path: root/vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:11:56 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:11:56 +0200
commit9931e0888b2419326ae10ebbfae532261c5c125f (patch)
tree7504be5daccbb7b7d1ea396754de47b11ed790e5 /vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
parente573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (diff)
Fix submodules
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 196 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter b/vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter
new file mode 160000
+Subproject b5f23e986747a6f4b1dc1196d2a5bd3dc7c8c2b
diff --git a/vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim b/vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 78e725f..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter/autoload/gitgutter/async.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-let s:jobs = {}
-" Nvim has always supported async commands.
-" Vim introduced async in 7.4.1826.
-" gVim didn't support aync until 7.4.1850 (though I haven't been able to
-" verify this myself).
-" MacVim-GUI didn't support async until 7.4.1832 (actually commit
-" 88f4fe0 but 7.4.1832 was the first subsequent patch release).
-let s:available = has('nvim') || (
- \ (has('patch-7-4-1826') && !has('gui_running')) ||
- \ (has('patch-7-4-1850') && has('gui_running')) ||
- \ (has('patch-7-4-1832') && has('gui_macvim'))
- \ )
-function! gitgutter#async#available()
- return s:available
-function! gitgutter#async#execute(cmd) abort
- let bufnr = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
- if has('nvim')
- if has('unix')
- let command = ["/bin/sh", "-c", a:cmd]
- elseif has('win32')
- let command = ["cmd.exe", "/c", a:cmd]
- else
- throw 'unknown os'
- endif
- " Make the job use a shell while avoiding (un)quoting problems.
- let job_id = jobstart(command, {
- \ 'buffer': bufnr,
- \ 'on_stdout': function('gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim'),
- \ 'on_stderr': function('gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim'),
- \ 'on_exit': function('gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim')
- \ })
- call gitgutter#debug#log('[nvim job: '.job_id.', buffer: '.bufnr.'] '.a:cmd)
- if job_id < 1
- throw 'diff failed'
- endif
- " Note that when `cmd` doesn't produce any output, i.e. the diff is empty,
- " the `stdout` event is not fired on the job handler. Therefore we keep
- " track of the jobs ourselves so we can spot empty diffs.
- call s:job_started(job_id)
- else
- " Make the job use a shell.
- "
- " Pass a handler for stdout but not for stderr so that errors are
- " ignored (and thus signs are not updated; this assumes that an error
- " only occurs when a file is not tracked by git).
- if has('unix')
- let command = ["/bin/sh", "-c", a:cmd]
- elseif has('win32')
- " Help docs recommend {command} be a string on Windows. But I think
- " they also say that will run the command directly, which I believe would
- " mean the redirection and pipe stuff wouldn't work.
- " let command = "cmd.exe /c ".a:cmd
- let command = ["cmd.exe", "/c", a:cmd]
- else
- throw 'unknown os'
- endif
- let job = job_start(command, {
- \ 'out_cb': 'gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim',
- \ 'close_cb': 'gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim_close'
- \ })
- call gitgutter#debug#log('[vim job: '.string(job_info(job)).', buffer: '.bufnr.'] '.a:cmd)
- call s:job_started(s:channel_id(job_getchannel(job)), bufnr)
- endif
-function! gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_nvim(job_id, data, event) abort
- call gitgutter#debug#log('job_id: '.a:job_id.', event: '.a:event.', buffer: '.self.buffer)
- let current_buffer = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
- call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(self.buffer)
- if a:event == 'stdout'
- " a:data is a list
- call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
- call gitgutter#handle_diff(gitgutter#utility#stringify(a:data))
- elseif a:event == 'exit'
- " If the exit event is triggered without a preceding stdout event,
- " the diff was empty.
- if s:is_job_started(a:job_id)
- call gitgutter#handle_diff("")
- call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
- endif
- else " a:event is stderr
- call gitgutter#hunk#reset()
- call s:job_finished(a:job_id)
- endif
- call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(current_buffer)
-" Channel is in NL mode.
-function! gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim(channel, line) abort
- call gitgutter#debug#log('channel: '.a:channel.', line: '.a:line)
- call s:accumulate_job_output(s:channel_id(a:channel), a:line)
-function! gitgutter#async#handle_diff_job_vim_close(channel) abort
- call gitgutter#debug#log('channel: '.a:channel)
- let channel_id = s:channel_id(a:channel)
- let current_buffer = gitgutter#utility#bufnr()
- call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(s:job_buffer(channel_id))
- call gitgutter#handle_diff(s:job_output(channel_id))
- call s:job_finished(channel_id)
- call gitgutter#utility#set_buffer(current_buffer)
-function! s:channel_id(channel) abort
- " This seems to be the only way to get info about the channel once closed.
- return matchstr(a:channel, '\d\+')
-" Keep track of jobs.
-" nvim: receives all the job's output at once so we don't need to accumulate
-" it ourselves. We can pass the buffer number into the job so we don't need
-" to track that either.
-" s:jobs {} -> key: job's id, value: anything truthy
-" vim: receives the job's output line by line so we need to accumulate it.
-" We also need to keep track of the buffer the job is running for.
-" Vim job's don't have an id. Instead we could use the external process's id
-" or the channel's id (there seems to be 1 channel per job). Arbitrarily
-" choose the channel's id.
-" s:jobs {} -> key: channel's id, value: {} key: output, value: [] job's output
-" key: buffer: value: buffer number
-" nvim:
-" id: job's id
-" vim:
-" id: channel's id
-" arg: buffer number
-function! s:job_started(id, ...) abort
- if a:0 " vim
- let s:jobs[a:id] = {'output': [], 'buffer': a:1}
- else " nvim
- let s:jobs[a:id] = 1
- endif
-function! s:is_job_started(id) abort
- return has_key(s:jobs, a:id)
-function! s:accumulate_job_output(id, line) abort
- call add(s:jobs[a:id].output, a:line)
-" Returns a string
-function! s:job_output(id) abort
- if has_key(s:jobs, a:id)
- return gitgutter#utility#stringify(s:jobs[a:id].output)
- else
- return ""
- endif
-function! s:job_buffer(id) abort
- return s:jobs[a:id].buffer
-function! s:job_finished(id) abort
- if has_key(s:jobs, a:id)
- unlet s:jobs[a:id]
- endif