_to (path)"
-snippet reb "redirect_to :back"
-redirect_to :back
-snippet ra "render (action)... (ra)"
-render :action => "${1:action}"
-snippet ral "render (action,layout) (ral)"
-render :action => "${1:action}", :layout => "${2:layoutname}"
-snippet rf "render (file) (rf)"
-render :file => "${1:filepath}"
-snippet rfu "render (file,use_full_path) (rfu)"
-render :file => "${1:filepath}", :use_full_path => ${2:false}
-snippet ri "render (inline) (ri)"
-render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}"
-snippet ril "render (inline,locals) (ril)"
-render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", :locals => { ${2::name} => "${3:value}"$4 }
-snippet rit "render (inline,type) (rit)"
-render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", :type => ${2::rxml}
-snippet rl "render (layout) (rl)"
-render :layout => "${1:layoutname}"
-snippet rn "render (nothing) (rn)"
-render :nothing => ${1:true}
-snippet rns "render (nothing,status) (rns)"
-render :nothing => ${1:true}, :status => ${2:401}
-snippet rt "render (text) (rt)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}"
-snippet rtl "render (text,layout) (rtl)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :layout => "${2:layoutname}"
-snippet rtlt "render (text,layout => true) (rtlt)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :layout => ${2:true}
-snippet rts "render (text,status) (rts)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :status => ${2:401}
-snippet ru "render (update)"
-render :update do |${2:page}|
- $2.$0
-snippet rest "respond_to"
-respond_to do |wants|
- wants.${1:html}${2: { $0 \}}
-snippet returning "returning do |variable| ... end"
-returning ${1:variable} do${2/(^(?<var>\s*[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(,\g<var>)*,?\s*$)|.*/(?1: |)/}${2:v}${2/(^(?<var>\s*[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(,\g<var>)*,?\s*$)|.*/(?1:|)/}
- $0
-snippet t. "t.binary (tcbi)"
-t.binary :${1:title}${2:, :limit => ${3:2}.megabytes}
-snippet t. "t.boolean (tcb)"
-t.boolean :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.date (tcda)"
-t.date :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.datetime (tcdt)"
-t.datetime :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.decimal (tcd)"
-t.decimal :${1:title}${2:${3:, :precision => ${4:10}}${5:, :scale => ${6:2}}}
-snippet t. "t.float (tcf)"
-t.float :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.integer (tci)"
-t.integer :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.lock_version (tcl)"
-t.integer :lock_version, :null => false, :default => 0
-snippet t. "t.references (tcr)"
-t.references :${1:taggable}${2:, :polymorphic => ${3:{ :default => '${4:Photo}' \}}}
-snippet t. "t.rename (tre)"
-t.rename(:${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name})
-snippet t. "t.string (tcs)"
-t.string :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.text (tct)"
-t.text :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.time (tcti)"
-t.time :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.timestamp (tcts)"
-t.timestamp :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.timestamps (tctss)"
-snippet vaoif "validates_acceptance_of if"
-validates_acceptance_of :${1:terms}${2:${3:, :accept => "${4:1}"}${5:, :message => "${6:You must accept the terms of service}"}}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vao "validates_acceptance_of"
-validates_acceptance_of :${1:terms}${2:${3:, :accept => "${4:1}"}${5:, :message => "${6:You must accept the terms of service}"}}
-snippet va "validates_associated (va)"
-validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}}
-snippet vaif "validates_associated if (vaif)"
-validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vc "validates_confirmation_of (vc)"
-validates_confirmation_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:should match confirmation}"}
-snippet vcif "validates_confirmation_of if (vcif)"
-validates_confirmation_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:should match confirmation}", :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet ve "validates_exclusion_of (ve)"
-validates_exclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not allowed}"}
-snippet veif "validates_exclusion_of if (veif)"
-validates_exclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not allowed}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vfif "validates_format_of if"
-validates_format_of :${1:attribute}, :with => /${2:^[${3:\w\d}]+\$}/${4:, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:is invalid}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vf "validates_format_of"
-validates_format_of :${1:attribute}, :with => /${2:^[${3:\w\d}]+\$}/${4:, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:is invalid}"}
-snippet viif "validates_inclusion_of if"
-validates_inclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not included in the list}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vi "validates_inclusion_of"
-validates_inclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not included in the list}"}
-snippet vl "validates_length_of (vl)"
-validates_length_of :${1:attribute}, :within => ${2:3..20}${3:, :on => :${4:create}, :message => "${5:must be present}"}
-snippet vlif "validates_length_of if"
-validates_length_of :${1:attribute}, :within => ${2:3..20}${3:, :on => :${4:create}, :message => "${5:must be present}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${6:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vnif "validates_numericality_of if"
-validates_numericality_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:is not a number}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vn "validates_numericality_of"
-validates_numericality_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:is not a number}"}
-snippet vp "validates_presence_of (vp)"
-validates_presence_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:can't be blank}"}
-snippet vpif "validates_presence_of if (vpif) 2"
-validates_presence_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:can't be blank}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vu "validates_uniqueness_of (vu)"
-validates_uniqueness_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:must be unique}"}
-snippet vuif "validates_uniqueness_of if (vuif)"
-validates_uniqueness_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:must be unique}", :if => proc { |obj| ${6:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet verify "verify -- render"
-verify :only => [:$1], :method => :post, :render => {:status => 500, :text => "use HTTP-POST"}
-snippet verify "verify -- redirect"
-verify :only => [:$1], :session => :user, :params => :id, :redirect_to => {:action => '${2:index}'}
-snippet wants "wants_format"
-wants.${1:js|xml|html}${2: { $0 \}}
-snippet xdelete "xhr delete"
-xhr :delete, :${1:destroy}, :id => ${2:1}$0
-snippet xget "xhr get"
-xhr :get, :${1:show}${2:, :id => ${3:1}}$0
-snippet xpost "xhr post"
-xhr :post, :${1:create}, :${2:object} => { $3 }
-snippet xput "xhr put"
-xhr :put, :${1:update}, :id => ${2:1}, :${3:object} => { $4 }$0
-snippet sweeper "Create sweeper class"
-class ${1:Model}Sweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
- observe ${1:Model}
- def after_save(${1/./\l$0/})
- expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
- end
- def after_destroy(${1/./\l$0/})
- expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
- end
- private
- def expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
- ${0:expire_page ${1/./\l$0/}s_path
- expire_page ${1/./\l$0/}_path(${1/./\l$0/})}
- end
-snippet col "collection routes"
-collection do
- ${1:get :${2:action}}
- ${3:put :${4:action}}
- ${5:post :${6:action}}
- ${7:delete :${8:action}}
-snippet format "format (respond_with)"
-format.${1:html|xml|json|js|any} { $0 }
-snippet gem "gem"
-gem '${1:name}'${2:${3:, "${4:1.0}"}${5:${6:, :require => ${7:"${8:$1}"}}${9:, :group => :${10:test}}}}
-snippet gemg "gem :git"
-gem '${1:paperclip}', :git => "${2:git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git}"${3:, :branch => "${4:rails3}"}
-snippet match "match"
-match '${1:${2::controller}${3:/${4::action}${5:/${6::id}${7:(.:format)}}}}'${8: => '${9:$2}#${10:$4}'${11:, :as => :${12:$10}}}
-snippet member "member routes"
-member do
- ${1:get :${2:action}}
- ${3:put :${4:action}}
- ${5:post :${6:action}}
- ${7:delete :${8:action}}
-snippet res "resources"
-resources :${1:posts}${2: do
- $3
-snippet scope "scope"
-scope :${1:name}, ${2:joins(:${3:table}).}where(${4:'${5:$3.${6:field}} = ?', ${7:'${8:value}'}})
-snippet scopel "scope lambda"
-scope :${1:name}, lambda { |${2:param}| ${3:where(${4::${5:field} => ${6:"${7:value}"}})} }
-snippet scopee "scope with extension"
-scope :${1:name}, ${2:where(${3::${4:field} => ${5:'${6:value}'}})} do
- def ${7:method_name}
- $0
- end
-snippet sb "scoped_by"
-snippet setup "setup do..end"
-setup do
- $0
-snippet trans "Translation snippet"
-I18n.t('`!v substitute(substitute(substitute(@%, substitute(getcwd() . "/", "\/", "\\\\/", "g"), "", ""), "\\(\\.\\(html\\|js\\)\\.\\(haml\\|erb\\)\\|\\(_controller\\)\\?\\.rb\\)$", "", ""), "/", ".", "g")`.${2:${1/[^\w]/_/g}}${3}', :default => "${1:some_text}"${4})${5:$0}
-snippet route_spec
-it 'routes to #${1:action}' do
- ${2:get}('/${3:url}').should route_to('`!v substitute(expand('%:t:r'), '_routing_spec$', '', '')`#$1'${4:, ${5:params}})${6}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rnoweb.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rnoweb.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 773b9aa..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rnoweb.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends tex, r
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rst.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rst.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0596eee..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rst.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-priority -50
-# General Stuff #
-global !p
-import vim
-from os import path as ospath
-from string import Template
-import re
-from collections import Counter
-from vimsnippets import complete
-TEXT_ROLES = ['emphasis','literal','code','math',
- 'pep-reference','rfc-reference',
- 'strong','subscript','superscript',
- 'title-reference','raw']
-TEXT_ROLES_REGEX = r'\.\.\srole::?\s(w+)'
-SPECIFIC_ADMONITIONS = ["attention", "caution", "danger",
- "error", "hint", "important", "note",
- "tip", "warning"]
-DIRECTIVES = ['topic','sidebar','math','epigraph',
- 'parsed-literal','code','highlights',
- 'pull-quote','compound','container',
- 'list-table','class','sectnum',
- 'role','default-role','unicode',
- 'raw']
-NONE_CONTENT_DIRECTIVES = ['rubric', 'contents', 'header',
- 'footer', 'date', 'include', 'title']
-INCLUDABLE_DIRECTIVES = ['image', 'figure', 'include']
-# CJK chars
-# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2718196/find-all-chinese-text-in-a-string-using-python-and-regex
-CJK_RE = re.compile(u'[⺀-⺙⺛-⻳⼀-⿕々〇〡-〩〸-〺〻㐀-䶵一-鿃豈-鶴侮-頻並-龎]', re.UNICODE)
-def has_cjk(s):
- """Detect if s contains CJK characters."""
- return CJK_RE.search(s) is not None
-def real_filename(filename):
- """pealeextension name off if possible
- # i.e. "foo.bar.png will return "foo.bar"
- """
- return ospath.splitext(filename)[0]
-def check_file_exist(rst_path, relative_path):
- """
- For RST file, it can just include files as relative path.
- :param rst_path: absolute path to rst file
- :param relative_path: path related to rst file
- :return: relative file's absolute path if file exist
- """
- abs_path = ospath.join(ospath.dirname(rst_path), relative_path)
- if ospath.isfile(abs_path):
- return abs_path
- rst_char_len = vim.strwidth # Requires Vim 7.3+
-except AttributeError:
- from unicodedata import east_asian_width
- def rst_char_len(s):
- """Return the required over-/underline length for s."""
- result = 0
- for c in s:
- result += 2 if east_asian_width(c) in ('W', 'F') else 1
- return result
-def make_items(times, leading='+'):
- """
- make lines with leading char multitimes
- :param: times, how many times you need
- :param: leading, leading character
- """
- times = int(times)
- if leading == 1:
- msg = ""
- for x in range(1, times+1):
- msg += "%s. Item\n" % x
- return msg
- else:
- return ("%s Item\n" % leading) * times
-def look_up_directives(regex, fpath):
- """
- find all directive args in given file
- :param: regex, the regex that needs to match
- :param: path, to path to rst file
- :return: list, empty list if nothing match
- """
- try:
- with open(fpath) as source:
- match = re.findall(regex, source.read())
- except IOError:
- match = []
- return match
-def get_popular_code_type():
- """
- find most popular code type in the given rst
- :param path: file to detect
- :return: string, most popular code type in file
- """
- buf = "".join(vim.current.buffer)
- types = re.findall(r'[:|\.\.\s]code::?\s(\w+)', buf)
- try:
- popular_type = Counter(types).most_common()[0][0]
- except IndexError:
- popular_type = "lua" # Don't break default
- return popular_type
-snippet part "Part" b
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'#'`
-${1:${VISUAL:Part name}}
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'#'`
-snippet chap "Chapter" b
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'*'`
-${1:${VISUAL:Chapter name}}
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'*'`
-snippet sec "Section" b
-${1:${VISUAL:Section name}}
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'='`
-snippet ssec "Subsection" b
-${1:${VISUAL:Subsection name}}
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'-'`
-snippet sssec "Subsubsection" b
-${1:${VISUAL:Subsubsection name}}
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'^'`
-snippet para "Paragraph" b
-${1:${VISUAL:Paragraph name}}
-`!p snip.rv = rst_char_len(t[1])*'"'`
-snippet em "Emphasize string" i
-# dirty but works with CJK character detection
-if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
- snip.rv ="\ "`*${1:${VISUAL:Em}}*`!p
-if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
- snip.rv ="\ "
- snip.rv = " "
-snippet st "Strong string" i
-if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
- snip.rv ="\ "`**${1:${VISUAL:Strong}}**`!p
-if has_cjk(vim.current.line):
- snip.rv ="\ "
- snip.rv = " "
-snippet "li(st)? (?P<num>\d+)" "List" br
-# usage: li 4<tab>
-# which will extand into a unordered list contains 4 items
-snip.rv = make_items(match.groupdict()['num'])
-snippet "ol(st)? (?P<num>\d+)" "Order List" br
-# usage: ol 4<tab>
-# which will extand into a ordered list contains 4 items
-snip.rv = make_items(match.groupdict()['num'], 1)
-# More Specialized Stuff. #
-snippet cb "Code Block" b
-.. code-block:: ${1:`!p snip.rv = get_popular_code_type()`}
- ${2:${VISUAL:code}}
-# match snippets :
-# img, inc, fig
-snippet id "Includable Directives" b
-if di == 'im':
- link = "|{0}|".format(real_name)
-if di == 'fi':
- content="""
- :alt: {0}
- {0}""".format(real_name)
-..`!p snip.rv = " %s" % link if link else ""` $1`!p
-snip.rv=complete(t[1], INCLUDABLE_DIRECTIVES)
-`:: ${2:${VISUAL:file}}`!p
-if content:
- snip.rv +=" "+content`
-# Tip of whether file is exist in comment type
-if not check_file_exist(path, t[2]):
- snip.rv='.. FILE {0} does not exist'.format(t[2])
- snip.rv=""
-snippet di "Directives" b
-.. $1`!p snip.rv=complete(t[1], DIRECTIVES)`:: $2
- ${3:${VISUAL:Content}}
-snippet nd "None Content Directives" b
-.. $1`!p snip.rv=complete(t[1], NONE_CONTENT_DIRECTIVES)`:: $2
-snippet sa "Specific Admonitions" b
-.. $1`!p snip.rv =complete(t[1], SPECIFIC_ADMONITIONS)`::
- ${2:${VISUAL:Content}}
-#it will be trigger at start of line or after a word
-snippet ro "Text Roles" w
-\ :$1`!p snip.rv=complete(t[1],
- TEXT_ROLES+look_up_directives(TEXT_ROLES_REGEX,
- path))`:\`$2\`\
-# Sphinx #
-snippet sid "SideBar" b
-.. sidebar:: ${1:SideBar Title}
- ${2:${VISUAL:SideBar Content}}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ruby.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ruby.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b7124f8..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/ruby.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet "^#!" "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" r
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-snippet "^# ?[uU][tT][fF]-?8" "# encoding: UTF-8" r
-# encoding: UTF-8
-snippet "\b(de)?f" "def <name>..." r
-def ${1:function_name}${2:(${3:*args})}
- $0
-snippet defi "def initialize ..."
-def initialize${1:(${2:*args})}
- $0
-snippet defr "def <name> ... rescue ..."
-def ${1:function_name}${2:(${3:*args})}
- $4
- $0
-snippet For "(<from>..<to>).each { |<i>| <block> }"
-(${1:from}..${2:to}).each { |${3:i}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.Merge!" ".merge!(<other_hash>) { |<key>,<oldval>,<newval>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.merge!(${1:other_hash}) { |${2:key},${3:oldval},${4:newval}| ${5:block} }
-snippet "(\S+)\.merge!" ".merge!(<other_hash>) do |<key>,<oldval>,<newval>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.merge!(${1:other_hash}) do |${2:key},${3:oldval},${4:newval}|
- ${0:block}
-snippet "(\S+)\.Del(ete)?_?if" ".delete_if { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.delete_if { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.del(ete)?_?if" ".delete_if do |<key>,<value>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.delete_if do |${1:key},${2:value}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Keep_?if" ".keep_if { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.keep_if { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.keep_?if" ".keep_if do <key>,<value>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.keep_if do |${1:key},${2:value}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Reject" ".reject { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reject { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.reject" ".reject do <key>,<value>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reject do |${1:key},${2:value}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Select" ".select { |<item>| <block>}" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.select { |${1:item}| ${2:block} }
-snippet "(\S+)\.select" ".select do |<item>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.select do |${1:item}|
- ${0:block}
-snippet "(\S+)\.Sort" ".sort { |<a>,<b>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.sort { |${1:a},${2:b}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.sort" ".sort do |<a>,<b>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.sort do |${1:a},${2:b}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?k(ey)?" ".each_key { |<key>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_key { |${1:key}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.each_?k(ey)?" ".each_key do |key| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_key do |${1:key}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?val(ue)?" ".each_value { |<value>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_value { |${1:value}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.each_?val(ue)?" ".each_value do |<value>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_value do |${1:value}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.ea" "<elements>.each do |<element>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each { |${1:e}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.ead" "<elements>.each do |<element>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each do |${1:e}|
- $0
-snippet "each_?s(lice)?" "<array>.each_slice(n) do |slice| <block> end" r
-${1:elements}.each_slice(${2:2}) do |${3:slice}|
- $0
-snippet "Each_?s(lice)?" "<array>.each_slice(n) { |slice| <block> }" r
-${1:elements}.each_slice(${2:2}) { |${3:slice}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.Map" ".map { |<element>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.map { |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
-`}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.map" ".map do |<element>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.map do |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Rev(erse)?_?each" ".reverse_each { |<element>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reverse_each { |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
-`}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.rev(erse)?_?each" ".reverse_each do |<element>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.reverse_each do |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Each" ".each { |<element>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each { |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
-`}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.each" ".each do |<element>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each do |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?w(ith)?_?i(ndex)?" ".each_with_index { |<element>,<i>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_with_index { |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
-`},${2:i}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.each_?w(ith)?_?i(ndex)?" ".each_with_index do |<element>,<i>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_with_index do |${1:`!p
-element_name = match.group(1).lstrip('$@')
-ematch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+?)s?[^A-Za-z0-9_]*?$", element_name)
- wmatch = re.search("([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$", ematch.group(1))
- snip.rv = wmatch.group(1).lower()
- snip.rv = 'element'
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.Each_?p(air)?" ".each_pair { |<key>,<value>| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_pair { |${1:key},${2:value}| $0 }
-snippet "(\S+)\.each_?p(air)?" ".each_pair do |<key>,<value>| <block> end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.each_pair do |${1:key},${2:value}|
- $0
-snippet "(\S+)\.sub" ".sub(<expression>) { <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.sub(${1:expression}) { ${2:"replace_with"} }
-snippet "(\S+)\.gsub" ".gsub(<expression>) { <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.gsub(${1:expression}) { ${2:"replace_with"} }
-snippet "(\S+)\.index" ".index { |item| <block> }" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.index { |${1:item}| ${2:block} }
-snippet "(\S+)\.Index" ".index do |item| ... end" r
-`!p snip.rv=match.group(1)`.index do |${1:item}|
- ${0:block}
-snippet until "until <expression> ... end"
-until ${1:expression}
- $0
-snippet Until "begin ... end until <expression>"
- $0
-end until ${1:expression}
-snippet while "while <expression> ... end"
-while ${1:expression}
- $0
-snippet While "begin ... end while <expression>"
- $0
-end while ${1:expression}
-snippet begin "begin ... rescue ... end"
- $1
- $0
-snippet begin "begin ... rescue ... else ... ensure ... end"
- ${1:# Raise exception}
-rescue Exception => e
- puts e.message
- puts e.backtrace.inspect
- ${2:# Rescue}
- ${3:# other exception}
- ${0:# always excute}
-snippet rescue
-rescue Exception => e
- puts e.message
- puts e.backtrace.inspect
- ${0:# Rescue}
-snippet "\b(case|sw(itch)?)" "case <variable> when <expression> ... end" r
-case ${1:variable}
-when ${2:expression}
-snippet alias "alias :<new_name> :<old_name>"
-alias :${1:new_name} :${2:old_name}
-snippet class "class <class_name> def initialize ... end end"
-class ${1:class_name}
- def initialize(${2:*args})
- $0
- end
-snippet module "module"
-module ${1:module_name}
- $0
-snippet ###
- $0
-# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 expandtab:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rust.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rust.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 40e7605..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rust.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Rust Snippets #
-priority -50
-snippet let "let variable declaration" b
-let ${1:name}${2:: ${3:type}} = ${4};
-snippet letm "let mut variable declaration" b
-let mut ${1:name}${2:: ${3:type}} = ${4};
-snippet fn "A function, optionally with arguments and return type."
-fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3/..*/ -> /}${3} {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet pfn "A public function, optionally with arguments and return type."
-pub fn ${1:function_name}(${2})${3/..*/ -> /}${3} {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet arg "Function Arguments" i
-${1:a}: ${2:T}${3:, arg}
-snippet || "Closure, anonymous function (inline)" i
-${1:move }|${2}| { $3 }
-snippet |} "Closure, anonymous function (block)" i
-${1:move }|${2}| {
- $3
-snippet pri "print!(..)" b
-print!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2});
-snippet pln "println!(..)" b
-println!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2});
-snippet fmt "format!(..)"
-format!("${1}"${2/..*/, /}${2});
-snippet macro "macro_rules!" b
-macro_rules! ${1:name} {
- (${2:matcher}) => (
- ${3}
- )
-snippet mod "A module" b
-mod ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.lower() or "name"`} {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet for "for .. in .." b
-for ${1:i} in ${2} {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-snippet todo "A Todo comment"
-// [TODO]: ${1:Description} - `!v strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M%P")`
-snippet st "Struct" b
-struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.title() or "Name"`} {
- ${VISUAL}${0}
-# TODO: fancy dynamic field mirroring like Python slotclass
-snippet stn "Struct with new constructor." b
-pub struct ${1:`!p snip.rv = snip.basename.title() or "Name"`} {
- fd${0}
-impl $1 {
- pub fn new(${2}) -> $1 {
- $1 { ${3} }
- }
-snippet fd "Struct field definition" w
-${1:name}: ${2:Type},
-snippet impl "Struct/Trait implementation" b
-impl ${1:Type/Trait}${2: for ${3:Type}} {
- ${0}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/sh.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/sh.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 7018184..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/sh.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-global !p
-import vim
-# Tests for the existence of a variable declared by Vim's filetype detection
-# suggesting the type of shell script of the current file
-def testShell(scope, shell):
- return vim.eval("exists('" + scope + ":is_" + shell + "')")
-# Loops over the possible variables, checking for global variables
-# first since they indicate an override by the user.
-def getShell():
- for scope in ["g", "b"]:
- for shell in ["bash", "posix", "sh", "kornshell"]:
- if testShell(scope, shell) == "1":
- if shell == "kornshell":
- return "ksh"
- if shell == "posix":
- return "sh"
- return shell
- return "sh"
-# TextMate Snippets #
-snippet #!
-`!p snip.rv = '#!/bin/' + getShell() + "\n\n" `
-snippet !env "#!/usr/bin/env (!env)"
-`!p snip.rv = '#!/usr/bin/env ' + getShell() + "\n\n" `
-snippet sbash "safe bash options"
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-set -euo pipefail
-`!p snip.rv ='\n\n' `
-snippet temp "Tempfile"
-${1:TMPFILE}="$(mktemp -t ${2:`!p
-snip.rv = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]', '_', snip.fn) or "untitled"
-${3:${4/(.+)/trap "/}${4:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'}${4/(.+)/" 0 # EXIT\n/}${5/(.+)/trap "/}${5:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'; exit 1}${5/(.+)/" 2 # INT\n/}${6/(.+)/trap "/}${6:rm -f '$${1/.*\s//}'; exit 1}${6/(.+)/" 1 15 # HUP TERM\n/}}
-snippet case "case .. esac (case)"
-case ${1:word} in
- ${2:pattern} )
- $0;;
-snippet elif "elif .. (elif)"
-elif ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; then
- ${0:#statements}
-snippet for "for ... done (for)"
-for (( i = 0; i < ${1:10}; i++ )); do
- ${0:#statements}
-snippet forin "for ... in ... done (forin)"
-for ${1:i}${2/.+/ in /}${2:words}; do
- ${0:#statements}
-snippet here "here document (here)"
- $0
-snippet if "if ... then (if)"
-if ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; then
- ${0:#statements}
-snippet until "until ... (done)"
-until ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; do
- ${0:#statements}
-snippet while "while ... (done)"
-while ${2:[[ ${1:condition} ]]}; do
- ${0:#statements}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/snippets.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/snippets.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index ee0c8c7..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/snippets.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# We use a little hack so that the snippet is expanded
-# and parsed correctly
-snippet snip "Snippet definition" b
-`!p snip.rv = "snippet"` ${1:Tab_trigger} "${2:Description}" ${3:b}
-`!p snip.rv = "endsnippet"`
-snippet global "Global snippet" b
-`!p snip.rv = "global"` !p
-`!p snip.rv = "endglobal"`
-snippet vis "${VISUAL}" i
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/soy.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/soy.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a22a57..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/soy.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends html
-snippet ns "Namespace" b
-{namespace ${1:name}}
-snippet tmpl "Template" b
- * ${2:TODO(`whoami`): Describe this template.}
- */
-{template .${1:name}}
- $0
-snippet msg "Message" b
-{msg desc="${1:description}"}
- $0
-snippet let "let command" b
-{let $${1:identifier}: ${2:expression} /}
-snippet if "if .. (if)" b
-{if ${1:expression}}
- $0
-snippet ife "if .. else (ife)" b
-{if ${1:expression}}
- $2
- $0
-snippet eli "else if .. (eli)" b
-{elif ${1:expression}}
- $0
-snippet fore "foreach command" b
-{foreach $${1:var} in ${2:ref}}
- $0
-snippet for "for command" b
-{for $${1:var} in range(${2:rangeexpr})}
- $0
-snippet call "template call" b
-{call ${1:tmpl}}
- $0
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/supercollider.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/supercollider.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index b8538aa..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/supercollider.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-snippet for
-for (${1:1}, ${2:10}) {${3: |i}|}
- $0
-snippet sdef
-SynthDef(\\${1:synthName}, {${2: |${3:x}|}
- ${0}
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tcl.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tcl.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 6584915..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tcl.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet for "for... (for)" b
-for {${1:set i 0}} {${2:\$i < \$n}} {${3:incr i}} {
- ${4}
-snippet foreach "foreach... (foreach)"
-foreach ${1:var} ${2:\$list} {
- ${3}
-snippet if "if... (if)" b
-if {${1:condition}} {
- ${2}
-snippet proc "proc... (proc)" b
-proc ${1:name} {${2:args}} \
- ${3}
-snippet switch "switch... (switch)" b
-switch ${1:-exact} -- ${2:\$var} {
- ${3:match} {
- ${4}
- }
- default {${5}}
-snippet while "while... (while)" b
-while {${1:condition}} {
- ${2}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c7e44b..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends texmath
-snippet "b(egin)?" "begin{} / end{}" br
- ${0:${VISUAL}}
-snippet tab "tabular / array environment" b
-$0${2/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g}
-snippet table "Table environment" b
- \centering
- \caption{${2:caption}}
- \label{tab:${3:label}}
- \begin{${4:t}${4/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}}{${5:c}}
- $0${5/((?<=.)c|l|r)|./(?1: & )/g}
- \end{$4${4/(t)$|(a)$|(.*)/(?1:abular)(?2:rray)/}}
-snippet fig "Figure environment" b
- \centering
- \includegraphics[width=${3:0.8}\linewidth]{${4:name.ext}}
- \caption{${4/(\w+)\.\w+/\u$1/}$0}
- \label{fig:${4/(\w+)\.\w+/$1/}}
-snippet enum "Enumerate" b
- \item $0
-snippet item "Itemize" b
- \item $0
-snippet desc "Description" b
- \item[$1] $0
-snippet it "Individual item" b
-\item ${1}
-snippet part "Part" b
-\part{${1:part name}}
-snippet cha "Chapter" b
-\chapter{${1:chapter name}}
-snippet sec "Section" b
-\section{${1:section name}}
-snippet sub "Subsection" b
-\subsection{${1:subsection name}}
-snippet ssub "Subsubsection" b
-\subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}}
-snippet par "Paragraph" b
-\paragraph{${1:paragraph name}}
-snippet subp "Subparagraph" b
-\subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}}
-snippet ni "Non-indented paragraph" b
-snippet pac "Package" b
-snippet lp "Long parenthesis"
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a25e9..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/texmath.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet eq "Equation" b
- $0
-snippet eqnn "Equation without number" b
- $0
-snippet eqa "Equation array" b
- $1 & $2 & $0
-snippet eqann "Equation array without numbers" b
- $1 & $2 & $0
-snippet frac "Fraction" w
-snippet mat "Smart Matrix"
- $0
-snippet lr( "left( right)" w
-\left( ${1:${VISUAL}} \right)
-snippet lr| "left| right|" w
-\left| ${1:${VISUAL}} \right|
-snippet lr{ "left\{ right\}" w
-\left\\{ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right\\}
-snippet lr[ "left[ right]" w
-\left[ ${1:${VISUAL}} \right]
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/typescript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/typescript.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 11072dd..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/typescript.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends javascript
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/vim.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/vim.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb2396..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/vim.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-# SnipMate Snippets #
-snippet gvar "Global / configuration variable" b
-if !exists("g:${1:MyUltraImportantVar}")
- let g:$1 = ${2:"${3:<tab>}"}
-snippet guard "script reload guard" b
-if exists('${1:did_`!p snip.rv = snip.fn.replace('.','_')`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
- finish
-let $1 = 1${3}
-snippet f "function" b
-fun ${1:function_name}(${2})
- ${3:" code}
-# vim:ft=snippets:
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xhtml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xhtml.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c5a29..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xhtml.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends html
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xml.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xml.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 92dfb6e..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/xml.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet xml "XML declaration" b
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-snippet t "Simple tag" b
- ${2:content}
-snippet ti "Inline tag" b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/zsh.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/zsh.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index f7986ea..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/zsh.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-extends sh
-priority -49
-snippet #! "shebang" b
-snippet !env "#!/usr/bin/env (!env)" b
-#!/usr/bin/env zsh
-# vim:ft=snippets: