path: root/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:11:56 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2016-06-30 16:11:56 +0200
commit9931e0888b2419326ae10ebbfae532261c5c125f (patch)
tree7504be5daccbb7b7d1ea396754de47b11ed790e5 /vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim
parente573b3020c032400eed60b649a2cbf55266e6bb0 (diff)
Fix submodules
Diffstat (limited to 'vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 5636472e5dba1a4104376ce6bd93cc2546e0248
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim b/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 15d051f..0000000
--- a/vim/bundle/tlib_vim/autoload/tlib/vcs.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-" @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
-" @License: GPL (see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
-" @Created: 2012-03-08.
-" @Last Change: 2015-11-07.
-" @Revision: 190
-scriptencoding utf-8
-" A dictionarie of supported VCS (currently: git, hg, svn, bzr).
-" :display: g:tlib#vcs#def {...}
-TLet g:tlib#vcs#def = {
- \ 'git': {
- \ 'dir': '.git',
- \ 'ls': 'git ls-files --full-name',
- \ 'ls.postprocess': '*tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess',
- \ 'diff': 'git diff --no-ext-diff -U0 %s'
- \ },
- \ 'hg': {
- \ 'dir': '.hg',
- \ 'diff': 'hg diff -U0 %s',
- \ 'ls': 'hg manifest'
- \ },
- \ 'svn': {
- \ 'dir': '.svn',
- \ 'diff': 'svn diff --diff-cmd diff --extensions -U0 %s',
- \ },
- \ 'bzr': {
- \ 'dir': '.bzr',
- \ 'diff': 'bzr diff --diff-options=-U0 %s',
- \ }
- \ }
-" A dictionary of custom executables for VCS commands. If the value is
-" empty, support for that VCS will be removed. If no key is present, it
-" is assumed that the VCS "type" is the name of the executable.
-" :display: g:tlib#vcs#executables {...}
-TLet g:tlib#vcs#executables = {}
-" If non-empty, use it as a format string to check whether a VCS is
-" installed on your computer.
-TLet g:tlib#vcs#check = has('win16') || has('win32') || has('win64') ? '%s.exe' : '%s'
-if !empty(g:tlib#vcs#check)
- for [s:cmd, s:def] in items(g:tlib#vcs#def)
- if !has_key(g:tlib#vcs#executables, s:cmd)
- let s:cmd1 = printf(g:tlib#vcs#check, s:cmd)
- let g:tlib#vcs#executables[s:cmd] = executable(s:cmd1) ? s:cmd1 : ''
- endif
- endfor
- unlet! s:cmd s:def s:cmd1
-function! tlib#vcs#Executable(type) "{{{3
- return get(g:tlib#vcs#executables, a:type, '')
-function! tlib#vcs#FindVCS(filename) "{{{3
- let type = ''
- let dir = ''
- let dirname = fnamemodify(a:filename, isdirectory(a:filename) ? ':p' : ':p:h')
- let path = escape(dirname, ';') .';'
- " TLogVAR a:filename, dirname, path
- Tlibtrace 'tlib', a:filename, path
- let depth = -1
- for vcs in keys(g:tlib#vcs#def)
- let subdir = g:tlib#vcs#def[vcs].dir
- let vcsdir = finddir(subdir, path)
- " TLogVAR vcs, subdir, vcsdir
- Tlibtrace 'tlib', vcs, subdir, vcsdir
- if !empty(vcsdir)
- let vcsdir_depth = len(split(fnamemodify(vcsdir, ':p'), '\/'))
- if vcsdir_depth > depth
- let depth = vcsdir_depth
- let type = vcs
- let dir = vcsdir
- " TLogVAR type, depth
- endif
- endif
- endfor
- Tlibtrace 'tlib', type, dir
- " TLogVAR type, dir
- if empty(type)
- return ['', '']
- else
- return [type, dir]
- endif
-function! s:GetCmd(vcstype, cmd)
- let vcsdef = get(g:tlib#vcs#def, a:vcstype, {})
- if has_key(vcsdef, a:cmd)
- let cmd = vcsdef[a:cmd]
- if cmd =~ '^\*'
- let cmd = substitute(cmd, '^\*', '', '')
- else
- let bin = get(g:tlib#vcs#executables, a:vcstype, '')
- if empty(bin)
- let cmd = ''
- elseif bin != a:vcstype
- " let bin = escape(shellescape(bin), '\')
- let bin = escape(bin, '\')
- let cmd = substitute(cmd, '^.\{-}\zs'. escape(a:vcstype, '\'), bin, '')
- endif
- endif
- return cmd
- else
- return ''
- endif
-" :display: tlib#vcs#Ls(?filename=bufname('%'), ?vcs=[type, dir])
-" Return the files under VCS.
-function! tlib#vcs#Ls(...) "{{{3
- if a:0 >= 2
- let vcs = a:2
- else
- let vcs = tlib#vcs#FindVCS(a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : bufname('%'))
- endif
- Tlibtrace 'tlib', vcs, a:000
- " TLogVAR vcs
- if !empty(vcs)
- let [vcstype, vcsdir] = vcs
- if has_key(g:tlib#vcs#def, vcstype)
- let ls = s:GetCmd(vcstype, 'ls')
- " TLogVAR ls
- if !empty(ls)
- let rootdir = fnamemodify(vcsdir, ':p:h:h')
- " TLogVAR vcsdir, rootdir
- if ls =~ '%s'
- let cmd = printf(ls, shellescape(rootdir))
- else
- let cmd = ls
- endif
- " TLogVAR cmd, getcwd()
- Tlibtrace 'tlib', getcwd(), vcstype, vcsdir, rootdir, cmd
- let filess = tlib#sys#SystemInDir(rootdir, cmd)
- " TLogVAR filess
- let files = split(filess, '\n')
- let postprocess = s:GetCmd(vcstype, 'ls.postprocess')
- if !empty(postprocess)
- call map(files, 'call(postprocess, [v:val])')
- endif
- call map(files, 'join([rootdir, v:val], "/")')
- " TLogVAR files
- return files
- endif
- endif
- endif
- return []
-" :display: tlib#vcs#Diff(filename, ?vcs=[type, dir])
-" Return the diff for "filename"
-function! tlib#vcs#Diff(filename, ...) "{{{3
- let vcs = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : tlib#vcs#FindVCS(a:filename)
- if !empty(vcs)
- let [vcstype, vcsdir] = vcs
- let diff = s:GetCmd(vcstype, 'diff')
- if !empty(diff)
- let cmd = printf(diff, shellescape(fnamemodify(a:filename, ':p')))
- let patch = system(cmd)
- return patch
- endif
- endif
- return []
-function! tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess(filename) abort "{{{3
- if a:filename =~ '^".\{-}"$'
- let filename = matchstr(a:filename, '^"\zs.\{-}\ze"$')
- let filename = substitute(filename, '\%(\\\@<!\\\(\d\d\d\)\)\+', '\=eval(''"''. submatch(0) .''"'')', 'g')
- " let filename = eval(a:filename)
- " TLogVAR a:filename, filename, &enc
- return filename
- else
- return a:filename
- endif