Instructions ============ This is list of all MIPS1 instructions and their implementation status in QtMips. CPU Arithmetic Instruction -------------------------- * [ ] ADD * [ ] ADDI * [ ] ADDIU * [ ] ADDU * [ ] CLO * [ ] CLZ * [ ] DIV * [ ] DIVU * [ ] MADD * [ ] MADDU * [ ] MSUB * [ ] MSUBU * [ ] MUL * [ ] MULT * [ ] MULTU * [ ] SLT * [ ] SLTI * [ ] SLTIU * [ ] SLTU * [ ] SUB * [ ] SUBU CPU Branch and Jump Instructions -------------------------------- * [ ] B * [ ] BAL * [ ] BEQ * [ ] BGEZ * [ ] BGEZAL * [ ] BGTZ * [ ] BLEZ * [ ] BLTZ * [ ] BLTZAL * [ ] BNE * [ ] J * [ ] JAL * [ ] JALR * [ ] JR CPU Instruction Control Instruction ----------------------------------- * [ ] NOP * [ ] SSNOP CPU Load, Store and Memory Control Instructions ----------------------------------------------- * [ ] LB * [ ] LBU * [ ] LH * [ ] LHU * [ ] LL * [ ] LW * [ ] LWL * [ ] LWR * [ ] PREF * [ ] SB * [ ] SC * [ ] SD * [ ] SH * [ ] SW * [ ] SWL * [ ] SWR * [ ] SYNC CPU Logical Instructions ------------------------ * [ ] AND * [ ] ANDI * [ ] LUI * [ ] NOR * [ ] OR * [ ] ORI * [ ] XOR * [ ] XORI CPU Move Instruction -------------------- * [ ] MFHI * [ ] MFLO * [ ] MTHI * [ ] MTHO * [ ] MOVN * [ ] MOVZ * MOVF, MOVT won't be implemented as floating coprocessor won't be implemented CPU Shift Instructions ---------------------- * [ ] SLL * [ ] SLLV * [ ] SRA * [ ] SRAV * [ ] SRL * [ ] SRLV CPU Trap Instructions --------------------- Following instruction will be implemented but only as dummy ones as we are not implementing privileged instructions. They will all result to exception and core execution stop. * [ ] BREAK * [ ] TEQ * [ ] TEQI * [ ] TGE * [ ] TGEI * [ ] TGEIU * [ ] TGEU * [ ] TLT * [ ] TLTI * [ ] TLTIU * [ ] TLTU * [ ] TNE * [ ] TNEI * SYSCALL won't be implemented at all Obsolete CPU branch instructions -------------------------------- None of these instructions will be implemented as they are marked as obsolete and they shouldn't be used by compiler and the same way by programmers. FPU Instructions ---------------- No FPU instruction will be implemented as no FPU is planned to be implemented. Coprocessor Instructions ------------------------ None of these will be implemented as coprocessor 2 won't be implemented. Privileged instructions ----------------------- None of these will be implemented as privileged state won't be implemented. EJTAG Instructions ------------------ No instruction will be implemented as no ejtag support.