path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 15d7e5ec26ec93adee4051b6359be90a943aa38
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets b/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e286e5..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/all.snippets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# This file contains snippets that are always defined. I personally
-# have snippets for signatures and often needed texts
-# sligthly lower priority than everything else since specialized versions
-# should overwrite. The user needs to adjust her priority in her snippets to
-# ~-55 so that other filetypes will still overwrite.
-priority -60
-global !p
-from vimsnippets import foldmarker, make_box, get_comment_format
-snippet box "A nice box with the current comment symbol" b
-box = make_box(len(t[1]))
-snip.rv = box[0]
-snip += box[1]
-box = make_box(len(t[1]))
-snip.rv = box[2]
-snip += box[3]`
-snippet bbox "A nice box over the full width" b
-if not snip.c:
- width = int(vim.eval("&textwidth - (virtcol('.') == 1 ? 0 : virtcol('.'))")) or 71
-box = make_box(len(t[1]), width)
-snip.rv = box[0]
-snip += box[1]
-box = make_box(len(t[1]), width)
-snip.rv = box[2]
-snip += box[3]`
-snippet fold "Insert a vim fold marker" b
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${1:Fold description} `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[0]`${2:1} `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-snippet foldc "Insert a vim fold close marker" b
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${2:1}`!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[1]` `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-snippet foldp "Insert a vim fold marker pair" b
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` ${1:Fold description} `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[0]` `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-`!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[0]` `!p snip.rv = foldmarker()[1]` $1 `!p snip.rv = get_comment_format()[2]`
-snippet lorem "Lorem Ipsum - 50 Words" b
-Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod
-tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At
-vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren,
-no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
-# See advice on `:help 'tabstop'` for why these values are set. Uses second
-# modeline form ('set') to work in languages with comment terminators
-# (/* like C */).
-snippet modeline "Vim modeline"
-vim`!v ':set '. (&expandtab ? printf('et sw=%i ts=%i', &sw, &ts) : printf('noet sts=%i sw=%i ts=%i', &sts, &sw, &ts)) . (&tw ? ' tw='. &tw : '') . ':'`
-# vim:ft=snippets: