path: root/vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/python/ycm/tests/omni_completer_test.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/python/ycm/tests/omni_completer_test.py')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 758 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe b/vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 0de1c0c9bb13ce82172b472c676035cd47cf6a6
diff --git a/vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/python/ycm/tests/omni_completer_test.py b/vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/python/ycm/tests/omni_completer_test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e590847..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/python/ycm/tests/omni_completer_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,758 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-# Copyright (C) 2016 YouCompleteMe contributors
-# This file is part of YouCompleteMe.
-# YouCompleteMe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# YouCompleteMe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with YouCompleteMe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from __future__ import print_function
-from __future__ import division
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-from future import standard_library
-from builtins import * # noqa
-from future.utils import PY2
-from mock import patch, call
-from nose.tools import eq_
-from hamcrest import contains_string
-from ycm.test_utils import MockVimModule, ExtendedMock
-from ycm.test_utils import DEFAULT_CLIENT_OPTIONS, ExpectedFailure
-from ycm.omni_completer import OmniCompleter
-from ycm.youcompleteme import YouCompleteMe
-from ycmd import user_options_store
-from ycmd.utils import ToBytes
-from ycmd.request_wrap import RequestWrap
-def ToBytesOnPY2( data ):
- # To test the omnifunc, etc. returning strings, which can be of different
- # types depending on python version, we use ToBytes on PY2 and just the native
- # str on python3. This roughly matches what happens between py2 and py3
- # versions within Vim
- if PY2:
- return ToBytes( data )
- return data
-def BuildRequest( line_num, column_num, contents ):
- # Note: it would be nice to use ycmd.test_utils.BuildRequest directly here,
- # but we can't import ycmd.test_utils because that in turn imports ycm_core,
- # which would cause our "ycm_core not imported" test to fail.
- return {
- 'line_num': line_num,
- 'column_num': column_num,
- 'filepath': '/test',
- 'file_data': {
- '/test': {
- 'contents': contents,
- 'filetypes': [ 'java' ] # We need a filetype with a trigger, so we just
- # use java
- }
- }
- }
-def BuildRequestWrap( line_num, column_num, contents ):
- return RequestWrap( BuildRequest( line_num, column_num, contents ) )
-def MakeUserOptions( custom_options = {} ):
- options = dict( user_options_store.DefaultOptions() )
- options.update( DEFAULT_CLIENT_OPTIONS )
- options.update( custom_options )
- return options
-class OmniCompleter_test( object ):
- def setUp( self ):
- # We need a server instance for FilterAndSortCandidates
- self._server_state = YouCompleteMe( MakeUserOptions() )
- def tearDown( self ):
- self._server_state.OnVimLeave()
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_List_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 6,
- contents = contents )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'b' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'cdef' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_ListFilter_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.t'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 7,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 't' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'b' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'cdef' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'t')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, [] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_List_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 0
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 6,
- contents = contents )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'b' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'cdef' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_ListFilter_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 0
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.t'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 7,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 't' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'b' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'cdef' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'t')" ),
- ] )
- # actual result is that the results are not filtered, as we expect the
- # omniufunc or vim itself to do this filtering
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- @ExpectedFailure( 'We ignore the result of the call to findstart and use our '
- 'own interpretation of where the identifier should be',
- contains_string( "test_omnifunc(0,'t')" ) )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletsions_UseFindStart_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.t'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 7,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 't' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'b' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'cdef' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 1, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- # Fails here: actual result is that the findstart result (1) is ignored
- # and we use the 't' query as we normally would on the server side
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'test.t')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_Object_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.t'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 7,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 't' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = {
- 'words': [
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'b' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'CDtEF' )
- ]
- }
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'t')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'CDtEF' ) ] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_ObjectList_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.tt'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 8,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 'tt' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBR'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENU' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFO' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'K' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'test' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBRTEST'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENUTEST' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFOTEST' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'T' )
- }
- ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'tt')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, [ omnifunc_result[ 1 ] ] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_ObjectList_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 0
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.tt'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 8,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 'tt' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBR'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENU' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFO' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'K' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'test' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBRTEST'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENUTEST' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFOTEST' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'T' )
- }
- ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'tt')" ),
- ] )
- # We don't filter the result - we expect the omnifunc to do that
- # based on the query we supplied (Note: that means no fuzzy matching!)
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_ObjectListObject_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.tt'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 8,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 'tt' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = {
- 'words': [
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBR'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENU' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFO' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'K' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'test' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBRTEST'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENUTEST' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFOTEST' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'T' )
- }
- ]
- }
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'tt')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, [ omnifunc_result[ 'words' ][ 1 ] ] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_ObjectListObject_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 0
- } ) )
- contents = 'test.tt'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 8,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 'tt' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = {
- 'words': [
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'a' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBR'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENU' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFO' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'K' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'test' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ABBRTEST'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'MENUTEST' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'INFOTEST' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'T' )
- }
- ]
- }
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'tt')" ),
- ] )
- # No FilterAndSortCandidates for cache_omnifunc=0 (we expect the omnifunc
- # to do the filtering?)
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result[ 'words' ] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_List_Unicode_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = '†åsty_π.'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 13,
- contents = contents )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( '†est' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'å_unicode_identifier' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'πππππππ yummy πie' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_List_Unicode_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 0
- } ) )
- contents = '†åsty_π.'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 13,
- contents = contents )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( '†est' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'å_unicode_identifier' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'πππππππ yummy πie' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- @ExpectedFailure( 'Filtering on unicode is not supported by the server' )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_List_Filter_Unicode_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = '†åsty_π.ππ'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 17,
- contents = contents )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( '†est' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'å_unicode_identifier' ),
- ToBytesOnPY2( 'πππππππ yummy πie' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'ππ')" ),
- ] )
- # Fails here: Filtering on unicode is not supported
- eq_( results, [ omnifunc_result[ 2 ] ] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_NoCache_List_Filter_Unicode_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 0
- } ) )
- contents = '†åsty_π.ππ'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 17,
- contents = contents )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [ ToBytesOnPY2( 'πππππππ yummy πie' ) ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'ππ')" ),
- ] )
- eq_( results, omnifunc_result )
- @ExpectedFailure( 'Filtering on unicode is not supported by the server' )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_ObjectList_Unicode_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = '†åsty_π.ππ'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 17,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 'ππ' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = [
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ålpha∫et' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'å∫∫®'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'µ´~¨á' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( '^~fo' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( '˚' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'π†´ß†π' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ÅııÂʉÍÊ'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( '˜‰ˆËʉÍÊ' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ȈÏØʉÍÊ' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'Ê' )
- }
- ]
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'ππ')" ),
- ] )
- # Fails here: Filtering on unicode is not supported
- eq_( results, [ omnifunc_result[ 1 ] ] )
- def OmniCompleter_GetCompletions_Cache_ObjectListObject_Unicode_test( self ):
- omni_completer = OmniCompleter( MakeUserOptions( {
- 'cache_omnifunc': 1
- } ) )
- contents = '†åsty_π.t'
- request_data = BuildRequestWrap( line_num = 1,
- column_num = 14,
- contents = contents )
- eq_( request_data[ 'query' ], 't' )
- # Make sure there is an omnifunc set up.
- with patch( 'vim.eval', return_value = ToBytesOnPY2( 'test_omnifunc' ) ):
- omni_completer.OnFileReadyToParse( request_data )
- omnifunc_result = {
- 'words': [
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ålpha∫et' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'å∫∫®'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( 'µ´~¨á' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( '^~fo' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( '˚' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'π†´ß†π' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ÅııÂʉÍÊ'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( '˜‰ˆËʉÍÊ' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ȈÏØʉÍÊ' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'Ê' )
- },
- {
- 'word': ToBytesOnPY2( 'test' ),
- 'abbr': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ÅııÂʉÍÊ'),
- 'menu': ToBytesOnPY2( '˜‰ˆËʉÍÊ' ),
- 'info': ToBytesOnPY2( 'ȈÏØʉÍÊ' ),
- 'kind': ToBytesOnPY2( 'Ê' )
- }
- ]
- }
- # And get the completions
- with patch( 'vim.eval',
- new_callable = ExtendedMock,
- side_effect = [ 6, omnifunc_result ] ) as vim_eval:
- results = omni_completer.ComputeCandidates( request_data )
- vim_eval.assert_has_exact_calls( [
- call( 'test_omnifunc(1,"")' ),
- call( "test_omnifunc(0,'t')" ),
- ] )
- # Note: the filtered results are all unicode objects (not bytes) because
- # they are passed through the FilterAndSortCandidates machinery
- # (via the server)
- eq_( results, [ {
- 'word': 'test',
- 'abbr': 'ÅııÂʉÍÊ',
- 'menu': '˜‰ˆËʉÍÊ',
- 'info': 'ȈÏØʉÍÊ',
- 'kind': 'Ê'
- } ] )