import os import json import time import copy from random import randrange STORAGE = "/usr/share/turtetris" MAX_RECORDS = 100 def recorded_minimum(): "Returns tupple with minimal recorded scores and its respective file" if not os.path.isdir(STORAGE): return False records = os.listdir(STORAGE) if len(records) < MAX_RECORDS: return False smin = 0 min_file = None for record in records: with open(os.path.join(STORAGE, record)) as file: score = int(file.readline()) if not min_file or smin > score: smin = score min_file = record return (smin, min_file) class Recorder: "Game recorder" def __init__(self, matrix): self._matrix = matrix self._init_state = matrix.copy_matrix() self._prev_state = matrix.copy_matrix() self._changes = list() self._times = list() self._start_time = time.time() def tick(self): "Store one tick" change = self._matrix.matrix_diff(self._prev_state) if change: self._changes.append(change) self._times.append(time.time() - self._start_time) self._prev_state = self._matrix.copy_matrix() def store(self, score): "Store this recording to permanent storage" rmin = recorded_minimum() if rmin and rmin[0] > score: return # Don't store this one if not os.path.isdir(STORAGE): os.makedirs(STORAGE) data = { "init": self._init_state, "changes": self._changes, "times": self._times } with open(os.path.join(STORAGE, str(int(time.time()))), 'w') as file: file.write(str(score) + '\n') file.write(json.dumps(data)) if rmin: # If we have some marked as minimal then remove it os.remove(os.path.join(STORAGE, rmin[1])) class Replayer: "Game records loader and replayer" def __init__(self, matrix): self._matrix = matrix self._changes = None self._times = None replayes = os.listdir(STORAGE) if len(replayes) > 0: reply = replayes[randrange(len(replayes))] with open(os.path.join(STORAGE, reply)) as file: file.readline() data = json.loads( self._changes = copy.deepcopy(data['changes']) self._times = copy.deepcopy(data['times']) self._matrix.set_matrix(data['init']) self._matrix.display() self._start_time = time.time() self._index = 0 def tick(self): "Run recorded tick" if not self._changes: return False while self._index < len(self._times) and \ (time.time() - self._start_time - self._times[self._index]) >= 0: self._matrix.matrix_apply_diff(self._changes[self._index]) self._matrix.display() self._index += 1 return self._index < len(self._times) # edit when we have no more