path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d054f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/snippets/javascript/javascript.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+# Functions
+# prototype
+snippet proto
+ ${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} = function(${3}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# Function
+snippet fun
+ function ${1:function_name}(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Anonymous Function
+snippet f "" w
+ function(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Anonymous Function assigned to variable
+snippet vaf
+ var ${1:function_name} = function(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# Function assigned to variable
+snippet vf
+ var ${1:function_name} = function $1(${2}) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+# Immediate function
+snippet (f
+ (function(${1}) {
+ ${0}
+ }(${2}));
+# self-defining function
+snippet sdf
+ var ${1:function_name} = function (${2:argument}) {
+ ${3}
+ $1 = function ($2) {
+ ${0}
+ };
+ };
+# Flow control
+# if
+snippet if
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# if ... else
+snippet ife
+ if (${1:true}) {
+ ${2}
+ } else {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# tertiary conditional
+snippet ter
+ ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:/* if true */} : ${0:/* if false */}
+# switch
+snippet switch
+ switch (${1:expression}) {
+ case '${3:case}':
+ ${4}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+ default:
+ ${2}
+ }
+# case
+snippet case
+ case '${1:case}':
+ ${2}
+ break;
+ ${0}
+# try
+snippet try
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:/* handle error */}
+ }
+# try finally
+snippet tryf
+ try {
+ ${1}
+ } catch (${2:e}) {
+ ${0:/* handle error */}
+ } finally {
+ ${3:/* be executed regardless of the try / catch result*/}
+ }
+# throw Error
+snippet terr
+ throw new Error('${1:error message}')
+# return
+snippet ret
+ return ${0:result};
+# Loops
+# for loop
+snippet for
+ for (var ${2:i} = 0, l = ${1:arr}.length; $2 < l; $2++) {
+ var ${3:v} = $1[$2];${0:}
+ }
+# Reversed for loop
+snippet forr
+ for (var ${2:i} = ${1:arr}.length - 1; $2 >= 0; $2--) {
+ var ${3:v} = $1[$2];${0:}
+ }
+# While loop
+snippet wh
+ while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+ ${0}
+ }
+# Do while loop
+snippet do
+ do {
+ ${0}
+ } while (${1:/* condition */});
+# For in loop
+snippet fori
+ for (var ${1:prop} in ${2:object}) {
+ ${0:$2[$1]}
+ }
+# Objects
+# Object Method
+snippet :f
+ ${1:method_name}: function (${2:attribute}) {
+ ${3}
+ },
+# hasOwnProperty
+snippet has
+ hasOwnProperty(${0})
+# singleton
+snippet sing
+ function ${1:Singleton} (${2:argument}) {
+ // the cached instance
+ var instance;
+ // rewrite the constructor
+ $1 = function $1($2) {
+ return instance;
+ };
+ // carry over the prototype properties
+ $1.prototype = this;
+ // the instance
+ instance = new $1();
+ // reset the constructor pointer
+ instance.constructor = $1;
+ ${0}
+ return instance;
+ }
+# Crockford's object function
+snippet obj
+ function object(o) {
+ function F() {}
+ F.prototype = o;
+ return new F();
+ }
+# Define multiple properties
+snippet props
+ var ${1:my_object} = Object.defineProperties(
+ ${2:new Object()},
+ {
+ ${3:property} : {
+ get : function $1_$3_getter() {
+ // getter code
+ },
+ set : function $1_$3_setter(value) {
+ // setter code
+ },
+ value : ${4:value},
+ writeable : ${5:boolean},
+ enumerable : ${6:boolean},
+ configurable : ${0:boolean}
+ }
+ }
+ );
+# Define single property
+snippet prop
+ Object.defineProperty(
+ ${1:object},
+ '${2:property}',
+ {
+ get : function $1_$2_getter() {
+ // getter code
+ },
+ set : function $1_$2_setter(value) {
+ // setter code
+ },
+ value : ${3:value},
+ writeable : ${4:boolean},
+ enumerable : ${5:boolean},
+ configurable : ${0:boolean}
+ }
+ );
+# Documentation
+# docstring
+snippet /**
+ /**
+ * ${0:description}
+ *
+ */
+snippet @par
+ @param {${1:type}} ${2:name} ${0:description}
+snippet @ret
+ @return {${1:type}} ${0:description}
+# JSON.parse
+snippet jsonp
+ JSON.parse(${0:jstr});
+# JSON.stringify
+snippet jsons
+ JSON.stringify(${0:object});
+# DOM selectors
+# Get elements
+snippet get
+ getElementsBy${1:TagName}('${0}')
+# Get element
+snippet gett
+ getElementBy${1:Id}('${0}')
+# Elements by class
+snippet by.
+ ${1:document}.getElementsByClassName('${0:class}')
+# Element by ID
+snippet by#
+ ${1:document}.getElementById('${0:element ID}')
+# Query selector
+snippet qs
+ ${1:document}.querySelector('${0:CSS selector}')
+# Query selector all
+snippet qsa
+ ${1:document}.querySelectorAll('${0:CSS selector}')
+# Debugging
+snippet de
+ debugger;
+# console.log
+snippet cl
+ console.log(${0});
+# console.debug
+snippet cd
+ console.debug(${0});
+# console.error
+snippet ce
+ console.error(${0});
+# console.trace
+snippet ct
+ console.trace(${0:label});
+# console.time
+snippet ctime
+ console.time(${0:label});
+# console.assert
+snippet ca
+ console.assert(${1:expression}, ${0:obj});
+# console.dir
+snippet cdir
+ console.dir(${0:obj});
+# Misc
+# 'use strict';
+snippet us
+ 'use strict';
+# setTimeout function
+snippet timeout
+ setTimeout(function () {${0}}${2}, ${1:10});