path: root/config
diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2017-01-07 15:17:47 +0100
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2017-01-07 15:17:47 +0100
commitae379e5e4b2a9d08f221e0d8742537a6f60ad19f (patch)
tree2e1d2c41e98da271a02fbebef789ef28dd0b0ba2 /config
parent349bf8c75cb493f986be6b51f87f42c41e3ff51b (diff)
ranger configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'config')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1566 deletions
diff --git a/config/ranger/bookmarks b/config/ranger/bookmarks
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/bookmarks
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/config/ranger/commands.py b/config/ranger/commands.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2df405f..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/commands.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# This is a sample commands.py. You can add your own commands here.
-# Please refer to commands_full.py for all the default commands and a complete
-# documentation. Do NOT add them all here, or you may end up with defunct
-# commands when upgrading ranger.
-# You always need to import ranger.api.commands here to get the Command class:
-from ranger.api.commands import *
-# A simple command for demonstration purposes follows.
-# You can import any python module as needed.
-import os
-# Any class that is a subclass of "Command" will be integrated into ranger as a
-# command. Try typing ":my_edit<ENTER>" in ranger!
-class my_edit(Command):
- # The so-called doc-string of the class will be visible in the built-in
- # help that is accessible by typing "?c" inside ranger.
- """:my_edit <filename>
- A sample command for demonstration purposes that opens a file in an editor.
- """
- # The execute method is called when you run this command in ranger.
- def execute(self):
- # self.arg(1) is the first (space-separated) argument to the function.
- # This way you can write ":my_edit somefilename<ENTER>".
- if self.arg(1):
- # self.rest(1) contains self.arg(1) and everything that follows
- target_filename = self.rest(1)
- else:
- # self.fm is a ranger.core.filemanager.FileManager object and gives
- # you access to internals of ranger.
- # self.fm.thisfile is a ranger.container.file.File object and is a
- # reference to the currently selected file.
- target_filename = self.fm.thisfile.path
- # This is a generic function to print text in ranger.
- self.fm.notify("Let's edit the file " + target_filename + "!")
- # Using bad=True in fm.notify allows you to print error messages:
- if not os.path.exists(target_filename):
- self.fm.notify("The given file does not exist!", bad=True)
- return
- # This executes a function from ranger.core.acitons, a module with a
- # variety of subroutines that can help you construct commands.
- # Check out the source, or run "pydoc ranger.core.actions" for a list.
- self.fm.edit_file(target_filename)
- # The tab method is called when you press tab, and should return a list of
- # suggestions that the user will tab through.
- def tab(self):
- # This is a generic tab-completion function that iterates through the
- # content of the current directory.
- return self._tab_directory_content()
diff --git a/config/ranger/commands_full.py b/config/ranger/commands_full.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f0481c..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/commands_full.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1508 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager.
-# This configuration file is licensed under the same terms as ranger.
-# ===================================================================
-# NOTE: If you copied this file to ~/.config/ranger/commands_full.py,
-# then it will NOT be loaded by ranger, and only serve as a reference.
-# ===================================================================
-# This file contains ranger's commands.
-# It's all in python; lines beginning with # are comments.
-# Note that additional commands are automatically generated from the methods
-# of the class ranger.core.actions.Actions.
-# You can customize commands in the file ~/.config/ranger/commands.py.
-# It has the same syntax as this file. In fact, you can just copy this
-# file there with `ranger --copy-config=commands' and make your modifications.
-# But make sure you update your configs when you update ranger.
-# ===================================================================
-# Every class defined here which is a subclass of `Command' will be used as a
-# command in ranger. Several methods are defined to interface with ranger:
-# execute(): called when the command is executed.
-# cancel(): called when closing the console.
-# tab(): called when <TAB> is pressed.
-# quick(): called after each keypress.
-# The return values for tab() can be either:
-# None: There is no tab completion
-# A string: Change the console to this string
-# A list/tuple/generator: cycle through every item in it
-# The return value for quick() can be:
-# False: Nothing happens
-# True: Execute the command afterwards
-# The return value for execute() and cancel() doesn't matter.
-# ===================================================================
-# Commands have certain attributes and methods that facilitate parsing of
-# the arguments:
-# self.line: The whole line that was written in the console.
-# self.args: A list of all (space-separated) arguments to the command.
-# self.quantifier: If this command was mapped to the key "X" and
-# the user pressed 6X, self.quantifier will be 6.
-# self.arg(n): The n-th argument, or an empty string if it doesn't exist.
-# self.rest(n): The n-th argument plus everything that followed. For example,
-# if the command was "search foo bar a b c", rest(2) will be "bar a b c"
-# self.start(n): Anything before the n-th argument. For example, if the
-# command was "search foo bar a b c", start(2) will be "search foo"
-# ===================================================================
-# And this is a little reference for common ranger functions and objects:
-# self.fm: A reference to the "fm" object which contains most information
-# about ranger.
-# self.fm.notify(string): Print the given string on the screen.
-# self.fm.notify(string, bad=True): Print the given string in RED.
-# self.fm.reload_cwd(): Reload the current working directory.
-# self.fm.thisdir: The current working directory. (A File object.)
-# self.fm.thisfile: The current file. (A File object too.)
-# self.fm.thistab.get_selection(): A list of all selected files.
-# self.fm.execute_console(string): Execute the string as a ranger command.
-# self.fm.open_console(string): Open the console with the given string
-# already typed in for you.
-# self.fm.move(direction): Moves the cursor in the given direction, which
-# can be something like down=3, up=5, right=1, left=1, to=6, ...
-# File objects (for example self.fm.thisfile) have these useful attributes and
-# methods:
-# cf.path: The path to the file.
-# cf.basename: The base name only.
-# cf.load_content(): Force a loading of the directories content (which
-# obviously works with directories only)
-# cf.is_directory: True/False depending on whether it's a directory.
-# For advanced commands it is unavoidable to dive a bit into the source code
-# of ranger.
-# ===================================================================
-from ranger.api.commands import *
-class alias(Command):
- """:alias <newcommand> <oldcommand>
- Copies the oldcommand as newcommand.
- """
- context = 'browser'
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
- self.fm.notify('Syntax: alias <newcommand> <oldcommand>', bad=True)
- else:
- self.fm.commands.alias(self.arg(1), self.rest(2))
-class cd(Command):
- """:cd [-r] <dirname>
- The cd command changes the directory.
- The command 'cd -' is equivalent to typing ``.
- Using the option "-r" will get you to the real path.
- """
- def execute(self):
- import os.path
- if self.arg(1) == '-r':
- self.shift()
- destination = os.path.realpath(self.rest(1))
- if os.path.isfile(destination):
- self.fm.select_file(destination)
- return
- else:
- destination = self.rest(1)
- if not destination:
- destination = '~'
- if destination == '-':
- self.fm.enter_bookmark('`')
- else:
- self.fm.cd(destination)
- def tab(self):
- import os
- from os.path import dirname, basename, expanduser, join
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir.path
- rel_dest = self.rest(1)
- bookmarks = [v.path for v in self.fm.bookmarks.dct.values()
- if rel_dest in v.path ]
- # expand the tilde into the user directory
- if rel_dest.startswith('~'):
- rel_dest = expanduser(rel_dest)
- # define some shortcuts
- abs_dest = join(cwd, rel_dest)
- abs_dirname = dirname(abs_dest)
- rel_basename = basename(rel_dest)
- rel_dirname = dirname(rel_dest)
- try:
- # are we at the end of a directory?
- if rel_dest.endswith('/') or rel_dest == '':
- _, dirnames, _ = next(os.walk(abs_dest))
- # are we in the middle of the filename?
- else:
- _, dirnames, _ = next(os.walk(abs_dirname))
- dirnames = [dn for dn in dirnames \
- if dn.startswith(rel_basename)]
- except (OSError, StopIteration):
- # os.walk found nothing
- pass
- else:
- dirnames.sort()
- if self.fm.settings.cd_bookmarks:
- dirnames = bookmarks + dirnames
- # no results, return None
- if len(dirnames) == 0:
- return
- # one result. since it must be a directory, append a slash.
- if len(dirnames) == 1:
- return self.start(1) + join(rel_dirname, dirnames[0]) + '/'
- # more than one result. append no slash, so the user can
- # manually type in the slash to advance into that directory
- return (self.start(1) + join(rel_dirname, dirname) for dirname in dirnames)
-class chain(Command):
- """:chain <command1>; <command2>; ...
- Calls multiple commands at once, separated by semicolons.
- """
- def execute(self):
- for command in self.rest(1).split(";"):
- self.fm.execute_console(command)
-class shell(Command):
- escape_macros_for_shell = True
- def execute(self):
- if self.arg(1) and self.arg(1)[0] == '-':
- flags = self.arg(1)[1:]
- command = self.rest(2)
- else:
- flags = ''
- command = self.rest(1)
- if not command and 'p' in flags:
- command = 'cat %f'
- if command:
- if '%' in command:
- command = self.fm.substitute_macros(command, escape=True)
- self.fm.execute_command(command, flags=flags)
- def tab(self):
- from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
- if self.arg(1) and self.arg(1)[0] == '-':
- command = self.rest(2)
- else:
- command = self.rest(1)
- start = self.line[0:len(self.line) - len(command)]
- try:
- position_of_last_space = command.rindex(" ")
- except ValueError:
- return (start + program + ' ' for program \
- in get_executables() if program.startswith(command))
- if position_of_last_space == len(command) - 1:
- selection = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- if len(selection) == 1:
- return self.line + selection[0].shell_escaped_basename + ' '
- else:
- return self.line + '%s '
- else:
- before_word, start_of_word = self.line.rsplit(' ', 1)
- return (before_word + ' ' + file.shell_escaped_basename \
- for file in self.fm.thisdir.files \
- if file.shell_escaped_basename.startswith(start_of_word))
-class open_with(Command):
- def execute(self):
- app, flags, mode = self._get_app_flags_mode(self.rest(1))
- self.fm.execute_file(
- files = [f for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()],
- app = app,
- flags = flags,
- mode = mode)
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_through_executables()
- def _get_app_flags_mode(self, string):
- """Extracts the application, flags and mode from a string.
- examples:
- "mplayer f 1" => ("mplayer", "f", 1)
- "aunpack 4" => ("aunpack", "", 4)
- "p" => ("", "p", 0)
- "" => None
- """
- app = ''
- flags = ''
- mode = 0
- split = string.split()
- if len(split) == 0:
- pass
- elif len(split) == 1:
- part = split[0]
- if self._is_app(part):
- app = part
- elif self._is_flags(part):
- flags = part
- elif self._is_mode(part):
- mode = part
- elif len(split) == 2:
- part0 = split[0]
- part1 = split[1]
- if self._is_app(part0):
- app = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- elif self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- elif self._is_flags(part0):
- flags = part0
- if self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- elif self._is_mode(part0):
- mode = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- elif len(split) >= 3:
- part0 = split[0]
- part1 = split[1]
- part2 = split[2]
- if self._is_app(part0):
- app = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- if self._is_mode(part2):
- mode = part2
- elif self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- if self._is_flags(part2):
- flags = part2
- elif self._is_flags(part0):
- flags = part0
- if self._is_mode(part1):
- mode = part1
- elif self._is_mode(part0):
- mode = part0
- if self._is_flags(part1):
- flags = part1
- return app, flags, int(mode)
- def _is_app(self, arg):
- return not self._is_flags(arg) and not arg.isdigit()
- def _is_flags(self, arg):
- from ranger.core.runner import ALLOWED_FLAGS
- return all(x in ALLOWED_FLAGS for x in arg)
- def _is_mode(self, arg):
- return all(x in '0123456789' for x in arg)
-class set_(Command):
- """:set <option name>=<python expression>
- Gives an option a new value.
- """
- name = 'set' # don't override the builtin set class
- def execute(self):
- name = self.arg(1)
- name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
- self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value)
- def tab(self):
- from ranger.gui.colorscheme import get_all_colorschemes
- name, value, name_done = self.parse_setting_line()
- settings = self.fm.settings
- if not name:
- return sorted(self.firstpart + setting for setting in settings)
- if not value and not name_done:
- return (self.firstpart + setting for setting in settings \
- if setting.startswith(name))
- if not value:
- # Cycle through colorschemes when name, but no value is specified
- if name == "colorscheme":
- return (self.firstpart + colorscheme for colorscheme \
- in get_all_colorschemes())
- return self.firstpart + str(settings[name])
- if bool in settings.types_of(name):
- if 'true'.startswith(value.lower()):
- return self.firstpart + 'True'
- if 'false'.startswith(value.lower()):
- return self.firstpart + 'False'
- # Tab complete colorscheme values if incomplete value is present
- if name == "colorscheme":
- return (self.firstpart + colorscheme for colorscheme \
- in get_all_colorschemes() if colorscheme.startswith(value))
-class setlocal(set_):
- """:setlocal path=<python string> <option name>=<python expression>
- Gives an option a new value.
- """
- PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*path="?(.*?)"?\s*$')
- def execute(self):
- import os.path
- match = self.PATH_RE.match(self.arg(1))
- if match:
- path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(match.group(1)))
- self.shift()
- elif self.fm.thisdir:
- path = self.fm.thisdir.path
- else:
- path = None
- if path:
- name = self.arg(1)
- name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
- self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value, localpath=path)
-class setintag(setlocal):
- """:setintag <tag or tags> <option name>=<option value>
- Sets an option for directories that are tagged with a specific tag.
- """
- def execute(self):
- tags = self.arg(1)
- self.shift()
- name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
- self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value, tags=tags)
-class default_linemode(Command):
- def execute(self):
- import re
- from ranger.container.fsobject import FileSystemObject
- if len(self.args) < 2:
- self.fm.notify("Usage: default_linemode [path=<regexp> | tag=<tag(s)>] <linemode>", bad=True)
- # Extract options like "path=..." or "tag=..." from the command line
- arg1 = self.arg(1)
- method = "always"
- argument = None
- if arg1.startswith("path="):
- method = "path"
- argument = re.compile(arg1[5:])
- self.shift()
- elif arg1.startswith("tag="):
- method = "tag"
- argument = arg1[4:]
- self.shift()
- # Extract and validate the line mode from the command line
- linemode = self.rest(1)
- if linemode not in FileSystemObject.linemode_dict:
- self.fm.notify("Invalid linemode: %s; should be %s" %
- (linemode, "/".join(FileSystemObject.linemode_dict)), bad=True)
- # Add the prepared entry to the fm.default_linemodes
- entry = [method, argument, linemode]
- self.fm.default_linemodes.appendleft(entry)
- # Redraw the columns
- if hasattr(self.fm.ui, "browser"):
- for col in self.fm.ui.browser.columns:
- col.need_redraw = True
- def tab(self):
- mode = self.arg(1)
- return (self.arg(0) + " " + linemode
- for linemode in self.fm.thisfile.linemode_dict.keys()
- if linemode.startswith(self.arg(1)))
-class quit(Command):
- """:quit
- Closes the current tab. If there is only one tab, quit the program.
- """
- def execute(self):
- if len(self.fm.tabs) <= 1:
- self.fm.exit()
- self.fm.tab_close()
-class quitall(Command):
- """:quitall
- Quits the program immediately.
- """
- def execute(self):
- self.fm.exit()
-class quit_bang(quitall):
- """:quit!
- Quits the program immediately.
- """
- name = 'quit!'
- allow_abbrev = False
-class terminal(Command):
- """:terminal
- Spawns an "x-terminal-emulator" starting in the current directory.
- """
- def execute(self):
- import os
- from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
- command = os.environ.get('TERMCMD', os.environ.get('TERM'))
- if command not in get_executables():
- command = 'x-terminal-emulator'
- if command not in get_executables():
- command = 'xterm'
- self.fm.run(command, flags='f')
-class delete(Command):
- """:delete
- Tries to delete the selection.
- "Selection" is defined as all the "marked files" (by default, you
- can mark files with space or v). If there are no marked files,
- use the "current file" (where the cursor is)
- When attempting to delete non-empty directories or multiple
- marked files, it will require a confirmation.
- """
- allow_abbrev = False
- def execute(self):
- import os
- if self.rest(1):
- self.fm.notify("Error: delete takes no arguments! It deletes "
- "the selected file(s).", bad=True)
- return
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir
- cf = self.fm.thisfile
- if not cwd or not cf:
- self.fm.notify("Error: no file selected for deletion!", bad=True)
- return
- confirm = self.fm.settings.confirm_on_delete
- many_files = (cwd.marked_items or (cf.is_directory and not cf.is_link \
- and len(os.listdir(cf.path)) > 0))
- if confirm != 'never' and (confirm != 'multiple' or many_files):
- self.fm.ui.console.ask("Confirm deletion of: %s (y/N)" %
- ', '.join(f.relative_path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()),
- self._question_callback, ('n', 'N', 'y', 'Y'))
- else:
- # no need for a confirmation, just delete
- for f in self.fm.tags.tags:
- if str(f).startswith(self.fm.thisfile.path):
- self.fm.tags.remove(f)
- self.fm.delete()
- def _question_callback(self, answer):
- if answer == 'y' or answer == 'Y':
- for f in self.fm.tags.tags:
- if str(f).startswith(self.fm.thisfile.path):
- self.fm.tags.remove(f)
- self.fm.delete()
-class mark_tag(Command):
- """:mark_tag [<tags>]
- Mark all tags that are tagged with either of the given tags.
- When leaving out the tag argument, all tagged files are marked.
- """
- do_mark = True
- def execute(self):
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir
- tags = self.rest(1).replace(" ","")
- if not self.fm.tags:
- return
- for fileobj in cwd.files:
- try:
- tag = self.fm.tags.tags[fileobj.realpath]
- except KeyError:
- continue
- if not tags or tag in tags:
- cwd.mark_item(fileobj, val=self.do_mark)
- self.fm.ui.status.need_redraw = True
- self.fm.ui.need_redraw = True
-class console(Command):
- """:console <command>
- Open the console with the given command.
- """
- def execute(self):
- position = None
- if self.arg(1)[0:2] == '-p':
- try:
- position = int(self.arg(1)[2:])
- self.shift()
- except:
- pass
- self.fm.open_console(self.rest(1), position=position)
-class load_copy_buffer(Command):
- """:load_copy_buffer
- Load the copy buffer from confdir/copy_buffer
- """
- copy_buffer_filename = 'copy_buffer'
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from os.path import exists
- try:
- fname = self.fm.confpath(self.copy_buffer_filename)
- f = open(fname, 'r')
- except:
- return self.fm.notify("Cannot open %s" % \
- (fname or self.copy_buffer_filename), bad=True)
- self.fm.copy_buffer = set(File(g) \
- for g in f.read().split("\n") if exists(g))
- f.close()
- self.fm.ui.redraw_main_column()
-class save_copy_buffer(Command):
- """:save_copy_buffer
- Save the copy buffer to confdir/copy_buffer
- """
- copy_buffer_filename = 'copy_buffer'
- def execute(self):
- fname = None
- try:
- fname = self.fm.confpath(self.copy_buffer_filename)
- f = open(fname, 'w')
- except:
- return self.fm.notify("Cannot open %s" % \
- (fname or self.copy_buffer_filename), bad=True)
- f.write("\n".join(f.path for f in self.fm.copy_buffer))
- f.close()
-class unmark_tag(mark_tag):
- """:unmark_tag [<tags>]
- Unmark all tags that are tagged with either of the given tags.
- When leaving out the tag argument, all tagged files are unmarked.
- """
- do_mark = False
-class mkdir(Command):
- """:mkdir <dirname>
- Creates a directory with the name <dirname>.
- """
- def execute(self):
- from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
- from os import makedirs
- dirname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
- if not lexists(dirname):
- makedirs(dirname)
- else:
- self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class touch(Command):
- """:touch <fname>
- Creates a file with the name <fname>.
- """
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
- fname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
- if not lexists(fname):
- open(fname, 'a').close()
- else:
- self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class edit(Command):
- """:edit <filename>
- Opens the specified file in vim
- """
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1):
- self.fm.edit_file(self.fm.thisfile.path)
- else:
- self.fm.edit_file(self.rest(1))
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class eval_(Command):
- """:eval [-q] <python code>
- Evaluates the python code.
- `fm' is a reference to the FM instance.
- To display text, use the function `p'.
- Examples:
- :eval fm
- :eval len(fm.directories)
- :eval p("Hello World!")
- """
- name = 'eval'
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- if self.arg(1) == '-q':
- code = self.rest(2)
- quiet = True
- else:
- code = self.rest(1)
- quiet = False
- import ranger
- global cmd, fm, p, quantifier
- fm = self.fm
- cmd = self.fm.execute_console
- p = fm.notify
- quantifier = self.quantifier
- try:
- try:
- result = eval(code)
- except SyntaxError:
- exec(code)
- else:
- if result and not quiet:
- p(result)
- except Exception as err:
- p(err)
-class rename(Command):
- """:rename <newname>
- Changes the name of the currently highlighted file to <newname>
- """
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from os import access
- new_name = self.rest(1)
- tagged = {}
- old_name = self.fm.thisfile.relative_path
- for f in self.fm.tags.tags:
- if str(f).startswith(self.fm.thisfile.path):
- tagged[f] = self.fm.tags.tags[f]
- self.fm.tags.remove(f)
- if not new_name:
- return self.fm.notify('Syntax: rename <newname>', bad=True)
- if new_name == old_name:
- return
- if access(new_name, os.F_OK):
- return self.fm.notify("Can't rename: file already exists!", bad=True)
- if self.fm.rename(self.fm.thisfile, new_name):
- f = File(new_name)
- self.fm.thisdir.pointed_obj = f
- self.fm.thisfile = f
- for t in tagged:
- self.fm.tags.tags[t.replace(old_name,new_name)] = tagged[t]
- self.fm.tags.dump()
- def tab(self):
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class rename_append(Command):
- """:rename_append
- Creates an open_console for the rename command, automatically placing the cursor before the file extension.
- """
- def execute(self):
- cf = self.fm.thisfile
- if cf.relative_path.find('.') != 0 and cf.relative_path.rfind('.') != -1 and not cf.is_directory:
- self.fm.open_console('rename ' + cf.relative_path, position=(7 + cf.relative_path.rfind('.')))
- else:
- self.fm.open_console('rename ' + cf.relative_path)
-class chmod(Command):
- """:chmod <octal number>
- Sets the permissions of the selection to the octal number.
- The octal number is between 0 and 777. The digits specify the
- permissions for the user, the group and others.
- A 1 permits execution, a 2 permits writing, a 4 permits reading.
- Add those numbers to combine them. So a 7 permits everything.
- """
- def execute(self):
- mode = self.rest(1)
- if not mode:
- mode = str(self.quantifier)
- try:
- mode = int(mode, 8)
- if mode < 0 or mode > 0o777:
- raise ValueError
- except ValueError:
- self.fm.notify("Need an octal number between 0 and 777!", bad=True)
- return
- for file in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
- try:
- os.chmod(file.path, mode)
- except Exception as ex:
- self.fm.notify(ex)
- try:
- # reloading directory. maybe its better to reload the selected
- # files only.
- self.fm.thisdir.load_content()
- except:
- pass
-class bulkrename(Command):
- """:bulkrename
- This command opens a list of selected files in an external editor.
- After you edit and save the file, it will generate a shell script
- which does bulk renaming according to the changes you did in the file.
- This shell script is opened in an editor for you to review.
- After you close it, it will be executed.
- """
- def execute(self):
- import sys
- import tempfile
- from ranger.container.file import File
- from ranger.ext.shell_escape import shell_escape as esc
- py3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
- # Create and edit the file list
- filenames = [f.relative_path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
- listfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
- listpath = listfile.name
- if py3:
- listfile.write("\n".join(filenames).encode("utf-8"))
- else:
- listfile.write("\n".join(filenames))
- listfile.close()
- self.fm.execute_file([File(listpath)], app='editor')
- listfile = open(listpath, 'r')
- new_filenames = listfile.read().split("\n")
- listfile.close()
- os.unlink(listpath)
- if all(a == b for a, b in zip(filenames, new_filenames)):
- self.fm.notify("No renaming to be done!")
- return
- # Generate script
- cmdfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- script_lines = []
- script_lines.append("# This file will be executed when you close the editor.\n")
- script_lines.append("# Please double-check everything, clear the file to abort.\n")
- script_lines.extend("mv -vi -- %s %s\n" % (esc(old), esc(new)) \
- for old, new in zip(filenames, new_filenames) if old != new)
- script_content = "".join(script_lines)
- if py3:
- cmdfile.write(script_content.encode("utf-8"))
- else:
- cmdfile.write(script_content)
- cmdfile.flush()
- # Open the script and let the user review it, then check if the script
- # was modified by the user
- self.fm.execute_file([File(cmdfile.name)], app='editor')
- cmdfile.seek(0)
- script_was_edited = (script_content != cmdfile.read())
- # Do the renaming
- self.fm.run(['/bin/sh', cmdfile.name], flags='w')
- cmdfile.close()
- # Retag the files, but only if the script wasn't changed during review,
- # because only then we know which are the source and destination files.
- if not script_was_edited:
- tags_changed = False
- for old, new in zip(filenames, new_filenames):
- if old != new:
- oldpath = self.fm.thisdir.path + '/' + old
- newpath = self.fm.thisdir.path + '/' + new
- if oldpath in self.fm.tags:
- old_tag = self.fm.tags.tags[oldpath]
- self.fm.tags.remove(oldpath)
- self.fm.tags.tags[newpath] = old_tag
- tags_changed = True
- if tags_changed:
- self.fm.tags.dump()
- else:
- fm.notify("files have not been retagged")
-class relink(Command):
- """:relink <newpath>
- Changes the linked path of the currently highlighted symlink to <newpath>
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.container.file import File
- new_path = self.rest(1)
- cf = self.fm.thisfile
- if not new_path:
- return self.fm.notify('Syntax: relink <newpath>', bad=True)
- if not cf.is_link:
- return self.fm.notify('%s is not a symlink!' % cf.relative_path, bad=True)
- if new_path == os.readlink(cf.path):
- return
- try:
- os.remove(cf.path)
- os.symlink(new_path, cf.path)
- except OSError as err:
- self.fm.notify(err)
- self.fm.reset()
- self.fm.thisdir.pointed_obj = cf
- self.fm.thisfile = cf
- def tab(self):
- if not self.rest(1):
- return self.line+os.readlink(self.fm.thisfile.path)
- else:
- return self._tab_directory_content()
-class help_(Command):
- """:help
- Display ranger's manual page.
- """
- name = 'help'
- def execute(self):
- def callback(answer):
- if answer == "q":
- return
- elif answer == "m":
- self.fm.display_help()
- elif answer == "c":
- self.fm.dump_commands()
- elif answer == "k":
- self.fm.dump_keybindings()
- elif answer == "s":
- self.fm.dump_settings()
- c = self.fm.ui.console.ask("View [m]an page, [k]ey bindings,"
- " [c]ommands or [s]ettings? (press q to abort)", callback, list("mkcsq") + [chr(27)])
-class copymap(Command):
- """:copymap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "browser" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'browser'
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
- return self.fm.notify("Not enough arguments", bad=True)
- for arg in self.args[2:]:
- self.fm.ui.keymaps.copy(self.context, self.arg(1), arg)
-class copypmap(copymap):
- """:copypmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "pager" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'pager'
-class copycmap(copymap):
- """:copycmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "console" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'console'
-class copytmap(copymap):
- """:copycmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]
- Copies a "taskview" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
- """
- context = 'taskview'
-class unmap(Command):
- """:unmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "browser" mappings
- """
- context = 'browser'
- def execute(self):
- for arg in self.args[1:]:
- self.fm.ui.keymaps.unbind(self.context, arg)
-class cunmap(unmap):
- """:cunmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "console" mappings
- """
- context = 'browser'
-class punmap(unmap):
- """:punmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "pager" mappings
- """
- context = 'pager'
-class tunmap(unmap):
- """:tunmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]
- Remove the given "taskview" mappings
- """
- context = 'taskview'
-class map_(Command):
- """:map <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "browser" context.
- Example:
- map j move down
- map J move down 10
- """
- name = 'map'
- context = 'browser'
- resolve_macros = False
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
- return self.fm.notify("Not enough arguments", bad=True)
- self.fm.ui.keymaps.bind(self.context, self.arg(1), self.rest(2))
-class cmap(map_):
- """:cmap <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "console" context.
- Example:
- cmap <ESC> console_close
- cmap <C-x> console_type test
- """
- context = 'console'
-class tmap(map_):
- """:tmap <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "taskview" context.
- """
- context = 'taskview'
-class pmap(map_):
- """:pmap <keysequence> <command>
- Maps a command to a keysequence in the "pager" context.
- """
- context = 'pager'
-class scout(Command):
- """:scout [-FLAGS] <pattern>
- Swiss army knife command for searching, traveling and filtering files.
- The command takes various flags as arguments which can be used to
- influence its behaviour:
- -a = automatically open a file on unambiguous match
- -e = open the selected file when pressing enter
- -f = filter files that match the current search pattern
- -g = interpret pattern as a glob pattern
- -i = ignore the letter case of the files
- -k = keep the console open when changing a directory with the command
- -l = letter skipping; e.g. allow "rdme" to match the file "readme"
- -m = mark the matching files after pressing enter
- -M = unmark the matching files after pressing enter
- -p = permanent filter: hide non-matching files after pressing enter
- -s = smart case; like -i unless pattern contains upper case letters
- -t = apply filter and search pattern as you type
- -v = inverts the match
- Multiple flags can be combined. For example, ":scout -gpt" would create
- a :filter-like command using globbing.
- """
- AUTO_OPEN = 'a'
- FILTER = 'f'
- SM_GLOB = 'g'
- KEEP_OPEN = 'k'
- MARK = 'm'
- UNMARK = 'M'
- SM_REGEX = 'r'
- SMART_CASE = 's'
- AS_YOU_TYPE = 't'
- INVERT = 'v'
- def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
- Command.__init__(self, *args, **kws)
- self._regex = None
- self.flags, self.pattern = self.parse_flags()
- def execute(self):
- thisdir = self.fm.thisdir
- flags = self.flags
- pattern = self.pattern
- regex = self._build_regex()
- count = self._count(move=True)
- self.fm.thistab.last_search = regex
- self.fm.set_search_method(order="search")
- if self.MARK in flags or self.UNMARK in flags:
- value = flags.find(self.MARK) > flags.find(self.UNMARK)
- if self.FILTER in flags:
- for f in thisdir.files:
- thisdir.mark_item(f, value)
- else:
- for f in thisdir.files:
- if regex.search(f.relative_path):
- thisdir.mark_item(f, value)
- if self.PERM_FILTER in flags:
- thisdir.filter = regex if pattern else None
- # clean up:
- self.cancel()
- if self.OPEN_ON_ENTER in flags or \
- self.AUTO_OPEN in flags and count == 1:
- if os.path.exists(pattern):
- self.fm.cd(pattern)
- else:
- self.fm.move(right=1)
- if self.KEEP_OPEN in flags and thisdir != self.fm.thisdir:
- # reopen the console:
- if not pattern:
- self.fm.open_console(self.line)
- else:
- self.fm.open_console(self.line[0:-len(pattern)])
- if self.quickly_executed and thisdir != self.fm.thisdir and pattern != "..":
- self.fm.block_input(0.5)
- def cancel(self):
- self.fm.thisdir.temporary_filter = None
- self.fm.thisdir.refilter()
- def quick(self):
- asyoutype = self.AS_YOU_TYPE in self.flags
- if self.FILTER in self.flags:
- self.fm.thisdir.temporary_filter = self._build_regex()
- if self.PERM_FILTER in self.flags and asyoutype:
- self.fm.thisdir.filter = self._build_regex()
- if self.FILTER in self.flags or self.PERM_FILTER in self.flags:
- self.fm.thisdir.refilter()
- if self._count(move=asyoutype) == 1 and self.AUTO_OPEN in self.flags:
- return True
- return False
- def tab(self):
- self._count(move=True, offset=1)
- def _build_regex(self):
- if self._regex is not None:
- return self._regex
- frmat = "%s"
- flags = self.flags
- pattern = self.pattern
- if pattern == ".":
- return re.compile("")
- # Handle carets at start and dollar signs at end separately
- if pattern.startswith('^'):
- pattern = pattern[1:]
- frmat = "^" + frmat
- if pattern.endswith('$'):
- pattern = pattern[:-1]
- frmat += "$"
- # Apply one of the search methods
- if self.SM_REGEX in flags:
- regex = pattern
- elif self.SM_GLOB in flags:
- regex = re.escape(pattern).replace("\\*", ".*").replace("\\?", ".")
- elif self.SM_LETTERSKIP in flags:
- regex = ".*".join(re.escape(c) for c in pattern)
- else:
- regex = re.escape(pattern)
- regex = frmat % regex
- # Invert regular expression if necessary
- if self.INVERT in flags:
- regex = "^(?:(?!%s).)*$" % regex
- # Compile Regular Expression
- options = re.LOCALE | re.UNICODE
- if self.IGNORE_CASE in flags or self.SMART_CASE in flags and \
- pattern.islower():
- options |= re.IGNORECASE
- try:
- self._regex = re.compile(regex, options)
- except:
- self._regex = re.compile("")
- return self._regex
- def _count(self, move=False, offset=0):
- count = 0
- cwd = self.fm.thisdir
- pattern = self.pattern
- if not pattern:
- return 0
- if pattern == '.':
- return 0
- if pattern == '..':
- return 1
- deq = deque(cwd.files)
- deq.rotate(-cwd.pointer - offset)
- i = offset
- regex = self._build_regex()
- for fsobj in deq:
- if regex.search(fsobj.relative_path):
- count += 1
- if move and count == 1:
- cwd.move(to=(cwd.pointer + i) % len(cwd.files))
- self.fm.thisfile = cwd.pointed_obj
- if count > 1:
- return count
- i += 1
- return count == 1
-class filter_inode_type(Command):
- """
- :filter_inode_type [dfl]
- Displays only the files of specified inode type. Parameters
- can be combined.
- d display directories
- f display files
- l display links
- """
- def execute(self):
- if not self.arg(1):
- self.fm.thisdir.inode_type_filter = None
- else:
- self.fm.thisdir.inode_type_filter = lambda file: (
- True if ((self.FILTER_DIRS in self.arg(1) and file.is_directory) or
- (self.FILTER_FILES in self.arg(1) and file.is_file and not file.is_link) or
- (self.FILTER_LINKS in self.arg(1) and file.is_link)) else False)
- self.fm.thisdir.refilter()
-class grep(Command):
- """:grep <string>
- Looks for a string in all marked files or directories
- """
- def execute(self):
- if self.rest(1):
- action = ['grep', '--line-number']
- action.extend(['-e', self.rest(1), '-r'])
- action.extend(f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection())
- self.fm.execute_command(action, flags='p')
-# Version control commands
-# --------------------------------
-class stage(Command):
- """
- :stage
- Stage selected files for the corresponding version control system
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- filelist = [f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs_outdated = True
-# for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
-# f.vcs_outdated = True
- try:
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs.add(filelist)
- except VcsError:
- self.fm.notify("Could not stage files.")
- self.fm.reload_cwd()
-class unstage(Command):
- """
- :unstage
- Unstage selected files for the corresponding version control system
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- filelist = [f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs_outdated = True
-# for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
-# f.vcs_outdated = True
- try:
- self.fm.thisdir.vcs.reset(filelist)
- except VcsError:
- self.fm.notify("Could not unstage files.")
- self.fm.reload_cwd()
-class diff(Command):
- """
- :diff
- Displays a diff of selected files against the last committed version
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- import tempfile
- L = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- if len(L) == 0: return
- filelist = [f.path for f in L]
- vcs = L[0].vcs
- diff = vcs.get_raw_diff(filelist=filelist)
- if len(diff.strip()) > 0:
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- tmp.write(diff.encode('utf-8'))
- tmp.flush()
- pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', ranger.DEFAULT_PAGER)
- self.fm.run([pager, tmp.name])
- else:
- raise Exception("diff is empty")
-class log(Command):
- """
- :log
- Displays the log of the current repo or files
- """
- def execute(self):
- from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
- import tempfile
- L = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- if len(L) == 0: return
- filelist = [f.path for f in L]
- vcs = L[0].vcs
- log = vcs.get_raw_log(filelist=filelist)
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
- tmp.write(log.encode('utf-8'))
- tmp.flush()
- pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', ranger.DEFAULT_PAGER)
- self.fm.run([pager, tmp.name])
-class flat(Command):
- """
- :flat <level>
- Flattens the directory view up to the specified level.
- -1 fully flattened
- 0 remove flattened view
- """
- def execute(self):
- try:
- level = self.rest(1)
- level = int(level)
- except ValueError:
- level = self.quantifier
- if level < -1:
- self.fm.notify("Need an integer number (-1, 0, 1, ...)", bad=True)
- self.fm.thisdir.unload()
- self.fm.thisdir.flat = level
- self.fm.thisdir.load_content()
-# Metadata commands
-# --------------------------------
-class prompt_metadata(Command):
- """
- :prompt_metadata <key1> [<key2> [<key3> ...]]
- Prompt the user to input metadata for multiple keys in a row.
- """
- _command_name = "meta"
- _console_chain = None
- def execute(self):
- prompt_metadata._console_chain = self.args[1:]
- self._process_command_stack()
- def _process_command_stack(self):
- if prompt_metadata._console_chain:
- key = prompt_metadata._console_chain.pop()
- self._fill_console(key)
- else:
- for col in self.fm.ui.browser.columns:
- col.need_redraw = True
- def _fill_console(self, key):
- metadata = self.fm.metadata.get_metadata(self.fm.thisfile.path)
- if key in metadata and metadata[key]:
- existing_value = metadata[key]
- else:
- existing_value = ""
- text = "%s %s %s" % (self._command_name, key, existing_value)
- self.fm.open_console(text, position=len(text))
-class meta(prompt_metadata):
- """
- :meta <key> [<value>]
- Change metadata of a file. Deletes the key if value is empty.
- """
- def execute(self):
- key = self.arg(1)
- value = self.rest(1)
- update_dict = dict()
- update_dict[key] = self.rest(2)
- selection = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
- for f in selection:
- self.fm.metadata.set_metadata(f.path, update_dict)
- self._process_command_stack()
- def tab(self):
- key = self.arg(1)
- metadata = self.fm.metadata.get_metadata(self.fm.thisfile.path)
- if key in metadata and metadata[key]:
- return [" ".join([self.arg(0), self.arg(1), metadata[key]])]
- else:
- return [self.arg(0) + " " + key for key in sorted(metadata)
- if key.startswith(self.arg(1))]
-class linemode(default_linemode):
- """
- :linemode <mode>
- Change what is displayed as a filename.
- - "mode" may be any of the defined linemodes (see: ranger.core.linemode).
- "normal" is mapped to "filename".
- """
- def execute(self):
- mode = self.arg(1)
- if mode == "normal":
- if mode not in self.fm.thisfile.linemode_dict:
- self.fm.notify("Unhandled linemode: `%s'" % mode, bad=True)
- return
- self.fm.thisdir._set_linemode_of_children(mode)
- # Ask the browsercolumns to redraw
- for col in self.fm.ui.browser.columns:
- col.need_redraw = True
diff --git a/config/ranger/tagged b/config/ranger/tagged
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/config/ranger/tagged
+++ /dev/null