= Initial router access after installation This describes how to access the router right after the initial NixOS installation. The WAN port has to be connected to the existing network to receive IP address. This has to be the same network the machine you are planning on using for connecting to the board is connected to. You have to get this IP somehow. One option is to use https://docs.turris.cz/hw/serial/[serial connection] to get it by logging in and entering command `ip addr`. Another option is scanning the local network or if you have access you can just look for `NixTurris` system in DHCP logs. Once you have IP address you should be able to login over SSH. The SSH allows loging to root user with password `nixturris`. Make sure you setup your own access route to the device before you do the initial rebuild as this setup is set only for the tarball boot and is removed with first boot. Feel free to paste the following to your initial configuration so you would not lost this default setting initialy: ---- users = { mutableUsers = false; users.root.password = mkDefault "nixturris"; }; services.openssh = { enable = true; passwordAuthentication = true; permitRootLogin = "yes"; }; ---- Make sure you change this as soon as possible as this is highly unsafe. Now you can follow to the first NixOS rebuild. There you have to decide if you prefer ./nixos-rebuild-remote.adoc[managing it remotely] or ./nixos-rebuild-onsite.adoc[managing it directly on the router]. The remote way is more complex to setup but much faster in the long run while rebuild on the router can be pretty much done immediately.