path: root/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 5636472e5dba1a4104376ce6bd93cc2546e0248
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim
deleted file mode 100755
index f65a237..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/cmd.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-" @Author: Tom Link (micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
-" @Website: http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4037
-" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
-" @Revision: 58
-let g:tlib#cmd#last_output = []
-function! tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(command) "{{{3
- " TLogVAR a:command
- if exists('s:redir_lines')
- redir END
- let cache = s:redir_lines
- endif
- let s:redir_lines = ''
- redir =>> s:redir_lines
- silent! exec a:command
- redir END
- let g:tlib#cmd#last_output = split(s:redir_lines, '\n')
- unlet s:redir_lines
- if exists('cache')
- let s:redir_lines = cache
- redir =>> s:redir_lines
- endif
- return g:tlib#cmd#last_output
-" See |:TBrowseOutput|.
-function! tlib#cmd#BrowseOutput(command) "{{{3
- call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback("tlib#cmd#DefaultBrowseOutput", a:command)
-" :def: function! tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback(callback, command)
-" Execute COMMAND and present its output in a |tlib#input#List()|;
-" when a line is selected, execute the function named as the CALLBACK
-" and pass in that line as an argument.
-" The CALLBACK function gives you an opportunity to massage the COMMAND output
-" and possibly act on it in a meaningful way. For example, if COMMAND listed
-" all URIs found in the current buffer, CALLBACK could validate and then open
-" the selected URI in the system's default browser.
-" This function is meant to be a tool to help compose the implementations of
-" powerful commands that use |tlib#input#List()| as a common interface. See
-" |TBrowseScriptnames| as an example.
-" call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback('tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname', 'scriptnames')
-function! tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback(callback, command) "{{{3
- let list = tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(a:command)
- let cmds = tlib#input#List('m', 'Output of: '. a:command, list)
- if !empty(cmds)
- for cmd in cmds
- let Callback = function(a:callback)
- call call(Callback, [cmd])
- endfor
- endif
-function! tlib#cmd#DefaultBrowseOutput(cmd) "{{{3
- call feedkeys(':'. a:cmd)
-function! tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname(line) "{{{3
- " let parsedValue = substitute(a:line, '^.\{-}\/', '/', '')
- let parsedValue = matchstr(a:line, '^\s*\d\+:\s*\zs.*$')
- exe 'drop '. fnameescape(parsedValue)
-function! tlib#cmd#TBrowseScriptnames() abort "{{{3
- call tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback("tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname", "scriptnames")
-" :def: function! tlib#cmd#UseVertical(?rx='')
-" Look at the history whether the command was called with vertical. If
-" an rx is provided check first if the last entry in the history matches
-" this rx.
-function! tlib#cmd#UseVertical(...) "{{{3
- TVarArg ['rx']
- let h0 = histget(':')
- let rx0 = '\C\<vert\%[ical]\>\s\+'
- if !empty(rx)
- let rx0 .= '.\{-}'.rx
- endif
- " TLogVAR h0, rx0
- return h0 =~ rx0
-" Print the time in seconds or milliseconds (if your version of VIM
-" has |+reltime|) a command takes.
-function! tlib#cmd#Time(cmd) "{{{3
- if has('reltime')
- let start = tlib#time#Now()
- exec a:cmd
- let end = tlib#time#Now()
- let diff = string(tlib#time#Diff(end, start)) .'ms'
- else
- let start = localtime()
- exec a:cmd
- let diff = (localtime() - start) .'s'
- endif
- echom 'Time: '. diff .': '. a:cmd
-function! tlib#cmd#Capture(cmd) "{{{3
- redir => s
- silent exec a:cmd
- redir END
- return s