import os import sys import subprocess import time import hashlib import signal import re from threading import Thread from conf import conf from conf import sf import exceptions def build_symbol_map(): """Generates global variable smap from symbol_map_file. When file not exists, MissingFile exception is raised. """ global smap try: smap except NameError: # Check if symbol_map_file exist if not os.path.isfile(sf(conf.symbol_map_file)): raise exceptions.MissingFile(sf(conf.symbol_map_file), "Run parse_kconfig to generate it.") smap = dict() with open(sf(conf.symbol_map_file)) as f: for lnn in f: w = lnn.rstrip().split(sep=':') smap[int(w[0])] = w[1] class __subprocess_timer__(Thread): def __init__(self, sprc, timeout): Thread.__init__(self, name='subprocess_timer') self.sprc = sprc self.last = time.time() self.exitit = False self.timeout = timeout self.timeouted = False if timeout > 0: self.start() def output(self): self.last = time.time() def exit(self): self.exitit = True return self.timeouted def run(self): while not self.exitit: now = time.time() if (now - self.last) >= self.timeout: self.timeouted = True os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM) return time.sleep(1) def callsubprocess(process_name, process, show_output = True, return_output = False, env=os.environ, allowed_exit_codes = [0], allow_all_exit_codes = False, stdin = None, timeout = -1): sprc = subprocess.Popen(process, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, env = env) try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(sf(conf.log_folder), process_name)) except OSError: pass if stdin != None: for ln in stdin: sprc.stdin.write(bytes(ln + '\n', sys.getdefaultencoding())) sprc.stdin.flush() sprc.stdin.close() rtn = [] timerout = __subprocess_timer__(sprc, timeout) with open(os.path.join(sf(conf.log_folder), process_name, time.strftime("%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".log"), "a") as f: f.write('::' + time.strftime("%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f") + '::\n') for linen in sprc.stdout: timerout.output() line = linen.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) f.write(line) if show_output: print(line, end="") if return_output: rtn.append(line.rstrip()) if timerout.exit(): raise exceptions.ProcessTimeout(process_name, rtn) rtncode = sprc.wait() if rtncode not in allowed_exit_codes and not allow_all_exit_codes: raise exceptions.ProcessFailed(process, rtncode, rtn) return rtn def get_kernel_env(): env = dict(os.environ) env.update(conf.kernel_env) return env def __dirty_repo__(path): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(conf.absroot) out = subprocess.check_output(conf.git_describe_cmd) if'dirty', out.decode(sys.getdefaultencoding())): raise exceptions.DirtyRepository(path) def dirtycheck(): __dirty_repo__(conf.absroot) __dirty_repo__(conf.linux_sources)