Medkit initial system configuration ----------------------------------- This package provides script that allows limited configuration of router after medkit is used. The idea is to allow users to preconfigure router in a way they can connect to it in secure manner over WiFi if needed. It is applied only with first boot on medkited router. It intentionally does not work with just factory reset, medkit reflash is required. ## Usage User places alongside medkit configuration file to flash drive. The name of file has to be in format `BOARD-medkit-config.json` where `BOARD` is name of board consistent with medkit prefix. ## Configuration file format Configuration file has to contain valid JSON. ### Example configuration ``` { "foris_password": "m4ZZMC9cpyu3xpbw", "system_password": "Wru4FU0TLw8avIVY", "wireless": { "ssid": "TurrisConfigWifi", "key": "tScqsSAr0DXEqUe0" } } ``` ### Foris Password Option `foris_password` can be used to configure password for Foris web interface and that way skip initial step in setup. This is suggested to be used as web interfaces allows anyone to set initial password. That makes router administration accessible by anyone. By setting password even before WiFi or/and Foris are started prevents access to just everyone. ### System Password Option `system_password` can be used to configure password for `root` account on router. This is password used by LuCI web interfaces as well as SSH. This is not essentially required on Turris, because in default root account is blocked for interactive login. This is included rather for convenience for cases when user wants to use SSH rather than Foris. ### Wireless AP configuration Option `wireless` has to be set to object with `ssid` and `key` fields. It configures first radio it can access on system to AP mode with provided SSID and key (password).