path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 894 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 15d7e5ec26ec93adee4051b6359be90a943aa38
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index e7b2757..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/rails.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,894 +0,0 @@
-priority -50
-snippet anaf "accepts_nested_attributes_for"
-accepts_nested_attributes_for :${1:association_name}${2:${3:, :allow_destroy => true}${4:, :reject_if => proc \{ |obj| ${5:obj.blank?} \}}}
-snippet tcbi "Create binary column"
-t.binary :${1:title}${2:, :limit => ${3:2}.megabytes}
-snippet tcb "Create boolean column"
-t.boolean :${1:title}
-snippet clac "Create controller class"
-class ${1:Model}Controller < ApplicationController
- before_filter :find_${2:model}
- $0
- private
- def find_${2}
- @$2 = ${3:$1}.find(params[:id]) if params[:id]
- end
-snippet tcda "Create date column"
-t.date :${1:title}
-snippet tcdt "Create datetime column"
-t.datetime :${1:title}
-snippet tcd "Create decimal column"
-t.decimal :${1:title}${2:${3:, :precision => ${4:10}}${5:, :scale => ${6:2}}}
-snippet tcf "Create float column"
-t.float :${1:title}
-snippet clact "Create functional test class"
-require 'test_helper'
-class ${1:Model}ControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
- test$0
-snippet tci "Create integer column"
-t.integer :${1:title}
-snippet tcl "Create lock_version column"
-t.integer :lock_version, :null => false, :default => 0
-# FIXME: handling literal bracket pair inside of nested tab groups?
-snippet tcr "Create references column"
-t.references :${1:taggable}${2:, :polymorphic => ${3:{ :default => '${4:Photo}' \}}}
-snippet resources "Create resources controller class"
-class ${1:Model}sController < ApplicationController
- before_filter :find_${1/./\l$0/}, :only => [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s.xml
- def index
- @${1/./\l$0/}s = ${1:Model}.all
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html # index.html.erb
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}s }
- end
- end
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
- def show
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html # show.html.erb
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/} }
- end
- end
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/new
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/new.xml
- def new
- @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.new
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html # new.html.erb
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/} }
- end
- end
- # GET /${1/./\l$0/}s/1/edit
- def edit
- end
- # POST /${1/./\l$0/}s
- # POST /${1/./\l$0/}s.xml
- def create
- @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.new(params[:${1/./\l$0/}])
- respond_to do |wants|
- if @${1/./\l$0/}.save
- flash[:notice] = '${1:Model} was successfully created.'
- wants.html { redirect_to(@${1/./\l$0/}) }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}, :status => :created, :location => @${1/./\l$0/} }
- else
- wants.html { render :action => "new" }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
- end
- end
- end
- # PUT /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
- # PUT /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
- def update
- respond_to do |wants|
- if @${1/./\l$0/}.update(params[:${1/./\l$0/}])
- flash[:notice] = '${1:Model} was successfully updated.'
- wants.html { redirect_to(@${1/./\l$0/}) }
- wants.xml { head :ok }
- else
- wants.html { render :action => "edit" }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @${1/./\l$0/}.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
- end
- end
- end
- # DELETE /${1/./\l$0/}s/1
- # DELETE /${1/./\l$0/}s/1.xml
- def destroy
- @${1/./\l$0/}.destroy
- respond_to do |wants|
- wants.html { redirect_to(${1/./\l$0/}s_url) }
- wants.xml { head :ok }
- end
- end
- private
- def find_${1/./\l$0/}
- @${1/./\l$0/} = ${1:Model}.find(params[:id])
- end
-snippet tcs "Create string column"
-t.string :${1:title}
-snippet tct "Create text column"
-t.text :${1:title}
-snippet tcti "Create time column"
-t.time :${1:title}
-snippet tcts "Create timestamp column"
-t.timestamp :${1:title}
-snippet tctss "Create timestamps columns"
-snippet mcol "Migration Create Column (mcc)"
-t.column ${1:title}, :${2:string}
-snippet mccc "Migration Create Column Continue (mccc)"
-t.column ${1:title}, :${2:string}
-snippet mtab "Migration Drop Create Table (mdct)"
-drop_table :${1:table}${2: [press tab twice to generate create_table]}
-snippet mcol "Migration Remove and Add Column (mrac)"
-remove_column :${1:table}, :${2:column}${3: [press tab twice to generate add_column]}
-snippet rdb "RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug (rdb)"
-RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug "${1:message}"$0
-snippet tre "Table column(s) rename"
-t.rename(:${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name})
-snippet art "Test Assert Redirected To (art)"
-assert_redirected_to ${2::action => "${1:index}"}
-snippet asre "Test Assert Response (are)"
-assert_response :${1:success}, @response.body$0
-snippet aftc "after_create"
-after_create $0
-snippet aftd "after_destroy"
-after_destroy $0
-snippet afts "after_save"
-after_save $0
-snippet aftu "after_update"
-after_update $0
-snippet aftv "after_validation"
-after_validation $0
-snippet aftvoc "after_validation_on_create"
-after_validation_on_create $0
-snippet aftvou "after_validation_on_update"
-after_validation_on_update $0
-snippet asg "assert(var = assigns(:var))"
-assert(${1:var} = assigns(:${1}), "Cannot find @${1}")
-snippet asd "assert_difference"
-assert_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}", ${3:1} do
- $0
-snippet asnd "assert_no_difference"
-assert_no_difference "${1:Model}.${2:count}" do
- $0
-snippet artnpp "assert_redirected_to (nested path plural)"
-assert_redirected_to ${10:${2:parent}_${3:child}_path(${4:@}${5:${2}})}
-snippet artnp "assert_redirected_to (nested path)"
-assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})}
-snippet artpp "assert_redirected_to (path plural)"
-assert_redirected_to ${10:${2:model}s_path}
-snippet artp "assert_redirected_to (path)"
-assert_redirected_to ${2:${12:model}_path(${13:@}${14:${12}})}
-snippet asrj "assert_rjs"
-assert_rjs :${1:replace}, ${2:"${3:dom id}"}
-snippet ass "assert_select"
-assert_select '${1:path}'${2:, :${3:text} => ${4:'${5:inner_html}'}}${6: do
- $0
-snippet befc "before_create"
-before_create $0
-snippet befd "before_destroy"
-before_destroy $0
-snippet befs "before_save"
-before_save $0
-snippet befu "before_update"
-before_update $0
-snippet befv "before_validation"
-before_validation $0
-snippet befvoc "before_validation_on_create"
-before_validation_on_create $0
-snippet befvou "before_validation_on_update"
-snippet bt "belongs_to (bt)"
-belongs_to :${1:object}${2:, :class_name => "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
-snippet crw "cattr_accessor"
-cattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
-snippet defcreate "def create - resource"
-def create
- @${1:model} = ${2:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}.new(params[:$1])
- $0
- respond_to do |wants|
- if @$1.save
- flash[:notice] = '$2 was successfully created.'
- wants.html { redirect_to(@$1) }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @$1, :status => :created, :location => @$1 }
- else
- wants.html { render :action => "new" }
- wants.xml { render :xml => @$1.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
- end
- end
-snippet test "test do..end"
-test "${1:something interesting}" do
- $0
-snippet deftg "def get request"
-def test_should_get_${1:action}
- ${2:@${3:model} = ${4:$3s}(:${5:fixture_name})
- }get :${1}${6:, :id => @$3.to_param}
- assert_response :success
- $0
-snippet deftp "def post request"
-def test_should_post_${1:action}
- ${3:@$2 = ${4:$2s}(:${5:fixture_name})
- }post :${1}${6:, :id => @$2.to_param}, :${2:model} => { $0 }
- assert_response :redirect
-snippet fina "find(:all)"
-find(:all${1:, :conditions => ['${2:${3:field} = ?}', ${5:true}]})
-snippet finf "find(:first)"
-find(:first${1:, :conditions => ['${2:${3:field} = ?}', ${5:true}]})
-snippet fini "find(id)"
-snippet fine "find_each"
-find_each(${1::conditions => {:${2:field} => ${3:true}\}}) do |${4:${TM_CURRENT_WORD/(\w+)\./\L$1/g}}|
- $0
-snippet finb "find_in_batches"
-find_in_batches(${1::conditions => {:${2:field} => ${3:true}\}}) do |${4:${TM_CURRENT_WORD/(\w+)\./\L$1/g}}s|
- $4s.each do |$4|
- $0
- end
-snippet habtm "has_and_belongs_to_many (habtm)"
-has_and_belongs_to_many :${1:object}${2:, :join_table => "${3:table_name}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
-snippet hm "has_many (hm)"
-has_many :${1:object}s${2:, :class_name => "${1}", :foreign_key => "${4:reference}_id"}
-snippet hmt "has_many (through)"
-has_many :${1:objects}, :through => :${2:join_association}${3:, :source => :${4:${2}_table_foreign_key_to_${1}_table}}
-snippet hmd "has_many :dependent => :destroy"
-has_many :${1:object}s${2:, :class_name => "${1}", :foreign_key => "${4:reference}_id"}, :dependent => :destroy$0
-snippet ho "has_one (ho)"
-has_one :${1:object}${2:, :class_name => "${3:${1/[[:alpha:]]+|(_)/(?1::\u$0)/g}}", :foreign_key => "${4:${1}_id}"}
-snippet logd "logger.debug"
-${1:Rails.}logger.debug { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet loge "logger.error"
-logger.error { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet logf "logger.fatal"
-logger.fatal { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet logi "logger.info"
-logger.info { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet logw "logger.warn"
-logger.warn { "${1:message}" }$0
-snippet mp "map(&:sym_proc)"
-snippet mapca "map.catch_all"
-${1:map}.catch_all "*${2:anything}", :controller => "${3:default}", :action => "${4:error}"
-snippet map "map.named_route"
-${1:map}.${2:connect} '${3::controller/:action/:id}'
-snippet mapr "map.resource"
-${1:map}.resource :${2:resource}${10: do |${11:$2}|
- $0
-snippet maprs "map.resources"
-${1:map}.resources :${2:resource}${10: do |${11:$2}|
- $0
-snippet mapwo "map.with_options"
-${1:map}.with_options :${2:controller} => '${3:thing}' do |${4:$3}|
- $0
-snippet mrw "mattr_accessor"
-mattr_accessor :${0:attr_names}
-snippet ncl "named_scope lambda"
-named_scope :name, lambda { |${1:param}| { :conditions => ${3:['${4:${5:field} = ?}', ${6:$1}]} } }
-snippet nc "named_scope"
-named_scope :name${1:, :joins => :${2:table}}, :conditions => ${3:['${4:${5:field} = ?}', ${6:true}]}
-snippet dscope "default_scope"
-default_scope ${1:order(${2:'${3:created_at DESC}'})}
-snippet flash "flash[...]"
-flash[:${1:notice}] = "${2:Successfully created...}"$0
-snippet rea "redirect_to (action)"
-redirect_to :action => "${1:index}"
-snippet reai "redirect_to (action, id)"
-redirect_to :action => "${1:show}", :id => ${0:@item}
-snippet rec "redirect_to (controller)"
-redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}"
-snippet reca "redirect_to (controller, action)"
-redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}", :action => "${2:list}"
-snippet recai "redirect_to (controller, action, id)"
-redirect_to :controller => "${1:items}", :action => "${2:show}", :id => ${0:@item}
-snippet renpp "redirect_to (nested path plural)"
-snippet renp "redirect_to (nested path)"
-redirect_to(${2:${12:parent}_${13:child}_path(${14:@}${15:${12}}, ${16:@}${17:${13}})})
-snippet repp "redirect_to (path plural)"
-snippet rep "redirect_to (path)"
-snippet reb "redirect_to :back"
-redirect_to :back
-snippet ra "render (action)... (ra)"
-render :action => "${1:action}"
-snippet ral "render (action,layout) (ral)"
-render :action => "${1:action}", :layout => "${2:layoutname}"
-snippet rf "render (file) (rf)"
-render :file => "${1:filepath}"
-snippet rfu "render (file,use_full_path) (rfu)"
-render :file => "${1:filepath}", :use_full_path => ${2:false}
-snippet ri "render (inline) (ri)"
-render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}"
-snippet ril "render (inline,locals) (ril)"
-render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", :locals => { ${2::name} => "${3:value}"$4 }
-snippet rit "render (inline,type) (rit)"
-render :inline => "${1:<%= 'hello' %>}", :type => ${2::rxml}
-snippet rl "render (layout) (rl)"
-render :layout => "${1:layoutname}"
-snippet rn "render (nothing) (rn)"
-render :nothing => ${1:true}
-snippet rns "render (nothing,status) (rns)"
-render :nothing => ${1:true}, :status => ${2:401}
-snippet rt "render (text) (rt)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}"
-snippet rtl "render (text,layout) (rtl)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :layout => "${2:layoutname}"
-snippet rtlt "render (text,layout => true) (rtlt)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :layout => ${2:true}
-snippet rts "render (text,status) (rts)"
-render :text => "${1:text to render...}", :status => ${2:401}
-snippet ru "render (update)"
-render :update do |${2:page}|
- $2.$0
-snippet rest "respond_to"
-respond_to do |wants|
- wants.${1:html}${2: { $0 \}}
-snippet returning "returning do |variable| ... end"
-returning ${1:variable} do${2/(^(?<var>\s*[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(,\g<var>)*,?\s*$)|.*/(?1: |)/}${2:v}${2/(^(?<var>\s*[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\s*)(,\g<var>)*,?\s*$)|.*/(?1:|)/}
- $0
-snippet t. "t.binary (tcbi)"
-t.binary :${1:title}${2:, :limit => ${3:2}.megabytes}
-snippet t. "t.boolean (tcb)"
-t.boolean :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.date (tcda)"
-t.date :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.datetime (tcdt)"
-t.datetime :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.decimal (tcd)"
-t.decimal :${1:title}${2:${3:, :precision => ${4:10}}${5:, :scale => ${6:2}}}
-snippet t. "t.float (tcf)"
-t.float :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.integer (tci)"
-t.integer :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.lock_version (tcl)"
-t.integer :lock_version, :null => false, :default => 0
-snippet t. "t.references (tcr)"
-t.references :${1:taggable}${2:, :polymorphic => ${3:{ :default => '${4:Photo}' \}}}
-snippet t. "t.rename (tre)"
-t.rename(:${1:old_column_name}, :${2:new_column_name})
-snippet t. "t.string (tcs)"
-t.string :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.text (tct)"
-t.text :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.time (tcti)"
-t.time :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.timestamp (tcts)"
-t.timestamp :${1:title}
-snippet t. "t.timestamps (tctss)"
-snippet vaoif "validates_acceptance_of if"
-validates_acceptance_of :${1:terms}${2:${3:, :accept => "${4:1}"}${5:, :message => "${6:You must accept the terms of service}"}}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vao "validates_acceptance_of"
-validates_acceptance_of :${1:terms}${2:${3:, :accept => "${4:1}"}${5:, :message => "${6:You must accept the terms of service}"}}
-snippet va "validates_associated (va)"
-validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}}
-snippet vaif "validates_associated if (vaif)"
-validates_associated :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vc "validates_confirmation_of (vc)"
-validates_confirmation_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:should match confirmation}"}
-snippet vcif "validates_confirmation_of if (vcif)"
-validates_confirmation_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:should match confirmation}", :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet ve "validates_exclusion_of (ve)"
-validates_exclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not allowed}"}
-snippet veif "validates_exclusion_of if (veif)"
-validates_exclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not allowed}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vfif "validates_format_of if"
-validates_format_of :${1:attribute}, :with => /${2:^[${3:\w\d}]+\$}/${4:, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:is invalid}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vf "validates_format_of"
-validates_format_of :${1:attribute}, :with => /${2:^[${3:\w\d}]+\$}/${4:, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:is invalid}"}
-snippet viif "validates_inclusion_of if"
-validates_inclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not included in the list}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${7:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vi "validates_inclusion_of"
-validates_inclusion_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :in => ${3:%w( ${4:mov avi} )}, :on => :${5:create}, :message => "${6:extension %s is not included in the list}"}
-snippet vl "validates_length_of (vl)"
-validates_length_of :${1:attribute}, :within => ${2:3..20}${3:, :on => :${4:create}, :message => "${5:must be present}"}
-snippet vlif "validates_length_of if"
-validates_length_of :${1:attribute}, :within => ${2:3..20}${3:, :on => :${4:create}, :message => "${5:must be present}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${6:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vnif "validates_numericality_of if"
-validates_numericality_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:is not a number}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vn "validates_numericality_of"
-validates_numericality_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:is not a number}"}
-snippet vp "validates_presence_of (vp)"
-validates_presence_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:can't be blank}"}
-snippet vpif "validates_presence_of if (vpif) 2"
-validates_presence_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:can't be blank}"}, :if => proc { |obj| ${5:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet vu "validates_uniqueness_of (vu)"
-validates_uniqueness_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:must be unique}"}
-snippet vuif "validates_uniqueness_of if (vuif)"
-validates_uniqueness_of :${1:attribute}${2:, :on => :${3:create}, :message => "${4:must be unique}", :if => proc { |obj| ${6:obj.condition?} }}
-snippet verify "verify -- render"
-verify :only => [:$1], :method => :post, :render => {:status => 500, :text => "use HTTP-POST"}
-snippet verify "verify -- redirect"
-verify :only => [:$1], :session => :user, :params => :id, :redirect_to => {:action => '${2:index}'}
-snippet wants "wants_format"
-wants.${1:js|xml|html}${2: { $0 \}}
-snippet xdelete "xhr delete"
-xhr :delete, :${1:destroy}, :id => ${2:1}$0
-snippet xget "xhr get"
-xhr :get, :${1:show}${2:, :id => ${3:1}}$0
-snippet xpost "xhr post"
-xhr :post, :${1:create}, :${2:object} => { $3 }
-snippet xput "xhr put"
-xhr :put, :${1:update}, :id => ${2:1}, :${3:object} => { $4 }$0
-snippet sweeper "Create sweeper class"
-class ${1:Model}Sweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
- observe ${1:Model}
- def after_save(${1/./\l$0/})
- expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
- end
- def after_destroy(${1/./\l$0/})
- expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
- end
- private
- def expire_cache(${1/./\l$0/})
- ${0:expire_page ${1/./\l$0/}s_path
- expire_page ${1/./\l$0/}_path(${1/./\l$0/})}
- end
-snippet col "collection routes"
-collection do
- ${1:get :${2:action}}
- ${3:put :${4:action}}
- ${5:post :${6:action}}
- ${7:delete :${8:action}}
-snippet format "format (respond_with)"
-format.${1:html|xml|json|js|any} { $0 }
-snippet gem "gem"
-gem '${1:name}'${2:${3:, "${4:1.0}"}${5:${6:, :require => ${7:"${8:$1}"}}${9:, :group => :${10:test}}}}
-snippet gemg "gem :git"
-gem '${1:paperclip}', :git => "${2:git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git}"${3:, :branch => "${4:rails3}"}
-snippet match "match"
-match '${1:${2::controller}${3:/${4::action}${5:/${6::id}${7:(.:format)}}}}'${8: => '${9:$2}#${10:$4}'${11:, :as => :${12:$10}}}
-snippet member "member routes"
-member do
- ${1:get :${2:action}}
- ${3:put :${4:action}}
- ${5:post :${6:action}}
- ${7:delete :${8:action}}
-snippet res "resources"
-resources :${1:posts}${2: do
- $3
-snippet scope "scope"
-scope :${1:name}, ${2:joins(:${3:table}).}where(${4:'${5:$3.${6:field}} = ?', ${7:'${8:value}'}})
-snippet scopel "scope lambda"
-scope :${1:name}, lambda { |${2:param}| ${3:where(${4::${5:field} => ${6:"${7:value}"}})} }
-snippet scopee "scope with extension"
-scope :${1:name}, ${2:where(${3::${4:field} => ${5:'${6:value}'}})} do
- def ${7:method_name}
- $0
- end
-snippet sb "scoped_by"
-snippet setup "setup do..end"
-setup do
- $0
-snippet trans "Translation snippet"
-I18n.t('`!v substitute(substitute(substitute(@%, substitute(getcwd() . "/", "\/", "\\\\/", "g"), "", ""), "\\(\\.\\(html\\|js\\)\\.\\(haml\\|erb\\)\\|\\(_controller\\)\\?\\.rb\\)$", "", ""), "/", ".", "g")`.${2:${1/[^\w]/_/g}}${3}', :default => "${1:some_text}"${4})${5:$0}
-snippet route_spec
-it 'routes to #${1:action}' do
- ${2:get}('/${3:url}').should route_to('`!v substitute(expand('%:t:r'), '_routing_spec$', '', '')`#$1'${4:, ${5:params}})${6}
-# vim:ft=snippets: