path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaf65ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/autoload/snipmate/jumping.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+function! s:sfile() abort
+ return expand('<sfile>')
+let s:state_proto = {}
+function! snipmate#jumping#state() abort
+ return copy(s:state_proto)
+function! s:listize_mirror(mirrors) abort
+ return map(copy(a:mirrors), '[v:val.line, v:val.col]')
+" Removes snippet state info
+function! s:state_remove() dict abort
+ " Remove all autocmds in group snipmate_changes in the current buffer
+ unlet! b:snip_state
+ silent! au! snipmate_changes * <buffer>
+function! s:state_find_next_stop(backwards) dict abort
+ let self.stop_no += a:backwards? -1 : 1
+ while !has_key(self.stops, self.stop_no)
+ if self.stop_no == self.stop_count
+ let self.stop_no = 0
+ endif
+ if self.stop_no <= 0 && a:backwards
+ let self.stop_no = self.stop_count - 1
+ endif
+ let self.stop_no += a:backwards? -1 : 1
+ endwhile
+" Update state information to correspond to the given tab stop
+function! s:state_set_stop(backwards) dict abort
+ call self.find_next_stop(a:backwards)
+ let self.cur_stop = self.stops[self.stop_no]
+ let self.stop_len = (type(self.cur_stop.placeholder) == type(0))
+ \ ? self.cur_stop.placeholder
+ \ : len(snipMate#placeholder_str(self.stop_no, self.stops))
+ let self.start_col = self.cur_stop.col
+ let self.end_col = self.start_col + self.stop_len
+ let self.mirrors = get(self.cur_stop, 'mirrors', [])
+ let self.old_mirrors = deepcopy(self.mirrors)
+ call cursor(self.cur_stop.line, self.cur_stop.col)
+ let self.prev_len = col('$')
+ let self.changed = 0
+ let ret = self.select_word()
+ if (self.stop_no == 0 || self.stop_no == self.stop_count - 1) && !a:backwards
+ call self.remove()
+ endif
+ return ret
+" Jump to the next/previous tab stop
+function! s:state_jump_stop(backwards) dict abort
+ " Update changes just in case
+ " This seems to be only needed because insert completion does not trigger
+ " the CursorMovedI event
+ call self.update_changes()
+ " Store placeholder/location changes
+ let self.cur_stop.col = self.start_col
+ if self.changed
+ call self.remove_nested()
+ unlet! self.cur_stop.placeholder " avoid type error for old parsing version
+ let self.cur_stop.placeholder = [strpart(getline('.'),
+ \ self.start_col - 1, self.end_col - self.start_col)]
+ endif
+ return self.set_stop(a:backwards)
+function! s:state_remove_nested(...) dict abort
+ let id = a:0 ? a:1 : self.stop_no
+ if type(self.stops[id].placeholder) == type([])
+ for i in self.stops[id].placeholder
+ if type(i) == type([])
+ if type(i[1]) != type({})
+ call self.remove_nested(i[0])
+ call remove(self.stops, i[0])
+ else
+ call filter(self.stops[i[0]].mirrors, 'v:val isnot i[1]')
+ endif
+ endif
+ unlet i " Avoid E706
+ endfor
+ endif
+" Select the placeholder for the current tab stop
+function! s:state_select_word() dict abort
+ let len = self.stop_len
+ if !len | return '' | endif
+ let l = col('.') != 1 ? 'l' : ''
+ if &sel == 'exclusive'
+ return "\<esc>".l.'v'.len."l\<c-g>"
+ endif
+ return len == 1 ? "\<esc>".l.'gh' : "\<esc>".l.'v'.(len - 1)."l\<c-g>"
+" Update the snippet as text is typed. The self.update_mirrors() function does
+" the actual work.
+" If the cursor moves outside of a placeholder, call self.remove()
+function! s:state_update_changes() dict abort
+ let change_len = col('$') - self.prev_len
+ let self.changed = self.changed || change_len != 0
+ let self.end_col += change_len
+ let col = col('.')
+ if line('.') != self.cur_stop.line || col < self.start_col || col > self.end_col
+ return self.remove()
+ endif
+ call self.update(self.cur_stop, change_len, change_len)
+ if !empty(self.mirrors)
+ call self.update_mirrors(change_len)
+ endif
+ let self.prev_len = col('$')
+" Actually update the mirrors for any changed text
+function! s:state_update_mirrors(change) dict abort
+ let newWordLen = self.end_col - self.start_col
+ let newWord = strpart(getline('.'), self.start_col - 1, newWordLen)
+ let changeLen = a:change
+ let curLine = line('.')
+ let curCol = col('.')
+ let oldStartSnip = self.start_col
+ let i = 0
+ for mirror in self.mirrors
+ for stop in values(filter(copy(self.stops), 'v:key != 0'))
+ if type(stop.placeholder) == type(0)
+ if mirror.line == stop.line && mirror.col > stop.col
+ \ && mirror.col < stop.col + stop.placeholder
+ let stop.placeholder += changeLen
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if has_key(mirror, 'oldSize')
+ " recover the old size deduce the endline
+ let oldSize = mirror.oldSize
+ else
+ " first time, we use the intitial size
+ let oldSize = strlen(newWord)
+ endif
+ " Split the line into three parts: the mirror, what's before it, and
+ " what's after it. Then combine them using the new mirror string.
+ " Subtract one to go from column index to byte index
+ let theline = getline(mirror.line)
+ " part before the current mirror
+ let beginline = strpart(theline, 0, mirror.col - 1)
+ " current mirror transformation, and save size
+ let wordMirror= substitute(newWord, get(mirror, 'pat', ''), get(mirror, 'sub', ''), get(mirror, 'flags', ''))
+ let mirror.oldSize = strlen(wordMirror)
+ " end of the line, use the oldSize because with the transformation,
+ " the size of the mirror can be different from those of the snippet
+ let endline = strpart(theline, mirror.col + oldSize -1)
+ " Update other object on the line
+ call self.update(mirror, changeLen, mirror.oldSize - oldSize)
+ " reconstruct the line
+ let update = beginline.wordMirror.endline
+ call setline(mirror.line, update)
+ endfor
+ " Reposition the cursor in case a var updates on the same line but before
+ " the current tabstop
+ if oldStartSnip != self.start_col || mode() == 'i'
+ call cursor(0, curCol + self.start_col - oldStartSnip)
+ endif
+function! s:state_find_update_objects(item) dict abort
+ let item = a:item
+ let item.update_objects = []
+ " Filter the zeroth stop because it's duplicated as the last
+ for stop in values(filter(copy(self.stops), 'v:key != 0'))
+ if stop.line == item.line && stop.col > item.col
+ call add(item.update_objects, stop)
+ endif
+ for mirror in get(stop, 'mirrors', [])
+ if mirror.line == item.line && mirror.col > item.col
+ call add(item.update_objects, mirror)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ return item.update_objects
+function! s:state_update(item, change_len, mirror_change) dict abort
+ let item = a:item
+ if !exists('item.update_objects')
+ let item.update_objects = self.find_update_objects(a:item)
+ endif
+ let to_update = item.update_objects
+ for obj in to_update
+ " object does not necessarly have the same decalage
+ " than mirrors if mirrors use regexp
+ let obj.col += a:mirror_change
+ if obj is self.cur_stop
+ let self.start_col += a:change_len
+ let self.end_col += a:change_len
+ endif
+ endfor
+call extend(s:state_proto, snipmate#util#add_methods(s:sfile(), 'state',
+ \ [ 'remove', 'set_stop', 'jump_stop', 'remove_nested',
+ \ 'select_word', 'update_changes', 'update_mirrors',
+ \ 'find_next_stop', 'find_update_objects', 'update' ]), 'error')
+" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim