path: root/vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/erlang/erlang_check_file.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/erlang/erlang_check_file.erl')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/erlang/erlang_check_file.erl b/vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/erlang/erlang_check_file.erl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..730e600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/syntastic/syntax_checkers/erlang/erlang_check_file.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+main([File]) ->
+ Dir = get_root(filename:dirname(File)),
+ Defs = [strong_validation,
+ warn_export_all,
+ warn_export_vars,
+ warn_shadow_vars,
+ warn_obsolete_guard,
+ warn_unused_import,
+ report,
+ {i, Dir ++ "/include"}],
+ %% `rebar.config` is looked for,
+ %% but it is not necessarily the one in the project root.
+ %% I.e. it may be one deeper in the project file hierarchy.
+ RebarFile = rebar_file(Dir),
+ %% `rebar.config` might contain relative paths.
+ %% They are relative to the file! Not to the project root.
+ RebarOpts = rebar_opts(Dir ++ "/" ++ RebarFile),
+ code:add_patha(filename:absname("ebin")),
+ %% `compile:file/2` requires the `{i, Path}` to be relative
+ %% to CWD - no surprise here.
+ compile:file(File, Defs ++ translate_paths(Dir, RebarOpts));
+main(_) ->
+ io:format("Usage: ~s <file>~n", [escript:script_name()]),
+ halt(1).
+rebar_file(Dir) ->
+ DirList = filename:split(Dir),
+ case lists:last(DirList) of
+ "test" ->
+ "rebar.test.config";
+ _ ->
+ "rebar.config"
+ end.
+rebar_opts(RebarFile) ->
+ Dir = get_root(filename:dirname(RebarFile)),
+ case file:consult(RebarFile) of
+ {ok, Terms} ->
+ RebarLibDirs = proplists:get_value(lib_dirs, Terms, []),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(LibDir) ->
+ code:add_pathsa(filelib:wildcard(LibDir ++ "/*/ebin"))
+ end, RebarLibDirs),
+ RebarDepsDir = proplists:get_value(deps_dir, Terms, "deps"),
+ code:add_pathsa(filelib:wildcard(RebarDepsDir ++ "/*/ebin")),
+ IncludeDeps = {i, filename:join(Dir, RebarDepsDir)},
+ proplists:get_value(erl_opts, Terms, []) ++ [IncludeDeps];
+ {error, _} when RebarFile == "rebar.config" ->
+ fallback_opts();
+ {error, _} ->
+ rebar_opts("rebar.config")
+ end.
+fallback_opts() ->
+ code:add_pathsa(filelib:wildcard("deps/*/ebin")),
+ code:add_pathsa(nested_app_ebins()),
+ [
+ { i, filename:absname("apps") }, { i, filename:absname("deps") } | [ { i, filename:absname(Path) } || Path <- filelib:wildcard("deps/*/apps")]
+ ].
+nested_app_ebins() ->
+ DetectedAppSrcFiles = filelib:wildcard("deps/*/apps/**/*.app.src"),
+ [apps_dir_from_src(AppSrcFile)||AppSrcFile<-DetectedAppSrcFiles].
+apps_dir_from_src(SrcFile) ->
+ SrcDir = filename:dirname(SrcFile),
+ filename:join(SrcDir, "../../ebin").
+get_root(Dir) ->
+ Path = filename:split(filename:absname(Dir)),
+ filename:join(get_root(lists:reverse(Path), Path)).
+get_root([], Path) ->
+ Path;
+get_root(["src" | Tail], _Path) ->
+ lists:reverse(Tail);
+get_root(["test" | Tail], _Path) ->
+ lists:reverse(Tail);
+get_root([_ | Tail], Path) ->
+ get_root(Tail, Path).
+translate_paths(Dir, RebarOpts) ->
+ [ translate_path(Dir, Opt) || Opt <- RebarOpts ].
+translate_path(Dir, {i, Path}) ->
+ case Path of
+ %% absolute
+ "/" ++ _ -> {i, Path};
+ %% relative -> make absolute taking rebar.config location into account
+ _ -> {i, filename:join([Dir, Path])}
+ end;
+translate_path(_, Other) -> Other.