= NixOS for Turris routers documentation Please see general remarks about this project in the top level ../README.adoc[README file]. To start with NixOS on Turris please read install documentation for your specific board: * ./install-omnia.adoc[*Omnia installation*] * ./install-mox.adoc[*Mox installation*] The board specific instructions provide you with hopefully working installation of the NixOS on Turris OS. The following articles should give you more info on how to manage it: * ./initial-access.adoc[*Initial router access*] * ./nixos-rebuild-remote.adoc[*NixOS rebuild remotely and pushing changes*] * ./nixos-rebuild-onsite.adoc[*NixOS rebuild on the router*] * ./switch.adoc[*Switch setup*] * ./router.adoc[*Router setup*] * ./wifi-ap.adoc[*Wi-Fi Access Point*] Some additional topics: * ./qemu-build.adoc[*Cross build vs Qemu build*] * ./build-tarball.adoc[*Building system tarball*] * ./todo.adoc[*Things to be done and improved*]