path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets')
1 files changed, 705 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..015af4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/processing.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+# doc
+snippet doc
+ /**
+ * ${1:Description}
+ *
+ * @author ${2:name}
+ * @since ${3:`strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")`}
+ */
+ ${0}
+# doc comment
+snippet docc
+ /**
+ * ${1:@private}$0
+ */
+ ${0}
+# class
+snippet class
+ ${1:public }class ${2:`fnamemodify(bufname("%"),":t:r")`} ${3:extends}
+ {
+ //--------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------------
+ public $2 (${4:arguments}) {
+ ${0:// expression}
+ }
+ }
+# package
+snippet package
+ /**
+ * ${1:Description}
+ *
+ * @author ${2:$TM_FULLNAME}
+ * @since ${3:`strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")`}
+ */
+ package ${0:package};
+# function
+snippet fun
+ ${1:void/private/protected/public}${2: static} ${3:name}(${4}) {
+ ${5://if not void return null;}
+ }
+ ${0}
+snippet fn
+ ${1:void }${2:name}(${3}) {
+ ${4://if not void return null;}
+ }
+ ${0}
+# constant
+snippet const
+ static final ${1:Object} ${2:VAR_NAM} = ${0};
+# var
+snippet var
+ ${1:private/public }${2:static }${3:String} ${4:str}${5: =}${0:value};
+# var objects
+snippet obj
+ ${1:private/public }${2:Object} ${3:o}${4: = new }$2(${0});
+#loop for
+snippet for
+ for (int ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:Things}.length; $2${3:++}) {
+ ${0:$1[$2]}
+ };
+#loop while
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet break
+ break ${1:label};
+snippet case
+ case ${1:expression} :
+ ${0}
+ break;
+snippet default
+ default :
+ ${1}
+ break;
+snippet switch
+ switch(${1:expression}) {
+ case '${3:case}':
+ ${4}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+ default:
+ ${2}
+ }
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ }
+#try catch finally
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${0}
+ } catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) {
+ } finally {
+ }
+snippet throw
+ throw new ("${1:Exception()}");
+snippet ?
+ ? ${1:trueExpression} : ${2:falseExpression}
+ ${0}
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {${0}}
+# if ... else
+snippet ife
+ if (${1:true}) {${2}}
+ else{${0}}
+snippet get
+ public ${1:String} get${2}() {
+ return ${0:fieldName};
+ }
+snippet set
+ public void set${1}(${0:String} new${1}) {
+ ${1:fieldName} = new${1};
+ }
+snippet println
+ println("${1:`fnamemodify(bufname("%"),":t:r")`}::${2:method}() "${3: +} ${0});
+#println string
+snippet pr
+ println("${0}");
+#setup draw
+snippet setup
+ void setup(){
+ ${1}
+ }
+ void draw(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+#setup OPENGL
+snippet opengl
+ import processing.opengl.*;
+ import javax.media.opengl.*;
+ PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;
+ GL gl;
+ void setup(){
+ size( ${1:300}, ${2:300}, OPENGL );
+ colorMode( RGB, 1.0 );
+ pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;
+ gl = pgl.gl;
+ gl.setSwapInterval(1);
+ initGL();
+ ${3}
+ }
+ void draw(){
+ pgl.beginGL();
+ ${4}
+ pgl.endGL();
+ getOpenGLErrors();
+ }
+ void initGL(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+ void getOpenGLErrors(){
+ int error = gl.glGetError();
+ switch (error){
+ case 1280 :
+ println("GL_INVALID_ENUM - An invalid enumerant was passed to an OpenGL command.");
+ break;
+ case 1282 :
+ println("GL_INVALID_OPERATION - An OpenGL command was issued that was invalid or inappropriate for the current state.");
+ break;
+ case 1281 :
+ println("GL_INVALID_VALUE - A value was passed to OpenGL that was outside the allowed range.");
+ break;
+ case 1285 :
+ println("GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY - OpenGL was unable to allocate enough memory to process a command.");
+ break;
+ case 1283 :
+ println("GL_STACK_OVERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to overflow.");
+ break;
+ case 1284 :
+ println("GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW - A command caused an OpenGL stack to underflow.");
+ break;
+ case 32817 :
+ println("GL_TABLE_TOO_LARGE");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#GL Functions
+snippet gl begin gl
+ pgl.beginGL();
+ ${0}
+ pgl.endGL();
+snippet gl gl swap interval
+ // specify the minimum swap interval for buffer swaps.
+ gl.setSwapInterval(${0:interval});
+snippet gl gl call list
+ // execute a display list
+ gl.glCallList(${0:list});
+snippet gl gl gen buffers
+ // import java.nio.IntBuffer;
+ // import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
+ // import com.sun.opengl.util.BufferUtil;
+ // You might need to create four buffers to store vertext data, normal data, texture coordinate data, and indices in vertex arrays
+ IntBuffer bufferObjects = IntBuffer.allocate(${1:4});
+ gl.glGenBuffers($1, bufferObjects);
+ int vertexCount = ${2:3};
+ int numCoordinates = ${0:3};
+ // vertexCount * numCoordinates
+ FloatBuffer vertices = BufferUtil.newFloatBuffer(vertexCount * numCoordinates);
+ float[] v = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
+ 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f};
+ vertices.put(v);
+ // Bind the first buffer object ID for use with vertext array data
+ gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufferObjects.get(0));
+ gl.glBufferData(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexCount * numCoordinates * BufferUtil.SIZEOF_FLOAT, vertices, GL.GL_STATIC_DRAW);
+snippet gl gl bind buffer
+ ${0:// A buffer ID of zero unbinds a buffer object}
+ gl.glBindBuffer(GL.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, ${1:0});
+snippet gl gl delete buffers
+ ${0:// Parameters are the same for glGenBuffers}
+ gl.glDeleteBuffers(${1:4}, ${2:bufferObjects});
+snippet gl gl depth mask
+ // enable or disable writing into the depth buffer
+ gl.glDepthMask(${0:flag});
+snippet gl gl load identity
+ // replaces the top of the active matrix stack with the identity matrix
+ gl.glLoadIdentity();
+snippet gl gl tex coord 2f
+ // set the current texture coordinates - 2 floats
+ gl.glTexCoord2f(${1:0.0f}, ${0:0.0f});
+snippet gl gl vertex 2f
+ gl.glVertex2f(${1:0.0f}, ${0:0.0f});
+snippet gl gl vertex 3f
+ gl.glVertex3f(${1:0.0f}, ${2:0.0f}, ${0:0.0f});
+snippet gl gl translate f
+ // multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix
+ gl.glTranslatef(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet gl gl rotate f
+ // rotate, x-axis, y-axis, z-axiz
+ gl.glRotatef(${1:angle}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet gl gl scale f
+ // multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix
+ gl.glScalef(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet gl gl color 4f
+ gl.glColor4f(${1:red}, ${2:green}, ${3:blue}, ${0:alpha});
+snippet gl gl clear color
+ gl.glClearColor(${1:red}, ${2:green}, ${3:blue}, ${0:alpha});
+snippet gl gl color 3f
+ gl.glColor3f(${1:red}, ${2:green}, ${0:blue});
+snippet gl gl push matrix
+ // spush and pop the current matrix stack
+ gl.glPushMatrix();
+ ${0}
+ gl.glPopMatrix();
+snippet gl gl gen lists
+ gl.glGenLists(${0:1})
+snippet gl gl flush
+ // Empties buffers. Call this when all previous issues commands completed
+ gl.glFlush();
+ ${0}
+snippet gl gl get error
+ println(gl.glGetError());
+snippet gl gl clear
+ gl.glClear(${1:GL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT}${2: | }${0:GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT});
+#frame operations
+snippet frameRate
+ frameRate(${1:30});
+ ${0}
+snippet saveFrame
+ saveFrame("${1:filename-####}${0:.ext}");
+snippet size normal
+ size(${1:200}, ${2:200}${0:, P3D});
+snippet size opengl
+ size(${1:200}, ${2:200}${0:, OPENGL});
+snippet color
+ color ${1:c}${2: = color(}${3:value1, }${4:value2, }${0:value3)};
+snippet char
+ char ${1:m}${2: = "}${0:char"};
+snippet float
+ float ${1:f}${2: = }${0:0.0f};
+snippet int
+ int ${1:f}${2: = }${0:0};
+snippet boolean
+ boolean ${1:b}${2: = }${0:true};
+snippet byte
+ byte ${1:b}${2: = }${0:127};
+snippet string
+ String ${1:str}${2: = "}${0:CCCP"};
+snippet array
+ ${1:int}[] ${2:numbers}${3: = new $1}[${0:length}];
+snippet object
+ ${1:Object} ${2:o}${3: = new $1}(${0});
+snippet curve
+ curve(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${4:y2}, ${5:x3}, ${6:y3}, ${7:x4}, ${0:y4});
+snippet curve 3D
+ curve(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${6:z2}, ${7:x3}, ${8:y3}, ${9:z3}, ${10:x4}, ${11:y4}, ${0:z4});
+snippet curveDetail
+ curveDetail(${0:detail});
+snippet curvePoint
+ curvePoint(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${4:d}, ${0:t});
+snippet curveTightness
+ curveTightness(${0:squishy});
+snippet bezier
+ bezier(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:cx1}, ${4:cy1}, ${5:cx2}, ${6:cy2}, ${7:x2}, ${0:y2});
+snippet bezier 3D
+ bezier(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:cx1}, ${5:cy1}, ${6:cz1}, ${7:cx2}, ${8:cy2}, ${9:cz2}, ${10:x2}, ${11:y2}, ${0:z2});
+snippet bezierDetail
+ bezierDetail(${0:detail});
+snippet bezierTangent
+ bezierTangent(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${4:d}, ${0:t});
+snippet bezierPoint
+ bezierPoint(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:c}, ${4:d}, ${0:t});
+snippet vertex
+ vertex(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${4:u}${5:, }${0:v});
+snippet vertex 3D
+ vertex(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:z}${4:, }${5:u}${6:, }${0:v});
+snippet bezierVertex
+ bezierVertex(${1:cx1}, ${2:cy1}, ${3:cx2}, ${4:cy2}, ${5:x}, ${0:y});
+snippet bezierVertex 3D
+ bezierVertex(${1:cx1}, ${2:cy1}, ${3:cz1}, ${4:cx2}, ${5:cy2}, ${6:cz2}, ${7:x}, ${8:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet curveVertex
+ curveVertex(${1:x}, ${0:y});
+snippet curveVertex 3D
+ curveVertex(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet stroke
+ stroke(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet strokeWeight
+ strokeWeight(${0:1});
+snippet mouseDragged
+ void mouseDragged(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mouseMoved
+ void mouseMoved(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mouseReleased
+ void mouseReleased(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet mousePressed
+ void mousePressed(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet keyReleased
+ void keyReleased(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet keyTyped
+ void keyTyped(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet keyPressed
+ void keyPressed(){
+ ${0}
+ }
+snippet loadStrings
+ loadStrings("${0:filename}");
+snippet saveStrings
+ saveStrings(${1:filename}, ${0:strings});
+snippet loadBytes
+ loadBytes("${0:filename}");
+snippet beginRecord
+ beginRecord(${1:renderer}, ${0:filename});
+snippet saveBytes
+ saveBytes(${1:filename}, ${0:bytes});
+snippet createWriter
+ createWriter(${0:filename});
+snippet createReader
+ createReader(${0:filename});
+snippet pushMatrix
+ pushMatrix();
+ ${0:};
+ popMatrix();
+snippet text data
+ text(${1:data}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}${4:, }${0:z});
+snippet text stringdata
+ text(${1:stringdata}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}, ${4:width}, ${5:height}${6:, }${0:z});
+snippet textSize
+ textSize(${0:size});
+snippet textLeading
+ textLeading(${0:size});
+snippet textWidth
+ textWidth(${0:data});
+snippet font
+ PFont ${1:font};
+ $1 = loadFont("${0:FFScala-32.vlw}");
+#load font
+snippet loadFont
+ ${1:font} = loadFont("${0:FFScala-32.vlw}");
+snippet textFont
+ textFont(${1:font}${2:, }${0:size});
+snippet tan
+ tan(${0:rad});
+snippet atan
+ atan(${0:rad});
+snippet atan2
+ atan2(${0:rad});
+snippet sin
+ sin(${0:rad});
+snippet asin
+ asin(${0:rad});
+snippet cos
+ cos(${0:rad});
+snippet acos
+ acos(${0:rad});
+snippet degrees
+ degrees(${0:rad});
+snippet radians
+ radians(${0:deg});
+snippet randomSseed
+ randomSeed(${0:value});
+snippet random
+ random(${1:value1}${2:, }${0:value2});
+snippet pow
+ pow(${1:num}, ${0:exponent});
+snippet floor
+ floor(${0:value});
+snippet sqrt
+ sqrt(${0:value});
+snippet abs
+ abs(${0:value});
+snippet sq
+ sq(${0:value});
+snippet ceil
+ ceil(${0:value});
+snippet exp
+ exp(${0:value});
+snippet round
+ round(${0:value}};
+snippet min
+ min(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}${3:, }${0:value3});
+snippet max
+ max(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}${3:, }${0:value3});
+snippet max array
+ max(${0:array});
+snippet min array
+ min(${0:array});
+snippet log
+ log(${0:value});
+snippet map
+ map(${1:value}, ${2:low1}, ${4:high1}, ${5:low2}, ${0:high2});
+snippet norm
+ norm(${1:value}, ${2:low}, ${0:high});
+snippet constrain
+ constrain(${1:value}, ${2:min}, ${0:max});
+snippet mag
+ mag(${1:a}, ${2:b}${3:, }${0:c});
+snippet dist
+ dist(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${4:x2}, ${0:y2});
+snippet dist 3D
+ dist(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${0:z2});
+#noise math
+snippet noise
+ noise(${1:x}${2:, }${3:y}${4:, }${0:z});
+snippet noiseDetail
+ noiseDetail(${1:octaves}${2:, }${0:falloff});
+snippet noiseSeed
+ noiseSeed(${0:x});
+snippet shininess
+ shininess(${0:shine});
+snippet specular
+ specular(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet ambient
+ ambient(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${0:value3});
+snippet emissive
+ emissive(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${0:value3});
+snippet diretionalLight
+ directionalLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}, ${4:nx}, ${5:ny}, ${0:nz});
+snippet pointLight
+ pointLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}, ${4:nx}, ${5:ny}, ${0:nz});
+snippet lightFalloff
+ lightFalloff(${1:constant}, ${2:linear}, ${0:quadratic});
+snippet normal
+ normal(${1:nx}, ${2:ny}, ${0:nz});
+snippet lightSpecular
+ lightSpecular(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${0:v3});
+snippet ambientLight
+ ambientLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}${7:, ${4:x}, ${5:y}, ${0:z}});
+snippet spotLight
+ spotLight(${1:v1}, ${2:v2}, ${3:v3}, ${4:x}, ${5:y}, ${6:z}, ${7:nx}, ${8:ny}, ${9:nz}, ${10:angle}, ${0:concentration});
+snippet camera
+ camera(${1:eyeX}, ${2:eyeY}, ${3:eyeZ}, ${4:centerX}, ${5:centerY}, ${6:centerZ}, ${7:upX}, ${8:upY}, ${0:upZ});
+snippet ortho
+ ortho(${1:left}, ${2:right}, ${3:bottom}, ${4:top}, ${5:near}, ${0:far});
+snippet perspective
+ perspective(${1:fov}, ${2:aspect}, ${3:zNear}, ${0:zFar});
+snippet frustrum
+ frustrum(${1:left}, ${2:right}, ${3:bottom}, ${4:top}, ${5:near}, ${0:far});
+snippet rotate
+ rotate${1:X}(${0:angle});
+snippet translate
+ translate(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${0:z});
+snippet scale size
+ scale(${0:size});
+snippet scale
+ scale(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${0:z});
+snippet coord
+ ${1:model/screen}${2:X}(${3:x}, ${4:y}, ${0:z});
+snippet brightness
+ brightness(${0:color});
+snippet lerpColor
+ lerpColor(${1:c1}, ${2:c2}, ${0:amt});
+snippet saturation
+ saturation(${0:color});
+snippet hue
+ hue(${0:color});
+snippet alpha
+ alpha(${0:color});
+snippet tint
+ tint(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet set pixel
+ set(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${0:color/image});
+snippet pixels
+ pixels[${0:index}]
+snippet get pixel
+ get(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${4:width}${5:, }${0:height});
+#geometric figures
+snippet triangle
+ triangle(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${4:y2}, ${5:x3}, ${0:y3});
+snippet line
+ line(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${0:y2});
+snippet line 3D
+ line(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:z1}, ${4:x2}, ${5:y2}, ${0:z2});
+snippet arc
+ arc(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${4:height}, ${5:start}, ${0:stop});
+snippet point
+ point(${1:x}, ${2:y}${3:, }${0:z});
+snippet quad
+ quad(${1:x1}, ${2:y1}, ${3:x2}, ${4:y2}, ${5:x3}, ${6:y3}, ${7:x4}, ${0:y4});
+snippet ellipse
+ ellipse(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${0:height});
+snippet rect
+ rect(${1:x}, ${2:y}, ${3:width}, ${0:height});
+snippet box
+ box(${1:width}, ${2:height}, ${0:depth});
+snippet sphere
+ sphere(${0:radius});
+snippet sphereDetails
+ sphereDetail(${0:n});
+#array operations
+snippet split
+ split("${1:str}"${2: , }${0:delimiter});
+snippet splitTokens
+ splitTokens(${1:str}${2:, }${0:tokens});
+snippet join
+ join(${1:strgArray}${2: , }${0:seperator});
+snippet shorten
+ shorten(${0:array});
+snippet concat
+ concat(${1:array1}, ${0:array2});
+snippet subset
+ subset(${1:array}, ${0:offset});
+snippet append
+ append(${1:array}, ${0:element});
+snippet reverse
+ reverse(${0:array});
+snippet splice
+ splice(${1:array}, ${2:value/array2}, ${0:index});
+snippet sort
+ sort(${1:dataArray}${2:, }${0:count});
+snippet expand
+ expand(${1:array}${2:, }${0:newSize});
+snippet arrayCopy
+ arrayCopy(${1:src}, ${2:dest}, ${3:, }${0:length});
+#string operations
+snippet str
+ str("${0:str}");
+snippet match
+ match(${1:str}, ${0:regexp});
+snippet trim
+ trim(${0:str});
+snippet nf
+ nf(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});
+snippet nfs
+ nfs(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});
+snippet nfp
+ nfp(${2:value}, ${3:left}${4:, }${0:right});
+snippet nfc
+ nfc(${1:value}${2:, }${0:right});
+snippet unbinary
+ unbinary("${0:str}"});
+snippet hexadecimal
+ hex(${0:c});
+snippet unhex
+ unhex(${0:c});
+snippet binary
+ binary(${1:value}${2:, }${0:digits});
+#image operations
+snippet loadImage
+ loadImage(${0:filename});
+snippet image
+ image(${1:img}, ${2:x}, ${3:y}${4:, }${5:width}${6:, }${0:height});
+snippet copy
+ copy(${1:srcImg}${2:, }${3:x}, ${4:y}, ${5:width}, ${6:height}, ${7:dx}, ${8:dy}, ${9:dwidth}, ${0:dheight});
+snippet bg
+ background(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet pg
+ PGraphics pg;
+ pg = createGraphics(${1:width}, ${2:height}${3:, }${0:applet});
+snippet pimage
+ PImage(${1:width}, ${0:height});
+snippet fill
+ fill(${1:value1}, ${2:value2}, ${3:value3}${4:, }${0:alpha});
+snippet red
+ red(${0:color});
+snippet green
+ green(${0:color});
+snippet blue
+ blue(${0:color});
+snippet status
+ status(${0:text});
+snippet param
+ param(${0:s});
+snippet link
+ link(${1:url}${2:, }${0:target});
+snippet @
+ @${1:param/return/private/public} ${1:parameter} ${0:description}