// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ /******************************************************************************* * QtMips - MIPS 32-bit Architecture Subset Simulator * * Implemented to support following courses: * * B35APO - Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b35apo * * B4M35PAP - Advanced Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b4m35pap/start * * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Karel Koci * Copyright (c) 2019 Pavel Pisa * * Faculty of Electrical Engineering (http://www.fel.cvut.cz) * Czech Technical University (http://www.cvut.cz/) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include "reporter.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace machine; using namespace std; Reporter::Reporter(QCoreApplication *app, QtMipsMachine *machine) : QObject() { this->app = app; this->machine = machine; connect(machine, SIGNAL(program_exit()), this, SLOT(machine_exit())); connect(machine, SIGNAL(program_trap(machine::QtMipsException&)), this, SLOT(machine_trap(machine::QtMipsException&))); connect(machine->core(), SIGNAL(stop_on_exception_reached()), this, SLOT(machine_exception_reached())); e_regs = false; e_cache_stats = false; e_fail = (enum FailReason)0; } void Reporter::regs() { e_regs = true; } void Reporter::cache_stats() { e_cache_stats = true; } void Reporter::expect_fail(enum FailReason reason) { e_fail = (enum FailReason)(e_fail | reason); } void Reporter::add_dump_range(std::uint32_t start, std::uint32_t len, QString fname) { dump_ranges.append({start, len, fname}); } void Reporter::machine_exit() { report(); if (e_fail != 0) { cout << "Machine was expected to fail but it didn't." << endl; app->exit(1); } else app->exit(); } void Reporter::machine_exception_reached() { ExceptionCause excause; excause = machine->get_exception_cause(); switch (excause) { case EXCAUSE_NONE: cout << "Machine stopped on NONE exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_INT: cout << "Machine stopped on INT exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_ADDRL: cout << "Machine stopped on ADDRL exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_ADDRS: cout << "Machine stopped on ADDRS exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_IBUS: cout << "Machine stopped on IBUS exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_DBUS: cout << "Machine stopped on DBUS exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_SYSCALL: cout << "Machine stopped on SYSCALL exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_OVERFLOW: cout << "Machine stopped on OVERFLOW exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_TRAP: cout << "Machine stopped on TRAP exception." << endl; break; case EXCAUSE_HWBREAK: cout << "Machine stopped on HWBREAK exception." << endl; break; default: break; } report(); app->exit(); } void Reporter::machine_trap(QtMipsException &e) { report(); bool expected = false; auto& etype = typeid(e); if (etype == typeid(QtMipsExceptionUnsupportedInstruction)) expected = e_fail & FR_I; else if (etype == typeid(QtMipsExceptionUnsupportedAluOperation)) expected = e_fail & FR_A; else if (etype == typeid(QtMipsExceptionOverflow)) expected = e_fail & FR_O; else if (etype == typeid(QtMipsExceptionUnalignedJump)) expected = e_fail & FR_J; cout << "Machine trapped: " << e.msg(false).toStdString() << endl; app->exit(expected ? 0 : 1); } static void out_hex(ostream &out, std::uint64_t val, int digits) { std::ios_base::fmtflags saveflg(out.flags()); char prevfill = out.fill('0'); out.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield); out << setfill('0') << setw(digits) << val; out.fill(prevfill); out.flags(saveflg); } void Reporter::report() { if (e_regs) { cout << "Machine state report:" << endl; cout << "PC:0x"; out_hex(cout, machine->registers()->read_pc(), 8); cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { cout << "R" << i << ":0x"; out_hex(cout, machine->registers()->read_gp(i), 8); if (i != 31) cout << " "; else cout << endl; } cout << "HI:0x"; out_hex(cout, machine->registers()->read_hi_lo(true), 8); cout << " LO:0x"; out_hex(cout, machine->registers()->read_hi_lo(false), 8); cout << endl; for (int i = 1; i < Cop0State::COP0REGS_CNT; i++) { cout << Cop0State::cop0reg_name((Cop0State::Cop0Registers)i).toLocal8Bit().data() << ":0x"; out_hex(cout, machine->cop0state()->read_cop0reg((Cop0State::Cop0Registers)i), 8); if (i != Cop0State::COP0REGS_CNT - 1) cout << " "; else cout << endl; } } if (e_cache_stats) { cout << "Cache statistics report:" << endl; cout << "i-cache:reads:" << machine->cache_program()->memory_reads() << endl; cout << "i-cache:hit:" << machine->cache_program()->hit() << endl; cout << "i-cache:miss:" << machine->cache_program()->miss() << endl; cout << "i-cache:hit-rate:" << machine->cache_program()->hit_rate() << endl; cout << "i-cache:stalled-cycles:" << machine->cache_program()->stalled_cycles() << endl; cout << "i-cache:improved-speed:" << machine->cache_program()->speed_improvement() << endl; cout << "d-cache:reads:" << machine->cache_data()->memory_reads() << endl; cout << "d-cache:writes:" << machine->cache_data()->memory_writes() << endl; cout << "d-cache:hit:" << machine->cache_data()->hit() << endl; cout << "d-cache:miss:" << machine->cache_data()->miss() << endl; cout << "d-cache:hit-rate:" << machine->cache_data()->hit_rate() << endl; cout << "d-cache:stalled-cycles:" << machine->cache_data()->stalled_cycles() << endl; cout << "d-cache:improved-speed:" << machine->cache_data()->speed_improvement() << endl; } foreach (DumpRange range, dump_ranges) { ofstream out; out.open(range.fname.toLocal8Bit().data(), ios::out | ios::trunc); std::int32_t start = range.start & ~3; std::int32_t end = range.start + range.len; if (end < start) end = 0xffffffff; for (std::int32_t addr = start; addr < end; addr += 4) { out << "0x"; out_hex(out, machine->memory()->read_word(addr), 8); out << endl; } out.close(); } }