# Configuration for Alacritty, the GPU enhanced terminal emulator. env: # This is to support dircolors. For now dircolors does not support alacritty. TERM: xterm-256color window: gtk_theme_variant: dark scrolling: history: 10000 multiplier: 3 font: size: 8 colors: primary: background: '#2e3440' foreground: '#d8dee9' dim_foreground: '#a5abb6' cursor: text: '#2e3440' cursor: '#d8dee9' vi_mode_cursor: text: '#2e3440' cursor: '#d8dee9' selection: text: CellForeground background: '#4c566a' search: matches: foreground: CellBackground background: '#88c0d0' bar: background: '#434c5e' foreground: '#d8dee9' normal: black: '#3b4252' red: '#bf616a' green: '#a3be8c' yellow: '#ebcb8b' blue: '#81a1c1' magenta: '#b48ead' cyan: '#88c0d0' white: '#e5e9f0' bright: black: '#4c566a' red: '#bf616a' green: '#a3be8c' yellow: '#ebcb8b' blue: '#81a1c1' magenta: '#b48ead' cyan: '#8fbcbb' white: '#eceff4' dim: black: '#373e4d' red: '#94545d' green: '#809575' yellow: '#b29e75' blue: '#68809a' magenta: '#8c738c' cyan: '#6d96a5' white: '#aeb3bb' key_bindings: - { key: Return, mods: Control|Shift, action: SpawnNewInstance }