diff options
authorKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2018-04-04 09:50:34 +0200
committerKarel Kočí <cynerd@email.cz>2018-04-04 09:50:34 +0200
commite6e04d7c587b17c23a90f3aa37ab5bdeec8415bb (patch)
parentdec7e3afd00117c5b0831bff2d0780fd63349ca6 (diff)
Drop eaglerc and shellrc
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 285 deletions
diff --git a/eaglerc b/eaglerc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4804ffa..0000000
--- a/eaglerc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# EAGLE Parameter File (generated by EAGLE Version 7.5.0 - DO NOT EDIT!)
-Brd.LargeCursor = "0"
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-CheckForUpdate.AdvSplashNumber = "7"
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-CheckForUpdate.LastTimeChecked = "1456155178"
-Cmd.Copy.ClassicEagleMode = "0"
-Cmd.Delete.WireJointsWithoutCtrl = "0"
-Cmd.Name.RenameEntireNetByDefault = "0"
-Cmd.Name.RenameEntireSignalByDefault = "0"
-Cmd.Wire.IgnoreCtrlForRadiusMode = "0"
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-Directories.Doc = "$EAGLEDIR/doc"
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-Directories.IgnoreNonExisting = "0"
-Directories.Lbr = "$EAGLEDIR/lbr:$HOME/Documents/eagle/lbr/"
-Directories.Scr = "$EAGLEDIR/scr"
-Directories.Ulp = "$EAGLEDIR/ulp"
-EAGLE.Version = "7.5"
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-Interface.UserGuidance = "1"
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-Lbr.CommandPopup.Add.1 = "ATMEGA328P-AU;"
-Lbr.CommandPopup.EditDev.1 = "ATMEGA328P-AU;"
-Lbr.CommandPopup.EditPac.1 = "QFP80P900X900X120-32N;"
-Lbr.CommandPopup.EditSym.1 = "ATMEGA328P-AU;"
-Lbr.DeviceEditor.SplitterH.Sizes = "#0 0 839 838 839 0 #1 0 839 838 839 0 #2 1238 0 0 0 1258"
-Lbr.DeviceEditor.SplitterVL.Sizes = "#0 0 1271 #1 0 1271 #2 331 936"
-Lbr.DeviceEditor.SplitterVR.Sizes = "605 580"
-Lbr.MenuText.01 = "[designlink.png] Search and order : Run designlink-order.ulp -general;"
-Lbr.ToolBar.Action = "2 0 1 0 2"
-Lbr.ToolBar.CommandButtons = "5 0 1 0 5"
-Lbr.ToolBar.CommandTexts = "2 1 0 0 2"
-Lbr.ToolBar.Parameters = "2 2 1 0 2"
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-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.0 = "5000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.1 = "6000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.2 = "7000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.3 = "8000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.4 = "9000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.5 = "10000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.6 = "11000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.7 = "12000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.8 = "13000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.9 = "14000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.10 = "15000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.11 = "16000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.12 = "20000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.13 = "22000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.14 = "28000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.15 = "32000"
-Option.Drill.Symbol.Nr.16 = "0"
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-Option.SelectFactor = "0.02"
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-Option.SnapLength = "5080"
-Option.ToggleCtrlForGroupSelectionAndContextMenu = "0"
-Option.XrefLabelFormat = "%F%N/%S.%C%R"
-Option.XrefPartFormat = "/%S.%C%R"
-Project.Dir = "/home/cynerd/Documents/eagle/oh-avr"
-Recent.Epf.1 = "/home/cynerd/Documents/eagle/oh-avr"
-Recent.Lbr.1 = "/home/cynerd/Documents/eagle/lbr/AVR.lbr"
-Recent.Sch.1 = "/home/cynerd/Documents/eagle/oh-avr/avrunit.sch"
-Recent.Scr.1 = "/home/cynerd/Downloads/Atmel-ATMEGA328P-AU@E/Atmel-ATMEGA328P-AU.scr"
-Sch.Cmd.Add.AlwaysUseDeviceNameAsValue = "0"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.1 = "+5V (supply1.lbr);'+5V@/home/cynerd/.eagle/lbr/supply1.lbr'"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.2 = "GND (supply1.lbr);'GND@/home/cynerd/.eagle/lbr/supply1.lbr'"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.3 = "MA04-2 (con-lstb.lbr);'MA04-2@/home/cynerd/.eagle/lbr/con-lstb.lbr'"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.4 = "MA05-2 (con-lstb.lbr);'MA05-2@/home/cynerd/.eagle/lbr/con-lstb.lbr'"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.5 = "MA03-2 (con-lstb.lbr);'MA03-2@/home/cynerd/.eagle/lbr/con-lstb.lbr'"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.6 = "MA03-1 (con-lstb.lbr);'MA03-1@/home/cynerd/.eagle/lbr/con-lstb.lbr'"
-Sch.CommandPopup.Add.7 = "ATMEGA328P-AU (AVR.lbr);'ATMEGA328P-AU@/home/cynerd/Documents/eagle/lbr/AVR.lbr'"
-Sch.DockWidget.Thumbnails = "1 -1 -1 -1 70 -1 0"
-Sch.Key.A+A = "Add"
-Sch.Key.A+C = "Copy"
-Sch.Key.A+D = "Delete"
-Sch.Key.A+F = "Mirror"
-Sch.Key.A+F2 = "Window fit"
-Sch.Key.A+G = "Group"
-Sch.Key.A+L = "Label"
-Sch.Key.A+M = "Move"
-Sch.Key.A+N = "Name"
-Sch.Key.A+R = "Rotate"
-Sch.Key.A+S = "Smash"
-Sch.Key.A+V = "Value"
-Sch.Key.A+W = "Wire"
-Sch.Key.F2 = "Window;"
-Sch.Key.F3 = "Window 2"
-Sch.Key.F4 = "Window 0.5"
-Sch.Key.F5 = "Window (@);"
-Sch.Key.F6 = "Grid;"
-Sch.LargeCursor = "0"
-Sch.MenuText.01 = "[designlink.png] Search and order { General : Run designlink-order.ulp -general; | Schematic : Run designlink-order.ulp; }"
-Sch.Palette = "1"
-Sch.ToolBar.Action = "2 0 1 0 2"
-Sch.ToolBar.CommandButtons = "5 0 1 0 5"
-Sch.ToolBar.CommandTexts = "2 1 0 0 2"
-Sch.ToolBar.Parameters = "2 2 1 0 2"
-Sch.WhiteBackground = "1"
-Warning.PartHasNoUserDefinableValue = "1"
-Warning.SupplyPinAutoOverwriteGeneratedNetName = "0"
diff --git a/shellrc b/shellrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 14fb0b9..0000000
--- a/shellrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# vim: ft=sh:
-# This is file with aliases and variables shared between bash and zsh
-# Continue only if this is interactive shell
-[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
-# Aliases
-alias ls='ls --color=auto'
-eval $(dircolors -b)
-alias ll='ls -lh'
-alias df='df -h'
-alias du='du -h'
-alias grep='grep --color=auto'
-alias git='LANG=en_GB git'
-alias gdb='gdb -q'
-alias cgdb='cgdb -q'
-alias octave='octave-cli -q'
-alias ssh='TERM="xterm-256color" ssh'
-alias feh='feh --magick-timeout 10 -.'
-alias mutt='neomutt'
-export LESS=-R
-export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[1;31m'
-export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[1;36m'
-export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
-export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
-export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44;33m'
-export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
-export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[1;32m'
-[ -x /usr/bin/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh ] && export LESSOPEN="| /usr/bin/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh %s"
-alias gst='git status'
-alias v='vim'
-alias i='i3-msg'
-# Systemd aliases if we are running systemd
-if pidof systemd >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
- alias sctl='sudo systemctl'
- alias usctl='systemctl --user'
- alias jrn='journalctl'
- alias ujrn='jrn --user'
-# Utility functions
-# Generate random password (optionally takes length of password as first argument)
-genpasswd() {
- local l=$1
- [ -n "$l" ] || l=16
- tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_ < /dev/urandom | head -c "$l" | xargs
-# Clip stdin to clipboard
-clip() {
- # Note: printf as magic to remove trailing new lines
- printf %s "$(cat)" | xclip -selection clipboard
-# Clip current HEAD hash to clipboard
-# Optionally you can pass commit as argument
-gitclip() {
- [ -n "$1" ] && local CMT="$1" || local CMT=HEAD
- git rev-parse "$CMT"| clip
-# Clip current head message to clipboard
-# Optionally you can pass commit as argument
-gitmclip() {
- [ -n "$1" ] && local CMT="$1" || local CMT=HEAD
- git log --format=%B -n 1 "$CMT" | clip
-# Automatic branch merger (merge branch, push it to server and remove branch)
-# Expects name of the branch as argument
-gitbmerge() {
- (
- set -e
- local WT="$(git worktree list | sed -nE "/\[$1\]/{s/([^ ]+) .*/\1/p}")"
- if [ -n "$WT" ]; then
- rm -r "$WT"
- git worktree prune
- fi
- git merge --ff-only "$1" && git push && git branch -d "$1" && git push origin :"$1"
- )
-# Create new branch from master
-gitbnew() {
- git branch "$1" master
- local NW="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)-$1"
- git worktree add "$NW" $1
- cd "$NW"
- git submodule update --init --recursive
-# Make screenshot
-xshot() {
- import -window "$(xdotool selectwindow)" ~/xshot_$(date +%F_%H%M%S_%N).png
-# Run given command every second
-dorepeat() {
- while true; do
- "$@"
- sleep 1
- echo
- done
-# Clear all ssh control masters
-ssh-clear() {
- rm -rf ~/.cache/ssh
- mkdir -p ~/.cache/ssh
-# Run process in background
-tobg() {
- "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 &