" Private Functions {{{1 " function! s:ParseRange(range, ...) {{{2 " range: A string representing range of cells. " - Can be row1:row2 for values in the current columns in those rows. " - Can be row1,col1:row2,col2 for range between row1,col1 till " row2,col2. function! s:ParseRange(range, ...) if a:0 < 1 let default_col = tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.') elseif a:0 < 2 let default_col = a:1 endif if type(a:range) != type('') let range = string(a:range) else let range = a:range endif let [rowcol1, rowcol2] = split(range, ':') let [rcs1, rcs2] = [map(split(rowcol1, ','), 'str2nr(v:val)'), map(split(rowcol2, ','), 'str2nr(v:val)')] if len(rcs1) == 2 let [row1, col1] = rcs1 else let [row1, col1] = [rcs1[0], default_col] endif if len(rcs2) == 2 let [row2, col2] = rcs2 else let [row2, col2] = [rcs2[0], default_col] endif return [row1, col1, row2, col2] endfunction " Public Functions {{{1 " function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells() - Function to get values of cells in a table {{{2 " tablemode#spreadsheet#GetCells(row) - Get values of all cells in a row as a List. " tablemode#spreadsheet#GetCells(0, col) - Get values of all cells in a column as a List. " tablemode#spreadsheet#GetCells(row, col) - Get the value of table cell by given row, col. function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells(line, ...) abort let line = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) if a:0 < 1 let [row, colm] = [line, 0] elseif a:0 < 2 let [row, colm] = [a:1, 0] elseif a:0 < 3 let [row, colm] = a:000 endif let first_row = tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRow(line) let last_row = tablemode#spreadsheet#GetLastRow(line) if row == 0 let values = [] let line = first_row while tablemode#table#IsTable(line) if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) let row_line = getline(line)[stridx(getline(line), g:table_mode_separator):strridx(getline(line), g:table_mode_separator)] call add(values, tablemode#utils#strip(get(split(row_line, g:table_mode_separator), colm>0?colm-1:colm, ''))) endif let line += 1 endwhile return values else let row_nr = 0 let row_diff = row > 0 ? 1 : -1 let line = row > 0 ? first_row : last_row while tablemode#table#IsTable(line) if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) let row_nr += row_diff if row ==# row_nr | break | endif endif let line += row_diff endwhile let row_line = getline(line)[stridx(getline(line), g:table_mode_separator):strridx(getline(line), g:table_mode_separator)] if colm == 0 return map(split(row_line, g:table_mode_separator), 'tablemode#utils#strip(v:val)') else let split_line = split(row_line, g:table_mode_separator) return tablemode#utils#strip(get(split(row_line, g:table_mode_separator), colm>0?colm-1:colm, '')) endif endif endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCell(...) "{{{2 if a:0 == 0 let [row, colm] = [tablemode#spreadsheet#RowNr('.'), tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.')] elseif a:0 == 2 let [row, colm] = [a:1, a:2] endif return tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells('.', row, colm) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetRow(row, ...) abort "{{{2 let line = a:0 ? a:1 : '.' return tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells(line, a:row) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetRowColumn(col, ...) abort "{{{2 let line = a:0 ? a:1 : '.' let row = tablemode#spreadsheet#RowNr('.') return tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells(line, row, a:col) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetColumn(col, ...) abort "{{{2 let line = a:0 ? a:1 : '.' return tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells(line, 0, a:col) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetColumnRow(row, ...) abort "{{{2 let line = a:0 ? a:1 : '.' let col = tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.') return tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells(line, a:row, col) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange(range, ...) abort "{{{2 if a:0 < 1 let [line, colm] = ['.', tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.')] elseif a:0 < 2 let [line, colm] = [a:1, tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.')] elseif a:0 < 3 let [line, colm] = [a:1, a:2] else call tablemode#utils#throw('Invalid Range') endif let values = [] if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) let [row1, col1, row2, col2] = s:ParseRange(a:range, colm) if row1 == row2 if col1 == col2 call add(values, tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCells(line, row1, col1)) else let values = tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetRow(row1, line)[(col1-1):(col2-1)] endif else if col1 == col2 let values = tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetColumn(col1, line)[(row1-1):(row2-1)] else let tcol = col1 while tcol <= col2 call add(values, tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetColumn(tcol, line)[(row1-1):(row2-1)]) let tcol += 1 endwhile endif endif endif return values endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#SetCell(val, ...) "{{{2 if a:0 == 0 let [line, row, colm] = ['.', tablemode#spreadsheet#RowNr('.'), tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.')] elseif a:0 == 2 let [line, row, colm] = ['.', a:1, a:2] elseif a:0 == 3 let [line, row, colm] = a:000 endif " Account for negative values to reference from relatively from the last if row < 0 | let row = tablemode#spreadsheet#RowCount(line) + row + 1 | endif if colm < 0 | let colm = tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnCount(line) + colm + 1 | endif if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) let line = tablemode#spreadsheet#LineNr(line, row) let line_val = getline(line) let cstartexpr = tablemode#table#StartCommentExpr() let values = split(getline(line)[stridx(line_val, g:table_mode_separator):strridx(line_val, g:table_mode_separator)], g:table_mode_separator) if len(values) < colm | return | endif let values[colm-1] = a:val let line_value = g:table_mode_separator . join(values, g:table_mode_separator) . g:table_mode_separator if tablemode#utils#strlen(cstartexpr) > 0 && line_val =~# cstartexpr let sce = matchstr(line_val, tablemode#table#StartCommentExpr()) let ece = matchstr(line_val, tablemode#table#EndCommentExpr()) let line_value = sce . line_value . ece endif call setline(line, line_value) call tablemode#table#Realign(line) endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#TextObject(inner) "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToStartOfCell() if a:inner normal! v call search('[^' . g:table_mode_separator . ']\ze\s*' . g:table_mode_separator) else execute 'normal! vf' . g:table_mode_separator . 'l' endif endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion(direction, ...) "{{{2 let l:count = a:0 ? a:1 : v:count1 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') for ii in range(l:count) if a:direction ==# 'l' if tablemode#spreadsheet#IsLastCell() if !tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') + 1) && (tablemode#table#IsBorder(line('.') + 1) && !tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') + 2)) return endif call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion('j', 1) normal! 0 endif " If line starts with g:table_mode_separator if getline('.')[col('.')-1] ==# g:table_mode_separator normal! 2l else execute 'normal! f' . g:table_mode_separator . '2l' endif elseif a:direction ==# 'h' if tablemode#spreadsheet#IsFirstCell() if !tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') - 1) && (tablemode#table#IsBorder(line('.') - 1) && !tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') - 2)) return endif call tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#Motion('k', 1) normal! $ endif " If line ends with g:table_mode_separator if getline('.')[col('.')-1] ==# g:table_mode_separator execute 'normal! F' . g:table_mode_separator . '2l' else execute 'normal! 2F' . g:table_mode_separator . '2l' endif elseif a:direction ==# 'j' if tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') + 1) " execute 'normal! ' . 1 . 'j' normal! j elseif tablemode#table#IsBorder(line('.') + 1) && tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') + 2) " execute 'normal! ' . 2 . 'j' normal! 2j endif elseif a:direction ==# 'k' if tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') - 1) " execute 'normal! ' . 1 . 'k' normal! k elseif tablemode#table#IsBorder(line('.') - 1) && tablemode#table#IsRow(line('.') - 2) " execute 'normal! ' . (1 + 1) . 'k' normal! 2k endif endif endfor endif endfunction " vim: sw=2 sts=2 fdl=0 fdm=marker