path: root/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..148620a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/qfl.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
+" @Website: https://github.com/tomtom
+" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
+" @Last Change: 2015-12-06
+" @Revision: 60
+" :nodoc:
+TLet g:tlib#qfl#world = {
+ \ 'type': 'mi',
+ \ 'query': 'Select entry',
+ \ 'pick_last_item': 0,
+ \ 'resize_vertical': 0,
+ \ 'resize': 20,
+ \ 'scratch': '__TLibQFL__',
+ \ 'tlib_UseInputListScratch': 'call tlib#qfl#InitListBuffer(world)',
+ \ 'key_handlers': [
+ \ {'key': 5, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected', 'key_name': '<c-e>', 'help': 'Run a command on selected lines'},
+ \ {'key': 16, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentPreviewQFE', 'key_name': '<c-p>', 'help': 'Preview'},
+ \ {'key': 60, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE', 'key_name': '<', 'help': 'Jump (don''t close the list)'},
+ \ {'key': 19, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentSplitBuffer', 'key_name': '<c-s>', 'help': 'Show in split buffer'},
+ \ {'key': 20, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentTabBuffer', 'key_name': '<c-t>', 'help': 'Show in tab'},
+ \ {'key': 22, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentVSplitBuffer', 'key_name': '<c-v>', 'help': 'Show in vsplit buffer'},
+ \ {'key': 12, 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentEditLine', 'key_name': '<c-l>', 'help': 'Edit selected line(s)'},
+ \ {'key': "\<c-insert>", 'agent': 'tlib#qfl#SetFollowCursor', 'key_name': '<c-ins>', 'help': 'Toggle trace cursor'},
+ \ ],
+ \ 'return_agent': 'tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE',
+ \ }
+function! tlib#qfl#FormatQFLE(qfe) dict abort "{{{3
+ let filename = tlib#qfl#QfeFilename(a:qfe)
+ if get(self, 'qfl_short_filename', '')
+ let filename = pathshorten(filename)
+ endif
+ return printf("%s|%d| %s", filename, a:qfe.lnum, get(a:qfe, "text"))
+function! tlib#qfl#QfeFilename(qfe) abort "{{{3
+ let filename = get(a:qfe, 'filename')
+ if empty(filename)
+ let filename = bufname(get(a:qfe, 'bufnr'))
+ endif
+ return filename
+function! tlib#qfl#InitListBuffer(world) "{{{3
+ let set_syntax = get(a:world, 'set_syntax', 'tlib#qfl#SetSyntax')
+ call call(set_syntax, [], a:world)
+ if has('balloon_eval')
+ setlocal ballooneval balloonexpr=tlib#qfl#Balloon()
+ endif
+function! tlib#qfl#SetSyntax() dict abort "{{{3
+ let syntax = get(self, 'qfl_list_syntax', '')
+ let nextgroup = get(self, 'qfl_list_syntax_nextgroup', '')
+ " TLogVAR syntax, nextgroup
+ if !empty(syntax)
+ exec printf('runtime syntax/%s.vim', syntax)
+ endif
+ syn match TTagedFilesFilename /\%(\f\+\| \)\+\ze|\d\+| / nextgroup=TTagedFilesLNum
+ if !empty(nextgroup)
+ exec 'syn match TTagedFilesLNum /|\d\+|\s\+/ nextgroup='. nextgroup
+ else
+ syn match TTagedFilesLNum /|\d\+|/
+ endif
+ hi def link TTagedFilesFilename Directory
+ hi def link TTagedFilesLNum LineNr
+function! tlib#qfl#Balloon() "{{{3
+ let world = getbufvar(v:beval_bufnr, 'tlibDisplayListWorld')
+ let current = max([1, world.offset]) + v:beval_lnum - 1
+ if current > len(world.table)
+ let current = len(world.table)
+ endif
+ let baseidx = world.GetBaseIdx0(current)
+ " TLogVAR world.offset, v:beval_lnum, current, baseidx
+ let item = world.data[baseidx]
+ let bufnr = get(item, 'bufnr', 0)
+ let bufname = get(item, 'filename', '')
+ if bufnr == 0 && !empty(bufname)
+ let bufnr = bufnr(bufname)
+ endif
+ if empty(bufname) && bufnr > 0
+ let bufname = bufname(bufnr)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR item
+ if bufnr == 0
+ return ''
+ else
+ let lines = [printf("%d#%d: %s", bufnr, item.lnum, bufname)]
+ if has('balloon_multiline')
+ let desc = {'nr': 'Error number', 'type': 'Error type', 'text': ''}
+ for key in ['nr', 'type', 'text']
+ if has_key(item, key) && !empty(item[key])
+ let keydesc = get(desc, key, key)
+ if empty(keydesc)
+ let text = item[key]
+ else
+ let text = printf("%s: %s", key, item[key])
+ endif
+ call add(lines, text)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return join(lines, "\n")
+ endif
+ " v:beval_bufnr number of the buffer in which balloon is going to show
+ " v:beval_winnr number of the window
+ " v:beval_lnum line number
+ " v:beval_col column number (byte index)
+ " v:beval_text word under or after the mouse pointer
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(world, selected, ...) "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['cmd_edit', ''], ['cmd_buffer', '']
+ " TVarArg ['cmd_edit', 'edit'], ['cmd_buffer', 'buffer']
+ " TLogVAR a:selected
+ if empty(a:selected)
+ call a:world.RestoreOrigin()
+ " call a:world.ResetSelected()
+ else
+ call a:world.RestoreOrigin()
+ for idx in a:selected
+ let idx -= 1
+ " TLogVAR idx
+ if idx >= 0
+ " TLogVAR a:world.data
+ " call tlog#Debug(string(map(copy(a:world.data), 'v:val.bufnr')))
+ " TLogVAR idx, a:world.data[idx]
+ let qfe = a:world.data[idx]
+ " let back = a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ " TLogVAR cmd_edit, cmd_buffer, qfe
+ let fn = tlib#qfl#QfeFilename(qfe)
+ " TLogVAR cmd_edit, cmd_buffer, fn
+ if empty(cmd_edit) && empty(cmd_buffer)
+ if tlib#file#Edit(fn)
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(qfe.lnum)
+ endif
+ else
+ call tlib#file#With(cmd_edit, cmd_buffer, [fn], a:world)
+ " TLogDBG bufname('%')
+ " TLogVAR &filetype
+ call tlib#buffer#ViewLine(qfe.lnum)
+ " call a:world.SetOrigin()
+ " exec back
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentPreviewQFE(world, selected) "{{{3
+ " TLogVAR a:selected
+ let back = a:world.SwitchWindow('win')
+ call tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected[0:0])
+ exec back
+ redraw
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE(world, selected) "{{{3
+ let world = a:world
+ if !empty(a:selected)
+ let world = tlib#agent#Suspend(world, a:selected)
+ call tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(world, a:selected[0:0])
+ endif
+ return world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected(world, selected, ...) "{{{3
+ let cmd = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : input('Ex command: ', '', 'command')
+ let world = a:world
+ if !empty(cmd)
+ let world = tlib#qfl#RunCmdOnSelected(world, a:selected, cmd)
+ else
+ let world.state = 'redisplay'
+ endif
+ return world
+function! tlib#qfl#RunCmdOnSelected(world, selected, cmd, ...) "{{{3
+ let close_scratch = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 1
+ if close_scratch
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR a:cmd
+ for entry in a:selected
+ " TLogVAR entry, a:world.GetBaseItem(entry)
+ call tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, [entry])
+ " TLogDBG bufname('%')
+ exec a:cmd
+ " let item = a:world.data[a:world.GetBaseIdx(entry - 1)]
+ " <+TODO+>
+ let item = a:world.data[entry - 1]
+ " TLogVAR entry, item, getline('.')
+ if has_key(a:world, 'GetBufferLines')
+ let lines = a:world.GetBufferLines('.', '.')
+ else
+ let lines = getline('.', '.')
+ endif
+ let item['text'] = tlib#string#Strip(lines[0])
+ endfor
+ if has_key(a:world, 'AfterRunCmd')
+ if bufnr('%') == a:world.bufnr
+ call a:world.AfterRunCmd()
+ else
+ " <+TODO+> Run in other buffer
+ endif
+ endif
+ " call s:FormatBase(a:world)
+ call a:world.RestoreOrigin()
+ let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentSplitBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ return tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected, 'split', 'sbuffer')
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentTabBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ return tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected, 'tabedit', 'tab sbuffer')
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentVSplitBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ return tlib#qfl#AgentEditQFE(a:world, a:selected, 'vertical split', 'vertical sbuffer')
+" function! tlib#qfl#AgentOpenBuffer(world, selected) "{{{3
+" endf
+function! tlib#qfl#AgentEditLine(world, selected) "{{{3
+ call a:world.CloseScratch()
+ let cmd = 'call tlib#qfl#EditLine(".")'
+ return tlib#qfl#RunCmdOnSelected(a:world, a:selected, cmd)
+ let a:world.state = 'reset'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#EditLine(lnum) "{{{3
+ call inputsave()
+ let line = input('', getline(a:lnum))
+ call inputrestore()
+ if !empty(line)
+ call setline(line(a:lnum), line)
+ endif
+function! tlib#qfl#SetFollowCursor(world, selected) "{{{3
+ if empty(a:world.follow_cursor)
+ let a:world.follow_cursor = 'tlib#qfl#AgentPreviewQFE'
+ else
+ let a:world.follow_cursor = ''
+ endif
+ let a:world.state = 'redisplay'
+ return a:world
+function! tlib#qfl#QflList(list, ...) abort "{{{3
+ TVarArg ['world_dict', {}], ['anyway', 0], ['suspended', 0]
+ Tlibtrace 'tlib', world_dict, anyway, suspended
+ " TLogVAR a:list, world_dict, anyway, suspended
+ if !anyway && empty(a:list)
+ return
+ endif
+ let world = copy(g:tlib#qfl#world)
+ if !empty(world_dict)
+ let world = tlib#eval#Extend(world, world_dict)
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world
+ let world = tlib#World#New(world)
+ " echom "DBG world" string(sort(keys(world)))
+ let world.data = copy(a:list)
+ if !has_key(world, 'format_data')
+ let world.format_data = 'tlib#qfl#FormatQFLE'
+ endif
+ " TLogVAR world
+ " TLogVAR world.data
+ " call s:FormatBase(world)
+ " TLogVAR world.base
+ return tlib#input#ListW(world, suspended ? 'hibernate' : '')
+function! tlib#qfl#Browse(...) abort "{{{3
+ let list = getqflist()
+ return call(function('tlib#qfl#QflList'), [list] + a:000)