#include "tst_machine.h" #include "core.h" using namespace machine; static void core_regs_data() { QTest::addColumn("i"); QTest::addColumn("init"); QTest::addColumn("res"); // Note that we shouldn't be touching program counter as that is handled automatically and differs if we use pipelining // Arithmetic instructions { Registers regs_init; regs_init.write_gp(24, 24); regs_init.write_gp(25, 12); Registers regs_res(regs_init); regs_res.write_gp(26, 36); QTest::newRow("ADD") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 32) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("ADDU") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 33) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("ADDI") << Instruction(8, 24, 26, 12) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("ADDIU") << Instruction(9, 24, 26, 12) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 12); QTest::newRow("SUB") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 34) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SUBU") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 35) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; } { Registers regs_init; regs_init.write_gp(24, 12); regs_init.write_gp(25, 24); Registers regs_res(regs_init); regs_res.write_gp(26, 1); QTest::newRow("SLT") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 42) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SLTU") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 43) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SLTI") << Instruction(10, 24, 26, 24) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SLTIU") << Instruction(11, 24, 26, 24) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; } // Shift instructions { Registers regs_init; regs_init.write_gp(24, 0xf0); regs_init.write_gp(25, 3); Registers regs_res(regs_init); regs_res.write_gp(26, 0x780); QTest::newRow("SLL") << Instruction(0, 0, 24, 26, 3, 0) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SLLV") << Instruction(0, 25, 24, 26, 0, 4) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 0x1e); QTest::newRow("SLR") << Instruction(0, 0, 24, 26, 3, 2) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SLRV") << Instruction(0, 25, 24, 26, 0, 6) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; } { Registers regs_init; regs_init.write_gp(24, 0x800000f0); regs_init.write_gp(25, 3); Registers regs_res(regs_init); regs_res.write_gp(26, 0xF000001e); QTest::newRow("SRA") << Instruction(0, 0, 24, 26, 3, 3) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("SRAV") << Instruction(0, 25, 24, 26, 0, 7) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; } // Logical instructions { Registers regs_init; regs_init.write_gp(24, 0xf0); regs_init.write_gp(25, 0xe1); Registers regs_res(regs_init); regs_res.write_gp(26, 0xe0); QTest::newRow("AND") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 36) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("ANDI") << Instruction(12, 24, 26, 0xe1) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 0xf1); QTest::newRow("OR") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 37) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("ORI") << Instruction(13, 24, 26, 0xe1) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 0x11); QTest::newRow("XOR") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 38) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("XORI") << Instruction(14, 24, 26, 0xe1) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 0xffffff0e); QTest::newRow("NOR") << Instruction(0, 24, 25, 26, 0, 39) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; } // Move instructions { Registers regs_init; regs_init.write_hi_lo(true, 24); regs_init.write_hi_lo(false, 28); regs_init.write_gp(24, 55); regs_init.write_gp(25, 56); regs_init.write_gp(27, 21); regs_init.write_gp(28, 22); Registers regs_res(regs_init); regs_res.write_gp(26, 24); QTest::newRow("MFHI") << Instruction(0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 16) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 28); QTest::newRow("MFLO") << Instruction(0, 0, 0, 26, 0, 18) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(26, 0); regs_res.write_hi_lo(true, 21); QTest::newRow("MTHI") << Instruction(0, 27, 0, 0, 0, 17) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_hi_lo(true, 24); regs_res.write_hi_lo(false, 22); QTest::newRow("MTLO") << Instruction(0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 19) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_hi_lo(false, 28); QTest::newRow("MOVZ-F") << Instruction(0, 24, 24, 25, 0, 10) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("MOVN-F") << Instruction(0, 24, 1, 25, 0, 11) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; regs_res.write_gp(25, 55); QTest::newRow("MOVZ-T") << Instruction(0, 24, 1, 25, 0, 10) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; QTest::newRow("MOVN-T") << Instruction(0, 24, 24, 25, 0, 11) \ << regs_init \ << regs_res; } } void MachineTests::singlecore_regs_data() { core_regs_data(); } void MachineTests::pipecore_regs_data() { core_regs_data(); } void MachineTests::singlecore_regs() { QFETCH(Instruction, i); QFETCH(Registers, init); QFETCH(Registers, res); Memory mem; // Just memory (it shouldn't be used here except instruction) mem.write_word(res.read_pc(), i.data()); // Store single instruction (anything else should be 0 so NOP effectively) Memory mem_used(mem); // Create memory copy CoreSingle core(&init, &mem_used, &mem_used, true); core.step(); // Single step should be enought as this is risc without pipeline res.pc_inc(); // We did single step so increment program counter accordingly QCOMPARE(init, res); // After doing changes from initial state this should be same state as in case of passed expected result QCOMPARE(mem, mem_used); // There should be no change in memory } void MachineTests::pipecore_regs() { QFETCH(Instruction, i); QFETCH(Registers, init); QFETCH(Registers, res); Memory mem; // Just memory (it shouldn't be used here except instruction) mem.write_word(res.read_pc(), i.data()); // Store single instruction (anything else should be 0 so NOP effectively) Memory mem_used(mem); res.pc_jmp(0x14); CorePipelined core(&init, &mem_used, &mem_used); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) core.step(); // Fire steps for five pipelines stages //cout << "well:" << init.read_gp(26) << ":" << regs_used.read_gp(26) << endl; QCOMPARE(init, res); // After doing changes from initial state this should be same state as in case of passed expected result QCOMPARE(mem, mem_used); // There should be no change in memory } static void core_jmp_data() { QTest::addColumn("i"); QTest::addColumn("regs"); QTest::addColumn("pc"); Registers regs; regs.write_gp(14, -22); regs.write_gp(15, 22); regs.write_gp(16, -22); regs.write_gp(12, 0x80040000); QTest::newRow("B") << Instruction(4, 0, 0, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("BEQ") << Instruction(4, 14, 16, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("BEQ-BACK") << Instruction(4, 14, 16, -4) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 - 16; QTest::newRow("BNE") << Instruction(5, 14, 15, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("BGEZ") << Instruction(1, 15, 1, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("BGTZ") << Instruction(7, 15, 0, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("BLEZ") << Instruction(6, 14, 0, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("BLTZ") << Instruction(1, 14, 0, 61) \ << regs \ << regs.read_pc() + 4 + (61 << 2); QTest::newRow("J") << Instruction(2, 24) \ << regs \ << 0x80000000 + (24 << 2); QTest::newRow("JR") << Instruction(0, 12, 0, 0, 0, 8) \ << regs \ << 0x80040000; } void MachineTests::singlecore_jmp_data() { core_jmp_data(); } void MachineTests::pipecore_jmp_data() { core_jmp_data(); } void MachineTests::singlecore_jmp() { QFETCH(Instruction, i); QFETCH(Registers, regs); QFETCH(std::uint32_t, pc); Memory mem; mem.write_word(regs.read_pc(), i.data()); Memory mem_used(mem); Registers regs_used(regs); CoreSingle core(®s_used, &mem_used, &mem_used, true); core.step(); QCOMPARE(regs.read_pc() + 4, regs_used.read_pc()); // First execute delay slot core.step(); QCOMPARE(pc, regs_used.read_pc()); // Now do jump QCOMPARE(mem, mem_used); // There should be no change in memory regs_used.pc_abs_jmp(regs.read_pc()); // Reset program counter before we do registers compare QCOMPARE(regs, regs_used); // There should be no change in registers now } void MachineTests::pipecore_jmp() { QFETCH(Instruction, i); QFETCH(Registers, regs); QFETCH(std::uint32_t, pc); Memory mem; mem.write_word(regs.read_pc(), i.data()); Memory mem_used(mem); Registers regs_used(regs); CorePipelined core(®s_used, &mem_used, &mem_used); core.step(); QCOMPARE(regs.read_pc() + 4, regs_used.read_pc()); // First just fetch core.step(); QCOMPARE(pc, regs_used.read_pc()); // Now do jump for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) core.step(); // Follow up with three other steps to complete pipeline to be sure that instruction has no side effects QCOMPARE(mem, mem_used); // There should be no change in memory regs.pc_abs_jmp(pc + 12); // Set reference pc to three more instructions later (where regs_used should be) QCOMPARE(regs, regs_used); // There should be no change in registers now (except pc) } static void core_mem_data() { QTest::addColumn("i"); QTest::addColumn("regs_init"); QTest::addColumn("regs_res"); QTest::addColumn("mem_init"); QTest::addColumn("mem_res"); // Load { Memory mem; mem.write_word(0x24, 0xA3242526); Registers regs; regs.write_gp(1, 0x22); Registers regs_res(regs); regs_res.write_gp(21, 0x80000023); QTest::newRow("LB") << Instruction(32, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs_res \ << mem \ << mem; regs_res.write_gp(21, 0x80002324); QTest::newRow("LH") << Instruction(33, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs_res \ << mem \ << mem; regs_res.write_gp(21, 0xA3242526); QTest::newRow("LW") << Instruction(35, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs_res \ << mem \ << mem; regs_res.write_gp(21, 0x000000A3); QTest::newRow("LBU") << Instruction(36, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs_res \ << mem \ << mem; regs_res.write_gp(21, 0x0000A324); QTest::newRow("LHU") << Instruction(37, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs_res \ << mem \ << mem; } // Store { Registers regs; regs.write_gp(1, 0x22); regs.write_gp(21, 0x23242526); Memory mem; mem.write_byte(0x24, 0x26); // Note: store least significant byte QTest::newRow("SB") << Instruction(40, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs \ << Memory() \ << mem; mem.write_hword(0x24, 0x2526); QTest::newRow("SH") << Instruction(41, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs \ << Memory() \ << mem; mem.write_word(0x24, 0x23242526); QTest::newRow("SH") << Instruction(43, 1, 21, 0x2) \ << regs \ << regs \ << Memory() \ << mem; } } void MachineTests::singlecore_mem_data() { core_mem_data(); } void MachineTests::pipecore_mem_data() { core_mem_data(); } void MachineTests::singlecore_mem() { QFETCH(Instruction, i); QFETCH(Registers, regs_init); QFETCH(Registers, regs_res); QFETCH(Memory, mem_init); QFETCH(Memory, mem_res); // Write instruction to both memories mem_init.write_word(regs_init.read_pc(), i.data()); mem_res.write_word(regs_init.read_pc(), i.data()); CoreSingle core(®s_init, &mem_init, &mem_init, true); core.step(); regs_res.pc_inc(); QCOMPARE(regs_init, regs_res); QCOMPARE(mem_init, mem_res); } void MachineTests::pipecore_mem() { QFETCH(Instruction, i); QFETCH(Registers, regs_init); QFETCH(Registers, regs_res); QFETCH(Memory, mem_init); QFETCH(Memory, mem_res); // Write instruction to both memories mem_init.write_word(regs_init.read_pc(), i.data()); mem_res.write_word(regs_init.read_pc(), i.data()); CorePipelined core(®s_init, &mem_init, &mem_init); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) core.step(); // Fire steps for five pipelines stages regs_res.pc_jmp(20); QCOMPARE(regs_init, regs_res); QCOMPARE(mem_init, mem_res); }