{ nixpkgs ? , nixlib ? nixpkgs.lib }: with builtins; with nixlib; let pkgs = nixpkgs // turrispkgs; callPackage = callPackageWith pkgs; turrispkgs = with pkgs; { # Crypto and certificates libatsha204 = callPackage ./libatsha204 { }; mox-otp = python3Packages.callPackage ./mox-otp { }; crypto-wrapper = callPackage ./crypto-wrapper { }; # Turris kernels with patches linux_turris_5_15 = callPackage "${nixpkgs.path}/pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-5.15.nix" { kernelPatches = map (p: { name = toString p; patch = ./patches-linux-5.15 + "/${p}"; }) ( attrNames (filterAttrs (n: v: v == "regular") ( readDir ./patches-linux-5.15))); }; # NOR Firmwares armTrustedFirmwareTurrisMox = buildArmTrustedFirmware rec { platform = "a3700"; extraMeta.platforms = ["aarch64-linux"]; extraMakeFlags = ["USE_COHERENT_MEM=0" "CM3_SYSTEM_RESET=1" "FIP_ALIGN=0x100"]; filesToInstall = ["build/${platform}/release/bl31.bin"]; }; ubootTurrisMox = buildUBoot { defconfig = "turris_mox_defconfig"; extraMeta.platforms = ["aarch64-linux"]; filesToInstall = ["u-boot.bin"]; extraPatches = [ ./patches/include-configs-turris_mox-increase-space-for-the-ke.patch ]; BL31 = "${armTrustedFirmwareTurrisMox}/bl31.bin"; }; ubootTurrisOmnia = buildUBoot { defconfig = "turris_omnia_defconfig"; extraMeta.platforms = ["armv7l-linux"]; filesToInstall = ["u-boot-spl.kwb"]; }; }; in turrispkgs