nixpkgs: { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let in { options = { cynerd.develop = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; description = "If machine is about to be used for development."; }; }; config = mkIf config.cynerd.develop { cynerd.compile = true; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Tools tig gource hub github-cli # Git wlc # Weblate cloc openssl sterm # Nix nix-prefetch-git nix-prefetch-github nix-prefetch-scripts # C ccls bear check valgrind cppcheck flawfinder gdb lcov massif-visualizer # Shell dash # Posix shell bats shellcheck # Python python3 python3Packages.ipython twine python3Packages.pytest python3Packages.pytest-html #python3Packages.pytest-tap python3Packages.coverage python3Packages.python-lsp-black mypy pylint python3Packages.pydocstyle # Lua lua51Packages.luacheck # Ansible ansible # U-Boot ubootTools tftp-hpa # Network iperf2 iperf3 wireshark inetutils # Gtk glade # Containers lxc lxd docker # Barcode generation barcode # D-Bus dfeet # Bare metal openocd # Documentation man-pages man-pages-posix ]; = true; }; }