#ifndef COREVIEW_LATCH_H #define COREVIEW_LATCH_H #include #include #include #include "qtmipsexception.h" #include "qtmipsmachine.h" #include "../coreview.h" #include "connection.h" namespace coreview { class Latch : public QGraphicsObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QColor wedge_clr READ wedge_color WRITE set_wedge_color) public: Latch(machine::QtMipsMachine *machine, qreal height); QRectF boundingRect() const; void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget); QColor wedge_color(); void set_wedge_color(QColor &c); void setPos(qreal x, qreal y); struct ConnectorPair { Connector *in, *out; }; struct ConnectorPair new_connector(qreal y); // Create new connectors pair that is given y from top of latch protected: void updateCurrentValue(const QColor &color); private slots: void tick(); private: qreal height; QList connectors; QList connectors_off; QPropertyAnimation *wedge_animation; QColor wedge_clr; }; } #else namespace coreview { class Latch; }; #endif // COREVIEW_LATCH_H