#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw/strftime/; my $click = $ENV{BLOCK_BUTTON} || 0; my $format = $ENV{BLOCK_INSTANCE} || $ENV{STRFTIME_FORMAT} || "%H:%M"; my $tz_file = shift || $ENV{TZ_FILE} || "$ENV{HOME}/.tz"; $tz_file = glob($tz_file); my $default_tz = get_default_tz(); my $tzones = $ENV{TZONES} || '$DEFAULT_TZ'; $tzones =~ s/\$DEFAULT_TZ/$default_tz/g; my @tz_list = split(/,/, $tzones); my @tz_labels = split(/,/, $ENV{TZ_LABELS} || ""); if (scalar(@tz_list) != scalar(@tz_labels)) { @tz_labels = @tz_list; } my $current_tz; if ($click == 1) { $current_tz = get_tz(); my %tzmap; $tzmap{""} = $tz_list[0]; my $prev = $tz_list[0]; foreach my $tz (@tz_list) { $tzmap{$prev} = $tz; $prev = $tz; } $tzmap{$prev} = $tz_list[0]; if (exists $tzmap{$current_tz}) { set_tz($tzmap{$current_tz}); $current_tz = $tzmap{$current_tz}; } } # How each timezone will be displayed in the bar. my %display_map; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@tz_list); $i++) { $display_map{$tz_list[$i]} = $tz_labels[$i]; } if (!defined $current_tz) { $current_tz = get_tz(); set_tz($current_tz); } $ENV{TZ} = $current_tz; my $tz_display = ""; if (!exists $display_map{$ENV{TZ}}) { $ENV{TZ} = $tz_list[0]; set_tz($tz_list[0]); } $tz_display = $display_map{$ENV{TZ}}; binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); my $time = strftime($format, localtime()); if ($tz_display eq "") { print "$time\n"; } else { print "$time ($tz_display)\n"; } sub get_tz { my $current_tz; if (-f $tz_file) { open my $fh, '<', $tz_file || die "Couldn't open file: $tz_file"; $current_tz = <$fh>; chomp $current_tz; close $fh; } return $current_tz || get_default_tz(); } sub set_tz { my $tz = shift; open my $fh, '>', $tz_file || die "Couldn't open file: $tz_file"; print $fh $tz; close $fh; } sub get_default_tz { my $tz = "Europe/London"; if (-f "/etc/timezone") { open my $fh, '<', "/etc/timezone" || die "Couldn't open file: /etc/timezone"; $tz = <$fh>; chomp $tz; close $fh; } elsif (-l "/etc/localtime") { $tz = readlink "/etc/localtime"; $tz = (split /zoneinfo\//, $tz)[-1]; } return $tz; }