path: root/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t')
3 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c3ab0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/jumping.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+function! Setup(snip) abort
+ return snipMate#expandSnip(join(a:snip, "\n"), 1)
+function! s:to_be_file(expected) abort
+ return a:expected == getline(1,'$')
+function! s:to_be_in(item, list) abort
+ return !empty(filter(copy(a:list), 'v:val is a:item'))
+call vspec#customize_matcher('to_be_file', function('s:to_be_file'))
+call vspec#customize_matcher('to_be_in', function('s:to_be_in'))
+describe 'snippet state'
+ before
+ enew
+ let b:snip_state = snipmate#jumping#state()
+ end
+ after
+ bwipeout!
+ end
+ describe '.remove()'
+ it 'removes the state object'
+ Expect exists('b:snip_state') to_be_true
+ call b:snip_state.remove()
+ Expect exists('b:snip_state') to_be_false
+ end
+ it 'removes snippet related autocommands'
+ function! ReadAutocmds()
+ redir => autocmds
+ 0verbose au snipmate_changes * <buffer>
+ redir END
+ return split(autocmds, "\n")
+ endfunction
+ aug snipmate_changes
+ au CursorMoved,CursorMovedI <buffer> echo 'event'
+ aug END
+ Expect len(ReadAutocmds()) > 1
+ call b:snip_state.remove()
+ Expect len(ReadAutocmds()) == 1
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.find_next_stop()'
+ it 'increments/decrements the stop_no'
+ let b:snip_state.stops = { 1 : {}, 2 : {} }
+ let b:snip_state.stop_no = 1
+ let b:snip_state.stop_count = 4
+ call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(0)
+ Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 2
+ call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(1)
+ Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 1
+ end
+ it 'continues iterating if the next/previous stop does not exist'
+ let b:snip_state.stops = { 3 : {} }
+ let b:snip_state.stop_count = 6
+ let b:snip_state.stop_no = 1
+ call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(0)
+ Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 3
+ let b:snip_state.stop_no = 5
+ call b:snip_state.find_next_stop(1)
+ Expect b:snip_state.stop_no == 3
+ end
+ it 'does something at the ends'
+ "
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.remove_nested()'
+ it 'removes nested mirrors and only nested mirrors'
+ let mirror = { 'line' : 0 }
+ let b:snip_state.stops = { 1 : { 'placeholder' : [[2, mirror]] },
+ \ 2 : { 'mirrors' : [mirror, {}] } }
+ call b:snip_state.remove_nested(1)
+ Expect len(b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors) == 1
+ Expect b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors[0] isnot mirror
+ end
+ it 'removes nested stops'
+ let stop = [2, 'abc']
+ let b:snip_state.stops = { 1 : { 'placeholder' : [stop] },
+ \ 2 : { 'placeholder' : stop[1:1] } }
+ call b:snip_state.remove_nested(1)
+ Expect len(b:snip_state.stops) == 1
+ Expect keys(b:snip_state.stops) == ['1']
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.find_update_objects()'
+ it 'finds mirrors/stops on the same line and after cur_stop'
+ let b:snip_state.stops = {
+ \ 1 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 5,
+ \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] },
+ \ 2 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7 }] }
+ \ }
+ let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1]
+ call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop)
+ for obj in stop.update_objects
+ Expect obj to_be_in [ b:snip_state.stops[2],
+ \ b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors[0] ]
+ endfor
+ end
+ it 'finds mirrors/stops on the same line and after cur_stop mirrors'
+ let b:snip_state.stops = {
+ \ 1 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 5,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 5 }],
+ \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] },
+ \ 2 : { 'line' : 2, 'col' : 7,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 7 }] }
+ \ }
+ let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1]
+ call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop)
+ for obj in stop.update_objects
+ Expect obj to_be_in [ b:snip_state.stops[2],
+ \ b:snip_state.stops[2].mirrors[0] ]
+ endfor
+ end
+ it 'ignores mirrors/stops on other lines'
+ let b:snip_state.stops = {
+ \ 1 : { 'line' : 2, 'col' : 5,
+ \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] },
+ \ 2 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 1, 'col' : 7 }] },
+ \ 3 : { 'line' : 3, 'col' : 7,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 3, 'col' : 7 }] }
+ \ }
+ let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1]
+ call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop)
+ Expect empty(stop.update_objects) to_be_true
+ end
+ it 'ignores mirrors/stops on the same line but before cur_stop/mirrors'
+ let b:snip_state.stops = {
+ \ 1 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 5,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 5 }],
+ \ 'placeholder' : ['x'] },
+ \ 2 : { 'line' : 1, 'col' : 1,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 2, 'col' : 1 }] },
+ \ 3 : { 'line' : 2, 'col' : 3,
+ \ 'mirrors' : [{ 'line' : 1, 'col' : 3 }] },
+ \ }
+ let stop = b:snip_state.stops[1]
+ call b:snip_state.find_update_objects(stop)
+ Expect empty(stop.update_objects) to_be_true
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5cf873
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/parser.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+describe 'snippet parser'
+ before
+ function! Parse(snippet, ...)
+ let [snip, stops] = snipmate#parse#snippet(a:snippet, (a:0 ? a:1 : 1))
+ return (a:0 > 1 && a:2) ? [snip, stops] : snip
+ endfunction
+ let b:snipmate_visual = 'testvisual'
+ end
+ it 'parses numeric $id and ${id} vars as [id] lists'
+ let expect = [[[1234567890]]]
+ Expect Parse('$1234567890') == expect
+ Expect Parse('${1234567890}') == expect
+ end
+ it 'disregards $ or ${ followed by a non-id'
+ Expect Parse('$x1') == [['x1']]
+ Expect Parse('${x}1') == [['x}1']]
+ Expect Parse('$VISUA1') == [['VISUA1']]
+ Expect Parse('${VISUA}1') == [['VISUA}1']]
+ end
+ it 'gathers references to each instance of each stop id'
+ let [snip, b:stops] = Parse('x$1x${2:x$1x}x$1x${1/a/b}x$VISUALx', 1, 1)
+ function! InstanceFound(list)
+ return !empty(filter(copy(b:stops[a:list[0]].instances),
+ \ 'v:val is a:list'))
+ endfunction
+ function! CheckList(list)
+ for item in a:list
+ if type(item) == type([])
+ Expect InstanceFound(item) to_be_true
+ call CheckList(item)
+ endif
+ unlet item " E732
+ endfor
+ endfunction
+ call CheckList(snip[0])
+ end
+ it 'parses mirror substitutions ${n/pat/sub} as [n, {...}]'
+ let expect = [[[1, { 'pat' : 'abc', 'sub' : 'def' }]]]
+ Expect Parse('${1/abc/def}') == expect
+ let expect[0][0][1].flags = ''
+ Expect Parse('${1/abc/def/}') == expect
+ let expect[0][0][1].flags = 'g'
+ Expect Parse('${1/abc/def/g}') == expect
+ end
+ it 'reads patterns literally except for "\/"'
+ Expect Parse('${1/\a\/b/\c\/d\}}') == [[[1, { 'pat' : '\a/b', 'sub' : '\c/d}' }]]]
+ end
+ it 'parses vars with placeholders as [id, placeholder] lists'
+ Expect Parse('${1:abc}') == [[[1, 'abc']]]
+ end
+ it 'evaluates backtick expressions'
+ Expect Parse('`fnamemodify("x.y", ":r")`') == [['x']]
+ end
+ it 'parses placeholders for vars and other specials'
+ let text = 'a `fnamemodify("x.y", ":r")` ${2:(${3/a/b})}'
+ let expect = ['a x ', [2, '(', [3, { 'pat' : 'a', 'sub' : 'b' }], ')']]
+ Expect Parse(text) == [expect]
+ Expect Parse(printf('${1:%s}', text)) == [[[1] + expect]]
+ end
+ it 'converts tabs according to &et, &sts, &sw, &ts'
+ " &noet -> leave tabs alone
+ setl noet
+ Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == [["abc\tdef"], ["\t\tghi"]]
+ " &et -> &sts or &sw
+ setl et sts=2 sw=3
+ Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == [["abc def"], [" ghi"]]
+ setl et sts=0 sw=3
+ Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == [["abc def"], [" ghi"]]
+ setl et sts=-1 sw=3
+ Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == [["abc def"], [" ghi"]]
+ " See #227
+ if exists('*shiftwidth')
+ setl et sts=0 sw=0 ts=3
+ Expect Parse("abc\tdef\n\t\tghi") == [["abc def"], [" ghi"]]
+ endif
+ end
+ it 'parses backslashes as escaping the next character or joining lines'
+ Expect Parse('x\x') == [['xx']]
+ Expect Parse('x\\x') == [['x\x']]
+ Expect Parse("x\\\nx") == [['xx']]
+ Expect Parse('x\$1') == [['x$1']]
+ Expect Parse('${1:\}}') == [[[1, '}']]]
+ Expect Parse('`fnamemodify("\`.x", ":r")`') == [['`']]
+ Expect Parse('\`x\`') == [['`x`']]
+ end
+ it 'splits text at newlines'
+ Expect Parse("x\nx") == [['x'], ['x']]
+ end
+ it 'joins evaluated expressions to surrounding text on the same line'
+ let g:foo = 'bar'
+ Expect Parse("x`g:foo`x") == [['xbarx']]
+ Expect Parse("x`g:foo`\nx") == [['xbar'], ['x']]
+ Expect Parse("x\n`g:foo`x") == [['x'], ['barx']]
+ end
+ it 'expands $VISUAL placeholders with any indents'
+ Expect Parse("x$VISUALx") == [['xtestvisualx']]
+ let b:snipmate_visual = " foo\nbar\n baz"
+ setl noet
+ Expect Parse("\tx\n\t$VISUAL\nx") == [["\tx"], ["\t foo"], ["\tbar"],
+ \ ["\t baz"], ["x"]]
+ end
+ it 'determines which var with an id is the stop'
+ let [snip, stops] = Parse("$1$1$1", 0, 1)
+ Expect snip == [[[1, "", stops[1]], [1, {}], [1, {}]]]
+ let [snip, stops] = Parse("$1${1}$1", 0, 1)
+ Expect snip == [[[1, "", stops[1]], [1, {}], [1, {}]]]
+ let [snip, stops] = Parse("$1${1:}$1", 0, 1)
+ Expect snip == [[[1, {}], [1, "", stops[1]], [1, {}]]]
+ end
+ it 'picks the first of many possible stops'
+ let [snip, stops] = Parse("$1${1:foo}${1:bar}", 0, 1)
+ Expect snip == [[[1, {}], [1, "foo", stops[1]], [1, {}]]]
+ end
+ it 'represents empty lines as an empty string'
+ Expect Parse("foo\n\nbar") == [['foo'], [''], ['bar']]
+ end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/tests.sh b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/tests.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1da250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/vim-snipmate/t/tests.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+tmp="$(mktemp || tmpfile)"
+vim -Es $tmp <<- EOF
+ source ~/.vimrc
+ %delete _
+ call append(0, split(&rtp, ','))
+ delete _
+ wq
+rtp="$(grep -iE 'vspec|snipmate|tlib|mw-utils' < $tmp | grep -v after)"
+vspec="$(grep -iE 'vspec' < $tmp | grep -v after)"
+test_files="${*:-parser jumping}"
+for test in $test_files; do
+ $vspec/bin/vspec $rtp ${test%%.vim}.vim
+rm $tmp