path: root/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload')
8 files changed, 857 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/buf_utils.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/buf_utils.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d14d404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/buf_utils.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" buf_identifier is either a buf_nr or a filename
+" If any window shows the buffer move to the buffer
+" If not show it in current window (by c-w s c^ you can always
+" reshow the last buffer
+" Example: buf_utils#GotoBuf("/tmp/tfile.txt", {'create': 1})
+" returns: The command which was used to switch to the buffer
+fun! buf_utils#GotoBuf(buf_identifier, opts)
+ let buf_nr = bufnr(a:buf_identifier)
+ if buf_nr == -1 && ( get(a:opts, 'create', 0) || has_key(a:opts, 'create_cmd'))
+ exec get(a:opts,'create_cmd','e').' '.fnameescape(a:buf_identifier)
+ return "e"
+ else
+ let win_nr = bufwinnr(buf_nr)
+ if win_nr == -1
+ exec 'b '.buf_nr
+ return "b"
+ else
+ exec win_nr.'wincmd w'
+ return "w"
+ endif
+ wincmd w"
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/cached_file_contents.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/cached_file_contents.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fc3ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/cached_file_contents.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+" cached_file_contents.vim
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2010-01-03.
+" @Revision: 0.3.0
+"exec vam#DefineAndBind('s:c','g:cache_dir_options','{}')
+if !exists('g:cache_dir_options') | let g:cache_dir_options = {} | endif | let s:c = g:cache_dir_options
+let s:c['cache_dir'] = get(s:c, 'cache_dir', expand('$HOME').'/.vim-cache')
+let s:c['scanned_files'] = get(s:c, 'scanned_files', {})
+let s:scanned_files = s:c['scanned_files']
+let s:define_cache_file = "let this_dir = s:c['cache_dir'].'/cached-file-contents' | let cache_file = expand(this_dir.'/'.substitute(string([func_as_string, a:file]),'[[\\]{}:/\\,''\"# ]\\+','_','g'))"
+" read a file, run function to extract contents and cache the result returned
+" by that function in memory. Optionally the result can be cached on disk as
+" because VimL can be slow!
+" file : the file to be read
+" func: { 'func': function which will be called by funcref#Call
+" , 'version' : if this version changes cache will be invalidate automatically
+" , 'ftime_check': optional, default 1. if set to 0 cache isn't updated when file changes and file is in cache
+" }
+" default: what to return if file doesn't exist
+" think twice about adding lines. This function is called many times.
+function! cached_file_contents#CachedFileContents(file, func, ...) abort
+ let ignore_ftime = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
+ " using string for default so that is evaluated when needed only
+ let use_file_cache = get(a:func, 'use_file_cache', 0)
+ " simple kind of normalization. necessary when using file caching
+ " this seems to be slower:
+ " let file = fnamemodify(a:file, ':p') " simple kind of normalization. necessary when using file caching
+ " / = assume its an absolute path
+ " let file = a:file[0] == '/' ? a:file : expand(a:file, ':p')
+ let file = a:file[0] == '/' ? a:file : fnamemodify(a:file, ':p') " simple kind of normalization. necessary when using file caching
+ let func_as_string = string(a:func['func'])
+ if (!has_key(s:scanned_files, func_as_string))
+ let s:scanned_files[func_as_string] = {}
+ endif
+ let dict = s:scanned_files[func_as_string]
+ if use_file_cache && !has_key(dict, a:file)
+ exec s:define_cache_file
+ if filereadable(cache_file)
+ let dict[file] = eval(readfile(cache_file,'b')[0])
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(dict, a:file)
+ let d = dict[a:file]
+ if use_file_cache
+ \ && (ignore_ftime || getftime(a:file) <= d['ftime'])
+ \ && d['version'] == a:func['version']
+ return dict[a:file]['scan_result']
+ endif
+ endif
+ let scan_result = funcref#Call(a:func['func'], [a:file] )
+ let dict[a:file] = {"ftime": getftime(a:file), 'version': a:func['version'], "scan_result": scan_result }
+ if use_file_cache
+ if !exists('cache_file') | exec s:define_cache_file | endif
+ if !isdirectory(this_dir) | call mkdir(this_dir,'p',0700) | endif
+ call writefile([string(dict[a:file])], cache_file)
+ endif
+ return scan_result
+fun! cached_file_contents#ClearScanCache()
+ let s:c['scanned_files'] = {}
+ " Don't run rm -fr. Ask user to run it. It cache_dir may have been set to
+ " $HOME ! (should nevere be the case but who knows
+ echoe "run manually in your shell: rm -fr ".shellescape(s:c['cache_dir'])."/*"
+fun! cached_file_contents#Test()
+ " usually you use a global option so that the function can be reused
+ let my_interpreting_func = {'func' : funcref#Function('return len(readfile(ARGS[0]))'), 'version': 2, 'use_file_cache':1}
+ let my_interpreting_func2 = {'func' : funcref#Function('return ARGS[0]') , 'version': 2, 'use_file_cache':1}
+ let tmp = tempname()
+ call writefile(['some text','2nd line'], tmp)
+ let r = [ cached_file_contents#CachedFileContents(tmp, my_interpreting_func)
+ \ , cached_file_contents#CachedFileContents(tmp, my_interpreting_func2) ]
+ if r != [2, tmp]
+ throw "test failed 1, got ".string(r)
+ endif
+ unlet r
+ sleep 3
+ " now let's change contents
+ call writefile(['some text','2nd line','3rd line'], tmp)
+ let r = cached_file_contents#CachedFileContents(tmp, my_interpreting_func)
+ if 3 != r
+ throw "test failed 2, got ".string(r)
+ endif
+ echo "test passed"
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/env_reload.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/env_reload.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8af33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/env_reload.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+" in sh/bash you can type export to get a list of environment variables
+" This function assigns those env vars to Vim.
+" Does not delete env vars yet
+" Example: env_reload#ReloadEnv(system("sh -c 'export'")
+fun! env_reload#ReloadEnv(bash_export_command_output)
+ for i in split(a:bash_export_command_output,"\n")
+ let m = matchlist(i, 'export \([^=]\+\)="\(.*\)"')
+ if empty(m) | continue | endif
+ " don't care about quoted values right now.
+ exec 'let $'.m[1].'='.string(m[2])
+ endfor
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/funcref.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/funcref.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20eec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/funcref.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+" funcref.vim
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2010-01-03.
+" @Revision: 0.1.0
+" documentation see doc/funcref.txt
+" usage:
+" funcref#Function("filename#Function")
+" optionally pass arguments:
+" funcref#Function("filename#Function",{'args': [2]})
+" optionally define self:
+" funcref#Function("filename#Function",{'self': object})
+function! funcref#Function(name,...)
+ let d = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : {}
+ let d['faked_function_reference'] = a:name
+ return d
+" args : same as used for call(f,[args], self)
+" f must be either
+" - a string which can be evaled (use "return 'value'" to return a value)
+" - a Vim function reference created by function('..')
+" - a faked function reference created by funcref#Function(..)
+" the last "self" argument can be overriden by the function reference
+" You can pass arguments in a closure like style
+function! funcref#Call(...)
+ let args = copy(a:000)
+ " add parameters:
+ if (len(args) < 2)
+ call add(args, [])
+ endif
+ let isDict = type(args[0]) == type({})
+ " prepend parameters which were passed by faked function reference:
+ if isDict && has_key(args[0], 'args')
+ let args[1] = args[0]['args']+args[1]
+ endif
+ " always pass self. this way you can call functions from dictionaries not
+ " refering to self
+ if (len(args) < 3)
+ call add(args, {})
+ endif
+ " the funcref overrides self:
+ if isDict && has_key(args[0], 'self')
+ let args[2] = args[0]['self']
+ endif
+ if type(a:1) == 2
+ " funcref: function must have been laoded
+ return call(function('call'), args)
+ elseif isDict && has_key(args[0], 'faked_function_reference')
+ let Fun = args[0]['faked_function_reference']
+ if type(Fun) == type('')
+ \ && (Fun[:len('return ')-1] == 'return '
+ \ || Fun[:len('call ')-1] == 'call '
+ \ || Fun[:len('if ')-1] == 'if '
+ \ || Fun[:len('let ')-1] == 'let '
+ \ || Fun[:len('echo ')-1] == 'echo '
+ \ || Fun[:len('exec ')-1] == 'exec '
+ \ || Fun[:len('debug ')-1] == 'debug ')
+ " it doesn't make sense to list all vim commands here
+ " So if you want to execute another action consider using
+ " funcref#Function('exec '.string('aw')) or such
+ " function is a String, call exec
+ let ARGS = args[1]
+ let SELF = args[2]
+ exec Fun
+ else
+ " pseudo function, let's load it..
+ if type(Fun) == 1
+ if !exists('*'.Fun)
+ " lazily load function
+ let file = substitute(substitute(Fun,'#[^#]*$','',''),'#','/','g')
+ exec 'runtime /autoload/'.file.'.vim'
+ endif
+ let Fun2 = function(Fun)
+ else
+ let Fun2 = Fun
+ endif
+ let args[0] = Fun
+ return call(function('call'), args)
+ endif
+ else
+ " no function, return the value
+ return args[0]
+ endif
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/glob.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/glob.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a0f79a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/glob.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+exec vam#DefineAndBind('s:c','g:glob_like', '{}')
+" ignore vcs stuff, Don't think you want those..
+let s:c['regex_ignore_directory'] = '\<\%([_.]darcs\|\.git\|.svn\|.hg\|.cvs\|.bzr\)\>'
+let s:c['glob_cache'] = get(s:c, 'glob_cache', {})
+let s:glob_cache = s:c['glob_cache']
+fun! glob#Glob(pattern, ...)
+ let pattern = a:pattern
+ if pattern[0] == '~'
+ let pattern = $HOME.pattern[1:]
+ endif
+ let opts = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : {}
+ " never cache current directory. You're very likely to edit files in it.
+ let c = getcwd()
+ let cachable = get(opts, 'cachable', 0) && pattern[:len(c)-1] != c
+ if cachable && has_key(s:glob_cache, pattern)
+ return s:glob_cache[pattern]
+ endif
+ " FIXME: don't recurse into \.git directory (thus reimplement glob in vimL!)
+ let r = filter(split(glob(pattern),"\n"),'v:val !~ '.string(s:c['regex_ignore_directory']))
+ if cachable | let s:glob_cache[pattern] = r | endif
+ return r
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tiny_cmd.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tiny_cmd.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052bbe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tiny_cmd.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+" vim suffers:
+exec vam#DefineAndBind('s:c','g:vim_tiny_cmd', '{}')
+fun! tiny_cmd#Put(a)
+ let new = get(s:c,'next',0) +1
+ let s:c['next'] = new
+ let s:c[new] = a:a
+ return new
+fun! tiny_cmd#Get(nr)
+ return s:c[a:nr]
+" Get and remove item
+fun! tiny_cmd#Pop(nr)
+ let r = s:c[a:nr] | unlet s:c[a:nr] | return r
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tovl/scratch_buffer.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tovl/scratch_buffer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..217dca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tovl/scratch_buffer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+" old code
+augroup TOVLWrite
+augroup end
+" =========== scratch buffer =========================================
+" a scratch buffer is a temporary buffer where the user can enter some text
+" It can be used to get commit messages, edit configuration options and so on
+function! tovl#scratch_buffer#KeepIntactLineNr()
+ let i = 0
+ while getline(i)!= b:keepIntact && i < line('$')
+ let i = i+1
+ endwhile
+ if i > line('$')
+ return -1
+ else
+ return i
+ endif
+" opens a buffer and runs an action when the buffer is written
+" keys:
+" name : the name of the buffer
+" onWrite : will be called on write
+" onWrite is responsible for setlocal nomodified to indicate that
+" saving has been successful
+" help : callback returning additional information lines
+" getContent : callback returning lines
+" cmds : extra commands to be run (optional)
+" (maybe you prefer adding them the default way afer the
+" ScratchBuffer call. They'll be rerun on GetContents
+" sp_cmd : the command to use to create the new buffer. Defaults to :e
+" buftype : ...
+" modifiable : 1 / 0 defaults to 1
+function! tovl#scratch_buffer#ScratchBuffer(opts)
+ let a:opts['name'] = get(a:opts,'name', 'strach_buffer_without_name')
+ exec get(a:opts, 'sp_cmd', 'e').' '.escape(a:opts['name'],' ')
+ let b:settings = a:opts
+ let b:settings['modifiable'] = get(a:opts,'modifiable', 1)
+ setlocal buftype=acwrite
+ command! -buffer -nargs=0 Help call tovl#scratch_buffer#Help()
+ " setup write notification
+ au TOVLWrite BufWriteCmd <buffer> call tovl#scratch_buffer#Write()
+ if has_key(a:opts,'getContent')
+ command! -buffer -nargs=0 GetContents call tovl#scratch_buffer#GetContents()
+ GetContents
+ if !b:settings['modifiable']
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ endif
+ endif
+ "let u=&undolevels
+ "setlocal undolevels=-1
+ "exec 'setlocal undolevels='.u
+ " mark buffer as not modified
+ setlocal nomodified
+ au BufReadCmd <buffer> GetContents
+ " run addittional commands
+ for cmd in get(a:opts,'cmds',[])
+ exec cmd
+ endfor
+ silent echo get(a:opts,'echo_help', "type :Help for help")
+" =========== utility functions ======================================
+function! tovl#scratch_buffer#Write()
+ if has_key(b:settings, 'onWrite')
+ call funcref#Call(b:settings['onWrite'])
+ else
+ echo "don't know how to write. Option hasn't been passed"
+ endif
+function! tovl#scratch_buffer#GetContents()
+ setlocal modifiable
+ " empty buffer
+ %g!//d
+ call append(0, funcref#Call(b:settings['getContent']))
+ if !b:settings['modifiable']
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ endif
+ for cmd in get(b:settings,'cmds',[])
+ exec cmd
+ endfor
+function! tovl#scratch_buffer#Help()
+ let help = ["use :e! to reload contents, ZZ or :w(q) to write and quit"
+ \ ,""
+ \ ,"Help for this scratch buffer:"
+ \ ,"=======================================================","",""]
+ \ + funcref#Call(get(b:settings, 'help', []))
+ call tovl#scratch_buffer#ScratchBuffer({
+ \ 'name' : "return Help of ".b:settings['name'],
+ \ 'getContent' : help
+ \ })
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tovl/ui/filter_list.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tovl/ui/filter_list.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74b2ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-addon-mw-utils/autoload/tovl/ui/filter_list.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+" I should contribute the multiple filter feature to tlib
+" filter list displays a list of items
+" you can white / black filter them by regular expressions (similar to the
+" tlib TToC command
+" However you can edit the filters afterwards and select the cols which should
+" be shown
+fun! tovl#ui#filter_list#ListTest()
+ call tovl#ui#filter_list#ListView({
+ \ 'aligned' : 1,
+ \ 'Continuation' : funcref#Function('echo string(ARGS[0])'),
+ \ 'items' : [ {"aa" : "a\nAAAAAAAAAAA", 'bb' : "bbbbbbbbbbbbb\nB" },
+ \ {"aa" : "2a\n2AAAAAAAAAAAA", "bb" : "2 bbbbbbbbbbbbb\n2B"},
+ \ {"aa" : "XXX", "bb" : "YY"} ],
+ \ })
+fun! s:Intersection(a, b)
+ return filter(copy(a:a), 'index(a:b, v:val) >= 0')
+fun! tovl#ui#filter_list#ListTestGotoLineCurrentBuf()
+ let nr=1
+ let lines = []
+ for l in getline(0,line('$'))
+ call add(lines, {'nr': nr, 'line' :l})
+ let nr = nr +1
+ endfor
+ call tovl#ui#filter_list#ListView({
+ \ 'aligned' : 0,
+ \ 'keys' : ['nr','line'],
+ \ 'number' : 1,
+ \ 'selectByIdOrFilter' : 1,
+ \ 'Continuation' : funcref#Function('exec ARGS[0]["nr"]'),
+ \ 'items' : lines,
+ \ })
+" opens a new filtered list
+" keys of opts parameters:
+" Continuation: This function will be called with the selected items
+" items: { key : (string or dict) }
+" items willl be modified. use copy(youritems) as argument to prevent
+" this. An item is either a string or a dict
+" (eg {'file' : .., 'line': ... , 'msg' : .. )
+" keys: list of keys to be shown (optional)
+" filter: list of inital filters which must be applied
+" contains [ { filter: .. , keep : .. }, ] see FilterItems() below
+" aligned: default 0
+" sp_cmd: the command to be used to create the new buffer (default ':e')
+" init : 0 / 1 (default 1): wether to show the view right now
+" number: 0 /1 (default 1): number items ?
+" selectByIdOrFilter: 1: start in getchar() loop so that the user can select
+" the item even faster
+" auto: only do this if all items fit on screen
+" (recommend)
+" cmds: extra cmds to be run
+" cursorAt : at which item to put the cursor?
+" If you don't like the default view you can override UpdateDisplay
+" Usage examples of this list control:
+" - db results
+" - replacement of the quickfix window
+" - select a buffer etc
+fun! tovl#ui#filter_list#ListView(opts)
+ " ActivateAddons theonevimlib
+ let d = {}
+ let d.items = a:opts.items
+ let d.cursorAt = get(a:opts, 'cursorAt', 0)
+ let d.aligned = get(a:opts, 'aligned', 0)
+ let d.sep = ' '
+ let d.filter = get(a:opts, 'filter', [])
+ " using sp because of bd! (FIXME)
+ let d.sp_cmd = get(a:opts, 'sp_cmd', 'sp')
+ let d.allKeys = {}
+ let d.closeOnContinuation = get(a:opts,'closeOnContinuation',1)
+ " don't recommend OnSingleMatch, use OnSingleMatchCR instead
+ let d.continueOnSingleMatch = get(a:opts, 'continueOnSingleMatch',0)
+ let d.continueOnSingleMatchCR = get(a:opts, 'continueOnSingleMatchCR',1)
+ let d.selectByIdOrFilter = get(a:opts, 'selectByIdOrFilter', 0)
+ let d.linesToItems = {}
+ let d.number = get(a:opts, 'number', 1)
+ let d.cmds = get(a:opts, 'cmds', [])
+ let d.syn_cmds = get(a:opts, 'syn_cmds', [])
+ if has_key(a:opts,'keys') | let d.keys = a:opts.keys | endif
+ if has_key(a:opts,'Continuation') | let d.Continuation = a:opts.Continuation | endif
+ " cache already filtered items in case we want to view really long results
+ " contains [ { filter : { regex: .. , keep : .. } , items : .. , cursorAt :},
+ " { filter : { ... } , items: .. , cursorAt : }
+ let d.cached = []
+ " id of buffer
+ let d.buffer = -1
+ let d.modeText = ''
+ fun d.HelpText()
+ return [ "you've entered the the help of the powerful filtered view buffer",
+ \ "",
+ \ "type f to start filtering items by regex",
+ \ "type F to start dropping items by regex",
+ \ "k / K will ask you for the key to apply the filter to first",
+ \ "apply the filter by <cr> and press <cr> again to select item",
+ \ "",
+ \ "use :ShowAppliedFilters to list active filters",
+ \ "use :ToggleAlignment to toggle alignment",
+ \ "",
+ \ "TODO: Implement sorting, implement interface to change keys (displayed columns)"
+ \ ]
+ endfun
+ " create new scratch buffer
+ " preprocess items calculating line count and maxwidth for all items
+ fun d.NewBufferAndInit()
+ let self.bufferId = bufnr(bufname('%'))
+ for idx in range(0,len(self.items)-1)
+ if type(self.items[idx]) != 4
+ " no dict yet, make it one
+ let self.items[idx] = {'string_line' : self.items[idx]}
+ endif
+ let new = {}
+ for [k,v] in items(self.items[idx])
+ let lines = split(v,"\n")
+ let self.items[idx][k] = { 'text' : v, 'rows' : len(lines), 'cols' : max(map(copy(lines),'len(v:val)')), 'lines' : lines }
+ let self.allKeys[k] = 1
+ unlet k v
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ call tovl#scratch_buffer#ScratchBuffer({
+ \ 'help' : funcref#Function(self.HelpText,{ 'self' : self }),
+ \ 'sp_cmd' : self.sp_cmd,
+ \ 'cmds' : self.cmds
+ \ })
+ " I assume we have some kind of formatting anyway. Thus breaking lines is bad!
+ set nowrap
+ setlocal cursorline
+ let b:filtered_view = self
+ command! -buffer -nargs=0 ToggleAlignment call b:filtered_view.ToggleAlignment()
+ command! -buffer -nargs=0 ShowAppliedFilters call b:filtered_view.ShowAppliedFilters()
+ command! -buffer -nargs=0 RemoveFilters call b:filtered_view.RemoveFilters()
+ noremap <buffer> f :call b:filtered_view.FilterFromKeyboard(1,'')<cr>
+ " noremap <buffer> f :call b:filtered_view.FilterFromKeyboard(1)<cr>
+ noremap <buffer> F :call b:filtered_view.FilterFromKeyboard(0,'')<cr>
+ if has_key(self,'Continuation')
+ nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call b:filtered_view.Continue()<cr>
+ endif
+ "noremap <buffer> k
+ "noremap <buffer> K
+ let [items, cursorAt] = self.FilteredItems()
+ " len(items) is an approximation because one item can have multiple
+ " lines.. However adding the lines first to check takes too much time
+ if self.selectByIdOrFilter == 1 || (self.selectByIdOrFilter == 'auto' && winheight('%') > len(items) )
+ call self.SelectByIdOrFilter()
+ else
+ " user should choose how to proceed
+ call self.UpdateDisplay()
+ endif
+ endfun
+ " user interface
+ fun d.ToggleAlignment()
+ let self.aligned = !self.aligned
+ call self.UpdateDisplay()
+ endfun
+ fun d.ShowAppliedFilters()
+ for i in self.filter | echo string(i) | endfor
+ endfun
+ fun d.RemoveFilters()
+ let self.filter = []
+ call self.UpdateDisplay()
+ endfun
+ fun d.Continue()
+ let item = self.CurrentItem()
+ call self.DoContinue(item)
+ endfun
+ fun d.DoContinue(v)
+ if self.closeOnContinuation | bw! | endif
+ call funcref#Call(self.Continuation,[a:v])
+ endfun
+ fun d.MapToOriginal(v)
+ if has_key(a:v, 'string_line')
+ return a:v.string_line.text
+ else
+ let d = {}
+ for [k,v] in items(a:v)
+ let d[k] = v.text
+ unlet k v
+ endfor
+ return d
+ endif
+ endfun
+ fun d.CurrentItem()
+ let idx=line('.')-len(self.headerLines)
+ while idx >= 0
+ if has_key(self.linesToItems, idx)
+ return self.MapToOriginal(self.FilteredItems()[0][self.linesToItems[idx]])
+ else
+ let idx = idx -1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ throw "internal error, couldn't determine selected item!"
+ endfun
+ " updates the filter cache and returns the final filtered items
+ fun d.FilteredItems()
+ " update cache
+ let idx = 0
+ let [items, cursorAt] = [self.items, self.cursorAt]
+ for idx in range(0, len(self.filter)-1)
+ if idx +1 > len(self.cached) || self.cached[idx]['filter'] != self.filter[idx]
+ let self.cached = self.cached[:idx-1]
+ let [items, cursorAt] = self.FilterItem(copy(items), self.filter[idx], cursorAt)
+ call add(self.cached, { 'cursorAt' : cursorAt, 'items' : items, 'filter' : self.filter[idx]})
+ else
+ let ci = self.cached[idx]
+ let [items, cursorAt] = [ci['items'], ci['cursorAt']]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return [items, cursorAt]
+ endfun
+ " calling this will return a set of lines which are expected to be the new
+ " buffer contents. The self.linesToItems dict is updated
+ fun d.UpdateDisplay()
+ if empty(self.filter)
+ let self.statusline= 'no filter applied, :Help for help'
+ else
+ let self.statusline = len(self.filter).' '.string(self.filter[-1])
+ endif
+ let self.linesToItems = {}
+ let [items, cursorAt] = self.FilteredItems()
+ "let num_width = printf('%.0f', trunc(log10(len(items))+1))
+ let num_width = 4
+ if self.aligned
+ " get column width.. (probably will not work with unicde characters.. I
+ " don't have a better solution)
+ let maxlens={}
+ for i in items
+ for [k,v] in items(i)
+ if get(maxlens,k,0) < v.cols
+ let maxlens[k] = v.cols
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " format lines
+ let self.headerLines = [self.modeText]
+ let lines = copy(self.headerLines)
+ let lines_count = 0
+ if self.number
+ let fmt_startA = '%'.num_width.'s)'
+ let fmt_startB = '%'.num_width.'s'
+ else
+ let fmt_startA = '' | let fmt_startB = ''
+ endif
+ let cursorAtLine = 1 " sane default
+ for idx in range(0,len(items)-1)
+ let self.linesToItems[lines_count + 1] = idx
+ let i = items[idx]
+ let keys = has_key(self,'keys')
+ \ ? s:Intersection(self.keys, keys(i))
+ \ : keys(i)
+ let fmt = ''
+ let args = [i]
+ let cols = []
+ for k in keys
+ let fmt .= self.sep.'%-'.(self.aligned ? maxlens[k] : i[k]['cols']).'s'
+ call add(cols, i[k])
+ endfor
+ for row in range(0, max([1] + map(copy(cols),'v:val["rows"]'))-1)
+ let fmt_args = row == 0 ? [fmt_startA.fmt] : [fmt_startB.fmt]
+ if self.number
+ call add(fmt_args, row == 0 ? idx : '')
+ endif
+ for c in cols
+ call add(fmt_args, c.rows <= row ? '' : c.lines[row])
+ endfor
+ call add(lines, call('printf', fmt_args))
+ let lines_count += 1
+ endfor
+ if idx == cursorAt
+ let cursorAtLine = lines_count
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " update stauts line to show last applied filter
+ " disabled cause it causes trouble on :wincmd w
+ " setlocal statusline=%!b:filtered_view.statusline
+ " syntax
+ syn clear
+ for s in self.syn_cmds | exec s | endfor
+ let id = 0
+ " highlight filter regex in buffer as well
+ let syn_ids = [ 'Underlined', 'Todo', 'Error', 'Type', 'Statement' ]
+ for f in self.filter
+ if !f.keep || !has_key(f, 'regex') | continue | endif
+ if f.regex != ''
+ try
+ exec 'syn match '.syn_ids[id % len(syn_ids)].' '.string(f.regex)
+ catch /.*/
+ " ignore errors such as \ without following characters. Thus just
+ " ignore and wait for the next character
+ endtry
+ endif
+ let id = id +1
+ endfor
+ if len(lines) > winheight('%')
+ call extend(lines, self.headerLines)
+ endif
+ normal ggdG
+ call append(0, lines)
+ " place cursor
+ exec (cursorAtLine+1)
+ " move cursor into the middle of the window
+ normal zz
+ endf
+ " filter = keys :
+ " filter = string to be executed containing Val
+ " keep = 1 keep on match
+ " = 0 drop on match
+ " key (optional)
+ " cursorAt: at which item to put the cursor
+ " if that item is deleted it will be placed at the item above
+ " optional: key of dict if dict
+ fun d.FilterItem(items, filter, cursorAt)
+ let filter = 'Val =~ '.string(a:filter.regex)
+ let keep = a:filter.keep
+ let cursorAt = a:cursorAt
+ for idx in reverse(range(0, len(a:items)-1))
+ let i = a:items[idx]
+ if has_key(a:filter,'key')
+ let key = a:filter.key
+ if has_key(i, key)
+ " key given, only filter by this column
+ let Val = i[key]['text']
+ exec 'let any = '.filter
+ else
+ let any = 0
+ endif
+ else
+ let any = 0
+ " no key given, try all
+ for x in values(i)
+ let Val = x['text']
+ exec 'let any = '.filter
+ if any | break | endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if any != keep
+ call remove(a:items, idx)
+ if idx <= cursorAt
+ let cursorAt = cursorAt -1
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return [a:items, cursorAt]
+ endfun
+ " if the user enters a number select by index else start filtering..
+ fun d.SelectByIdOrFilter()
+ let idx=''
+ let items = self.FilteredItems()[0]
+ try
+ let self.modeText = '[0-9]* : select by index| <esc>: escape getchar() loop, any char: start filtering'
+ call self.UpdateDisplay() | redraw
+ while 1
+ let c=getchar()
+ if index([13,10],c) >= 0
+ return self.DoContinue(self.MapToOriginal(items[idx]))
+ elseif index([27], c) >=0
+ " esc, abort
+ return
+ else
+ if type(c) == 0
+ let c = nr2char(c)
+ endif
+ if c == "\<bs>" || index(map(range(0,10),'v:val.""'),c) >= 0
+ if c == "\<bs>"
+ let idx = idx[:-2]
+ else
+ let idx .= c
+ endif
+ if idx < len(items) && idx.'0' > len(items) || idx == 0 && len(items) < 10
+ " only match
+ return self.DoContinue(self.MapToOriginal(items[idx]))
+ endif
+ else
+ return self.FilterFromKeyboard(1,c)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ finally
+ let self.modeText = ''
+ endtry
+ endfun
+ " gets a regular expresion filter by keybaord and updates the display while
+ " you're typing. The regex ist shown in the statusline
+ fun d.FilterFromKeyboard(keep, start, ...)
+ let self.modeText = 'press ESC to exit getchar() loop'
+ call self.UpdateDisplay() | redraw
+ try
+ let key_text = a:0 > 0 ? 'key : '.a:1 : ''
+ let filter_bak = self.filter
+ let filter = copy(self.filter)
+ let start = a:start
+ let filter_new = ''
+ while 1
+ if start != ''
+ " use c= last char to force updating display etc
+ let filter_new = start[:-2]
+ let c = start[-1:]
+ let start = ''
+ else
+ let c=getchar()
+ endif
+ if index([13,10],c) >= 0
+ " c-j or return, accept new filter
+ let items = self.FilteredItems()
+ if len(items) == 1 && has_key(self, 'Continuation') && self.continueOnSingleMatchCR
+ call self.DoContinue(self.MapToOriginal(items[0]))
+ endif
+ return
+ elseif index([27], c) >=0
+ " esc, abort
+ let self.filter = filter_bak
+ call self.UpdateDisplay()
+ return
+ else
+ if type(c) == 0
+ let c = nr2char(c)
+ endif
+ if c == "\<bs>"
+ let filter_new = filter_new[:-2]
+ else
+ let filter_new .= c
+ endif
+ let d = {'keep' : a:keep, 'regex' : filter_new }
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let d['key'] = a:1
+ endif
+ let self.filter = copy(filter_bak)
+ call add(self.filter, d)
+ let items = self.FilteredItems()
+ if len(items) == 1 && has_key(self, 'Continuation') && self.continueOnSingleMatch
+ call self.DoContinue(self.MapToOriginal(items[0]))
+ return
+ endif
+ call self.UpdateDisplay() | redraw
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ finally
+ let self.modeText = ''
+ endtry
+ endfun
+ if get(a:opts,'init',1)
+ call d.NewBufferAndInit()
+ endif