#ifndef ALU_H #define ALU_H #include #include #include #include namespace machine { enum AluOp : std::uint8_t { ALU_OP_SLL = 0, ALU_OP_SRL = 2, ALU_OP_SRA, ALU_OP_SLLV, ALU_OP_SRLV = 6, ALU_OP_SRAV, ALU_OP_JR, ALU_OP_JALR, ALU_OP_MOVZ, ALU_OP_MOVN, ALU_OP_MFHI = 16, ALU_OP_MTHI, ALU_OP_MFLO, ALU_OP_MTLO, ALU_OP_ADD = 32, ALU_OP_ADDU, ALU_OP_SUB, ALU_OP_SUBU, ALU_OP_AND, ALU_OP_OR, ALU_OP_XOR, ALU_OP_NOR, ALU_OP_SLT = 42, ALU_OP_SLTU, ALU_OP_LUI = 64, // We don't care about exact index for this one ALU_OP_PASS_S, // Pass s argument without change for JAL ALU_OP_LAST // First impossible operation (just to be sure that we don't overflow) }; // Do ALU operation. // operation: This is function field from instruction or shifted opcode for immediate instructions // s: Loaded from rs. Also calles as source. // t: Loaded from rt or immediate field from instruction it self. Also called as target. // sa: This is value directly from instruction it self (sa section) used for shift operations // regs: Registers used. We need direct access to lo and hi registers (those are not accessed from core it self but from alu directly // Returned value is commonly saved to rt/rd or any other way passed trough core std::uint32_t alu_operate(enum AluOp operation, std::uint32_t s, std::uint32_t t, std::uint8_t sa, Registers *regs); } Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(machine::AluOp) #endif // ALU_H