// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ /******************************************************************************* * QtMips - MIPS 32-bit Architecture Subset Simulator * * Implemented to support following courses: * * B35APO - Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b35apo * * B4M35PAP - Advanced Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b4m35pap/start * * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Karel Koci * Copyright (c) 2019 Pavel Pisa * * Faculty of Electrical Engineering (http://www.fel.cvut.cz) * Czech Technical University (http://www.cvut.cz/) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "cache.h" using namespace machine; Cache::Cache(MemoryAccess *m, const MachineConfigCache *cc, unsigned memory_access_penalty_r, unsigned memory_access_penalty_w, unsigned memory_access_penalty_b) : cnf(cc) { mem = m; access_pen_r = memory_access_penalty_r; access_pen_w = memory_access_penalty_w; access_pen_b = memory_access_penalty_b; uncached_start = 0xf0000000; uncached_last = 0xffffffff; // Zero hit and miss rate hit_read = 0; hit_write = 0; miss_read = 0; miss_write = 0; mem_reads = 0; mem_writes = 0; burst_reads = 0; burst_writes = 0; dt = nullptr; replc.lfu = nullptr; replc.lru = nullptr; change_counter = 0; // Skip any other initialization if cache is disabled if (!cc->enabled()) return; // Allocate cache data structure dt = new struct cache_data*[cc->associativity()]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cc->associativity(); i++) { dt[i] = new cache_data[cc->sets()]; for (unsigned y = 0; y < cc->sets(); y++) { dt[i][y].valid = false; dt[i][y].dirty = false; dt[i][y].data = new std::uint32_t[cc->blocks()]; } } // Allocate replacement policy data switch (cnf.replacement_policy()) { case MachineConfigCache::RP_LFU: replc.lfu = new unsigned *[cnf.sets()]; for (unsigned int row = 0; row < cnf.sets(); row++) { replc.lfu[row] = new unsigned[cnf.associativity()]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cnf.associativity(); i++) replc.lfu[row][i] = 0; } break; case MachineConfigCache::RP_LRU: replc.lru = new unsigned int*[cnf.sets()]; for (unsigned int row = 0; row < cnf.sets(); row++) { replc.lru[row] = new unsigned int[cnf.associativity()]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cnf.associativity(); i++) replc.lru[row][i] = i; } break; case MachineConfigCache::RP_RAND: default: break; } } Cache::~Cache(){ if (dt != nullptr) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < cnf.associativity(); i++) { if (dt[i]) { for (unsigned y = 0; y < cnf.sets(); y++) if (dt[i][y].data != nullptr) delete[] dt[i][y].data; delete[] dt[i]; } } delete[] dt; } switch (cnf.replacement_policy()) { case MachineConfigCache::RP_LFU: if (replc.lfu == nullptr) break; for (unsigned row = 0; row < cnf.sets(); row++) delete[] replc.lfu[row]; delete [] replc.lfu; break; case MachineConfigCache::RP_LRU: if (replc.lru == nullptr) break; for (unsigned row = 0; row < cnf.sets(); row++) delete[] replc.lru[row]; delete[] replc.lru; default: break; } } bool Cache::wword(std::uint32_t address, std::uint32_t value) { bool changed; if (!cnf.enabled() || (address >= uncached_start && address <= uncached_last)) { mem_writes++; emit memory_writes_update(mem_writes); update_statistics(); return mem->write_word(address, value); } std::uint32_t data; changed = access(address, &data, true, value); if (cnf.write_policy() != MachineConfigCache::WP_BACK) { mem_writes++; emit memory_writes_update(mem_writes); update_statistics(); return mem->write_word(address, value); } return changed; } std::uint32_t Cache::rword(std::uint32_t address, bool debug_access) const { if (!cnf.enabled() || (address >= uncached_start && address <= uncached_last)) { mem_reads++; emit memory_reads_update(mem_reads); update_statistics(); return mem->read_word(address, debug_access); } if (debug_access) { if (!(location_status(address) & LOCSTAT_CACHED)) return mem->read_word(address, debug_access); return debug_rword(address); } std::uint32_t data; access(address, &data, false); return data; } void Cache::flush() { if (!cnf.enabled()) return; for (unsigned as = cnf.associativity(); as-- > 0 ; ) for (unsigned st = 0; st < cnf.sets(); st++) if (dt[as][st].valid) kick(as, st); update_statistics(); } void Cache::sync() { flush(); } unsigned Cache::hit() const { return hit_read + hit_write; } unsigned Cache::miss() const { return miss_read + miss_write; } unsigned Cache::memory_reads() const { return mem_reads; } unsigned Cache::memory_writes() const { return mem_writes; } unsigned Cache::stalled_cycles() const { unsigned st_cycles = mem_reads * (access_pen_r - 1) + mem_writes * (access_pen_w - 1); if (access_pen_b != 0) st_cycles -= burst_reads * (access_pen_r - access_pen_b) + burst_writes * (access_pen_w - access_pen_b); return st_cycles; } double Cache::speed_improvement() const { unsigned lookup_time; unsigned mem_access_time; unsigned comp = hit_read + hit_write + miss_read + miss_write; if (comp == 0) return 100.0; lookup_time = hit_read + miss_read; if (cnf.write_policy() == MachineConfigCache::WP_BACK) lookup_time += hit_write + miss_write; mem_access_time = mem_reads * access_pen_r + mem_writes * access_pen_w; if (access_pen_b != 0) mem_access_time -= burst_reads * (access_pen_r - access_pen_b) + burst_writes * (access_pen_w - access_pen_b); return (double)((miss_read + hit_read) * access_pen_r + (miss_write + hit_write) * access_pen_w) \ / (double)(lookup_time + mem_access_time) \ * 100; } double Cache::hit_rate() const { unsigned comp = hit_read + hit_write + miss_read + miss_write; if (comp == 0) return 0.0; return (double)(hit_read + hit_write) / (double)comp * 100.0; } void Cache::reset() { // Set all cells to invalid if (cnf.enabled()) { for (unsigned as = 0; as < cnf.associativity(); as++) for (unsigned st = 0; st < cnf.sets(); st++) dt[as][st].valid = false; } // Note: we don't have to zero replacement policy data as those are zeroed when first used on invalid cell // Zero hit and miss rate hit_read = 0; hit_write = 0; miss_read = 0; miss_write = 0; mem_reads = 0; mem_writes = 0; burst_reads = 0; burst_writes = 0; // Trigger signals emit hit_update(hit()); emit miss_update(miss()); emit memory_reads_update(memory_reads()); emit memory_writes_update(memory_writes()); update_statistics(); if (cnf.enabled()) { for (unsigned as = 0; as < cnf.associativity(); as++) for (unsigned st = 0; st < cnf.sets(); st++) emit cache_update(as, st, false, false, 0, 0); } } const MachineConfigCache &Cache::config() const { return cnf; } enum LocationStatus Cache::location_status(std::uint32_t address) const { std::uint32_t row, col, tag; compute_row_col_tag(row, col, tag, address); if (cnf.enabled()) { for (unsigned indx = 0; indx < cnf.associativity(); indx++) { if (dt[indx][row].valid && dt[indx][row].tag == tag) { if (dt[indx][row].dirty && cnf.write_policy() == MachineConfigCache::WP_BACK) return (enum LocationStatus)(LOCSTAT_CACHED | LOCSTAT_DIRTY); else return (enum LocationStatus)LOCSTAT_CACHED; } } } return mem->location_status(address); } std::uint32_t Cache::debug_rword(std::uint32_t address) const { std::uint32_t row, col, tag; compute_row_col_tag(row, col, tag, address); for (unsigned indx = 0; indx < cnf.associativity(); indx++) if (dt[indx][row].valid && dt[indx][row].tag == tag) return dt[indx][row].data[col]; return 0; } bool Cache::access(std::uint32_t address, std::uint32_t *data, bool write, std::uint32_t value) const { bool changed = false; std::uint32_t row, col, tag; compute_row_col_tag(row, col, tag, address); unsigned indx = 0; // Try to locate exact block while (indx < cnf.associativity() && (!dt[indx][row].valid || dt[indx][row].tag != tag)) indx++; // Need to find new block if (indx >= cnf.associativity()) { // if write through we do not need to alloecate cache line does not allocate if (write && cnf.write_policy() == MachineConfigCache::WP_TROUGH_NOALLOC) { miss_write++; emit miss_update(miss()); update_statistics(); return false; } // We have to kick something switch (cnf.replacement_policy()) { case MachineConfigCache::RP_RAND: indx = rand() % cnf.associativity(); break; case MachineConfigCache::RP_LRU: { indx = replc.lru[row][0]; break; } case MachineConfigCache::RP_LFU: { unsigned lowest = replc.lfu[row][0]; indx = 0; for (unsigned i = 1; i < cnf.associativity(); i++) { if (!dt[i][row].valid) { indx = i; break; } if (lowest > replc.lfu[row][i]) { lowest = replc.lfu[row][i]; indx = i; } } break; } } } SANITY_ASSERT(indx < cnf.associativity(), "Probably unimplemented replacement policy"); struct cache_data &cd = dt[indx][row]; // Verify if we are not replacing if (cd.valid && cd.tag != tag) { kick(indx, row); change_counter++; } // Update statistics and otherwise read from memory if (cd.valid) { if (write) hit_write++; else hit_read++; emit hit_update(hit()); update_statistics(); } else { if (write) miss_write++; else miss_read++; emit miss_update(miss()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cnf.blocks(); i++) { cd.data[i] = mem->read_word(base_address(tag, row) + (4*i)); change_counter++; } mem_reads += cnf.blocks(); burst_reads += cnf.blocks() - 1; emit memory_reads_update(mem_reads); update_statistics(); } // Update replcement data switch (cnf.replacement_policy()) { case MachineConfigCache::RP_LRU: { unsigned next_asi = indx; int i = cnf.associativity() - 1; unsigned tmp_asi = replc.lru[row][i]; while (tmp_asi != indx) { SANITY_ASSERT(i >= 0, "LRU lost the way from priority queue - access"); tmp_asi = replc.lru[row][i]; replc.lru[row][i] = next_asi; next_asi = tmp_asi; i--; } break; } case MachineConfigCache::RP_LFU: if (cd.valid) replc.lfu[row][indx]++; else replc.lfu[row][indx] = 0; break; default: break; } cd.valid = true; // We either write to it or we read from memory. Either way it's valid when we leave Cache class cd.dirty = cd.dirty || write; cd.tag = tag; *data = cd.data[col]; if (write) { changed = cd.data[col] != value; cd.data[col] = value; } emit cache_update(indx, row, cd.valid, cd.dirty, cd.tag, cd.data); if (changed) change_counter++; return changed; } void Cache::kick(unsigned associat_indx, unsigned row) const { struct cache_data &cd = dt[associat_indx][row]; if (cd.dirty && cnf.write_policy() == MachineConfigCache::WP_BACK) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < cnf.blocks(); i++) mem->write_word(base_address(cd.tag, row) + (4*i), cd.data[i]); mem_writes += cnf.blocks(); burst_writes += cnf.blocks() - 1; emit memory_writes_update(mem_writes); } cd.valid = false; cd.dirty = false; switch (cnf.replacement_policy()) { case MachineConfigCache::RP_LRU: { unsigned next_asi = associat_indx; unsigned tmp_asi = replc.lru[row][0]; int i = 1; while (tmp_asi != associat_indx) { SANITY_ASSERT(i < (int)cnf.associativity(), "LRU lost the way from priority queue - kick"); tmp_asi = replc.lru[row][i]; replc.lru[row][i] = next_asi; next_asi = tmp_asi; i++; } break; } case MachineConfigCache::RP_LFU: replc.lfu[row][associat_indx] = 0; break; default: break; } } std::uint32_t Cache::base_address(std::uint32_t tag, unsigned row) const { return ((tag * cnf.blocks() * cnf.sets()) + (row * cnf.blocks())) << 2; } void Cache::update_statistics() const { emit statistics_update(stalled_cycles(), speed_improvement(), hit_rate()); }