path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45e41fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/objc.snippets
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+priority -50
+# TextMate Snippets #
+snippet imp "#import (imp)" b
+#import "${1:`!p snip.rv = re.sub(r'\..*$', '.h', fn)`}"
+snippet Imp "#import <> (Imp)"
+#import <${1:Cocoa/Cocoa.h}>
+snippet cl "020 Class (objc)"
+@interface ${1:`!p
+if len(fn):
+ snip.rv = re.sub(r'\..*$', '', fn)
+ snip.rv = "object"
+`} : ${2:NSObject}
+@implementation $1
+- (id)init
+ if((self = [super init]))
+ {$0
+ }
+ return self;
+snippet array "NSArray (array)"
+NSMutableArray *${1:array} = [NSMutableArray array];
+snippet dict "NSDictionary (dict)"
+NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
+snippet forarray "for NSArray loop (forarray)"
+unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
+for(unsigned int index = 0; index < $1Count; index += 1)
+ ${3:id} $1 = [$2 objectAtIndex:index];
+ $0
+snippet objacc "Object Accessors (objacc)"
+- (${1:id})${2:thing}
+ return $2;
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue
+ $0${1/( \*)?$/(?1:$1: )/}old${2/./\u$0/} = $2;
+ $2 = [aValue retain];
+ [old${2/./\u$0/} release];
+snippet sel "@selector"
+snippet cdacc "CoreData Accessors Implementation"
+- (${1:id})${2:attribute}
+ [self willAccessValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ $1 value = [self primitiveValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ [self didAccessValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ return value;
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue
+ [self willChangeValueForKey:@"$2"];
+ [self setPrimitiveValue:aValue forKey:@"$2"];
+ [self didChangeValueForKey:@"$2"];
+snippet delegate "Delegate Responds to Selector"
+if([${1:[self delegate]} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:selfDidSomething:})])
+ [$1 ${3:${2/((^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_]*:)\s*)|(:\s*$)|(:\s*))/(?2:$2self :\:<>)(?4::)(?5: :)/g}}];
+snippet thread "Detach New NSThread"
+[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(${1:method}:) toTarget:${2:aTarget} withObject:${3:anArgument}]
+snippet ibo "IBOutlet (ibo)"
+IBOutlet ${1:NSSomeClass} *${2:${1/^[A-Z](?:[A-Z]+|[a-z]+)([A-Z]\w*)/\l$1/}};
+snippet I "Initialize Implementation (I)"
++ (void)initialize
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ $0@"value", @"key",
+ nil]];
+snippet bind "Key:value binding (bind)"
+bind:@"${1:binding}" toObject:${2:observableController} withKeyPath:@"${3:keyPath}" options:${4:nil}
+snippet arracc "LoD array (arracc)"
+- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject
+ [${3:${1/./\l$0/}} addObject:anObject];
+- (void)insertObject:($2)anObject in$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
+ [$3 insertObject:anObject atIndex:i];
+- ($2)objectIn$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
+ return [$3 objectAtIndex:i];
+- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn$1:($2)anObject
+ return [$3 indexOfObject:anObject];
+- (void)removeObjectFrom$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i
+ [$3 removeObjectAtIndex:i];
+- (unsigned int)countOf$1
+ return [$3 count];
+- (NSArray *${1/./\l$0/}
+ return $3;
+- (void)set$1:(NSArray *)new$1
+ [$3 setArray:new$1];
+snippet arracc "LoD array interface (arracc)"
+- (void)addObjectTo${1:Things}:(${2:id})anObject;
+- (void)insertObject:($2)anObject in$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
+- ($2)objectIn$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
+- (unsigned int)indexOfObjectIn$1:($2)anObject;
+- (void)removeObjectFrom$1AtIndex:(unsigned int)i;
+- (unsigned int)countOf$1;
+- (NSArray *)${1/./\l$0/};
+- (void)set$1:(NSArray *)new$1;
+snippet focus "Lock Focus"
+[self lockFocus];
+[self unlockFocus];
+snippet pool "NSAutoreleasePool (pool)"
+NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [NSAutoreleasePool new];
+[pool drain];
+snippet log "NSLog (log) 2"
+NSLog(@"$1"${1/[^%]*(%)?.*/(?1:, :\);)/}$2${1/[^%]*(%)?.*/(?1:\);)/}
+snippet alert "NSRunAlertPanel (alert)"
+int choice = NSRunAlertPanel(@"${1:Something important!}", @"${2:Something important just happend, and now I need to ask you, do you want to continue?}", @"${3:Continue}", @"${4:Cancel}", nil);
+if(choice == NSAlertDefaultReturn) // "$3"
+ $0;
+else if(choice == NSAlertAlternateReturn) // "$4"
+ $0
+snippet format "NSString stringWithFormat (format)"
+[NSString stringWithFormat:@"$1", $2]$0
+snippet objacc "Object Accessors Interface (objacc)"
+- (${1:id})${2:thing};
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)aValue;
+snippet prop "Property"
+@property (${1/^(e)$|.*/(?1:r)/}${1:r}${1/^(?:(r)|(e)|(c)|(a))$|.*/(?1:etain)(?2:adonly)(?3:opy)(?4:ssign)/}) ${2:NSSomeClass}$ *${3:${2/^[A-Z](?:[A-Z]+|[a-z]+)([A-Z]\w*)/\l$1/}};
+snippet getprefs "Read from defaults (getprefs)"
+[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:${1:key}];
+snippet obs "Register for Notification"
+[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:${1:self} selector:@selector(${3:${2/^([A-Z]{2})?(.+?)(Notification)?$/\l$2/}}:) name:${2:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification} object:${4:nil}];
+snippet responds "Responds to Selector"
+if ([${1:self} respondsToSelector:@selector(${2:someSelector:})])
+ [$1 ${3:${2/((:\s*$)|(:\s*))/:<>(?3: )/g}}];
+snippet gsave "Save and Restore Graphics Context (gsave)"
+[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
+[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
+snippet acc "Scalar Accessors (acc)"
+- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing}
+ return ${3:$2};
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:(${1:unsigned int})new${2/./\u$0/}
+ $3 = new${2/./\u$0/};
+snippet acc "Scalar Accessors Interface (acc)"
+- (${1:unsigned int})${2:thing};
+- (void)set${2/./\u$0/}:($1)new${2/./\u$0/};
+snippet stracc "String Accessors (stracc)"
+- (NSString *)${1:thing}
+ return ${2:$1};
+- (void)set${1/.*/\u$0/}:(NSString *)/})${3:a${1/.*/\u$0/}}
+ $3 = [$3 copy];
+ [$2 release];
+ $2 = $3;
+snippet syn "Synthesize"
+@synthesize ${1:property};
+snippet setprefs "Write to defaults (setprefs)"
+[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:${1:object} forKey:${2:key}];
+# vim:ft=snippets: