= NixOS rebuild remotely The suggested way to update NixOS on Turris is to build system on more powerful device and push only resulting build to the device. The reason for this are memory requirements for Nix itself. NixOS and its packages repository evaluation consumes a lot of memory and thus doing that on different PC is just faster. Prepare directory where you are going to be managing your Turris device(s) and paste this `flake.nix` file in it: [source,nix] ---- { description = "Turris system management flake"; inputs = { nixturris.url = "git+https://git.cynerd.cz/nixturris"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, nixturris }: with flake-utils.lib; { nixosConfigurations.turris = nixturris.lib.nixturrisSystem { nixpkgs = nixpkgs; board = "mox"; <1> modules = [ # Place for your modules ]; }; }; } ---- <1> Declares board type. Change to `omnia` if you are managing Turris Omnia. **TODO** describe here how to generate key, sign build and distribute it to the device. To update system before build run `nix flake update`.