// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ /******************************************************************************* * QtMips - MIPS 32-bit Architecture Subset Simulator * * Implemented to support following courses: * * B35APO - Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b35apo * * B4M35PAP - Advanced Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b4m35pap/start * * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Karel Koci * Copyright (c) 2019 Pavel Pisa * * Faculty of Electrical Engineering (http://www.fel.cvut.cz) * Czech Technical University (http://www.cvut.cz/) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef INSTRUCTION_H #define INSTRUCTION_H #include #include #include #include "machinedefs.h" namespace machine { enum InstructionFlags { IMF_NONE = 0, IMF_SUPPORTED = 1L<<0, /**< Instruction is supported */ IMF_MEMWRITE = 1L<<1, /**< Write to the memory when memory stage is reached */ IMF_MEMREAD = 1L<<2, /**< Read from the memory when memory stage is reached */ IMF_ALUSRC = 1L<<3, /**< The second ALU source is immediate operand */ IMF_REGD = 1L<<4, /**< RD field specifies register to be updated, if not set and REGWRITE = 1, then destination reg in RT */ IMF_REGWRITE = 1L<<5, /**< Instruction result (ALU or memory) is written to register file */ IMF_ZERO_EXTEND= 1L<<6, /**< Immediate operand is zero extended, else sign */ IMF_PC_TO_R31 = 1L<<7, /**< PC value will be stored to register R31/RA */ IMF_BJR_REQ_RS = 1L<<8, /**< Branch or jump operation reguires RS value */ IMF_BJR_REQ_RT = 1L<<9, /**< Branch or jump operation requires RT value */ IMF_ALU_SHIFT = 1L<<10, /**< Operation is shift of RT by RS or SHAMT */ IMF_MEM = 1L<<11, /**< Instruction is memory access instruction */ IMF_ALU_REQ_RS = 1L<<12, /**< Execution phase/ALU requires RS value */ IMF_ALU_REQ_RT = 1L<<13, /**< Execution phase/ALU/mem requires RT value */ IMF_READ_HILO = 1L<<14, /**< Operation reads value from HI or LO registers */ IMF_WRITE_HILO = 1L<<15, /**< Operation writes value to HI and/or LO registers */ IMF_PC8_TO_RT = 1L<<16, /**< PC value will be stored in RT specified register */ IMF_BRANCH = 1L<<17, /**< Operation is conditional or unconditional branch or branch and link when PC_TO_R31 is set */ IMF_JUMP = 1L<<18, /**< Jump operation - J, JAL, JR or JALR */ IMF_BJ_NOT = 1L<<19, /**< Negate condition for branch instructiion */ IMF_BGTZ_BLEZ = 1L<<20, /**< BGTZ/BLEZ, else BEGT/BLTZ or BEQ, BNE when RT */ IMF_NB_SKIP_DS = 1L<<21, /**< Skip instruction in delay slot if branch not taken */ IMF_EXCEPTION = 1L<<22, /**< Instruction causes synchronous exception */ IMF_STOP_IF = 1L<<23, /**< Stop instruction fetch until instruction processed */ }; struct RelocExpression { inline RelocExpression(std::int32_t location, QString expression, std::int64_t offset, std::int64_t min, std::int64_t max, unsigned lsb_bit, unsigned bits, unsigned shift, int line) { this->location = location; this->expression = expression; this->offset = offset; this->min = min; this->max = max; this->lsb_bit = lsb_bit; this->bits = bits; this->shift = shift; this->line = line; } std::int32_t location; QString expression; std::int64_t offset; std::int64_t min; std::int64_t max; unsigned lsb_bit; unsigned bits; unsigned shift; int line; }; typedef QVector RelocExpressionList; class Instruction { public: Instruction(); Instruction(std::uint32_t inst); Instruction(std::uint8_t opcode, std::uint8_t rs, std::uint8_t rt, std::uint8_t rd, std::uint8_t shamt, std::uint8_t funct); // Type R Instruction(std::uint8_t opcode, std::uint8_t rs, std::uint8_t rt, std::uint16_t immediate); // Type I Instruction(std::uint8_t opcode, std::uint32_t address); // Type J Instruction(const Instruction&); enum Type { T_R, T_I, T_J, T_UNKNOWN }; std::uint8_t opcode() const; std::uint8_t rs() const; std::uint8_t rt() const; std::uint8_t rd() const; std::uint8_t shamt() const; std::uint8_t funct() const; std::uint8_t cop0sel() const; std::uint16_t immediate() const; std::uint32_t address() const; std::uint32_t data() const; enum Type type() const; enum InstructionFlags flags() const; enum AluOp alu_op() const; enum AccessControl mem_ctl() const; enum ExceptionCause encoded_exception() const; void flags_alu_op_mem_ctl(enum InstructionFlags &flags, enum AluOp &alu_op, enum AccessControl &mem_ctl) const; bool is_break() const; bool operator==(const Instruction &c) const; bool operator!=(const Instruction &c) const; Instruction &operator=(const Instruction &c); QString to_str(std::int32_t inst_addr = 0) const; static ssize_t code_from_string(std::uint32_t *code, size_t buffsize, QString inst_base, QVector &inst_fields, std::uint32_t inst_addr = 0, RelocExpressionList *reloc = nullptr, int line = 0, bool pseudo_opt = false); static ssize_t code_from_string(std::uint32_t *code, size_t buffsize, QString str, std::uint32_t inst_addr = 0, RelocExpressionList *reloc = nullptr, int line = 0, bool pseudo_opt = false); bool update(std::int64_t val, RelocExpression *relocexp); private: std::uint32_t dt; }; } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(machine::Instruction) #endif // INSTRUCTION_H