// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ /******************************************************************************* * QtMips - MIPS 32-bit Architecture Subset Simulator * * Implemented to support following courses: * * B35APO - Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b35apo * * B4M35PAP - Advanced Computer Architectures * https://cw.fel.cvut.cz/wiki/courses/b4m35pap/start * * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Karel Koci * Copyright (c) 2019 Pavel Pisa * * Faculty of Electrical Engineering (http://www.fel.cvut.cz) * Czech Technical University (http://www.cvut.cz/) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "tracer.h" #include "reporter.h" using namespace machine; using namespace std; void create_parser(QCommandLineParser &p) { p.setApplicationDescription("QtMips CLI machine simulator"); p.addHelpOption(); p.addVersionOption(); p.addPositionalArgument("FILE", "Input ELF executable file"); // p.addOptions({}); available only from Qt 5.4+ p.addOption({"pipelined", "Configure CPU to use five stage pipeline."}); p.addOption({"no-delay-slot", "Disable jump delay slot."}); p.addOption({{"trace-fetch", "tr-fetch"}, "Trace fetched instruction (for both pipelined and not core)."}); p.addOption({{"trace-decode", "tr-decode"}, "Trace instruction in decode stage. (only for pipelined core)"}); p.addOption({{"trace-execute", "tr-execute"}, "Trace instruction in execute stage. (only for pipelined core)"}); p.addOption({{"trace-memory", "tr-memory"}, "Trace instruction in memory stage. (only for pipelined core)"}); p.addOption({{"trace-writeback", "tr-writeback"}, "Trace instruction in write back stage. (only for pipelined core)"}); p.addOption({{"trace-pc", "tr-pc"}, "Print program counter register changes."}); p.addOption({{"trace-gp", "tr-gp"}, "Print general purpose register changes. You can use * for all registers.", "REG"}); p.addOption({{"trace-lo", "tr-lo"}, "Print LO register changes."}); p.addOption({{"trace-hi", "tr-hi"}, "Print HI register changes."}); p.addOption({{"dump-registers", "d-regs"}, "Dump registers state at program exit."}); p.addOption({"dump-cache-stats", "Dump cache statistics at program exit."}); p.addOption({"dump-range", "Dump memory range.", "START,LENGTH,FNAME"}); p.addOption({"load-range", "Load memory range.", "START,FNAME"}); p.addOption({"expect-fail", "Expect that program causes CPU trap and fail if it doesn't."}); p.addOption({"fail-match", "Program should exit with exactly this CPU TRAP. Possible values are I(unsupported Instruction), A(Unsupported ALU operation), O(Overflow/underflow) and J(Unaligned Jump). You can freely combine them. Using this implies expect-fail option.", "TRAP"}); p.addOption({"d-cache", "Data cache. Format policy,sets,words_in_blocks,associativity where policy is random/lru/lfu", "DCACHE"}); p.addOption({"i-cache", "Instruction cache. Format policy,sets,words_in_blocks,associativity where policy is random/lru/lfu", "ICACHE"}); p.addOption({"read-time", "Memory read access time (cycles).", "RTIME"}); p.addOption({"write-time", "Memory read access time (cycles).", "WTIME"}); p.addOption({"burst-time", "Memory read access time (cycles).", "BTIME"}); } void configure_cache(MachineConfigCache &cacheconf, QStringList cachearg, QString which) { if (cachearg.size() < 1) return; cacheconf.set_enabled(true); QStringList pieces = cachearg.at(cachearg.size() - 1).split(","); if (pieces.size() < 3) { std::cerr << "Parameters for " << which.toLocal8Bit().data() << " cache incorrect (correct lru,4,2,2,wb)." << std::endl; exit(1); } if (pieces.at(0).size() < 1) { std::cerr << "Policy for " << which.toLocal8Bit().data() << " cache is incorrect." << std::endl; exit(1); } if (!pieces.at(0).at(0).isDigit()) { if (pieces.at(0).toLower() == "random") cacheconf.set_replacement_policy(MachineConfigCache::RP_RAND); else if (pieces.at(0).toLower() == "lru") cacheconf.set_replacement_policy(MachineConfigCache::RP_LRU); else if (pieces.at(0).toLower() == "lfu") cacheconf.set_replacement_policy(MachineConfigCache::RP_LFU); else { std::cerr << "Policy for " << which.toLocal8Bit().data() << " cache is incorrect." << std::endl; exit(1); } pieces.removeFirst(); } if (pieces.size() < 3) { std::cerr << "Parameters for " << which.toLocal8Bit().data() << " cache incorrect (correct lru,4,2,2,wb)." << std::endl; exit(1); } cacheconf.set_sets(pieces.at(0).toLong()); cacheconf.set_blocks(pieces.at(1).toLong()); cacheconf.set_associativity(pieces.at(2).toLong()); if (cacheconf.sets() == 0 || cacheconf.blocks() == 0 || cacheconf.associativity() == 0) { std::cerr << "Parameters for " << which.toLocal8Bit().data() << " cache cannot have zero component." << std::endl; exit(1); } if (pieces.size() > 3) { if (pieces.at(3).toLower() == "wb") cacheconf.set_write_policy(MachineConfigCache::WP_BACK); else if (pieces.at(3).toLower() == "wt" || pieces.at(3).toLower() == "wtna") cacheconf.set_write_policy(MachineConfigCache::WP_TROUGH_NOALLOC); else if (pieces.at(3).toLower() == "wta") cacheconf.set_write_policy(MachineConfigCache::WP_TROUGH_ALLOC); else { std::cerr << "Write policy for " << which.toLocal8Bit().data() << " cache is incorrect (correct wb/wt/wtna/wta)." << std::endl; exit(1); } } } void configure_machine(QCommandLineParser &p, MachineConfig &cc) { QStringList pa = p.positionalArguments(); int siz; if (pa.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "Single ELF file has to be specified" << std::endl; exit(1); } cc.set_elf(pa[0]); cc.set_delay_slot(!p.isSet("no-delay-slot")); cc.set_pipelined(p.isSet("pipelined")); siz = p.values("read-time").size(); if (siz >= 1) cc.set_memory_access_time_read(p.values("read-time").at(siz - 1).toLong()); siz = p.values("write-time").size(); if (siz >= 1) cc.set_memory_access_time_write(p.values("write-time").at(siz - 1).toLong()); siz = p.values("burst-time").size(); if (siz >= 1) cc.set_memory_access_time_burst(p.values("burst-time").at(siz - 1).toLong()); configure_cache(*cc.access_cache_data(), p.values("d-cache"), "data"); configure_cache(*cc.access_cache_program(), p.values("i-cache"), "instruction"); } void configure_tracer(QCommandLineParser &p, Tracer &tr) { if (p.isSet("trace-fetch")) tr.fetch(); if (p.isSet("pipelined")) { // Following are added only if we have stages if (p.isSet("trace-decode")) tr.decode(); if (p.isSet("trace-execute")) tr.execute(); if (p.isSet("trace-memory")) tr.memory(); if (p.isSet("trace-writeback")) tr.writeback(); } if (p.isSet("trace-pc")) tr.reg_pc(); QStringList gps = p.values("trace-gp"); for (int i = 0; i < gps.size(); i++) { if (gps[i] == "*") { for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++) tr.reg_gp(y); } else { bool res; int num = gps[i].toInt(&res); if (res && num <= 32) { tr.reg_gp(num); } else { cout << "Unknown register number given for trace-gp: " << gps[i].toStdString() << endl; exit(1); } } } if (p.isSet("trace-lo")) tr.reg_lo(); if (p.isSet("trace-hi")) tr.reg_hi(); // TODO } void configure_reporter(QCommandLineParser &p, Reporter &r, const SymbolTable *symtab) { if (p.isSet("dump-registers")) r.regs(); if (p.isSet("dump-cache-stats")) r.cache_stats(); QStringList fail = p.values("fail-match"); for (int i = 0; i < fail.size(); i++) { for (int y = 0; y < fail[i].length(); y++) { enum Reporter::FailReason reason; switch (tolower(fail[i].toStdString()[y])) { case 'i': reason = Reporter::FR_I; break; case 'a': reason = Reporter::FR_A; break; case 'o': reason = Reporter::FR_O; break; case 'j': reason = Reporter::FR_J; break; default: cout << "Unknown fail condition: " << fail[i].toStdString()[y] << endl; exit(1); } r.expect_fail(reason); } } if (p.isSet("expect-fail") && !p.isSet("fail-match")) r.expect_fail(Reporter::FailAny); foreach (QString range_arg, p.values("dump-range")) { std::uint32_t start; std::uint32_t len; bool ok1 = true; bool ok2 = true; QString str; int comma1 = range_arg.indexOf(","); if (comma1 < 0) { cout << "Range start missing" << endl; exit(1); } int comma2 = range_arg.indexOf(",", comma1 + 1); if (comma2 < 0) { cout << "Range lengt/name missing" << endl; exit(1); } str = range_arg.mid(0, comma1); if (str.size() >= 1 && !str.at(0).isDigit() && symtab != nullptr) { ok1 = symtab->name_to_value(start, str); } else { start = str.toULong(&ok1, 0); } str = range_arg.mid(comma1 + 1, comma2 - comma1 - 1); if (str.size() >= 1 && !str.at(0).isDigit() && symtab != nullptr) { ok2 = symtab->name_to_value(len, str); } else { len = str.toULong(&ok2, 0); } if (!ok1 || !ok2) { cout << "Range start/length specification error." << endl; exit(1); } r.add_dump_range(start, len, range_arg.mid(comma2 + 1)); } // TODO } void load_ranges(QtMipsMachine &machine, const QStringList &ranges) { foreach (QString range_arg, ranges) { std::uint32_t start; bool ok = true; QString str; int comma1 = range_arg.indexOf(","); if (comma1 < 0) { cout << "Range start missing" << endl; exit(1); } str = range_arg.mid(0, comma1); if (str.size() >= 1 && !str.at(0).isDigit() && machine.symbol_table() != nullptr) { ok = machine.symbol_table()->name_to_value(start, str); } else { start = str.toULong(&ok, 0); } if (!ok) { cout << "Range start/length specification error." << endl; exit(1); } ifstream in; std::uint32_t val; std::uint32_t addr = start; in.open(range_arg.mid(comma1 + 1).toLocal8Bit().data(), ios::in); start = start & ~3; for (std::string line; getline(in, line); ) { size_t endpos = line.find_last_not_of(" \t\n"); size_t startpos = line.find_first_not_of(" \t\n"); size_t idx; if (std::string::npos == endpos) continue; line = line.substr(0, endpos + 1); line = line.substr(startpos); val = stoul(line, &idx, 0); if (idx != line.size()) { cout << "cannot parse load range data." << endl; exit(1); } machine.memory_rw()->write_word(addr, val); addr += 4; } in.close(); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); app.setApplicationName("qtmips_cli"); app.setApplicationVersion("0.1"); QCommandLineParser p; create_parser(p); p.process(app); MachineConfig cc; configure_machine(p, cc); QtMipsMachine machine(cc, true); Tracer tr(&machine); configure_tracer(p, tr); Reporter r(&app, &machine); configure_reporter(p, r, machine.symbol_table()); load_ranges(machine, p.values("load-range")); machine.play(); return app.exec(); }