path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
commite573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (patch)
tree8f572394ac8433529c7a8e70d160a2fbe8268b4e /vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets
parentb8c667bd64b3edd38d56c63c5bd1db53a23b4499 (diff)
Add current configurations from old repository
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429146a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/chef.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Opscode Chef Cookbook Recipe Resources
+# Snippet by: Mike Smullin <mike@smullindesign.com>
+# Based on: http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Resources
+# @TODO: Include Meta attributes and actions in all snippets
+# @TODO: Finish writing snippets for remaining Resources
+snippet cookbook_file
+ # Cookbook File resource
+ cookbook_file ${1:"/path/to/file"} do # The remote path where the file will reside
+ ${2:#}backup ${3} # How many backups of this file to keep. Set to false if you want no backups
+ ${4:#}group ${5} # The group owner of the file (string or id)
+ ${6:#}mode ${7} # The octal mode of the file - e.g. 0755
+ ${8:#}owner ${9} # The owner for the file
+ ${10:#}source ${11} # The basename of the source file
+ ${12:#}cookbook ${13} # The cookbook this file is stored in
+ ${14:#}${15: action :create} # Create this file (Default)
+ ${16:#}${17: action :create_if_missing} # Create only if it doesn't exist yet
+ ${18:#}${0: action :delete} # Delete this file
+ end
+snippet execute
+ # Execute resource
+ execute ${1:"command to execute"} do # The command to execute
+ ${2:#}creates ${3:nil} # A file this command creates - if the file exists, the command will not be run.
+ ${4:#}cwd ${5:nil} # Current working directory to run the command from.
+ ${6:#}environment ${7:nil} # A hash of environment variables to set before running this command.
+ ${8:#}group ${9:nil} # A group name or group ID that we should change to before running this command.
+ ${10:#}path ${11:nil} # An array of paths to use when searching for the command. Nil uses system path.
+ ${12:#}returns ${13:0} # The return value of the command - this resource raises an exception if the return value does not match.
+ ${14:#}timeout ${15:nil} # How many seconds to let the command run before timing it out.
+ ${16:#}user ${17:nil} # A user name or user ID that we should change to before running this command.
+ ${18:#}umask ${19:nil} # Umask for files created by the command
+ ${20:#}${21:action :run} # Run this command (Default)
+ ${22:#}${0:action :nothing} # Do not run this command
+ end
+snippet link
+ # Link resource
+ link ${1:"/target/file"} do # The file name of the link
+ ${2:#}to ${3} # The real file you want to link to
+ ${4:#}link_type ${5:symbolic} # Either :symbolic or :hard
+ ${6:#}owner ${7} # The owner of the symlink
+ ${8:#}group ${9} # The group of the symlink
+ ${10:#}${11:action :create} # Create a link (Default)
+ ${12:#}${0:action :delete} # Delete a link
+ end
+snippet package
+ # Package resource
+ package ${1:"package_name"} do # Name of the package to install
+ ${2:#}version ${3:nil} # The version of the package to install/upgrade
+ ${4:#}response_file ${5:nil} # An optional response file - used to pre-seed packages (note: the file is fetched by Remote File)
+ ${6:#}source ${7} # Used to provide an optional package source for providers that use a local file (rubygems, dpkg and rpm)
+ ${8:#}options ${9:nil} # Add additional options to the underlying package command
+ ${10:#}gem_binary ${11:gem} # A gem_package attribut to specify a gem binary. Useful for installing ruby 1.9 gems while running chef in ruby 1.8
+ ${12:#}${13:action :install} # Install a package - if version is provided, install that specific version (Default)
+ ${14:#}${15:action :upgrade} # Upgrade a package - if version is provided, upgrade to that specific version
+ ${16:#}${17:action :remove} # Remove a package
+ ${18:#}${0:action :purge} # Purge a package (this usually entails removing configuration files as well as the package itself)
+ end
+snippet service
+ # Service resource
+ service ${1:"service_name"} do # Name of the service
+ ${2:#}enabled ${3:nil} # Whether the service is enabled at boot time
+ ${4:#}running ${5:nil} # Make sure the service is running. Start if stopped
+ ${6:#}pattern ${7} # Pattern to look for in the process table
+ ${8:#}start_command ${9:nil} # Command used to start this service
+ ${10:#}stop_command ${11:nil} # Command used to stop this service
+ ${12:#}status_command ${13:nil} # Command used to check the service run status
+ ${14:#}restart_command ${15:nil} # Command used to restart this service
+ ${16:#}reload_command ${17:nil} # Command used to tell this service to reload its configuration
+ ${18:#}supports ${19:false} # Features this service supports, ie :restart, :reload, :status
+ ${20:#}${21:action :enable} # Enable this service
+ ${22:#}${23:action :disable} # Disable this service
+ ${24:#}${25:action :nothing} # Don't do anything with this service (Default)
+ ${26:#}${27:action :start} # Start this service
+ ${28:#}${29:action :stop} # Stop this service
+ ${30:#}${31:action :restart} # Restart this service
+ ${32:#}${0:action :reload} # Reload the configuration for this service
+ end
+snippet file
+ # File resource
+ file ${1:"/path/to/file"} do # Path to the file
+ ${2:#}backup ${3:5} # How many backups of this file to keep. Set to false if you want no backups.
+ ${4:#}owner ${5} # The owner for the file
+ ${6:#}group ${7} # The group owner of the file (string or id)
+ ${8:#}mode ${9} # The octal mode of the file (4-digit format)
+ ${10:#}content ${11:nil} # A string to write to the file. This will replace any previous content if set
+ ${12:#}${13:action :create} # Create this file (Default)
+ ${14:#}${15:action :delete} # Delete this file
+ ${16:#}${0:action :touch} # Touch this file (update the mtime/atime)
+ end
+snippet directory
+ # Directory resource
+ directory ${1:"/path/to/dir"} do # The path to the directory
+ ${2:#}group ${3} # The group owner of the directory (string or id)
+ ${4:#}mode ${5} # The octal mode of the directory, eg 0755
+ ${6:#}owner ${7} # The owner for the directory
+ ${10:#}recursive ${11:false} # When deleting the directory, delete it recursively. When creating the directory, create recursively (ie, mkdir -p)
+ ${12:#}${13:action :create} # Create this directory (Default)
+ ${14:#}${0:action :delete} # Delete this directory
+ end
+snippet template
+ # Template resource
+ template ${1:"/path/to/file"} do # Path to the file
+ ${2:#}cookbook ${3:nil} # Specify the cookbook where the template is located, default is current cookbook
+ ${4:#}source ${5:nil} # Template source file. Found in templates/default for the cookbook
+ ${6:#}variables ${7} # Variables to use in the template
+ ${8:#}local ${9:false} # Is the template already present on the node?
+ ${10:#}backup ${11:5} # How many backups of this file to keep. Set to false if you want no backups.
+ ${12:#}owner ${13} # The owner for the file
+ ${14:#}group ${15} # The group owner of the file (string or id)
+ ${16:#}mode ${17} # The octal mode of the file (4-digit format)
+ ${18:#}content ${19:nil} # A string to write to the file. This will replace any previous content if set
+ ${20:#}${21:action :create} # Create the file (Default)
+ ${22:#}${23:action :delete} # Delete this file
+ ${24:#}${0:action :touch} # Touch this file (update the mtime/atime)
+ end
+snippet svn
+ # SCM Resource, Chef::Provider::Subversion
+ svn ${1:"/destination/path"} do # Path to clone/checkout/export the source to
+ ${2:#}repository ${3} # URI of the repository
+ ${4:#}revision ${5:"HEAD"} # revision to checkout. can be symbolic, like "HEAD" or an SCM specific revision id
+ ${6:#}reference ${7} # (Git only) alias for revision
+ ${8:#}user ${9:nil} # System user to own the checked out code
+ ${10:#}group ${11:nil} # System group to own the checked out code
+ ${12:#}svn_username ${13} # (Subversion only) Username for Subversion operations
+ ${14:#}svn_password ${15} # (Subversion only) Password for Subversion operations
+ ${16:#}svn_arguments ${17} # (Subversion only) Extra arguments passed to the subversion command
+ ${18:#}${19:action :sync} # Update the source to the specified revision, or get a new checkout (Default)
+ ${20:#}${21:action :checkout} # Checkout the source. Does nothing if a checkout is available
+ ${22:#}${0:action :export} # Export the source, excluding or removing any version control artifacts
+ end
+snippet git
+ # SCM Resource, Chef::Provider::Git
+ git ${1:"/destination/path"} do # Path to clone/checkout/export the source to
+ ${2:#}repository ${3} # URI of the repository
+ ${4:#}revision ${5:"HEAD"} # revision to checkout. can be symbolic, like "HEAD" or an SCM specific revision id
+ ${6:#}reference ${7} # (Git only) alias for revision
+ ${8:#}user ${9:nil} # System user to own the checked out code
+ ${10:#}group ${11:nil} # System group to own the checked out code
+ ${12:#}depth ${13:nil} # (Git only) Number of past revisions to include in Git shallow clone
+ ${14:#}enable_submodules ${15:"false"} # (Git only) performs a submodule init and submodule update
+ ${16:#}remote ${17:"origin"} # (Git only) remote repository to use for syncing an existing clone
+ ${18:#}ssh_wrapper ${19} # (Git only) path to a wrapper script for running SSH with git. GIT_SSH environment variable is set to this.
+ ${20:#}${21:action :sync} # Update the source to the specified revision, or get a new clone (Default)
+ ${22:#}${23:action :checkout} # Clone the source. Does nothing if a checkout is available
+ ${24:#}${0:action :export} # Export the source, excluding or removing any version control artifacts
+ end
+snippet deploy
+ # Deploy resource
+ deploy ${1:"/deploy/dir/"} do # Path to deploy to
+ ${2:#}deploy_to ${3} # The "meta root" for your application.
+ ${4:#}repository ${5} # URI of the repository
+ ${6:#}repo ${7} # alias for repository
+ ${8:#}revision ${9:"HEAD"} # revision to checkout. can be symbolic, like "HEAD" or an SCM specific revision id
+ ${10:#}branch ${11} # alias for revision
+ ${12:#}user ${13:nil} # System user to run the deploy as
+ ${14:#}group ${15:nil} # System group to run the deploy as
+ ${16:#}svn_username ${17} # (Subversion only) Username for Subversion operations}
+ ${18:#}svn_password ${19} # (Subversion only) Password for Subversion operations}
+ ${20:#}svn_arguments ${21} # (Subversion only) Extra arguments passed to the subversion command}
+ ${22:#}shallow_clone ${23:nil} # (Git only) boolean, true sets clone depth to 5
+ ${24:#}enable_submodules ${25:false} # (Git only) performs a submodule init and submodule update
+ ${26:#}remote ${27:"origin"} # (Git only) remote repository to use for syncing an existing clone
+ ${28:#}ssh_wrapper ${29} # (Git only) path to a wrapper script for running SSH with git. GIT_SSH environment variable is set to this.
+ ${30:#}git_ssh_wrapper ${31} # alias for ssh_wrapper
+ ${32:#}scm_provider ${33:Chef::Provider::Git} # SCM Provider to use.
+ ${34:#}repository_cache ${35: "cached-copy"} # Name of the subdirectory where the pristine copy of your app's source is kept
+ ${36:#}environment ${37} # A hash of the form {"ENV_VARIABLE"=>"VALUE"}}
+ ${38:#}purge_before_symlink ${39:%w(log tmp/pids public/system)} # An array of paths, relative to app root, to be removed from a checkout before symlinking
+ ${40:#}create_dirs_before_symlink ${41:%w(tmp public config)} # Directories to create before symlinking. Runs after purge_before_symlink
+ ${42:#}symlinks ${43:"system" => "public/system", "pids" => "tmp/pids", "log" => "log"} # A hash that maps files in the shared directory to their paths in the current release
+ ${44:#}symlink_before_migrate ${45:"config/database.yml" => "config/database.yml"} # A hash that maps files in the shared directory into the current release. Runs before migration
+ ${46:#}migrate ${47:false} # Should the migration command be executed? (true or false)
+ ${48:#}migration_command ${49} # A string containing a shell command to execute to run the migration
+ ${50:#}restart_command ${51:nil} # A code block to evaluate or a string containing a shell command
+ ${52:#}before_migrate ${53:"deploy/before_migrate.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run before migrating
+ ${54:#}before_symlink ${55:"deploy/before_symlink.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run before symlinking
+ ${56:#}before_restart ${57:"deploy/before_restart.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run before restarting
+ ${58:#}after_restart ${59:"deploy/after_restart.rb"} # A block or path to a file containing chef code to run after restarting
+ ${60:#}${61::deploy} # Deploy the application (Default)
+ ${62:#}${63::force_deploy} # For the revision deploy strategy, this removes any existing release of the same code version and re-deploys in its place
+ ${64:#}${0::rollback} # Rollback the application to the previous release
+ end