{ config, lib, ... }: with lib; let cnf = config.cynerd.router; in { options = { cynerd.router = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = "Enable router support"; }; wan = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Interface for the router's WAN"; }; lanIP = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "LAN IP address"; }; dynIPStart = mkOption { type = types.ints.between 0 256; default = 100; description = "Offset for the dynamic IPv4 addresses"; }; dynIPCount = mkOption { type = types.ints.between 0 256; default = 100; description = "Number of dynamically assigned IPv4 addresses"; }; lanPrefix = mkOption { type = types.ints.between 0 32; default = 24; description = "LAN IP network prefix length"; }; }; }; config = mkIf cnf.enable { systemd.network = { netdevs = { "brlan".netdevConfig = { Kind = "bridge"; Name = "brlan"; }; "brguest".netdevConfig = { Kind = "bridge"; Name = "brguest"; }; }; networks = { "${cnf.wan}" = { matchConfig.Name = cnf.wan; networkConfig = { DHCP = "yes"; DHCPPrefixDelegation = "yes"; }; dhcpPrefixDelegationConfig = { UplinkInterface = ":self"; SubnetId = 0; Announce = "no"; }; linkConfig.RequiredForOnline = "routable"; }; "brlan" = { matchConfig.Name = "brlan"; networkConfig = { Address = "${cnf.lanIP}/${toString cnf.lanPrefix}"; IPForward = "yes"; DHCPServer = "yes"; DHCPPrefixDelegation = "yes"; IPv6SendRA = "yes"; IPv6AcceptRA = "no"; VLAN = ["brlan.brguest"]; }; dhcpServerConfig = { UplinkInterface = cnf.wan; PoolOffset = cnf.dynIPStart; PoolSize = cnf.dynIPCount; EmitDNS = "yes"; DNS = ""; }; dhcpPrefixDelegationConfig = { UplinkInterface = cnf.wan; SubnetId = 1; Announce = "yes"; }; }; "brguest" = { matchConfig.Name = "brguest"; networkConfig = { Address = ""; IPForward = "yes"; DHCPServer = "yes"; DHCPPrefixDelegation = "yes"; IPv6SendRA = "yes"; IPv6AcceptRA = "no"; }; dhcpServerConfig = { UplinkInterface = cnf.wan; PoolOffset = cnf.dynIPStart; PoolSize = cnf.dynIPCount; EmitDNS = "yes"; DNS = ""; }; dhcpPrefixDelegationConfig = { UplinkInterface = cnf.wan; SubnetId = 2; Announce = "yes"; }; }; }; wait-online.anyInterface = true; }; networking = { nftables.enable = true; firewall = { interfaces = { "brlan" = { allowedUDPPorts = [53 67 68]; allowedTCPPorts = [53]; }; "brguest" = { allowedUDPPorts = [53 67 68]; allowedTCPPorts = [53]; }; }; filterForward = true; extraForwardRules = '' iifname "brguest" oifname != "${cnf.wan}" drop comment "prevent guest to access lan" ''; }; nat = { enable = true; externalInterface = cnf.wan; internalInterfaces = ["brlan" "brguest"]; }; }; services.resolved = { enable = true; dnssec = "true"; fallbackDns = ["" ""]; }; #networking = { # interfaces = { # brlan.ipv4.addresses = [ # { # address = cnf.lanIP; # prefixLength = cnf.lanPrefix; # } # ]; # brguest.ipv4.addresses = [ # { # address = ""; # prefixLength = 24; # } # ]; # }; # vlans = { # "brlan.guest" = { # interface = "brlan"; # id = 100; # }; # }; # bridges = { # brlan.interfaces = []; # brguest.interfaces = ["brlan.guest"]; # }; # nat = { # enable = true; # externalInterface = cnf.wan; # internalInterfaces = ["brlan" "brguest"]; # }; # dhcpcd = { # allowInterfaces = [cnf.wan]; # extraConfig = '' # duid # noipv6rs # waitip 6 # interface ${cnf.wan} # ipv6rs # iaid 1 # ia_pd 1 brlan # #ia_pd 1/::/64 LAN/0/64 #toString ''; # }; #nameservers = ["" ""]; #}; #services = { # kea = { # dhcp4 = { # enable = true; # settings = { # lease-database = { # name = "/var/lib/kea/dhcp4.leases"; # persist = true; # type = "memfile"; # }; # valid-lifetime = 4000; # renew-timer = 1000; # rebind-timer = 2000; # interfaces-config = { # interfaces = ["brlan" "brguest"]; # service-sockets-max-retries = -1; # }; # option-data = [ # { # name = "domain-name-servers"; # data = ","; # } # ]; # subnet4 = [ # { # interface = "brlan"; # subnet = "${ipv4.prefix2ip cnf.lanIP cnf.lanPrefix}/${toString cnf.lanPrefix}"; # pools = let # ip_start = ipv4.ipAdd cnf.lanIP cnf.lanPrefix cnf.dynIPStart; # ip_end = ipv4.ipAdd cnf.lanIP cnf.lanPrefix (cnf.dynIPStart + cnf.dynIPCount); # in [{pool = "${ip_start} - ${ip_end}";}]; # option-data = [ # { # name = "routers"; # data = cnf.lanIP; # } # ]; # reservations = [ # { # duid = "e4:6f:13:f3:d5:be"; # ip-address = ipv4.ipAdd cnf.lanIP cnf.lanPrefix 60; # } # ]; # } # { # interface = "brguest"; # subnet = ""; # pools = [{pool = " -";}]; # "option-data" = [ # { # name = "routers"; # data = ""; # } # ]; # } # ]; # }; # }; # }; # radvd = { # enable = true; # config = '' # interface brlan { # AdvSendAdvert on; # MinRtrAdvInterval 3; # MaxRtrAdvInterval 10; # prefix ::/64 { # AdvOnLink on; # AdvAutonomous on; # AdvRouterAddr on; # }; # RDNSS 2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844 { # }; # }; # ''; # }; # kresd = {enable = false;}; #}; #systemd.services.kea-dhcp4-server.after = [ # "sys-subsystem-net-devices-brlan.device" # "sys-subsystem-net-devices-brguest.device" #]; }; }