#include "machineconfig.h" using namespace machine; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Default config of MachineConfig #define DF_PIPELINE false #define DF_DELAYSLOT true #define DF_HUNIT HU_STALL_FORWARD #define DF_EXEC_PROTEC false #define DF_WRITE_PROTEC false #define DF_MEM_ACC_READ 10 #define DF_MEM_ACC_WRITE 10 #define DF_ELF QString("") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Default config of MachineConfigCache #define DFC_EN false #define DFC_SETS 1 #define DFC_BLOCKS 1 #define DFC_ASSOC 1 #define DFC_REPLAC RP_RAND #define DFC_WRITE WP_TROUGH ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MachineConfigCache::MachineConfigCache() { en = DFC_EN; n_sets = DFC_SETS; n_blocks = DFC_BLOCKS; d_associativity = DFC_ASSOC; replac_pol = DFC_REPLAC; write_pol = DFC_WRITE; } MachineConfigCache::MachineConfigCache(const MachineConfigCache *cc) { en = cc->enabled(); n_sets = cc->sets(); n_blocks = cc->blocks(); d_associativity = cc->associativity(); replac_pol = cc->replacement_policy(); write_pol = cc->write_policy(); } #define N(STR) (prefix + QString(STR)) MachineConfigCache::MachineConfigCache(const QSettings *sts, const QString &prefix) { en = sts->value(N("Enabled"), DFC_EN).toBool(); n_sets = sts->value(N("Sets"), DFC_SETS).toUInt(); n_blocks = sts->value(N("Blocks"), DFC_BLOCKS).toUInt(); d_associativity = sts->value(N("Associativity"), DFC_ASSOC).toUInt(); replac_pol = (enum ReplacementPolicy)sts->value(N("Replacement"), DFC_REPLAC).toUInt(); write_pol = (enum WritePolicy)sts->value(N("Write"), DFC_WRITE).toUInt(); } void MachineConfigCache::store(QSettings *sts, const QString &prefix) { sts->setValue(N("Enabled"), enabled()); sts->setValue(N("Sets"), sets()); sts->setValue(N("Blocks"), blocks()); sts->setValue(N("Associativity"), associativity()); sts->setValue(N("Replacement"), (unsigned)replacement_policy()); sts->setValue(N("Write"), (unsigned)write_policy()); } #undef N void MachineConfigCache::preset(enum ConfigPresets p) { switch (p) { case CP_PIPE_CACHE: set_enabled(true); set_sets(3); set_blocks(1); set_associativity(1); set_replacement_policy(RP_RAND); set_write_policy(WP_TROUGH); break; case CP_SINGLE: case CP_PIPE_NO_HAZARD: case CP_PIPE_NO_CACHE: set_enabled(false); } } void MachineConfigCache::set_enabled(bool v) { en = v; } void MachineConfigCache::set_sets(unsigned v) { // TODO verify that this is 2^N n_sets = v; } void MachineConfigCache::set_blocks(unsigned v) { // TODO even more verifications for 2^N n_blocks = v; } void MachineConfigCache::set_associativity(unsigned v) { d_associativity = v; } void MachineConfigCache::set_replacement_policy(enum ReplacementPolicy v) { replac_pol = v; } void MachineConfigCache::set_write_policy(enum WritePolicy v) { write_pol = v; } bool MachineConfigCache::enabled() const { return en; } unsigned MachineConfigCache::sets() const { return n_sets; } unsigned MachineConfigCache::blocks() const { return n_blocks; } unsigned MachineConfigCache::associativity() const { return d_associativity; } enum MachineConfigCache::ReplacementPolicy MachineConfigCache::replacement_policy() const { return replac_pol; } enum MachineConfigCache::WritePolicy MachineConfigCache::write_policy() const { return write_pol; } bool MachineConfigCache::operator==(const MachineConfigCache &c) const { #define CMP(GETTER) (GETTER)() == (c.GETTER)() return CMP(enabled) && \ CMP(sets) && \ CMP(blocks) && \ CMP(associativity) && \ CMP(replacement_policy) && \ CMP(write_policy); #undef CMP } bool MachineConfigCache::operator!=(const MachineConfigCache &c) const { return !operator==(c); } MachineConfig::MachineConfig() { pipeline = DF_PIPELINE; delayslot = DF_DELAYSLOT; hunit = DF_HUNIT; exec_protect = DF_EXEC_PROTEC; write_protect = DF_WRITE_PROTEC; mem_acc_read = DF_MEM_ACC_READ; mem_acc_write = DF_MEM_ACC_WRITE; elf_path = DF_ELF; cch_program = MachineConfigCache(); cch_data = MachineConfigCache(); } MachineConfig::MachineConfig(const MachineConfig *cc) { pipeline = cc->pipelined(); delayslot = cc->delay_slot(); hunit = cc->hazard_unit(); exec_protect = cc->memory_execute_protection(); write_protect = cc->memory_write_protection(); mem_acc_read = cc->memory_access_time_read(); mem_acc_write = cc->memory_access_time_write(); elf_path = cc->elf(); cch_program = cc->cache_program(); cch_data = cc->cache_data(); } #define N(STR) (prefix + QString(STR)) MachineConfig::MachineConfig(const QSettings *sts, const QString &prefix) { pipeline = sts->value(N("Pipelined"), DF_PIPELINE).toBool(); delayslot = sts->value(N("DelaySlot"), DF_DELAYSLOT).toBool(); hunit = (enum HazardUnit)sts->value(N("HazardUnit"), DF_HUNIT).toUInt(); exec_protect = sts->value(N("MemoryExecuteProtection"), DF_EXEC_PROTEC).toBool(); write_protect = sts->value(N("MemoryWriteProtection"), DF_WRITE_PROTEC).toBool(); mem_acc_read = sts->value(N("MemoryRead"), DF_MEM_ACC_READ).toUInt(); mem_acc_write = sts->value(N("MemoryWrite"), DF_MEM_ACC_WRITE).toUInt(); elf_path = sts->value(N("Elf"), DF_ELF).toString(); cch_program = MachineConfigCache(sts, N("ProgramCache_")); cch_data = MachineConfigCache(sts, N("DataCache_")); } void MachineConfig::store(QSettings *sts, const QString &prefix) { sts->setValue(N("Pipelined"), pipelined()); sts->setValue(N("DelaySlot"), delay_slot()); sts->setValue(N("HazardUnit"), (unsigned)hazard_unit()); sts->setValue(N("Elf"), elf_path); cch_program.store(sts, N("ProgramCache_")); cch_data.store(sts, N("DataCache_")); } #undef N void MachineConfig::preset(enum ConfigPresets p) { // Note: we set just a minimal subset to get preset (preserving as much of hidden configuration as possible) switch (p) { case CP_SINGLE: set_pipelined(false); set_delay_slot(true); break; case CP_PIPE_NO_HAZARD: set_pipelined(true); set_hazard_unit(MachineConfig::HU_NONE); break; case CP_PIPE_CACHE: case CP_PIPE_NO_CACHE: set_pipelined(true); set_hazard_unit(MachineConfig::HU_STALL_FORWARD); break; } // Some common configurations set_memory_execute_protection(DF_EXEC_PROTEC); set_memory_write_protection(DF_WRITE_PROTEC); set_memory_access_time_read(DF_MEM_ACC_READ); set_memory_access_time_write(DF_MEM_ACC_WRITE); access_cache_program()->preset(p); access_cache_data()->preset(p); } void MachineConfig::set_pipelined(bool v) { pipeline = v; } void MachineConfig::set_delay_slot(bool v) { delayslot = v; } void MachineConfig::set_hazard_unit(enum MachineConfig::HazardUnit hu) { hunit = hu; } void MachineConfig::set_memory_execute_protection(bool v) { exec_protect = v; } void MachineConfig::set_memory_write_protection(bool v) { write_protect = v; } void MachineConfig::set_memory_access_time_read(unsigned v) { mem_acc_read = v; } void MachineConfig::set_memory_access_time_write(unsigned v) { mem_acc_write = v; } void MachineConfig::set_elf(QString path) { elf_path = path; } void MachineConfig::set_cache_program(const MachineConfigCache &c) { cch_program = c; } void MachineConfig::set_cache_data(const MachineConfigCache &c) { cch_data = c; } bool MachineConfig::pipelined() const { return pipeline; } bool MachineConfig::delay_slot() const { // Delay slot is always on when pipeline is enabled return pipeline || delayslot; } enum MachineConfig::HazardUnit MachineConfig::hazard_unit() const { // Hazard unit is always off when there is no pipeline return pipeline ? hunit : machine::MachineConfig::HU_NONE; } bool MachineConfig::memory_execute_protection() const { return exec_protect; } bool MachineConfig::memory_write_protection() const { return write_protect; } unsigned MachineConfig::memory_access_time_read() const { return mem_acc_read; } unsigned MachineConfig::memory_access_time_write() const { return mem_acc_write; } QString MachineConfig::elf() const { return elf_path; } const MachineConfigCache &MachineConfig::cache_program() const { return cch_program; } const MachineConfigCache &MachineConfig::cache_data() const { return cch_data; } MachineConfigCache *MachineConfig::access_cache_program() { return &cch_program; } MachineConfigCache *MachineConfig::access_cache_data() { return &cch_data; } bool MachineConfig::operator==(const MachineConfig &c) const { #define CMP(GETTER) (GETTER)() == (c.GETTER)() return CMP(pipelined) && \ CMP(delay_slot) && \ CMP(hazard_unit) && \ CMP(memory_execute_protection) && \ CMP(memory_write_protection) && \ CMP(memory_access_time_read) && \ CMP(memory_access_time_write) && \ CMP(elf) && \ CMP(cache_program) && \ CMP(cache_data); #undef CMP } bool MachineConfig::operator!=(const MachineConfig &c) const { return !operator==(c); }