path: root/vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/highlighting.vim
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:03:25 +0200
commite573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (patch)
tree8f572394ac8433529c7a8e70d160a2fbe8268b4e /vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/highlighting.vim
parentb8c667bd64b3edd38d56c63c5bd1db53a23b4499 (diff)
Add current configurations from old repository
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/highlighting.vim')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/highlighting.vim b/vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/highlighting.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9e1a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/syntastic/plugin/syntastic/highlighting.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+if exists('g:loaded_syntastic_notifier_highlighting') || !exists('g:loaded_syntastic_plugin')
+ finish
+let g:loaded_syntastic_notifier_highlighting = 1
+" Highlighting requires getmatches introduced in 7.1.040
+let s:has_highlighting = v:version > 701 || (v:version == 701 && has('patch040'))
+lockvar s:has_highlighting
+let g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier = {}
+let s:setup_done = 0
+" Public methods {{{1
+function! g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier.New() abort " {{{2
+ let newObj = copy(self)
+ if !s:setup_done
+ call self._setup()
+ let s:setup_done = 1
+ lockvar s:setup_done
+ endif
+ return newObj
+endfunction " }}}2
+function! g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier.enabled() abort " {{{2
+ return s:has_highlighting && syntastic#util#var('enable_highlighting')
+endfunction " }}}2
+" Sets error highlights in the current window
+function! g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier.refresh(loclist) abort " {{{2
+ if self.enabled()
+ call syntastic#log#debug(g:_SYNTASTIC_DEBUG_NOTIFICATIONS, 'highlighting: refresh')
+ call self._reset()
+ let buf = bufnr('')
+ let issues = filter(a:loclist.copyRaw(), 'v:val["bufnr"] == buf')
+ for item in issues
+ let group = 'Syntastic' . get(item, 'subtype', '') . ( item['type'] ==? 'E' ? 'Error' : 'Warning' )
+ " The function `Syntastic_{filetype}_{checker}_GetHighlightRegex` is
+ " used to override default highlighting.
+ if has_key(item, 'hl')
+ call matchadd(group, '\%' . item['lnum'] . 'l' . item['hl'])
+ elseif get(item, 'col', 0)
+ if get(item, 'vcol', 0)
+ let lastcol = virtcol([item['lnum'], '$'])
+ let coltype = 'v'
+ else
+ let lastcol = col([item['lnum'], '$'])
+ let coltype = 'c'
+ endif
+ let lcol = min([lastcol, item['col']])
+ call matchadd(group, '\%' . item['lnum'] . 'l\%' . lcol . coltype)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}2
+" Remove all error highlights from the window
+" @vimlint(EVL103, 1, a:loclist)
+function! g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier.reset(loclist) abort " {{{2
+ if s:has_highlighting
+ call syntastic#log#debug(g:_SYNTASTIC_DEBUG_NOTIFICATIONS, 'highlighting: reset')
+ call self._reset()
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}2
+" @vimlint(EVL103, 0, a:loclist)
+" }}}1
+" Private methods {{{1
+" One time setup: define our own highlighting
+function! g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier._setup() abort " {{{2
+ if s:has_highlighting
+ if !hlexists('SyntasticError')
+ highlight link SyntasticError SpellBad
+ endif
+ if !hlexists('SyntasticWarning')
+ highlight link SyntasticWarning SpellCap
+ endif
+ if !hlexists('SyntasticStyleError')
+ highlight link SyntasticStyleError SyntasticError
+ endif
+ if !hlexists('SyntasticStyleWarning')
+ highlight link SyntasticStyleWarning SyntasticWarning
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}2
+function! g:SyntasticHighlightingNotifier._reset() abort " {{{2
+ for match in getmatches()
+ if stridx(match['group'], 'Syntastic') == 0
+ call matchdelete(match['id'])
+ endif
+ endfor
+endfunction " }}}2
+" }}}1
+" vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker: