path: root/vim/bundle/tagbar/autoload
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tagbar/autoload')
1 files changed, 4268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tagbar/autoload/tagbar.vim b/vim/bundle/tagbar/autoload/tagbar.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e3f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tagbar/autoload/tagbar.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,4268 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File: tagbar.vim
+" Description: List the current file's tags in a sidebar, ordered by class etc
+" Author: Jan Larres <jan@majutsushi.net>
+" Licence: Vim licence
+" Website: http://majutsushi.github.com/tagbar/
+" Version: 2.6.1
+" Note: This plugin was heavily inspired by the 'Taglist' plugin by
+" Yegappan Lakshmanan and uses a small amount of code from it.
+" Original taglist copyright notice:
+" Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code,
+" with or without modifications, provided that this copyright
+" notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free,
+" taglist.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no warranty of
+" any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event will the
+" copyright holder be liable for any damamges resulting from the
+" use of this software.
+" ============================================================================
+scriptencoding utf-8
+" Initialization {{{1
+" If another plugin calls an autoloaded Tagbar function on startup before the
+" plugin/tagbar.vim file got loaded, load it explicitly
+if exists(':Tagbar') == 0
+ runtime plugin/tagbar.vim
+if exists(':Tagbar') == 0
+ echomsg 'Tagbar: Could not load plugin code, check your runtimepath!'
+ finish
+" Basic init {{{2
+redir => s:ftype_out
+silent filetype
+redir END
+if s:ftype_out !~# 'detection:ON'
+ echomsg 'Tagbar: Filetype detection is turned off, skipping plugin'
+ unlet s:ftype_out
+ finish
+unlet s:ftype_out
+let s:icon_closed = g:tagbar_iconchars[0]
+let s:icon_open = g:tagbar_iconchars[1]
+let s:type_init_done = 0
+let s:autocommands_done = 0
+let s:statusline_in_use = 0
+" 0: not checked yet; 1: checked and found; 2: checked and not found
+let s:checked_ctags = 0
+let s:checked_ctags_types = 0
+let s:ctags_types = {}
+let s:new_window = 1
+let s:is_maximized = 0
+let s:winrestcmd = ''
+let s:short_help = 1
+let s:nearby_disabled = 0
+let s:paused = 0
+let s:pwin_by_tagbar = 0
+let s:window_expanded = 0
+let s:expand_bufnr = -1
+let s:window_pos = {
+ \ 'pre' : { 'x' : 0, 'y' : 0 },
+ \ 'post' : { 'x' : 0, 'y' : 0 }
+" Script-local variable needed since compare functions can't
+" take extra arguments
+let s:compare_typeinfo = {}
+let s:visibility_symbols = {
+ \ 'public' : '+',
+ \ 'protected' : '#',
+ \ 'private' : '-'
+\ }
+let g:loaded_tagbar = 1
+let s:last_highlight_tline = 0
+let s:debug = 0
+let s:debug_file = ''
+let s:warnings = {
+ \ 'type': [],
+ \ 'encoding': 0
+\ }
+" s:Init() {{{2
+function! s:Init(silent) abort
+ if s:checked_ctags == 2 && a:silent
+ return 0
+ elseif s:checked_ctags != 1
+ if !s:CheckForExCtags(a:silent)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !s:checked_ctags_types
+ call s:GetSupportedFiletypes()
+ endif
+ if !s:type_init_done
+ call s:InitTypes()
+ endif
+ if !s:autocommands_done
+ call s:CreateAutocommands()
+ call s:AutoUpdate(fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p'), 0)
+ endif
+ return 1
+" s:InitTypes() {{{2
+function! s:InitTypes() abort
+ call s:debug('Initializing types')
+ let s:known_types = {}
+ " Ant {{{3
+ let type_ant = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_ant.ctagstype = 'ant'
+ let type_ant.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'projects', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'targets', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.ant = type_ant
+ " Asm {{{3
+ let type_asm = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_asm.ctagstype = 'asm'
+ let type_asm.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'types', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'defines', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.asm = type_asm
+ " ASP {{{3
+ let type_aspvbs = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_aspvbs.ctagstype = 'asp'
+ let type_aspvbs.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'constants', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.aspvbs = type_aspvbs
+ " Awk {{{3
+ let type_awk = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_awk.ctagstype = 'awk'
+ let type_awk.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.awk = type_awk
+ " Basic {{{3
+ let type_basic = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_basic.ctagstype = 'basic'
+ let type_basic.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enumerations', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'types', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.basic = type_basic
+ " BETA {{{3
+ let type_beta = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_beta.ctagstype = 'beta'
+ let type_beta.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'fragments', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'slots', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'patterns', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.beta = type_beta
+ " C {{{3
+ let type_c = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_c.ctagstype = 'c'
+ let type_c.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'prototypes', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'typedefs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'structs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'u', 'long' : 'unions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_c.sro = '::'
+ let type_c.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'g' : 'enum',
+ \ 's' : 'struct',
+ \ 'u' : 'union'
+ \ }
+ let type_c.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'enum' : 'g',
+ \ 'struct' : 's',
+ \ 'union' : 'u'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.c = type_c
+ " C++ {{{3
+ let type_cpp = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_cpp.ctagstype = 'c++'
+ let type_cpp.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'prototypes', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'typedefs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namespaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'structs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'u', 'long' : 'unions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let type_cpp.sro = '::'
+ let type_cpp.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'g' : 'enum',
+ \ 'n' : 'namespace',
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 's' : 'struct',
+ \ 'u' : 'union'
+ \ }
+ let type_cpp.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'enum' : 'g',
+ \ 'namespace' : 'n',
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'struct' : 's',
+ \ 'union' : 'u'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.cpp = type_cpp
+ let s:known_types.cuda = type_cpp
+ " C# {{{3
+ let type_cs = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_cs.ctagstype = 'c#'
+ let type_cs.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'fields', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'typedefs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namespaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'interfaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'structs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'E', 'long' : 'events', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'properties', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_cs.sro = '.'
+ let type_cs.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'n' : 'namespace',
+ \ 'i' : 'interface',
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 's' : 'struct',
+ \ 'g' : 'enum'
+ \ }
+ let type_cs.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'namespace' : 'n',
+ \ 'interface' : 'i',
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'struct' : 's',
+ \ 'enum' : 'g'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.cs = type_cs
+ " COBOL {{{3
+ let type_cobol = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_cobol.ctagstype = 'cobol'
+ let type_cobol.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'data items', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'file descriptions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'group items', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'paragraphs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'program ids', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'sections', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.cobol = type_cobol
+ " DOS Batch {{{3
+ let type_dosbatch = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_dosbatch.ctagstype = 'dosbatch'
+ let type_dosbatch.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.dosbatch = type_dosbatch
+ " Eiffel {{{3
+ let type_eiffel = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_eiffel.ctagstype = 'eiffel'
+ let type_eiffel.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'features', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_eiffel.sro = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
+ let type_eiffel.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 'f' : 'feature'
+ \ }
+ let type_eiffel.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'feature' : 'f'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.eiffel = type_eiffel
+ " Erlang {{{3
+ let type_erlang = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_erlang.ctagstype = 'erlang'
+ let type_erlang.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macro definitions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'record definitions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_erlang.sro = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
+ let type_erlang.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'm' : 'module'
+ \ }
+ let type_erlang.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'module' : 'm'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.erlang = type_erlang
+ " Flex {{{3
+ " Vim doesn't support Flex out of the box, this is based on rough
+ " guesses and probably requires
+ " http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2909
+ " Improvements welcome!
+ let type_as = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_as.ctagstype = 'flex'
+ let type_as.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'global variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'properties', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'x', 'long' : 'mxtags', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let type_as.sro = '.'
+ let type_as.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'c' : 'class'
+ \ }
+ let type_as.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'class' : 'c'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.mxml = type_as
+ let s:known_types.actionscript = type_as
+ " Fortran {{{3
+ let type_fortran = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_fortran.ctagstype = 'fortran'
+ let type_fortran.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'programs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'k', 'long' : 'components', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'derived types and structures', 'fold' : 0,
+ \ 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'common blocks', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'b', 'long' : 'block data', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'entry points', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namelists', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let type_fortran.sro = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
+ let type_fortran.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'm' : 'module',
+ \ 'p' : 'program',
+ \ 'f' : 'function',
+ \ 's' : 'subroutine'
+ \ }
+ let type_fortran.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'module' : 'm',
+ \ 'program' : 'p',
+ \ 'function' : 'f',
+ \ 'subroutine' : 's'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.fortran = type_fortran
+ " HTML {{{3
+ let type_html = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_html.ctagstype = 'html'
+ let type_html.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'JavaScript funtions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'a', 'long' : 'named anchors', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.html = type_html
+ " Java {{{3
+ let type_java = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_java.ctagstype = 'java'
+ let type_java.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'packages', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'fields', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enum types', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enum constants', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'interfaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_java.sro = '.'
+ let type_java.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'g' : 'enum',
+ \ 'i' : 'interface',
+ \ 'c' : 'class'
+ \ }
+ let type_java.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'enum' : 'g',
+ \ 'interface' : 'i',
+ \ 'class' : 'c'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.java = type_java
+ " JavaScript {{{3
+ " jsctags/doctorjs will be used if available.
+ let type_javascript = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_javascript.ctagstype = 'javascript'
+ let jsctags = s:CheckFTCtags('jsctags', 'javascript')
+ if jsctags != ''
+ let type_javascript.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_javascript.sro = '.'
+ let type_javascript.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'v' : 'namespace',
+ \ 'f' : 'namespace'
+ \ }
+ let type_javascript.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'namespace' : 'v'
+ \ }
+ let type_javascript.ctagsbin = jsctags
+ let type_javascript.ctagsargs = '-f -'
+ else
+ let type_javascript.kinds = [
+ \ {'short': 'v', 'long': 'global variables', 'fold': 0, 'stl': 0},
+ \ {'short': 'c', 'long': 'classes', 'fold': 0, 'stl': 1},
+ \ {'short': 'p', 'long': 'properties', 'fold': 0, 'stl': 0},
+ \ {'short': 'm', 'long': 'methods', 'fold': 0, 'stl': 1},
+ \ {'short': 'f', 'long': 'functions', 'fold': 0, 'stl': 1},
+ \ ]
+ let type_javascript.sro = '.'
+ let type_javascript.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 'f' : 'function',
+ \ 'm' : 'method',
+ \ 'p' : 'property',
+ \ }
+ let type_javascript.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'function' : 'f',
+ \ }
+ endif
+ let s:known_types.javascript = type_javascript
+ " Lisp {{{3
+ let type_lisp = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_lisp.ctagstype = 'lisp'
+ let type_lisp.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.lisp = type_lisp
+ let s:known_types.clojure = type_lisp
+ " Lua {{{3
+ let type_lua = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_lua.ctagstype = 'lua'
+ let type_lua.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.lua = type_lua
+ " Make {{{3
+ let type_make = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_make.ctagstype = 'make'
+ let type_make.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.make = type_make
+ " Matlab {{{3
+ let type_matlab = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_matlab.ctagstype = 'matlab'
+ let type_matlab.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.matlab = type_matlab
+ " Ocaml {{{3
+ let type_ocaml = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_ocaml.ctagstype = 'ocaml'
+ let type_ocaml.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'M', 'long' : 'modules or functors', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'global variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'C', 'long' : 'constructors', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'exceptions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'type names', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'structure fields', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let type_ocaml.sro = '.' " Not sure, is nesting even possible?
+ let type_ocaml.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'M' : 'Module',
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 't' : 'type'
+ \ }
+ let type_ocaml.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'Module' : 'M',
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'type' : 't'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.ocaml = type_ocaml
+ " Pascal {{{3
+ let type_pascal = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_pascal.ctagstype = 'pascal'
+ let type_pascal.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.pascal = type_pascal
+ " Perl {{{3
+ let type_perl = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_perl.ctagstype = 'perl'
+ let type_perl.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'packages', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'formats', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.perl = type_perl
+ " PHP {{{3
+ let type_php = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_php.ctagstype = 'php'
+ let type_php.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'interfaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'constant definitions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'j', 'long' : 'javascript functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.php = type_php
+ " Python {{{3
+ let type_python = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_python.ctagstype = 'python'
+ let type_python.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'imports', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let type_python.sro = '.'
+ let type_python.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 'f' : 'function',
+ \ 'm' : 'function'
+ \ }
+ let type_python.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'function' : 'f'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.python = type_python
+ let s:known_types.pyrex = type_python
+ let s:known_types.cython = type_python
+ " REXX {{{3
+ let type_rexx = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_rexx.ctagstype = 'rexx'
+ let type_rexx.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subroutines', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.rexx = type_rexx
+ " Ruby {{{3
+ let type_ruby = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_ruby.ctagstype = 'ruby'
+ let type_ruby.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'F', 'long' : 'singleton methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_ruby.sro = '.'
+ let type_ruby.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 'm' : 'class'
+ \ }
+ let type_ruby.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'class' : 'c'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.ruby = type_ruby
+ " Scheme {{{3
+ let type_scheme = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_scheme.ctagstype = 'scheme'
+ let type_scheme.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'sets', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.scheme = type_scheme
+ let s:known_types.racket = type_scheme
+ " Shell script {{{3
+ let type_sh = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_sh.ctagstype = 'sh'
+ let type_sh.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.sh = type_sh
+ let s:known_types.csh = type_sh
+ let s:known_types.zsh = type_sh
+ " SLang {{{3
+ let type_slang = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_slang.ctagstype = 'slang'
+ let type_slang.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'namespaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.slang = type_slang
+ " SML {{{3
+ let type_sml = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_sml.ctagstype = 'sml'
+ let type_sml.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'exception declarations', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'function definitions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'functor definitions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'signature declarations', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'structure declarations', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'type definitions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'value bindings', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.sml = type_sml
+ " SQL {{{3
+ " The SQL ctags parser seems to be buggy for me, so this just uses the
+ " normal kinds even though scopes should be available. Improvements
+ " welcome!
+ let type_sql = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_sql.ctagstype = 'sql'
+ let type_sql.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'packages', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'prototypes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'cursors', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'F', 'long' : 'record fields', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'L', 'long' : 'block label', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'subtypes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'tables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'T', 'long' : 'triggers', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'indexes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'events', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'U', 'long' : 'publications', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'R', 'long' : 'services', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'D', 'long' : 'domains', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'V', 'long' : 'views', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'synonyms', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'x', 'long' : 'MobiLink Table Scripts', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'y', 'long' : 'MobiLink Conn Scripts', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'z', 'long' : 'MobiLink Properties', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.sql = type_sql
+ " Tcl {{{3
+ let type_tcl = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_tcl.ctagstype = 'tcl'
+ let type_tcl.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.tcl = type_tcl
+ " LaTeX {{{3
+ let type_tex = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_tex.ctagstype = 'tex'
+ let type_tex.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'includes', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'parts', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'chapters', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'sections', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'u', 'long' : 'subsections', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'b', 'long' : 'subsubsections', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'paragraphs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'G', 'long' : 'subparagraphs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let type_tex.sro = '""'
+ let type_tex.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'p' : 'part',
+ \ 'c' : 'chapter',
+ \ 's' : 'section',
+ \ 'u' : 'subsection',
+ \ 'b' : 'subsubsection'
+ \ }
+ let type_tex.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'part' : 'p',
+ \ 'chapter' : 'c',
+ \ 'section' : 's',
+ \ 'subsection' : 'u',
+ \ 'subsubsection' : 'b'
+ \ }
+ let type_tex.sort = 0
+ let s:known_types.tex = type_tex
+ " Vala {{{3
+ " Vala is supported by the ctags fork provided by Anjuta, so only add the
+ " type if the fork is used to prevent error messages otherwise
+ if has_key(s:ctags_types, 'vala') || executable('anjuta-tags')
+ let type_vala = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_vala.ctagstype = 'vala'
+ let type_vala.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'Enumerations', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'Enumeration values', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 's', 'long' : 'Structures', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'i', 'long' : 'Interfaces', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'Delegates', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'Classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'Properties', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'Fields', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'Methods', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'E', 'long' : 'Error domains', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'Error codes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'S', 'long' : 'Signals', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_vala.sro = '.'
+ " 'enum' doesn't seem to be used as a scope, but it can't hurt to have
+ " it here
+ let type_vala.kind2scope = {
+ \ 's' : 'struct',
+ \ 'i' : 'interface',
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 'e' : 'enum'
+ \ }
+ let type_vala.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'struct' : 's',
+ \ 'interface' : 'i',
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'enum' : 'e'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.vala = type_vala
+ endif
+ if !has_key(s:ctags_types, 'vala') && executable('anjuta-tags')
+ let s:known_types.vala.ctagsbin = 'anjuta-tags'
+ endif
+ " Vera {{{3
+ " Why are variables 'virtual'?
+ let type_vera = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_vera.ctagstype = 'vera'
+ let type_vera.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'd', 'long' : 'macros', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'g', 'long' : 'enums', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'T', 'long' : 'typedefs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'classes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'enumerators', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'members', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'tasks', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'programs', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let type_vera.sro = '.' " Nesting doesn't seem to be possible
+ let type_vera.kind2scope = {
+ \ 'g' : 'enum',
+ \ 'c' : 'class',
+ \ 'v' : 'virtual'
+ \ }
+ let type_vera.scope2kind = {
+ \ 'enum' : 'g',
+ \ 'class' : 'c',
+ \ 'virtual' : 'v'
+ \ }
+ let s:known_types.vera = type_vera
+ " Verilog {{{3
+ let type_verilog = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_verilog.ctagstype = 'verilog'
+ let type_verilog.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'events', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'modules', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'net data types', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'ports', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'register data types', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'tasks', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.verilog = type_verilog
+ " VHDL {{{3
+ " The VHDL ctags parser unfortunately doesn't generate proper scopes
+ let type_vhdl = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_vhdl.ctagstype = 'vhdl'
+ let type_vhdl.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'P', 'long' : 'packages', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'constants', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 't', 'long' : 'types', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'T', 'long' : 'subtypes', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'r', 'long' : 'records', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'e', 'long' : 'entities', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'p', 'long' : 'procedures', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.vhdl = type_vhdl
+ " Vim {{{3
+ let type_vim = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_vim.ctagstype = 'vim'
+ let type_vim.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'n', 'long' : 'vimball filenames', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'v', 'long' : 'variables', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'f', 'long' : 'functions', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'a', 'long' : 'autocommand groups', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 1},
+ \ {'short' : 'c', 'long' : 'commands', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 0},
+ \ {'short' : 'm', 'long' : 'maps', 'fold' : 1, 'stl' : 0}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.vim = type_vim
+ " YACC {{{3
+ let type_yacc = s:TypeInfo.New()
+ let type_yacc.ctagstype = 'yacc'
+ let type_yacc.kinds = [
+ \ {'short' : 'l', 'long' : 'labels', 'fold' : 0, 'stl' : 1}
+ \ ]
+ let s:known_types.yacc = type_yacc
+ " }}}3
+ for [type, typeinfo] in items(s:known_types)
+ let typeinfo.ftype = type
+ endfor
+ call s:LoadUserTypeDefs()
+ for typeinfo in values(s:known_types)
+ call typeinfo.createKinddict()
+ endfor
+ let s:type_init_done = 1
+" s:LoadUserTypeDefs() {{{2
+function! s:LoadUserTypeDefs(...) abort
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let type = a:1
+ call s:debug("Initializing user type '" . type . "'")
+ let defdict = {}
+ let defdict[type] = g:tagbar_type_{type}
+ else
+ call s:debug('Initializing user types')
+ let defdict = tagbar#getusertypes()
+ endif
+ let transformed = {}
+ for [type, def] in items(defdict)
+ let transformed[type] = s:TransformUserTypeDef(def)
+ let transformed[type].ftype = type
+ endfor
+ for [key, value] in items(transformed)
+ if !has_key(s:known_types, key) || get(value, 'replace', 0)
+ let s:known_types[key] = s:TypeInfo.New(value)
+ else
+ call extend(s:known_types[key], value)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if a:0 > 0
+ call s:known_types[type].createKinddict()
+ endif
+" s:TransformUserTypeDef() {{{2
+" Transform the user definitions into the internal format
+function! s:TransformUserTypeDef(def) abort
+ let newdef = copy(a:def)
+ if has_key(a:def, 'kinds')
+ let newdef.kinds = []
+ let kinds = a:def.kinds
+ for kind in kinds
+ let kindlist = split(kind, ':')
+ let kinddict = {'short' : kindlist[0], 'long' : kindlist[1]}
+ let kinddict.fold = get(kindlist, 2, 0)
+ let kinddict.stl = get(kindlist, 3, 1)
+ call add(newdef.kinds, kinddict)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " If the user only specified one of kind2scope and scope2kind then use it
+ " to generate the respective other
+ if has_key(a:def, 'kind2scope') && !has_key(a:def, 'scope2kind')
+ let newdef.scope2kind = {}
+ for [key, value] in items(a:def.kind2scope)
+ let newdef.scope2kind[value] = key
+ endfor
+ elseif has_key(a:def, 'scope2kind') && !has_key(a:def, 'kind2scope')
+ let newdef.kind2scope = {}
+ for [key, value] in items(a:def.scope2kind)
+ let newdef.kind2scope[value] = key
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return newdef
+" s:RestoreSession() {{{2
+" Properly restore Tagbar after a session got loaded
+function! s:RestoreSession() abort
+ call s:debug('Restoring session')
+ let curfile = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr == -1
+ " Tagbar wasn't open in the saved session, nothing to do
+ return
+ else
+ let in_tagbar = 1
+ if winnr() != tagbarwinnr
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
+ let in_tagbar = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ let s:last_autofocus = 0
+ call s:Init(0)
+ call s:InitWindow(g:tagbar_autoclose)
+ call s:AutoUpdate(curfile, 0)
+ if !in_tagbar
+ call s:goto_win('p')
+ endif
+" s:MapKeys() {{{2
+function! s:MapKeys() abort
+ call s:debug('Mapping keys')
+ nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <2-LeftMouse>
+ \ :call <SID>JumpToTag(0)<CR>
+ nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <LeftRelease>
+ \ <LeftRelease>:call <SID>CheckMouseClick()<CR>
+ inoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <2-LeftMouse>
+ \ <C-o>:call <SID>JumpToTag(0)<CR>
+ inoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> <LeftRelease>
+ \ <LeftRelease><C-o>:call <SID>CheckMouseClick()<CR>
+ let maps = [
+ \ ['jump', 'JumpToTag(0)'],
+ \ ['preview', 'JumpToTag(1)'],
+ \ ['previewwin', 'ShowInPreviewWin()'],
+ \ ['nexttag', 'GotoNextToplevelTag(1)'],
+ \ ['prevtag', 'GotoNextToplevelTag(-1)'],
+ \ ['showproto', 'ShowPrototype(0)'],
+ \ ['hidenonpublic', 'ToggleHideNonPublicTags()'],
+ \
+ \ ['openfold', 'OpenFold()'],
+ \ ['closefold', 'CloseFold()'],
+ \ ['togglefold', 'ToggleFold()'],
+ \ ['openallfolds', 'SetFoldLevel(99, 1)'],
+ \ ['closeallfolds', 'SetFoldLevel(0, 1)'],
+ \ ['nextfold', 'GotoNextFold()'],
+ \ ['prevfold', 'GotoPrevFold()'],
+ \
+ \ ['togglesort', 'ToggleSort()'],
+ \ ['toggleautoclose', 'ToggleAutoclose()'],
+ \ ['zoomwin', 'ZoomWindow()'],
+ \ ['close', 'CloseWindow()'],
+ \ ['help', 'ToggleHelp()'],
+ \ ]
+ for [map, func] in maps
+ let def = get(g:, 'tagbar_map_' . map)
+ if type(def) == type("")
+ let keys = [def]
+ else
+ let keys = def
+ endif
+ for key in keys
+ execute 'nnoremap <script> <silent> <buffer> ' . key .
+ \ ' :call <SID>' . func . '<CR>'
+ endfor
+ unlet def
+ endfor
+ let b:tagbar_mapped_keys = 1
+" s:CreateAutocommands() {{{2
+function! s:CreateAutocommands() abort
+ call s:debug('Creating autocommands')
+ augroup TagbarAutoCmds
+ autocmd!
+ autocmd CursorHold __Tagbar__ call s:ShowPrototype(1)
+ autocmd WinEnter __Tagbar__ call s:SetStatusLine('current')
+ autocmd WinLeave __Tagbar__ call s:SetStatusLine('noncurrent')
+ if g:tagbar_autopreview
+ autocmd CursorMoved __Tagbar__ nested call s:ShowInPreviewWin()
+ endif
+ autocmd WinEnter * nested call s:QuitIfOnlyWindow()
+ autocmd WinEnter * if bufwinnr('__Tagbar__') == -1 |
+ \ call s:ShrinkIfExpanded() |
+ \ endif
+ autocmd BufWritePost * call
+ \ s:AutoUpdate(fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'), 1)
+ " BufReadPost is needed for reloading the current buffer if the file
+ " was changed by an external command; see commit 17d199f
+ autocmd BufReadPost,BufEnter,CursorHold,FileType * call
+ \ s:AutoUpdate(fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'), 0)
+ autocmd BufDelete,BufWipeout * call
+ \ s:known_files.rm(fnamemodify(expand('<afile>'), ':p'))
+ autocmd QuickFixCmdPre * let s:tagbar_qf_active = 1
+ autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * if exists('s:tagbar_qf_active') |
+ \ unlet s:tagbar_qf_active |
+ \ endif
+ autocmd VimEnter * call s:CorrectFocusOnStartup()
+ augroup END
+ let s:autocommands_done = 1
+" s:CheckForExCtags() {{{2
+" Test whether the ctags binary is actually Exuberant Ctags and not BSD ctags
+" (or something else)
+function! s:CheckForExCtags(silent) abort
+ call s:debug('Checking for Exuberant Ctags')
+ if !exists('g:tagbar_ctags_bin')
+ let ctagsbins = []
+ let ctagsbins += ['ctags-exuberant'] " Debian
+ let ctagsbins += ['exuberant-ctags']
+ let ctagsbins += ['exctags'] " FreeBSD, NetBSD
+ let ctagsbins += ['/usr/local/bin/ctags'] " Homebrew
+ let ctagsbins += ['/opt/local/bin/ctags'] " Macports
+ let ctagsbins += ['ectags'] " OpenBSD
+ let ctagsbins += ['ctags']
+ let ctagsbins += ['ctags.exe']
+ let ctagsbins += ['tags']
+ for ctags in ctagsbins
+ if executable(ctags)
+ let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = ctags
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if !exists('g:tagbar_ctags_bin')
+ let errmsg = 'Tagbar: Exuberant ctags not found!'
+ let infomsg = 'Please download Exuberant Ctags from' .
+ \ ' ctags.sourceforge.net and install it in a' .
+ \ ' directory in your $PATH or set g:tagbar_ctags_bin.'
+ call s:CtagsErrMsg(errmsg, infomsg, a:silent)
+ let s:checked_ctags = 2
+ return 0
+ endif
+ else
+ " reset 'wildignore' temporarily in case *.exe is included in it
+ let wildignore_save = &wildignore
+ set wildignore&
+ let g:tagbar_ctags_bin = expand(g:tagbar_ctags_bin)
+ let &wildignore = wildignore_save
+ if !executable(g:tagbar_ctags_bin)
+ let errmsg = "Tagbar: Exuberant ctags not found at " .
+ \ "'" . g:tagbar_ctags_bin . "'!"
+ let infomsg = 'Please check your g:tagbar_ctags_bin setting.'
+ call s:CtagsErrMsg(errmsg, infomsg, a:silent)
+ let s:checked_ctags = 2
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ let ctags_cmd = s:EscapeCtagsCmd(g:tagbar_ctags_bin, '--version')
+ if ctags_cmd == ''
+ let s:checked_ctags = 2
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd)
+ if v:shell_error || ctags_output !~# '\(Exuberant\|Universal\) Ctags'
+ let errmsg = 'Tagbar: Ctags doesn''t seem to be Exuberant Ctags!'
+ let infomsg = 'BSD ctags will NOT WORK.' .
+ \ ' Please download Exuberant Ctags from ctags.sourceforge.net' .
+ \ ' and install it in a directory in your $PATH' .
+ \ ' or set g:tagbar_ctags_bin.'
+ call s:CtagsErrMsg(errmsg, infomsg, a:silent, ctags_cmd, ctags_output)
+ let s:checked_ctags = 2
+ return 0
+ elseif !s:CheckExCtagsVersion(ctags_output)
+ let errmsg = 'Tagbar: Exuberant Ctags is too old!'
+ let infomsg = 'You need at least version 5.5 for Tagbar to work.' .
+ \ ' Please download a newer version from ctags.sourceforge.net.'
+ call s:CtagsErrMsg(errmsg, infomsg, a:silent, ctags_cmd, ctags_output)
+ let s:checked_ctags = 2
+ return 0
+ else
+ let s:checked_ctags = 1
+ return 1
+ endif
+" s:CtagsErrMsg() {{{2
+function! s:CtagsErrMsg(errmsg, infomsg, silent, ...) abort
+ call s:debug(a:errmsg)
+ let ctags_cmd = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
+ let ctags_output = a:0 > 0 ? a:2 : ''
+ if ctags_output != ''
+ call s:debug("Command output:\n" . ctags_output)
+ endif
+ if !a:silent
+ call s:warning(a:errmsg)
+ echomsg a:infomsg
+ if ctags_cmd == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ echomsg 'Executed command: "' . ctags_cmd . '"'
+ if ctags_output != ''
+ echomsg 'Command output:'
+ for line in split(ctags_output, '\n')
+ echomsg line
+ endfor
+ else
+ echomsg 'Command output is empty.'
+ endif
+ endif
+" s:CheckExCtagsVersion() {{{2
+function! s:CheckExCtagsVersion(output) abort
+ call s:debug('Checking Exuberant Ctags version')
+ if a:output =~ 'Exuberant Ctags Development'
+ call s:debug("Found development version, assuming compatibility")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if a:output =~ 'Universal Ctags'
+ call s:debug("Found Universal Ctags, assuming compatibility")
+ return 1
+ endif
+ let matchlist = matchlist(a:output, '\vExuberant Ctags (\d+)\.(\d+)')
+ let major = matchlist[1]
+ let minor = matchlist[2]
+ call s:debug("Ctags version: major='" . major . "', minor='" . minor . "'")
+ return major >= 6 || (major == 5 && minor >= 5)
+" s:CheckFTCtags() {{{2
+function! s:CheckFTCtags(bin, ftype) abort
+ if executable(a:bin)
+ return a:bin
+ endif
+ if exists('g:tagbar_type_' . a:ftype)
+ let userdef = g:tagbar_type_{a:ftype}
+ if has_key(userdef, 'ctagsbin')
+ return userdef.ctagsbin
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ''
+" s:GetSupportedFiletypes() {{{2
+function! s:GetSupportedFiletypes() abort
+ call s:debug('Getting filetypes sypported by Exuberant Ctags')
+ let ctags_cmd = s:EscapeCtagsCmd(g:tagbar_ctags_bin, '--list-languages')
+ if ctags_cmd == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd)
+ if v:shell_error
+ " this shouldn't happen as potential problems would have already been
+ " caught by the previous ctags checking
+ return
+ endif
+ let types = split(ctags_output, '\n\+')
+ for type in types
+ let s:ctags_types[tolower(type)] = 1
+ endfor
+ let s:checked_ctags_types = 1
+" Prototypes {{{1
+" Base tag {{{2
+let s:BaseTag = {}
+" s:BaseTag.New() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.New(name) abort dict
+ let newobj = copy(self)
+ call newobj._init(a:name)
+ return newobj
+" s:BaseTag._init() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag._init(name) abort dict
+ let self.name = a:name
+ let self.fields = {}
+ let self.fields.line = 0
+ let self.fields.column = 1
+ let self.prototype = ''
+ let self.path = ''
+ let self.fullpath = a:name
+ let self.depth = 0
+ let self.parent = {}
+ let self.tline = -1
+ let self.fileinfo = {}
+ let self.typeinfo = {}
+" s:BaseTag.isNormalTag() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.isNormalTag() abort dict
+ return 0
+" s:BaseTag.isPseudoTag() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.isPseudoTag() abort dict
+ return 0
+" s:BaseTag.isKindheader() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.isKindheader() abort dict
+ return 0
+" s:BaseTag.getPrototype() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.getPrototype(short) abort dict
+ return self.prototype
+" s:BaseTag._getPrefix() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag._getPrefix() abort dict
+ let fileinfo = self.fileinfo
+ if has_key(self, 'children') && !empty(self.children)
+ if fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath]
+ let prefix = s:icon_closed
+ else
+ let prefix = s:icon_open
+ endif
+ else
+ let prefix = ' '
+ endif
+ " Visibility is called 'access' in the ctags output
+ if g:tagbar_show_visibility
+ if has_key(self.fields, 'access')
+ let prefix .= get(s:visibility_symbols, self.fields.access, ' ')
+ elseif has_key(self.fields, 'file')
+ let prefix .= s:visibility_symbols.private
+ else
+ let prefix .= ' '
+ endif
+ endif
+ return prefix
+" s:BaseTag.initFoldState() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.initFoldState() abort dict
+ let fileinfo = self.fileinfo
+ if s:known_files.has(fileinfo.fpath) &&
+ \ has_key(fileinfo, '_tagfolds_old') &&
+ \ has_key(fileinfo._tagfolds_old[self.fields.kind], self.fullpath)
+ " The file has been updated and the tag was there before, so copy its
+ " old fold state
+ let fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath] =
+ \ fileinfo._tagfolds_old[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath]
+ elseif self.depth >= fileinfo.foldlevel
+ let fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath] = 1
+ else
+ let fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath] =
+ \ fileinfo.kindfolds[self.fields.kind]
+ endif
+" s:BaseTag.getClosedParentTline() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.getClosedParentTline() abort dict
+ let tagline = self.tline
+ " Find the first closed parent, starting from the top of the hierarchy.
+ let parents = []
+ let curparent = self.parent
+ while !empty(curparent)
+ call add(parents, curparent)
+ let curparent = curparent.parent
+ endwhile
+ for parent in reverse(parents)
+ if parent.isFolded()
+ let tagline = parent.tline
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return tagline
+" s:BaseTag.isFoldable() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.isFoldable() abort dict
+ return has_key(self, 'children') && !empty(self.children)
+" s:BaseTag.isFolded() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.isFolded() abort dict
+ return self.fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath]
+" s:BaseTag.openFold() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.openFold() abort dict
+ if self.isFoldable()
+ let self.fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath] = 0
+ endif
+" s:BaseTag.closeFold() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.closeFold() abort dict
+ let newline = line('.')
+ if !empty(self.parent) && self.parent.isKindheader()
+ " Tag is child of generic 'kind'
+ call self.parent.closeFold()
+ let newline = self.parent.tline
+ elseif self.isFoldable() && !self.isFolded()
+ " Tag is parent of a scope and is not folded
+ let self.fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath] = 1
+ let newline = self.tline
+ elseif !empty(self.parent)
+ " Tag is normal child, so close parent
+ let parent = self.parent
+ let self.fileinfo.tagfolds[parent.fields.kind][parent.fullpath] = 1
+ let newline = parent.tline
+ endif
+ return newline
+" s:BaseTag.setFolded() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.setFolded(folded) abort dict
+ let self.fileinfo.tagfolds[self.fields.kind][self.fullpath] = a:folded
+" s:BaseTag.openParents() {{{3
+function! s:BaseTag.openParents() abort dict
+ let parent = self.parent
+ while !empty(parent)
+ call parent.openFold()
+ let parent = parent.parent
+ endwhile
+" Normal tag {{{2
+let s:NormalTag = copy(s:BaseTag)
+" s:NormalTag.isNormalTag() {{{3
+function! s:NormalTag.isNormalTag() abort dict
+ return 1
+" s:NormalTag.strfmt() {{{3
+function! s:NormalTag.strfmt() abort dict
+ let typeinfo = self.typeinfo
+ let suffix = get(self.fields, 'signature', '')
+ if has_key(self.fields, 'type')
+ let suffix .= ' : ' . self.fields.type
+ elseif has_key(typeinfo, 'kind2scope') &&
+ \ has_key(typeinfo.kind2scope, self.fields.kind)
+ let suffix .= ' : ' . typeinfo.kind2scope[self.fields.kind]
+ endif
+ return self._getPrefix() . self.name . suffix . "\n"
+" s:NormalTag.str() {{{3
+function! s:NormalTag.str(longsig, full) abort dict
+ if a:full && self.path != ''
+ let str = self.path . self.typeinfo.sro . self.name
+ else
+ let str = self.name
+ endif
+ if has_key(self.fields, 'signature')
+ if a:longsig
+ let str .= self.fields.signature
+ else
+ let str .= '()'
+ endif
+ endif
+ return str
+" s:NormalTag.getPrototype() {{{3
+function! s:NormalTag.getPrototype(short) abort dict
+ if self.prototype != ''
+ let prototype = self.prototype
+ else
+ let bufnr = self.fileinfo.bufnr
+ if self.fields.line == 0 || !bufloaded(bufnr)
+ " No linenumber available or buffer not loaded (probably due to
+ " 'nohidden'), try the pattern instead
+ return substitute(self.pattern, '^\\V\\^\\C\s*\(.*\)\\$$', '\1', '')
+ endif
+ let line = getbufline(bufnr, self.fields.line)[0]
+ let list = split(line, '\zs')
+ let start = index(list, '(')
+ if start == -1
+ return substitute(line, '^\s\+', '', '')
+ endif
+ let opening = count(list, '(', 0, start)
+ let closing = count(list, ')', 0, start)
+ if closing >= opening
+ return substitute(line, '^\s\+', '', '')
+ endif
+ let balance = opening - closing
+ let prototype = line
+ let curlinenr = self.fields.line + 1
+ while balance > 0
+ let curline = getbufline(bufnr, curlinenr)[0]
+ let curlist = split(curline, '\zs')
+ let balance += count(curlist, '(')
+ let balance -= count(curlist, ')')
+ let prototype .= "\n" . curline
+ let curlinenr += 1
+ endwhile
+ let self.prototype = prototype
+ endif
+ if a:short
+ " join all lines and remove superfluous spaces
+ let prototype = substitute(prototype, '^\s\+', '', '')
+ let prototype = substitute(prototype, '\_s\+', ' ', 'g')
+ let prototype = substitute(prototype, '(\s\+', '(', 'g')
+ let prototype = substitute(prototype, '\s\+)', ')', 'g')
+ " Avoid hit-enter prompts
+ let maxlen = &columns - 12
+ if len(prototype) > maxlen
+ let prototype = prototype[:maxlen - 1 - 3]
+ let prototype .= '...'
+ endif
+ endif
+ return prototype
+" Pseudo tag {{{2
+let s:PseudoTag = copy(s:BaseTag)
+" s:PseudoTag.isPseudoTag() {{{3
+function! s:PseudoTag.isPseudoTag() abort dict
+ return 1
+" s:PseudoTag.strfmt() {{{3
+function! s:PseudoTag.strfmt() abort dict
+ let typeinfo = self.typeinfo
+ let suffix = get(self.fields, 'signature', '')
+ if has_key(typeinfo.kind2scope, self.fields.kind)
+ let suffix .= ' : ' . typeinfo.kind2scope[self.fields.kind]
+ endif
+ return self._getPrefix() . self.name . '*' . suffix
+" Kind header {{{2
+let s:KindheaderTag = copy(s:BaseTag)
+" s:KindheaderTag.isKindheader() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.isKindheader() abort dict
+ return 1
+" s:KindheaderTag.getPrototype() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.getPrototype(short) abort dict
+ return self.name . ': ' .
+ \ self.numtags . ' ' . (self.numtags > 1 ? 'tags' : 'tag')
+" s:KindheaderTag.isFoldable() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.isFoldable() abort dict
+ return 1
+" s:KindheaderTag.isFolded() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.isFolded() abort dict
+ return self.fileinfo.kindfolds[self.short]
+" s:KindheaderTag.openFold() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.openFold() abort dict
+ let self.fileinfo.kindfolds[self.short] = 0
+" s:KindheaderTag.closeFold() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.closeFold() abort dict
+ let self.fileinfo.kindfolds[self.short] = 1
+ return line('.')
+" s:KindheaderTag.toggleFold() {{{3
+function! s:KindheaderTag.toggleFold() abort dict
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ let fileinfo.kindfolds[self.short] = !fileinfo.kindfolds[self.short]
+" Type info {{{2
+let s:TypeInfo = {}
+" s:TypeInfo.New() {{{3
+function! s:TypeInfo.New(...) abort dict
+ let newobj = copy(self)
+ let newobj.kinddict = {}
+ if a:0 > 0
+ call extend(newobj, a:1)
+ endif
+ return newobj
+" s:TypeInfo.getKind() {{{3
+function! s:TypeInfo.getKind(kind) abort dict
+ let idx = self.kinddict[a:kind]
+ return self.kinds[idx]
+" s:TypeInfo.createKinddict() {{{3
+" Create a dictionary of the kind order for fast access in sorting functions
+function! s:TypeInfo.createKinddict() abort dict
+ let i = 0
+ for kind in self.kinds
+ let self.kinddict[kind.short] = i
+ let i += 1
+ endfor
+" File info {{{2
+let s:FileInfo = {}
+" s:FileInfo.New() {{{3
+function! s:FileInfo.New(fname, ftype, typeinfo) abort dict
+ let newobj = copy(self)
+ " The complete file path
+ let newobj.fpath = a:fname
+ let newobj.bufnr = bufnr(a:fname)
+ " File modification time
+ let newobj.mtime = getftime(a:fname)
+ " The vim file type
+ let newobj.ftype = a:ftype
+ " List of the tags that are present in the file, sorted according to the
+ " value of 'g:tagbar_sort'
+ let newobj.tags = []
+ " Dictionary of the tags, indexed by line number in the file
+ let newobj.fline = {}
+ " Dictionary of the tags, indexed by line number in the tagbar
+ let newobj.tline = {}
+ " Dictionary of the folding state of 'kind's, indexed by short name
+ let newobj.kindfolds = {}
+ let newobj.typeinfo = a:typeinfo
+ " copy the default fold state from the type info
+ for kind in a:typeinfo.kinds
+ let newobj.kindfolds[kind.short] =
+ \ g:tagbar_foldlevel == 0 ? 1 : kind.fold
+ endfor
+ " Dictionary of dictionaries of the folding state of individual tags,
+ " indexed by kind and full path
+ let newobj.tagfolds = {}
+ for kind in a:typeinfo.kinds
+ let newobj.tagfolds[kind.short] = {}
+ endfor
+ " The current foldlevel of the file
+ let newobj.foldlevel = g:tagbar_foldlevel
+ return newobj
+" s:FileInfo.reset() {{{3
+" Reset stuff that gets regenerated while processing a file and save the old
+" tag folds
+function! s:FileInfo.reset() abort dict
+ let self.mtime = getftime(self.fpath)
+ let self.tags = []
+ let self.fline = {}
+ let self.tline = {}
+ let self._tagfolds_old = self.tagfolds
+ let self.tagfolds = {}
+ for kind in self.typeinfo.kinds
+ let self.tagfolds[kind.short] = {}
+ endfor
+" s:FileInfo.clearOldFolds() {{{3
+function! s:FileInfo.clearOldFolds() abort dict
+ if exists('self._tagfolds_old')
+ unlet self._tagfolds_old
+ endif
+" s:FileInfo.sortTags() {{{3
+function! s:FileInfo.sortTags() abort dict
+ if get(s:compare_typeinfo, 'sort', g:tagbar_sort)
+ call s:SortTags(self.tags, 's:CompareByKind')
+ else
+ call s:SortTags(self.tags, 's:CompareByLine')
+ endif
+" s:FileInfo.openKindFold() {{{3
+function! s:FileInfo.openKindFold(kind) abort dict
+ let self.kindfolds[a:kind.short] = 0
+" s:FileInfo.closeKindFold() {{{3
+function! s:FileInfo.closeKindFold(kind) abort dict
+ let self.kindfolds[a:kind.short] = 1
+" Known files {{{2
+let s:known_files = {
+ \ '_current' : {},
+ \ '_paused' : {},
+ \ '_files' : {}
+\ }
+" s:known_files.getCurrent() {{{3
+function! s:known_files.getCurrent(forcecurrent) abort dict
+ if !s:paused || a:forcecurrent
+ return self._current
+ else
+ return self._paused
+ endif
+" s:known_files.setCurrent() {{{3
+function! s:known_files.setCurrent(fileinfo) abort dict
+ let self._current = a:fileinfo
+" s:known_files.setPaused() {{{3
+function! s:known_files.setPaused() abort dict
+ let self._paused = self._current
+" s:known_files.get() {{{3
+function! s:known_files.get(fname) abort dict
+ return get(self._files, a:fname, {})
+" s:known_files.put() {{{3
+" Optional second argument is the filename
+function! s:known_files.put(fileinfo, ...) abort dict
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let self._files[a:1] = a:fileinfo
+ else
+ let fname = a:fileinfo.fpath
+ let self._files[fname] = a:fileinfo
+ endif
+" s:known_files.has() {{{3
+function! s:known_files.has(fname) abort dict
+ return has_key(self._files, a:fname)
+" s:known_files.rm() {{{3
+function! s:known_files.rm(fname) abort dict
+ if s:known_files.has(a:fname)
+ call s:debug('Removing fileinfo for [' . a:fname . ']')
+ call remove(self._files, a:fname)
+ endif
+" Window management {{{1
+" s:ToggleWindow() {{{2
+function! s:ToggleWindow() abort
+ call s:debug('ToggleWindow called')
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr("__Tagbar__")
+ if tagbarwinnr != -1
+ call s:CloseWindow()
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:OpenWindow('')
+ call s:debug('ToggleWindow finished')
+" s:OpenWindow() {{{2
+function! s:OpenWindow(flags) abort
+ call s:debug("OpenWindow called with flags: '" . a:flags . "'")
+ let autofocus = a:flags =~# 'f'
+ let jump = a:flags =~# 'j'
+ let autoclose = a:flags =~# 'c'
+ let curfile = fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
+ let curline = line('.')
+ " If the tagbar window is already open check jump flag
+ " Also set the autoclose flag if requested
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr != -1
+ if winnr() != tagbarwinnr && jump
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
+ call s:HighlightTag(g:tagbar_autoshowtag != 2, 1, curline)
+ endif
+ call s:debug("OpenWindow finished, Tagbar already open")
+ return
+ endif
+ " This is only needed for the CorrectFocusOnStartup() function
+ let s:last_autofocus = autofocus
+ if !s:Init(0)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Expand the Vim window to accomodate for the Tagbar window if requested
+ " and save the window positions to be able to restore them later.
+ if g:tagbar_expand >= 1 && !s:window_expanded &&
+ \ (has('gui_running') || g:tagbar_expand == 2)
+ let s:window_pos.pre.x = getwinposx()
+ let s:window_pos.pre.y = getwinposy()
+ let &columns += g:tagbar_width + 1
+ let s:window_pos.post.x = getwinposx()
+ let s:window_pos.post.y = getwinposy()
+ let s:window_expanded = 1
+ endif
+ let s:window_opening = 1
+ if g:tagbar_vertical == 0
+ let openpos = g:tagbar_left ? 'topleft vertical ' : 'botright vertical '
+ let width = g:tagbar_width
+ else
+ let openpos = g:tagbar_left ? 'leftabove ' : 'rightbelow '
+ let width = g:tagbar_vertical
+ endif
+ exe 'silent keepalt ' . openpos . width . 'split ' . '__Tagbar__'
+ unlet s:window_opening
+ call s:InitWindow(autoclose)
+ " If the current file exists, but is empty, it means that it had a
+ " processing error before opening the window, most likely due to a call to
+ " currenttag() in the statusline. Remove the entry so an error message
+ " will be shown if the processing still fails.
+ if empty(s:known_files.get(curfile))
+ call s:known_files.rm(curfile)
+ endif
+ call s:AutoUpdate(curfile, 0)
+ call s:HighlightTag(g:tagbar_autoshowtag != 2, 1, curline)
+ if !(g:tagbar_autoclose || autofocus || g:tagbar_autofocus)
+ call s:goto_win('p')
+ endif
+ call s:debug('OpenWindow finished')
+" s:InitWindow() {{{2
+function! s:InitWindow(autoclose) abort
+ call s:debug('InitWindow called with autoclose: ' . a:autoclose)
+ setlocal filetype=tagbar
+ setlocal noreadonly " in case the "view" mode is used
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ setlocal bufhidden=hide
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal nobuflisted
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ setlocal nolist
+ setlocal nowrap
+ setlocal winfixwidth
+ setlocal textwidth=0
+ setlocal nospell
+ if g:tagbar_show_linenumbers == 0
+ setlocal nonumber
+ if exists('+relativenumber')
+ setlocal norelativenumber
+ endif
+ elseif g:tagbar_show_linenumbers == 1
+ setlocal number
+ elseif g:tagbar_show_linenumbers == 2
+ setlocal relativenumber
+ else
+ set number<
+ if exists('+relativenumber')
+ set relativenumber<
+ endif
+ endif
+ setlocal nofoldenable
+ setlocal foldcolumn=0
+ " Reset fold settings in case a plugin set them globally to something
+ " expensive. Apparently 'foldexpr' gets executed even if 'foldenable' is
+ " off, and then for every appended line (like with :put).
+ setlocal foldmethod&
+ setlocal foldexpr&
+ let w:autoclose = a:autoclose
+ call s:SetStatusLine('current')
+ let s:new_window = 1
+ if has('balloon_eval')
+ setlocal balloonexpr=TagbarBalloonExpr()
+ set ballooneval
+ endif
+ let cpoptions_save = &cpoptions
+ set cpoptions&vim
+ if !exists('b:tagbar_mapped_keys')
+ call s:MapKeys()
+ endif
+ let &cpoptions = cpoptions_save
+ if g:tagbar_expand
+ let s:expand_bufnr = bufnr('%')
+ endif
+ call s:debug('InitWindow finished')
+" s:CloseWindow() {{{2
+function! s:CloseWindow() abort
+ call s:debug('CloseWindow called')
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ " Close the preview window if it was opened by us
+ if s:pwin_by_tagbar
+ pclose
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ endif
+ if winnr() == tagbarwinnr
+ if winbufnr(2) != -1
+ " Other windows are open, only close the tagbar one
+ let curfile = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ close
+ " Try to jump to the correct window after closing
+ call s:goto_win('p')
+ if !empty(curfile)
+ let filebufnr = bufnr(curfile.fpath)
+ if bufnr('%') != filebufnr
+ let filewinnr = bufwinnr(filebufnr)
+ if filewinnr != -1
+ call s:goto_win(filewinnr)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ " Go to the tagbar window, close it and then come back to the original
+ " window. Save a win-local variable in the original window so we can
+ " jump back to it even if the window number changed.
+ call s:mark_window()
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
+ close
+ call s:goto_markedwin()
+ endif
+ call s:ShrinkIfExpanded()
+ " The window sizes may have changed due to the shrinking happening after
+ " the window closing, so equalize them again.
+ if &equalalways
+ wincmd =
+ endif
+ if s:autocommands_done && !s:statusline_in_use
+ autocmd! TagbarAutoCmds
+ let s:autocommands_done = 0
+ endif
+ call s:debug('CloseWindow finished')
+" s:ShrinkIfExpanded() {{{2
+" If the Vim window has been expanded, and Tagbar is not open in any other
+" tabpages, shrink the window again
+function! s:ShrinkIfExpanded() abort
+ if !s:window_expanded || &filetype == 'tagbar' || s:expand_bufnr == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let tablist = []
+ for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
+ call extend(tablist, tabpagebuflist(i + 1))
+ endfor
+ if index(tablist, s:expand_bufnr) == -1
+ let &columns -= g:tagbar_width + 1
+ let s:window_expanded = 0
+ let s:expand_bufnr = -1
+ " Only restore window position if it is available and if the
+ " window hasn't been moved manually after the expanding
+ if getwinposx() != -1 &&
+ \ getwinposx() == s:window_pos.post.x &&
+ \ getwinposy() == s:window_pos.post.y
+ execute 'winpos ' . s:window_pos.pre.x .
+ \ ' ' . s:window_pos.pre.y
+ endif
+ endif
+" s:ZoomWindow() {{{2
+function! s:ZoomWindow() abort
+ if s:is_maximized
+ execute 'vertical resize ' . g:tagbar_width
+ execute s:winrestcmd
+ let s:is_maximized = 0
+ else
+ let s:winrestcmd = winrestcmd()
+ if g:tagbar_zoomwidth == 1
+ vertical resize
+ elseif g:tagbar_zoomwidth == 0
+ let func = exists('*strdisplaywidth') ? 'strdisplaywidth' : 'strlen'
+ let maxline = max(map(getline(line('w0'), line('w$')),
+ \ func . '(v:val)'))
+ execute 'vertical resize ' . maxline
+ elseif g:tagbar_zoomwidth > 1
+ execute 'vertical resize ' . g:tagbar_zoomwidth
+ endif
+ let s:is_maximized = 1
+ endif
+" s:CorrectFocusOnStartup() {{{2
+" For whatever reason the focus will be on the Tagbar window if
+" tagbar#autoopen is used with a FileType autocommand on startup and
+" g:tagbar_left is set. This should work around it by jumping to the window of
+" the current file after startup.
+function! s:CorrectFocusOnStartup() abort
+ if bufwinnr('__Tagbar__') != -1 && !g:tagbar_autofocus && !s:last_autofocus
+ let curfile = s:known_files.getCurrent(1)
+ if !empty(curfile) && curfile.fpath != fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p')
+ let winnr = bufwinnr(curfile.fpath)
+ if winnr != -1
+ call s:goto_win(winnr)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+" Tag processing {{{1
+" s:ProcessFile() {{{2
+" Execute ctags and put the information into a 'FileInfo' object
+function! s:ProcessFile(fname, ftype) abort
+ call s:debug('ProcessFile called [' . a:fname . ']')
+ if !s:IsValidFile(a:fname, a:ftype)
+ call s:debug('Not a valid file, returning')
+ return
+ endif
+ let typeinfo = s:known_types[a:ftype]
+ " If the file has only been updated preserve the fold states, otherwise
+ " create a new entry
+ if s:known_files.has(a:fname) && !empty(s:known_files.get(a:fname)) &&
+ \ s:known_files.get(a:fname).ftype == a:ftype
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.get(a:fname)
+ let typeinfo = fileinfo.typeinfo
+ call fileinfo.reset()
+ else
+ if exists('#TagbarProjects#User')
+ execute 'doautocmd <nomodeline> TagbarProjects User ' . a:fname
+ if exists('b:tagbar_type')
+ let typeinfo = extend(copy(typeinfo),
+ \ s:TransformUserTypeDef(b:tagbar_type))
+ call typeinfo.createKinddict()
+ endif
+ endif
+ let fileinfo = s:FileInfo.New(a:fname, a:ftype, typeinfo)
+ endif
+ call s:debug('typeinfo for file to process: ' . string(typeinfo))
+ " Use a temporary files for ctags processing instead of the original one.
+ " This allows using Tagbar for files accessed with netrw, and also doesn't
+ " slow down Tagbar for files that sit on slow network drives.
+ let tempfile = tempname()
+ let ext = fnamemodify(fileinfo.fpath, ':e')
+ if ext != ''
+ let tempfile .= '.' . ext
+ endif
+ call writefile(getbufline(fileinfo.bufnr, 1, '$'), tempfile)
+ let fileinfo.mtime = getftime(tempfile)
+ let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(tempfile, a:fname, typeinfo)
+ call delete(tempfile)
+ if ctags_output == -1
+ call s:debug('Ctags error when processing file')
+ " Put an empty entry into known_files so the error message is only
+ " shown once
+ call s:known_files.put({}, a:fname)
+ return
+ elseif ctags_output == ''
+ call s:debug('Ctags output empty')
+ " No need to go through the tag processing if there are no tags, and
+ " preserving the old fold state isn't necessary either
+ call s:known_files.put(s:FileInfo.New(a:fname, a:ftype,
+ \ s:known_types[a:ftype]), a:fname)
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:debug('Filetype tag kinds: ' . string(keys(typeinfo.kinddict)))
+ " Parse the ctags output lines
+ call s:debug('Parsing ctags output')
+ let rawtaglist = split(ctags_output, '\n\+')
+ for line in rawtaglist
+ " skip comments
+ if line =~# '^!_TAG_'
+ continue
+ endif
+ let parts = split(line, ';"')
+ if len(parts) == 2 " Is a valid tag line
+ let taginfo = s:ParseTagline(parts[0], parts[1], typeinfo, fileinfo)
+ if !empty(taginfo)
+ let fileinfo.fline[taginfo.fields.line] = taginfo
+ call add(fileinfo.tags, taginfo)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " Process scoped tags
+ let processedtags = []
+ if has_key(typeinfo, 'kind2scope')
+ call s:debug('Processing scoped tags')
+ let scopedtags = []
+ let is_scoped = 'has_key(typeinfo.kind2scope, v:val.fields.kind) ||
+ \ has_key(v:val, "scope")'
+ let scopedtags += filter(copy(fileinfo.tags), is_scoped)
+ call filter(fileinfo.tags, '!(' . is_scoped . ')')
+ call s:AddScopedTags(scopedtags, processedtags, {}, 0,
+ \ typeinfo, fileinfo, line('$'))
+ if !empty(scopedtags)
+ echoerr 'Tagbar: ''scopedtags'' not empty after processing,'
+ \ 'this should never happen!'
+ \ 'Please contact the script maintainer with an example.'
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:debug('Number of top-level tags: ' . len(processedtags))
+ " Create a placeholder tag for the 'kind' header for folding purposes
+ for kind in typeinfo.kinds
+ let curtags = filter(copy(fileinfo.tags),
+ \ 'v:val.fields.kind ==# kind.short')
+ call s:debug('Processing kind: ' . kind.short .
+ \ ', number of tags: ' . len(curtags))
+ if empty(curtags)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let kindtag = s:KindheaderTag.New(kind.long)
+ let kindtag.short = kind.short
+ let kindtag.numtags = len(curtags)
+ let kindtag.fileinfo = fileinfo
+ for tag in curtags
+ let tag.parent = kindtag
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ if !empty(processedtags)
+ call extend(fileinfo.tags, processedtags)
+ endif
+ " Clear old folding information from previous file version to prevent leaks
+ call fileinfo.clearOldFolds()
+ " Sort the tags
+ let s:compare_typeinfo = typeinfo
+ call fileinfo.sortTags()
+ call s:known_files.put(fileinfo)
+" s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile() {{{2
+function! s:ExecuteCtagsOnFile(fname, realfname, typeinfo) abort
+ call s:debug('ExecuteCtagsOnFile called [' . a:fname . ']')
+ if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'ctagsargs') && type(a:typeinfo.ctagsargs) == type('')
+ " if ctagsargs is a string, prepend and append space separators
+ let ctags_args = ' ' . a:typeinfo.ctagsargs . ' '
+ elseif has_key(a:typeinfo, 'ctagsargs') && type(a:typeinfo.ctagsargs) == type([])
+ let ctags_args = a:typeinfo.ctagsargs
+ " otherwise ctagsargs is not defined or not defined as a valid type
+ else
+ "Prefer constructing ctags_args as a list rather than a string
+ "See s:EscapeCtagsCmd() - It's a best practice to shellescape()
+ "each arg separately because in special cases where space is
+ "intended to be in an argument, spaces in a single ctag_args
+ "string would be ambiguous. Is the space an argument separator
+ "or to be included in the argument
+ let ctags_args = [ '-f',
+ \ '-',
+ \ '--format=2',
+ \ '--excmd=pattern',
+ \ '--fields=nksSaf',
+ \ '--extra=',
+ \ '--sort=no',
+ \ '--append=no'
+ \ ]
+ " Include extra type definitions
+ if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'deffile')
+ let ctags_args += ['--options=' . expand(a:typeinfo.deffile)]
+ endif
+ " Third-party programs may not necessarily make use of this
+ if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'ctagstype')
+ let ctags_type = a:typeinfo.ctagstype
+ let ctags_kinds = ''
+ for kind in a:typeinfo.kinds
+ let ctags_kinds .= kind.short
+ endfor
+ let ctags_args += ['--language-force=' . ctags_type]
+ let ctags_args += ['--' . ctags_type . '-kinds=' . ctags_kinds]
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'ctagsbin')
+ " reset 'wildignore' temporarily in case *.exe is included in it
+ let wildignore_save = &wildignore
+ set wildignore&
+ let ctags_bin = expand(a:typeinfo.ctagsbin)
+ let &wildignore = wildignore_save
+ else
+ let ctags_bin = g:tagbar_ctags_bin
+ endif
+ let ctags_cmd = s:EscapeCtagsCmd(ctags_bin, ctags_args, a:fname)
+ if ctags_cmd == ''
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let ctags_output = s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd)
+ if v:shell_error || ctags_output =~ 'Warning: cannot open source file'
+ call s:debug('Command output:')
+ call s:debug(ctags_output)
+ " Only display an error message if the Tagbar window is open and we
+ " haven't seen the error before.
+ if bufwinnr("__Tagbar__") != -1 &&
+ \ (!s:known_files.has(a:realfname) ||
+ \ !empty(s:known_files.get(a:realfname)))
+ call s:warning('Tagbar: Could not execute ctags for ' . a:realfname . '!')
+ echomsg 'Executed command: "' . ctags_cmd . '"'
+ if !empty(ctags_output)
+ echomsg 'Command output:'
+ for line in split(ctags_output, '\n')
+ echomsg line
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ return -1
+ endif
+ call s:debug('Ctags executed successfully')
+ return ctags_output
+" s:ParseTagline() {{{2
+" Structure of a tag line:
+" tagname<TAB>filename<TAB>expattern;"fields
+" fields: <TAB>name:value
+" fields that are always present: kind, line
+function! s:ParseTagline(part1, part2, typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
+ let basic_info = split(a:part1, '\t')
+ let taginfo = s:NormalTag.New(basic_info[0])
+ let taginfo.file = basic_info[1]
+ " the pattern can contain tabs and thus may have been split up, so join
+ " the rest of the items together again
+ let pattern = join(basic_info[2:], "\t")
+ let start = 2 " skip the slash and the ^
+ let end = strlen(pattern) - 1
+ if pattern[end - 1] ==# '$'
+ let end -= 1
+ let dollar = '\$'
+ else
+ let dollar = ''
+ endif
+ let pattern = strpart(pattern, start, end - start)
+ let taginfo.pattern = '\V\^\C' . pattern . dollar
+ " When splitting fields make sure not to create empty keys or values in
+ " case a value illegally contains tabs
+ let fields = split(a:part2, '^\t\|\t\ze\w\+:')
+ if fields[0] !~# ':'
+ let taginfo.fields.kind = remove(fields, 0)
+ endif
+ for field in fields
+ " can't use split() since the value can contain ':'
+ let delimit = stridx(field, ':')
+ let key = strpart(field, 0, delimit)
+ " Remove all tabs that may illegally be in the value
+ let val = substitute(strpart(field, delimit + 1), '\t', '', 'g')
+ " File-restricted scoping
+ if key == "file"
+ let taginfo.fields[key] = 'yes'
+ endif
+ if len(val) > 0
+ if key == 'line' || key == 'column'
+ let taginfo.fields[key] = str2nr(val)
+ else
+ let taginfo.fields[key] = val
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " Needed for jsctags
+ if has_key(taginfo.fields, 'lineno')
+ let taginfo.fields.line = str2nr(taginfo.fields.lineno)
+ endif
+ " Do some sanity checking in case ctags reports invalid line numbers
+ if taginfo.fields.line < 0
+ let taginfo.fields.line = 0
+ endif
+ if !has_key(taginfo.fields, 'kind')
+ call s:debug("Warning: No 'kind' field found for tag " . basic_info[0] . "!")
+ if index(s:warnings.type, a:typeinfo.ftype) == -1
+ call s:warning("No 'kind' field found for tag " . basic_info[0] . "!" .
+ \ " Please read the last section of ':help tagbar-extend'.")
+ call add(s:warnings.type, a:typeinfo.ftype)
+ endif
+ return {}
+ endif
+ " Make some information easier accessible
+ if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'scope2kind')
+ for scope in keys(a:typeinfo.scope2kind)
+ if has_key(taginfo.fields, scope)
+ let taginfo.scope = scope
+ let taginfo.path = taginfo.fields[scope]
+ let taginfo.fullpath = taginfo.path . a:typeinfo.sro .
+ \ taginfo.name
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let taginfo.depth = len(split(taginfo.path, '\V' . a:typeinfo.sro))
+ endif
+ let taginfo.fileinfo = a:fileinfo
+ let taginfo.typeinfo = a:typeinfo
+ " Needed for folding
+ try
+ call taginfo.initFoldState()
+ catch /^Vim(\a\+):E716:/ " 'Key not present in Dictionary'
+ " The tag has a 'kind' that doesn't exist in the type definition
+ call s:debug('Warning: Unknown tag kind: ' . taginfo.fields.kind)
+ if index(s:warnings.type, a:typeinfo.ftype) == -1
+ call s:warning('Unknown tag kind encountered: ' .
+ \ '"' . taginfo.fields.kind . '".' .
+ \ ' Your ctags and Tagbar configurations are out of sync!' .
+ \ ' Please read '':help tagbar-extend''.')
+ call add(s:warnings.type, a:typeinfo.ftype)
+ endif
+ return {}
+ endtry
+ return taginfo
+" s:AddScopedTags() {{{2
+" Recursively process tags. Unfortunately there is a problem: not all tags in
+" a hierarchy are actually there. For example, in C++ a class can be defined
+" in a header file and implemented in a .cpp file (so the class itself doesn't
+" appear in the .cpp file and thus doesn't generate a tag). Another example
+" are anonymous structures like namespaces, structs, enums, and unions, that
+" also don't get a tag themselves. These tags are thus called 'pseudo-tags' in
+" Tagbar. Properly parsing them is quite tricky, so try not to think about it
+" too much.
+function! s:AddScopedTags(tags, processedtags, parent, depth,
+ \ typeinfo, fileinfo, maxline) abort
+ if !empty(a:parent)
+ let curpath = a:parent.fullpath
+ let pscope = a:typeinfo.kind2scope[a:parent.fields.kind]
+ else
+ let curpath = ''
+ let pscope = ''
+ endif
+ let is_cur_tag = 'v:val.depth == a:depth'
+ if !empty(curpath)
+ " Check whether the tag is either a direct child at the current depth
+ " or at least a proper grandchild with pseudo-tags in between. If it
+ " is a direct child also check for matching scope.
+ let is_cur_tag .= ' &&
+ \ (v:val.path ==# curpath ||
+ \ match(v:val.path, ''\V\^\C'' . curpath . a:typeinfo.sro) == 0) &&
+ \ (v:val.path ==# curpath ? (v:val.scope ==# pscope) : 1) &&
+ \ v:val.fields.line >= a:parent.fields.line &&
+ \ v:val.fields.line <= a:maxline'
+ endif
+ let curtags = filter(copy(a:tags), is_cur_tag)
+ if !empty(curtags)
+ call filter(a:tags, '!(' . is_cur_tag . ')')
+ let realtags = []
+ let pseudotags = []
+ while !empty(curtags)
+ let tag = remove(curtags, 0)
+ if tag.path != curpath
+ " tag is child of a pseudo-tag, so create a new pseudo-tag and
+ " add all its children to it
+ let pseudotag = s:ProcessPseudoTag(curtags, tag, a:parent,
+ \ a:typeinfo, a:fileinfo)
+ call add(pseudotags, pseudotag)
+ else
+ call add(realtags, tag)
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ " Recursively add the children of the tags on the current level
+ for tag in realtags
+ let tag.parent = a:parent
+ if !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, tag.fields.kind)
+ continue
+ endif
+ if !has_key(tag, 'children')
+ let tag.children = []
+ endif
+ " Check for tags with the exact same name that may be created
+ " alternatively in a conditional (Issue #139). The only way to
+ " distinguish between them is by line number.
+ let twins = filter(copy(realtags),
+ \ "v:val.fullpath ==# '" .
+ \ substitute(tag.fullpath, "'", "''", 'g') . "'" .
+ \ " && v:val.fields.line != " . tag.fields.line)
+ let maxline = line('$')
+ for twin in twins
+ if twin.fields.line <= maxline &&
+ \ twin.fields.line > tag.fields.line
+ let maxline = twin.fields.line - 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call s:AddScopedTags(a:tags, tag.children, tag, a:depth + 1,
+ \ a:typeinfo, a:fileinfo, maxline)
+ endfor
+ call extend(a:processedtags, realtags)
+ " Recursively add the children of the tags that are children of the
+ " pseudo-tags on the current level
+ for tag in pseudotags
+ call s:ProcessPseudoChildren(a:tags, tag, a:depth, a:typeinfo,
+ \ a:fileinfo)
+ endfor
+ call extend(a:processedtags, pseudotags)
+ endif
+ " Now we have to check if there are any pseudo-tags at the current level
+ " so we have to check for real tags at a lower level, i.e. grandchildren
+ let is_grandchild = 'v:val.depth > a:depth'
+ if !empty(curpath)
+ let is_grandchild .=
+ \ ' && match(v:val.path, ''\V\^\C'' . curpath . a:typeinfo.sro) == 0'
+ endif
+ let grandchildren = filter(copy(a:tags), is_grandchild)
+ if !empty(grandchildren)
+ call s:AddScopedTags(a:tags, a:processedtags, a:parent, a:depth + 1,
+ \ a:typeinfo, a:fileinfo, a:maxline)
+ endif
+" s:ProcessPseudoTag() {{{2
+function! s:ProcessPseudoTag(curtags, tag, parent, typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
+ let curpath = !empty(a:parent) ? a:parent.fullpath : ''
+ let pseudoname = substitute(a:tag.path, curpath, '', '')
+ let pseudoname = substitute(pseudoname, '\V\^' . a:typeinfo.sro, '', '')
+ let pseudotag = s:CreatePseudoTag(pseudoname, a:parent, a:tag.scope,
+ \ a:typeinfo, a:fileinfo)
+ let pseudotag.children = [a:tag]
+ " get all the other (direct) children of the current pseudo-tag
+ let ispseudochild = 'v:val.path ==# a:tag.path && v:val.scope ==# a:tag.scope'
+ let pseudochildren = filter(copy(a:curtags), ispseudochild)
+ if !empty(pseudochildren)
+ call filter(a:curtags, '!(' . ispseudochild . ')')
+ call extend(pseudotag.children, pseudochildren)
+ endif
+ return pseudotag
+" s:ProcessPseudoChildren() {{{2
+function! s:ProcessPseudoChildren(tags, tag, depth, typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
+ for childtag in a:tag.children
+ let childtag.parent = a:tag
+ if !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, childtag.fields.kind)
+ continue
+ endif
+ if !has_key(childtag, 'children')
+ let childtag.children = []
+ endif
+ call s:AddScopedTags(a:tags, childtag.children, childtag, a:depth + 1,
+ \ a:typeinfo, a:fileinfo, line('$'))
+ endfor
+ let is_grandchild = 'v:val.depth > a:depth && ' .
+ \ 'match(v:val.path,' .
+ \ '''^\C'' . substitute(a:tag.fullpath, "''", "''''", "g")) == 0'
+ let grandchildren = filter(copy(a:tags), is_grandchild)
+ if !empty(grandchildren)
+ call s:AddScopedTags(a:tags, a:tag.children, a:tag, a:depth + 1,
+ \ a:typeinfo, a:fileinfo, line('$'))
+ endif
+" s:CreatePseudoTag() {{{2
+function! s:CreatePseudoTag(name, parent, scope, typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
+ if !empty(a:parent)
+ let curpath = a:parent.fullpath
+ let pscope = a:typeinfo.kind2scope[a:parent.fields.kind]
+ else
+ let curpath = ''
+ let pscope = ''
+ endif
+ let pseudotag = s:PseudoTag.New(a:name)
+ let pseudotag.fields.kind = a:typeinfo.scope2kind[a:scope]
+ let parentscope = substitute(curpath, a:name . '$', '', '')
+ let parentscope = substitute(parentscope,
+ \ '\V\^' . a:typeinfo.sro . '\$', '', '')
+ if pscope != ''
+ let pseudotag.fields[pscope] = parentscope
+ let pseudotag.scope = pscope
+ let pseudotag.path = parentscope
+ let pseudotag.fullpath =
+ \ pseudotag.path . a:typeinfo.sro . pseudotag.name
+ endif
+ let pseudotag.depth = len(split(pseudotag.path, '\V' . a:typeinfo.sro))
+ let pseudotag.parent = a:parent
+ let pseudotag.fileinfo = a:fileinfo
+ let pseudotag.typeinfo = a:typeinfo
+ call pseudotag.initFoldState()
+ return pseudotag
+" Sorting {{{1
+" s:SortTags() {{{2
+function! s:SortTags(tags, comparemethod) abort
+ call sort(a:tags, a:comparemethod)
+ for tag in a:tags
+ if has_key(tag, 'children')
+ call s:SortTags(tag.children, a:comparemethod)
+ endif
+ endfor
+" s:CompareByKind() {{{2
+function! s:CompareByKind(tag1, tag2) abort
+ let typeinfo = s:compare_typeinfo
+ if typeinfo.kinddict[a:tag1.fields.kind] <#
+ \ typeinfo.kinddict[a:tag2.fields.kind]
+ return -1
+ elseif typeinfo.kinddict[a:tag1.fields.kind] >#
+ \ typeinfo.kinddict[a:tag2.fields.kind]
+ return 1
+ else
+ " Ignore '~' prefix for C++ destructors to sort them directly under
+ " the constructors
+ if a:tag1.name[0] ==# '~'
+ let name1 = a:tag1.name[1:]
+ else
+ let name1 = a:tag1.name
+ endif
+ if a:tag2.name[0] ==# '~'
+ let name2 = a:tag2.name[1:]
+ else
+ let name2 = a:tag2.name
+ endif
+ if name1 <=# name2
+ return -1
+ else
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+" s:CompareByLine() {{{2
+function! s:CompareByLine(tag1, tag2) abort
+ return a:tag1.fields.line - a:tag2.fields.line
+" s:ToggleSort() {{{2
+function! s:ToggleSort() abort
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return
+ endif
+ " Save the tag the cursor is currently on
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(curline, 0)
+ match none
+ let s:compare_typeinfo = s:known_types[fileinfo.ftype]
+ if has_key(s:compare_typeinfo, 'sort')
+ let s:compare_typeinfo.sort = !s:compare_typeinfo.sort
+ else
+ let g:tagbar_sort = !g:tagbar_sort
+ endif
+ call fileinfo.sortTags()
+ call s:RenderContent()
+ call s:SetStatusLine('current')
+ " If we were on a tag before sorting then jump to it, otherwise restore
+ " the cursor to the current line
+ if !empty(taginfo)
+ execute taginfo.tline
+ else
+ execute curline
+ endif
+" Display {{{1
+" s:RenderContent() {{{2
+function! s:RenderContent(...) abort
+ call s:debug('RenderContent called')
+ let s:new_window = 0
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let fileinfo = a:1
+ else
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ endif
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ call s:debug('Empty fileinfo, returning')
+ return
+ endif
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if &filetype == 'tagbar'
+ let in_tagbar = 1
+ else
+ let in_tagbar = 0
+ let prevwinnr = winnr()
+ " Get the previous window number, so that we can reproduce
+ " the window entering history later. Do not run autocmd on
+ " this command, make sure nothing is interfering.
+ " let pprevwinnr = winnr('#') " Messes up windows for some reason
+ call s:goto_win('p', 1)
+ let pprevwinnr = winnr()
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr, 1)
+ endif
+ if !empty(s:known_files.getCurrent(0)) &&
+ \ fileinfo.fpath ==# s:known_files.getCurrent(0).fpath
+ " We're redisplaying the same file, so save the view
+ call s:debug('Redisplaying file [' . fileinfo.fpath . ']')
+ let saveline = line('.')
+ let savecol = col('.')
+ let topline = line('w0')
+ endif
+ let lazyredraw_save = &lazyredraw
+ set lazyredraw
+ let eventignore_save = &eventignore
+ set eventignore=all
+ setlocal modifiable
+ silent %delete _
+ call s:PrintHelp()
+ let typeinfo = fileinfo.typeinfo
+ if !empty(fileinfo.tags)
+ " Print tags
+ call s:PrintKinds(typeinfo, fileinfo)
+ else
+ call s:debug('No tags found, skipping printing.')
+ if g:tagbar_compact && s:short_help
+ silent 0put ='\" No tags found.'
+ else
+ silent put ='\" No tags found.'
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Delete empty lines at the end of the buffer
+ for linenr in range(line('$'), 1, -1)
+ if getline(linenr) =~ '^$'
+ execute 'silent ' . linenr . 'delete _'
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ if !empty(s:known_files.getCurrent(0)) &&
+ \ fileinfo.fpath ==# s:known_files.getCurrent(0).fpath
+ let scrolloff_save = &scrolloff
+ set scrolloff=0
+ call cursor(topline, 1)
+ normal! zt
+ call cursor(saveline, savecol)
+ let &scrolloff = scrolloff_save
+ else
+ " Make sure as much of the Tagbar content as possible is shown in the
+ " window by jumping to the top after drawing
+ execute 1
+ call winline()
+ " Invalidate highlight cache from old file
+ let s:last_highlight_tline = 0
+ endif
+ let &lazyredraw = lazyredraw_save
+ let &eventignore = eventignore_save
+ if !in_tagbar
+ call s:goto_win(pprevwinnr, 1)
+ call s:goto_win(prevwinnr, 1)
+ endif
+" s:PrintKinds() {{{2
+function! s:PrintKinds(typeinfo, fileinfo) abort
+ call s:debug('PrintKinds called')
+ let is_first_tag = 1
+ for kind in a:typeinfo.kinds
+ let curtags = filter(copy(a:fileinfo.tags),
+ \ 'v:val.fields.kind ==# kind.short')
+ call s:debug('Printing kind: ' . kind.short .
+ \ ', number of (top-level) tags: ' . len(curtags))
+ if empty(curtags)
+ continue
+ endif
+ if has_key(a:typeinfo, 'kind2scope') &&
+ \ has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, kind.short)
+ " Scoped tags
+ for tag in curtags
+ call s:PrintTag(tag, 0, is_first_tag, a:fileinfo, a:typeinfo)
+ if !g:tagbar_compact
+ silent put _
+ endif
+ let is_first_tag = 0
+ endfor
+ else
+ " Non-scoped tags
+ let kindtag = curtags[0].parent
+ if kindtag.isFolded()
+ let foldmarker = s:icon_closed
+ else
+ let foldmarker = s:icon_open
+ endif
+ let padding = g:tagbar_show_visibility ? ' ' : ''
+ if g:tagbar_compact && is_first_tag && s:short_help
+ silent 0put =foldmarker . padding . kind.long
+ else
+ silent put =foldmarker . padding . kind.long
+ endif
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let kindtag.tline = curline
+ let a:fileinfo.tline[curline] = kindtag
+ if !kindtag.isFolded()
+ for tag in curtags
+ let str = tag.strfmt()
+ silent put =repeat(' ', g:tagbar_indent) . str
+ " Save the current tagbar line in the tag for easy
+ " highlighting access
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let tag.tline = curline
+ let a:fileinfo.tline[curline] = tag
+ let tag.depth = 1
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if !g:tagbar_compact
+ silent put _
+ endif
+ let is_first_tag = 0
+ endif
+ endfor
+" s:PrintTag() {{{2
+function! s:PrintTag(tag, depth, is_first, fileinfo, typeinfo) abort
+ if g:tagbar_hide_nonpublic &&
+ \ get(a:tag.fields, 'access', 'public') !=# 'public'
+ let a:tag.tline = -1
+ return
+ endif
+ " Print tag indented according to depth
+ let tagstr = repeat(' ', a:depth * g:tagbar_indent) . a:tag.strfmt()
+ if a:is_first && g:tagbar_compact && s:short_help
+ silent 0put =tagstr
+ else
+ silent put =tagstr
+ endif
+ " Save the current tagbar line in the tag for easy highlighting access
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let a:tag.tline = curline
+ let a:fileinfo.tline[curline] = a:tag
+ " Recursively print children
+ if a:tag.isFoldable() && !a:tag.isFolded()
+ for ckind in a:typeinfo.kinds
+ let childfilter = 'v:val.fields.kind ==# ckind.short'
+ if g:tagbar_hide_nonpublic
+ let childfilter .=
+ \ ' && get(v:val.fields, "access", "public") ==# "public"'
+ endif
+ let childtags = filter(copy(a:tag.children), childfilter)
+ if len(childtags) > 0
+ " Print 'kind' header of following children, but only if they
+ " are not scope-defining tags (since those already have an
+ " identifier)
+ if !has_key(a:typeinfo.kind2scope, ckind.short)
+ let indent = (a:depth + 1) * g:tagbar_indent
+ let indent += g:tagbar_show_visibility
+ let indent += 1 " fold symbol
+ silent put =repeat(' ', indent) . '[' . ckind.long . ']'
+ " Add basic tag to allow folding when on the header line
+ let headertag = s:BaseTag.New(ckind.long)
+ let headertag.parent = a:tag
+ let headertag.fileinfo = a:tag.fileinfo
+ let a:fileinfo.tline[line('.')] = headertag
+ endif
+ for childtag in childtags
+ call s:PrintTag(childtag, a:depth + 1, 0,
+ \ a:fileinfo, a:typeinfo)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+" s:PrintHelp() {{{2
+function! s:PrintHelp() abort
+ if !g:tagbar_compact && s:short_help
+ silent 0put ='\" Press ' . s:get_map_str('help') . ' for help'
+ silent put _
+ elseif !s:short_help
+ silent 0put ='\" Tagbar keybindings'
+ silent put ='\"'
+ silent put ='\" --------- General ---------'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('jump') . ': Jump to tag definition'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('preview') . ': As above, but stay in'
+ silent put ='\" Tagbar window'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('previewwin') . ': Show tag in preview window'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('nexttag') . ': Go to next top-level tag'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('prevtag') . ': Go to previous top-level tag'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('showproto') . ': Display tag prototype'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('hidenonpublic') . ': Hide non-public tags'
+ silent put ='\"'
+ silent put ='\" ---------- Folds ----------'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('openfold') . ': Open fold'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('closefold') . ': Close fold'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('togglefold') . ': Toggle fold'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('openallfolds') . ': Open all folds'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('closeallfolds') . ': Close all folds'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('nextfold') . ': Go to next fold'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('prevfold') . ': Go to previous fold'
+ silent put ='\"'
+ silent put ='\" ---------- Misc -----------'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('togglesort') . ': Toggle sort'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('toggleautoclose') . ': Toggle autoclose option'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('zoomwin') . ': Zoom window in/out'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('close') . ': Close window'
+ silent put ='\" ' . s:get_map_str('help') . ': Toggle help'
+ silent put _
+ endif
+function! s:get_map_str(map) abort
+ let def = get(g:, 'tagbar_map_' . a:map)
+ if type(def) == type("")
+ return def
+ else
+ return join(def, ', ')
+ endif
+" s:RenderKeepView() {{{2
+" The gist of this function was taken from NERDTree by Martin Grenfell.
+function! s:RenderKeepView(...) abort
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let line = a:1
+ else
+ let line = line('.')
+ endif
+ let curcol = col('.')
+ let topline = line('w0')
+ call s:RenderContent()
+ let scrolloff_save = &scrolloff
+ set scrolloff=0
+ call cursor(topline, 1)
+ normal! zt
+ call cursor(line, curcol)
+ let &scrolloff = scrolloff_save
+ redraw
+" User actions {{{1
+" s:HighlightTag() {{{2
+function! s:HighlightTag(openfolds, ...) abort
+ let tagline = 0
+ let force = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let tag = s:GetNearbyTag(1, 0, a:2)
+ else
+ let tag = s:GetNearbyTag(1, 0)
+ endif
+ if !empty(tag)
+ let tagline = tag.tline
+ endif
+ " Don't highlight the tag again if it's the same one as last time.
+ " This prevents the Tagbar window from jumping back after scrolling with
+ " the mouse.
+ if !force && tagline == s:last_highlight_tline
+ return
+ else
+ let s:last_highlight_tline = tagline
+ endif
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let prevwinnr = winnr()
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
+ match none
+ " No tag above cursor position so don't do anything
+ if tagline == 0
+ call s:goto_win(prevwinnr)
+ redraw
+ return
+ endif
+ if g:tagbar_autoshowtag == 1 || a:openfolds
+ call s:OpenParents(tag)
+ endif
+ " Check whether the tag is inside a closed fold and highlight the parent
+ " instead in that case
+ let tagline = tag.getClosedParentTline()
+ " Parent tag line number is invalid, better don't do anything
+ if tagline <= 0
+ call s:goto_win(prevwinnr)
+ redraw
+ return
+ endif
+ " Go to the line containing the tag
+ execute tagline
+ " Make sure the tag is visible in the window
+ call winline()
+ let foldpat = '[' . s:icon_open . s:icon_closed . ' ]'
+ let pattern = '/^\%' . tagline . 'l\s*' . foldpat . '[-+# ]\zs[^( ]\+\ze/'
+ call s:debug("Highlight pattern: '" . pattern . "'")
+ if hlexists('TagbarHighlight') " Safeguard in case syntax highlighting is disabled
+ execute 'match TagbarHighlight ' . pattern
+ else
+ execute 'match Search ' . pattern
+ endif
+ if a:0 <= 1 " no line explicitly given, so assume we were in the file window
+ call s:goto_win(prevwinnr)
+ endif
+ redraw
+" s:JumpToTag() {{{2
+function! s:JumpToTag(stay_in_tagbar) abort
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(line('.'), 1)
+ let autoclose = w:autoclose
+ if empty(taginfo) || !taginfo.isNormalTag()
+ return
+ endif
+ let tagbarwinnr = winnr()
+ call s:GotoFileWindow(taginfo.fileinfo)
+ " Mark current position so it can be jumped back to
+ mark '
+ " Jump to the line where the tag is defined. Don't use the search pattern
+ " since it doesn't take the scope into account and thus can fail if tags
+ " with the same name are defined in different scopes (e.g. classes)
+ execute taginfo.fields.line
+ " If the file has been changed but not saved, the tag may not be on the
+ " saved line anymore, so search for it in the vicinity of the saved line
+ if match(getline('.'), taginfo.pattern) == -1
+ let interval = 1
+ let forward = 1
+ while search(taginfo.pattern, 'W' . forward ? '' : 'b') == 0
+ if !forward
+ if interval > line('$')
+ break
+ else
+ let interval = interval * 2
+ endif
+ endif
+ let forward = !forward
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ " If the tag is on a different line after unsaved changes update the tag
+ " and file infos/objects
+ let curline = line('.')
+ if taginfo.fields.line != curline
+ let taginfo.fields.line = curline
+ let taginfo.fileinfo.fline[curline] = taginfo
+ endif
+ " Center the tag in the window and jump to the correct column if available
+ normal! z.
+ call cursor(taginfo.fields.line, taginfo.fields.column)
+ normal! zv
+ if a:stay_in_tagbar
+ call s:HighlightTag(0)
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
+ redraw
+ elseif g:tagbar_autoclose || autoclose
+ " Also closes preview window
+ call s:CloseWindow()
+ else
+ " Close the preview window if it was opened by us
+ if s:pwin_by_tagbar
+ pclose
+ endif
+ call s:HighlightTag(0)
+ endif
+" s:ShowInPreviewWin() {{{2
+function! s:ShowInPreviewWin() abort
+ let pos = getpos('.')
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(pos[1], 1)
+ if empty(taginfo) || !taginfo.isNormalTag()
+ return
+ endif
+ let pwin_open = 0
+ for win in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ if getwinvar(win, '&previewwindow')
+ let pwin_open = 1
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " We want the preview window to be relative to the file window in normal
+ " (horizontal) mode, and relative to the Tagbar window in vertical mode,
+ " to make the best use of space.
+ if g:tagbar_vertical == 0
+ call s:GotoFileWindow(taginfo.fileinfo, 1)
+ call s:mark_window()
+ endif
+ " Open the preview window if it is not already open. This has to be done
+ " explicitly before the :psearch below to better control its positioning.
+ if !pwin_open
+ silent execute
+ \ g:tagbar_previewwin_pos . ' pedit ' . taginfo.fileinfo.fpath
+ if g:tagbar_vertical != 0
+ silent execute 'vertical resize ' . g:tagbar_width
+ endif
+ " Remember that the preview window was opened by Tagbar so we can
+ " safely close it by ourselves
+ let s:pwin_by_tagbar = 1
+ endif
+ if g:tagbar_vertical != 0
+ call s:GotoFileWindow(taginfo.fileinfo, 1)
+ call s:mark_window()
+ endif
+ " Use psearch instead of pedit since pedit essentially reloads the file
+ " and creates an empty undo entry. psearch has to be called from the file
+ " window, and since we only want matches in the current file we disable
+ " the 'include' option. Also start searching at the correct line number to
+ " find the correct tag in case of tags with the same name and to speed up
+ " the searching. Unfortunately the /\%l pattern doesn't seem to work with
+ " psearch.
+ let include_save = &include
+ set include=
+ silent! execute taginfo.fields.line . ',$psearch! /' . taginfo.pattern . '/'
+ let &include = include_save
+ call s:goto_win('P', 1)
+ normal! zv
+ normal! zz
+ call s:goto_markedwin(1)
+ call s:goto_tagbar(1)
+ call cursor(pos[1], pos[2])
+" s:ShowPrototype() {{{2
+function! s:ShowPrototype(short) abort
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(line('.'), 1)
+ if empty(taginfo)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ echo taginfo.getPrototype(a:short)
+" s:ToggleHelp() {{{2
+function! s:ToggleHelp() abort
+ let s:short_help = !s:short_help
+ " Prevent highlighting from being off after adding/removing the help text
+ match none
+ call s:RenderContent()
+ execute 1
+ redraw
+" s:GotoNextToplevelTag() {{{2
+function! s:GotoNextToplevelTag(direction) abort
+ let curlinenr = line('.')
+ let newlinenr = line('.')
+ if a:direction == 1
+ let range = range(line('.') + 1, line('$'))
+ else
+ let range = range(line('.') - 1, 1, -1)
+ endif
+ for tmplinenr in range
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(tmplinenr, 0)
+ if empty(taginfo)
+ continue
+ elseif empty(taginfo.parent)
+ let newlinenr = tmplinenr
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if curlinenr != newlinenr
+ execute newlinenr
+ call winline()
+ endif
+ redraw
+" Folding {{{1
+" s:OpenFold() {{{2
+function! s:OpenFold() abort
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return
+ endif
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let tag = s:GetTagInfo(curline, 0)
+ if empty(tag)
+ return
+ endif
+ call tag.openFold()
+ call s:RenderKeepView()
+" s:CloseFold() {{{2
+function! s:CloseFold() abort
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return
+ endif
+ match none
+ let curline = line('.')
+ let curtag = s:GetTagInfo(curline, 0)
+ if empty(curtag)
+ return
+ endif
+ let newline = curtag.closeFold()
+ call s:RenderKeepView(newline)
+" s:ToggleFold() {{{2
+function! s:ToggleFold() abort
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return
+ endif
+ match none
+ let curtag = s:GetTagInfo(line('.'), 0)
+ if empty(curtag)
+ return
+ endif
+ let newline = line('.')
+ if curtag.isKindheader()
+ call curtag.toggleFold()
+ elseif curtag.isFoldable()
+ if curtag.isFolded()
+ call curtag.openFold()
+ else
+ let newline = curtag.closeFold()
+ endif
+ else
+ let newline = curtag.closeFold()
+ endif
+ call s:RenderKeepView(newline)
+" s:SetFoldLevel() {{{2
+function! s:SetFoldLevel(level, force) abort
+ if a:level < 0
+ call s:warning('Foldlevel can''t be negative')
+ return
+ endif
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:SetFoldLevelRecursive(fileinfo, fileinfo.tags, a:level)
+ let typeinfo = fileinfo.typeinfo
+ " Apply foldlevel to 'kind's
+ if a:level == 0
+ for kind in typeinfo.kinds
+ call fileinfo.closeKindFold(kind)
+ endfor
+ else
+ for kind in typeinfo.kinds
+ if a:force || !kind.fold
+ call fileinfo.openKindFold(kind)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let fileinfo.foldlevel = a:level
+ call s:RenderContent()
+" s:SetFoldLevelRecursive() {{{2
+" Apply foldlevel to normal tags
+function! s:SetFoldLevelRecursive(fileinfo, tags, level) abort
+ for tag in a:tags
+ if tag.depth >= a:level
+ call tag.setFolded(1)
+ else
+ call tag.setFolded(0)
+ endif
+ if has_key(tag, 'children')
+ call s:SetFoldLevelRecursive(a:fileinfo, tag.children, a:level)
+ endif
+ endfor
+" s:OpenParents() {{{2
+function! s:OpenParents(...) abort
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let tag = a:1
+ else
+ let tag = s:GetNearbyTag(1, 0)
+ endif
+ if !empty(tag)
+ call tag.openParents()
+ call s:RenderKeepView()
+ endif
+" s:GotoNextFold() {{{2
+function! s:GotoNextFold() abort
+ let curlinenr = line('.')
+ let newlinenr = line('.')
+ let range = range(line('.') + 1, line('$'))
+ for linenr in range
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(linenr, 0)
+ if empty(taginfo)
+ continue
+ elseif !empty(get(taginfo, 'children', [])) || taginfo.isKindheader()
+ let newlinenr = linenr
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if curlinenr != newlinenr
+ execute linenr
+ call winline()
+ endif
+ redraw
+" s:GotoPrevFold() {{{2
+function! s:GotoPrevFold() abort
+ let curlinenr = line('.')
+ let newlinenr = line('.')
+ let curtag = s:GetTagInfo(curlinenr, 0)
+ let curparent = get(curtag, 'parent', {})
+ let range = range(line('.') - 1, 1, -1)
+ for linenr in range
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(linenr, 0)
+ if empty(taginfo)
+ continue
+ " Check for the first tag that is either:
+ " - the last tag in an open fold, that is skip all tags that have the
+ " same parent as the current one, or
+ " - a closed parent fold.
+ elseif (!empty(taginfo.parent) && taginfo.parent != curparent &&
+ \ empty(get(taginfo, 'children', []))) ||
+ \ ((!empty(get(taginfo, 'children', [])) || taginfo.isKindheader()) &&
+ \ taginfo.isFolded())
+ let newlinenr = linenr
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if curlinenr != newlinenr
+ execute linenr
+ call winline()
+ endif
+ redraw
+" Helper functions {{{1
+" s:AutoUpdate() {{{2
+function! s:AutoUpdate(fname, force) abort
+ call s:debug('AutoUpdate called [' . a:fname . ']')
+ " This file is being loaded due to a quickfix command like vimgrep, so
+ " don't process it
+ if exists('s:tagbar_qf_active')
+ return
+ elseif exists('s:window_opening')
+ " This can happen if another plugin causes the active window to change
+ " with an autocmd during the initial Tagbar window creation. In that
+ " case InitWindow() hasn't had a chance to run yet and things can
+ " break. MiniBufExplorer does this, for example. Completely disabling
+ " autocmds at that point is also not ideal since for example
+ " statusline plugins won't be able to update.
+ call s:debug('Still opening window, stopping processing')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Get the filetype of the file we're about to process
+ let bufnr = bufnr(a:fname)
+ let ftype = getbufvar(bufnr, '&filetype')
+ " Don't do anything if we're in the tagbar window
+ if ftype == 'tagbar'
+ call s:debug('In Tagbar window, stopping processing')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Only consider the main filetype in cases like 'python.django'
+ let sftype = get(split(ftype, '\.'), 0, '')
+ call s:debug("Vim filetype: '" . ftype . "', " .
+ \ "sanitized filetype: '" . sftype . "'")
+ " Don't do anything if the file isn't supported
+ if !s:IsValidFile(a:fname, sftype)
+ call s:debug('Not a valid file, stopping processing')
+ let s:nearby_disabled = 1
+ return
+ endif
+ let updated = 0
+ " Process the file if it's unknown or the information is outdated.
+ " Testing the mtime of the file is necessary in case it got changed
+ " outside of Vim, for example by checking out a different version from a
+ " VCS.
+ if s:known_files.has(a:fname)
+ let curfile = s:known_files.get(a:fname)
+ " if a:force || getbufvar(curfile.bufnr, '&modified') ||
+ if a:force || empty(curfile) || curfile.ftype != sftype ||
+ \ (filereadable(a:fname) && getftime(a:fname) > curfile.mtime)
+ call s:debug('File data outdated, updating [' . a:fname . ']')
+ call s:ProcessFile(a:fname, sftype)
+ let updated = 1
+ else
+ call s:debug('File data seems up to date [' . a:fname . ']')
+ endif
+ elseif !s:known_files.has(a:fname)
+ call s:debug('New file, processing [' . a:fname . ']')
+ call s:ProcessFile(a:fname, sftype)
+ let updated = 1
+ endif
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.get(a:fname)
+ " If we don't have an entry for the file by now something must have gone
+ " wrong, so don't change the tagbar content
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ call s:debug('fileinfo empty after processing [' . a:fname . ']')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Display the tagbar content if the tags have been updated or a different
+ " file is being displayed
+ if bufwinnr('__Tagbar__') != -1 && !s:paused &&
+ \ (s:new_window || updated ||
+ \ (!empty(s:known_files.getCurrent(0)) &&
+ \ a:fname != s:known_files.getCurrent(0).fpath))
+ call s:RenderContent(fileinfo)
+ endif
+ " Call setCurrent after rendering so RenderContent can check whether the
+ " same file is being redisplayed
+ if !empty(fileinfo)
+ call s:debug('Setting current file [' . a:fname . ']')
+ call s:known_files.setCurrent(fileinfo)
+ let s:nearby_disabled = 0
+ endif
+ call s:HighlightTag(0)
+ call s:debug('AutoUpdate finished successfully')
+" s:CheckMouseClick() {{{2
+function! s:CheckMouseClick() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let curcol = col('.')
+ if (match(line, s:icon_open . '[-+ ]') + 1) == curcol
+ call s:CloseFold()
+ elseif (match(line, s:icon_closed . '[-+ ]') + 1) == curcol
+ call s:OpenFold()
+ elseif g:tagbar_singleclick
+ call s:JumpToTag(0)
+ endif
+" s:DetectFiletype() {{{2
+function! s:DetectFiletype(bufnr) abort
+ " Filetype has already been detected for loaded buffers, but not
+ " necessarily for unloaded ones
+ let ftype = getbufvar(a:bufnr, '&filetype')
+ if bufloaded(a:bufnr)
+ return ftype
+ endif
+ if ftype != ''
+ return ftype
+ endif
+ " Unloaded buffer with non-detected filetype, need to detect filetype
+ " manually
+ let bufname = bufname(a:bufnr)
+ let eventignore_save = &eventignore
+ set eventignore=FileType
+ let filetype_save = &filetype
+ exe 'doautocmd filetypedetect BufRead ' . bufname
+ let ftype = &filetype
+ let &filetype = filetype_save
+ let &eventignore = eventignore_save
+ return ftype
+" s:EscapeCtagsCmd() {{{2
+" Assemble the ctags command line in a way that all problematic characters are
+" properly escaped and converted to the system's encoding
+" Optional third parameter is a file name to run ctags on
+" Note: The second parameter (a:args) can be a list of args or
+" a single string of the args.
+" When a:args is a list, each argument in the list will be escaped for the
+" current &shell type.
+" When a:args is a string, all arguments should be escaped appropriately
+" (if required). In most use cases no escaping is required so a string
+" is acceptable. But in cases where arguments may need to be escaped
+" differently for each &shell type, then pass a list of arguments.
+function! s:EscapeCtagsCmd(ctags_bin, args, ...) abort
+ call s:debug('EscapeCtagsCmd called')
+ call s:debug('ctags_bin: ' . a:ctags_bin)
+ if type(a:args)==type('')
+ call s:debug('ctags_args (is a string): ' . a:args)
+ elseif type(a:args)==type([])
+ call s:debug('ctags_args (is a list): ' . string(a:args))
+ endif
+ if exists('+shellslash')
+ let shellslash_save = &shellslash
+ set noshellslash
+ endif
+ "Set up 0th argument of ctags_cmd
+ "a:ctags_bin may have special characters that require escaping.
+ if &shell =~ 'cmd\.exe$' && a:ctags_bin !~ '\s'
+ "For windows cmd.exe, escaping the 0th argument can cause
+ "problems if it references a batch file and the batch file uses %~dp0.
+ "So for windows cmd.exe, only escape the 0th argument iff necessary.
+ "Only known necessary case is when ctags_bin executable filename has
+ "whitespace character(s).
+ " Example: If 0th argument is wrapped in double quotes AND it is not
+ " an absolute path to ctags_bin, but rather an executable in %PATH%,
+ " then %~dp0 resolves to the current working directory rather than
+ " the batch file's directory. Batch files like this generally exepect
+ " and depend on %~dp0 to resolve the batch file's directory.
+ " Note: Documentation such as `help cmd.exe` and
+ " http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/cmd.mspx?mfr=true
+ " suggest other special characters that require escaping for command
+ " line completion. But tagbar.vim does not use the command line
+ " completion feature of cmd.exe and testing shows that the only special
+ " character that needs to be escaped for tagbar.vim is <space> for
+ " windows cmd.exe.
+ let ctags_cmd = a:ctags_bin
+ else
+ let ctags_cmd = shellescape(a:ctags_bin)
+ endif
+ "Add additional arguments to ctags_cmd
+ if type(a:args)==type('')
+ "When a:args is a string, append the arguments
+ "Note: In this case, do not attempt to shell escape a:args string.
+ "This function expects the string to already be escaped properly for
+ "the shell type. Why not escape? Because it could be ambiguous about
+ "whether a space is an argument separator or included in the argument.
+ "Since escaping rules vary from shell to shell, it is better to pass a
+ "list of arguments to a:args. With a list, each argument is clearly
+ "separated, so shellescape() can calculate the appropriate escaping
+ "for each argument for the current &shell.
+ let ctags_cmd .= ' ' . a:args
+ elseif type(a:args)==type([])
+ "When a:args is a list, shellescape() each argument and append ctags_cmd
+ "Note: It's a better practice to shellescape() each argument separately so that
+ "spaces used as a separator between arguments can be distinguished with
+ "spaces used inside a single argument.
+ for arg in a:args
+ let ctags_cmd .= ' ' . shellescape(arg)
+ endfor
+ endif
+ "if a filename was specified, add filename as final argument to ctags_cmd.
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let ctags_cmd .= ' ' . shellescape(a:1)
+ endif
+ if exists('+shellslash')
+ let &shellslash = shellslash_save
+ endif
+ " Needed for cases where 'encoding' is different from the system's
+ " encoding
+ if has('multi_byte')
+ if g:tagbar_systemenc != &encoding
+ let ctags_cmd = iconv(ctags_cmd, &encoding, g:tagbar_systemenc)
+ elseif $LANG != ''
+ let ctags_cmd = iconv(ctags_cmd, &encoding, $LANG)
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:debug('Escaped ctags command: ' . ctags_cmd)
+ if ctags_cmd == ''
+ if !s:warnings.encoding
+ call s:warning('Tagbar: Ctags command encoding conversion failed!' .
+ \ ' Please read ":h g:tagbar_systemenc".')
+ let s:warnings.encoding = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ return ctags_cmd
+" s:ExecuteCtags() {{{2
+" Execute ctags with necessary shell settings
+" Partially based on the discussion at
+" http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/bad-default-shellxquote-in-Widows-td1208284.html
+function! s:ExecuteCtags(ctags_cmd) abort
+ call s:debug('Executing ctags command: ' . a:ctags_cmd)
+ if &shell =~# 'fish$'
+ " Reset shell since fish isn't really compatible
+ let shell_save = &shell
+ set shell=sh
+ endif
+ if exists('+shellslash')
+ let shellslash_save = &shellslash
+ set noshellslash
+ endif
+ if &shell =~ 'cmd\.exe'
+ let shellxquote_save = &shellxquote
+ set shellxquote=\"
+ let shellcmdflag_save = &shellcmdflag
+ set shellcmdflag=/s\ /c
+ endif
+ if s:debug
+ silent 5verbose let ctags_output = system(a:ctags_cmd)
+ call s:debug(v:statusmsg)
+ redraw!
+ else
+ silent let ctags_output = system(a:ctags_cmd)
+ endif
+ if &shell =~ 'cmd\.exe'
+ let &shellxquote = shellxquote_save
+ let &shellcmdflag = shellcmdflag_save
+ endif
+ if exists('+shellslash')
+ let &shellslash = shellslash_save
+ endif
+ if exists('shell_save')
+ let &shell = shell_save
+ endif
+ return ctags_output
+" s:GetNearbyTag() {{{2
+" Get the tag info for a file near the cursor in the current file
+function! s:GetNearbyTag(all, forcecurrent, ...) abort
+ if s:nearby_disabled
+ return {}
+ endif
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(a:forcecurrent)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return {}
+ endif
+ let typeinfo = fileinfo.typeinfo
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let curline = a:1
+ else
+ let curline = line('.')
+ endif
+ let tag = {}
+ " If a tag appears in a file more than once (for example namespaces in
+ " C++) only one of them has a 'tline' entry and can thus be highlighted.
+ " The only way to solve this would be to go over the whole tag list again,
+ " making everything slower. Since this should be a rare occurence and
+ " highlighting isn't /that/ important ignore it for now.
+ for line in range(curline, 1, -1)
+ if has_key(fileinfo.fline, line)
+ let curtag = fileinfo.fline[line]
+ if a:all || typeinfo.getKind(curtag.fields.kind).stl
+ let tag = curtag
+ break
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return tag
+" s:GetTagInfo() {{{2
+" Return the info dictionary of the tag on the specified line. If the line
+" does not contain a valid tag (for example because it is empty or only
+" contains a pseudo-tag) return an empty dictionary.
+function! s:GetTagInfo(linenr, ignorepseudo) abort
+ let fileinfo = s:known_files.getCurrent(0)
+ if empty(fileinfo)
+ return {}
+ endif
+ " Don't do anything in empty and comment lines
+ let curline = getbufline(bufnr('__Tagbar__'), a:linenr)[0]
+ if curline =~ '^\s*$' || curline[0] == '"'
+ return {}
+ endif
+ " Check if there is a tag on the current line
+ if !has_key(fileinfo.tline, a:linenr)
+ return {}
+ endif
+ let taginfo = fileinfo.tline[a:linenr]
+ " Check if the current tag is not a pseudo-tag
+ if a:ignorepseudo && taginfo.isPseudoTag()
+ return {}
+ endif
+ return taginfo
+" s:GetFileWinnr() {{{2
+" Get the number of the window that has Tagbar's current file loaded into it,
+" or 0 if no window has loaded it. It tries the previous window first, if that
+" does not have the correct buffer loaded it will look for the first one with
+" the correct buffer in it.
+function! s:GetFileWinnr(fileinfo) abort
+ let filewinnr = 0
+ let prevwinnr = winnr("#")
+ if winbufnr(prevwinnr) == a:fileinfo.bufnr &&
+ \ !getwinvar(prevwinnr, '&previewwindow')
+ let filewinnr = prevwinnr
+ else
+ " Search for the first real window that has the correct buffer loaded
+ " in it. Similar to bufwinnr() but skips the previewwindow.
+ for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ call s:goto_win(i, 1)
+ if bufnr('%') == a:fileinfo.bufnr && !&previewwindow
+ let filewinnr = winnr()
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call s:goto_tagbar(1)
+ endif
+ return filewinnr
+" s:GotoFileWindow() {{{2
+" Try to switch to the window that has Tagbar's current file loaded in it, or
+" open the file in an existing window otherwise.
+function! s:GotoFileWindow(fileinfo, ...) abort
+ let noauto = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
+ let filewinnr = s:GetFileWinnr(a:fileinfo)
+ " If there is no window with the correct buffer loaded then load it
+ " into the first window that has a non-special buffer in it.
+ if filewinnr == 0
+ for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ call s:goto_win(i, 1)
+ if &buftype == '' && !&previewwindow
+ execute 'buffer ' . a:fileinfo.bufnr
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ else
+ call s:goto_win(filewinnr, 1)
+ endif
+ " To make ctrl-w_p work we switch between the Tagbar window and the
+ " correct window once
+ call s:goto_tagbar(noauto)
+ call s:goto_win('p', noauto)
+" s:ToggleHideNonPublicTags() {{{2
+function! s:ToggleHideNonPublicTags() abort
+ let g:tagbar_hide_nonpublic = !g:tagbar_hide_nonpublic
+ call s:RenderKeepView()
+ call s:SetStatusLine('current')
+" s:ToggleAutoclose() {{{2
+function! s:ToggleAutoclose() abort
+ let g:tagbar_autoclose = !g:tagbar_autoclose
+ call s:SetStatusLine('current')
+" s:IsValidFile() {{{2
+function! s:IsValidFile(fname, ftype) abort
+ call s:debug('Checking if file is valid [' . a:fname . ']')
+ if a:fname == '' || a:ftype == ''
+ call s:debug('Empty filename or type')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if !filereadable(a:fname) && getbufvar(a:fname, 'netrw_tmpfile') == ''
+ call s:debug('File not readable')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if getbufvar(a:fname, 'tagbar_ignore') == 1
+ call s:debug('File is marked as ignored')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if &previewwindow
+ call s:debug('In preview window')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if !has_key(s:known_types, a:ftype)
+ if exists('g:tagbar_type_' . a:ftype)
+ " Filetype definition must have been specified in an 'ftplugin'
+ " file, so load it now
+ call s:LoadUserTypeDefs(a:ftype)
+ else
+ call s:debug('Unsupported filetype: ' . a:ftype)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 1
+" s:SetStatusLine() {{{2
+function! s:SetStatusLine(current)
+ " Make sure we're actually in the Tagbar window
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ if tagbarwinnr != winnr()
+ let in_tagbar = 0
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr)
+ else
+ let in_tagbar = 1
+ endif
+ let current = a:current == 'current'
+ let sort = g:tagbar_sort ? 'Name' : 'Order'
+ if !empty(s:known_files.getCurrent(0))
+ let fname = fnamemodify(s:known_files.getCurrent(0).fpath, ':t')
+ else
+ let fname = ''
+ endif
+ let flags = []
+ let flags += exists('w:autoclose') && w:autoclose ? ['c'] : []
+ let flags += g:tagbar_autoclose ? ['C'] : []
+ let flags += g:tagbar_hide_nonpublic ? ['v'] : []
+ if exists('g:tagbar_status_func')
+ let args = [current, sort, fname, flags]
+ let &l:statusline = call(g:tagbar_status_func, args)
+ else
+ let colour = current ? '%#StatusLine#' : '%#StatusLineNC#'
+ let flagstr = join(flags, '')
+ if flagstr != ''
+ let flagstr = '[' . flagstr . '] '
+ endif
+ let text = colour . '[' . sort . '] ' . flagstr . fname
+ let &l:statusline = text
+ endif
+ if !in_tagbar
+ call s:goto_win('p')
+ endif
+" s:QuitIfOnlyWindow() {{{2
+function! s:QuitIfOnlyWindow() abort
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let curwinnr = winnr()
+ let prevwinnr = winnr('#') == 0 ? curwinnr : winnr('#')
+ call s:goto_win(tagbarwinnr, 1)
+ " Check if there is more than one window
+ if s:NextNormalWindow() == -1
+ " Check if there is more than one tab page
+ if tabpagenr('$') == 1
+ " Before quitting Vim, delete the tagbar buffer so that
+ " the '0 mark is correctly set to the previous buffer.
+ " Also disable autocmd on this command to avoid unnecessary
+ " autocmd nesting.
+ if winnr('$') == 1
+ noautocmd bdelete
+ endif
+ quit
+ else
+ close
+ endif
+ endif
+ call s:goto_win(prevwinnr, 1)
+ call s:goto_win(curwinnr, 1)
+" s:NextNormalWindow() {{{2
+function! s:NextNormalWindow() abort
+ for i in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ let buf = winbufnr(i)
+ " skip unlisted buffers
+ if !buflisted(buf)
+ continue
+ endif
+ " skip temporary buffers with buftype set
+ if getbufvar(buf, '&buftype') != ''
+ continue
+ endif
+ " skip the preview window
+ if getwinvar(i, '&previewwindow')
+ continue
+ endif
+ " skip current window
+ if i == winnr()
+ continue
+ endif
+ return i
+ endfor
+ return -1
+" s:goto_win() {{{2
+function! s:goto_win(winnr, ...) abort
+ let cmd = type(a:winnr) == type(0) ? a:winnr . 'wincmd w'
+ \ : 'wincmd ' . a:winnr
+ let noauto = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
+ call s:debug("goto_win(): " . cmd . ", " . noauto)
+ if noauto
+ noautocmd execute cmd
+ else
+ execute cmd
+ endif
+" s:goto_tagbar() {{{2
+function! s:goto_tagbar(...) abort
+ let noauto = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
+ call s:goto_win(bufwinnr('__Tagbar__'), noauto)
+" s:mark_window() {{{2
+" Mark window with a window-local variable so we can jump back to it even if
+" the window numbers have changed.
+function! s:mark_window() abort
+ let w:tagbar_mark = 1
+" s:goto_markedwin() {{{2
+" Go to a previously marked window and delete the mark.
+function! s:goto_markedwin(...) abort
+ let noauto = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0
+ for window in range(1, winnr('$'))
+ call s:goto_win(window, noauto)
+ if exists('w:tagbar_mark')
+ unlet w:tagbar_mark
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+" s:warning() {{{2
+function! s:warning(msg) abort
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg a:msg
+ echohl None
+" TagbarBalloonExpr() {{{2
+function! TagbarBalloonExpr() abort
+ let taginfo = s:GetTagInfo(v:beval_lnum, 1)
+ if empty(taginfo)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return taginfo.getPrototype(0)
+" Debugging {{{1
+" s:StartDebug() {{{2
+function! s:StartDebug(filename) abort
+ if empty(a:filename)
+ let s:debug_file = 'tagbardebug.log'
+ else
+ let s:debug_file = a:filename
+ endif
+ " Empty log file
+ exe 'redir! > ' . s:debug_file
+ redir END
+ " Check whether the log file could be created
+ if !filewritable(s:debug_file)
+ echomsg 'Tagbar: Unable to create log file ' . s:debug_file
+ let s:debug_file = ''
+ return
+ endif
+ let s:debug = 1
+" s:StopDebug() {{{2
+function! s:StopDebug() abort
+ let s:debug = 0
+ let s:debug_file = ''
+" s:debug() {{{2
+if has('reltime')
+ function! s:gettime() abort
+ let time = split(reltimestr(reltime()), '\.')
+ return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.', time[0]) . time[1]
+ endfunction
+ function! s:gettime() abort
+ return strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ endfunction
+function! s:debug(msg) abort
+ if s:debug
+ execute 'redir >> ' . s:debug_file
+ silent echon s:gettime() . ': ' . a:msg . "\n"
+ redir END
+ endif
+" Autoload functions {{{1
+" Wrappers {{{2
+function! tagbar#ToggleWindow() abort
+ call s:ToggleWindow()
+function! tagbar#OpenWindow(...) abort
+ let flags = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
+ call s:OpenWindow(flags)
+function! tagbar#CloseWindow() abort
+ call s:CloseWindow()
+function! tagbar#SetFoldLevel(level, force) abort
+ call s:SetFoldLevel(a:level, a:force)
+function! tagbar#highlighttag(openfolds, force) abort
+ let tagbarwinnr = bufwinnr('__Tagbar__')
+ if tagbarwinnr == -1
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg "Warning: Can't highlight tag, Tagbar window not open"
+ echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ call s:HighlightTag(a:openfolds, a:force)
+function! tagbar#StartDebug(...) abort
+ let filename = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ''
+ call s:StartDebug(filename)
+function! tagbar#StopDebug() abort
+ call s:StopDebug()
+function! tagbar#RestoreSession() abort
+ call s:RestoreSession()
+" }}}2
+" tagbar#toggle_pause() {{{2
+function! tagbar#toggle_pause() abort
+ let s:paused = !s:paused
+ if s:paused
+ call s:known_files.setPaused()
+ else
+ call s:AutoUpdate(fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p'), 1)
+ endif
+" tagbar#getusertypes() {{{2
+function! tagbar#getusertypes() abort
+ let userdefs = filter(copy(g:), 'v:key =~ "^tagbar_type_"')
+ let typedict = {}
+ for [key, val] in items(userdefs)
+ let type = substitute(key, '^tagbar_type_', '', '')
+ let typedict[type] = val
+ endfor
+ return typedict
+" tagbar#autoopen() {{{2
+" Automatically open Tagbar if one of the open buffers contains a supported
+" file
+function! tagbar#autoopen(...) abort
+ call s:debug('tagbar#autoopen called [' . bufname('%') . ']')
+ let always = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 1
+ call s:Init(0)
+ for bufnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
+ if buflisted(bufnr) && (always || bufwinnr(bufnr) != -1)
+ let ftype = s:DetectFiletype(bufnr)
+ if s:IsValidFile(bufname(bufnr), ftype)
+ call s:OpenWindow('')
+ call s:debug('tagbar#autoopen finished after finding valid ' .
+ \ 'file [' . bufname(bufnr) . ']')
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ call s:debug('tagbar#autoopen finished without finding valid file')
+" tagbar#currenttag() {{{2
+function! tagbar#currenttag(fmt, default, ...) abort
+ " Indicate that the statusline functionality is being used. This prevents
+ " the CloseWindow() function from removing the autocommands.
+ let s:statusline_in_use = 1
+ if a:0 > 0
+ " also test for non-zero value for backwards compatibility
+ let longsig = a:1 =~# 's' || (type(a:1) == type(0) && a:1 != 0)
+ let fullpath = a:1 =~# 'f'
+ let prototype = a:1 =~# 'p'
+ else
+ let longsig = 0
+ let fullpath = 0
+ let prototype = 0
+ endif
+ if !s:Init(1)
+ return a:default
+ endif
+ let tag = s:GetNearbyTag(0, 1)
+ if !empty(tag)
+ if prototype
+ return tag.getPrototype(1)
+ else
+ return printf(a:fmt, tag.str(longsig, fullpath))
+ endif
+ else
+ return a:default
+ endif
+" tagbar#currentfile() {{{2
+function! tagbar#currentfile() abort
+ let filename = ''
+ if !empty(s:known_files.getCurrent(1))
+ let filename = fnamemodify(s:known_files.getCurrent(1).fpath, ':t')
+ endif
+ return filename
+" tagbar#gettypeconfig() {{{2
+function! tagbar#gettypeconfig(type) abort
+ if !s:Init(1)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let typeinfo = get(s:known_types, a:type, {})
+ if empty(typeinfo)
+ call s:warning('Unknown type ' . a:type . '!')
+ return
+ endif
+ let output = "let g:tagbar_type_" . a:type . " = {\n"
+ let output .= " \\ 'kinds' : [\n"
+ for kind in typeinfo.kinds
+ let output .= " \\ '" . kind.short . ":" . kind.long
+ if kind.fold || !kind.stl
+ if kind.fold
+ let output .= ":1"
+ else
+ let output .= ":0"
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !kind.stl
+ let output .= ":0"
+ endif
+ let output .= "',\n"
+ endfor
+ let output .= " \\ ],\n"
+ let output .= "\\ }"
+ silent put =output
+" tagbar#inspect() {{{2
+function! tagbar#inspect(var) abort
+ return get(s:, a:var)
+" Modeline {{{1
+" vim: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et foldenable foldmethod=marker foldcolumn=1