// Template file with defines of peripheral registers // QtMips simulator https://github.com/cvut/QtMips/ // developed by Karel Koci and Pavel Pisa. // // template.S - example file // // (C) 2019 by Pavel Pisa // e-mail: pisa@cmp.felk.cvut.cz // homepage: http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa // work: http://www.pikron.com/ // license: public domain // Directives to make interresting windows visible #pragma qtmips show terminal #pragma qtmips show registers #pragma qtmips show cop0dock #pragma qtmips show memory .globl _start .globl __start .set noreorder .ent _start // Serial port/terminal registers // There is mirror of this region at address 0xffff0000 // to match QtSpim and Mars emulators .equ SERIAL_PORT_BASE, 0xffffc000 // base address of serial port region .equ SERP_RX_ST_REG, 0xffffc000 // Receiver status register .equ SERP_RX_ST_REG_o, 0x0000 // Offset of RX_ST_REG .equ SERP_RX_ST_REG_READY_m, 0x1 // Data byte is ready to be read .equ SERP_RX_ST_REG_IE_m, 0x2 // Enable Rx ready interrupt .equ SERP_RX_DATA_REG, 0xffffc004 // Received data byte in 8 LSB bits .equ SERP_RX_DATA_REG_o, 0x0004 // Offset of RX_DATA_REG .equ SERP_TX_ST_REG, 0xffffc008 // Transmitter status register .equ SERP_TX_ST_REG_o, 0x0008 // Offset of TX_ST_REG .equ SERP_TX_ST_REG_READY_m, 0x1 // Transmitter can accept next byte .equ SERP_TX_ST_REG_IE_m, 0x2 // Enable Tx ready interrupt .equ SERP_TX_DATA_REG, 0xffffc00c // Write word to send 8 LSB bits to terminal .equ SERP_TX_DATA_REG_o, 0x000c // Offset of TX_DATA_REG // Memory mapped peripheral for dial knobs input, // LED and RGB LEDs output designed to match // MZ_APO education Zynq based board developed // by Petr Porazil and Pavel Pisa at PiKRON.com company .equ SPILED_REG_BASE, 0xffffc100 // base of SPILED port region .equ SPILED_REG_LED_LINE, 0xffffc104 // 32 bit word mapped as output .equ SPILED_REG_LED_LINE_o, 0x0004 // Offset of the LED_LINE .equ SPILED_REG_LED_RGB1, 0xffffc110 // RGB LED 1 color components .equ SPILED_REG_LED_RGB1_o, 0x0010 // Offset of LED_RGB1 .equ SPILED_REG_LED_RGB2, 0xffffc114 // RGB LED 2 color components .equ SPILED_REG_LED_RGB2_o, 0x0014 // Offset of LED_RGB2 .equ SPILED_REG_KNOBS_8BIT, 0xffffc124 // Three 8 bit knob values .equ SPILED_REG_KNOBS_8BIT_o, 0x0024 // Offset of KNOBS_8BIT // The simple 16-bit per pixel (RGB565) frame-buffer // display size is 480 x 320 pixel // Pixel format RGB565 expect // bits 11 .. 15 red component // bits 5 .. 10 green component // bits 0 .. 4 blue component .equ LCD_FB_START, 0xffe00000 .equ LCD_FB_END, 0xffe4afff // Mapping of interrupts // Irq number Cause/Status Bit Source // 2 / HW0 10 Serial port ready to accept character to Tx // 3 / HW1 11 There is received character ready to be read // 7 / HW5 15 Counter reached value in Compare register // Linux kernel compatible system calls subset .equ __NR_exit, 4001 // void exit(int status) .equ __NR_read, 4003 // ssize_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) .equ __NR_write, 4004 // ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) .equ __NR_close, 4006 // int close(int fd) .equ __NR_open, 4005 // int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode) .equ __NR_brk, 4045 // void * brk(void *addr) .equ __NR_truncate, 4092 // int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length) .equ __NR_readv, 4145 // ssize_t readv(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) .equ __NR_writev, 4146 // ssize_t writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt) .equ __NR_set_thread_area, 4283 // int set_thread_area(unsigned long addr) // Original MIPS start address after reset .org 0x80020000 .text __start: _start: addi $v0, $zero, __NR_write addi $a0, $zero, 1 la $a1, text_1 addi $a2, $zero, text_1_e - text_1 syscall addi $v0, $zero, __NR_exit addi $a0, $zero, 0 final: break beq $zero, $zero, final nop .end _start .data data_1: .word 1, 2, 3, 4 text_1: .ascii "Hello word.\n" // store ASCII text, no termination text_1_e: // if whole source compile is OK the switch to core tab #pragma qtmips tab core